Unit 3 Job Application Letters: Content

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3.1 Addressing a Job Application Letter (also known as Cover Letter)

The main objective of preparing a job application letter is to get the recipient
to read your CV (curriculum vitae). It should be clear, brief and straight to the
point. Here the writer is simply telling the employer that he or she is worth
having a look at.

The application letter should be brief, no more than one page in length. It should
be easy to read and scan through. It should include only the absolute necessary

There are two types of job application letters which are:

1. Solicited Cover Letter: a letter written in response to a job advertisement or a

referral. No special attention-getter because you have been invited to apply.
2. Unsolicited Cover Letter: a letter which you write to inquire about the possibility
or a job opening. You need to start by capturing the attention and interest of your

The style which the writer chooses is not important, there

are many different styles of job applications and professional
letters, and this comes down to personal preference. However usually on the top, whether
it is on the right or left hand side, there should be the writer’s address and the
date. Following this, on the left hand side the writer should write the recipient’s
address. Ensure that the name of the person, his/ her title, company name, and address
are included. This is probably obvious, but make sure the spelling of recipient’s name is
correct, nothing worse than receiving a letter incorrectly addressed or misspelled. It gives
a poor first impression.

3.2 The Introductory Paragraph

The first paragraph should simply state the reason why the writer is writing to the
employer. If it is an advertised position, mention the position title and where it was
advertised. If there is no advertisement on job vacancies then the writer should specify
that he or she is applying for any current or future employment opportunities.

One of the easiest ways to start this paragraph is with the following statement:

Please find enclosed my CV, which I am forwarding to you as an

application for the position of.......

3.3 The Main Body

The main body of the letter should be two to three paragraphs at the most. Here is where
the writer tells the employer what he/she has to offer and why the employer should read
his/her CV. This is a good time to read the job advertisement again. In one paragraph
(two at the most) the writer needs to summarise his/her experience and skills, at the same
time it is a need to respond to the position requirements as in the advertisement.
Analyse the career and summarise it in a few sentences, highlight what are the
writer’s areas of expertise, or how many years in the industry he/she might have, or even
the level that he/she has reached. This paragraph should direct the reader to the CV and
should sell some unique points that the writer might have. A good way to start this
paragraph is with a statement like this:
"You will see from my enclosed CV...." then go ahead and tell something about the career
which will straight away get the employer’s attention.

The next part of the body of the letter should be a brief description of the writer’s
personal skills. He/she needs to read again the advertisement again and respond to the
company’s needs. If the company is looking for someone with good co-ordination skills,
then ensure he/she mentions something to that effect. Use adjectives like "demonstrated
ability", "well developed", and "strong".
3.4 The Closing Paragraph
The closing paragraph should ask for some actions from the recipient. This is where the
writer asks for an interview. It should also state where and how the
employer can reach the writer, and it should thank the recipient for
giving the opportunity for the writer to apply. For instance, the writer
may write something like this:

should you require further information.....

Finish the letter by adding a closing remark, either “yours sincerely”, “yours
faithfully” or whatever the writer feels comfortable with and obeying general letter writing
etiquette. Leave a few spaces for the writer’s signature and then place the full name.
Before mailing the application letter, read it over again, making sure that it is
perfect. Special attention should be given to ensure that:

the letter is
not too long
there are no grammatical or
spelling errors

the job requirements

are fulfilled

the application letter flows

and easy to read

Edit the letter many times and remember that the job application letter is just as
important as the CV itself. The letter should invite the recipient to read the resume; in turn
the resume should raise enough interest for the future employer to want to interview the
writer. The interview is where the writer will demonstrate his/her skills and abilities.

3.5 Sample of Solicited Job Application Letter

A Solicited Letter

Daeng Azlan bin Abdullah

Lot 231, Jalan Kemajuan
46350, Petaling Jaya
Selangor Darul Ehsan. Writer’s name & contact information
(03) 7728 8868

23 March 2013
Human Resource Manager
Fazstar Global Sdn. Bhd.
I am writing to apply for the Programmer position advertised in the Times Union dated 20
March 2013. As requested, I am enclosing a completed job application, my certification, my
resume and three references.
State the position you are applying

The opportunity presented in this listing is very interesting, and I believe that my strong
technical experience and education will make me a very competitive candidate for this
position. The key strengths that I possess for success in this position include:
 I have successfully designed, developed, and supported live use applications
 I strive for continuous excellence
 I provide exceptional contributions to customer service for all customers

With a Bachelor of Science in Computer Programming, I have a full understanding of the full
life cycle of a software development project. I also have experience in learning and excelling at
new technologies as needed.
3.6 Sample of Unsolicited Job Application Letter
Activity 1

Abdul Muluk bin Abdul Malik

13 Lorong Pari-pari
Sungai Sialang Writer’s name & contact information
74400 Melaka.
e-mail address: AbdMuluk@gmail.com

1 January 2013 Date

Human Resource Manager

Adiwarna Corporation
Jalan Kenanga Recipient’s name & address
28050 Kajang
Selangor Darul Ehsan.

Dear Sir/ Madam, Salutation

Application for the Position of an Administrative Assistant. Title

Today’s advertisement column in The Sun reports that your company is expanding its operation
from Kajang to Melaka. Perhaps an administrative assistant is needed at the new premises. I think
you might be interested to the qualifications and experience I have previously.

State the position you are applying

 Three years of working experience as a trainee administrator in CNR Holdings has
provided the communication and management skills and knowledge.
 Skills in utilising software programmes like Power Point, Microsoft Word, Excel and
Publisher besides operating photocopy and fax machines.
 Strong interest in dealing with people and good social and communication skills.

The mid-section of your letter should state your skills & qualification
I believe your company offers the experience and opportunity for me to expand my talent and
ability. My resume is enclosed for you to consider and refer. I hope you will inform me for the
meeting arrangement soon. Thanking you in anticipation.
Thanking the reader
Yours faithfully,

Muluk Writer’s signature & name



1. Green Ocean Ltd. has advertised the position of a junior accounts assistant. You
want to get an application form. As the due date of the submission of the form is
just around the corner, you decide to make a call to ask for the form. Act out the
part of the applicant and the receptionist with you friend. The conversation should
be about the form and the details related to the position advertised.

2. What is the difference between solicited cover letter and unsolicited cover letter?

Solicited Cover Letter Unsolicited Cover Letter

Activity 2
Read the solicited letter provided below. Check the format and sentences used in the
letter. Identify if there are any errors. Then, rewrite the revised letter on a piece of paper
and compare your answers with your friends.

1 April 2012 Maria Melissa Agus

234 Jalan Kenanga
e-mail address: Taman Bahagia
mariamar@hotmail.com Kulai, Johor

The Personnel Officer,

Tariq Corporation,
84000 Jalan Sialang,
Tangkak, Johor.

Dear Sir/ Madam,

With reference to your job description for the post of trainee accountant in
The News Straits Time, I want you to consider me.

I wanna tell you that I am a 20-year-old college leaver who has just
completed my diploma in Accounting. As so you know, I recently completed
a two-month course on Microsoft Office in Open University. Besides, I
attended a “Business Communication” workshop that now I know I am very
good at dealing with people.

I want you to examine the enclosed resume for details of my qualifications

and experience, and give me a ring for more information. I can be contacted
for an interview at 011-16272838 or through e-mail address above.

Your sincerely,
Maria Melissa Agus

Encl: Resume

Activity 3
The following is an advertisement which is not arranged under appropriate headings.
Rearrange the items under the appropriate sub-headings.

Communications Manager
 Direct and lead the Centre in order to deliver professional, cost effective, and
quality telesales functions.
 University graduate with over 5 years relevant experience.
 Work closely with counterparts within the company to achieve the mission and
objectives of the Centre as well as meet the objectives of the business units.
 Develop the Centre into a successful operation centre.
 Good team building and interpersonal skills.
 Thorough productivity and quality management knowledge.
Responsibilities Requirements
 

 

 

(Adapted from: Workplace English)

Activity 4
Below are extracts of a job application letter. Complete the blanks with the correct form
of the word given in the brackets.

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am a hard-working, (a)____________________ (commit), determined and

(b)____________________ (discipline) individual seeking a position in your
organisation. I graduated in May 2010 from National University of Singapore,
Singapore with a master’s degree in English (Applied Linguistics). I am also a holder
of Bachelor of Education (TESL) specialising in English for Specific Purposes which I
obtained from UTM, Johor Baharu. For details on my education background and work
experiences I enclose herewith my CV.

As (c)____________________ (reflect) in my CV, I believe a good balance in

academic and extra-curricular activities is important. Through these
(d)____________________ (activity) I have (e)____________________ (develop)
and strengthen my leadership qualities and team spirit. I have learnt to persevere and
to be patient under mental and physical pressure.

I feel I have much to contribute to your company. I would consider myself to

be a very enthusiastic and ambitious person who persistently
Activity 5
Think of a job that you would like to apply and prepare its job specifications.

e.g.: My ambition is to be a teacher. The job specifications of being a teacher include:

 prepare teaching materials

 prepare test and examination questions

 master the subject content, etc…

 ……….

 ……….

e.g.: My ambition is to be a sales manager. The job specifications of being a sales

manager include:
 lead sales team and develop new markets/products

 good leadership qualities, communication skills, and flair for selling

 organise training programmes for sales executives

 ……….

 ……….
Activity 6
Write a job application letter applying for any of the positions below.


We are interested in hiring people who are dynamic, hardworking and motivated to
develop our company as a well-known international car trader. Here, we have a
wide variety of job opportunities for you:

 Promoter/Sales Assistant
 Technician
 Engineer
 Marketing Manager

Interested candidates are invited to apply online or write-in with comprehensive

resume. For enquiries, please email to careers@mutiara.my.


Activity 7
Prepare an unsolicited job application letter as an Assistant Engineer at UM Land Berhad.


Foo, K., Nor Azni, A., Noorzan, H.M.N., & Seng, T. C. (2008). Communication Skills for
the Workplace. Selangor: August Publishing.

David & Geoffrey, W. (1993). Correspondence about Employment in English for

Business. Oxford: Made Simple Books.

Vijayarajoo, A. R., Nair, R., & Menon, S. (2008). Workplace English (2nd. Ed.) Selangor:
Prentice Hall.

Zulida Kadir (2006). Technical Communication II: Teaching Module 1122. Batu Pahat:

__________ (2011, December 23). Writing a Resume. Retrieved from

Cover Letter Template - Cold Contact Prospecting

Dear [name]:

I have been researching your company with great interest and would be very keen to learn of any
opportunities for employment with you. I believe my skills and experience could be a great match with
your organisation’s initiatives and culture. [In your opening, if you can draw any personal connection,
such as a personal recommendation, recently attending one of their events or talks, or even reading
about their company in the news, do so.]

As a [insert your role title/function] with [number] years of experience in the sector, I believe I could
make a valuable contribution to furthering your company’s success and goals. [Briefly outline your
experience and emphasise any skills and strengths that would benefit the company. Mention any
projects you’ve worked on that relate to what the company does.]

My career highlights include:

 [insert achievement – Example: “Saved XYZ organisation AUD$200,000 by implementing a best

practice ABC system in a 6-month timeframe”]

 [insert achievement]

 [insert achievement]

 [insert achievement]

I have been very excited to learn about [cite some development, project or aspect of the company that
appeals to you and demonstrates your knowledge of the company. Now explain how you would
contribute to the company’s projects, put forward an idea or demonstrate how you can help the
company grow.]

I believe that my experience would make me an ideal fit for [company name]. I have attached my
resume to provide more information about my background and would appreciate the opportunity to
discuss how I may be able to contribute to your organisation. I will call you next week to arrange a time
to meet at your convenience, but please do not hesitate to contact me at [insert email address and
mobile number].

Kind regards,

[Your name]
Cover Letter Template - Job Ad Response 1

Dear [name]:

I’m writing in response to your recently advertised position for a [role title]. I am very interested in this
opportunity with [company] and believe that my qualifications, education and professional experience
would make me a strong candidate for the position.

I am a [insert personal characteristics] professional who [add more information on how you can add
value to future company]. (You can insert short version of your career profile here).

Enclosed is my resume that more fully details my background and work experience, and how they relate
to your position. As you can see, [pick out a few key details or experiences that align with the specific
requirements of the advertised role].

I firmly believe that I can be a valuable asset to your team. I welcome the opportunity to speak with you
about this position and how my experience could help [insert name of company] achieve its goals.

Thank you in advance for your consideration.

Kind regards,

[Your name]
Cover Letter Template - Job Ad Response 2

Dear Mr/Ms [name]:

I'm writing to express my interest in the recently advertised [position title] role. I believe I could bring
valuable skills and experience to [company name] that would make me an ideal fit for this position.

I have [number] years of experience as a [your professional role/title] and in this time I have [briefly
outline your experience in current or previous roles and mention key responsibilities and achievements].

[In this paragraph, outline how you specifically fit the requirements of the advertised role and mirror the
language used in the job ad].

[In this paragraph, reinforce your unique selling proposition, what you have to offer and why you are an
ideal fit].

Thank you for taking the time to consider my application, and I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely,

[Your name]
Cover Letter Template - To Linkedin Recruiter

Dear [name]:

I came across your profile on LinkedIn and see that you are a recruitment specialist in [insert sector].

As a [insert your role title/function] interested in new positions in the [insert city] area, I would be keen
to find out more about the positions you place and whether your agency might be able to assist me in
my search.

I have [insert number] years of experience in the industry and most recently I have [insert a brief outline
of your recent professional experience]. My key skills are [insert a few key points or strengths] and my
career highlights include:

 [insert achievement – Example: “Saved XYZ organisation AUD$200,000 by implementing a best

practice ABC system in a 6-month timeframe”]

 [insert achievement]

 [insert achievement]

 [insert achievement]

[In this paragraph, summarise your unique selling proposition – Example: “I am a strong and effective
communicator and proven leader, able to navigate the corporate environment and respond to its

I look forward to discussing my potential to contribute to your clients’ [or organisation’s] needs. Please
do not hesitate to contact me on [insert mobile number].

Kind regards,

[Your name]

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