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The very nature of mind is bondage. It sustains bondage through attachments and aversions.
Mind craves for attachments and attracts the polar opposite of aversions also.

Mind wants only two things: It wants to feel alive and it wants pleasure. However, mind itself is
devoid of life. It has no existential reality. And hence it exists conceptually. It exists in time and
space, in past and future, in memories and dreams, in cynicism and resignation at one end and
ambitions and striving at the other end.

Mind itself is negative and makes all efforts to be positive. Mind is negative because it is rooted
in resistance and denial of self which leads to resistance and denial of life. In time and space, self
constricts with all the undeserving and non-loving feelings, because in time and space the self is
disconnected from the greater source.

Mind can never be connected with the greater source. Mind can only serve the greater source.
But today, mind is serving the lesser source – the ego. Being or Consciousness exists outside
time and space, in the moment, in the Here & Now, and is existential.

Being existential, Being or Consciousness has true substance, unlike the ego which is only a
shadow of Consciousness.

Mind wants to feel alive because mind has no life and Consciousness never wants to feel alive
because it is already alive. You only want that which you lack.

Mind has a simple system of feeling alive – through the secretion of chemicals within the body.
At one end, it uses the stress hormones, and at the other end, it uses the pleasure hormones.
Everything it does in the outside world is orchestrated towards producing these chemicals.

It sustains ongoing activity through attachments and aversions, through fear and lust, through
wanting and pushing away, through ambitions and goals, through success and failure – all of
them for one purpose – to feel alive, that you matter, that you exist, that others may notice you.

If others don’t notice you, if you are ignored, if you are bypassed, mind will start choking to
death. Look at all that you are doing every day, even the mundane, so that others may notice you,
recognize you, acknowledge you, appreciate you, thank you, engage with you, invite you, call
you and talk with you.

Every activity throughout the day is designed to either wanting to feel alive or wanting pleasure.
I’m not advocating a life of denial or abstinence. That will only feed your ego in a subtle way.
You may become a great Yogi or a Saint or whatever, but you are now trapped in the positive.
Even in your positivity, you are still trapped in the mind and every day you will confront wanting
to feel alive.

To be in the mind is not bad. It just means you are unconscious, running on an autonomic mode,
by the autonomous nervous system, by your programs, by your emotional charges and by your
karmic imprints, not knowing why you do what you do, why you want what you want, why you
choose what you choose, why you pursue what you pursue, why you react the way you react,
why you decide what you decide!

The only problem with the mind is it never delivers. It gives you hopes and dreams. It keeps you
trapped in your wounds, in your misery, in your suffering, in your pain. It tells you what will
make you happy and when you reach there, have that are become that, then your mind tells you –
not this, something else will make you happy.

And so starts the lifelong journey of the pursuit of happiness that never ends till the last breath.
You’re never satiated, never fulfilled, never feeling whole and complete.

As long as you are lacking and unfulfilled, then when are you going to enjoy life? The key to
enjoying life is – Wanting nothing, Being no one, and Going nowhere. That is when you
transcend the mind and move into Consciousness. Consciousness, whatever it delivers, however
little it be, will always serve you, bring forth true aliveness, will satiate you and fulfill you and
can make you feel whole and complete.

Mind can keep attracting the objects of desires and dreams, but they will never satiate you. It is
like the churning of the sea (Samudra Manthan) in the Hindu folklore, where every object of
desire kept showing up, but the Deities and the Demons did not stop churning and run away with
the objects of desire.

They kept churning in the pursuit of the Ambrose, the Nectar (Amrit), because they knew that
just one drop of Amrit can give them immortality – which is a metaphor for – freedom from the
mind serving the ego. The ego, served by the mind, does not care for immortality, it only craves
for objects of desires.

Remember the key – Wanting nothing, Being no one, Going nowhere. The ego doesn’t want that.
It wants many things, to become someone special and going all over. Hence the mind which is
serving the Master called ego, will never care for freedom, for becoming free from its addictions
to the hormonal chemicals, for becoming free from attachments and aversions, from fear and
BRT (Breath Release Technique) is the tool of God where we offer our lust and fear, our pain
and misery, our attachments and wanting, to God, for God to do whatever God chooses to do.

Next Workshop: Ahmedabad – 20, 21 June, 2015


Transcending Blind Faith & Superstition To Demonstrable Faith & Miracles

I was born in a family where God had no place, either in an altar (a sacred place of worship) or
in our conversation. My father was a Communist comrade having compassion for the
downtrodden and an Engineer working in Indian Air Force. The best gift they ever gave me was
they gave me no God. As a part of my upbringing, God never entered my subconscious mind. I
never had to worship anything or go to temples or follow any rituals.

The first seven years of my primary conditioning remained uncontaminated with anything to do
with God and I am immensely thankful to my parents for that. I’m free from the blind faith and
superstition that I see all around me, where religion and rituals of people are not what they have
examined and then taken on, but a conditioning imposed on their innocent mind by their parents,
family and community.

The very mechanism that was originally designed to free them, became the prison that bound
them into darkness and ignorance.

All the tons of Scriptures, Theosophies and Philosophies reinforced them to believe that they
were on the right path, that theirs is the only path, and their salvation lies in listening and
following the holy books and the holy men who are the only ones who has the right
interpretation of the holy books and the Scriptures and knows what God or the gods want from
the humans.

Being free from the contamination of religion and the superstition of my community, and having
a scientific and rational bent of mind (both the gifts of my parents), I bypassed the world of
religion and entered the world of Spirituality. I understood the psychology of the human in sleep,
how they are dominated, manipulated and controlled by the vested interests, not only humans
who are the custodians of their faith, but more by the non-humans, about whom the humans
knew nothing.

I saw the huge network, the complex mechanism in the physical and the nonphysical dimension,
that advocated itself as Light and benevolent, but was so Dark and menacing that most humans
had no chance of escaping their clutch in this lifetime.

I however moved on my journey of learning higher psychology and penetrating the essence
of life. My goal was Awakening. I learnt and practiced multiple ways of cleaning my
subconscious mind of negative emotions and limiting beliefs. As I cleaned more and more, my
psychic awareness increased. Many years of work gave me the ability to connect with the
Angeles, Archangels, Deities, Beings, Ascended Masters, Extra Terrestrials and even the Dark
Angels, Earthbound Entities and departed souls.

My life was now dedicated to teaching people, the few who were ready, how to become free. I
learnt to become free in a very hard way and over a long time. The path that I travelled was
complex and complicated, where results would not show up for months.

Every Guru and Master that I met in the marketplace, fell short of my expectations and
demands. I’m not the kind who would be surrendering, be a devotee, a follower or someone who
will serve the Guru and his work or his organization. I had the gift to see who they were, what
their game was and who were sourcing them.

The journey of Awakening prevailing in the mainstream of Spirituality was not acceptable to
me. I demanded techniques that would be simple, fast and demonstrable. Along with Para-
Psychology and Esoteric knowledge, I now explored the domain of Quantum Science.

I was first given the new techniques by the Higher Beings, which I started to teach. These
Beings also started sourcing my class energetically and tweaking the technique. After a few
years, all the Beings moved away and the technique now came from Spirit – a non-souled
phenomena and the Love aspect of God. Spirit started sourcing the class.

Lately, even Spirit has moved away and I am now working with God or the Absolute. The
technique was upgraded and made more simple. Even the energy source of the workshop has
shifted. I call this technique – BRT (Breath Release Technique). This is no Yogic Technique or
anything to do with Breath manipulation.

This is not about meditation, visualization,concentration, intention, running energy, affirmation,

mantra, posture, repetition, symbols or having touch of any religion or anything religious in
nature. The technique does not demand your devotion, reverence, faith or trust. You don’t have
to believe or agree with anything. Also, as you’re doing the technique, the person sitting next to
you will never come to know what you are doing.

The technique is a one line prayer to God and you feel the shift happening in your body, mind
and life. God has perfected the art of praying, where the demonstration of the results, which are
miraculous in nature, creates the faith. The prayer is not about beseeching, asking, cajoling, or
trading with God, but an offering.

Come and learn “The Art Of Praying To God” – the BRT (Breath Release Technique) – in my
two-day workshop, the logistics of which are as follows:

This is a very simple class and yet very advanced. This workshop will challenge the whole
paradigm of being human, and show you the method to break through the paradigm. You will be
amazed in what you will hear, learn and experience in these two days. Only your soul journey
and the blessing of God will bring you to this class. There will be many forces that will stop you
from coming to this class.

We will meet if we are destined to meet. I thank you for reading about my life journey and I
wish you “The Best In Life.”

God bless you.


When we look into the life of the Masters, it seems they have become desireless. Hence, a major
part of the spiritual journey is about dropping desires, killing desires or negating desires. The
goal seems to be about becoming desireless.

Yet, THAT which sources our breath, is not desireless. It was IT’s desire that created all the
creation and all the body-minds. IT soaked itself into all the body-minds – from the micro to the
macro to experience its creation. ITs desire was pure – just to experience without judgment.

With the humans, there arose an Entity, a character, in each body-mind, separate from Source
that decided I am the owner of this body. This Entity is the Ego, that has a storey-line, that is
conceptually and experientially bound in time and space, that perpetually feels insecure, that is
perpetually seeking attention and approval, and that which is perpetually playing the control
game to have approval and attention.

This fictitious Entity is now the Master of our life. Its desire run us, and no matter how much of
its desire is fulfilled, it remains unsatiated and never at peace.

This Entity is trying to sooth its restlessness of perpetually feeling that it lacks. And no matter
what it becomes and accumulates, this lacking feeling never goes away.

This Entity is our lower mind and runs our life with endless desires. These endless desires take
us into endless activity, activities that are compensation games to compensate the feelings that
we are not enough and we don’t have enough.

Humans do not understand how their mind deceives them, how their mind binds them, how their
mind creates purpose and value to make them run, how their mind gives them hope, how their
mind weakens them, misguides them and makes them a slave to serve the dictates of the mind.

Only the desires of the Soul and Spirit (God Essence) can fulfill us, satiate us and make us
happy. But these desires cannot be known unless one does not start becoming free from the grip
of the mind. Mind has many trappings. It deceives in many ways. It is complicated and its
powers are endless. It has great appeal and can mesmerize the human into endless search and
becoming. Mind can create huge distractions, both gross and subtle, to block you from knowing
the desires of the Soul and Spirit.
I have dedicated my life to find how to become free from the mind, moment by moment. My
teachings are simple and my prayer is simple. It requires no faith. You need faith when you
cannot verify. I have never been attracted to anything that requires faith. For me, the results have
to be immediate, verifiable and repeatable.

I have no veneration for anything higher than me. They don’t need your veneration, humility or
humbleness. There is no one higher than you – not even the deities or God. Beyond mind, there
is no hierarchy. Hierarchy – greater and lesser, higher and lower – only exists in the mind. You
have switched off your power to explore a limited dimension in a very unique way. Switching
off your power and creating a hypnosis, does not make you less. They just make you unique and
suitable for the current journey.

However within the many journeys of the Soul, starts a journey back home. This journey is not
about exploring the potential or the power of the mind, or pleasing the deities, or following the
guru, or dwelling in the scriptures, or practicing spiritual discipline, or serving others or
becoming positive. This journey is beyond gratitude, compassion, forgiveness, becoming
positive or loving others or yourself.

This journey is about integration and union. BRT (Breath Release Technique) Workshop brings
forth clarity in that direction.

Amritsar Workshop: 21, 22 February 2015.

New Delhi Workshop: 21, 22 March 2015.


We all experience periods of overwhelm, uncertainty, confusion, stress, lack, anxiety, fear and
so on. The greater is our success, the greater we are at threat, because more is at stake. Each one
of us has limits of managing the external. Feeling insecure, most of us over manage, which has
its own repercussions and backlash. Fear does not allow us to know much to do and when to

One of the best ways to manage our problems, is by releasing the suppressed energy around
them. When done properly and thoroughly, we rise above our problems. When we rise above our
problems, which means we are no more affected are disturbed by our problems, we now attract a
new set of solutions and opportunities that were not available before. However, these solutions
show up in their own time, in their own ways and are most often not ego affirming.

Whenever we are having any problems, rather than trying to solve them or manage them, the best
and the smartest thing to do is release all our suppressed energy around that problem or issue.
We will then create results that will amaze us. Very soon you will master the art of doing less
and accomplishing more.

What will truly make you happy is not in the world, not in the people, not in the objects, not in
the events or activities. All these might give you excitement, pleasure or a good feeling. But
sooner or later, you will drop from the high into the low, experiencing all kinds of low feelings
and energy.

A very wise thing to do is to access the source within you that will deliver the happiness for no
reason. The easiest way to access the source is to release all the distractions thoughts, feelings
and sensations. But if you insist on seeking happiness from outside, you will attract only pain.

Releasing is so simple, so easy, so profound, so deep, so amazing and so fast. It does not require
the eight-fold path of yoga, chanting of any mantra, any breathing practice, appeasing of any
Deities, Angels or God, sitting in any meditation, or any kind of energy your body cleansing or

Come and learn the science and art of releasing and become free in the moment, by releasing the
suppressed energy.

Amritsar Workshop: 21, 22 February 2015

New Delhi Workshop 21, 22 March 2015


It is said by the wise men that success is not about becoming rich or influential, but truly success
is about being able to create or do what you said you will create or do. You may become lucky
with a fluke investment and accumulate wealth. You can manipulate, dominate, control, deceive
or take advantage of others or the situation and accumulate wealth. However, that will only
create more insecurity and attachment. That wealth will only be a curse and a source of misery
and pain, even though it can create excitement, pleasure and convenience.

Wealth can come to you as a part of your karmic journey through inheritance or luck or
whatever. It can come to you because you spotted an opportunity and managed your resources
well, to deliver. It can also come to you because your body mind-contraption is a money-making
machine and making money is as natural as breathing. They seem to have the Midas touch.

Society considers such people to be successful, because they have what most people don’t have.
Yet, these body-mind money-making machines are not happy.

Bill Gates was asked in an interview, “Sir, are you happy?” Instead of saying – Yes, what Bill
said was – “Well, you might say I’m lucky.” That was the nearest authentic answer that he could
manage to deliver.
Learning how to manage resources, people, events, circumstances and conversations is an
ongoing training and practice. The learning starts from the academic world and becomes
practical learning in the professional domain. These learnings are very valuable and contribute
immensely to our skill development and expanding our “I Can” domain.

However, all these learnings take us into striving. Each of us also have our financial thermostat,
beyond which we trigger our sabotage programs. These programs take us into struggle and

Most of us have reached to that place and find our knowledge, training, skills and talents
inadequate and not being able to sustain our current work demands easily and effortlessly. We
end up getting stressed and burnout. Confusion and wanting to know what we should do is our
ongoing need state.

Releasing technology opens up a whole new possibility for us where we transform our “I Can’t”
feelings into “It Can Happen” feelings. In these new feelings, it is no more about “I have to do,”
but about, “I’m the clearing in which it can happen.”

This is a transformation from “Doing” to “Being,” where I decide and the Universe delivers
through synchronicity. I just dance with what shows up. Work now becomes play, and not only
the end results are fulfilling, but also the journey of life becomes joyous and fun. But first you
have to come to the state where you are OK with the Universe not delivering.

This new domain is magical, where we are “Being Miraculous.” But for that to show up, we
have to stop figuring out how to make it happen, stop beating ourselves up, stop relying purely
on the habit of Doing, get rid of our fears, resistance and wanting, stop the habit of listening to
our mind, let go of disapproving ourselves and others, and let go of our non-loving and resentful

You have to first learn how to become happy, even though it would seem that life has given us
no reason to be happy. happiness is the door to being, “magical and miraculous.” Happiness is
the access to raising our odds to success.

Breath Release Technique – based on Quantum Science and Esoteric mystical wisdom – is a
very potent and powerful technique to create happiness for no reason. Happiness for no reason
raises our consciousness level and lowers our stress. It improves our health and relationships and
social skills. We notice new talents showing up that were not available before. Life ongoingly
keeps on pleasantly surprising us in very unusual ways.

As I always say – Learn to Release Your Negative Emotions and Limiting Beliefs, and having
learnt, continue to release. That is the best learning and the most precious gift that you can give
yourself, much more than the graduation and post-graduation courses.
The game is to hold on to the positive for a sufficiently long time, day after day, for no reason,
even when everything in our life compels us to be negative, disapprove of ourselves and beat
ourselves up.

When we feel light, good, free, expanded and joyous, we raise our odds of success.

Amritsar Workshop: 21, 22 February 2015.

New Delhi Workshop: 21, 22 March 2015


Towards Spiritual Awakening

I welcome you to an unusual and an outrageous workshop. This is the workshop that is so
advanced that most humans will want to shun it. To the mind, advanced means complex,
complicated, lot of work, lot of knowledge, lot of understanding, lot of learning, lot of
assimilation and so on.

What if advanced means simple and ordinary! So simple that it baffles the mind, so ordinary that
it does not fascinate the mind.

Having been lost in the daily grind of striving to live, humans are seeking success, money,
relationship, healing, pleasure and power. To a lesser or greater extent, they do have them. Yet,
suffering is their destiny, whether gross or subtle.

It is said that if you put a frog in boiling water, it will jump out. But if you raise the temperature
of the water very slowly, it will boil itself to death. I do not know how far it is true for frogs, but
it definitely is true for humans.

Humans embrace suffering rather than choosing to become free. Most humans have mastered
the art of cloaking, hiding and managing their suffering.

They never want to explore how to transcend suffering. They want to explore how creatively
they can suffer more and more. They love people who can sweeten their suffering rather than the
ones who can support them to free themselves from their suffering.

However, after many lifetimes of human suffering through success, relationships, wealth,
glamour, fame and power, one ripens to the true Human Journey towards Ultimate Freedom. For
them, this workshop will be a gift from God.

The technique and the teachings can free you from attachments and aversions, from fear and
lust, from cravings and wanting, from negative thoughts and emotions and from pain and
suffering. It’s a technique whose power will amaze you and whose simplicity will baffle you.
If you connect with the message of this letter, I welcome you to the workshop on Breath Release
Technique. If you know someone who can connect with this message, then please let them know
about this message. If you choose to attend the workshop, please contact me for registration.

Amritsar Workshop: 21, 22 February 2015

New Delhi Workshop: 21, 22 March 2015



Everybody wants to transform their life, but nobody wants to transform their relationship with
life. Everybody wishes – Happy New Year, Happy Birthday – but when asked, “What
is happiness?” they will start fumbling.

People love confusion. They want to remain in a confused state, because in confusion, there is
great drama. People love drama, because drama allows them to divert their attention from their
pain. In drama, you become focused in the outer world. Even when the drama is going on inside
your head, as a monologue, you’re still diverted.

People say, “We enjoy drama,” but what you are enjoying is the relief from your pain by
entangling yourself in stories. People say, “We want clarity,” but the truth is, “Nobody wants
clarity,” because in clarity, there is no drama, only silence and in silence, your pain will come up
in a huge way.

People cannot handle pain. Physical pain – up to a point they can handle. Emotional pain
tolerance is much lower and psychological pain tolerance is almost nil.

If you inflict physical pain on someone, up to a point they will tolerate you. If you inflict
emotional pain on someone, they will hit back, but if you inflict a psychological pain on
someone by attacking their beliefs, they will kill you, maybe even literally.

People want to transform their life by earning more money, adding more knowledge, becoming
more beautiful or handsome, becoming more successful, accumulating all the success symbols,
becoming more powerful, having more relationships and so on. They love this transformation,
because their transformation is on display, thereby getting the attention, approval,
acknowledgement and applause of others.

Why is it that we are ongoingly seeking others’ attention and approval? Why is it that we start
shrinking when others ignore us? Why is it that we have to ongoingly prove to the world that we
are good, we are worthy, that we deserve to have and that we’re lovable?

It is because we do not love ourselves. As a child in our mother’s womb, we took on our
parents’ hate, anger and negativity. As we came into this world and started growing, every time
someone said “NO,” it meant that we were bad, that there was something wrong with us,
something missing, lacking, that we were not worthy, that we didn’t deserve.

Most of us were born and brought up in negation. The pain our mother experienced during the
bearing and birthing process, remains with us emotionally and psychologically and for some,
even physically. To that was added the pain of all other negations, invalidations and humiliations
as we grew up.

Since we do not love and approve of ourselves as we are, we are ongoingly seeking others’ love,
approval and attention. We are seeking love because that is the only food that will satiate us,
fulfill us and truly nourish us.

Like the deer seeking the musk by running here and there, we seek love from others. We beg for
love and are willing to do anything for love, not realizing that others cannot give what we seek,
because they are also beggars. That is the story of our life, “One beggar seeking love from
another beggar.” And when love cannot be received, we say, at least give us its poor substitute –
attention, appreciation, acknowledgement, applause and recognition.

Some of us are waking up to this phenomena and seeking remedial actions. They have seen –
partially at least – the emptiness, the meaninglessness and the futility of materially transforming
their life. That is when their spiritual journey begins. They started seeking the alternate and the
alternate has many names. Sooner or later, seeking becomes sickening and frustrating, because in
seeking we’re running after a mirage where our thirst is never satiated.

I have gone through trying to transform my life materially to seeking the mirage of a spiritual
seeker, till one day I realized the futility of both. My life is now about transforming my
relationship with life. It is simple, practical and the experience of transforming my “relationship
with life” is more fulfilling than the experience of transforming my “life.”

I share the simple tools and the subtle teachings of this new possibility with the ones who are
willing to explore a whole new paradigm in my two day workshop. Next workshop dates are:

Amritsar: 21, 22 February 2015.

New Delhi: 21, 22 March 2015.


Awakening is a soul journey. It happens when it happens. Till then, we have our ambitions and
commitments to our family, job, society, country and much more. Society and culture demands
that we take our responsibility and our duty very seriously, that we take care of others more than
we take care of ourselves. Yet, all these are distractions to keep us in bondage to our
Humans are run only by two phenomena – lust and fear. Everything that humans want and do,
boil down to coming from fear and fulfilling our lust. Only when the soul chooses and spirit
blesses, can an individual break through this bondage. Otherwise, the forces and hypnosis that
binds us are very strong and restricts us in time and space, into past and future.

In the first journey, the humans are comfortable with their religion. Religion is an opium that
keeps us in sleep. Religion has no commitment to wake people up. Religion only makes the
unconscious journey a little more comfortable, a little more adjusted. This is a journey to move
from less to more, from negative to positive.

Spirituality is the second journey, and when it happens outside of religion, it has little more
value, but still cannot free us.

You will remain a lifelong seeker, seeking the unknown. Both the first and the second journey
are a journey of the mind, of the ego, where there is striving, discrimination and wanting to
become, acquire, reach, prove, judge and create hierarchy.

Yoga is part of the second journey, including hatha yoga, kriya yoga, bhakti yoga, gyan yoga,
karma yoga, mantra yoga or any other yoga that you can think of. All these are mind games, with
ulterior motives and rooted in separation and polarity.

The third journey is no journey. It is a conscious choice of being in the “Here and Now” for no
reason, having no ulterior motive or agenda, wanting nothing, with no goal, reaching or
becoming; just being simple and ordinary, loose and relaxed. And then whatever distracts you,
whatever tightens you, whatever stresses you, whatever that does not allow you to relax and
become loose, you just drop them through the cutting-edge technology that I teach.

The third journey is a journey of weakening the mind and allowing the consciousness to emerge.
This journey is of the heart and is rooted in oneness and surrender. This is the ultimate message
of Bhagwat Geeta. Even devotion cannot take you to surrender. Devotion is rooted in separation,
polarity and hierarchy.

Surrender is a phenomena and not a doingness. As you relax and loosen up more and more, and
as consciousness evolves, surrendering happens. Ego or the mind can never surrender. Mind,
even if it delivers the mountain, will never satiate you. Consciousness, even if it delivers as little
as a mustard seed, will satiate you.

Amritsar Workshop: 21, 22 February, 2015

New Delhi Workshop: 21, 22 March, 2015



The journey of life is very funny. You solve one problem and your solution creates more
problems. Every day we wake up and keep running after solving problems. We have this illusion
that solutions will create our joy, happiness and peace. But our solutions only deceive us.

We love people who create our solutions. We love people who give us hope. We love people
who assure us that good days are round the corner. We love people who give us placebos of
divine interventions and guarantees relief without taking any responsibility. We love them
because they help us to live in our dreams and delusions. For us, they are our saviors and we are
the poor victims wanting to be saved.

Victims are people who assume no responsibility of life. They are not only the people who
cannot climb the ladder of success but victims also include people who are very successful. Both
success and failure creates huge drama, and drama helps us to divert our attention from the pain
of loneliness and the fear of being a no-body.

This pain and fear are our only driving force – the force that drives us since we open our eyes in
the morning, to the time we go to sleep at night.

We use this force to create all our activities in our personal life, family, profession, society and
community – to avoid being lonely and becoming a no-body. We use this force to create ongoing
problems, because in our ongoing attempt to solve problems, we will always be with somebody
and become someone.

When pain and fear is the only driving force in our life, how then can we hope to have joy,
happiness and peace?

Is there a way out? Yes; if you value joy, happiness and peace, then the way out is definitely not
in solving problems and in creating solutions. The way out is in rising above the problems. What
does that mean?

Well, it is said, “You cannot solve a problem at the same level at which you created it.” What
that means is that the very mindset or the consciousness that created the problem, cannot create
true solutions that will bring happiness and peace. The same consciousness will only create
solutions that will allow you to survive for a while and give you some time to catch your breath,
till the next set of problems lash out at you.

How then do we move to the next level of consciousness? There have been many methods like
mantra, tantra, yantra, yoga, meditation, prayers and some more. The tradition relied on
techniques that were designed for people whose life pace was slow, who were less contaminated
and who had less distractions.
We today live in a world that is full of distractions, where attention span is low and we do not
have the patience and want fast results.

The understanding of the Esoteric science coupled with the understanding of Quantum science
has now given us a technique to raise our consciousness by transforming our negative emotions
and limiting beliefs. These techniques can also give you relief in alleviating physical, emotional
and psychological pain.

I conduct a two-day workshop on Spiritual Awakening where I not only teach the technique
laced with cutting-edge technology, but also carry out a conversation that transforms your
understanding of birth, life, death and the purpose of being a human.

The workshop logistics are as below:

Amritsar: 21, 22 February, 2015

Delhi: 21, 22 March, 2015

This is a very advanced workshop for which very few humans are ready. However, if Spiritual
Awakening is your soul journey or if you are in deep pain, you will find this workshop very

Warm regards

Pradip Mukherji

Healer, Author & Trainer


Broadly speaking, there are four kinds of mind.

The first mind is wanting more and more. The second mind is wanting to give more and more.
The third mind is free from all wanting. It is now witnessing life. The fourth mind is centered

The first mind is rooted in separation and lack. The second mind is rooted in separation and
wanting to connect. The third mind is rooted in oneness and the world. The fourth mind is rooted
in oneness and beyond the world.

Most of humanity is in the first mind of wanting and accumulating. The second mind expresses
itself as charity, tithing, serving, giving, saving and wanting to improve. The third mind
expresses itself as not being identified, not being interested, aloof, distant and detached. The
fourth mind expresses itself in joy and ecstasy, fully enjoying everything that life dishes, with no
judgment. It has no interest in the world and yet is fully in the world.

The first mind creates negative karma. The second mind creates positive karma, the third mind
creates no karma and the fourth mind transcends all karma.

Religion tries to move you from the first mind to the second mind. In the third mind, religion

The first mind creates the world of gluttony and is the mind of the consumer. The second mind
is a religious mind. The third mind is a spiritual mind and the fourth mind is God-realized.

The first mind creates suffering. The second mind gives relief. The third mind gives peace and
silence, while the fourth mind gives love and ecstasy.

The first and the second mind are life denying and ego affirming. The third mind is life
affirming and the fourth mind is being truly alive.

The first mind swings between excitement and depression. The second mind is rooted in hope.
The third mind protects, while the fourth mind nourishes.

The first and the second mind is rooted in sleep. While the first mind accumulates, the second
mind renounces. The third mind is rooted in awakening where it neither accumulates nor
renounces. The fourth mind is rooted in ultimate freedom where it is fully satiated, content and

The first mind binds you into hypnosis of fear and lust. The second mind looks for solution
within the hypnosis. The third mind makes you aware of the hypnosis and the fourth mind breaks
the hypnosis.

The first and the second mind keeps you involved in the world. The third mind facilitates
withdrawing from the world and the fourth mind destroys the world.

The first and the second mind needs the outer, the other, to exist by getting involved. The third
mind also needs the other to exist, but by not getting involved. The fourth mind drops the other
completely and centers within itself.

The first mind creates conflict, the second creates solution, the third creates healing and the
fourth liberates and transforms.

The journey of freedom from the lower mind to the higher mind has been the contemplation and
experiment of all sages, masters and gurus. This journey cannot be facilitated by the mind, ego,
willpower, intention, resolution or by religious or spiritual practices.
Moving from the lower to the higher happens only with the grace of God. Practice and spiritual
discipline creates a new hypnosis. Practice is like using a spoon to empty the ocean. At the most,
practice can be a prayer and demonstration of our intention. All religious and spiritual
experiences are within the hypnosis and on their own, never creates freedom.

BRT technology is a unique method to offer all that which limits the mind and disturbs the
mind, to God for releasing. While it is a simple player, yet it is based on deep psychology, brain
science and the knowledge of the Esoteric wisdom and Quantum Science. The essence of all
these are packed into that simple prayer.

BRT workshop starts with the “Journey Of The Soul” – a parable that powerfully establishes
and reminds you why you are in this human journey on this planet. This parable, while
embracing all that you have heard, takes you beyond and provides a whole new context of your
being alive.

The workshop then delivers the BRT technique, demonstrating how it is changing your brain
instantly. In the classroom, the participants start coming up front, sitting in the hot seat and how
in minutes, we are transforming the issues.

Post lunch, we take you through the initiation process, without touching you, through music
therapy. We download the essence of the workshop during this initiation.

Day two starts with sharing, question answers and further demonstrations. There are plenty of
demos showing how to explore the subconscious mind, ancestral issues, childhood issues, pre-
birth issues, past life issues, curse, hex, implants, vows, black magic, other blocks, body issues,
astrological influences, chakra imbalance, fear, anger, traumatic memories, aura damage, energy
virus, karmic consequences and others, and also how to neutralize them.

We also cover “Journey After Death,” how the non-physical is affecting you, how you can know
their presence even if you’re not psychic, and what you can do about them. If you come to know
how the unseen is affecting you, you gain a lot of leverage. This knowledge is very important for
you and your family’s well-being.

You carry out the last rites after the death of your near and dear ones, but you never come to
know, whether what you did has truly worked, and if they have truly moved on, or are still stuck
in the Earth realm. In the workshop, you can know that and invite them to move on.

All my past lives are now revealed without going into past life regression. I’m claircognizant,
and have worked with the light and the dark, with the deities, the Angels, the Archangels,
Masters and Entities. Today however, I work with none of them but only with Spirit (God-
Essence). Spirit gives me the techniques, the clarity, the energy, the ability to channel very
powerful energies for two days.
If Spirit and your Soul wants you to be in my class, nothing can stop you from coming. But if
they do not want, if it is not your soul journey, then even in the last minute, you will be pushed
away. I have no desire to enroll you. I don’t care whether my class happens or not. I send the
invitation around with these letters and request others to forward further. That way, it reaches the
one whose destiny it is to come.

I have attended countless workshops for last 20 years. Yet none of them can match the
simplicity, the ease, the clarity, the power, the non-doing and the results of this workshop. For
me, it is a privilege, a pleasure and an honor to deliver these workshops. Spirit is using me today
and may not use me tomorrow. Tomorrow I may not have the permission to deliver.

Holding the finger of God, I have spontaneously and effortlessly evolved outrageously. I pass on
that finger to you, if you choose to connect.

Amritsar Workshop: 21, 22 February 2015.

New Delhi Workshop: 21, 22 March 2015.


Our comfort zone is the prison that traps us, restricts us, confines us. It is a zone where we feel
safe, secure and comfortable. It is a zone in which we have learnt how to exist and survive in an
unconscious way. It is however a zone of no-freedom, a zone of bondage, a zone with very
restricted movements.

Our comfort zone never stretches us. Many are comfortable in lack rather than abundance,
comfortable in turmoil rather than peace, comfortable in unhappiness rather than joy,
comfortable in pain rather than well being.

The moment you push yourself beyond your comfort zone, what comes up is resistance.
Resistance is the thoughts, feelings and body sensations, keeping you restricted in your ego-

Most of us try to use willpower to break through the invisible barriers of our self-imposed
prison. But then very soon, our willpower collapses under the force of the Ego-resistance.

Most people are not even aware that they live in a prison. They feel they have free will to do

Being unconscious of their prison walls, they are not even conscious of their prison and the true
freedom that lies beyond their prison walls.

We all carry huge mental and emotional blocks that are acting as brakes in our journey of life.
What is driving us is our lust and fear. We use willpower to overcome the braking force of our
blocks. To the extent we have this willpower, our success is greater or lesser. However, success
created through willpower and Ego-mind, will never fulfil us and nourish us. It will never satiate
our hunger and craving for more.

We need to take off our feet of the accelerator of willpower and the Ego-mind which is wanting
more and more. We also need to take off our feet of the break of mental and emotional blocks
that are constantly telling us why we can’t have easily and effortlessly.

These two actions when pursued relentlessly, frees us from the need of willpower and Ego-
mind, allows us to easily move beyond our comfort zone, connect with the desires of the Soul,
and allow them to manifest spontaneously and effortlessly, driven by Soul-power instead of lust
and fear.

BRT (Breath Release Technique) Technology gives us a greater understanding of the Blocks and
the Resistance and how to lift your feet off the two pedals of the accelerator and brake, of the
wantings and blocks. We demonstrate the results in the classroom to convince you that it is
possible. We also give you the Road-Map to start the journey to move out of the prison towards

Amritsar Workshop: 21, 22 February 2015.

New Delhi Workshop: 21, 22 March 2015.


Today I was talking to a friend of mine who mentioned the sharing of his very successful
business friend. His friend found out that happiness is not outside but within. He’s enjoying his
meditation and everyday looks forward to coming home and meditating. TM or Transcendental
Meditation has done lots of documentation work to prove how meditation busts stress and
improves health.

How come meditation is welcomed by people, but enrolling people to release is so difficult? The
only reason someone comes to my class is because someone else pushed them into the class and
a few who came because they were in pain or they were a workshop junkie who came out of

How come meditation makes sense and is attractive to both the materialistic-religious people, as
well as to the spiritual seekers? Starting from Buddha, Patanjali, the Tirthankaras to Osho,
Maharshi Mahesh Yogi, Sri Sri and others, people have gone to them in droves to learn and
practice meditation. But talk about releasing, and even the intelligent and well read people do not
connect. Why is that so?

Osho’s experience of meditation was bliss.

He talked a lot about the blissful state and his followers were seeking that blissful state in a
permanent way.
Let us first understand our nervous system, or rather the Autonomic Nervous System, or ANS.
The ANS as two divisions: 1. Sympathetic Nervous System or SN, and 2. Parasympathetic
Nervous System or PN.

SN causes fight or flight syndrome and PN causes rest and relaxation syndrome. In the SN
mode, one secretes cortisol and adrenaline. These chemicals kick you awake and makes you
more aware, and gives you a surge of energy. The hormones are triggered with the perception of

Since the threat is not actual but only perceived and demands no physical response, these
hormones accumulate in the body and cause suppression of the immune system, high blood
pressure, high sugar, libido dysfunction, acne, obesity and much more. In order to burn out or
use some of the excess chemicals, doctors recommend exercises and physical activities.

While SN was designed to save us during our jungle days, today SN is the root cause of all our
illnesses. We also have become addicted to these hormones, and unless we have our daily fix, we
feel restless and not okay. This is the main reason why we have desires. Desires push us into
wanting more and more, where we are stretched in trying to fulfill them, which causes stress,
which causes the secretion of the stress hormones, which gives our daily fix.

PN is the counterbalance to SN. In the state of deep rest and relaxation produced by meditation,
the nervous system and the Endocrine glands release dopamine, melatonin, serotonin, oxytocin,
endorphins and other positive chemicals. These brain chemicals have been linked to various
aspects of happiness – the right combination of which produces bliss, ecstasy, rapture or what is
known as the peak experience or the ultimate spiritual orgasm.

The mood swings between the two polarities of depression and ecstasy are caused by the these
chemicals. Many of us swing somewhere in between the two extremes. SN is the reason why we
get up in the morning and drive ourselves to our work, business, profession or other activities, to
meet targets, to achieve goals, to outperform, to compete, to prove, to meet deadlines, to survive
– everything designed for one purpose – to create some stress through perceptive threat, which
will give us our daily fix of the chemicals, in order to feel alive.

And then in the evening or whenever, we want to activate the PN through laughter, music or
meditation to produce the positive chemicals to which also we are addicted. As long as you are
swinging between the two polarities, between the two addictions, stress and meditation has
value. It maintains your balance and sanity.

Mind is trying to avoid death and pain at one end, and seek pleasure at the other end. To be
devoid of energy is death to the mind, and to have ecstasy is the ultimate pleasure. SN gives the
energy and PN gives ecstasy. Mind is trapped between the nervous system.
Mind loves meditation, though in the interim, it manages through lesser pleasure of sex, food,
power and other distractions. A mind that is brilliant and more active shall love and need
meditation more and more. And so the masters who teach meditation has great following and
meditation is embraced more and more.

Mind does not understand consciousness, cannot use consciousness and has no access to
consciousness. Consciousness has no practical utility. Consciousness cares for no experiences –
both positive or negative. It does not care for the mind and the agenda of the mind.
Consciousness has neither energy nor ecstasy. In the presence of consciousness, mind starts
dying. God is the ultimate consciousness.

Releasing is a prayer through which we keep offering various aspects of mind to God and letting
God do whatever God wants to do. Mind never likes that, will never motivate you to release or
enroll you to learn and practice releasing. The only way you can sell anything is by appealing to
the mind, and mind will never welcome releasing. It will welcome comedy, music and

Mind is an expert in messing up life, no matter how brilliant the mind is. Mind is always life
denying, consciousness is always life affirming. If mind becomes life affirming, it will miss its
daily dose of chemical fix. Like a drug addict, it cannot afford that. That is why, when the mind
has made millions, it strives to make billions, even though the extra zeros will add nothing to the
quality of life. It will only adds to the quality of living, which is ego enhancing.

Mind serves the ego, consciousness serves the source of your breath and God. It is only through
grace that the mind-body chooses to learn and practice releasing. Experiences and comfort will
never satiate the mind, no matter how positive and exquisite they are.

In releasing, one doesn’t care for experiences, but only for freedom – to become free – our
ultimate destiny, without wanting freedom, without craving for freedom, without giving any
value to freedom.

Mind is impressed by the magnetic personalities and the electrified experiences called miracles.
Mind is fascinated with great knowledge, because it thinks that will give it more power and
leverage to control, dominate and manipulate. Consciousness is ordinary and simple. It has no
power and plays no control game.

Consciousness has no need for knowing anything, because it seeks nothing. Mind is always
incomplete and lacking, consciousness is always whole and complete. Mind exists in time and
space, consciousness exists in here and now. Mind seeks the ultimate ecstasy, consciousness
seeks nothing.
Meditation, even when it is about sitting still and doing nothing, is a mind technology. Masters,
even though they became free with the grace of God, assumed that there mind did play a role in
their becoming free.

As such, the Masters had nothing else available to them other than the mind. They all looked for
the key to become free from the mind, within the mind. Some used the mind to the maximum,
while others used the mind to the minimum, but nothing was available to them outside the mind.

It was the grace of God that delivered the Release Technology of delivering the mind to God
through a simple prayer. But mind will never want to sacrifice itself on the altar of God. Hence,
mind will never bring you to the Releasing Workshop and even if you come, your mind will play
all kind of tricks to ensure that you do not release.

I await the few who can make it to the workshop, and pray that they can continue to release.

God Bless You.

Pradip Mukherji

P.S. Next Workshop: 20, 21 June 2015. Ahmedabad


Activity is an addiction. Since our childhood, our family, teachers and others have insisted and
ensured that we remain busy with some activity, not playful activity, but serious activity. We
have been told – An Empty mind Is A Devil’s Workshop. If you are doing nothing, then the
Devil will possess you. What the society does not know is that the Devil is not interested in an
Empty Mind, but in an Active Mind.

The more ambitious you are, the more the Devil is interested in you. You are now the perfect
puppet that the Devil will manipulate for its own agenda. An ambitious person is more useful to
the Devil than a serial killer. A serial killer can cause harm to a handful of people, but there is no
limit to the harm an ambitious person can cause.

Everything that the lesser minds have taught you are rooted in lust and fear, including all
religions as propagated and practiced today in the market place.

Everyone of us, within our cultural paradigm, have been programmed to believe that more
activity is the right path, that you cannot have what you want unless you work hard, unless you
strive, unless you slog, unless you pursue relentlessly with dogged determination.

Mind convinces you that your problems are real and you should solve them. This is one of the
hypnotic conditioning of the mind that problems are real and they must be solved.
First we Do and create problems, then we Do some more and solve problems, and that Doing
creates new problems and we then solve those problems. All problems are created because we
have not distinguished the nature of the mind separate from who we are. Living in perpetual
crisis and its management is our destiny.

The whole world is run by the philosophy of Rene Descartes – “I Think, Therefore I Am.” The
truth is – “I Am, And I Am Not My Thoughts.” Descartes philosophy takes you into misery and
suffering. It takes you into the hypnosis of believing that without your thoughts, your very
existence is at stake. Minus your thoughts, you start suffocating, you feel death choking you.
You feel the need to do something – anything.

Then you give purpose and significance to what you do. You convince yourself how your
actions, activity and doingness are important and should be pursued. Your convictions are
reinforced because everybody around you are doing the same thing. This is mass hypnosis and
creates mass consciousness.

Boredom is the last frontier of the mind. When one transcends boredom, the hypnosis breaks.
The mind can tolerate pain and suffering, but it cannot tolerate boredom. The mind can tolerate
going into coma (depression), but the mind cannot tolerate consciously becoming bored.

The intolerance of boredom takes us into activity – physical, mental and emotional. The
activities could be mundane, or could be philosophical or could be about winning the world.
Being negative and pessimistic or being positive and proactive, are both activities of the mind to
sustain itself. Mind will never allow you to do less and less. Because, the nature of mind is
wanting more and more.

Mind convinces you that if you want to enjoy life, then you must have more, better or different.
Mind convinces you that the only way to have what you want is by doing more, becoming more,
acquiring more and reaching out more.

Mind ongoingly deceives you. It convinces you that if you do not listen to me, then you will
suffer, you will be miserable. Mind convinces you that the whole world is running fast and
getting ahead of you and you will be left behind.

Quantum science is pointing at that the whole world is an illusion and created by your
consciousness. This knowledge is not shared in schools, colleges and universities, because it will
not serve the mind. It is pushed into the realm of philosophy, mysticism and speculation. All
education supports and propagates the world of the lower mind, the mind of Newton and Einstein
– the mind of cause and effect.

The more you free your consciousness from the grip of your mind, the more freedom you will
have to create reality through intentions, attractions and synchronicity. That is the access to Do
Less And Have More.
BRT (Breath Release Technique) Workshop provides a cutting edge teaching and technique to
free the consciousness from the mind.

Amritsar Workshop: 21, 22 February 2015.

New Delhi Workshop: 21, 22 March 2015.



Greetings, and welcome to being with me for next few minutes.

Life is easy. We make it hard with our mind. Mind interferes and makes life difficult. A portion
of the Mind is definitely useful. However, the Mind is also the depository of all limiting thoughts
and negative feelings. These thoughts and feelings are in autopilot most of the time, below our
conscious awareness. You have no control over them, no matter how much will power and
affirmations you use to remain or become positive.

These automatic thoughts and feelings are creating your reality. They also create a few moments
of pleasure and greater moments of pain and suffering. They create our sabotage, our accidents,
our loss, our conflicts, our damages, our difficulties, our diseases and much more.

These sabotages make our life hard. A portion of the mind creates our goals and another portion
makes sure that the goals are never achieved, or achieved with great difficulty and sacrifice.
People try to change their life by “doing things” in the external material world. That way, you’re
managing the Effect, rather than the Cause.

Each one of us have trained our Mind, to a lesser or greater extent, to manage the outer world
through managing our talents, abilities, knowledge, resources and people.

We believe that the better we are in managing, easier our life will become. While better
management delivers certain short-term goals, most often it messes up experiencing and
celebrating life in the long term.

What will truly serve the human is Consciousness, rather than the Mind. For most humans, when
they are focused on mind development, mind power and mind control, their Consciousness most
of the time is low. Consciousness starts to develop when you learn to “Let Go” & “Become
Loose.” Mind does not know how to “loosen up” or “let go.”

If you become angry on somebody, you cannot drop your anger. You will either express it, or
suppress it, or try to forget the anger by getting into other activities. Even if you don’t feel that
after some time, the anger is still simmering inside and it will create conflict in that relationship.
While you can feel and experience your anger, you will not be able to see or feel your
Consciousness. You can never see the light, but you can see its effect – it illuminates your room.
Similarly, while you cannot feel or know Consciousness, it illuminates your life and makes it
easy, wonderful, miraculous and fulfilling.

The question now is – How can I raise my level of Consciousness? Traditionally, the approach
had been through mantra, yoga, meditation, yantra and other energy works. These methods were
designed for people with laid-back lifestyle and having very less distractions.

Being a fast paced world, we now need results very fast, almost in minutes or even less. Having
worked through the traditional methods, I now deliver some very advanced and cutting-edge
techniques to not only release the simmering anger, but all limiting thoughts and negative
feelings and sensations that make life miserable.

Mind will give you nothing but stress and pain, because it is rooted in separation.
Consciousness, rooted in oneness, will give you joy, peace, bliss and happiness. Come and learn
to recognize the way to release the suppressed Energy from the Mind and to explore the wonders
and miracles that this workshop and the technique can deliver.

Amritsar Workshop: 21, 22 February 2015

New Delhi Workshop: 21, 22 March 2015


mind POWER vs Soul POWER

On the day of Guru Purnima some time back, it was shown on TV that in Sai Baba Temple,
huge amount of money was received in donation. It shows people are willing to buy grace as
long as they believe that grace is on sale. They have brought down grace to a commodity that can
be purchased, or received from deities, gurus, Saints or Master.

People go and beg – please give me your blessings – and in order to receive the commodity
called grace and blessings, people are willing to become beggars, followers and even slaves.
They serve with personal ulterior motives even though the whole game of receiving grace is to
become impersonal – to transcend I, Me and My – not to get some money, power, healing or

Humans have the choice of two journeys – salvation and evolution. The unconscious journey of
the human takes them towards salvation – wanting to be saved and sustained, while the
conscious journey of the human takes them towards evolution – which is about becoming free.

Freedom starts with – when we let go of all our wanting, all cravings, all attachments and all
The whole understanding of evolution today has become so simple.

You need no guru and you don’t need to become a disciple. You don’t need to follow, serve,
pray or submit to any human or deities. None of them can make you free. You need no gratitude,
just being thankful to whomsoever who shows you what you are and the way to become free.
You can dump all the Scriptures, teachings and sermons of the past. They are so complicated,
misrepresented and sometimes burden you with guilt, shame and regrets.

Now, becoming free is so simple. But you have to create it layer by layer and then grace
happens and certain forces enter your life and take you on an accelerated path. In this path, a
greater force takes care of you, a force much greater than the forces that take care of you in
salvation. While in salvation, you may receive much, yet it will not fulfill you. In evolution,
whatever you receive, however less it may be, it will fulfill and satiate you.

Today, most humans live in a trance state, where they follow the mass consciousness, the herd
mentality. The depth of their questioning of life is shallow. They are scared of examining why
they do what they do, because they don’t want to rock the boat. Since keeping the boat safe is the
only criteria of life, they miss out on the possibilities of life – the most beautiful of which is
connecting with the source of breath and Spirit.

Before this connection can happen, we must first become free. Every Master knew that and
hence created all kinds of processes and techniques to become free. But over a period of time,
every teaching got contaminated, and the old techniques created for a different mindset than the
one currently prevailing – is not serving humanity.

The purpose of my letter is to invite you to come and learn a simple tool called Breath Release
Technique. This tool can heal your emotional body and mental body. As these two bodies heal,
healing shows up in your physical body and the world around you – in wealth, relationship, work
area, ability to communicate, ability to deliver and much more.

You start feeling a force around you taking care of you in very unusual ways and there arises a
desire of wanting to connect with this force and surrender to this force. We call this force the
Soul Power and I show you how you can start the journey in that direction. Most people will be
fascinated in having Mind Power to control and dominate the world around them, but not many
will be attracted to having Soul Power to serve them.

Mind will do what you ask the mind to do, but Soul will not listen to you. It is a greater
intelligence and a greater force that will serve you when you surrender to the force. It’s giving
has such a huge harmony and coherence that by giving you almost nothing, it can still fulfill you.
But even if the mind delivers the whole world, that will still not fulfill you, because everything
that is delivered has discord and conflict, inherent in them.
I teach the most simple, powerful and elegant tools that were never taught before to let go of
pain, attachments, cravings and aversions. Imagine life where you are no more stuck in judging
anyone, no more stuck in ill feelings, animosity, jealousy, grief, sadness, anger, frustration or
fear. Imagine a life where you need no self-confidence, where you have no low self-esteem, no
feelings of superiority or inferiority, no feelings of lesser and greater, no guilt, no regret, no more
wanting to punish yourself or others.

These tools, once learnt and practiced, will free you from all stuckness, from all resistance, from
all bondage. You are no more managing stress but moving energy and enjoying the flow of
energy not only in your body, but even in your life.

I invite you to this amazing, mind blowing and miraculous workshop. If you ever had a desire to
wake up, become free, seeking the deep meaning of life, or just to become free from pain and
suffering, then this workshop is for you.

Amritsar Workshop: 21, 22 February 2015

New Delhi Workshop: 21, 22 March 2015.


Every day we wake up to experience life, to experience what it means to be alive. That is why
we came into this planet, that is why we came into this body, that is why we are breathing.

The access to experience life is through feeling. That is what our original blueprint is. Our
original design is – to feel. A child feels everything through the five senses and more. The
natural instinct of the child is – to feel. Experiences of a child every day is rich. The child lacks
nothing as long as it is provided with its basic needs. The child feels it has everything, and that
fills it with joy of its own existence.

The pure joy of existence is our true happiness. But this joy soon becomes corrupted and
polluted when the child starts to think. Thoughts, instead of just being a processing and
supporting mechanism – just as our hands and legs are – soon becomes our master. When
thoughts become our master, joy and aliveness recedes to the background and almost vanishes.

They are instead replaced with pleasure and control games. We seek pleasure to feel happy and
we seek control games to feel that we exist.

The artificial means of seeking pleasure to feel happy soon makes us sick – physically,
emotionally and psychologically. And the control games that we play to feel our existence, soon
makes us wounded – physically emotionally and psychologically.

That is the fate of almost every human being – to be sick and wounded. Most of our sickness
and wounds are very deep and we are not aware of them. And those that we become aware of,
we mask them. We see them in others and we consider it normal to have them. We have learnt to
live with our pain by distracting ourselves.

We have made this game of distraction very sophisticated and very effective. As a result, we are
able to drag ourselves through our daily living by thinking, believing and agreeing that we live a
normal life, that this is how we should live and we teach and force our children to follow our

And since our family, our neighbor, our relatives, our friends, our community and our society
are congruent in agreeing that we are normal, okay, sane, healthy and correct – our insanity is
never discovered and it continues to run our life.

Someone I know joined a postgraduate course in Psychiatry. She visited the Psychiatry ward and
was shocked with the negativity, pain and insanity there. Those who are mentally deranged are
people who are not able to manage their negativity and pain. We call them insane because their
numbers are small.

We think we’re normal because people around us are the same. We can hide our insanity behind
a greater number, but when we are alone, when we have nothing with which to distract us, and it
may be only for a few moments, our insanity wells up as our fear, pain, anxiety, worry and all
kinds of uncomfortable feelings, thoughts and sensations.

The reason we try to push back whatever wells up is because we do not know how to handle
these uncomfortable thoughts, sensations and emotions. We do not know how to let them go,
how to drop them, how to release them, so that they may not torment us anymore.

Each one of us are seeking that which we had as a child, where we lacked nothing and felt
everything. But as our thoughts became our master, we now lack almost everything and feel
almost nothing. The way out, is to let the mind go on a holiday and release every lack, every
wanting and every pain that the mind creates.

I can teach you a simple way to release all your attachments and aversions, all your cravings and
all your negative emotions and all your pain. I will support you to get started and guide you on
the way.

Once you have learnt the technique, sit and release and see your life changing – where richness
happens because you lack nothing and yet, you now have the power to create many things. Once
you start becoming free of your physical, emotional and psychological disturbances, you will be
blessed with the richness of life.

Releasing is the way to “Enrich your experience every day.” Come and learn how to release, and
then release. Releasing will take you from your insanity, to sanity, and then to divinity.

Amritsar Workshop: 21, 22 February

New Delhi Workshop: 21, 22 March



Your life is perfect the way you are, however you are and in whatever is happening to you, even
if you are undergoing pain and suffering, even if you are bored, even if you are struggling with
money, relationships, health or social challenges. It is perfect because that is how you wanted it
to be and that is what you are having. Life is always perfect because it delivers what you want.

Many of you will say, “But that is not what I wanted. I want more happiness and less pain.”
However, this thought of yours is in the conscious mind which is only 5% of your mind (may be
even less). What you’re having in life is decided by the other 95% and you have no access to
that, because it is not conscious.

Your life is perfect because you, through this 95%, are choosing exactly what you are having,
and that which is the story of your life, is exactly the adventure you are wanting in life to have.
Even pain and suffering is an adventure that is perfect to have.

If you are content with the adventure of life you are currently having, then read no more.

But if you’re looking for a different experience of life – an adventure called FREEDOM – then

Freedom truly happens when you truly start exploring what binds you, what restricts you and
what holds you back. That which binds, restricts and holds you back, first got created, with the
feelings with which you were born.

Every child, when it enters the world from the mother’s womb, experiences three dominant

1. Feeling Lost.

2. Feeling At Threat.

3. Feeling Restricted.

No child is born with positive feelings. While the negative feelings, just after birth, may last for
a few minutes to a few days (or even more), yet they become the foundation, the platform that
decides the future experiences of life. These feelings are the dominant part of the 95%.

Feeling Lost: After birth, the child finds itself all alone in the alien world. It feels lost. It wants
to feel life. It wants to feel alive. It tries every way it knows to draw attention to itself. This
becomes the first program – Wanting Attention. Throughout your life, you are now wanting
attention through love, appreciation, acknowledgement, approval, recognition etc.
Even if positive attention is not available, at least you must have negative attention through
becoming a victim, wanting sympathy, crying, telling your story, making others wrong and many

Feeling At Threat: After birth, the way the child is handled and the environment it finds itself in,
creates the feeling of “At Threat.” The child feels insecure. This feeling becomes the second
program – Wanting To Survive. Survival issues becomes the dominating decisions throughout
your life. You never feel secure, content, or have the feeling that you now have enough.

Feeling Restricted: After birth, the child finds itself in a body with restricted movements,
capabilities and strength. It feels helpless within the body, giving the experience of “Feeling
Restricted.” This feeling creates the third program – Wanting Power and Control. Now your
whole life is about creating and acquiring more and more money, knowledge, skills, resources,
information, contacts etc, so that you have more and more power and control over life.

The irony is, you will never have enough attention, security or control, no matter how much you
acquire, possess or become, to escape the misery and suffering of life. You will be perpetually
lost, at threat and feeling restricted deep within, and the story of your life and the experience of
your life will be creating illusions of escaping these initial dominant feelings.

If you truly wish to dismantle the foundation sourcing your life, then I invite you to my two-day
workshop, the logistics of which are as follows:

Program: Breath Release Technique (BRT) Workshop

Amritsar: 21, 22 February, 2015

New Delhi: 21, 22 March, 2015

This is a very advanced workshop, the kind never presented by any other trainer. The techniques
are incredibly simple and yet dazzlingly effective. You are not only given the technique, but the
access and the understanding to penetrate the unconscious mind.

If we’re destined to meet, we will meet. But if not, I thank you for reading and considering my
invitation and I wish you and your family the very Best Of Life.

Warm regards

Pradip Mukherji

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