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Ficha de Refuerzo 1º ESO Plan Ara

Comparative and superlative adjectives

1. Completa con un adjetivo comparativo y todas las palabras

que sean necesarias.
Elephants are .................................... (fast) dogs.
London is ........................................... (big) Madrid.
Cats are ............................................. (small) elephants.
My literature book is .................................. (difficult) my English book.
Lord of the Rings is ................................... (interesting) Fast and Furious.

2. Construye frases comparativas como en el ejemplo propuesto.

English / maths (important) English is more important than maths

A tortoise / a cat (slow) ................................................................................
My friend / I (handsome) .............................................................................
Chocolate milkshakes / lemonade (good) ...................................................
A tiger / a rabbit (dangerous) .......................................................................
The North Pole / Africa (cold) ......................................................................
Swimming / skating (easy) ..........................................................................
The Eiffel Tower / my house (big) ...............................................................
A stone / a feather (heavy) ..........................................................................
Planes / cars (dangerous) ............................................................................

3. Completa con el superlativo y con las palabras que sean necesarias.

London is .............................................. (large) city in England.

Cheetahs are ........................................ (fast) animals in the world.
San Francisco is ......................................... (beautiful) city in the United States.
Summer is .......................................(good) season of the year.

4. Escribe las formas comparativas y superlativas de los siguientes adjetivos:


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