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About Taipei City Hospital

Taipei City Hospital is a full-service, total care medical institution that is prepared
to meet the comprehensive healthcare needs of Taipei's 2.6 million residents. The
merger of ten municipal hospitals into one unit has made the Taipei City Hospital the
largest healthcare organization in Northern Taiwan. Each hospital is referred to as the
respective branch of the central organization; for example, Taipei City Hospital – Renai
The purpose of this merger was not only to improve hospital and community
based healthcare, but also to rebuild Taipei City’s entire public healthcare system. The
theme of this reform was the creation of a “Total Care System”, namely a network that
begins caring for an individual from before they are born until they are elderly. To do
this, we seek to instill a new sense of healthy living, to facilitate a healthier environment,
and to integrate healthcare into the community.

Taipei City Hospital is changing the way that people seek medical treatment in
our fair city. In the past, people often sought unnecessary critical care at the hospital
level, thus adversely affecting the quality of service provided at top-level institutions,
while leaving lower-level care providers with little to do. Community-based healthcare is
the focus of our reform and we are actively encouraging citizens to first seek out local
clinics and pharmacies to treat minor illness and discomfort. This system allows for
referrals to higher level treatment if necessary and reduces the strain on hospitals and
speciality-care institutions. In doing so, we can ensure that a higher level of quality
healthcare is provided to all citizens.

By combining human resources and materials, it has been possible to reduce

overhead, eliminate duplicate positions and simplify procedures. Unifying the logistics of
running medical institutions and creating bulk purchasing, has resulted in lower costs for
everything from office supplies to pharmaceutical products to medical
equipment; saving the City’s residents billions of NT dollars. New technology platforms
have allowed hospital administration to access medical information necessary to aid life-
critical decisions remotely from anywhere that has an Internet connection.

It is our goal to align local attitudes toward healthcare with those of other first-
world nations. Moreover, we aim to rebuild the public healthcare system in a way that
emphasizes preventive medicine, long-term care, rehabilitation, and total care. Taipei
City Hospital is dedicated to ensuring the health of all citizens, as well as bringing about
improvements in prenatal healthcare, adolescent healthcare, adult care, long term care
and care for the aged.

Organizational Reform

Municipal Hospital Reform – Improving Services to provide Better Assistance

The Taipei City Metropolitan Area contains approximately 4,489 hospital beds.
Taipei City Hospital employs 3,878 medical professionals and services the residents of
Taipei City and surrounding municipalities. Taipei City Hospital performs about
3,850,000 clinical procedures annually.
Taipei City Hospital – Organizational Chart
1. Administrative Departments
Central Planning
a. Combined Planning Group
i. The development of short, medium, and long-term growth plans
ii. The active management of annual and individual plans
iii. The tracking and analysis of plan progress
iv. The development of standard operating procedures (SOP) for the
entire Hospital System
v. The creation of employee handbooks, administrative white-papers
and hospital publications
vi. The oversight of various development centers
vii. Medical reform planning and development
viii. Medical education reform – planning and development
ix. The development of a multiple-user, language-friendly hospital
x. Additional large-scale development plans
b. The Research & Oversight Group
i. The surveillance of medical service standards
ii. The improvement of medical service quality
iii. The receipt, response and follow-up of all written complaints and
Mayoral Office medical-related inquiries
iv. The preparation of all responses to requests for information from
the Taipei City Council
v. The review and oversight of various projects
vi. Official document tracking and management
vii. Hospital review and testing
viii. Patient satisfaction surveys and analysis
ix. The compilation of annual official government documentation
x. The conducting of international exchanges
c. The Performance Management Group
i. Follow-up performance management reviews
ii. The development of merit-based compensation methods
iii. Working with department leaders to create new performance
iv. The improvement of staff attitudes towards merit-based
compensation methods
v. The creation of comprehensive performance indicators for all
hospital departments and procedures
vi. The implement of the Rollout Executive Information System (EIS)
throughout the entire Taipei Hospital system
vii. The customization of the EIS system to include Key Performance
Indicators as needed
viii. Performing data analyses for the Hospital Administration
ix. Track hospital operational service levels to ensure high quality
x. Calculating and analyzing operating performance data
d. Community Health Promotion
i. Media relations and the preparation of press releases
ii. Event planning and public relations
iii. Publication of hospital internal information
iv. The tracking and reporting of English and Chinese news
v. The distribution and reporting of the Emergency Room Employee
vi. Planning and implementation of community-based health
vii. CIS planning and implementation
viii. Hospital promotions
ix. Health Promotion and Education Campaigns
1. Working with the Municipal DOH and Taiwan Area DOH
2. Initiating hospital-based health promotions
3. Promoting community, school campus and workplace health
4. Planning large-scale media campaigns
2. Medical Affairs Office
Patient registration, fee collection, outpatient services, patient bed
management, communicable disease statistical analysis, and public inquiries
a. Clinical services
b. Inpatient services
c. National Health Insurance services
d. Patient data analysis
e. Patient record Management
3. The Community Affairs Office
a. Assisting patients and families that have experienced difficulties (mental
anguish, family pressure, economic issues etc) due to medical treatment
or illness.
b. Assisting low-income patients and their families.
c. Working with the private sector to provide better healthcare for residents
of Taipei City
d. Facilitating the creation of Patient and Family Groups to allow those who
suffer from or care for person with a similar disease to band together and
better understand each other's situation.
4. General Affairs Office
a. Manage all Taipei City Hospital’s ambulances, parking lots, meeting
rooms, public spaces, and shuttle buses
b. Cashier/Property Management
i. The accurate calculation and disbursement of all payroll, merit-
based pay, and expenses.
ii. Revenue forecasting and calculation
iii. All property management, movement and tracking
c. Purchasing
i. Purchasing and requisitions for the Taipei City Hospital
ii. Annual purchasing forecasts
iii. The storage and management of supplies
d. Document Tracking
i. The management of official chops and stamps
ii. The oversight and management of Taipei City Hospital
documentation flow
5. Health and Workplace Safety Office
a. Ensuring workplace safety and the adherence of employees to various
safety codes (e.g., plumbing, HVAC, structural engineering, fire, public
safety regulations, etc.)
b. Being authorized to contact various public safety authorities and supervise
official safety inspections
c. Undertaking initial planning and supervision of safety issues related to
major construction and reconstruction projects
d. Medical Engineering and Technology
i. Preparing engineering analyses prior to the installation of medical
ii. Rehabilitating older medical equipment and finds suitable facilities
for equipment reuse
iii. Managing the cleaning and regular maintenance of medical
iv. Training medical personnel re the proper usage of medical
v. Ensuring clinical practices are in-line with official regulations and
vi. Digitization of all medical equipment manuals and instructions
e. Safety & Workplace Health Office

i. Ensure workplace safety and adherence to labor safety codes

ii. Ensure all employees have performed physical checkups

iii. Establishment of standardized working environments throughout

the Taipei City Hospital System

iv. Empower hospitals to perform quality self-management of

workplace safety standards

f. Environmental Health Office

i. Exhaust vent upkeep, management and planning

ii. Wastewater treatment, management and planning

iii. Cleaning service management, planning and service schedule

iv. Drinking water machine upkeep and management

g. Technology Office

i. Internet/Intranet infrastructure management, planning and upkeep

a. This covers the Department of Health, the Community

Health Centers, and all branches of the Taipei City Hospital

b. Ensuring uninterruptible connectivity for the abovementioned


c. Responsible for data integrity, including regular backup to

ensure zero data loss and comprehensive data

ii. Ensuring high-quality intranet/Internet connections for all users via

active monitoring and management of line quality, the forecasting of
loads, and the use of safe information handing techniques

h. Human Resources Office

i. Charged with the management of human resources in accordance
with R.O.C. laws

ii. The hiring, organizing, training, re-education and notification of all

Taipei City Hospital employees

iii. The safe management of all Taipei City Hospital human resource

iv. The calculation and distribution of benefits

i. Government Ethics Office

i. Oversight of all activities within Taipei City Hospital to ensure

adherence to ethical and lawful practices

ii. Loss prevention to eliminate data and/or property loss

iii. Responsible for the security of all Taipei City Hospital employees,
facilities and property

iv. Internal & external surveillance to prevent fraudulent activities

j. Accounting Office

i. All accounting related activities

Medical Services

1. The basic human resource management of medical


2. The development of plans to improve medical service quality

throughout Taipei City Hospital system

3. Planning, development, staffing, and operation of the Central


4. The creation and operation of specialty care/research

centers within each Taipei City Hospital branch, in total, ten
specialty centers
5. Directly responsible for all medical services performance of
all departments

6. The establishing and promotion of for-merit based pay

structures to foster more effective medical treatment and a
sense of ownership/ responsibility among medical personnel

7. Increase medical treatment efficiency and efficacy

Medical Affairs

1. Oversight of the Pharmaceutical, Dietary, & Nursing Divisions

2. Quality control re communicable disease control

3. Unified purchasing control, logistics and tracking for

pharmaceutical products, medical instruments and the

4. Implementation of first-in-first-out inventory control to deplete

vestigial stocks of non-compliant pharmaceutical products

Research & Education

1. Develop annual and long-term research timelines for the Taipei

City Hospital

2. Oversee all of the research and education projects within the

entire Taipei City Hospital System

Blueprint for Growth

Traces of growth

 July 2003

The Taipei City Government Department of Health (TCGDOH) started

planning with respect to the regulation “the amendment to the
organizational regulations and chart of TCGDOH medical institutes”.
 August 11-September 4, 2003

Commissioner Hang Chang delivered presentations to employees at

each municipal hospital and explained the basis for hospital integration

 September 15, 2003

To ensure the integration of the city hospitals, the TCGDOH set up

the “Taipei City Hospital Administrative Operation United Center” which
was comprised of eight teams: health care integration, administrative
integration, medical quality, information integration, logistical integration,
community marketing, teaching and research and international

 January 8, 2004

Taipei City Council initiated a formal study into the feasibility of

municipal hospital integration. A commission was established to follow any

 January 12-February 19, 2004

Dr. Hang Chang, the commissioner of the TCGDOH, visited each city
hospital branch and had eight face-to-face seminars with doctors on
“Discussion on the Amendment to Organizational Structure and the
Establishment of Incentive”.

 March 4, 2004

“Taipei City Hospital Planning Division” was founded to replace

“Taipei City Hospital Administrative Operation United Center”. The vice
commissioner of the TCGDOH, Mr. Chun-Chian Hsu, was appointed as
Chief of the Planning Division

 May 6-14. 2004

A face-to-face seminar was held for doctors in the presence of the

Superintendent of Renai Hospital, Mr. Chen-Lung Wu, the Deputy
Superintendent of Zhongxin Hospital, Mr. Shih-Nen Chuang, and the
Deputy Superintendent of Hospital Branch for Women and Children, Mr.
Tsung-Chen Huang, on “The Integration of City Hospitals and the
Amendment to Organizational Structure”

 May 28, 2004

Taipei City Council delivered a seminar on Taipei City Hospital

Integration, inviting experts and scholars to discuss the upcoming

 July 7, 2004

Taipei City Council passed a bill allowing reorganization of the Taipei

City Municipal Hospital System.

 August 5, 2004

First selection of candidates for the Taipei City Hospital vice

superintendent positions was held

 August 15, 2004

“Taipei City Hospital Planning Division” relocated to the 7th floor of

Taipei City Renai Hospital. Mr. Chen-Lun Wu, the Superintendent of Renai
Hospital, was appointed as the Acting Chief of the Planning Division.

 September 3-9, 2004

Dr. Wu, the Chairman and Acting Chief, together with other city
hospital chairmen, visited each hospital to conduct and promote “Taipei
City Hospital Seminar Tour”.

 October 2-9, 2004

Dr. Da-Liang Chen, Vice-Chairman of the Taipei City Hospital

Planning Division and Deputy Superintendent Mr. Shih-Neng Chuang
visited each city hospital to conduct workshops on the management of
specialized medical departments.
 October 2004
Selection for department directors was held.
 November 2004
Secondary selection was held to pick additional vice superintendents.
January 1, 2005
Taipei City Hospital was officially founded. The Call Center was
established and is available 24 hours a day all year-round.
 February 16,2005
The establishment of the Urology Department (Zhongxiao Branch).
 April 28,2005- May 8,2006
Visit to a Tibetan community in Bangalore in the south of India to deliver
medical aid.
 August 16,2005
Approved by the Ministry of Education to become the Teaching Hospital of
National Yang-Ming University.
 September 26,2005
Trauma Center (Zhongxing Branch) was established
 August 11,2005
Chinese Medicine Clinical Center (Branch for Chinese Medicine) was
 October 25,2005
The opening of Clinico-Biotechnology Center (Renai Branch).
 November 1,2005
A new Bed Control Center for the intelligent control of the bed care system
was established to provide better service to citizens, as well as helping to
minimize the problem of bed shortages.
 December 12,2005
The Traditional Chinese Medicine Research and Development Center
(Branch for Chinese Medicine) was established
 December 20,2005
AIDS Prevention Research and Development Center (Branch for Chinese
Medicine) was established.
 December 30,2005
The Occupational Disease Research and Development Center (Zhongxiao
Branch) was established.
 January 10,2006
The Psychiatric Center (Songde Branch) was established.
 January 21,2006
A teaching and cooperation agreement with Taipei Medical University Hospital
was signed.
 January 23,2006
The Community Medical Center (Yang-Ming Branch) was established.
 February 19,2006
The teaching agreement between Taipei City Hospital and National Yang-
Ming University Teaching Hospital became officially effective. An oath-taking
ceremony for teachers’ certificates was held at National Yang-Ming University
Teaching Hospital.
 February 22,2006
The Cardiovascular Inspection Center (Zhongxiao Branch) was established.
 March 1,2006
Taipei City Health Service Center’s “Pharmaceutical Product Guidance &
Information Out-Patient Service” began to offer the “Medicine & Health Bag”.
 April 1,2006
A teaching and cooperation agreement with National Defense University
was signeds.
 May 1,2006
Dr. Rei-Sheng Sun was appointed as the Superintendent of Taipei City Hospital.
 July 27,2006
At a signing ceremony, an agreement on “Emergency Medical Care
System” was signed between Taipei City Hospital and Taipei School of Special
 August 1,2006
The Breast Cancer Screening Center in the Renai Branch was established.
 September 30,2006
Taipei City Hospital and National Chengchi University signed an
agreement on academic exchange while, at the same time, an opening
ceremony class credits was held as part of the agreement.
 October 30,2006
Taipei City Hospital organized the opening ceremony of the Branch for
Women and Children; this was entitled “A Brand New Hospital Branch for
Women and Children and Total Devotion to Service”.
 November 17,2006
Taipei City Hospital website was elected as the “Best Health-Related Web
Sites of 2006 “.
 November 30,2006
The Department of Dentistry of Taipei City Hospital, Zhongxiao Branch,
organized an opening ceremony for the “Oral Health Center for the Handicap”.
 December 1,2006
Taipei City Hospital is your greatest neighbor. Taipei City Hospital set up a
cooperation agreement with Uni-President Convenient Stores for citizens
nationwide to download the most recent City Hospital’s medical forms from the
convenient stores. The walk-in service is now available for citizens and helps
them to gain easy access to the medical service counter. A press conference
was held at 10:00am on December 1 at a demonstration store at Uni-President
Convenient Store 7-11 Headquarter. This was the “iBon Convenient Lifestyle
Station - City Hospital Medical Outpatient Form Download”
 December 7,2006
Taipei City Hospital organized an opening ceremony for the Hospice Care Unit
 December 14,2006
Taipei City Hospital organized an opening ceremony for the Center of
Physical Medicine on the 3rd floor of the Medical Building, Yang-Ming branch.
 December 23,2006
Taipei City Hospital held a 2nd Anniversary Event including a seminar
“Creating the Harvard Job Conference in Taiwan”.
 December 28,2006
Taipei City Hospital organized a fundraising event entitled the
“Autographed Baseball of Chien-Ming Wang, the Glory of Taiwan and Gold
Medal Baseball Team at the Asian Games Doha” for the Chihsiang Ward and
ALS patients on the 10th floor of the Zhongxiao Branch.
 January 19,2007
Press conference on “Connecting Matzu Heath Care” describing the
implementation plan establishing the Liangchiang County medical audiovisual
PACS system.
 February ,2007
The “Music for Love at 10 O’Clock” music event began to be held regularly
from February.
 February 6,2007
Taipei City Hospital organized a flag raising ceremony for the hospital
volunteer team.
 February 16,2007
Taipei City Hospital’s two years of transformation. The renowned doctor,
Dr. Reury-Perng Perng. was appointed as the Superintendent of Taipei City
Hospital. He is dedicated to developing the specialized treatment centers at
various hospital branches with the hope of converting the city hospital into a
community medical center in the future.
 August 14,2007
Taipei City Hospital and Taipei County Hospital signed a strategic alliance
agreement on three keys issues: health care, administration and teaching and
 August 28,2007
Team up with FTV (a TV channel) began broadcasting an entertainment
and educational TV show “Health Combat Team” with the aim of delivering a
practical health message to the public.
 August30-31,2007
The Commissioner of the TCGDOH, Dr. Wen-Hsiang Chiu, together with
the Superintendent of Taipei City Hospital Dr. Reury-Perng Perng and his team
visited Matzu Island for the “2007 Liangchiang County Medical Enterprise and
Service Review Conference”
 September 3,2007
The clinical department of the Zhongxiao Branch in Nangkang Industrial
Park began to provide a comprehensive outpatient-service by starting a “no lunch
break service” allowing individuals to visit the medical service during their lunch
 September 13,2007
The medical team conducted their 4th visit to Mongolia to provide related
medical support and services in capital city, Ulaan Baatar.
 December 24,2007
Taipei City Hospital Zhongxing Branch established the “Respiratory Care Ward”.
 December 26,2007
The Urology Department of Zhongxiao Branch organized a ceremony to
display their medal for “National Quality Award”.
 January 7, 2008
“The Theory and Practice of a Healthy College Environment”, organized by our
hospital and National Chengchi University.
 January 24, 2008
Benefit dinner at the Taipei Arena.
 March 4, 2008
The grand opening of “Postpartum Care” in the Zhongxiao Branch.
 April 15, 2008
The opening of the “Addiction Prevention Research Center” in the Songde
 April 22, 2008
”Blessing Concert and Opening Ceremony of Negative Pressure
Ventilation in the Respiratory Care” is held in the Heping Branch commemorate
the SARS outbreak that occurred 5 years ago.
 May 1, 2008
“Dementia Care from a Benevolent Society”– the opening of Taiwan
Alzheimer’s Disease Association in the Renai Branch.
 May 9, 2008pppppppppppppppppppThe opening of “Postpartum Care” in the
Yangming Branch.
The opening of the Early Intervention Center.
 September 2, 2008
The Taipei International Medical Assistance Team gave gratuitous treatment to
Mongolians, with the sponsorship of DHL Express.
 October 2, 2008
The opening ceremony of the Citizen’s Health Movement in the Linsen Branch.
 October 15, 2008
The inauguration of the superintendent Sun-Yran Chang.
 November 12, 2008
The Annual Awards ceremony of the 2008 Outstanding Physician Award.

 November 19, 2008

The promotion presentation for “Prescription ATM”.

 January 6, 2009
Benefit dinner at the Taipei Arena.
 February 16, 2009
The anniversary and opening of the physical examination center in the
Zhongxing Branch.
 February 21, 2009
Creating activities to celebrate the establishment of the “Zhongxiao Health
Center—Your Friendly Neighbor”.
 April 1, 2009
The opening ceremony for the “Integration Outpatient Service for Geriatrics” in
the Renai Branch.
 April 15, 2009
”The 40th Anniversary Celebration and the Inauguration of the Yingkun
Auditorium” was held in the Songde Branch.
 May 1, 2009
The 56th Anniversary Celebration—“Caring for Your Health” and the Mother’s
Day Fair, which offers gratuitous treatment, held in the Renai Branch.
 May 9, 2009
The inauguration of the “Cardiac Catheter and Cardiac Electrophysiological
Research Center” in the Zhongxiao Branch.
 June 23, 2009
The opening celebration for the Chengchi University Outpatient Department,
Taipei City Hospital.
 August 3, 2009
Lin-zhong Weng was transferred to the Taipei City Hospital as the deputy
superintendent, Xiu-wen Liu as hospital chief in the Renai Branch, Da-cheng Qu
as hospital chief in the Zhongxing Branch, and deputy superintendent Run-qiu
Chen as hospital chief in the Heping Branch.
 August 5, 2009
Zhongxiao Branch, Branch for Women and Children, Yangming Branch, and
Renai Branch were honored by the Institute for Biotechnology and Medicine
Industry with the “SNQ Symbol for National Quality Certification” and the
“Biotechnology and Medicine Industry Quality Award”.
 November 12, 2009
The awarding ceremony of the 2009 Annual Outstanding Physician Award.
 November 28, 2009
Organizing the Shi-ren Wen Academic Seminar—the 2008 Nobel Prize winner in
Physiology or Medicine.
 December 23, 2009
Thanksgiving & Christmas Celebration and the Opening Ceremony of the
Dementia Day Ward were held in the Renai Branch.
 January 6, 2010
The press conference for “One-Stop Service—A Comforting Harbor for Rape
Victims” was held at the Branch for Women and Children.
 January 15, 2010
”The Launching of the Online Prescription Platform and the Celebration for 2010
Pharmacist’s Day ”.
 February 5, 2010
The donation ceremony by Cardiovascular Health Center, Yangming Branch.
 April 7, 2010
The first in the country to provide 1,000 smokers with 4 weeks of free medication
to help them quit smoking. Our 39 physicians from 8 hospital regions teamed up
to assist the public.
 April 20, 2010
The inauguration of Taipei Psychotherapy Center-Space to Think-Way to Talk-
Future to Hope-in the Songde Branch.
 May 6, 2010
”The 2010 International Nurse’s Day Celebration and the Outstanding Staff
Awarding Ceremony”.
 May 10, 2010
The Vaccine and Calcium Tablet Donation and the 25th Anniversary Celebration
held in the Yangming Branch.
 July 3, 2010
The 23rd Anniversary Celebration in the Zhongxiao Branch promotes a
neighborhood that seeks “Health, Safety, and Happiness”.
 August 6, 2010
The inauguration of the“CCU and Multi-Functional Minimally Invasive Treatment
Center”in the Renai Branch.
 September 6, 2010
The Opening Ceremony of the Long-Term Care Services and the 42nd
Anniversary Celebration were held in the Heping Branch.
 October 15, 2010
A city/county wide film festival was held during 2010 World AIDS Day.
 October 30, 2010
Anniversary celebrations at the Branch for Women and Children.
 November 4, 2010
The opening of the Wanhua Outpatient Department in the Heping Branch.
 November 12, 2010
The awarding ceremony of the 2010 Annual Outstanding Physician Award.
The opening of the Clinical Study as well as the Education and Training Center.
 November 13, 2010
The opening celebration for the renovation of the women’s and children’s ward.
 September 7, 2011
The Taipei City Hospital officially becomes the teaching hospital of National
Taipei University of Nursing and Health Sciences.


Renai Branch

Renai Branch
 Renai Branch – History
o 1953 - Taipei Municipal Hospital was founded and provided only
outpatient services.
o 1960 - Relocated to current address. Inpatient departments established.
o 1968 - Renamed as the ‘Taipei Renai Municipal Hospital’
o 1991 - Capacity expanded by the government to:
 10 Administrative Departments
 26 Medical Departments
 750 beds with 960 employees.
 2005 – The ten Taipei Municipal Hospitals were amalgamated into ‘Taipei
City Hospital’.

Renai Branch Organization

Taipei City Hospital Superintendent


Branch Committee

Deputy Director

Chief, Administrative Center

Medical Department

Community Healthcare

Office of Infection Control

Department of Internal Medicine

Department of Surgery

Other Departments
Mission, Vision and Goals
 To care for minority groups
 Community-based healthcare
 A total Care System
 The pursuit of excellence
 The health of citizens
 To become a community medical center
 To build the entire public healthcare system in Taipei City based on citizens
Renai’s Goals:
 A benevolent heart equipped with good practice
 Love your neighbors as yourself
 To become the guardian of the citizens’ health
Renai Branch Bed Counts

Bed Count

Total Bed Count 827

General Beds 634

Special Beds 193

Intensive Care Unit Beds 38

Baby Cribs 20

Neonate Beds 7

Emergency Obstetric Beds 15

Dialysis Beds 36

Recovery Beds 10

Respiratory Care Ward Beds 40

Respiratory Care Center Beds 10

Hospice Beds 9

Hospital Personnel Structure

Staff Numbers Percentage

Doctors 202 19%

Nurses 447 44%

Medical Technicians 178 18%

Administrative staff 111 11%

Technicians 79 8%

Total 1017 100%

Feature Centers of the Renai Branch
 Cancer Center
 Cardiovascular Center
 Neurology Center
 Liver Center
 Health Imaging Center
 Health Evaluation and Promotion
Cancer Center
Medical Features:
 Integration into the Hospital Cancer
Quality Improvement Program of Bureau of
 Co-operation between Western
Medicine and Traditional Medicine when
treating cancer patients
 Set up the 13 cancers registration database and public reporting
 Running the multidisciplinary cancer conference
 Promoting cancer prevention by electronic information and web sites
 Case management and intensive follow up
 Total care of cancer patients
 Cardiovascular Center
Medical Features:
 Certified by the Heart Association as the
teaching and training hospital for
cardiovascular internal medicine
 The first and only municipal hospital in Taiwan
that is capable of performing cardiovascular operation independently

Services Features:
Diagnosis and treatment of cardiological diseases

 CATH: 390 cases in 2009

 Open Heart: 295 cases from 2005 to 2009

 Neurology Center

Services Features:

 Dementia and Memory Clinic:

 School of Wisdom
 Geriatric Clinic
  Internal neurological services, surgical
neurological services and biplane
intervention angiography
 Innovation: establishing and assessing the
Dementia Distance Care System

 Liver Disease Center

 Medical Features:

 One of the best and the pioneer liver

cancer teams in this country.
 Outstanding and leading ultrasound
diagnosis and treatment techniques
including Percutaneous Ethanol Injection
(PEI) and Radiofrequency Ablation (RFA)
for liver cancer
 Collaborates with other departments to
offer multi-disciplinary treatment for liver

Services Features:
 “Protect Your Liver” special integrated outpatient service
 All types of examination and treatments related to hepatitis, cirrhosis and liver

Gastrointestinal Center

Medical Features:

 One of the best and well known gastrointestinal endoscopy teams in Taiwan 
 Image enhanced endoscopy facilities

Services Features:
 Painless endoscopy: endoscopy procedures under deep sedation
 All types of endoscopic examination including EGD, colonoscopy, retrograde
cholangio-pancreatography and their related diagnosis and treatment


Organizational overview
Services from Generation to Generation, a Taipei City Hospital Organizational
Taipei City Hospital
 Zhongxing Branch
 Renai Branch
 Heping Fuyou Branch
 Yangming Branch
 Zhongxiao Branch
 Songde Branch
 Linsen Chinese Medicine and Kunming Branch

Medical Units: 14 departments/57 branches/37 groups

 Department of Dietetics & Nutrition
 Department of Pharmacy
 Department of Infectious Disease Prevention
 Department of Chinese Medicine
 Department of Laboratory
 Department of Psychiatry
 Department of Emergency Medicine
 Department of Otolaryngology
 Department of Pediatrics
 Department of Orthopedic Surgery
 Department of Internal Medicine
 Child Developmental Assessment & Intervention Center
 Department of Nursing
 Department of Education and Research
 Department of Dentistry
 Department of Medical Imaging
 Department of Pathology
 Department of Rehabilitation Medicine
 Department of Community Medicine
 Department of Ophthalmology
 Department of Anesthesiology
 Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics
 Department of Surgery

Administrative Units: 1 center/8 offices/4 groups/29 divisions

 Government Ethics Office
 Accounting Office
 Biomedical Engineering Office
 Engineering Affairs Office
 General Affairs Office
 Community Service Office
 Administrative Center of Planning
 Personnel Office
 Information Technology Office
 Safety and Hygiene Office
 Administration Services Office
 Audit Office
 Medical Affairs Office

Huang Sheng-Jean
 BA, School of Physical Therapy, College of Medicine, National Taiwan
 MD in the post-baccalaureate education program in the School of Medicine,
National Taiwan University
 Attending Doctor of Neurosurgery, National Taiwan University Hospital
 Associate Professor of Surgeon, National Taiwan University College of
 Associate Professor of Department of Education (2011-2015.01)
 Attending Physician of NSICU, National Taiwan University Hospital
 Director, Department of Surgery, National Taiwan University Hospital Yun-
Lin Branch (2007-2009)
 Director of NSICU, National Taiwan University Hospital (2009-2011)
 Superintendent, National Taiwan University Hospital Jin-Shan Branch
 Neurosurgery ,Neurotraumatology, Neurointensive care, Palliative care

National Patient Safety Goals

In order to contrive a consensus among the local medical fields towards the
promotion of patient safety, and employ the most effective use of the limited medical
resources, "Patient Safety Committee" of the Department of Health corresponded to the
government’s strategies and carefully reviewed the practical and implementation needs
of hospitals. Joint Commission of Taiwan invited clinical experts of patient safety to
formulate national patient safety goals, strategies, principles and referential practices
that are adopted from the annual goals and practices of the American JCAHO ( Joint
Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations ) for the use and reference of
the related medical affairs . As from 2004, the annual patient safety goals have been
increased from 5 to 10 items. Besides, active and positive descriptions are adopted to
promote the patient safety in Taiwan.
The principles for setting the goals are considered upon 5 aspects:
 Universality:The formulation of goals and strategies is based on the common
situations encountered by most medical institutes, instead of merely those in
large-scaled hospitals.
 Accessibility:While setting the goals and strategies, the costs of hospitals
should not be affected. The hospitals are expected to implement the suggested
practices in their daily work.
 Phased:The goals are assessed every year, and the improvement of each goal
is reviewed. Principally, the goals are revised once every two years according to
the practical situation of implementation.
 Concentration:The hospitals and medical organizations should review the
characteristics of the goals and implement what are best-suited. They are not
required to achieve all the listed goals, but to strengthen the goals that need to
be improved.
 Systematic:The improvement practices of hospitals are not limited to a single
medical or administrative department. Only the adoption of systematic practices
can patient safety be effectively improved.
The quality of medical service is based on "Patient safety" which is the commonest
goal for healthcare providers and patients. The proposal of patient safety goals
elucidates government’s determination in providing our people with safety medical care.
It is expected that medical experts and the public can work together to promote the
healthcare quality in Taiwan as well as building a safety medical environment.
 2016~2017 National Patient Safety Goals

Objectives Executive strategies (2016-2017)

1. Implement the correctness, integrity, and

instantaneity of the info delivering process.
Objective 1:
2. Implement the risk management and the standard
Enhancement of
operating procedures during the transfer of patients.
3. Implement timely notification and treatment of
critical values of radiation, inspection, examination,
between health
and pathology repots, as well as other important
caring personnel.
4. Enhance team communication skills.

1. Create patient safety culture and participate Taiwan

Patient safety Reporting system as well.
2:Implement the
2. Analyze patient safety incidents and promote
event management
improvement programs.
of patient safety.
3. Set patient safety incident managing programs.

1. Implement the surgery identification process and

Objective 3:
the safety examination process.
Enhancement of the
2. Enhance the quality of anesthetic care.
surgical safety.
3. Implement the process of surgical equipment
4. Avoid injury during operation.
Establish appropriate mechanisms. Examine
unneeded operations.

1. Implement the risk management of the patient

Objective 4: Avoid falling and as well as the preventive measures.
patient falling and 2. Provide safe care environment. Reduce falling
reduce injury. injury.
Inspect and adjust care plan after falling.

1. Promote medication reconciliation for the patient.

Objective 5: 2. Implement the transfer of medication allergies and
Enhance safety of Adverse drug reactions history.
the drug usage. 3. Enhance safety usage of the high-alert medications
and Infusion pumps.

1. Implement the compliance and the correctness of

hand hygiene.
2. Implement management mechanisms of antibiotic
Objective 6:
Implement infection
3. Implement care bundle measures. Reduce medical
care-associated infections.
4. Clean, monitor environment periodically. Establish
disinfection, sterilization managing mechanism.

1. Implement the evaluation and care of the pipeline

Objective 7:
2. Enhance safety of pipeline placement and reduce
Enhance pipeline
its injuries.
3. Enhance teamwork as well as providing integrated
1. Encourage medical personnel to contact patients
Objective 8: and their families to establish partnerships.
Encourage patients 2. Offer people multiple participation approaches.
and their families to 3. Encourage people to notify issue regarding patient
participate patient safety.
safety tasks. 4. Provide patients medical safety information
spontaneously. Promote “Shared Decision Making”.

Community Medicine
Yangming Branch
 Community Medicine R&D Center /Family Medicine Department.
 Otolaryngology Department Rehabilitation Department/ Metabolism Department.
 Community Medicine R&D Center/Family Medicine Department.
Our center is devoted in promoting the health management of our citizens to ensure
that residents of our community enjoy the most compassionate and attentive health care
system. This includes promoting the public health care policy, enhancing medical care
to the elderly and disadvantaged minorities, providing disease prevention and health
enhancement services, carrying out disease testing and inspection, providing
appropriate medical treatment, minimizing the effects of handicaps and providing long-
term nursing. The aim is to create a specialized community medical development
system. Our plan is as follows:
1. Collaborate with the Shilin and Beitou Health Service Centers when conducting
large-scale community health examinations, health inspections and medical
treatment follow up.
2. Connect with local clinics to build a medical network for the community.
3. Promote health care education and prevention in the community.
4. Train and educate community health volunteers.
5. Establish educational cooperation with various medical universities and carry out
dedicated training of doctors working in the community.
6. Promote hot spring health tourism.
7. Establish a special team targeting long-term nursing and care.
8. Establish cooperation with the community care centers to improve nursing quality
for the disadvantaged minorities.
9. Provide inpatient service to the commissioned community care and nursing center.
Our medical team will visit care centers regularly to conduct the “mobile medical
treatment” via inpatient service.

Department of Otolaryngology
Examination and treatment of vocal disorders and the diagnosis of hearing impairments
Clinics, hospitalization, and 24/7 emergency medicine
Special equipments:
1. All types of hearing examination facilities.
2. A high-resolution nasophasyngo laryngoscope
3. Videostroboscopy
4. A Zeiss surgical microscope
5. A Storz nasophasyngo laryngoscope
6. Specialized equipment for otolaryngology
Department of Rehabilitation
1. Physical therapy, radiotherapy, water therapy, heat therapy, ambulation training,
balance training, prosthesis training, posture training, strength training, stretch
training, facilitation techniques, slacking technique and, movement therapy
2. Occupational therapy, the use of all types of splints, passive ROM, balance training,
movement training, strength training, ADL training, motion-sensory training and
cognitive training
3. Speech therapy: listening comprehension training, speech training, oral Tx.,
auditory discrimination, phonetic placement, rhythm training and swallowing
evaluation and treatment
Department of Metabolism
1. The creation of a diabetes-specialist team that includes endocrinologists,
specialized nurses and nutritionists in order to provide professional advice on diet,
exercise, and medication.
2. Hold regular events for diabetes patients and create a painting class for patients
that will allow them to interact.
3. Integrate psychological and physical care with elements from the humanities and
4. The establishment of a weight-loss clinic to discourage individuals from developing
clinical metabolic syndrome.
5. The develop of a multilingual staff that will allow patients from around the world to
enjoy our high level healthcare services.

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