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Products / Products / Compressed air and gas / Oil-lubricated compressors / Oil-injected rotary screw compressors / GA 30+-90 / GA 37-90 VSD
Oil-injected rotary screw compressors, 30-90 kW / 40-125 hp
G A 3 0 + - 9 0 / G A 3 7 - 9 0 V S D

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Atlas Copco’s oil-injected rotary screw GA compressors are leaders in the market, w ith outstanding reliable performance. Their flexible
operation results in the highest productivity, w hile minimizing the total cost of ow nership. GA compressors are available in three series –
GA, GA+ and GA VSD –enabling you to perfectly match your requirements for compressed air solutions. Built to perform even in the
harshest environments, these products w ill keep your production running efficiently.

Customer benefits
Highest reliability – The GA series is designed, manufactured and tested in accordance w ith ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and ISO 1217. The
latest generation of Atlas Copco’s innovative oil-injected screw element ensures a long and trouble-free life, at the low est operating
costs. The integrated closed gear drive eliminates the need for a coupling thus reducing maintenance requirements w hile increasing GA
reliability suitable for the harshest environments.

Reduced energy costs - Our GA / GA+ compressors can reduce your energy costs and overall compressor lifecycle costs thanks to the
use of our highly efficient element and motors. Furthermore, the GA Variable Speed Drive (VSD) reduces energy costs by a further 35%
by automatically adjusting the air supply to your air demand w ith a large turndow n operating range.

Air system integration – The GA W orkPlace Air System can be placed w here you need it. Its low noise operation and integrated air
treatment equipment eliminate the need for a separate compressor room. All GA compressors are delivered ready for use, significantly
reducing installation costs, pressure drops and thus saving additional energy cost.

Advanced control and monitoring - To maximize efficiency and reliability, the Elektronikon® controls the main drive motor and
regulates system pressure w ithin a predefined and narrow pressure band. The Elektronikon® controller can be adapted to your specific
needs w ith extra sensors, digital contacts, fieldbus, Internet and SMS communication functions. In combination w ith the ES multiple
compressor controller, the operation of your complete compressor room is optimized.

Integrated air treatment – All GA compressors are available w ith an integrated dryer that efficiently removes moisture, aerosols and
dirt particles to protect your investment. This quality air expands the life of equipment, increasing efficiency and ensuring quality in your
final product.

Brochure GA 30-90 (3707k B, Pdf docum ent) - Download

Datasheet Elektronikon Mk 5 (166k B, Pdf docum ent) - Download

Technical data
Units: Metric Im perial

Technical Specifications
C apacity FAD (l/s) 23 - 273 l/s
C apacity FAD (m³/h, cfm) 1.3 - 333.9 m³/h
Installed motor power 30 - 90 kW
Working pressure 4 - 13 bar(e)

Total customer care

Your bottom line, maximum availability of our equipment at minimum total operating cost, is the top priority for all of us at Atlas Copco. Our
w ay of achieving that builds on interaction, on long-term relationships and involvement in your processes, needs and objectives.
Our organization and people are committed to the maximum operational availability and efficiency of your compressed air netw ork. Total
customer care is our goal at any level of service interaction w ith you; from standardized genuine parts over tailormade service plans to
remote monitoring and optimization.
W e w ant you to see Atlas Copco as a real performance partner that can contribute to the productivity of your processes. The best w ay of
taking care of your interest is by taking the best care of your equipment.
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