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Like the specific group of radical feminists who tries to marginalize sex-workers ,there used to be a

specific group of suffragates an early women group of the late 19 th century .

Before that in the Victorian-era America the conditions for sex workers were much better than even the
present conditions. A much more open government system which did not take law that strictly lead to
many cities in America being open to prostitution this in the future has lead to red light streets, in cities
were prostitution was not legalized the authorities were bribed and prostitution still took place.

Though the in legal aspect it helped prostitution still , sex-workers had to go through rough clients
,sexually transmitted diseases and harassment in the brothels.

Prostitution were one of the very few jobs available to women at that time and it did help giving the a
very decent wage in comparison with the other prospective .The brothel masters had quiet nice
relationship with the authorities like police officers and medical officers .

But all these were taken away by Suffragates like Susan.B.Anthony who took sex workers bringing bad
image to their gender. They with the help of religious evangelists tried to paint the work ofsex-workers in
black infrot of the society.

The suffragates were quiet successful in their mission as they influenced landlords from renting their
space for brothels and pressurized the law enforcement from taking bribes. Several federal laws were
passed against prostitution and many of the red-light districts were closed down. Infact the laws were
never in favor of the sex workers from then in U.S .

Though in India prostitution has been taking place in centuries ,as nagarvadhu or “brides of the town” it
was in the colonial era that the present day brothels were set up.It was the EIC that set up prostitution
rings for their soldiers .Many women and girls were trafficked into colonial India .

The prostitutes that were brought in had quiet a complicated status in the society they were treated as
permanent outsiders and at the same time “potent sexual figures” by the colonial government this led to
them being rather protected by the colonial authorities.

The fears of the colonial powers were in fact interracial sex between Indian and European. The European
sex workers in the Colonial view was that of a “necessary evil”.

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