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I know many peruvian people that they have never listened "Yma Sumac" name, may we believe
simply that we dont' have a representative artist at the range as a germany with bethoven,
France with Edith Piaf, etc.

However, we have a world-class artist with an extraordinary voice her name is Zoila Augusta
Emperatriz Chávarri del Castillo, daughter of Emilia Atahualpa, known internationally as Yma
Súmac, she is a Peruvian soprano, she was born in Cajamarca in the north of Peru on September
13, 1922. she was a self-taught singer who achieved remarkable technique through innate
discipline and unconditional love of our ancient culture.

A chronicle tells about her possible origin place, Ichocan, where the Spanish conquerors caught
the last Incan emperor Atahualpa. For this reason, Yma Sumas is considered direct descendant
of the last Incan emperor Atahualpa.

Her record voice is admirable because she could sing in a range of five octaves, opera singers
normally get two and a half octaves, she could execute the “trill of the birds” with Her musical
techniques triple coloratura and falsetto. it just two people in Peru can execute that musical
technique successfully.

She astonished millions of spectators with her distinctive voice. After the Second World War,
achieved huge success in the USA, she became the first Latin American and only Peruvian talent
to have a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. After, she got success in URSS too. She was
admired for the KGB officers, the Russian leader Nikita Jruschov who hated the artists in general
but he felt a special affection for Yma Sumac.

We had a serious problem when try to talk Yma Sumac in Peru, because we never did not give
our help. Yma Sumac tried to come back to Peru several times but we could not ever appreciated
her art, so, she decided to stay in USA finally. I think everyone would do the same.

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