Iamachildofgod Primary Program 2018

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I am a Child of God

Primary Program 2018

Song I am a Child of God
These 6 parts I am a Child of God may be the most famous Primary song. Naomi Randall wrote
can be the words in 1957. She was preparing for a special Primary meeting and wanted a
combined song to help children understand their Heavenly Father. She thought about it and
into one talk prayed a lot. Then one night she woke up in the middle of the night and quickly
or 3 parts, wrote all the words.
etc. The music was written by Mildred Pettit and the song was used at that 1957
depending on meeting. Later, the song “I am a Child of God” was added to the Children’s
how many Songbook and also to the hymnbook. Open your hymnbook to number 301 and
parts are you will find this well known song. It has been translated into over 90 languages!
needed. “I am a Child of God” means the same thing as the scripture found in Romans
chapter 8 verse 16, “The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are
the children of God.”
The Family Proclamation says it this way “All human beings … are created in the
image of God. Each is a beloved spirit or son and daughter of heavenly parents.”
President Monson testified “We are sons and daughters of a living God… We
cannot sincerely hold this conviction without experiencing a profound new sense
of strength and power.” He is saying the same thing: We are all children of God.
Our scriptures, songs, teachers and leaders teach that I am a child of God… and
so are you! We are all children of Heavenly parents who love us!
Sunbeams My name is Samuel. I am a child of God!
My name is Thomas. I am a child of God!... (etc: all Sunbeams say their name and
then “I am a child of God.”)
Song My Heavenly Father Loves Me
Heavenly Father created a beautiful world for us! We can know Heavenly Father
loves us because of all the beautiful things around us.
I know my Heavenly Father loves me because of my bunny, Shadow.
I know my Heavenly Father loves me because of my family.
I know my Heavenly Father loves me because of the chocolate chip cookies my
brother makes for me.
I know my Heavenly Father loves me because I have six stuffed animals.
I know my Heavenly Father loves me because I get to go swimming.
I know my Heavenly Father loves me my new baby brother is healthy and I can
make him laugh.
I know my Heavenly Father loves me because I get to color with my crayons every
ADD MORE HERE (easy to add more parts here! Fill in with ways the children know their Heavenly
Father loves them. Ask what special things about the world they love. All special things are gifts
from God and show He loves them!)
Rocky Because I am a Child of God, it’s important to learn about the Savior so I can
become more like him. Learning more about Him means I can start to be more
like Him.
Song If the Savior Stood Beside Me
Because I am a Child of God, He wants me to learn about Him! Heavenly Father
gave me teachers to help me learn more about Him. We learned a lot in our
Primary classes this year. I learned about Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. I learned
about how their families made and kept covenants with God.
I learned about Rebekah at the well. We learned that she got water from the well
for camels to drink. We filled a big Rubbermaid bucket with water: it took a long
time. I learned that Rebekah was kind but also that she worked hard! My
teachers help me learn that I am a Child of God.
My little brother Jaxon is a sunbeam! His teachers are Brother and Sister XX. They
are helping Jaxon learn that he is a child of God. One Sunday their lesson topic
was: I am thankful that I can smell and taste. They brought many different kinds
of food. Each sunbeam had a turn to be blind folded to try to guess what kind of
food they were tasting with their senses. Every child was so excited and happy to
taste test! It was a favorite lesson for my little brother.
My teachers are Sister XX and Sister XX. We learned about Nephi building a ship. I
loved the part about Jacob and the coconuts. My teachers help me learn that I
am a child of God.
My teachers are Sister XX and Sister XX. In class we learned about how prayer is
like a telephone call with Heavenly Father.
My teachers are Brother XX and Brother XX. They are amazing because they can
handle our huge class: we have 12 kids in the Valiant 11 class. They also make the
time to celebrate every single kid when they graduate into Young Men or Young
Women’s. We have treats like muffins, waffles, and cookies.
One of the things we learned about this year was the warrior named Joshua in
the Old Testament. Our teachers taught us how Joshua chose to be strong and
courageous. His courage came from obedience to God and His commandments.
My teachers help me learn that I am a child of God.
ADD MORE HERE (The section above should be individualized with ways the teachers have taught
the children this year. Ideally, the stories would relate to “I am a Child of God,” ways lessons in
class have taught them “I am a Child of God.” But all lessons show God loves them by providing
teachers who teach them the gospel! So anything would work)
Jones I am a child of God and Heavenly Father loves me. Because He loves me, He
wants me to be baptized to return to Him someday. Our next song is called When
I am Baptized, also known as the Rainbow Song.
Song When I am Baptized
Mackenzie I love this song because it’s about rainbows. Rainbows remind us that Heavenly
Father loves us! He loves us so much that He promises to never flood the earth
again. He promises us that He will always forgive us when we repent.
Lucas Jesus set the example by being baptized. He was baptized by John the Baptist.
Jesus was a child of God and so am I! We both need to be baptized.
When I got baptized…
ADD MORE (This section should be personalized with individual stories about baptism memories.
This section is ideal for children who have turned 8 and been baptized in the last year.)
Baptism is for everyone! The blessings of heaven are for everyone because we
are all children of God. Our next song is about how we can show love for each
Song I’ll Walk with You
I have three brothers. Even though we all have blonde hair and blue eyes, we are
all different. I like to draw. Max likes to play lacrosse. James likes to play
basketball. John likes to play the trumpet. But our parents love all of us, even
though we are different.
I am different from my brother and sister! Jane’s favorite color is red. Jack’s
favorite color is green. I love blue! We are different. But our parents love all of
ADD MORE (This section should be personalized with individual stories about families. The
examples are with brothers and sisters but this would be a great place to include stories of all
different kinds of families.)
Even though we are different, Heavenly Father loves all of us! We can show that
we know we are children of God by showing love for others even when they are
different from us.
Clay Families on earth help us understand heavenly families better. In families we
learn about what it means to be a child of God. Our next song teaches about
covenants that keep families together forever.
Song Families Can Be Together Forever
God gave us families to help us become who He wants us to be. Russell M. Nelson
said, “The home is to be God’s laboratory of love and service.”
In my family I learned how to help our neighbor. She is sick and we try to help her
with extra cookies or dinner when we can.
In my family I learned how to forgive. My brother was mean to me but I know
he’ll always be my brother so I forgive him.
ADD MORE (This section should be personalized with individual stories about things learned in
families. In my family I learned xxx.)
Brooklyn This summer we studied the 13 Articles of Faith! They help us understand more
about the gospel. They help us understand more about what it means that we
are all children of God. (Our ward studied the Articles of Faith this year, so you’d
want to switch this out for whatever song or activity you want to highlight from
your year.)
Song Article of Faith Song
Addie I learned 6 articles of faith. The first article of faith “We believe in God, the
Eternal Father, and in His Son, Jesus Christ, and in the Holy Ghost.”
Zach I learned all 13 Articles of Faith. My favorite is the 13th “We believe in
being honest, true, chaste, benevolent, virtuous, and in doing good to all men;
indeed, we may say that we follow the admonition of Paul—We believe all things,
we hope all things, we have endured many things, and hope to be able
to endure all things. If there is anything virtuous, lovely, or of good report or
praiseworthy, we seek after these things.”
All Together I am a child of God. I know Heavenly Father loves me, and I love Him. I can pray
to Heavenly Father anytime, anywhere. I am trying to remember and follow Jesus
Christ. (from My Gospel Standards)
Song A Child’s Prayer

Link for intro info about I am a Child of God:


Thomas S. Monson, “Canaries with Gray on Their Wings,” Ensign or Liahona, June 2010,

Elder Russell M. Nelson, April 2008, Salvation and Exaltation

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