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EAM Software GmbH, Am Stadtgraben 25

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User Manual
EAM Data Management Tool
for IBM Maximo®, SCCD and TPAE
based products

Fourth Edition (January 2014)

This edition applies to:

EAM Data Management Tool V2.0 for Maximo/TPAE Versions 7.1 and 7.5

User Manual EAM Data Management Tool V 2.0

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EAM Software GmbH, Am Stadtgraben 25
88677 Markdorf, Germany; tel: +49(0)7544-5069920
e-mail:, web:

Table of Contents

About the Author.............................................................................................................................8

Product Overview...........................................................................................................................9

1. Summary of Changes...............................................................................................................12

2. EAM Importer - General...........................................................................................................14

2.1. Importer Processing Modes..............................................................................................19

3. EAM Data Management Tool – Simple Import.........................................................................21

3.1. Create Excel Import file.....................................................................................................21
3.1.1. Manual Creation of the XLS File...........................................................................................21
3.1.2. Download a XLS Template...................................................................................................22
3.1.3. Download a Search Result as an Excel Template................................................................25
3.2. Execute the Import............................................................................................................26
3.2.1. XLS File Upload.................................................................................................................... 26
3.2.2. Processing Steps – Features................................................................................................28
3.2.3. After the Import..................................................................................................................... 30
Data Import Summary................................................................................................................................ 30
Download of the imported Data as Excel Document..................................................................................30
Update of the List View.............................................................................................................................. 31

3.3. Handling of Maximo and Excel Datatypes........................................................................31

3.3.1. Import of Data from Excel.....................................................................................................31
3.3.2. Export of Data into Excel......................................................................................................31
3.4. Handling of AUTOKEY Objects.........................................................................................32
3.5. Setting and Changing Object Status during the import.....................................................32
3.6. Handling of Time and Datetime values.............................................................................33

4. EAM Data Management Tool – Specification Import...............................................................34

4.1. Create a Excel import file..................................................................................................34
4.2. Download a Template with specification data...................................................................35
4.3. Download a search result with specification data.............................................................38
4.4. Execute the import............................................................................................................41
4.4.1. XLS File Upload.................................................................................................................... 41
4.4.2. Processing Steps for the Specification Import......................................................................41
4.4.3. After the import..................................................................................................................... 43

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5. EAM Data Management Tool – Extended Import....................................................................44

5.1. Create an Excel import file................................................................................................44
5.2. Download a Template for the extended import.................................................................45
5.3. Download a search result with extended data..................................................................48
5.4. Execute the import............................................................................................................49
5.4.1. XLS File Upload.................................................................................................................... 49
5.4.2. Processing Steps for the Extended Import...........................................................................49
5.4.3. After the import..................................................................................................................... 51
5.5. Multilevel Import................................................................................................................51
5.5.1. Security Groups – Applications – Options............................................................................51
5.5.2. Failure Class – Problem – Cause – Remedy........................................................................52

6. EAM Data Management Tool – Download Templates.............................................................53

6.1. Create a Template.............................................................................................................53
6.2. Upload Template...............................................................................................................54
6.3. Manage Templates............................................................................................................56
6.4. Search result Download via Template..............................................................................57

7. Memory and Performance Issues............................................................................................58

7.1. Downloading large search results.....................................................................................58
7.2. Importing large amounts of data.......................................................................................59

8. Configuration Options for the EAM Data Management Tools..................................................60

8.1. Configuration Options for the EAM Importer.....................................................................60
8.2. Configuration Options for the EAM Fieldupdater..............................................................64

9. EAM Show Import History........................................................................................................66

10. EAM Fieldupdater...................................................................................................................70

11. EAM Fieldupdater – Select allowed relations and attributes..................................................76

12. EAM Fieldupdater History.......................................................................................................79

13. EAM Power Search................................................................................................................81

14. EAM Mass Delete...................................................................................................................82

Document Change History...........................................................................................................85

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Illustration Index
Illustration 1: Components of the EAM Data Management Tool....................................................9
Illustration 2: Select Action Menu for EAM Data Management Tool............................................11
Illustration 3: Open the Security Groups Application....................................................................14
Illustration 4: EAM Signature Options in Security Group application...........................................15
Illustration 5: Import Modes and corresponding menu entries.....................................................17
Illustration 6: EAM Data Management Tool Searchbar Menu......................................................18
Illustration 7: Sidebar Menu in SCCD 7.5.1..................................................................................18
Illustration 8: Excel worksheet with $IMPORTERROR column...................................................19
Illustration 9: Import Summary Dialog for Continue on Error Mode Simple Import......................20
Illustration 10: final XLS file with errormessages in $IMPORTERROR column...........................20
Illustration 11: Select Action menu option to download an empty XLS template.........................23
Illustration 12: Screenshot of an empty Template in PERSON application.................................24
Illustration 13: Select Action menu option for search result download.........................................26
Illustration 14: Select Action menu Item EAM Data Importer.......................................................27
Illustration 15: Import Data dialog box..........................................................................................28
Illustration 16: Error message during import dialog box...............................................................29
Illustration 17: Data import summary dialog.................................................................................30
Illustration 18: Screenshot XLS file with specification attributes..................................................35
Illustration 19: Select Action menu entry EAM Template for Spec Data......................................36
Illustration 20: Select Classification / specification for XLS template...........................................37
Illustration 21: Select available Class Structure from Lookup Dialog...........................................37
Illustration 22: Internet Explorer open for save dialog..................................................................38
Illustration 23: Screenshot Excel Worksheet names for multiple specifications in one file..........38
Illustration 24: Select Action menu entry Download search result with specification data..........39
Illustration 25: Dialog Create XLS search result download with specification data.....................40
Illustration 26: Worksheet for extended import with child object..................................................45
Illustration 27: Select Action menu entry EAM generate extended XLS template.......................46
Illustration 28: Dialog: Create extended XLS Template...............................................................47
Illustration 29: Multilevel Import File for Security Groups - Applications - Options......................52
Illustration 30: Select Action menu item EAM Upload Template..................................................55
Illustration 31: Upload new Template dialog................................................................................56
Illustration 32: Manage Download Templates dialog...................................................................56
Illustration 33: Download Searchresult into Template - Apply Template.....................................57
Illustration 34: EAM Show Import History Select Action menu item.............................................66
Illustration 35: Show Import History dialog...................................................................................67
Illustration 36: Filter data in the Import History dialog..................................................................68
Illustration 37: Import History with Continue On Error Mode........................................................69
Illustration 38: Select Action menu item EAM Fieldupdater.........................................................71
Illustration 39: EAM Fieldupdater dialog; change attribute DEPARTMENT to IT........................72
Illustration 40: Append a string to a description with the fieldupdater..........................................73
Illustration 41: Confirmation Question for the EAM Fieldupdater.................................................74
Illustration 42: Select Action menu item EAM Enter allowed Fields for Update Tool...................77
Illustration 43: EAM Fieldupdater Filter Configuration dialog in Maximo 6.2...............................78
Illustration 44: EAM Fieldupdater History dialog..........................................................................79
Illustration 45: Field Updater History with error messages due to an invalid date.......................80
Illustration 46: EAM Power Search dialog with sample search criteria........................................81
Illustration 47: Select Action menu item EAM Mass delete..........................................................83
Illustration 48: EAM mass delete confirmation question dialog....................................................83

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Illustration 49: EAM Mass delete collected error messages........................................................84

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This user manual describes the components, the usage and the features of the the EAM
Data Management Tools V2.
You should study this user manual if
• you want to use the EAM Data Management Tool in your Maximo or SmartCloud
Control Desk (SCCD) installation
• you want to import existing data from Excel into Maximo
• you want to export data from Maximo to Excel
• you want to update or delete large amounts of data with a simple interface

Using the tools is usually quite easy and intuitive. If you are familiar with your Maximo or
SCCD environment, then it should be easy to use the EAM Data Management Tool.
However, especially the EAM Importer is quite complex and it is recommended that you
read this manual. This can help you to avoid some pitfalls, save some time in the long
run and gives you some tips when working with the tool.
The manual assumes that the tool is already installed in your environment. This manual
does not contain any installation instructions. This is a separate PDF file which you
should have received together with the EAM Data Management Tool software package
and your license keys.

Users of a previous version of the EAM Data Management Tool (or the EAM Universal
XLS Import/Update Tool) should also read this user manual. Some functionality is new,
other parts of the software are improved. The main changes and improvements of this
new version are summarized in chapter 1. Summary of Changes on page 12.

The screen-shots in this manual where created using different Maximo versions (Maximo
Asset Management 6.2.8, Maximo 7.1.1.x, Maximo 7.5.0.x with tivoli09 skin, Maximo
7.5.0.x with tivoli13 skin, SCCD 7.5.1 with tivoli13 skin), different browsers (Internet
Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome; all in different version) and different client
operating systems (various Windows and Ubuntu Linux versions). Depending on your
environment your dialogs may and will look different.

This manual often uses the phrase “Maximo application” or “Maximo/SCCD application”.
This does not imply any limit and is just for easy readability. You can install and use
the EAM Data Management Tools in every system based on the Tivoli Processing
Automation Engine (TPAE) 7.1 or 7.5. You can use the software in “power-apps” (a
application like Assets with a list view and detail view(s) of one record) and in “single-
page-apps” (like Currency Codes, Exchange Rates, Conditional Expression
Manager,...). You can even use the software in custom applications which you have
developed yourself or applications installed by some industry solutions (Service
Provider, Transportation, Oil and Gas, Asset Configuration Manager,...)

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The Homepage of EAM Software GmbH contains a sample library. Please visit and
follow the links for your TPAE version and application.
Visit the YouTube channel of EAM Software for an overview of the possibilities and the
use of this tools. There you will find a series of educational videos in English and

Demo Excel Import Files


We appreciate our feedback. Please help to make the sample library extensive and
If you have created an import template which
•is useful for other users or customers
•is not yet included in the sample library
•does not violate any privacy, confidentiality polices of your company
•you are willing to share with the community
then please send your template to or
We are happy to include your contribution into the sample library (on your request without
details of the sender). If required we will make the data anonymous.

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e-mail:, web:

About the Author

Wolfgang Fiedler is a Software Engineer, IBM Maximo Deployment Professional and
Oracle Certified Java Programmer. He is self-employed and works for EAM Software
GmbH in Germany and for EAM Swiss GmbH in Switzerland. He is responsible for
designing, implementing and testing custom solutions and extensions in IBM Maximo
and SCCD. He is also the main developer for the EAM Data Management Tool. Visit for more information.

Comments are welcome! This manual should be as helpful as possible. Please send
comments about this publication to

Do you have the current version of this manual? Please visit for the
most recent version of this user manual for download or browse online. The online
version is usually the most recent and may contain comments from other uses and
links to sample import files and templates.

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Product Overview
This manual describes the different components of the „EAM Data Management Tool“.
The EAM Data Management Tool is not one single Tool and it is not a Maximo
application itself. The EAM Data Management Tools is a collection of several
independent tools. Illustration 1: Components of the EAM Data Management Tool
shows its components:

Illustration 1: Components of the EAM Data Management Tool

The main components are:

The “EAM Mass Delete” or Batch delete program allows you to delete all records which
are currently shown in the list view of your Maximo application. See chapter 14. EAM
Mass Delete on page 81 for further information.

The „EAM Fieldupdater“ allows you to set one or more attributes for a group of records
(selected records in the list view of an application) or for related records which can be
specified via a relation. You can limit the attributes and relations available for update
with the EAM Fieldupdater with the “EAM Enter allowed Fields for Update Tool”
menu option. See chapter 10. EAM Fieldupdater on page 69

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The EAM Power Search allows you to search for records in the list view of Maximo
applications. You can use any persistent attribute of the Maximo object and not just
those available in the Advanced Search dialog. For more information refer to chapter
13. EAM Power Search on page 80

The EAM Importer for IBM Maximo is the main component of the EAM Data Management
Tools and provides several valuable functions. It allows the import of new data and the
modification of existing data in IBM Maximo. As a prerequisite the data must be
available in the Microsoft Excel document format. The EAM Importer also contains
functionality for creating import templates and to download the current records in the
list view of an application into Microsoft Excel. The main part of the following user
manual is dedicated to the EAM Importer.
• Chapter 2. EAM Importer - General on page 14 explains some general concepts
• Chapter 3. EAM Data Management Tool – Simple Import on page 21 explains the
simple Import. The simple import is explained in more detail because it explains the
base concepts.
• Chapter 4. EAM Data Management Tool – Specification Import on page 34 explains
the import of specification data and
• Chapter 5. EAM Data Management Tool – Extended Import on page 43 explains
the import of extended data.
• A new and useful feature called Templates are described in chapter 6. EAM Data
Management Tool – Download Templates on page 52.

One question remains: Where can I find the EAM Data Management Tool in Maximo?
The EAM Data Management Tool is a menu option in the Select Action menu on the
list view tab of your Maximo installation. (This of course depends on several factors
like license, security group,...) Illustration 2: Select Action Menu for EAM Data
Management Tool from page 11 shows all those menu entries.

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Illustration 2: Select Action Menu for EAM Data Management Tool

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1. Summary of Changes
This section describes the changes that were made to this edition of the book and to the
current version 2.0 of the EAM Data Management Tool software.
Continue on Error Mode. With the current version of the EAM Importer it is possible to
choose between two processing modes: Stop on error or continue on error. This is
helpful if the import data is of lower data quality and imports may fail. See 2.1. Importer
Processing Modes on page 19 for more information.

Support for XLS and the new XLSX Excel file format. The current version does not use
the old (and meanwhile unmaintained) jxl.jar library but uses the new and actively
developed Apache POI library for the Excel file format handling. This supports the
older binary Microsoft Excel file format (.xls extension) and the new Office Open XML
format (.xlsx or .xlsm extension). The import therefore accepts both file formats. The
file format for new Excel files generated by the Maximo/SCCD server (search result
download, template download) can be controlled by a System Property in
Maximo/SCCD. Default setting is the older XLS file format.

Templates. To download search results you can now use predefined templates.
Templates specify which attributes you want to export and in which order they appear
in the downloaded result file. It is possible to upload new templates, to associate them
to the appropriate Maximo-application, to manage those templates and to apply a
template to the current search result (download the search result using the selected
template). Templates can also be used with extended search results and specification
data. For further information on this new feature read chapter 6. EAM Data
Management Tool – Download Templates on page 52.

License Keys and License Management. The current version of the EAM Data
Management Tool needs two license keys in your environment. If you have bought the
EAM Data Management Tool you receive those license keys automatically. If you have
not received any license keys then please contact the EAM Software GmbH at If you want to evaluate the software you can request a (time
limited) license key free of charge. This allows you to license only those modules you
need only in those applications where you need them for as long as you need them.
License Keys are generated per customer and are personalized with customer

Specify default values for data via System Properties. This feature is useful if you want
to specify some attribute values which should be applied to every import even if this
attribute is not part of the import data file. See chapter 8. Configuration Options for the
EAM Data Management Tools on page 59 for further information.

Specify limits and performance data via System Properties (e.g. maximum number of
rows for an import, maximum number of errors during an import, suppression of the

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creation of the data dictionary in the result files) The corresponding System Properties
are explained in chapter 8. Configuration Options for the EAM Data Management
Tools on page 59.

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2. EAM Importer - General

The EAM Importer for IBM Maximo processes data which is available in the Excel File
format (XLS files from Excel 95, 97, 2000, XP and 2003). The current version of the
EAM Data Management Tool can also process the new XLSX file format which is used
from Excel 2007 onwards.
As a precondition to use the mentioned tools you need access to the corresponding menu
entries. Access can be granted in the Security Groups application which can be
opened from the Go To menu (see Illustration 3: Open the Security Groups

Illustration 3: Open the Security Groups Application

The Maximo administrator can then enable or disable the individual signature options for
the selected Maximo application. The following Illustration 4: EAM Signature Options in
Security Group application on page 15 shows the Security Group Application (in SCCD
with tivoli13 skin). All the EAM Signature Options are enabled for the Locations

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Illustration 4: EAM Signature Options in Security Group application

The Importer has three operational modes:

• The “Simple Import” (see chapter 3. EAM Data Management Tool – Simple Import on
page 21).
• The “Specification Import” (see chapter 4. EAM Data Management Tool – Specification
Import on page 34)
• The “Extended Import” or 1:n Import (see chapter 5. EAM Data Management Tool –
Extended Import on page 43)

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The Simple Import allows you to import or update “flat” data in Maximo. With the simple
import you cannot add or modify specification attributes or child objects. You may know
this functionality from version 1.0 of this product.
The Specification Import enables you to import or update Maximo objects with
specification attributes like assets, locations or tickets. Specification data is imported
together with the main object from one data source.
The Extended Import allows you to import or update Maximo objects together with
corresponding data in child data sets like ASSET with SPAREPARTS or JOBPLAN's
with their corresponding JOBTASK data.

All import modes share common concepts. For every import mode you can:
•Download an empty Microsoft Excel Template
◦Choose “EAM Template Generator” to download an importer template for the Simple
Importer (without specification attributes or related child data)
◦Choose “EAM Template for Spec Data” to download an importer template with
specification data
◦Choose “EAM Generate extended XLS Template” to download an importer template with
related child data.
•Download the current records in the application list view (the current search result) as a
Microsoft Excel file.
◦Choose “EAM XLS Searchresult Download” to download the current search result of the
application without specification data or related child data
◦Choose “EAM XLS Searchresult with Spec Data” to download the current search result
of the application with its specification data attributes
◦Choose “EAM XLS Extended Searchresult Download” to download the current search
result with child data.
•Importnew or modified data into Maximo. This is accomplished with the menu entry “EAM
Data Importer”. The software automatically detects the import mode to use.
The EAM Data Management Tool is not a Maximo application. Instead it is a set of “Select
Action” menu entries which can be installed and enabled in (almost) any Maximo
application where you want to have the tools available.
The action menu of an IBM Maximo application can contain the following menu items
(depending on the application, the license, the installation or the security setting only
some of these menu items may be available to users)

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Menu Items for Simple Mode

Menu Items for Specification Mode
Menu Items for Extended Mode

Illustration 5: Import Modes and corresponding menu entries

If you are using IBM Smart Cloud Control Desk 7.5 or Maximo Asset Management
with enabled side bar the EAM Data Management Tool components are also available
in the sidebar of your Maximo application (see Illustration 7: Sidebar Menu in SCCD
7.5.1 on page 18).

Some often used features of the EAM Data Management Tool are also available in the
search bar. The data import is the default action when you click on the search bar
entry, other options can be selected from the drop down list of the entry.

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Illustration 7: Sidebar Menu in SCCD 7.5.1

The following chapters describe each import mode in detail.

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2.1. Importer Processing Modes

The EAM Data Importer has two processing modes:

Stop on Error Mode: This is the default mode and is available since the first version of
the EAM Data Management Tool. In this mode the import stops after the first error. A
detailed error message is displayed to the user (usually with the line number where the
error occurred).

Continue on Error Mode: If an error occurs in a line in the Excel file the error message
is not displayed to the user. Instead the error message is written in the column
$IMPORTERROR in the Excel import file. Furthermore the import is not stopped, but
continues with the next line in the Excel file. After the import the user can filter the
column $IMPORTERROR and find those objects where an error occurred. If the error
can be traced to a specific attribute, than this attribute is marked with a red background
color. This mode is very useful if the data quality of your input data is not perfect and
errors might occur. (An example might be that you want to import new assets with their
location but corresponding location entries might not be available)

To enable the Continue on Error mode you simply create a column with the name
$IMPORTERROR (the leading $ sign is important! This distinguishes the column from
regular attributes). The position of this column does not matter. The column
$IMPORTERROR could be the first column, the last column or anywhere in between.
The column name is case insensitive. $IMPORTERROR or $ImportError are both valid.

The following example illustrates the behavior of the Continue on Error Mode:

Illustration 8: Excel worksheet with $IMPORTERROR column

Above illustration shows an Excel import file for updating some assets. This sheet also
contains a column $IMPORTERROR. When importing this file the importer recognizes
the $IMPORTERROR column and switches to the Continue On Error Mode. After the
import the following summary dialog is displayed to the user:

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Illustration 9: Import Summary Dialog for Continue on

Error Mode Simple Import

The import summary for this file shows that 8 records where modified and (from this 8
records) 4 records had an error.
The final Import file which is pushed back to the client is shown in Illustration 10: final XLS
file with errormessages in $IMPORTERROR column. The line height is adjusted
because the errormessages in $IMPORTERROR usually have 2 lines.

Illustration 10: final XLS file with errormessages in $IMPORTERROR column

It is easy to see the problematic rows. The user can now correct the errors and re-import
the excel document. It is not required to clear the $IMPORTERROR column. This is
done by the importer internally.

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3. EAM Data Management Tool – Simple Import

The Simple Import allows the import and update of flat data in IBM Maximo and can be
used in all Maximo applications. It is not possible to import specification attributes (see
chapter 4. EAM Data Management Tool – Specification Import on page 34 for more
information on that topic). The simple import can not import or update related objects. If
you need this feature than use the extended import which is described in chapter 5.
EAM Data Management Tool – Extended Import starting at page 43.

3.1. Create Excel Import file

The data for the import or update must be available in Microsoft Excel file format. There
are four ways to create the needed file:
1.Manual creation of the Excel file according to the specification
2.Download of an empty Excel template for the current IBM Maximo application and
complete the data.
3.Download of search results for the current IBM Maximo application
4.Download of a search result with a download template

Independent of the method used to create the Excel file you should note the following:
1.An Excel file should only contain columns which either have data or should be set to
null. Therefore a downloaded template or search result should be reduced to the
needed columns. The other columns must be deleted!
2.The order of the columns in the Excel file is important. Check the correct order with a
sample record and reorder the columns if necessary. The importer processes the
columns from left to right.

3.1.1. Manual Creation of the XLS File

The EAM Importer for IBM Maximo expects the data in a specific form. The following
conditions must be met:
•There must be one worksheet with the name “Simple”. This worksheet contains the data
which is imported or updated.
•The first row of the worksheet contains the title of the attributes. For the manual creation
of the Excel file this row can be left empty since the importer does not evaluate it.
•The second row contains the attribute names.
•The third row is designated for an example record and can be left empty.
•All further rows starting (and including) from row number four are considered as data
rows and are evaluated by the importer. IMPORT starts at row four!
•The available attributes in the excel file are read from the file from left to right. The
attributes for the MBO (Maximo Business Object) are set in the same order as they are
read from the excel file.

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The attributes on the MBOs are set in the same order in which they appear in the Excel
file. An exception to this are attributes which are part of the primary key of the Maximo
object in question. Key attributes are always set first. The attributes are set with the
usual methods of the MBOs and the inherent business logic is executed. The order of
the attributes in the excel document is therefore sometimes important. Example: the
attribute PARENT on a location object can only be set to a value if the SYSTEMID is
already filled in. If you are not sure about the correct order of the attributes then make
a test with one sample record. If unsure check also the order in the User Interface.

3.1.2. Download a XLS Template

An empty XLS template for the current Maximo application can be downloaded via the
action menu “EAM Data Management Tool” → “EAM Template Generator”.

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Illustration 11: Select Action menu option to download an empty XLS


The created template fulfills the same conventions which are required for the manual
creation of the Excel file:
• The attribute names have a background color. The following screen-shot shows an
empty template for the PERSON application.

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Illustration 12: Screenshot of an empty Template in PERSON application

The background colors have the following meaning:

orange: The attribute is (part of) the primary key
blue: The attribute is required in the database (other attributes may
also be required by the business logic of the object).
light green: The attribute is the unique key of the object.
light gray: The attribute is non-persistent.
White: The attribute is a “normal” persistent attribute of the object.
Lavender: A cell is set by the import to this color if the cell in the XLS file is
empty, but the corresponding attribute on the Mbo has a
value and is read-only (used by the Extended Import)
red: Used for the separation column to separate the columns of the
main object from the specification attributes (for the
specification import) or from the attributes of the child object
(for the Extended Import).

For templates and search results with specification attributes the following additional
colors apply:

Light green: Specification attribute with data type ALN

Blue: Specification attribute with data type NUMERIC
Lime: Specification attribute with data type TABLE (only available in
Maximo 6 and later)

• The created Excel template also contains a second worksheet which contains the data
dictionary with detailed information for every attribute (default value, data type, field
• A third worksheet contains above color legend.

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A red background and white font in the attribute cells of downloaded search results is
used if the value of the attribute could not be retrieved due to Maximo configuration
errors (missing relations) or internal errors (like database errors)
The following attributes are not included in the template because they are always updates
via the business logic of the objects:


3.1.3. Download a Search Result as an Excel Template

If you want to update existing data in an IBM Maximo application then you can download
an Excel file with the existing data. First specify your search criteria in the list view of
the application and select “EAM Data Management Tool” → “EAM Searchresult
Download” from the action menu.

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Illustration 13: Select Action menu option for search result download

The downloaded file contains all information from the empty Excel Template plus the data
from the current search result.
The generated Excel file contains almost all attributes of the underlying main Maximo
Object. If you need to export a large amount of objects you should consider the new
Download Template functionality (see chapter 7. Memory and Performance Issues on
page 57 for more information on performance and chapter 6. EAM Data Management
Tool – Download Templates starting on page 52 for more information on download

3.2. Execute the Import

3.2.1. XLS File Upload

To start the import of data select “EAM Data Management Tool” → “EAM Data Importer”

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from the Select Action menu from the list view of your Maximo application.

The following dialog is opened:

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Select the file and press the “Import Date” button. The file is sent to the Maximo server
and will be processed.

3.2.2. Processing Steps – Features

• The Excel file will be analyzed. The following checks are performed:
• Is the uploaded file an Excel document?
• Is there a worksheet with the name “Simple”?
• Are there attribute names in the second row of the worksheet “Simple”?
• Are the attribute names unique?
• Are data rows available?

In case of an error an error message is displayed to the user and the import is stopped.

• Analyze of the target object (the current application object)

• Check if the target object is valid. The name is automatically determined based on the
Maximo application from where the import is started.
• Determine the object type. Is it a System Object (e.g. PERSON), SITE Object (e.g.
LOCATION, ASSET,...) or a ORG Object (e.g. LABOR, CRAFT,...)?
• Determine the unique ID attribute name. This is unique for every object and assigned
internally from Maximo. For example ASSETUID for Asset Objects or LABORID for
Labor objects.
• Determine the key attribute(s) of the object.
• Check if all required attributes are available in the Excel document.
• In case of an error an error message is displayed to the user and the import is canceled.

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• For every data row (remember: starting from row four in the Excel file) do the following:
• Based on the information (available attributes in the excel document, known properties of
the object type like key attributes, unique attributes, object type and the available data in
Maximo) decide if we update existing data or insert new data.
• Prior to creating a new object the default insert SiteID, default insert OrgID, default
ItemSet and default CompSet are set on the MBO-Set (depending on the object type)
• For a new object the key attributes are set first.
• Set other attributes in the same order as they appear in the Excel document.
• Save the object
• If there is an error (either during setting of attributes or during saving) the following
behavior depends on the processing mode “Stop on Error” or “Continue on Erorr” (see
2.1. Importer Processing Modes on page 19)
• If “Stop on Error” is used (no $IMPORTERROR column) then an error message is
displayed to the user and the import is aborted. Every error message during import
contains the line number of the Excel file and the attribute name which causes the

Illustration 16: Error message during import dialog box

• If “Continue on Error” is used (a column $IMPORTERROR is available in the

worksheet) the errormessage is not displayed to the user but written in the column
$IMPORTERROR of the corresponding row. The import continues with the next
• Data rows from the Excel document which would modify an existing Maximo Object
which is read-only are skipped (e.g. already saved LABTRANS records)
• If the attribute SITEID is missing in the Excel document but is required for the object the
default insert site for the current user will be used for the import. Furthermore a column
with the SITEID is added to the Excel document.
• If an attribute in the Excel document is empty (no value in the Excel cell) then the
attribute is set to NULL. It is therefore important to remove all columns from the excel
document which should or cannot set to null or fill all columns with the appropriate values
• Attributes are only set if the new value from the Excel document is different from the

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current value in the MBO!

• If the unique ID attribute is missing or empty on the Excel document then this information
is added to the Excel file.

3.2.3. After the Import

1. A dialog with the Import summary is shown to the user
2. The uploaded Excel file (with added information like unique ID values or selected
SITEID) is sent back to the user
3. The list view of the current Maximo application shows the records which were inserted or
modified during the last data import.

Data Import Summary

After a successful import a import summary message is displayed for the user.

Illustration 17: Data import summary dialog

This summary includes the following information:

•Number of newly created records / objects.
•Number of modified objects. Objects are counted even if no attribute values were
modified because the attribute values in the Excel document were identical to the
existing values.
•Number of skipped objects (objects which are read-only and could not be modified)
•Number of records with errors.

Download of the imported Data as Excel Document

Depending on the available data in the XLS file values may be added to the XLS
document (unique ID values or the default insert SITEID for the current user). The
resulting Excel Document is downloaded to the client.

This feature is important if there is an error during the import.

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You want to import 20 new ASSET records and there is an error in line 10. The import is
aborted, an import summary is displayed and the Excel file is sent back to the client.
The first records which where correctly imported contain a value in the unique ID
attribute ASSETUID.
If you correct the error in line 10 and re-import the Excel document then the first 9 ASSET
records will be identified by the known ASSETUID and therefore will not be inserted
twice! The following rows (10, 11, 12, …) in the Excel document will be inserted as
new ASSET objects.
In case of an error it is therefore important to continue with the downloaded Excel
document to avoid duplicate records.

Update of the List View

After you close the import summary dialog the list view of the current Maximo application
shows the currently inserted and modified records. Internally a where-clause is created
with all the unique ID values of the affected Maximo objects. This update of the list
view only happens if not more than 500 records are affected or inserted. Otherwise the
created SQL query would get too long and a database error might occur.

3.3. Handling of Maximo and Excel Datatypes

3.3.1. Import of Data from Excel

Attributes of Maximo Objects can have various datatypes. Depending on the datatype of
the attribute and the formatting of the Excel cell the processing differs. The processing
is done in the following order:
1.If the Maximo attribute is of datatype „UPPER“, „LOWER“, „ALN“, „LONGALN“, „CLOB“,
„YORN“ or „GL“ the content of the Excel cell is interpreted as string and the object
attribute value is set as string.
2.If the Excel cell is formatted as date then the Maximo object attribute is set as date.
3.If the Excel cell is formatted as Number or Currency, then the Maximo object attribute is
set as double value.
4.All remaining attributes are read as string from the Excel Cell and set as string value on
the Maximo object.

3.3.2. Export of Data into Excel

When downloading a search result as Excel document then the Excel cells have the
following data format:
1.Maximo attributes with the datatypes „UPPER“, „LOWER“, „ALN“, „LONGALN“, „CLOB“,
„YORN“ and „GL“ will be exported as strings.
2.Maximo attributes with the datatypes „AMOUNT“, „DECIMAL“, „DURATION“, „FLOAT“,
„INTEGER“, “BIGINT” and „SMALLINT“ will be written as float values in the Excel cells.
3.Maximo attributes with the datatypes „DATE“ and „DATETIME“ will be written as Date
values. The cell format is „dd.MM.yyyy“ for DATE and „dd.MM.yyyy hh:mm:ss“ for

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4.Maximo attributes with the datatype “TIME” are formatted as Excel date format with the
formatting „hh:mm:ss“.

Maximo attributes with the datatypes „BLOB“, „CRYPTO“ and „CRYPTOX“ are not
The following attributes are not included in the template because they are always updates
via the business logic of the objects:


3.4. Handling of AUTOKEY Objects

The import of AUTOKEY Objects is a special case. Maximo assigns the primary key or a
part of the primary key itself. One example is Preventive Maintenance. PMNUM is the
autokey column and therefore cannot be defined in the Excel document.
For AUTOKEY objects two columns are added in the Excel document!
•The column PMNUM. This is the autokey column which is filled by Maximo.
•The column PMUID. This is the unique ID column and will also be written to the Excel
document (like for other objects)

3.5. Setting and Changing Object Status during the

For imports and updates with the EAM Import tool you can include the attribute STATUS
in the import file. The way of processing depends on whether the Maximo object is a
stateful object (Mbo is an instance of StatefulMbo) or not.
•If the object is not stateful then the importer handles the STATUS attribute like every
other attributes and simply set the attribute to the new value
•If the object is stateful a changeStatus call for the Mbo (StatefulMbo) is executed. For
status changes during an initial import or an update corresponding entries for the
status history are created and are visible in the status history dialogs (e.g. View Work
Order History in application Work Order Tracking)
You can also specify values for the attributes STATUSDATE and NP_STATUSMEMO
The attributes STATUSDATE and NP_STATUSMEMO are ignored during the import if
you do not set a value for the attribute STATUS.

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3.6. Handling of Time and Datetime values

Date and time values from the XLS import file are interpreted as local times for the user
executing the import. Therefore it is important that you set a correct time zone in the
user profile executing the imports. If no time zone is specified in the user profile the
default timezone (the time zone from the Maximo server) is used (which might be
correct if all your users and the server are in the same time zone).

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4. EAM Data Management Tool – Specification Import

The Specification Import allows you to:
1. Insert new IBM Maximo objects together with their specification attributes
2. Add a specification to a IBM Maximo object and set values for the specification attributes
3. Update specification attribute values
The Specification Import can only be used for Maximo objects
• having a CLASSSTRUCTUREID -attribute and
• a “Specifications” tab is available for in the application user interface.

4.1. Create a Excel import file

Since the Specification Import is an extension of the Simple Import mode, some key
concepts remain the same. The Excel Format is the same as for the Simple Import
except for the following conditions:
•A worksheet in the Excel File contains the specification import data for one
•A XLS import file for Specification import can contain more than one worksheet with data.
This allows you to import different IBM Maximo objects with different
CLASSSTRUCTUREID's within one import.
•The name of the worksheet for the specification import starts with “Specification_” and is
followed by the CLASSSTRUCTUREID.
•After the last column of the main object attributes there is a separator column. The
template generator with specification data and search result download with
specification will insert an empty separation column with a red background colour.
•The second row of the separator column contains the Name of the Specification object
surrounded with “!”, e.g. !ASSETSPEC!
•On the right-hand side of the separator column are the specification attributes for this
CLASSSTRUCTUREID. The second row contains the specification attribute names.
•Specification attributes can have one of three different data types. These are ALNVALUE,
NUMVALUE or TABLEVALUE. The template generator for specification data or the
XLS result download with specification data will colorize the specification attribute
name. The colors are defined in the worksheet “Colorlegende” which is generated for
every template or search result download.
•Every Maximo object together with the specification attribute values have to be entered in
one single row of the XLS worksheet.
•If you want to insert new data together with the specification attributes into Maximo you
must make sure, that the CLASSSTRUCTUREID attribute is set for the main object.
This can be accomplished with either setting attribute directly on the main object (a
column for the CLASSSTRUCTUREID is available for the main object) or by setting
other attributes which implicitly set the CLASSSTRUCTUREID (e.g. setting the rotating
item (attribute ITEMNUM) for an ASSET)

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As stated above, attribute values of a main Object can be set to NULL (can be cleared) by
letting the corresponding Excel cell empty. For specification attributes this behavior is
different. If you want to set a specification attributes to NULL you have to use the
special value ~null~ in the import file ! The reason for this different behavior is as
follows: Assets can get default values for specification attributes from rotating items
associated to them. Empty specification attributes in the import file would have
overwritten those default values.

Writing a XLS Import file from scratch is a time consuming and error prone task. It is
therefore much more convenient to generate an empty template and fill it with new
data or download a search result with specification data.
Please download a template or a search result with specification data and make yourself
familiar with the file layout of the XLS document.
The following screenshot shows the specification attributes for the CLASSSTRUCTID
1001 (PUMP \ CNTRFGL) used in the IBM-Maximo demo database. Here you can see
the red separation column and the specification attributes associated with this class
structure. The third row contains a demo data set which has no functional impact and
which can alternatively be cleared.

Illustration 18: Screenshot XLS file with specification attributes

Another starting point are some demo files which can be downloaded from the homepage
of EAM Software GmbH. (see

4.2. Download a Template with specification data

An empty XLS Template for the specification import can be downloaded via the action
menu item “EAM Data Management Tool” → “EAM Template for Spec Data” (see
Illustration 19: Select Action menu entry EAM Template for Spec Data).

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This command opens a dialog box where you can select the CLASSSTRUCTUREID for
the template generator. For each selected CLASSSTRUCTUREID a template
according to the specifications described above will appear in the result XLS template

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If you click on the lookup you can select from the available classifications for the current
man object.

Illustration 21: Select available Class Structure from Lookup Dialog

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After selecting the Classifications click OK. The template is generated and sent to the
client where you are prompted to save or open the XLS file (depending on the client

The template for the above selected classifications contains the following worksheets:

Illustration 23: Screenshot Excel Worksheet names for multiple specifications in one file

• The worksheet “Simple” for the Simple import (see the above chapter for a description of
the simple import)
• The worksheets “Specification_1001”, “Specification_1002”,... for the selected
• The DataDictionary
• The Colorlegende

If a specification does not contain specification attributes then no worksheet for this
specification is created! The CLASSSTRUCTUREID for those specifications can be set
via the Simple Importer on the worksheet “Simple”.

4.3. Download a search result with specification data

If you want to update specification attributes of existing data (eg. Assets, Locations, Items)
you could start by creating a “Searchresult with Spec Data “ file that contains your
existing data.
To do so follow these steps:
1.Use the Filter or the advanced search to limit the objects in the list view to those you
want to update

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2.Select “EAM XLS Searchresult with Spec Data” from the action menu

The downloaded Excel document contains nearly all attributes of the Maximo Object. This is
similar to the simple search result download.
To update specification attributes and to import the downloaded Excel file this search result is
not best practice (you would need to delete a lot of attributes from the file before you can re-
import it). Therefore , in this case it is recommended to use download templates

Illustration 24: Select Action menu entry Download search result with
specification data

3. The “Create XLS Download out of search results with Specification” Dialog will be

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Illustration 25: Dialog Create XLS search result download

with specification data

4. If you click OK the XLS File will be generated and sent back to the client.
The generated XLS file contains all records from the current search result in the list view,
but these records may be distributed across different worksheets.
•If the Maximo object does not have an attribute CLASSSTRUCTUREID, it is on the
worksheet “Simple”
•If the attribute CLASSSTRUCTUREID is available and is empty the Maximo object is also
on the worksheet “Simple”
•If the attribute CLASSSTRUCTUREID has a value but the specified specification does
not have specification attributes, then the Maximo object is also on the worksheet
•If the attribute CLASSSTRUCTUREID has a value and there are specification attributes
for this specification, then the Maximo object is on the corresponding worksheet for this
specification, e.g. “Specification_1001” for CLASSSTRUCTUREID 1001.
Before you can use the Template be sure to:
•Remove any columns you do not want to set during the import
•Keep the unique ID column in the template (these attributes have a light green
background). For new data leave the field empty and the importer will insert the unique
ID value for the newly created Maximo object in this column.
•Remove worksheets for CLASSSTRUCTUREID where no data should be inserted.

4.4. Execute the import

4.4.1. XLS File Upload

The import or update of specification data is started from the action menu in the list view

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of the application.

The following dialog is opened:

Select the file from your file system and press the “Import Data” button. The XLS file is
sent to the Maximo server and will be processed.

4.4.2. Processing Steps for the Specification Import

• The Excel file will be analyzed. The following checks are performed:
• Is the uploaded file an Excel document
• Are there any worksheets were the name starts with “Specification_”
• Are there attribute names in the second row of the worksheets
• Are the attribute names on the worksheet unique
• Are data rows in the worksheet available
• Is there a separation column between the attributes of the target object and the
specification attributes
• Is the CLASSSTRUCTUREID parsed from the worksheet name valid
• In case of an error an error message is displayed to the user and the import of this
worksheet is canceled.
• Analyzing the target object (the current application object)
• Check if the target object is valid. The name is automatically determined based on the
Maximo application from where the import is started.
• Determine the object type. Is it a System Object (e.g. PERSON), SITE Object (e.g.
LOCATION, ASSET,...) or a ORG Object (e.g.. LABOR, CRAFT,...).
• Determine the unique ID attribute name. This is unique for every object and assigned
internally from Maximo. For example ASSETUID for Asset Objects or LABORID for

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Labor objects.
• Determine the key attribute(s) of the object.
• Check if all required attributes are available in the Excel document.
• In case of an error an error message is displayed to the user and the import is canceled.
• For every data row (remember: starting from row four in the Excel file) do the following:
• Based on the information (available attributes in the excel document, known properties of
the object type like key attributes, unique attributes, object type and the available data in
Maximo) decide if we update existing data or insert new data.
• Prior to creating a new object the default insert SiteID, default insert OrgID, default
ItemSet and default CompSet are set on the MBO-Set (depending on the object type)
• For a new object the key attributes are set first.
• Set other attributes in the same order as they appear in the Excel document. The
specification attributes are not yet set!
• Save the object (the specification attributes are inherited during the save method)
• Set the specification attributes for this object. The specification attributes are only set if
they have a value in the XLS file. Otherwise the default value of this attribute from the
Classification (or from the rotating item for ASSETS) is preserved.
If there is an error (either during setting of attributes or during saving) the behavior
depends on the processing mode. If no column $IMPORTERROR is available in your
worksheet (processing mode “Stop on Error”) an error message is displayed to the user
and the import is aborted. Every error message during import contains the line number of
the Excel file and the attribute name which causes the problem. If a column
$IMPORTERROR is available (processing mode “Continue on Error”) the error message
is not displayed to the user but written to the $IMPORTERROR column of the
corresponding row. Also the problematic attribute is highlighted with a red background
and the import is not aborted but continues with the next row.

• Contrary to the Simple Import no columns can be added to the XLS worksheets for the
specification import (the XLS handling library does not allow to insert columns in the
middle of the worksheet in front of the separation column). However, if the unique ID
name column is available but empty, then the value is inserted into the XLS file.
• If an attribute in the Excel document left of the separation column is empty (no value in
the Excel cell) then the attribute is set to NULL. It is therefore important to remove all
columns from the excel document which should or can not set to null or fill all columns
with the appropriate values
• Object attributes are only set if the new value from the Excel document is different from
the current value in the MBO! Specification attributes are always set to the given value.

4.4.3. After the import

The steps after processing of the uploaded XLS file (display import summary dialog,
download of the processed XLS file to the client, update list view of the application) are
identical to the Simple Import and are not repeated here.

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5. EAM Data Management Tool – Extended Import

The Extended Import or 1:n Import allows you to:
•Insert new Maximo objects together with related child objects like ASSETS with
•Add or update child object data for existing parent objects

In Maximo (or rather in the Tivoli Process Automation Engine) you can define relationships
between Maximo objects. Not all relations can be used with the importer. To import new child
objects with the extended import only “real dependent” objects can be created. “Real
dependent” objects are those which always require a higher-level object to be meaningful (e.g.
a POLINE makes only sense with a related PO object).

5.1. Create an Excel import file

The Extended Import is also, like the Specification Import, an extension to the Simple
Import mode of the EAM Importer and shares some key concepts with the Simple
Import mode. However, the following conditions apply for the Excel File contents:
•Only 1:n relations are allowed. Relations like 1:n:m like INVOICE-INVOICELINE-
INVOICECOST are not supported.
•A XLS Import file for the Extended Import can contain more than one worksheets with
•A worksheet in the Excel file contains the data for one relation from the parent object to
the child object.
•The name of the worksheet for the Extended Import starts with “Extended_” and is
followed by the relation name. Worksheet names in XLS are limited to 31 characters.
For long relationship names the template generator and search result download will
only use the first 31 characters of the resulting worksheet name.
•After the last column of the main/parent object attributes a separation column is inserted.
The template generator and search result download with extended data insert the
separation column with a red background.
•The second row of the separator column contains the name of the relation surrounded
with “!”, e.g. !SPAREPART!.
•On the right-hand side of the separation column are the attributes of the child object.
Required fields, unique ID Column, key column,... have a background color according
to the colorlegende (see Simple Import above for a description)
•For one record of the main/parent object (left of the separator column) there are 0...n
entries on the related object side (right of the separator column). The first child record
is always on the same row as the main object data.
•The import is processed row by row and the object is saved every time a “new” main
object is encountered.

Writing a XLS import file for the extended import from scratch is a time consuming and

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error prone task and should be avoided. It is recommended to start with a generated
template or a downloaded search result with extended data or to start with a demo XLS
The following screen-shot shows a simple worksheet for the extended import. The first
ASSET EAM_e01 has two SPAREPART children. The basic layout is the same as for
the simple import (row 1: attribute title, row 2: attribute name, row 3: sample data row,
row 4: first data row to import. See the format description above)

Illustration 26: Worksheet for extended import with child object

5.2. Download a Template for the extended import

To download an empty XLS template for the extended import select the action menu item
“EAM Data Management Tool” → “EAM generate extended XLS Template” in the list
view of an application.

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Illustration 27: Select Action menu entry EAM generate extended

XLS template
This command opens a dialog box where you can select the relation to the child object.
For every selected relation a separate worksheet is created in the XLS template file.

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Illustration 28: Dialog: Create extended XLS Template

The lookup lets you select the available and allowed relations for the main object of the
current application.

The administrator can and should limit the available relations in this lookup to those which
are needed and are useful for the application! This task can be accomplished with the
“EAM Enter allowed Fields for the Update Tool”. See chapter 11. EAM Fieldupdater –
Select allowed relations and attributes on page 75 for detailed instructions.
After selecting the relations click OK. The generated template is sent to the client and the
user is prompted to save or open the XLS file (this may vary on your client and
depends on the client configuration).

Lets assume you have selected the Relation SPAREPART in the above dialog in the
ASSET application. The generated XLS template would then contain three worksheets:
• “Extended_SPAREPART” is the worksheets for the extended import
• “DataDictionary” contains the Data dictionary for the main object
• “Colorlegende” contains a description of the used colors in the worksheets and their
meaning. (See the simple import above for a detailed description)

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5.3. Download a search result with extended data

If you want to add or update related child data to existing parent objects it is very useful to
download the existing data as a XLS file suitable for the extended import.
Follow these steps to download a search result with extended data:
1. Use the Filter or the advanced search to limit the objects in the list view to those parent
objects you want to include in the XLS file
2. Select “EAM XLS Extended searchresult download” from the action menu
3. The dialog “Create XLS Download inclusive Child Data Sets 1:n” opens

4. In the Dialog select the relation(s) to the child data which shall be included in the
extended search result download. For every selected relation a separate worksheet is
created in the XLS file.
5. Click OK. The generated search result with the selected child object data is sent to the

Every worksheet in the downloaded search result contains all records from the search
result and the corresponding child records which are fetched through the specified
Before you can use the template be sure to:
• Remove any columns you do not want to set during the import on the parent object side
as well as on the child object side
• Keep the unique ID columns in the template (these attributes have a light green
background). For new data leave the unique ID fields empty because the importer then
will insert the unique ID values for the newly created Maximo parent and child objects in
the corresponding columns.

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5.4. Execute the import

5.4.1. XLS File Upload

The import or update of specification data is started from the action menu in the list view
of the application. Select “EAM Data Importer” from the action menu in the list view of
the application. See Illustration 14: Select Action menu Item EAM Data Importer on
page 27 for a screen-shot.

5.4.2. Processing Steps for the Extended Import

• The Excel file will be analyzed. The following checks are performed:
• Is the uploaded file a Excel document
• Are there any worksheets were the name starts with “Extended_”
• Are there attribute names in the second row of the worksheets
• Are the attribute names on the worksheet for the parent object and for the child object
• Are data rows in the worksheet available
• Is there a separation column between the attributes of the parent object and the child
• Is the relation name parsed from the worksheet name valid
• Is there a valid child object for the given relation
In case of an error a error message is displayed to the user and the import of this
worksheet is canceled.
• Analyzing the target object (the current application object; the parent object)
• Check if the target object is valid. The name is automatically determined based on the
Maximo application from where the import is started.
• Determine the object type. Is it a System Object (e.g. PERSON), SITE Object (e.g.
LOCATION, ASSET,...) or a ORG Object (e.g.. LABOR, CRAFT,...).
• Determine the unique ID attribute name. This is unique for every object and assigned
internally from Maximo. For example ASSETUID for Asset Objects or LABORID for
Labor objects.
• Determine the key attribute(s) of the object.
• Check if all required attributes are available in the Excel document.
In case of an error a error message is displayed to the user and the import is canceled.
• Analyzing the child object
▪ Check if child object is valid.
▪ Determine the child object type. Is it a System Object (e.g. PERSON), SITE
Object (e.g. LOCATION, ASSET,...) or a ORG Object (e.g.. LABOR, CRAFT,...).
▪ Determine the unique ID attribute name of the child object. This is unique for every
object and assigned internally from Maximo. For example ASSETUID for Asset
Objects or LABORID for Labor objects.

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▪ Determine the key attribute(s) of the child object.

• For every parent object row (remember: starting from row four in the Excel file) do the
• Based on the information (available attributes in the excel document, known properties of
the object type like key attributes, unique attributes, object type and the available data in
Maximo) decide if we update existing parent object data or insert a new parent object.
• Prior to creating a new parent object the default insert SiteID, default insert OrgID, default
ItemSet and default CompSet are set on the MBO-Set (depending on the object type)
• For a new parent object the key attributes are set first.
• Set other attributes of the parent object in the same order as they appear in the Excel
• Retrieve the child set via the given relation. First the relation name derived from the
worksheet name is used. If no valid relation can be found (the worksheet name might be
incomplete because only 31 characters are allowed for XLS worksheet names) then the
relation name from the separator column is used. If the parent object is a new object and
we already have child data available, then we stop the import with an error message
because the relation is not a “real” 1:n relation.
• Determine the number of child objects for the current parent object in the XLS file
• For every child object in the XLS file do the following:
◦ Search for the child object in the child dataset (with unique ID, with key columns of
the child object, with key columns from the child and values borrowed from the
◦ If a child record is found, then update the attributes of this child object
◦ If no child record is found, then add a new child record to the child set and set the
given child attribute values.
• Save the parent object set
If there is an error (either during setting of attributes or during saving) the behavior
depends on the processing mode. If no column $IMPORTERROR is available in your
worksheet (processing mode “Stop on Error”) an error message is displayed to the user
and the import is aborted. Every error message during import contains the line number of
the Excel file and the attribute name which causes the problem. If a column
$IMPORTERROR is available (processing mode “Continue on Error”) the error message
is not displayed to the user but written to the $IMPORTERROR column of the
corresponding row. Also the problematic attribute is highlighted with a red background
and the import is not aborted but continues with the next row.

• As against the Simple Import no columns can be added to the XLS worksheets for the
extended import on the parent data (the XLS handling library does not allow to insert
columns in the middle of the worksheet in front of the separation column)
• If an attribute in the Excel document in the left of the separation column is empty (no
value in the Excel cell) then the attribute is set to NULL. It is therefore important to
remove all columns from the excel document which should or can not set to null or fill all
columns with the appropriate values

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• Object attributes are only set if the new value from the Excel document is different from
the current value in the MBO!
• The unique ID column for the child data is added to the worksheet, if it is not already
available. For new child objects the unique ID of this object is saved in the XLS file.
• If the unique ID columns are available on the parent object, then they are filled with the
generated unique ID for the object.

5.4.3. After the import

The steps after processing of the uploaded XLS file (display import summary dialog,
download of the processed XLS file to the client, update list view of the application) are
identical to the Simple Import and are not repeated here.

5.5. Multilevel Import

The Multilevel import is a extension to the extended import. The extended import as
described above can import 1:n Relations. With multilevel import this concept is now
extended to more than 2 levels
For the majority of data in Maximo the Extended Import is sufficient. However, there are
some Maximo applications where simple parent-child relations are not enough and
1:n:m is required. These are:
• Security Groups – applications – options
• Problem – cause – remedy
Multilevel searchresult download and multilevel template generation are not supported.
You have to manually create the excel importfiles for multilevel import. The layout of
the multilevel import file is similar to the extended import with some additional
The following chapters explain the content and layout of the importfile with an example.

5.5.1. Security Groups – Applications – Options

Multilevel import allows the activation and deactivation of sigoptions in applications for
specific security groups. The importfile has 3 levels:
1. Security Group (MAXGROUP)
2. Application (MAXAPPS)
3. Options (SIGOPTION)

A screenshot of the excel import file is shown in Illustration 29: Multilevel Import File for
Security Groups - Applications - Options on page 51. The content of the import file is
similar to the extended import.
When creating a import file for the multilevel import make sure that:
• the different levels are separated with a separation column
• the first row in the separation column contains the names of the two objects

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separated with a dot. In the example below the first separation column contains
MAXGROUP.MAXAPPS. This means that right of the separation column (the child
side) where is a MAXAPPS entry and the higher-level object is MAXGROUP.
• The second row in the separation column contains the relation name for the two
objects in row 1. The sample below uses the relationship MAXAPPS between the
objects MAXGROUP and MAXAPPS and the relationship SIGOOTHER between

Illustration 29: Multilevel Import File for Security Groups - Applications - Options

The above import file enables the some of the SIGOPTIONS for the EAM Data
Management Tool in the Action application for the security group MAXADMIN.

5.5.2. Failure Class – Problem – Cause – Remedy

Another practical example for a multilevel import is the Maximo application Failure Codes.
In this application we have four Levels, which are imported during a single import. The
hierarchical structure is as follows:
1. one failure class can contain any number of problems
2. one problem can have any number of causes
3. one cause can have any number of remedies

You can download a sample import file for problem – cause – remedy from the EAM
Software sample library.

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6. EAM Data Management Tool – Download Templates

The download of search results (either simple, extended or specification download)
includes nearly all attributes of the Maximo object in the generated Excel file. This has
some drawbacks:
• A lot of columns are used with data which often is not required. You may hit the 256
column limit of the older XLS file format.
• Depending on how many rows your result set contains and on how many attributes
are to be exported, the application server will address more or less memory.
To resolve these drawbacks it is now possible to upload templates into Maximo where you
can specify exactly which attributes in which order you want to export. A template is
again a Excel file and has the same structure and layout like an import file.
The template module in the EAM Data Management Tool allows you to:
• Upload a new Template into Maximo and assign it to the appropriate Maximo
• Manage your Templates for the current Maximo application (rename, delete,
• Apply a template to the current search results

This functionality is very useful for simple exporting or reporting tasks where you need
specific attributes in specific columns. Your templates may also include some macros
or VBA code which processes the exported data, generates consolidated reports,
creates diagrams, and so on.
The main advantages of this new functions are:
• Only those attributes are included in the XLS file which are really needed. The
created Excel documents are smaller and easier to handle and are better suited for
re-import back into Maximo.
• The resource consumption on the application server is reduced (both time and
• Your download templates can include additional worksheets which can contain
macros, diagrams,

Especially the fact that additional worksheets are allowed and preserved in download
templates gives you great flexibility. Those additional worksheets can do some
calculations with the raw data, create accumulated data or pivot tables or create some
diagrams for a graphical representation of your data. Additional worksheets could also
be optimized for printing and macros can automatically recalculate some data when
the excel document is opened. The template download feature can be used for simple
reporting tasks.

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6.1. Create a Template

Templates are essentially Excel import files without any import data. Below are some rules
and guidelines for the templates:
• Templates can either be in the older XLS or the newer XLSX or XLSM file format.
• The worksheets inside of the template must conform to the naming convention for
the corresponding import mode.
• “Other” worksheets (worksheet names not starting with Simple or Extended_)
remain untouched and are still available in the final result.
• Macros or VBA code is also preserved.
• Any available data rows in the template will be deleted when the template is used
to download a search result.
• For specification templates: you can specify the attributes for the main object as
expected. However, you can not define which specification attributes should be
included in the export.
• Use a unique and meaningful file name for your template.

6.2. Upload Template

Before you can use a template to download search results, Maximo must know about the
template. You have to upload your template once into the application where you later
want to use the download template. For one specific Maximo application you can
upload any number of download template (with different content for different purposes).

To upload a new Template into your application open the list view of your Maximo
application and select the entry “EAM Upload Template” from the Select Action menu
(see Illustration 30: Select Action menu item EAM Upload Template on page 54).

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Illustration 30: Select Action menu item EAM Upload Template

Upload Template is a new Action Menu item and opens the following dialog:

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Illustration 31: Upload new Template dialog

Select your template from the file system and click “Upload as Template”.

6.3. Manage Templates

The Select Action menu entry “EAM Manage Download Templates” opens the following

Illustration 32: Manage Download Templates dialog

Within this dialog you can:

• Change the template name (by simply modifying the attribute Template Name in
the dialog). The template name is used as a part of the file name
• Download the template from the server to your client. You could then view the

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current contents of your template (which attributes are in the template and at which
position). You could make changes to the template and upload it again.
• Delete the template.

6.4. Search result Download via Template

Once you have selected the data in the list view you can open the following dialog with the
Select Action Menu item “EAM Download Searchresult via Template”:

Illustration 33: Download Searchresult into Template - Apply Template

The dialog shows the templates which where previously uploaded and assigned to the
current Maximo application along with the creation date and the name of the user who
imported the template. Here you can also see templates uploaded by other users and
use them.
Select the template you want to use by clicking on the template name. The current search
result will be inserted into the template and the final Excel result file is sent to your
The filename of the final XLS file will be consisting of the filename of the template and the
current timestamp appended behind.

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7. Memory and Performance Issues

The EAM Data Management Tools empowers users to export and import large amounts of
data with a few clicks. This is quite a contrast to the usual usage pattern where a user
works with the user interface and works with just a few records at a time.
There are three aspects to consider when dealing with large amounts of data:
• Memory consumption
• Duration of the export or import (it can take up to a few hours to process or create
large xls files)
• Performance impact for other users on the system

The older Microsoft Excel file format .xls, which can still be used with the importer, has a
limit of 256 columns and 65k rows in one worksheet. On the other hand is the memory
footprint quite low and there is not too much overhead in the binary file format.
The new XLSX file format is quite different: The XLSX file itself is internally a compressed
folder with a few XML files. To read and write data from the XLSX file is must be
decompressed in memory. This uses a lot of RAM. Every cell in the XLSX file uses
appr. 700 bytes of RAM! Keep this in mind when exporting large amounts of data!

7.1. Downloading large search results

Lets assume you have 100.000 Workorder records in the list view of the Work Order
Tracking application and you want to export those in an Excel file. Lets assume further
that your WORKORDER business object has 300 attributes. If you select the XLS
Searchresult Download option the resulting XLSX worksheet would have 30 million
cells. With approximately 700 bytes per cell this gives 21 GB of required heap usage!
(not included the memory Maximo need for all those Mbo’s it has to read from the
database). The result would be very slow system for up to an hour,an Out of Memory
Exception on the Application Server and some unhappy users and administrators!
Solutions to this problem are:
• Do not download more than a few thousand records into one XLSX file.
• Use the template feature and export only those attributes which are required and
• The actual limits depend a lot on your environment, the available resources on your
application server and your data (often a lot of the attributes are not filled and
therefore no cell in the XLS file is created).
• The best way to test your limits is to start with a small number of records and
monitor the resource consumption on your application servers.

Downloading large amount of data with the searchresult download can have the following
negative effects:
• high CPU usage and high memory consumption on the application server when a
lot of Mbo's are exported and a large Excel document must be generated.

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• A lot of SQL Queries and corresponding resource consumption on the database

server. This is especially true if you export a large number of Maximo objects
together with related objects with the extended searchresult download.
• A lot of network traffic between the database server and the application server.
Most of the time other Maximo users are also affected (Maximo is slow in responding to
input, the browser seems to need a long time to retrieve and data and show the page,
search and page navigation is slow).

7.2. Importing large amounts of data

Lets assume you want to import 100.000 asset records into Maximo. Since the importer
adds data to the imported Excel file and sends the file back to the client the same rules
as above apply.
Furthermore you should make sure that your session timeout is large enough so that the
Maximo UI session does not time out during the import. If the session does time out
the import summary dialog can not be displayed and the imported file can not be
pushed back to the client. To check the import result you have to open the import
history dialog.
You can limit the maximum number of rows which can be imported in one XLS worksheet
with a System Property. See chapter 8. Configuration Options for the EAM Data
Management Tools on page 59 for more information.

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8. Configuration Options for the EAM Data Management

Some behavior of the EAM Data Management Tools can be finetuned with System
Properties directly in Maximo. All of the following System Properties are optional! The
only two required system properties are EAM.DatamanagementTool.AppKey and
EAM.DataManagementTool.ModuleKey and contain the license keys for the
application. These two properties are described in the installation manual.

8.1. Configuration Options for the EAM Importer

Some aspects of the importer can be configured with System Properties. These are:
• Disable the return of the processed XLS file to the client after the import.
• Disable the creation of the “DataDictionary” worksheets in the generated XLS Templates
and Search Results
• Limit the maximum number of rows in a XLS import file.
• Default values for attributes not included in the XLS import file.

1. Property EAM.Importer.DisableXLSSendBack
Property Name EAM.Importer.DisableXLSSendBack
Description If TRUE the processed XLS file is not sent
back to the client after the import.
Global Value TRUE
Global Only? TRUE
Live Refresh? TRUE
Security Level PUBLIC
Nulls Allowed? FALSE
Data Type YORN

This system property controls if the processed XLS file is sent back to the client after the
import process. If you do not want the file to be sent back to the client, then set this to
true. If this system property is missing, has no value or has a value of false then the
processed XLS File is sent back to the client.
2. Property EAM.Importer.MaxRows
Property Name EAM.Importer.MaxRows
Description Maximum number of data rows in the XLS file
to import.
Global Value 500
Global Only? TRUE

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Live Refresh? TRUE

Security Level PUBLIC
Nulls Allowed? FALSE

This system property allows you to limit the maximum number of rows in a XLS file to
import. If the number of data rows in the XLS worksheet exceeds the given number of
rows an error message is displayed and the import is not started. The property
EAM.Importer.MaxRows is a global setting. It sets the limit for all Maximo applications
where the importer is enabled for. You can however set a specific limit for every
Maximo application (but you don't have to). For example: You want a limit of 500
records as a default but want a limit of 200 records for the ASSET application then you
set the Global Value for the EAM.Importer.MaxRows property to 500 and create a new
property EAM.Importer.MaxRows.ASSET with a global value of 200. It is possible to
create a specific row limit for every Maximo application by creating a system property
with the property name of EAM.Importer.MaxRows.<MBONAME>.

3. Property EAM.Importer.Templates.DisableDD
Property Name EAM.Importer.Templates.DisableDD
Description If set to true this disables the creation of the
DataDictionary worksheet in the EAM
Global Value TRUE
Global Only? TRUE
Live Refresh? TRUE
Security Level PUBLIC
Nulls Allowed? FALSE
Data Type YORN

This system property disables the creation of the DataDictionary worksheet in all the
templates created by the EAM Importtool (simple template, extended template and
specification template).

4. Property EAM.Importer.Searchresults.DisableDD
Property Name EAM.Importer.Searchresults.DisableDD
Description If set to true this disables the creation of the
DataDictionary worksheet during search result
Global Value TRUE
Global Only? TRUE

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Live Refresh? TRUE

Security Level PUBLIC
Nulls Allowed? FALSE
Data Type YORN

This system property disables the creation of the DataDictionary worksheet in all the
search results downloaded by the EAM Importtool (simple searchresult, searchresult
with specification data and extended search result download).

5. You are now able to define default values for Maximo attributes which are used during
the import with the EAM Importer. The naming convention for the system property name

The defined default value from the System Property is ignored if there is a column for
this attribute in the XLS import file!
Example: The default value for WORKORDER.WORKTYPE should be PRBLM
Property EAM.Importer.Default.WORKORDER.WORKTYPE
Property Name EAM.Importer.Default.WORKORDER.WORKT
Description Default WORKTYPE in WORKORDER if
Attribute is not in the EAM XLS Import file.
Global Value PRBLM
Global Only? TRUE
Live Refresh? TRUE
Security Level PUBLIC
Nulls Allowed? FALSE
Data Type ALN

You can define several default value entries for a given Maximo Object (e.g.

6. With the System Property EAM.Importer.<IMPORTMODE>.SLEEPTIME you can define

a time duration in Milliseconds. After processing a row for simple import and
specification import or one row of the main object for extended import, the importer
waits for the specified duration. The load on the Maximo infrastructure is reduced
because the task is spread over a longer period of time. The import process will not
consume all the resources it can get and Maximo keeps to be responsive to the other
users. The sleep time can be defined for every import mode separatley.

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Property Name EAM.Importer.SIMPLE.SLEEPTIME

Description Sleep time after each imported record in
Global Value 60
Global Only? TRUE
Live Refresh? TRUE
Security Level PUBLIC
Nulls Allowed? FALSE

7. Similar to the Sleeptime property for the import there is also a System Property
EAM.MassDelete.SLEEPTIME. This property defines the sleep time after deleting one

Property Name EAM.MassDelete.SLEEPTIME

Description Sleep time after each deleted record in
Global Value 50
Global Only? TRUE
Live Refresh? TRUE
Security Level PUBLIC
Nulls Allowed? FALSE

The answer to the question which the correct values for those SLEEPTIME Parameters
are, depend on several variables. Chances are they are not required at all because
your application server has enough resources (multi-CPU, multi-core, cluster) or large
imports are executed off hours If you will rarely MassDelete larger amounts of data
you can do without the MassDelete.SLEEPTIME Parameter. If the usage of
MassDelete evidentially causes slow system performance for other users the
„EAM.MassDelete.SLEEPTIME“ parameter should be set starting with 50. This will
cause a delay of 5 seconds for a deletion of 100 objects but therefore other users will
notice fewer delay.

8. The searchresult download and the template generation (for simple, extended and
specification mode) will create new excel documents on the application server and

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send them back to the user. By default those file are created in the older binary
Microsoft Excel fileformat with the .xls extension. If you create the system property
EAM.Importer.ExcelFormat with the value XLSX the new Excel documents are created
in the new XML based XLSX format.

Property Name EAM.Importer.ExcelFormat

Description Excel file format for documents created on the
application server.
Global Value XLSX
Global Only? TRUE
Live Refresh? TRUE
Security Level PUBLIC
Nulls Allowed? FALSE

If this system property is missing or the value is not XLSX the older excel file format is

8.2. Configuration Options for the EAM Fieldupdater

Data changes with the EAM Fieldupdater (see chapter 10. EAM Fieldupdater starting at
page 69) can be logged and reviewed later in the Fieldupdater History dialog (see
chapter 12. EAM Fieldupdater History on page 78). By default this logging is not
enabled. You can enable the logging anytime by creating a system property
EAM.FIELDUPDATE.LOGGING (data type YORN) with the value 1.


Description Activate Logging in the EAM Fieldupdater
Global Value 1
Global Only? TRUE
Live Refresh? TRUE
Security Level PUBLIC
Nulls Allowed? FALSE
Data Type YORN

The maximum number of records which can be updated at the same time with the EAM
Fieldupdater is not limited by default. The administrator can create a system property

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EAM.FIELDUPDATE.MAXRECORDS to limit the number of records for each

Fieldupdater invocation.


Description Maximum number of records which can be
modified with the fieldupdater
Global Value e.g. 500
Global Only? TRUE
Live Refresh? TRUE
Security Level PUBLIC
Nulls Allowed? FALSE

Default behaviour of the EAM Fieldupdater is to continue with the next record/attribute in case
of an error. An error could be an invalid value for a attribute (not in valuelist, wrong datatype) or
the field validator is not happy with the entered value or the attribute or mbo are readonly. If you
want the Fieldupdater to quit after a specified number of errors occurred, you can set the
system property EAM.FIELDUPDATE.MAXERRORS. This integer specifies the maximum
number of errors which are “allowed”. If this number of errors is reached the fieldupdater stops
executing the current update.


Description Maximum number of errors for the EAM
Global Value 5
Global Only? TRUE
Live Refresh? TRUE
Security Level PUBLIC
Nulls Allowed? FALSE

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9. EAM Show Import History

The action menu entry “EAM Show Import History” gives the user an overview of the past
imports in the current Maximo/SCCD application. This gives you an overview of how
this tool is used. It also allows you to download past imports or imports from other
users in the current Maximo/SCCD application. This downloaded files can be a good
starting point for your new imports or for updating previously imported data. You could
also use a previously imported file as a template (see 6. EAM Data Management Tool
– Download Templates on page 52 for more information about download templates.

The user can find the EAM Show Import History menu option alongside the other EAM
Data Management Tool menu options in the list view of your Maximo application (see
Illustration 34: EAM Show Import History Select Action menu item).

Illustration 34: EAM Show Import History Select

Action menu item
If you select this menu item the Show Import History dialog is opened (see Illustration 35:
Show Import History dialog on page 66).

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Illustration 35: Show Import History dialog

This Dialog shows the following information:

• Importnumber; this is the internal unique ID of the import
• Importfile Name; the original name of the import file which was uploaded by the user into
• Import Mode; indicates the used Import Mode for the given Excel file. Possible values are
• Import Status; indicates if the import was successful or if a error occurred. Possible
• Enter by shows which user executed the import
• Enter date shows the timestamp of the import
• Inserted Rows shows the number of new main objects created during the import of the
given XLS file
• Updates Rows shows the number of main objects which where updates during the import
• Skipped Rows shows the number of records which where skipped because the
corresponding Mbo was readonly and could not be modified at all.
• The first download icon allows the download of the original XLS file which was sent to the
Maximo server

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• The second download icon allows the download of the result XLS file that was sent back
to the client after the import process. This file contains usually the unique ID values of the
objects which where written back to the XLS file during the import process.

The records in the dialog can be filtered to show only those with a selected import mode, a
selected Status, a given user name...

Illustration 36: Filter data in the Import History dialog

The import history can also be used to download previously successfully imported files
and use them as template for future imports.
Only the imports for the current application are shown in the dialog starting with the most
recent import.
Access to this action menu entry can be granted in the security groups in the same way as
for the other action menu entries for the EAM Data Management Tool.

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Illustration 37: Import History with Continue On Error Mode

The import Status OK in the Import History dialog shows that the import completed without any
errors. On the other hand FAILED indicates that there was an error and the import was aborted
after this error. An errormessage was displayed to the user.
With the new Continue on Error Mode (see 2.1. Importer Processing Modes on page 19) there
is now a new Import Status called ERRORS which is set when one or more import errors
occurred in Continue on Error mode.
The recent versions of the import history dialog also display the error count. In the older
versions error count was either 0 or 1 and this corresponds to Import status OK and FAILED

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10. EAM Fieldupdater

In standard Maximo system it is intended to change one record at a time, then save your
changes and then move to the next record. Keeping your data in Maximo up to date
can sometimes mean to change an attribute in a lot of records which might be a
daunting task in Maximo. One possible solution is of course the EAM Importer. You
can export your data to Excel, there edit it and then re-import it into Maximo. Another
possible solution for this task is presented in this chapter: The EAM Fieldupdater.
The EAM Fieldupdater allows you to update field values in objects of the current search
result or in related objects which can be selected via a relation.

To avoid this being a security risk the Maximo administrator can define the available
attributes and relations with the tool “EAM Enter allowed Fields for Update Tool”! It is
very important that this step is not skipped and only those fields and relations are
explicitly allowed which should be available in the EAM Fieldupdater. By default all
relations and attributes are available in the EAM Fieldupdater. This setting also limit
the relations which can be selected when downloading a XLS Extended Template or a
search result with extended data.

To use the EAM Fieldupdater follow there steps:

1. Set a filter to select the records you want to change:

2. Start the EAM Fieldupdater from the action menu:

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Illustration 38: Select Action menu item EAM


Selecting this menu item opens the EAM Fieldupdater dialog. Illustration 39: EAM
Fieldupdater dialog; change attribute DEPARTMENT to IT shows the dialog with an
example where a user sets the attribute DEPARTMENT for all records of the current
search result in the list view to the value IT.

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Illustration 39: EAM Fieldupdater dialog; change attribute DEPARTMENT to IT

3. Add a row for every field you want to change.

1. If you do not select a relation you can set values for the attributes of the main
object of the current application. For “Field name” you can choose from the
available and allowed fields for the current objects.
2. If you select a relation from the list of available and allowed relations for the object
the “Field name” only allows you to enter field names of the corresponding child
object of this relation.
3. Insert the new attribute value in “Field value”. This is a required field. If you want to
clear the attribute value (set to NULL), then insert the special value ~null~
4. If you want to append the given value to the already existing value then select the
checkbox “Append ?”

Example: Some records are selected in the ASSET Application and you open the EAM
Fieldupdater from the action menu. If you want to update fields from the ASSET object
itself then you do not choose a relation and you can select from the available and
allowed field names of the ASSET object.

If you intend to update the the description of all the SPAREPARTS for your ASSETS in
the search result you select the relation “SPAREPART”. The lookup for Field name
only shows you the available and allowed attributes for the SPAREPART object where
you can select DESCRIPTION.

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Illustration 40: Append a string to a description with the fieldupdater

5. For Field value you enter the new field value. If the “Append” check box is not
checked, the given field value will be set on the given attributes replacing the old
value, otherwise the given value is appended to the current value of the specified
6. If you want to change more than one attribute you can add new rows and specify
other attributes.
7. Click OK to start the update process. A confirmation message is shown.

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Illustration 41: Confirmation Question for the EAM Fieldupdater

4. If you confirm the system message with Yes the fields are changed and the list view is

If there is an error during the Update (e.g. read-only attribute, string too long, date format
not valid, inserted value not in value list,...) then the update is NOT interrupted but
continues. All error messages are collected and shown at the end of the update.

The main advantages of the EAM Fieldupdater:

• You save time (and money) because time consuming record-by-record updates can
be replaced by a few clicks.
• No necessity for direct updates with SQL code in the Maximo Database! Direct
manipulation in the database is dangerous and requires SQL knowledge (which
also depends on the database system). The EAM Fieldupdater uses the Maximo
Business Objects (Mbo's). This is secure, complies with your business logic
reflected in the Mbos, and of course also recognizes the security settings and data
• Mass data updates via the Fieldupdater are suggested to be performed by power
users of your Maximo installation. If at all SQL updates in the database were
usually done by administrators only.
• Easy update of virtual attributes of the Maximo objects (like longdescription). This is

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no so straightforward with SQL since the longdescription is a separate database

• Current data and easy data maintenance leads to greater acceptance and satisfied

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11. EAM Fieldupdater – Select allowed relations and

By default the EAM Fieldupdater allows the user to choose from all defined relations and
all available attributes from the current main object.

There are two main reasons why the administrator should specify the allowed fields and

1. Security. Without limitation the user could change fields which might otherwise not be
visible in the User Interface. Or the user could change fields in objects (via a relation)
where the user otherwise might not have access to in the first place.
2. Usability. For every Maximo object there is a large number of relations defined. They are
mostly used internally to gather related information for objects and are not intended to
update or modify information.

To specify the allowed relations and attributes follow these steps:

Select the menu option “EAM Enter allowed Fields for Update Tool” from the action menu
of the application.

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Illustration 42: Select Action menu item EAM Enter

allowed Fields for Update Tool

This opens a dialog which shows the currently allowed fields and relations for the current

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Illustration 43: EAM Fieldupdater Filter Configuration dialog in Maximo 6.2

If there are no restrictions for the current parent object then the list is empty and no
restrictions are effective. All relations and attributes are available in the EAM
As soon as you specify at least one attribute or relation everything is forbidden except the
now explicitly allowed relations or attributes.

This dialog allows you to specify allowed fields and relations. There are three possible
ways to accomplish this:
1. To allow the update of a field in the current object to updated via the EAM Fieldupdater
select the field from the lookup of the Field name control without specifying a relation.
2. To allow the update of all attributes in a specific child object in the EAM Fieldupdater
select the relation name to the child object from the lookup near the Relation control.
3. To allow the update of one specific attribute in a child object in the EAM Fieldupdater
select the relation name to the child object. Then select the attribute from Field name
lookup which now shows all attributes of the child object.
After you have finished the definition of permissable attributes and relations you click OK
and your settings are saved in Maximo.
You can change your settings any time you want. Please also note that these settings are
common for all Maximo users and security groups and can not be defined for users or
security groups individually.

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12. EAM Fieldupdater History

Depending on the configuration of the EAM Data Management Tool – Field Updater each
update process is logged.

Illustration 44: EAM Fieldupdater History dialog

The Field Update History Dialog contains a main table and a details table. For each Field
Update run there is one entry in the main table which shows the date, time, duration
number of affected rows and the rows with errors.
The details table below the main table shows for every affected object the Object name,
the relationship from the main object to the target object (if any), the attribute title, the
old attribute value, the new attribute value, a success indicator and a update log.
If the field update for the object was successful, the update log contains information to
uniquely identify the object. In case of an error a Maximo error message is also
displayed and shows the reason for the error.

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The following screen-shot shows the error messages if you want to change the installation
date of some assets to the value “invaliddate”, which is clearly not a date:

Illustration 45: Field Updater History with error messages due to an invalid date

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13. EAM Power Search

The EAM Power Search allows you for search for objects in the list view of the application.
You can start the EAM Power Search dialog from the select action menu or the search
bar menu (or the sidebar if the sidebar is active).
The major advantages over the standard Advanced Search Dialog are:
• You can use any persistent attribute in your search and not only those available in the
Advanced Search Dialog. (Sometimes the Advanced Search Dialog is not updated when
you add custom attributes to your objects.)
• You can also use relations to child objects

The example below shows a search which returns all Assets where SITEID is equal to
BEDFORD and description contains the string “pump” and ITEMNUM 20778 is an
existing sparepart.

Illustration 46: EAM Power Search dialog with sample search criteria

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14. EAM Mass Delete

If you want to delete one single record in your Maximo application the default “Delete....”
Select Action menu entry in the main tab is sufficient. But what if you have a list of 500
old records which need to be deleted?. DELETE SQL statements in the Maximo
database are quite dangerous and if you are not very careful and have a good
knowledge of the internal data structures it is very likely, that orphaned data remains in
the system. To help you save time we have developed the EAM Mass Delete.
The “EAM Mass delete” or Batch delete is a simple, powerful application. But it a
potentially destructive application too. Access should only be granted to administrators
and only in those applications where it makes sense.
The tool “EAM Mass delete” deletes all IBM Maximo objects in the current list view of the
application. It has the same effect as if you select each object, view it in the main tab of
the application and select “Delete ….” from the action menu of the application.
If there is an error during the delete process (e.g. deletion is not allowed) then the process
is NOT interrupted but continues with the next object. Error messages are collected
and shown to the user at the end of the batch delete operation.

To use the tool follow the following instructions:

1. Specify filter criteria or use the advanced search to show the records you want to delete
in the list view of the application.
2. Select the “EAM Mass delete” menu option from the action menu

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Illustration 47: Select Action menu item EAM

Mass delete

3. The tool shows a confirmation dialog

Illustration 48: EAM mass delete confirmation question dialog

4. Please make sure that you really want to delete the records. Click yes if you are.
5. If there are errors during the delete process a dialog box is shown to the user. E.g. if you
wanted to delete 5 Purchase Orders (PO Objects) you will get the following error

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Illustration 49: EAM Mass delete collected error


6. After the Mass delete is finished and a possible system message is closed the list view of
the application is updated.

The main advantages of the EAM Mass delete functionality:

• It recognizes the business logic. If a delete of an object in Maximo deletes
dependent objects the Mass delete will delete those dependent objects as well.
• If a delete is not allowed with the standard “Delete ...” menu item in the detail view
of the record, then it can not be deleted with the Mass Delete option.
• At the end of the Mass delete you get a detailed protocoll.
• No direct database access for dangerous Delete SQL queries required! You can
close these security holes.

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Document Change History

Version Datum Author Änderung

Rev.001 02/01/10 DI Wolfgang Dokument erstellt.
Rev.002 05/20/10 DI Wolfgang Diverse Ergänzungen und Klarstellungen
Rev.002_en DI Wolfgang English translation
02/08/11 DI Wolfgang Additions for Version 1.5 of the EAM Universal importer
08/24/11 DI Wolfgang Added chapter Show Version History
Rev.005_en 04/22/12 DI Wolfgang Dokumenting new functionality (System Properties, Configuration options)
Rev. 006_en 06/13/12 DI Wolfgang Documentation for Field Update History and EAM Power Search
Rev. 007 Sept. 2013 DI Wolfgang Changes and new content for Version 2.0
Rev. 008 11/01/13 Jens Abel Revision
Rev. 009 01/07/14 DI Wolfgang Processing Modes “Stop on Error” and “Continue on Error”. $IMPORTERROR
FIEDLER column and related info added.

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