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Mastercam Training Guide

For 5-Axis-Lesson-3 you will generate the toolpaths to machine the Helmet part on a CNC
vertical milling machine with multi-axis capability. The Curve 5-Axis toolpath is used to machine
out the air vents on this expanded polystyrene helmet. The part is in Metric units. The part will
be held on a vacuum fixture located on a Trunnion table.

For more info on vacuum fixtures visit:

This Lesson covers the following topics:

 Open an existing file containing:

Solid geometry for the part

 Generate toolpaths consisting of:

Curve 5 Axis toolpath

 Inspect the toolpath using Mastercam’s

Backplot by:
Launching the Backplot function to machine the
part on the screen
Generating the NC- code



Mastercam Training Guide

 5.0MM diameter flat end mill


Toolpath Creation

TASK 1: Setting the environment

TASK 2: Introduction - Watch the video
TASK 3: Open an existing file from the Multimedia DVD
TASK 4: Identify the entities on each Level
TASK 5: Machine first set of vent holes
TASK 6: Machine second set of vent holes
TASK 7: Machine third set of vent holes
TASK 8: Backplot the toolpath
TASK 9: Post and create the CNC code file


Toolpath Creation
Before starting the geometry creation you should set up the grid, toolbars and machine type as
outlined in the Setting the environment section at the beginning of this text:
1. Set up the Grid: Size=25, X & Y Spacing=5. This will help identify the location of the origin.
2. Load the Workspace – SETTINGS>Load Workspace>4-5 Axis Toolpaths to machine a 4-
5 axis part.


1. Before you start to work on this Lesson review the Introduction video on the multimedia DVD
that came with this text. You will find the video in the “Lesson-3” section, it is entitled
Introduction - 10 Minutes.
 The video will review the techniques that will be used to generate the toolpaths to cut this
Helmet part.

Mastercam Training Guide

 On the multimedia DVD that came with this text is a folder called Mastercam-Files. The file
is in Metric units and contains the geometry of the part and the vacuum fixture. The part is
already setup for a: GENERIC HAAS VF-TR_SERIES 5X MILL MM.

1. Select FILE>Open… 5-Axis-Lesson-3.

2. If confronted with the System Configuration dialog box activate the radio button for All

 System Configuration (switch units) dialog box

 When you open a part file that uses different units (English or metric) from those currently in
use, Mastercam automatically displays this dialog box, which informs you that Mastercam is
switching units and loading an alternate default configuration file. In order to complete the
operation, select one of the following options:
 Units: Tells Mastercam to use only the units from the new configuration file. (default)
 All settings: Tells Mastercam to load all settings from the new configuration file.

3. Select the OK button to exit the System Configuration dialog box.

4. Activate a shaded view by selecting the icon at the top of the screen. The file should appear
as below. The vacuum fixture is made up of solid features, the part includes a mixture of
wireframe, solid and surface geometry. The Stock setup has already been setup.

5. Display the Toolpaths Manager. Selecting Alt-O will Show/hide the Toolpaths Manager


 Before you start to work on the two toolpaths lets first identify the entities on each Level.
 During this lesson you will turn the visibility of Levels off and on.

 Levels are a primary organizational tool in Mastercam. A Mastercam file can contain
separate levels for wireframe, surfaces, drafting entities, and toolpaths.
 By organizing your files into levels, you can more easily control which areas of the drawing
are visible at any time and which parts are selectable so that you do not inadvertently make
changes to areas of the drawing you do not want to change.

1. From the Status bar at the bottom of the screen select Level.

 The Level Manager dialog window will now appear.

 As you can see in the picture below there are three Levels in this part named: 1, 2 and 10.
Level 1 contains the solid geometry for the Helmet part and Level 2 is used for the geometry
of the vent holes.
 Level 10 contains geometry for the vacuum fixture that will be used to hold the helmet while
it is being machined. Level 1, Level 2 and Level 10 are visible as noted by the X in the
Visible column.

2. Click in the Visible column for Level 10 to hide the display of the fixture.

3. Select the OK button to exit the Level Manager dialog box.

Mastercam Training Guide

 In this task you will use a 5.00 MM diameter flat end mill to machine the first set of vent
holes shown below.
 All the vent holes could be programmed in one operation but for simplicity of editing at a
later date the machining of the vents will be three separate operations
 Curve 5-axis toolpaths cut 2D and 3D curves or surface edges.
 You can compensate the tool tip to the selected curve or surfaces.
 Curve 5-axis supports several methods for controlling the tool axis through planes, chains,
points, or surfaces.

Follow this general outline when selecting geometry for a curve 5-axis toolpath:

 Select 3-axis, 4-axis, or 5-axis output format. The output format determines which options
are available for geometry selection.
 Select the Curve type and select the geometry for the tool to follow (the drive curves). Curve
5-axis drives the tool along 3D curves or surface edges.
 Select the method for Tool axis control. Mastercam aligns the tool axis to geometry or a
 Choose the Tip control method to set tool tip compensation.
 Define the curve Projection direction as the current tool plane or normal to the tool axis
control surface.
 Define check surfaces (the areas in the part for Mastercam to be aware of but stay away
 Note: You can edit the geometry selection by choosing the Geometry icon for a curve 5-axis
toolpath in the Toolpath Manager.


1. Activate a wireframe view by selecting the icon at the top of the screen.
2. From the menu bar select TOOLPATHS>Multiaxis…
3. If prompted to Enter new NC name ensure 5-Axis-Lesson-3 is displayed and then select
the OK button . If not prompted then continue to the next step.
4. On the screen you will now see the Multiaxis Toolpath dialog box set to the Toolpath Type
page. Ensure the Classic button is selected and the Curve icon is selected.

5. On the left of the dialog box select Tool. Click on the Select library tool button, de-activate
the Filter Active button and choose a 5.00 MM Flat Endmill. Make changes to this page
as shown below:

Mastercam Training Guide

6. On the left of the dialog box select Cut Pattern and set the values as shown below. Now

click on the 3D-Curves button in the Curve type section.

 3D curves
Uses chains of curves as the drive curves.

If you select this option and create 3-axis output, you must also select a surface. Mastercam
projects the curves onto a surface.

7. On the screen you will now see the Chaining dialog box, set to Chain. On the graphics
screen a prompt to Select drive chain(s) 1. Rotate the display similar to the view of the
helmet below.


8. To satisfy this first prompt pick the line on the first vent hole as shown below. The graphic
below shows the screen after you have selected the line.

9. After selecting the line your graphics screen should look like the screenshot above, with the
arrows pointing downwards. If the arrow is not pointing downwards select the arrow from
the Chaining dialog box shown below to reverse the direction:

10. Now select the remaining two chains starting from left to right. Select the contours in the
approximate position as shown below. Ensure after you have selected each chain that the
arrow is pointing downwards, if not click on the arrow in the Chaining dialog box to reverse
the direction:

11. After the contour has been successfully chained select the OK button at the bottom of
the Chaining dialog box.

Mastercam Training Guide

12. On the left of the dialog box select Tool Axis Control and set the values as shown below.
Tool axis control is set to Surface.

Tool Axis Control Use this page to establish the tool axis control parameters for your multiaxis
Curve toolpath. Tool axis control settings determine the tool's orientation in relation to the
geometry being cut.

Use Lead/lag angle to tilt the tool either in the direction or opposite the direction of the toolpath.
Use Side tilt to tilt the tool to the left or right of the curves.

13. Now click on the Surfaces button in the Tool Axis Control section.

 Tool Axis Control - Surface

Keeps the tool axis vector normal to a selected surface.
For Multisurface 5-axis toolpaths, keeps the tool axis vectors normal to the surfaces selected for
the cut pattern. (The cut pattern is a set of surfaces that best defines the general machining
area for the operation and defines the general flow of tool motion.)
Choose the Surface button to return to the graphics window and select a surface.

 Surface
Surface Is the only tool axis control option available for 3-axis output. For 3-axis output,
Mastercam projects the curves onto the tool axis surfaces. The projected curves become the
tool contact positions.


14. You will now be returned to the graphic screen and prompted to Select Tool Axis
Surfaces(s). Select the surface shown below,

15. Click on the End Selection icon. .

16. Click on the plus sign to the left of Tool Axis Control to expand the list. Select the Limits
page and set the values as shown below if required:

Mastercam Training Guide

 Axis limits
Axis limits set a range of tool motion for a rotary axis that limits the amount of head tilt relative to
the tool position.

Using axis limits provides protection against axis over-travel, and lets you select the action to
take were axis over-travel to occur.

 To set axis limits, choose the orthogonal axis (X, Y, or Z). The motion will be limited to a
minimum (starting) and maximum (ending) tool axis angle from the selected axis. Enter the
minimum and maximum angles to provide a range of motion, and select the action for
Mastercam to take if the toolpath generates motion that exceeds the range defined in the
axis limit.

 DELETE motion that exceeds limits Removes any tool moves that fall outside of the
specified range of motion for the rotary axis.

 MODIFY tool direction that exceeds limits Changes tool moves that fall outside of the
specified range of motion for the rotary axis to the limit angle. Locks the tool axis direction to
the limit.

 WARNING for tool direction that exceeds limits Generates the toolpath and highlights in
red any tool moves that fall outside of the specified range of motion for the rotary axis.
Provides options from which to choose to delete, modify, abort or take no action to change
the tool movement.

17. Select the Collision Control page and set the values as shown below:
 Collision Control
Use this page to establish the collision
control parameters for your multiaxis
Curve toolpath.

Collision control settings determine tip

compensation, establish check and
compensation surface behavior, and
set gouge process settings.

 Vector depth
Enter a value to offset the tool tip along the tool axis vector. A positive value raises the tool
above the cut pattern geometry.

18. Select the Linking parameters page and set the values as shown below:

 In multiaxis toolpaths, the clearance, retract, and feed plane values are always specified in
relative values since rotary movement unconstrains the tool axis from alignment with the
absolute Z axis. Therefore, when the tool retracts for a reposition, it always moves an
incremental distance relative to the part.

19. Click on the plus sign to the left of Linking to expand the list. Click on the Entry/Exit page
and set the values as shown below:
 Entry/Exit
Entry and exit
moves for
multiaxis toolpaths
are controlled by
including length,
thickness, height,
and pivot angle.

You can have

entry and exit
moves on all
multiaxis toolpaths
except drill 5-axis.

Mastercam Training Guide

20. Select the Roughing parameters page. Both Depth cuts and Multi Passes are deactivated.

21. Select the OK button to exit Curve.

22. Save your file.
23. Backplot the toolpath you have just created.


 In this task you will use a 5.00 MM diameter flat end mill to machine the second set of vent
holes shown below on the front of the helmet.
 All the vent holes could be programmed in one operation but for simplicity of editing at a
later date the machining of the vents will be three separate operations
 Curve 5-axis toolpaths cut 2D and 3D curves or surface edges.
 You can compensate the tool tip to the selected curve or surfaces.
 Curve 5-axis supports several methods for controlling the tool axis through planes, chains,
points, or surfaces.

1. From the menu bar select TOOLPATHS>Multiaxis

2. On the screen you will now see the Multiaxis Toolpath dialog box set to the Toolpath Type
page. Ensure the Classic button is selected and the Curve icon is selected.

Mastercam Training Guide

3. Select the Tool page. Select the 5.0 MM Flat End Mill and make changes to this page as
shown below if required:

4. On the left of the dialog box select Cut Pattern and set the values as shown below. Now

click on the 3D-Curves button in the Curve type section.


5. On the screen you will now see the Chaining dialog box, set to Chain. On the graphics
screen a prompt to Select drive chain(s) 1. Rotate the display similar to the view of the
helmet below.

6. To satisfy this first prompt pick the line on the first vent hole as shown below. The graphic
below shows the screen after you have selected the line.

7. After selecting the line your graphics screen should look like the screenshot above, with the
arrows pointing downwards. If the arrow is not pointing downwards select the arrow from
the Chaining dialog box shown below to reverse the direction:

Mastercam Training Guide

8. Now select the remaining two chains starting from left to right. Select the contours in the
approximate position as shown below. Ensure after you have selected each chain that the
arrow is pointing downwards, if not click on the arrow in the Chaining dialog box to reverse
the direction:

9. After the contour has been successfully chained select the OK button at the bottom of
the Chaining dialog box.
10. On the left of the dialog box select Tool Axis Control and set the values as shown below.
Tool axis control is set to Surface.


11. Now click on the Surfaces button in the Tool Axis Control section.
12. You will now be returned to the graphic screen and prompted to Select Tool Axis
Surfaces(s). Select the two surfaces shown below,

13. Click on the End Selection icon. .

14. Click on the plus sign to the left of Tool Axis Control to expand the list. Select the Limits
page and set the values as shown below if required:

Mastercam Training Guide

15. Select the Collision Control page and set the values as shown below if required:
 Vector depth
Enter a value to offset the tool
tip along the tool axis vector.

A positive value raises the tool

above the cut pattern

16. Select the Linking parameters page and set the values as shown below if required:


17. Click on the plus sign to the left of Linking to expand the list. Click on the Entry/Exit
page and set the values as shown below:

18. Select the Roughing parameters page. Both Depth cuts and Multi Passes are

19. Select the OK button to exit Curve.

20. Save your file.
21. Backplot the toolpath you have just created.

Mastercam Training Guide

 In this task you will use a 5.00 MM diameter flat end mill to machine the third set of vent
holes shown below.
 All the vent holes could be programmed in one operation but for simplicity of editing at a
later date the machining of the vents will be three separate operations
 Curve 5-axis toolpaths cut 2D and 3D curves or surface edges.
 You can compensate the tool tip to the selected curve or surfaces.
 Curve 5-axis supports several methods for controlling the tool axis through planes, chains,
points, or surfaces.

1. From the menu bar select TOOLPATHS>Multiaxis

2. On the screen you will now see the Multiaxis Toolpath dialog box set to the Toolpath Type
page. Ensure the Classic button is selected and the Curve icon is selected.


3. Select the Tool page. Select the 5.0 MM Flat End Mill and make changes to this page as
shown below:

4. On the left of the dialog box select Cut Pattern and set the values as shown below. Now

click on the 3D-Curves button in the Curve type section.

Mastercam Training Guide

5. On the screen you will now see the Chaining dialog box, set to Chain. On the graphics
screen a prompt to Select drive chain(s) 1. Rotate the display similar to the view of the
helmet below.

6. To satisfy this first prompt pick the line on the first vent hole as shown below. The graphic
below shows the screen after you have selected the line.

7. After selecting the line your graphics screen should look like the screenshot above, with the
arrows pointing downwards. If the arrow is not pointing downwards select the arrow from
the Chaining dialog box shown below to reverse the direction:


8. Now select the remaining two chains starting from left to right. Select the contours in the
approximate position as shown below. Ensure after you have selected each chain that the
arrow is pointing downwards, if not click on the arrow in the Chaining dialog box to reverse
the direction:

9. After the contour has been successfully chained select the OK button at the bottom of
the Chaining dialog box.
10. On the left of the dialog box select Tool Axis Control and set the values as shown below.
Tool axis control is set to Surface.

Mastercam Training Guide

11. Now click on the Surfaces button in the Tool Axis Control section.
12. You will now be returned to the graphic screen and prompted to Select Tool Axis
Surfaces(s). Select the surface shown below,

13. Click on the End Selection icon.

14. Click on the plus sign to the left of Tool Axis Control to expand the list. Select the Limits
page and set the values as shown below:


15. Select the Collision Control page and set the values as shown below:
 Vector depth
Enter a value to offset the tool
tip along the tool axis vector.

A positive value raises the tool

above the cut pattern

16. Select the Linking parameters page and set the values as shown below if required:

Mastercam Training Guide

17. Click on the plus sign to the left of Linking to expand the list. Click on the Entry/Exit page
and set the values as shown below:

18. Select the Roughing parameters page. Both Depth cuts and Multi Passes are deactivated.

19. Select the OK button to exit Curve.

20. Save your file.
21. Backplot the toolpath you have just created.


 In this task you will use Mastercam’s Backplot function to view the path the tools take to cut
this part.

1. Set the graphics view to Isometric View and then select the Screen Fit icon.
2. Un-zoom .8
3. Activate a shaded view by selecting the icon at the top of the screen.

 Your part should look similar to the screen shot below.

4. To pick all the operations to Backplot pick the Select All icon .
5. The next step is to select the Backplot selected operations icon shown below:

6. Maximize the Backplot/Verify window if required.

7. Select the Home Tab if required.
8. Activate the options shown below in the Visibility section of the Home tab.

9. Click on the Backplot tab at the top left of the screen.

Mastercam Training Guide

10. Activate the Both option in the Toolpath section of the Backplot tab.

11. In the lower right corner of the screen now set the run Speed to slow by moving the slider
bar pointer over to the left as shown below.

12. Now select the Play Simulation button to review the toolpaths.

13. After reviewing the Backplot of the toolpaths use the Close button to exit Backplot.
 Your part should look similar to the screen shot below.


1. Ensure all the operations are selected by picking the Select All icon from the
Toolpath manager.
2. Select the Post selected operations button from the Toolpath manager.
3. Please Note: If you cannot see G1 click on the right pane of the Toolpath manger window
and expand the window to the right.
4. In the Post processing window, make the necessary changes as shown below:

5. Select the OK button to continue.

6. Enter the same name as your Mastercam part file name in the NC File name field 5-Axis-
LESSON-3 and select the Save button
7. Select the Save button and review the CNC code.

8. Select the in the top right corner to exit the CNC editor.
9. This completes 5-Axis-Lesson-3.

Mastercam Training Guide





Mastercam Training Guide





Mastercam Training Guide


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