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9/15/2018 The Total Wealth Symposium

Tune in LIVE September 20-22 for Exclusive Tell-All

Presentations from Paul Mampilly, Matt Badiali, Ted Bauman,
Jeff Yastine, Chad Shoop, Michael Carr, Ian King and More.
Reserve Your Digital Seat Today for an 86% Discount.

Dear Loyal Banyan Hill Reader,

Just days from now, 500 of our most loyal subscribers will y to Las Vegas for Banyan
Hill’s annual Total Wealth Symposium.

We have a BIG goal for this year’s event.

To show each of these 500 members how to make $1 million in ONE year.

Every one of our experts is jetting to Sin City to make this goal a reality. Paul
Mampilly, Je Yastine, Matt Badiali, Ted Bauman, Michael Carr, Chad Shoop, Ian King,
plus nearly one dozen of the world’s best nancial analysts and asset protection
experts will be taking the stage.

That’s why this year promises to be the best Total Wealth Symposium ever. 1/16
9/15/2018 The Total Wealth Symposium

The event is just days away and will be held at the Four Seasons hotel on the Las
Vegas strip, September 20 to 22.

Unfortunately, tickets are completely sold out.

However, we don’t want you to miss a single second of this star-studded lineup.

That’s Why We’ve Arranged It so You Can

Experience the ENTIRE Symposium LIVE
From the Comfort of Your Living Room…
For a fraction of the cost
(more on that in a moment).

We’re pulling out all the big

guns at this year’s event.

Paul Mampilly will

recommend his top-stock
pick for 2019. That’s saying
something considering he’s
recommended stocks from
his research services that
are up 127%, 139%, 147%,
151%, 176% an even 524%
in the past year.

For more “conservative” investors, Chad Shoop will reveal a proven moneymaking
technique that can generate 60% returns. Imagine generating $300,000 o a
$500,000 portfolio year after year! It’s possible with Chad’s strategy.

Or if value is more your game, Je Yastine is pulling the trigger on three “total
conviction buys” that are primed to double over the next year.

And that’s just a tiny sliver of what you’ll discover over this action-packed three-day

As mentioned, this year’s symposium is completely sold-out. Folks paid as much as

$3,000 for tickets — money well-spent considering our team will be showing them
how to make up to $1 million in a year.

But we came up with a way to save you a ton of money, so you don’t have to fork out
thousands of dollars to discover these life-changing insights.

That’s Because We’re Flying in an Award-

Winning Camera Crew to Bring the Total
Wealth Symposium to YOU!
Since tickets sold out so quickly, we’ve decided to air the entire Symposium LIVE
September 20 to 22. 2/16
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You don’t even have to leave your living room. We’re essentially giving you a “front-
row seat” to the event so you can discover our top-moneymaking insights as we issue
them live to our 500 audience members.

Here’s everyone you’ll hear from at this

year’s Total Wealth Symposium:

Paul Mampilly has been crushing it for his subscribers over the past year.

Extreme Fortunes members saw a phenomenal return on Foundation Medicine when

Roche bought the company out for $137 a share. Paul originally recommended the
stock a year ago when it was trading for just $22. That’s a 524% gain!

But that’s just the beginning of the incredible returns his subscribers have been
seeing. After launching his latest research advisories, The $10 Million Portfolio and
Rapid Pro t Trader earlier this summer, readers have ALREADY reported several
triple-digit gains of 100%, 104%, 105%, 106%, 120%, 155%, and 161%. 3/16
9/15/2018 The Total Wealth Symposium

But Paul has a surprise in store for this year’s Total Wealth Symposium attendees.

Two stocks that are uniquely positioned to be a new “mega trend” Paul has been
researching ... one that will unlock the full power of the industrial internet of things
(IoT), revolutionize health care, and make waves in several industries.

He will also be joined by a “special guest” to reveal this new trend’s full potential.

Paul suspects these stocks could double or even triple by the end of the year.

Considering Paul’s Total Wealth Symposium recommendations from last year have
already risen 23%, 84%, and 173%, you can’t a ord to miss what Paul has to say.
(Disclaimer: This talk may shock you!)


Yastine is one of the founders of Banyan Hill and serves as the editor of our premier
investment newsletter Total Wealth Insider.

As an Emmy-nominated investigative reporter and nancial journalist, Je spent over

a decade at NBC’s The Nightly Business Report, where every night millions of
Americans tuned in to hear Je ’s take on the markets. 4/16
9/15/2018 The Total Wealth Symposium

Over the course of his career, he has had the opportunity to meet and commune
with nancial luminaries such as the legendary Warren Bu ett, Steve Forbes, Alice
Rivkin, Herb Kelleher and Michael Dell.

His industry contacts and unique take on the markets have helped turn Banyan Hill
into the best, most pro table, and fastest growing independent nancial research
network on the planet.

A self-proclaimed “value investor,” Je specializes in nding the “diamonds in the

rough” in today’s high- ying markets. At this year’s Total Wealth Symposium, Je will
recommend not one, not two, but THREE companies that show an immense store of
value — stocks that Je says could conservatively double in price over the next year.

Matt Badiali will also return for his second Total Wealth Symposium.

Matt is considered by many to be the top natural resource investment expert in the
world. 5/16
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A university-trained geologist, Matt taught at Duke University before he was

approached by the publisher of a billion-dollar investment research rm to lead the
charge in the commodities and natural resource markets. During his tenure, Matt
guided his readers to dozens of huge gains like 329%, 251%, 105%, 151%, 137%,
267%, 342%, 107%, 122%, 162% and many others. He was recognized as one of the
rm’s No. 1 stock-picker by the time we recruited him to join Banyan Hill.

With commodities trading at 50-year lows relative to stocks, the stage has been set
for well-timed investors to see historic gains.

The last time this happened, early investors pocketed extraordinary returns of
1,592%, 3,212% and even 5,556%.

When you sign up for the Total Wealth Symposium livestream, you’ll get access to
Matt’s top recommendations to ride this breakout trend.


Bauman’s career has taken him to over 75 countries where he has consulted leading
organizations such as the World Bank, the United Nations and the South African

As our leading wealth and asset protection advocate, Ted specializes in identifying
unique and innovative strategies outside of the stock market to help you protect and
grow your wealth quickly and safely. 6/16
9/15/2018 The Total Wealth Symposium

If you want to know the best place in the world to store a portion of your wealth in
gold so the government and greedy lawyers can’t get to it — Ted’s got you covered.

If you want to know which countries o er the most nancial privacy and who to talk
to in those countries, Ted will connect you with the right person.

Bottom line, if you’re looking for innovative strategies to enhance your wealth pro le,
Ted’s your guy. At this year’s symposium, he’s going to reveal his top strategy for
protecting your wealth … in any market.

Chad Shoop, CMT is one of our top analysts. In the past year through his Quick Hit
Pro ts research service, he has given his readers the chance to close a string of high
triple-digit winners including 439% in Campbell’s Soup, 464% in Endo International
and 526% in Caterpillar — each in two months or less.

This past quarter, he issued a trade alert notifying readers to close SEVEN triple-digit
winners for total gains of 1,350%!

But Chad has an even more powerful strategy he will share at the Total Wealth
Symposium — one that can conservatively help you boost any portfolio by 60% in
ONE year. 7/16
9/15/2018 The Total Wealth Symposium

Michael Carr CMT, CTFe, is easily one of the top traders in the world.

He’s an instructor at the prestigious New York Institute of Finance…

He’s a prominent member of the Chartered Market Technicians Association…

He was one of the developers of our nation’s most mission critical nuclear warheads
— work he applied to the stock market to code market-crushing investment

And he’s the mastermind behind our patented Precision Pro ts and Peak Velocity
Trader research services — two high-powered strategies he uses to show readers
how to rack up quick and successive gains as high as 171%, 260%, 318% and 416%.

And at the symposium, Mike will reveal a new method of making money that allows
you to rack up big gains when the market is in a tailspin! You’ll want to see what Mike
has in store. 8/16
9/15/2018 The Total Wealth Symposium

All Our Experts Will Be There to Show YOU

How to Make $1 Million
Ian King is our in-house cryptocurrency expert
for the service Crypto Pro t Trader.

He managed a hedge fund that grew 1,721% in a

year during the nancial crisis, and ever since
he’s made regular media appearances on Fox
Business, CGTN, i24 News and many others.

At the Symposium Ian will reveal proof that the

bear market in cryptocurrencies is almost over …
and he’ll even reveal a little-known alt-coin that
he believes will become “the next ethereum.”

is our senior
analyst for
Total Wealth
Insider. He
has an eye
before they
make big
moves in the
stock market. Prior to joining Banyan Hill, Brian was an executive for a Fortune 100
company and served as a consultant in the banking industry. At the Symposium, he
will show you how to pro t from following insiders using a proven method to
trounce the market.

Bob Bauman— former U.S. congressman of

Maryland’s rst congressional district and a
con dant of Ronald Reagan, Richard Nixon and
Gerald Ford — will be there to provide a critical
update on the world’s leading nancial centers,
and the steps you can take to rest easy knowing
your wealth is safe from any and all threats.

Ian Dyer, is Paul’s right-hand man when it comes

to new opportunities for readers of Pro ts
Unlimited, Extreme Fortunes, True Moment, $10
Million Portfolio and Rapid Pro t Trader.

Ian specializes in economics, portfolio

management, stock and bond valuations and many other elds. Ian will show you
how to make skyrocketing pro ts from the one rare metal you need to own before it
disappears! 9/16
9/15/2018 The Total Wealth Symposium

John Ross
will reveal a
strategy that
capitalizes on
the most
sector of the

His market-
timing model
has already
been used to deliver gains of 700% from single trades.

And during the conference, John will show you how you can use it to grow a simple
$10,000 stake into $100,000 or more in your rst year.

Plus Top-Financial Figureheads

From Around the World

✔ Eric Roseman, founder of ENR Asset

Management, was one of our top-investment
experts for many years and a longtime veteran of
the Banyan Hill family.

At the symposium, Eric will share an investment

strategy that has delivered sure re returns over
the last century and how you can take full
advantage of it for massive gains.

✔ Josh
Bennett, an
estate and
attorney, will
give the
driest speech
at the
conference —
and you
should listen
to every
hidden in his speech will be little-known ways to set up o shore entities, obscure tax
structures, and little-known tax loopholes that will help you protect every dollar you
make. 10/16
9/15/2018 The Total Wealth Symposium

✔ Rob Vrijhof, a top- nancial advisor in

Switzerland and President of WHVP, leads a Swiss
portfolio management service based on
conservative principles of investment
diversi cation and asset protection. He’ll discuss
the importance of getting some of your wealth
outside the United States and simple steps you
can take to do so.

✔ Barry
Potekin, Vice
President of
Accounts, is
one of our
most popular
speakers. At
he’ll reveal
his No. 1
outside the
stock market, in a professionally managed asset class, that is speci cally designed to
make money in both up and down markets.

✔ Richard Smith, PhD, will reveal a simple

innovation he developed to help you earn
thousands of dollars in “unclaimed pro ts” on
stocks you already own! This technique is so
obvious, and yet so under-utilized, you’ll be
amazed you never heard of it.

✔ Brad
De in is our
go-to privacy
expert. He
will show you
how to set up
cyber security
in your home
so that you
can use the
worry. He’ll
also reveal
the No. 1 mistake wealthy people make that leave them and their wealth exposed, and
how to correct it.

And many more… 11/16
9/15/2018 The Total Wealth Symposium

The Biggest Financial Event Ever

As you can see, your “virtual” ticket to the Total Wealth Symposium gives you
unprecedented access.

You’ll get the same incredible insights as if you were here yourself — insights you
simply cannot nd anywhere else.

Attendees have paid up to $3,000 to join us in Las Vegas. When you factor in food,
travel, and accommodations, we’re talking ve grand, easy.

And attendees are more than happy to pay it.

In fact, attendees rave about our

conferences year a er year … take a look.

“This is my fourth conference. And I keep coming back and

back simply because the speakers are invaluable for
helping me protect my wealth.” — Robert H.

“Highly, highly informative presentation, very enjoyable”

— Phillip K.

“Paul Mampilly, Matt Badiali, Ted Bauman and Jeff Yastine

were on top of their game” — Frank K.

“You guys are one of the few people in the investment

industry that I think tell it like it is, you’ve got
great ideas, and even though I’ve been an investor
professionally for 25 years I like what you guys provide”
— Jill S.

“I’ve been to a lot of conferences but bar none, yours

was the best” — Debbie B.

“The presentations are very professional, they’re very

focused, and there’s a world of useful information” —
Harold P.

“The diversity of the topics was amazing. Everything and

more was covered. Thank you!” — Peter J. 12/16
9/15/2018 The Total Wealth Symposium

“All of the editors, all of the staff, everybody has been

wonderful and inspirational to me and I really appreciate
all of the good advice and counsel that I’ve gotten from
everyone” — Austin P.

“Information you cannot get elsewhere” — Jack C.

“It was definitely worth my time to come here.” — Cameron


“The conference exceeded my expectations in every way and

I would definitely come back” — Tom H.

As you see, we don’t hold anything back at the Total Wealth Symposium.

This event is all about showing you how to make a LOT of money quickly … to the
tune of $1 million.

That’s why we’re ying in ALL of experts … revealing ALL of our best strategies … and
giving you complete access.

Here’s Everything You Get When You

Sign up for the Total Wealth Symposium
Livestream today:

Total Wealth Symposium: LIVE (a $3,000 value). You don’t have to

y all the way out to Vegas to hear our top strategies. With
livestream access, you can enjoy our best Total Wealth Symposium
to date from the comfort of your living room.
Access to Breakout Sessions (a $1,000 value). This to many is the
highlight of the event. This is where our experts split up to hold
workshops for a small group of our attendees. While attendees can
only attend one of these at a time, you’ll have unlimited access to
watch as many of them as you like.
Three “Quickstart Sessions” (a $500 value). Kicking o the
conference will be three “quickstart sessions” from our top experts.
This will include an Options 101 seminar with Michael Carr, an
Introduction to Cryptocurrencies from our very own Ian King, and a
primer on how to invest in natural resource stocks with Matt Badiali. 13/16
9/15/2018 The Total Wealth Symposium

Again, our attendees are paying up to ve grand to y out to Vegas to hear our

Considering our insights could help you bank a quick $1 million over this next year,
paying $5,000 is a no brainer.

But you won’t pay anywhere near that much to tune in via the Total Wealth
Symposium livestream.

It won’t cost you $5,000. You won’t even pay the $3,000 ticket price.

For full access to this no-holds-bar event, you’ll pay just $995.

That’s one-third the price attendees spent on ticket costs alone!

Plus, when you reserve special livestream access today, we’ll throw in an added

LIFETIME Access to EVERY Presentation,

EVERY Panel, and EVERY Moneymaking
This is a bene t that is exclusive to you as a livestream attendee.

When you reserve access today, we’ll give you full login credentials to a VIP website
where we will post each and every one of our experts live presentations. That way
you can watch them at your leisure, or refer back to them for years to come.

This extra bene t alone comes to an additional value of $295. It’s yours FREE when
you register to attend the Total Wealth Symposium livestream today.

Take an Additional 30% O ! 14/16
9/15/2018 The Total Wealth Symposium

As you can see, the Total Wealth Symposium is our premier investment event of the
year. It’s no wonder our most loyal members fork out thousands of dollars for it.

Today, you get complete, no- ltered access for a fraction of the price at just $995.

But I want to make this a no-brainer for you.

That’s why, as a loyal Banyan Hill reader, I’m going to give you an additional 30% o
the registration price.

Rather than pay $995, you’ll pay just $695.

That’s 86% less than you’d pay if you came out to the event in person. A full $4,305 in

Please bear in mind…

This Special O er Is Only Available for the Next:

1 day, 12 hours, 15 mins, 33 secs
By Sunday at midnight, the price goes back up to $995. So if you’d like to instantly
save an extra $300, you must sign up right away.

Let me be clear: This event is for serious people only. It’s only for those who are
willing to undertake the ambitious goal of discovering how to generate an extra $1
million in the next 12 months. Fact is, we’re giving you our top-moneymaking insights
for the next year.

That’s why all sales are nal.

However, we’re con dent you’ll be 100% satis ed with the insights you’ll discover.

With top-stock recommendations from Paul Mampilly, top money saving secrets
from Ted Bauman, and market-beating strategies from each of our experts, you’ll
discover more than enough secrets to help you make $1 million FAST.

Once again, this special discounted price is only available through Sunday.

If you’re ready to learn tried-and-true methods from the top minds in nance…

Simply Click on the Button Below to Register

for the Total Wealth Symposium Livestream
and Begin Making $1 Million

a=10&o=37445&s=76349&u=3503674&l=680451&r=MC2&vid=dGZ1oJ&g=0&h=true) 15/16
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© Copyright 2018 Banyan Hill Publishing. All Rights Reserved. Protected by copyright laws of the United States and international treaties. Nothing herein should be considered personalized investment
advice. Although our employees may answer general customer service questions, they are not licensed under securities laws to address your particular investment situation. Also you should not base
investment decisions solely on this document. Banyan Hill Publishing expressly forbids its writers from having financial interests in securities they recommend to readers. Banyan Hill Publishing, its
affiliated entities, employees and agents must wait 24 hours after an initial trade recommendation published on the Internet, or 72 hours after a direct mail publication is sent, before acting on that
recommendation. Banyan Hill Publishing P.O. Box 8378, Delray Beach, FL 33482 16/16

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