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The best place in Europe!!!!!

There are many places to visit, but there is a place that I would be very excited to
visit. This Place is Switzerland, a Europe Country in the Alps.

I wanted to travel to Switzerland since I was child and in 2015 I had the opportunity.
In June of 2015, I travelled to Switzerland with my friends by plane. The plane took
off from Madrid and we landed in Berna. When we left the Berna Airport, we were
pick up by a van.On the way of the hotel, we had a jam and we arrived late to the
hotel, because of this, we could not see a part of Berna.

In the travel, we saw the Alps and the Switzerland´s cities. My friends and I are a
cyclist fans thus we rode a bike in the Alps, It was a beautiful experience because the
landscape was nice and the single´s tracks were incredible for the mtb.

A curiosity of Switzerland. There are many cicle lanes and many pedestrian zones in
Berna, This is positive, because it reduces the combustion, and this promotes the

In Conclusion, It´s a nice country with high´s mountains and beautiful cities, In the
future, I would like to visit again.

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