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In some countries around the world, voting is compulsory.

Do you agree with the notion of

compulsory voting? If voting is compulsory in a democratic society, what are some conclusions
we can draw about the nature of democracy?

Although such topics, in all likelihood, never will yield a consensual agreement, a constructive dialogue
on whether compulsory voting can lead to thought-provoking discussions. My view is that irrespective of
myraid reasons that exist on either sides, there should be the notion of compulsory voting due to
various benefits.

There are a number of reasons in favor of my viewpoint. One of them is that compulsory voting allows
the people to vote for forming the stable government. This is because when there is an option not to
vote people tend to avoid voting which results in unfair competition among the elected candidates. It is
important to note that compulsory voting will put pressure to select the candidate of their choose which
will allow to have much demanded government. It can also be observed that through compulsory voting
country can have the administrtion of their choice whch will help them to build the country as per their

There are a few aspects of compulsory voting that need special mentioning. Firstly, It is said that
compulsory voting will reduce the malpratices during selecting the administration. Then there are cases
where many voters are forced to caste the vote in ones favor by bribing them with money. For example,
as per Times Magzine 2013 edition in india almost 20% voting was bribed by paying the money for each
vote. So, compulsory voting will reomve this unethical practise as it will not be possible to bribe the
entire voters.

I see that there is equally potential evidence to support the arguments that I have provided, and hence
in my opinion voting should be made compulsory as it will help to form the stable government and also
to put end at unethical practise of bribing voters.

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