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Classroom Observation (for your Final Integrated Social Justice Lesson Plan)
To help prepare you for your group Final Integrated Social Justice Lesson Plan, please engage in
a targeted observation of the classroom, and engage in discussions with your teacher around the
following areas. Remember, these are things for you to consider so that you can ensure, to the
best of your ability, that your lesson plan is culturally responsive and accessible to all of the
students in your classroom. Some of these questions can be answered via your observations, but
many will require some discussions with your teacher. Please remember, each individual in
your group needs to submit a classroom observation sheet on Blackboard.
1. What is the general layout of the classroom and resources available for you to use for
your lesson and stations? Whiteboard, projector, laptop, document camera, smartboard,
Chromebooks, etc.? What supplies do the children generally have in their desks that they
can use?

Document camera, two white boards, two table groups- each one with 9 students, open back
table for group work. They have scissors, pencils, and glue sticks on their desks. Each student
has crayons or colored pencils in their desks.

2. What are some of the classroom dynamics to consider? Number of boys and girls in the
class? What grouping strategies might you consider for your stations?

There are eight boys and nine girls. The class is divided into two different groups. We could
either keep these two groups or break them into smaller groups to do more stations or different
work. The room is a longer layout so the stations would have to be used with the back table and
the current table groups. There isn’t much room to set up anything else.

3. What are some of the general mathematics concepts that all of the students in your grade
level can understand/use, regardless of their math grouping? Are there particular
mathematical concepts that the teacher thinks would be useful for your lesson to use?

They are going over counting and number order. They are learning simple addition and
subtraction. She would like us to work on subtraction with them because it is still hard for them
and could use some work.

4. What are some of the main themes in the social studies curriculum for your grade level
that might be a good tie in for your lesson?

They work a lot on family and different cultures. They integrate geography into where different
families live and how a family in a different area than them would live. We should consider
family for our lessons.

5. What social studies resources do you observe in the classroom (maps, texts, books, etc)?

There is a world map by the teacher’s desk and one in the hallway by the class. There are no
texts or books.

6. Regarding ELL students, what is the first/home language? Are they receiving services in
the school? How many years? What strategies have teachers used that were helpful?

No students in the class qualify but there is one student who speaks Spanish at home, his brother
qualifies and he doesn’t. Therefore, no students receive services from the school for any amount
of time. The teacher has no problems communicating and doesn’t have any different methods for
communicating and instruction for that student.

7. Regarding students with special needs, what accommodations do you need to consider for
reading, math, language arts, social studies? Think about students with documented IEPs
and 504 plans as well as those that do not have official plans on file. What strategies have
been successful?
No students have IEP’s but there are a few students who have behavior plans and go to a “take a
break spot”. We would not need to accommodate for content but may need to consider grouping
and how to handle behaviors that may pop up. There are also accommodations for a student who
needs to chew gum and have a stress ball to help with some of her needs we will need to be
aware of some of these specific needs when we are teaching.

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