Geographical Position: Area: 6,601.98km

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Geographical position
Banja Luka, the second largest city of Bosnia and Herzegovina and cap-
ital of the Republic of Srpska is situated in the northwest of the country
and swamped between lush green hills and a darting Vrbas river.

Area: 6,601.98km2

Preliminary results of 2013 census show that 441,115 citizens are living
in Banja Luka with 50,000 more living in the wider area.

A continental climate, characterized by harsh winters, warm sum-
mers and strong winds from the north and northeast, is typical for
Banja Luka. The average annual temperature is 9.5°C, with January
(0.8°C avg.) being the coldest month of the year and July (21.3°C avg.)
the warmest. Being the city in which it snows almost every winter and
where southern winds bring hot weather in the summer, Banja Luka is
praised for its beauty in all four seasons.

Association of
Banja Luka:

Banja Luka Region Banja Luka Region

Five star hotel Talija and several 4-star hotels, including Hotel Bosna origi-
nally built in 1885, can be found in Banja Luka. In the city and the clos-
est surrounding it is possible to find everything from hostels and small
boutique hotels, villas to exclusive hotel resorts making it possible to find
the accommodation for almost every taste. Private accommodation is a “Falsifier”
suitable option in this part of Bosnia and Herzegovina and can be found
through several sites including Airbnb.

“32 December”

Getting there
By air At the moment, the motorway
The Banja Luka International Air- is connecting Banja Luka and
Gradiška and part of Banja Luka – “Kozara”
port, also know as Mahovljani Air-
port is located 23km from the city Doboj motorway has been opened.
of Banja Luka. The airport has di- Toll rates can be paid in cash (BAM
rect flights connecting Banja Luka or EUR) or by credit card. Films shot here: KOZARA
with Belgrade and possibility of or- (1962), Veljko Bulajić;
The main bus station is situated
ganizing charter flights. THE TOUR (2008), Goran
2km southeast from city centar
Marković; 32 DECEMBER
and is the main bus hub of western
By road (2009), Saša Hajduković;
Republic of Srpska with dozens of
Banja Luka is located on the high- MOTEL NANA (2010), Pre- “The Tour”
buses leaving Banja Luka daily to
way M16, one of the most impor- drag Velinović; ZDUHAČ
most destinations in the RS, main
tant highways in this region, and MEANS ADVENTURE
destinations in the Federation and
can be reached easily from Sara- (2011), Milorad Milinković;
Austria, Croatia, Germany, Monte-
jevo (250km away), Zagreb (167km ENEMY (2011), Dejan
negro, Serbia, Sweden and Swit-
away) and Belgrade (350km away). Zečević; FALSIFIER (2013),
Goran Marković; SO HOT
Roads from Banja Luka to the other
By rail WAS THE CANNON (2014),
parts of the country are mostly nar-
Train connects Banja Luka with Slobodan Skerlić.
row and winding. However, travel- “Zduhač Means Adventure”
ling these roads you pass a variety Doboj and Sarajevo (and few small-
of beautiful landscapes and vil- er cities on the road) and to Zagreb
lages. (Croatia).

“Enemy” “So Hot Was the Cannon”

140 141
Banja Luka Region Banja Luka Region

Vrbas is a major river
in western Bosnia and
Herzegovina. It ap-
pears at the southern
slope of the Vranica
mountain, at around
1,530m above the
sea level and it drains
central part of the
Fortress Kastel northern slopes of
Fortress Kastel is located in the cen- the Dinaric mountain
ter of Banja Luka, dominating the left massif. The Vrbas Can-
bank of the river Vrbas. It was envi- yon is an ideal place
sioned as a strong army fortification for water adventures
by Ferhad paša Sokolović during his like kayaking and raft-
reign and its construction began at ing and for softer ad-
the end of the 15th century. It is sur- ventures upriver – hik-
rounded by thick stone walls on all ing, walking, camping
sides. Today, summer stage, play- and fishing.
ground for children and national res-
taurant can be found in its inner part. Gospodska ulica
Gospodska ulica (Gentleman’s Street)
is the main pedestrian
street in Banja Luka. Its
actual name is Veselin
Masleša Street, but
most of the people
know it as Gospodska
because of an urban
Museum of Modern Art of Republic of Srpska legend about Tomo
Radulović, the owner
Museum o Modern Art of Republic ated by molded cornices and rect- of the first shop ever
of Srpska is located in the building angular windows on the first floor. opened in the street.
of the old train station which was It was built in neo-renaissance He put the board
built in 1891-1892. It is a monumen- manner. It is one of the most im- reading “Gentleman’s
tal edifice, with a prominent cen- portant Museums in Bosnia and Street” on the wall
tral entrance and side wings, with Herzegovina and in 2016 it hosted wanting to keep the
arched openings, richly decorated “New Religion” exhibition by fa- peasants away from
archivolts on the ground, accentu- mous Damien Hirst. the street and his shop.

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Banja Luka Region Banja Luka Region

Orthodox Krajina Square and

Church of Christ the Monument Clock
Savior with Residence
Going down the Gospodska ulica
Christ the Savior Cathedral Church one can come to Krajina Square,
was built in the heart of the town central square in Banja Luka. It is
in 2004 on the foundations of the surrounded by shops and cafes and
demolished Cathedral Church of on one side there is a Petar Kočić
Park. Right on the square there is a
the Holy Trinity, bombed and de-
modern clock, a reminder of dev-
stroyed in 1941. homes, industry and infrastructure
astating earthquake that hit Banja
It was built in three layers, brick- Luka on October 27th 1969. Devasta- was so great that buses from Banja
concrete-stone, and covered with tion of the city was on a such a great Luka drove students of primary and
natural two-tone red and yellow scale that 15 citizens were killed, secondary schools to various parts
travertine from Mesopotamia. It is over thousand people seriously in- of former Yugoslavia to finish school
decorated with granite pillars, por- jured and material damage to the years while city recuperated.
tals, rosettes and other ornaments
made of granite and marble.

Banski Dvor
Trappist Monastery of Banski Dvor is a building and cul-
Marija Zvijezda (Maria Stern) tural center in Banja Luka, built
in 1931-1932 as the seat of Duke
Brother Eberhard Wegnandt, who long and 10m high is decorated with
(“Ban”) of Vrbas Banovina, an ad-
built twenty smaller churches in sur- Old Christian and Roman elements.
ministrative region of the Kingdom
roundings of Banja Luka, made the Monks from the Monastery have
of Yugoslavia. ence in the lower zones and aca-
first plan for construction of Maria been producing the Trappist cheese
Stern, also. Bruno Diamant, an ar- since 1882 and, although they can’t Conceptual sketch of Banski Dvor demic classicism and medieval ar-
chitect from Munich, elaborated the produce it any more as there are was made by Jovanka Bončić chitecture elements are present in
plan. The Monastery was built in just only two monks left, the cheese is Katerinič, Anđelija Pavlović and higher zones. Folk elements of the
a year, and the huge three-vessel still produced following the original Jovan G. Ranković and building is Balkan Peninsula are important
basilica with the central vessel 60m recipe on Livač farm held by Caritas. dominated by a Renaissance influ- part of the decoration.

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Banja Luka Region Banja Luka Region

Ferhadija Mosque Kozara National Park

Kozara was proclaimed a protect-
Ferhadija Mosque, com-
ed national forest in 1967. Situated
missioned by the Bosnian
between the rivers Una, Sava, Sana
Sandžak-beg Ferhat-paša
and Vrbas, these 3,375 hectares of
Sokolović and built in
dense forest and hilly meadows
16th century in classical
have earned the nickname “Green
Ottoman style, is a cen-
Beauty of Krajina”.
tral building in the city of
Banja Luka and one of the Kozara was famous battleground
greatest achievements of during World War II as Partisans
Bosnia and Herzegovina’s intimate knowledge of Bosnia’s
and European Ottoman rough terrain gave them an advan-
tage over the newly occupying Nazi

architecture. The
mosque has been de-
stroyed in the explo-
sion set by the Serb
nationalists in 1993
and the authorities of
Republic of Srpska or-
dered the demolition
of the entire mosque
complex afterwards.
Ferhadija has been re-
built and opened for
public on May 7th 2016.
It is UNESCO protected
Film: “Kozara”

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