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ine : 9.1972 TRAFFIC CENSUS ON NON-URBAN ROADS (ist Revision) THE INDIAN ROADS CONGRESS 1989 TRAFFIC CENSUS ON NON-URBAN ROADS (iat Reon) Pobied by ‘THE INDIAN ROADS CONGRESS “Temnagar Hone, Shabjaan Road, New Debt 1909 Price Re, 60.00 (plus Postage & Packing) 1ac:9-1972 Fst published: 1960 First Revision - September 1972 Roprintod May, 1089, Rept: dy, 2001, (Rights of Publication and of Translation are reserved) Priniod at M's Dee Kay Pritars, New Deis 10015. (600 copies) "TRAFFIC CENSUS ON NON-URBAN ROADS 1.1. Pesodic tale census are a valuabie source of base data for higway lacing Ar ssc, thee should bes rege fear a ‘nigh deperinents “This Standard was oisialy_ published in 1960. "The revised Suadard'wasconidred and” approved by the Specfentions and Standards ‘Commie o thee meving ed on the 1th and. 1th Reenter, ir and by the Elect Commins intr mering Bae th th td 2 gre, Later wa pone bubleaion ase ald Sandard by tue Coun at tel 78h ‘Benting elds Natal onthe Th July, 1972 21, Iie desirable that af census operations be cared ot {na unforn maaver throughout the coun. 22. The repetition of census operations on the scale recom: mended bere, sgld morally belied to aorta ‘on ootes ‘ie‘tie ‘Naiceal Highways, State Mighmays nad: Major Distt 2. SELECTION OF CENSUS FORTS 2.1, Jadsou loeston of ai oont sain scr 0 the ‘tila on ofan of tows where he may Bes rogue Bow ‘tcommuter trafic mist te sveided. acd be, additonal ations ‘ould Be st up for these zone 32, Every rad shouldbe divided into convenient sections, ‘ach carrying pprornately sna uae between points of substan” ‘Straie coge, Coon ations shoud be et op foreach secton, ‘helms of Ue sections could generally be the, important towns he oud or major roads iusecung or taking Of from the igh ia question 1

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