06 June 1982 PDF

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rnc>c» 5ImpIe to use Dual ¥fO's stonelotd _

operodon Data transfer button for malking a fre· ...
ilclJdes 0111MIl quency of Interest and storing it in un-
5SD/RTIY - used VFO.
Notmally used side
bond selected

ContInuously v _ powe< from - ...

, ....... 1IfT cwo. ." n o.LOCIl
10W to full powe< - speed> pre-
cesser - LOA channerlll9 module in- ,, -, •
, ,, ,:' -,, ,-, , ,
, -,
clJded provides octo bond changing U [I -. U
copcblliry when increasing your _nde<l solid sta", uansaHVe< operodon on the 9
power u~ng the IC·2KL brood amateur HF bonds - Readout at mode In use and VFO
bonded solid state linear. - Status LEOs fO( push button functions.

Ceneral covefOge' rece.fv... from Q Use 01 I\f/ALC swttch in oonjunction ......

0.1 MHz to 29.999.9MHz - Spf" VFO
operation - Frequency memorized
with the intemol top hatch cove<
switches allows monitoring relative RF - -AfT

"...-- "" ...

In standby VFO. Out. SWR. and Ale.

, ,.-
- "'"
The ICOM HF System. We Have You Covered.
" ' IY'-fUM' .......,lllll .....0 ... ",,,t eo",,,,ulflC-"'IO,, I QV,""' rIOT


SaIa SiEMc~ (G'OI~ Iioc-"ed'-
2112 11bIrl ~ J'4: 13)1 ~_ "_ '" Dr. Sute 301
~. WA 9lIO'J.t 0eIM, 1X 1S2J.4
Ptlonot ( '2Ob) 4S4-8155 PtloN: (21Aj 620-2180
AI MDted ............... . .... "PI"""*flCI" and oubjIKl to ~ -.out ......... Of obI9<>lioo •. AI ICOM oadios Vgo oIIa>o,ltlo - . - d rcc ~!Io<"o Imilng spo.oio<n. _ .
4 element tri-bander Cash in on our 5-store buy ing
$309 power. Most Items in stock
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SPECIAL 6 element In-bander
70CM $569.95 $469
FM KLM 7.2-' 40M rotatable dipole.
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FT·208R FT-708R
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Regular $349.95 SpeCial $299.00
KlM ] .2-3 4OM, 3 e lement be am .
Reg ular $ 529.95 Specia l $449.00
KLM 7.0 -7.3 4.4. 4OM,4 element beam.
RegUlar $749.95 Special $629.00
144 - 148-1 3LB. 2M . 13 aLlong boom.
Regular $89 .95 S pecia lsn.95
432- 16LB 432MH z, 16 eL long boom.
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ALL ALPHA AMPLIFIERS ARE 144-1SO· 16C , 2M, 16 er. Cir pol.
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TR ·7730

Freq range 144 · 148MHz _ RF oul :160 W nom,

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c ycle . BUlll -,n receiv er pee-amp. AUl a-
malic In ternal o r e xterna l rela y keymg PRICES ARE FOB CALIFORNIA.
$279.95 $249.95 ON ANTENNAS & TOWERS
••cept for "Uin cornt>i...l i - . " . . . inquire.


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(7 14) 761-3033 (213) 860-2040 5 miles SOUl h 0'" lOt trom S F Airport
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OAKLAND, CA 94609 SAN DIEGO, CA 92123 VAN NUYS, CA 91401

2811 Telegraph Ave ., 1415) 451· 5757 5375KearnyVilla Road (71 4)560-4900 6265 Sepulveda Blvd.• (213) 988-2212
Hwy 2. Downlown. lett 27th ofl-,amp Hwy 163 & CI,lfel'TlOfll Me$.ll 8 !Yd. San Otego Fwy . 1 VICtory Siva
...1. ·AU.\AHCf ·A4_ · _CO· ... _ OQ··-.·.STR()N
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• OlEHT_ ·CJlU,.o<E · o. I_IlION(] • lllU.C . .....STU.
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• _ _ • "ft"[ . .... U)t,I· ··llOIOT ·-e;lHN · ........ · . _
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, SWR&Power
When ncomes to Meter
..:1 ,:...

• - -- ..
u _ _.
Manuscrip ts
CQrIlr,Du'IOtlS ,n the 'om> 0 ' ma"u-
• 1
",..pt, .. ,'II
"''''.''''QS " "ClIOI' pI'lO'o-
. 'P ..elcome a"" "" II De cce-
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en. elOPe "" 111 each suPm,ssoon , Pat automatic computing RF
ment to, ' he us.. 01 a ny unsol,c ,' ed
ma t.", al ..,II be made upon acce p·
measuring Instrument In
t anell " II contfibu toons should be d ,- amateur radio.
reel ed to lhe 73 e d ,to " a l oH ,ce5
, How 10 Wrot e l or 73' · gUidel ine s are • Logarithmic SWR scale,
availab l" upon req uest
e Power ranges 201200(2000
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Pe'e 'bo 'ougl> NH 03458
it's the e Frequency rangB 1·30
Prlo ne : 603-924-94 11

Advert ising Offices:

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Complete hands-otf o peration .
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Lig ht bar d ispl. y. Gives instant
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p.,' emo<ougl'l NH 03458
Phone 603-924-9411 peaks . Much faster tIlan old -fashioned
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In , roe Un""" Sla tes a "<l Pos_!l>Ot'S logarithm ic SWR d isplay. Computer
One Yea' (12 ' SS"","1 $25 00 Here they Ire ! The Iue" editions. World-
Two Years O' Issues) 136 00 famous RUll o Amat.ur caueoose, the e xpends tile display where you need
Til''''' Years 136 ,ssuest SSJ 00 most respe,t.d Ind ,omplete listing of it so it's easier 10 see . easy to use .
radi o ~mateurs . U,ts eem.uceose etesses.
Elsewhere: aadren Inf or m U l o n. Loaaed with specia l Com p ut er oper.ted . N ow an
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ban ~ Fo,eign all m,,'I_ please ,nQu"" Edition features over 400,000 lI,tln9',
you from check ing zero . se tting a
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To subscribe , y ear. Tile Foreign Ed i tion has over "sensitivity " knob and from squinting
renew or change 370,000 lI,t lngs, o ver 60 ,000 ,hanges. at oro- fashioned cros s pointer
an address: Place your order for t he new 198 2 Radio mechani cal meters . With this new
Amateur canece-o. I~allable no w.
W" I" to 13 M agaZine. Subsc"plion meter computing is done electronically
Depanmen!. PO Bo. 931, Fa' m,ng and displayed with moving lig ht bars ,
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Order both bookS at the sam. tlme for
inCh metal case witll brushed a1umnum
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'nodale. NY 11731 Or der tr om yo ur aealer or alrect l y fr om bars . Baton switc hes . For 1 1S-v
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question : '_ SPECIAL LIMITED OFFER! Pow er Meter $97 .5 0 in th e U .S . and
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AM A,bo' MI 48 106 <iIJIiI'. 925 Sherwooa Dr ive 1924·F West Mission Road
Lake Bluff, IL 60 044 . USA Escondido. CA 92025
Phone (7141 747 ·3343

• 73 Magazine · J u ne. 1982

Build This Digital Vfo 'Lite Receiver IV
- a m icro pro ce ssor m ake s it simp le ti:II - the second hal f
. W ASVQK 12 WA4CVP, WA40SR 52

Surviving the Unthinkable TVRO Transducer

~ -ewave gui de-to-co ax tra nsit ion
-c- per t II : so me pract ical ideas, AKOQ 30

The M TV Music Box

ti:II - Satellite Ce ntra l, pa rt VII
june 82 ., , , Gibson 60

Vol . XXII No.9

A Split Personalit y Tune In the World's Tinderbox

for the KDK FM2015R - SW Li ng from Ca iro to Kuwa it
. . K~8V 40 . Peterso n 66

Building for Beginners Are You Ready for 900 MHz!

- happiness is a hot so ld ering iron . . W 8 4 lNM 74
N111 42
Crime-Stoppers' Textbook
Coping with PC Boards - rule s o f th umb fo r would-be gumshoes
- it's no t e asy to be virtuo us . KC7 M 48 .. Die fe nbac h 84

Never Say Die - 6, Ham Help- 64, 92. 94, 95, 108. 118, Corrections- 64. 96, Social Events- 88, Satellltes-c 97,
Fun-98, OX-99, Lellers-l0l , Contests-e tna, Awards -l06. Reader Service-114, Review-115, New
Products-119, Dealer Directory -162, Propagalion-162
73 Magazine . June,1982 5

10 a f antastic rad io my grand·

fat her in littleton, New Hamp-
Shire had.. ,with a shortwave
band on it! Wow! There were all
those foreign broadca st sta-
tions...and a myriad of hams. I
was a rely-poly kid, but t he taml-
ly still had trouble tearing me
away from the twen ty-meter
ham band to eat.

It was at just t his Jun cture
tha t some hend dumped a box
of radio parts in my lap one Sun-
day at church. Most of t he parts

NEVER SAY DIE were brand new and In their orig.

inal cartons, so I couldn't just
throw them away. Oh, I tried to
editorial by Wayne Green sell t hem to the local radio re-
pai rman (now gone the way of
the ice man), but he sneered at
HOOKED My first exposure to amateur Like a time bomb ticking the parts as entroues. Popular
You know, alter over forty radio must have made a strong away, that experience lay hid- Mechanics had a radio con-
years 01 hamming I still don't impression, because after 50 den, waiting for the spark of pu- struction project each month,
know exactly what it is that years I still remember it. Yep, berty to set it 011. By 14, I was al- many 01 them using parts Just
grabs the interest of a teenager sonny, I was a shaver of ten and ready lamiliar with the excite- like those in my collection, so I
and turns him f rom a normal rot- while visiting t he best friends of ment of the police calls at the pu t t oc etner a radio in an ol d ci·
te n kid into a raving elec t ronic my grandparent s In Bethlehem , top of the broadcas t radio dia l. gar box ...and unfort unately it
maniac. I'm to ld by the dodder- New Ha mpshire, I met Har ry Then all it took was an exposure worked. I was hooked.
ing grey·bearded old·timers w ho Stevenson W1CUN. His mother,
have taken over most of the ham along with Johnny Macauley,
clubs in the country that young- ran the Valley View Inn. That
ste rs are exposed to the whole 55 HOME·BREW II CONTEST 55
was back in t he heyday of hotels
world on t elevision and thus fi nd in Bet hlehem. . .3O ho tels and Between now and October 1, we'll be looking for articles oe-
mne exci t ing about talking to 100 rooming houses, the bill· scribing Ihe best home-brew projects in the land fo r under
wei rd places. board at t he en try to town said. $50. All usef ul projects will be published in 73, and the cre am
Hmmm. I'm not convinced. Harry was silting t here racont- 01 the crop will share $500 in cash prizes. Top prize in the con-
No, amateur rad io didn't ereou- cally talking on a 75m rig . ..a lest is 5250, with $100 going to the second place project and
ally die off. It was killed with one breadboard construction with a $50 10 each of three honorable mentions. These prizes are
brew back in 1963. Before that it big copper tube finat coil. He over and above the payment that all authors receive for nav-
had been growing at 11% per didn't pay a lot of atlention to ing their articles published in 73.
year lor 17 years, ri ght on up the visi ting kid. It didn't occur to
Contest Rule s
through the evo lut ion of televi- me, at ten, that I m ight ever be
sion. TV never even slowed it able t o unde rstand the w izardry 1. All entries must be received by October 1, 1982. To enter,
down. of that mass o f wires and tubes. write an article describing your best ncme.erew construction
project. and submit the article to 73 Magazme. Any co nstrue-
non article received before the October 1deadline is automat-
ically entered in the contest . Any entries tor the lirst Horne-
HOME,BREW CONTEST WINNERS brew Contest which meelthe $50 requirement lor Heme-brew
e tst place, $250 prize: " Smart Sque lch lor Slnqle-Sldeband II will be automatically entered, II you haven't written for 73
Receivers" by Fra nk Reid W9MKV and David Link W9 YAN, batore, please send an SASE l or a copy of our aut hor ' s guide.
both of Bloomington IN. 2. The total cost 01 the project must not exceed 550, even il all
. 2nd place, $100 prize: "Six-Meter Double-Sideband QRP parts are purchased new. Be sure to include a detailed parts
'rransmttter" by Larry Jack KL7GLK 01 Annapolis MD. list. with prices.
• Honorable mention, $50 each: " MS·1 Function Circuit" by 3. All parts used in the project must be available to the aver-
Mike Strange WA2BHB, Pine Hill NJ, "Sptattometer" by age radio amateur or electronics experimenter, To be on the
Penn Clower W 1BG, Andover MA, and " Weather Converter sale side, include sources for any unusual components.
for Your two- Meter Rig" by Paul Danzer N11l, Norwalk CT. 4. Projects will be judged by the 73 technical stafl on the ba-
We're sure you have heard it said tha t "hams are not build- sis of usetufoess. reproducibility, economy of design, and
ing anymo re; they're just appliance operators." Well, 73's clarity 01 presentation. The decision of the judges is linaL
Home-brew Contest proves t hat rumor to be baloney. We were 5. All projects must be original,l.e., not previously published
literally buried with entries. The winning projects show that elsewhere.
hams are not only building, but that they are still innovating, 6. All rights to articles purchased for publication become the
100. property of 73 Magazme.
Our edi torial stall burned the midnight oil in early April, Send your entries to:
choosing live f inali st s from more t han 100 entries. The wtn-
Heme- Brew II Contest
ners were t hen picked by th ree of 73's veteran home-brewers:
73 Magazine
AG9V, K1XR, and W 1XU.
80 Pine Street
The Home-brew Contest winners will be published in future
Peterborough NH 03458
issues of 73. In the meantime, keep your soldering iron
hot -73 is having another contest. This time there will be a Winners will be announced in the December, 1982, issue of
$50 limit for the project's parts, 73. Have fun!

6 73 Magazine. June, 1982

... pacesetter in amateur radio

CASH TR-7730
s30!J°OFF NOW! S30!J°OFF

TS-130S TR-B400 TS-530S
s15 !J°OFF s30!J°OFF S15.000FF
'arttctpattng Trio-Kenwo od Authorized Dealer s : NEVADA Radio, 'nc.
Tul sa , O K 741 19
"'mateur E'ectronlc DoulI'a . E'. ctron lc .
~l"'8AM'" FLORIOA M"'RYl"'ND Supply' (918) 587 ·9123 Corpu s crosutx 78 4 0 4
,Ollg '. E'. choniCi Amat . ur EI. ctronlc E' eclronic Inl 'l Servlc , las Veg a s. NV 8 9106 OREGON (512) 863·5103
lj 'm,ngham. AL 35233 Su p ply w ne a to n. MD 20902 (702) 6 47 -3 11 4 P ortland Radi o S u p ply Ele c tron ic . Ca n le.
205) 252-7589 onaocc. FL 32803 (301) 946-1088 NEW H..... PSHIRE Po.HaM, OR 97~OS Dallas , TX r5~0 1
(305) 894 ·3238 Th. Com m . Center Tull ·. Redia" (503) 228 ·8647 (214 ) 526 -2023
1. 1Ie b le Electron ic . "'m al.ur R.dlo Cente r Laurel , MO 20810 E' ect . Supp'y PENNSYLVANI", Herd in Ele clronlc .
.ncMlage. All: 99503 M,am ,. ~ L 3313 7 (3011 79 2·06 0 0 Hudson. NH 0 305 1 Hemtron lc. /Trevoee Fl. Wo rth , TX 76112
90 71279·5100 (305) 5 73·8 383 M.CHIG"'N (60 31 883 -500 S Trevose. P" 190.7 / 8 17) 429·9761
UlIZONA H"'W"''' R.dlo S u pply " NEW MEXICO (2151 3 5 7· 1.00 ... dlson Ele ctronic .
'0...., Communiclllo"l Hono lulu Ele ctronic. Engin eering Electron ic "odu le J .R.S . Diatnbul on Houslon. TX 77010
'tloenox, ~ 85015 Honolulu . HI 96814 Detrcrt, 1.41 48 20 1 Hobb s . NM 8824 0 York. p" 17 404 (71 3) 658 ·0268
502) 24'·9288 (808) 9 4 9·556 4 (3 13) 435 ·5660 (50 5) 397·3022 (717) 85. ·862. k .nn.dy A' lOCilla .
11 m Redlo O"tlet Roe. OI.l ributin g Co. Mid.e a t "'m ale ur "'d lrond. ck R.dloSu pply GJ .5....0 . (5 12) 333·6110
;unrngame. C A 94 0 10 Pre Sio n, 10 83263 Redia Supply. 'nc~ "msle.aam . NY 12010 Comm unica tion. W"'SHINGTON
415) 34 2 · 5 7 5 7 (208) 8 5 2 ,08 30 Mmnea p<;H ls . MN 55142 (518) 84~-8350 Rockh ,ll, SC 29730 A·B· C Comm u nica lions
la m Redlo O" Ual ILLINOIS (6 12) 521-4662 Herrlson Radio Corp , (80 3) 366· 715 1 s eatue. W" 98155
.an D'ego, CA 92 123 Erick .on Com mu n ic . lion. "ISSOURI long iSl a M. NY " 735 SOUTH DAKOT'" (2 0 6) 364 ·8300
114) 5 60· 4900 ChIca go, IL 6 0630 Ham R. d io Cen ter (5 16 ) 293-7990 Burgh.rdt "'mat.ur "'mll eur R.dlo
11m Radio O " lla l (312) 6 31·5181 sc LOU' I , 1.4 0 63132 R.dio Wor'd C.nter Supply Co ,
'an N OJ~ s , C A 914 01 INOI N... (31 4 ) 993 ·6060 Oos kany. NY 13424 Watertown. SO 57201 Seattle. WA 98108
213) 9aa·2212 Gr m E'.clronic. Henry R.dio Com pa n y (3 15) 736 -0184 (605) 866·7314 (206) 767 -3222
11m Ra dio Outlat " Ind ,a na po lis , IN 4 6 20 4 Butler, 1.40 647 30 OHIO TENNESSEE C-CO MM"
la klancl, CA 9 4609 (317) 635 '5453 (816) 679·3127 Amateur Electronic "'mateur R.dl o Supply Se at tle . WA 98 107
415) 451 ·5757 Hoo .l.r EI.clronicl MldCom Eleclronles S u p ply o f N. .hvili. ( ~06) 78 4·7337
11m Radio OuUat Tilli e Ha ute. IN 4 78 0 2 SI Lou's. MO 63144 WIC kliffe , O H 4 4 0 9 2 Ma(Jis on . 1N 37115 WISCONS IN
.netie.m CA 92601 (8121 238 -1456 (3 14) 96 1·9990 (~16) 565 -7388 (615) 868· 4956 Ameteur Electronic
714) 761-3033 Kryder Elect ronic. ..ll i ourl R.dlo Cente r" S repco ElecltonlCI "emphl. "'m.t.ur Supply
'a n ry Ra d io , Inc . Fort Wayne, IN 46815 Kansas e"y. 1.40 6 4150 Dayton, OH 4540 4 ElectroniC I Milwa uk e e . WI 53216
as Arlgeles, CA 900 25 (2 t 9) 48 5,643 4 (8 16) 741-8118 (513) 224·0871 Memp h ,s, TN 38108 (414 ) 442 ·4200
2131 820·1234
la nry Ra d io " Elecl ron;cl
'HI,OW,'ncorpora ted MONTANA
Con le y R. d lo S u p p 'y
Unlv..... "'maleur
R.dlo, 'nc .
(9 0 1) 683 ·9125

Jl8tle,m. CA 92801 COUFl(;I' B'Ull s, II, 51502 B,n,ng s. MT 59101 Reynoidsl)urg. OH 43068
714) 77 2·9 200 (7 12132 3·0142 (406) 259-9554 (6 ' .) 866· 4261
:W ElectrOftic S.lel Co. .... IOC'-t.d R. d IoComm. Com mu n ication. Cen ter De rrick Ele ctron ic. '
Ief1ve', CO 80102 o-eneoe Par~ , KS 66204 lIn<:OIn. NB 68508 6r o~e n "" ow. OK 74012
303183211 11 (9 13) 381 · 5 901 (40 2) 476- 7331 (918) 251 ·9923

n eresented to any tacto rv authorfzed dea ler

et a be uled as partIal paymen t In the
ew WOOD Q'loael,R-1000, TR'8400, Of
a.., be used 1II parllal paymen'
w KEN'NOOO.mode( 1"S 130S
Ie .mult be Ilfade dUring III'
I pr¥84! a separale COU'pOn
~ CQU'POns are avahllle CUSIO"!."
N~. _ _" - '----' _
relpon Iy tor Ihe IMba Iy
aUCI thfllh, pe!iod specll ed
.ce laxed Ot probiiblled bY'''w Address
ograIll- Th•• COllpon " it part 01 IRla-
sa es (lI'OQlilm.1t has !to value u en
I p.og r",", pno. to June 1S 1982 C<ly, ~;_;_----,::;;

Custom er S<g naIUre';'_--'i:~

1111 West Walnut. Compton, Canrorrua 902 20

AI 15, I was busily bootleg- The ham DXing originally got don'! know. .. and that might be
ging on ac-meter CW with my me interested, but I cncn't gel fn- some of the reason for our low

STAFF Hamcretters SX·19 receiver and to that aspect of it until years lao level of newcomers. Still, with
a homemade 6L6 rig . I was oret- ter. I was mostly active in my the entry into amateur radio now
ty good at the code, but every early days on 160m and 2 VJm. at five words per minute and the
Imagine IC:-22S .~rformance and
slIDpliclty. . .
plus 800 channels ...
Easy to Operate. tone controlled squelch system • Patterned after IC O M 's extremelv
• Convenient pushbutton frequency • 5 KHz step (800 T / R channels successful and reliable IC-nS.
selection standard) • APC circuit for protection of finals
• Monitor repeater inputs at the flip • Covers the complete 144-147.995 Versatile.
of a switch MHz ham band • Easily set up for CAP/MARS use
Hi/Low power pushbutton ICOM Performance. • 8 pin mic connector
selectible • 5 helical resonators for outstanding • 9 pin undedicated accessory socket
ffouch Tone!!) available with optional selectivity • Rernotable frequency selection
microphone • Continuous duty rated 10 watt option(Ex· 199)
nventen hookup points for sub- transmitter - rugged performance • Compact size [6.2 in (\V) x 1.3 in
on encoder or continuous • Excellent receiver sensitivity (tI) x 8.6 in ID))

1 u ..
t 16th Avenue NE, Bellevue WA 98004
;;r, werwood Dr., Suite 307, D,lIa!, TX 75234
Tim Ahrens WI\5VQK
M icrocomponenr App licat ions
Engineer. MOforo la
1501 Ed Bluestem Blvd
Austin TX 78711

Build This Digital Vfo

- a microprocessor makes it simple

Ed. Note: The MC680ST2l2 microprocessor rc used in thi s proj ect must be ordered directly f rom Mol orola. Send a money order only (no
checks) f or $11.50, payable 10 Motarolll, l o: Ti m Ahren s, Mol orota, 3501 Ed Bluest ein Blvd., Au stin TX 78721 , Attention: Mall Stop l ·2787.

T his a rticle describes a

m rc r o p r oc e sso r-c o n-
tro lled vfo wh ich ma y be
100-H z incremen ts and is d i-
rectl y com pat ib le wi t h ra-
d ios wh ich use a 5-t0-5,5-
rou nd M otorol a's M C6805T2
mi croprocessor. Within thi s
mu lti-f un c t ion c hi p (now
it as t he " T2") has a smal l
am ou nt o f RAM, ROM (2.5
K bytes), a t im er, p arall el
used as a remote vfo fo r ex- MHz i n t ern al v fo (e .g ., called a m icr o comput in g I/O li nes, and one o ther fea-
ist ing st ations o r incorpo- FT·1 01, FT-10l, etc.). If us- un it - MCU- because o f ture t hat m ak es it ideal in
rated into new rad io-system ing one of t hese radio s, on ly all the integrated f unctions the radio environment -a
design s. The vfo features small modifications within on boa rd ), I/O plays a very bu ilt-in frequency synthe-
ten battery -hacked -up the radio are req u ir ed to al- important pa rt . This is the sizer. A block diagram of
memories. keypad entry of low the remote vfo to portion of the Meu which the synthesizer is shown in
frequency. up/down scan- change bands at t he touch does the actua l commu ni- Fig.1(a); Fig.1(b) is a bl ock
ning, a real -time clock. plus of a finger! cating w ith sw it ches, LED s, dia gram of t he entire v fo.
a liquid c rysta l displav. b ell s, and whis t les . The The vco signa l w h ich is
As a remote, the vfo M icropro cessor Select ion M Cb80 5T2 M CU used in fed bac k into the T2 may
tu nes f rom 5 to b M Hz in Th e vfo is d esign ed a· t hi s pro ject (we w il l refer t o ha ve an am p lit ud e as low
as one-h alf volt and be as
f ast as 16 M Hz . With exter-
nal prescal in g, th e vco fr e-
qu ency m ay be consider-
ably higher. H ow ever, any
ex terna l p resca ling wi ll
m ul t ip ly the step size by
the p rescaling factor.
In addition to its on-chip
synthesizer, t he T2 contai ns
enough RO M to hold all the
softw are need ed f or the vfo
co nt rol progra m . In fact,
t he T2 w ith t he vfo program
in RO M is av ail ab le fr om
any Motor ol a d istr ibutor .
A n alternat iv e to the T2 is
the M C68 70 5P3 MP U. The
P3 is very sim ila r to the T2
except t hat it requi res an
externa l synthesizer and it
co ntains on-board EPRO M
ins t ead of ROM . T h e
EPROM on t he P3 is use r-
p rog ram mab le . so yo u
should u se t he P3 if you
need a cont ro l program
o t her th an th e o ne av ail -
12 73 Magazine · June, 1982
sys n " CLOC O
ab le in ROM o n the T2 . See
the box fo r furth e r informa- r---------- -- - --- - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - ~
tion o n prog ramm ing a nd I "IEQ ~E..c·

use of the P3. I .~

10- 11' RE'ERE .. a

LO . p.n " LH A
The ci rcuit-boa rd layou ts
given in thi s a rticle ca n be

O!VI Ot: . . .
- OIV'Ot: A
COIl .....UTOll
jumpe red for use with e i- ,J,
the r MPU. The figures and
text explain where d iffe r-
e nces occu r. Fo r those who
prefe r not to etc h t he ir own 'UO_. I llow..
. _ >( 0 r-------,
boa rds, a source for boa rds L- I._ " T
OIVI/){ " ' - " I I
PRnc ....EA I
as we ll as co mpo ne nts is L PUT
L ______ J
(II< " C68 0 , , 2 ~

given in the sma ll box.

Using th e Vfo Fig. 1(a). Block diagram o f synthesizer on MC6805T2 MCV chip.
Up on p o w e r-u p , t he
MCU read s t he last-ente red
freque nc y from the RAM IY 'O H Eo• • eo
foll owed using the "down"
o n board a battery-backed- ke y. vee F([ O• • CO
up MC146818 clock c hip, To se t the tim e, press
e nte rs it into the synthesiz- " r e c a l l" f ollow e d b y HYlO."O OI$ PL . ·
e r, a nd d isp lays it. If power- " me mory." At thi s time, th e
ing up from a "dea d" sys- di spl a y will show EEEEEE , .. .. EA
tem (no ba tte ry backu p),
garbage will be both d is-
played a nd e nte red into the
si gni fying that th e t ime ma y
now be e ntered . Enter the
time in 24-hou r fo rmat, a nd
'--- ."
1OC680~T2 - ,~

FlLTV I- <2." " ~.

« )- ..,

Pll system . when satisf ied with the dis-

Afte r the power-up se- play, p ress "e nte r." At this ~~ ,

quence is comp le te d, nu m-
bers fo r a different freq uen-
time , the data w ill be
placed into the clock c hip's
" E_ 'n
" C I. 68 I'
au " ER
- " LHA 'V'Q
-1..... OUT P~ T

cy may be e ntered via th e regist ers a nd time-keepi ng Fig. 1(b). Block. diagra m of entire m icropro cessor-controlfed
ke yboard . When th e d is- will comme nce. Whe n "e n- vio.
play shows the frequen cy ter" is depressed , the fre-
desired, dep res s " e nte r" quency th a t was on the d is-
a nd the Pll syste m will be p la y befo re se tt ing th e give n in Fig . 2, whil e the rn lng network, 1QO-Hz step-
set up. By e nte ring the fre- clock wil l be restored to the MCU a nd its peripheral s are ping increments may be re-
qu en cy in thi s manne r. it is d isplay. The actua l Pll sys- shown in Fig . 3. a lized . The output of t he
a lso sto red in RAM so that tems are not disturbed by summing netwo rk is use d as
if a power failure sho uld oc- e nte ring into e it he r th is As the MCU 's minim um a n "offse t" voltage to shift
cur, th e correct freque ncy mode o r the time-di spl ay ste p is 1 kHz, some method the freq uency o f the vfo .
will be read from the bat- mode . o f ref inem ent must be in- Because the frequ en cy wil l
tery-backed-up syste m and To di splay the time with co rpora ted because 1 kHz be lo cked (basically to it-
the Pl l restored . an update every second , is not a deq uate resoluti on se lf), c ha nging the main vco
If the displayed freque n- press " reca ll" foll owed by in th e HF band s. By using frequency would achieve
cy is to be store d into mem- "e nte r," You may exit thi s four of the I/O lines from nothing. There a re, how-
ory for la te r recall , press mode by press ing any ke y, the MCU fo r a voltage-sum - eve r, t w o m eth o d s of
" me mo ry" foll owed by a whic h will retu rn th e d is-
digit, 0-9. To re tr ieve a pre- pla y to the previou s fre-
viously stored frequ e ncy, quency. PARTS AVAILABILITY
press " reca ll" fo llowed by As you ca n see, the com- The varactor d iodes (0 2 and 0 3) and mo st 0 1the integrated
the desired d igit. All of bination of the M( 680ST2 ci rcuit s used in this project are Motoro la devices and are
these me mories have bat- M( U and the MC14681 8 available from Motorola d istributo rs. In many part s 01 the
tery back up. clock c hip provides the ra- co unt ry, Hamilton-Avnet Electronic s is a source l or t hese
If yo u wa nt to move up in dio desi gne r with ca pa bili- parts. Excluding the LCD unit , a set of ICs for this project
fr eq uency, press a nd hold t ies th at far surpass th e pre- should co st between $45 a nd $70, depend ing o n wh ich m icro-
the " up" bu tton. If yo u vio usly ac ce pta ble meth- processo r you select for your version.
wan t to go up fast , press The MD108 double-balanced m ixer is available for $12 cc et-
od s of frequ en cy co ntro l.
paid from A NZAC, 180 Cambridge St., Burlington MA 01803. A
a nd hold the "fast" button The 6818 may be omitted ,
good selection of co ils and forms can be fou nd at AA DIOKI T,
at th e sa me time . The fre- but th e c loc k featur e , Box 411S, Greenville NH 03048.
quency will go up until it sto red freque ncies, a nd the Parts, as well as ci rc uit boards, are also availab le from con-
rea ches XX .999.9, a t wh ich battery bac kup of them wil l ....erercn Dynamics, 2218 Old Midd lef ield Way, Suite N, Moun-
t ime it will roll ove r to al so be de leted . ta in View CA 94043. Their ....ersron uses a double-sid ed PC
XX 000.0. To make the sys- board and an LED rath er tha n LCD frequ enc y di splay. W rite to
tem go down in frequen cy, Vfo Circuit Design them lor more deta ils .
the same proced ure may be The rf ci rcu itry I used is
73 Magazine . J une,1 982 13


bot h the keyboard and in-
• 00

r' .
" •
terface to the MC14681 8
c lo c k c hip. In this a pp lica-


T "
~O \.:..-..-
1~' 1',' t io n, t he cl o ck ch ip is ba t-
tery-back ed-u p, a nd w hen

" ,
, ..... :1:
' .~ ,
, •,e.o ,
..-, . I ~" ~

" 2'
1 "10 0
" "r
powered dow n draw s o n ly
30 0 -4 0 0 m icr o am p er e s
from a fo ur-a nd-o ne-half-
"" •
• l ln Si
. .".
"2 " v lC ~
." ± ~IO

vo lt so u rce .
Th e B port is u sed t o con-
t rol t he fou r b its o f t he vo lt-
r "'" ...

e, ' Vee
c, 1 r age-su mm ing network p lu s

£""00 -r ""', ,
1 '2 the read/w rit e and co nt ro l
I esc
lO p' '" A
5t: u C'
H &A ~ ~ANGUoENT ' O~

A~,,* ~101200
I TO " •
) ,n,
p.~ "
line s o f t he cl o ck Th e C
port is used t o co nt ro l the
, APPROf"I'Al[
$ 'tNT >oE S'l E ~
cl ock a nd d at a lin e s of t he
...." T
Lr-02 ~ - u !6"M,
, ,
liq u id crysta l d isplay (LC D).
O n ly two c rys ta ls a re re-

qui red in th is pa rt of the
1~" I ' ".,," OIC'
:b e lA

. . Jo. .. ... r:
~"2n2e 20
'000 "6 • "
,1000 • , ,• •
>t A vfo- a 4 ,096 M Hz fo r the
MCU , and a 4 .1 94 MH z for
the c loc k c hip. Th e se fre-
I , ~~r
. :~n ±c'fFf! .2 00 20 '2
' - ••• U .. M. q uen ci e s a re di vided down
by their re spe ctive ho sts fo r
intern a l t im ing.
All o f the p e ripheral s
. ~V with the ex ception o f the

. "
... r I.'
b e26
6818 are seria l device s. This
means t hat t he digita l data
", whic h go e s to ea ch p art re-
.. :r
2"1'00; C,I
,2 '

'" q u ires o nly tw o line s, a d ata
lin e and a cl o ck li ne . In t he
" "
. ±'"," --< MCV e n v ir onment , I/O

." line s a re a t a p rem ium ; t ha t

r' ~ r'~
. ro
is why d ata lines a re co m-
mo n to a ll pa rts and o n ly
t he clock o r e na b le lines are
Fig. 2. Rf circuitrv o f vfo. sepa ra ted fr om the re st.
Th e Displa y
changin g the frequen c y a l com me rcia l transcei vers mod ificat ions in t he fil ters The di splay po rtion o f
wh ich would not affect the u se th is m e t hod . In fac t. sho u ld be m ad e . From th is. t he sys te m u se s the
PLl system its elf ; Shift the Ieo m 's IC-73 0 use s th is it ma y be see n that almost M C145000 mul t ipl exed
referen ce frequ en cy. or u se met hod to generate 1O-H z a ny freq uen cy m ay be gen- LCD driver a nd an 8-d igit
an a uxiliary va riable c rys tal steps ! Fig. 4, a spect ru m an- e rated fro m t he vfo by sim- LCD, a lt ho u g h on ly s ix
osc illator (vxo) and t hen a lyze r photo, s ho ws the ac- ply c ha ng ing the vxo c rvs- d igits a re used.
mix t he two f requ en cies to- tu al vto ou tpu t. ta I. Th e M C145000 req u ire s a
gether . Th e 1 8 .3 6 0 -M H z vx o to tal of fo ur line s -power,
The f irst method w a s c ryst a l (Y4) was c hosen be- Th e M CU a nd Clock Circu it grou nd , cl ock, a nd da ta .
tried init ially. but d ue to the c a use I had one; it is a A vers ion of the MC6805T2 This me ans tha t the d isplay
low frequen cy of th e crys- 146.88-MH z t ra nsm it c rys- is ava ilable from Motorola may be lo cated away from
ta l, I could not pull th e o s- ta l for a n HT·144 . Either of wh ic h al ready cont a ins in the main PC bo ard . Th is
c ill ator f ar en ou gh o ff fre- two c rysta ls ma y be u sed in ROM t he program ne ces- ma kes for a lo t ea sie r con-
q uen c y t o pr o v ide th e t he osci llat o r. An 18.360- sa ry to f unction a s a vt o. st ruc t io n o f t he tot a l p ro j-
lQO- Hz shift and st ill have MHz or an 1 8 .860 -M Hz Th is part is c all ed an ec t! Since thi s is digital d a t a
prov isions for RIT. So the c rysta l may be selected by MC6805T2L2. The L2 sign i- o n two o f the line s, use no
sec ond method, of a n a uxil- a ju m per a nd a pul lup/pull· f ies a s p ec if ic program m ore t ha n a bout a foot o f
iary vxo. was tried . The down re s istor on pin 27 of w it h in a ce ra mic pa rt, in c a b le . Cu rr e n t c o ns u m p-
mai n v co t unes f rom 12.36 IC1 (see Fig . 3). Th e vco this c a se, the v fo so ftwa re . t io n is q u ite low w ith t his
to 13.36 MHz and is t hen mu st be adj us ted fo r t he The MCV is used to gat her CM O S d e v ice - about 75
m ixed w ith 18 .36 M Hz fr om crys ta l you c hoose , data fr om t he ke ybo ard and microamperes. As d ata is
th e vxo to pro vide t he nec- If a d ifferent freq uency exec u te any fun ct ion which sh if t e d in t o the 14 5000 ,
ess a ry 5-to-6-M H z s ig na l. range is to be co ve red by is " c a lle d up ." The lines every 8 bits will shift ove r
Thi s method of sh ift ing t he vfo . t he fr eq uency of used fo r I/O a re re p re se nt ed o ne c ha ra c ter from left to
through lOQ-Hz ste ps may t he vxo cryst a l mu st be by PAo-PA7 , PBo-P H7, a nd right. Even if o nly the right-
see m a bit c ru de, but sever- c ha nged , and appropria te PCo-PC2 . Port A is u sed for hand-most d igit is to be
14 73 Magazine . June, 1982
The antenna specialists co. introducesthe DURA-FLEX"
shock mount. It does everything a steel spring will do-while
soMng two special problems.
1. It completely eliminates spring-generated RF noise
in duplex radio systems.
2. It improves radiation patterns and prevents antenna
damage in rough environments by drasticaUy dampening whip
DURA-FLEX:"You have to flex it to believe it.

the antenna special ists co. ~ // //

the antenna special ists co.
a member of The Allen Group Inc.
12435 Euclid Ave., Cleveland, O H 441 06 ...63
Canada: A . C . Simmonds & Sons. Ltd .

.... 5 • • (" , 01 Adverr'Uf S o n pefJlI 714 73 Magazin e . J une,1 982 15

10·1 _,
"'!:' U { f\ICI.

, •
"1;,-t, .
. , . OU T
.""" .. " ,
' 16 , " C 6 810 ~ 1 "C'. 68I'
•• •
10 11I8
LOOI' ' ,eTE"
~10 VCO
" " {,.Ij 'O '~ ' P C' " CLOC _
," (JI' ' I(i ,

" .... "

"CI" '" ,
~ ,
r., '-- _ .-..J

" ", .",

0 0< , . O'C oe, . ,~ '''~ . ,
TO . ,. "OUT
" " P I• •

"lO·i~ I ("'0" veo

'" f I ,.,
'0 - 40

" .,
~, ~ """<:0

. ~ ' { "I: . C ( OIV'll( A ' - 10. ' " "'" $ l EP

- {'~'"
= = -
" " CLOC _

,f Tl<t H Me ... 'S USEO, MU [
_ Tl<BE 'U .. . tA co•• r c " ON$ U ' O .. .. ,
_ . T ' ME .. c,.",sSOC KET [0\1'01 [11

= =
BA"O , ,..lTe.
[ ....L[ 000
...., Ccw.... H ..

Fig. A. US ing the MC145155 CMOS syn thesizer. Fig . B. 6805 T2 vs. P3 differences.

Us ing the P3 costs. II may be entered into an MCM2716 2K by 8 EPROM l or

Allhough designed for the MC6805T2, the vi a sott ware was programming 0 1 the MC68705P3. Fig. C is a sc hemat ic tor the
given th e ca pabil ity of using the MC68705P3 as a host MCU. programmer.
This MCU is ident ic al to the T2 with the following excep t io ns: The MC68705P3 MCU has the ca pabilit y of programming it-
• The P3 does not contain a Pll . • The P3 is an EPROM ·type self. By adding only o ne addit iona l part (MC 14040B), the P3
part which program s Itsel f. can read data from a 2K by 8 EPROM and program itself from
In the early stages ott ne desi gn, a T2 was not avail able and it . Tw o LEOs are used, wh ich signify that the device ha s been
a " SImulati on" was made by using a P3 and an MC 145 155 t - proqrarn rnec. and z-vennec.
CMOS synthesizer. It changes t o tne program are desi red , you Beca use the hardware required to program t he P3 is so
may use a P3 plu s an MC145155 CMOS synt hesizer to stmu- small, even the casual amateur/ho bbyist may bu ild a pro-
late the T2, as show n in Fi gs. A and B. This allows you to use grammer to take advantage of the MCU 's capabilities.
t he same ba sic core 01 th e program and add enhancement s EIther the T2 or the P3 wit h th e MC145155 can be used wit h
t hat might be usefu l. the c irc uit board prese nt ed in th is art icle. If th e T2 is used, th e
The act ual so ft ware li sting tor the system is available from MC145155 is not needed and tw o jumper connecti ons should
me o n receipt of a large SASE plu s $3.00 10 cover co pying be made at the MC 1451 55 soc ket. See Fig. A.

-.-. "
iiill ~ ~"1
- '"

'" . 0' w,
1 ."...
I,. ;/; "

1!!=1 '" -
I. J"
.....j&, .
.••. ., n

". ':" 0- '


" '''' ..'.
" ...

. ~
., 00

" l!-''"
· l OV • , U L
>.0 ", " ••
." "
." "
" Il
l~2 2

... C!- Il- ""

... '"' l
• '"
, "..t. 'I"'" ~.
~ ~~~":;;'6", ' '" '" .
· Uv 0"
... '" ,. . ' co ••

... .
" C. " O'lf" • ,. m ' " • '0 H

2 ,.2222
I'" ' eLU .
· " vK
""'M'. "-
~--' '"

Ve e ' VllO • _, VOl. TS l .... e ..L
• C"O_OIl

~OO' ,
Vn ·OVOl.T
' ~,
''''000 V•• · · 1 I VOl.T . I V
-; '.. . , .... ,.. . 10 21
'''' 00' , . ••0 .... _ ' .
~, ~,

" ".,.,., ..
.., -s-
" 0 d

Fig . C. Programm er for the P3.

16 73 Mag allne ' J une, 1982

Is this new KDK FM2030
the best 2 meter FM radio in the world?

·'... best...
Fhat's a pretty strong claim considering th e
:o mpetit ion.
.et's look at some of th e feat ures ... INTR ODUCTORY PR ICE!
Includes Tone Pad Microphone
aod all accessories. Shipping: $5.00 eastern U.s.A. $7.50 western U.s.A.
- KOK continues the tradition of being the ultimate in VHF FMmob ile
lperations. We make maximum use of multiple function , mult iple sh aft • Easy to use mobile mount with instant disconnect knobs for fast,
:ontrols lind only three sets of knobs are located on the front panel. simple removal. DC Cable and mounting hardware. spare fuse, external
,till many new features have been added , such as digital RIT, reverse speaker plug and complete si mplified instruction book includes circuit
rurten, memory channel readout number and morel diagrams and even complete alignment instructions! No extres to purchasel
- The new KDK 4 bit microprocessor ch ip is lin in-house developed • Control fun ctions : Select mem ories. show memory channel number,
iotrwere which makes all these new features possible. Plug in modules or select memories end show frequency of cha nnel, or dial frequencies
Ire used for CTesS tone and diode matrix duplexing. with two speed selectable control . Instant choice of either 5 or 100 hz
- We gave it a very heavy text ured pai nt fi nish on the case and mounting tuning steps. Band scan or frequency scan selectable.
nacket that is highly resistant to scratchfnql No more micro-thin paint • Frequency shown in 5 bright LEO digits. tEO indicator shows when
'inishesl signal is received Iunsq uelchedl , lEO indicator shows transmit.
- Modern styled fr ont panel with dials intelligently arranged so you can • Modern LE 0 bar meter shows signal strength of received signal and
leSt utilize the multi-function, easy to handle controls. on transmit shows relative output power.
_ Good aud io with the famous KDK audio output capability of 1.5 e Microphone includes tone pad, and up and down burtens to change
.wtts • .• you can't blowout our audio ICI
dial frequency or memory channels.
-RF power is a good, clean no spurious signal of 25 warn on high and
- A standard microphone with up-down buttons only is available
i watts (adjustable) on low. separately.
_Frequency coverage 143.005 • 148.995 mhz. SIN better than 35 db _ The FM 2030 is basically as easy to use as a crystal receiver with
It 1 uv input. Better than .2 uv et 12 db SINAD. Squelch sensitivity
rotary switch frequency selection for full "eves-en-the-reed" mobile
letter than .1 5 uv. Bandwidth at -6d b: ±6khz, at -60db : +1 6khz. operation.
Image ratio better than 70db. Double superhetrodyne. Transmitter uses
ertable reactance frequency modulation with maxi mum deviation set - And, in case we forgo t to mention it, we retained our good point-to-
It +5khz. point wiring and printed circuit boards and elimi nated tro ublesome
relays and those pesky internal plugs that can give t rouble.
_Nicads fo r memory retention bu ilt in , nothing extra to buy. Disconnect
the FM2030 from the power source and the memories remain I e Smeller case size: 55m m (2 3/16") high, 162mm (6 3/8") wide,
182mm ( 7 3/16") deep.


Writ. for brochure - D..l,r inquiries invitedl CAll TOll FREE DI ST RIB UTED;.cB:;:Y~'==-=-=-

800 -_~~~..: 4141 _I(DI(I

Warranty info rmati on available from your dea ler or d irect.
Company reserves the right to change specifications
without notice.
Exd"w. USA. C•• ",I ••• S••th Am.ri... Omrib.,",
_ ~ _ co o _ .... c... ::E I I KDK DISTRIBUTING CO.. INC.
611 SOUTH GAllATIN ROAD - MADISON. TN 31115 - PHONE 161 5) 865·1949 - TELE X 80-8321
., , , , t ~ ... J

". IO ~"l
,rc ~ ,i
"" 5[ 1

fO' " T'"

" • , • ."
.E •
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Displayed Display Format

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, ., 2 OQ ." " F 71
,., ',
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.•....., .."
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SOU. llt ".IiE TO
LEVEL COllvt ltH " P 73
,J; T . ." ....,, ••
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, .. '"
Il E5E T O il
" OO'100 ....L
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,., I , ", .. ~, COUOlTEIl

'" ...P" •"

'.9 • ("GII L DO

.......'" ...
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blank 00
'",' ..'.
'00' ' - (dash) 20
" p .

•• .... , p . = (eq ual) AD

I<tyl ()A1tD OS
5 Tn 0 . .. 02008
1. "

•• " ....••
IlE tOOTE fOKl ..
"(deg rees) 33

CO" " ,.ULO" L ~

MCI. ' OOOf'
~ 'CC' ABOUT '6 2 .. . Note: A decimal point can be
added to all but the right.most
Fig. 3. MCU and peripherals. display digit by selting b3 [seg-
ment (3)] to a 1_

c ha nged, all 6 digits mu st The Real-Time Clock also contains 50 bytes o f Fig. 5. D isp lay codes of LCD
be present to the 145000 (48 CMOS RAM This makes readout.
bit s worth)_Fig. 5 is a chart The MC146818 is a new the device an excellent
wh ich re lates bits to dig it device wh ich not onl y ha s a c hoice, since data in the
se gments. real-time clock in it, but RAM may eas ily be sa ved in In fa ct , b y u s ing an
a power-down cond ition. MC14069 inverter as a crys-
tal osci ll a tor at 32.768 kHz,
The 6818 has a clock gen- less power is used than by
eration c irc u it on c hip using a 4.194-MHz crystal
whic h requi res only a c rys- on the 6818 ! As with most
tal , resisto r, and two sma ll parts of this type, the fa ster
ca pacito rs to generate not the clock, the more c urrent
on ly th e time clock source, requ ired.
but a lso a clock signal fo r
The MC146818 may be
the rest of the system if de-
se t up in a 12f24-hour type
sired . If the c rysta l mode is
mode, plu s alarm s which
not chosen, the 6818 may
may be set to interrupt at
be driven with an external
a ny time, includ ing every
frequen cy o f 4_195 MHz ,
hour, minute, o r second . As
1 .048 MHz , o r 32.768 kHz .
shown in Fig. 6. there are 14
An internal register tells th e
regi sters required to se t up
6818 which frequen cy it is
thi s data, a nd the e nti re
on. [ have found that the
memory map looks like 64
6818 d raw s less powe r
RAM loca tio ns.
when operat ing at the low-
Fig. 4. Vfo output disp layed on soectrum analyzer. est freq ue ncy - 32.768 kHz. Although the MC146818
18 73 Magazine . June, 1982
-·, .. . ........
' .,-_ .. --

• ; ,,!,:,--

"J • ., ~

J r J

, ,I ,
-- -- • • • • ••••

~ • A-
LI ST $2995.00
• -


o -- -Ij 0
• th ree selectivity positions J .iii )
for CW (two fo r FSK !) usin g New HF6V
optio nal f ilters.
• 73 MHz fir st IF ~KENWOOD TS930S Call for Quote
• 0.3 uV sensit iv i ty
• fu ll brea k in • 160-10 Me te rs. wit h 150kHz • Automatic Ante n n a Tuner,
• Curtis 6044 keyer ava ilab le - 30 MH z General Coverage Bu ilt-ln.
as option Rece iver. quad rup le • CW Full Bre ak-I n .
• tren t panel keyboard conversion, digital PL L • Dual Digital VFO's
• len VFO's synthesized circuit • Eight Memo ry Channels. HYGAIN
• one year factory warranty • All Solid State. • Dual Mode Noise Bla n ker
• Power inpu t rated at 250W (" P u l s e" or 18AVT/WB
PEP on SSB, 250W DC o n " W o o d pecke r").
CW, H OW DC on FS K, and • SSB IF Slo p e Tuning. 100.00
IcDllm. BOW DC on AM • One Yea r Warranty.

My ipy at the 'apanese Iectones, Tang In Stead, is back on mygood HUSTLER
Continuous Coverage
Re c e pt io n - no gaps-no
side. If you have followed his doings , you will recall thaI he le a ked the
info on the new Kenwood T!)-84(ls th ree months ago. Well take those 5 BTV
r8nge crystals re qu ire d three months, which is 90 days, add thaI to the number 840, and
presto, the kenwood T!)9JOs. He was RIGHT I lusl prematu re.. .bu t
Ama te ur Band trans mi s si on. isn't that what spies are for! Tang h asstar ted rum blingvebout rhe new
including ca pa bility for teem HF rig lha l is about to d eb u t. More o n that next mo nth.
MAR S . Em b a s s y . An tenn as, those th ing s tha t you stick up o n the roof o r lower and
Gove rnment. and future the n forget abou t, are evolving into ne w shapes. If you haven',
band expansions checked yours recently, get up there and inspect the con nectors,
treps . guys, and joims. Tha I ne xt DX pile-up is the wro ng time to
1695.00 discover the creeping crud. What with t h~ n ew ve nin!s and compact TH7DXX
beams, there is no reason to use wire as your primary radiator. CaU us
and ask what the best alternative is for your set-up. HYGAIN
If you and the d an are going on a vscanon, don't neglect the
equipment you are laking along. Consider a n amplifie r, e~lra 349.00
DliQQM] IC-nOA batteries, app ropnate mobi le a nte n nas, power co rds , scann ing o r
DTMF mi kes , mo bile cha rge rs, and ill on. Think about how th e rigs
Madison's will be used and be p re pared.
See you next month I

w/AC Price
$1298 W/AC ;:===============~
ICO M 'S top of the line -
9 band HF transceiver,
general co verage
DIll . so.-
..::.. ~ :-. ~
receiver - 0.1 MH z to 30
M Hz, 12 VDC operation
~- ' -
1Bi,~ ,' " ee e lf!;

No . of Cond - 8
:z.. ~ ~: ;. ~. ~ . -;

,-.... _..__
" .... ~
2 7e / f!;.

(compatib le with PS15 F".", ,, 1VF AWG lin mml - ..J

~~. 8214 e·22 (7 • 301 ......"
power supply]. 2 VFO's ~ 3 a <: / fI , 2 -18 11e . 30111 191
built in, ".-;
?": .. ..cs
8231 - ~"' . ,
32 <: /f!; _ No . of Cond _ 8 .-.-=--:~~~ 415 <: /f!; .
LIST $3849.00
" '", ,..
flQ2 U
~ 43 e /f!; .

AWG 1m m ml
2 ·16 (28 . 30 1
e ·16 116.301,11 171
-.. .: . . A3-169.00
• $2795.00 Belden M ini RG-8 (92581-19(/ h.

713-658-0268 • CALL FOR QUOTES

1508 McKINNEY -..
73 Magazine . June,1982 19
, ,. 00 , SECOIODS 00
. 4U"
,.n s SEC
, " ",uTU "
." 00

, ... ~ ....n .. "
,. .,.......
,• H" "~ , 011 'CO

. L. ....
0. ' 0# ...
'" ''[5 O.T[ or "0
• " O~T H "ce
• . ( UI
" " EC'SH " •
.. " "cc
" (CISTE" •

. "
" £ C'S ' ( 11 C
Il£Clsn" 0 00

Fig. 6. Registers of the M C1468 18 clock chip.

" 2 y ' 0 ....4

• P'Ol HTS

Ma in circuit board, using th e MC68D5T2L2 MPU. If the al-

ternate " P3 " MPU is used, then the socket w ith jumpers at ~ ".
.. e"lO~
± CH
'\'y '0 ,yeo.
lower center wo u ld be replaced with an MC145155P syn-
J: l'
thesizer c hip. The emp ty socket at left is for the p l ug-in ca-
ble to the keypad. A t upper right is a metal can containing
the doub fe-balanced mixer.
. 1'" ' - ".
IIOC ' II. O ~
" v 10 yfO
8 ..... f( 1l

J:- C4 S

clock c hip is no t des igned are opera ti ng at b asic al ly '"

..n.os fl:
',' ' '"
V T O I( ~ """ ,

1'" !
to ha ve any I/O p ins, t here th e sa me vo lta ge , For
is o ne way in which a sing le
o u tput bit m ay be "co n-
battery-backup o pera tio n.
05 is inserted from the plu s
..> D~
1 ~ 914
I '" l.f
1 ~ 914
I f

v TO le~.
PIHS 20. H
6818 CLOCK
st ructed ." The SQ W p in is a lead o f the battery to pin 20 ell. p
so f twa re-p ro g ra m ma b le o f t he 6818 . Thi s iso lates "t ~9' 4

clock output pin w hose 'fre- the b atteries from t he rest .,.
q uency is a derivat ive o f o f t he syste m and doesn't l.:.j~111 -

the 6816's clock . The inte r- a ll ow a ny cu rrent to flow

nal re gister which controls back into t hem w hen the Fig. 7. Power supply. The regulat ed 12 V dc which d ri ves this
t he freque ncy of the SQW main vee is o n. If you a re supply can often be der ived from yo ur tra nsce iver. O ther-
pin can no t o nly c ha nge the usin g mead s. a re sistor of wise, a simp le 12·V-dc, l -A source should be construc ted.
frequency of t he pin , but it approp riate va lue c o u ld
may al so turn it off . By se t- repla ce the diode to a llow
ting th e fre q ue ncy o f t he cha rging during on time. high when the sys te m gets
SQ W to so me rela ti vel y The va lue o f thi s resistor is turned off . , '" I'--
high frequency (it is not o f littl e conseq ue nce to the '--
re all y t hat impo rta nt) and 6818 when t he m a in power The Keyboard r', i'--
LSD 0-'
providing some ex ternal fil - is off because t he cu rrent Be cause I/O line s a re so • ,
tering, when the clock is on. consumption of the 6818 is va luabl e . eac h o ne com- I'J
t he output of t he filter so lo w. m on ly is g iven more t ha n I'--
repre sents a " o ne" co nd i- In add it ion to the volta ge o ne f un ction. O f cou rse. "
tion, and when off , re pre- d ifferentia l. there is a not he r every effo rt has been m ade "
se nts a " ze ro" condit ion! con sid eration regarding the to keep the nu m be r of line s I"-
This provide s a n extra I/O chip e nable (CE) line of the requi red to a m inimum (by tho res
" C l4~"
pin . 6816 , When the sys tem is using se ria l-ty pe devi ce s), DU.l eCD ec...... E..
po wer ed down (m ain pow- but the re ar e inst a nces D&U ~
Power Supply er). the CE line of t he 6818 where large numbers o f I/O ( . ....(~ "LL """'S ...( IlISH.C
(OGE ''''CG(''lO
To supply the MC146818 shou ld be b rou ght high to pi ns a re required . For in- "ESET~
with voltage both when the e nsu re that the pa rt is dese- sta nce, t he 4 x 4 key pad re-
main system is off and on, le c ted . Th is is easily accom- q u ire s e ight li nes just to de- Fig. B. M Hz-cou nter option.
there need to be a few sma rts plishe d by using a tra nsistor code t he proper ke y. Yes. a
involved . See Fig, 7. The (Q5 in Fig. 3) in the classica l two-to-fou r decoder co u ld case, I c hose to " m u lt ip lex"
trick required is to use D6 to inverter sty le . The ba se is have been p lac ed extern al t he data line s fo r the cl o ck
initially ra ise the 5 volts t ied t o the M CU Vc c to the MCU wh ich would o n t he sa m e I/O lines as
from IC7 o ne diod e drop {t hro ug h a n appropriate re- free up two ad d it iona l lines, tho se requir ed for th e
higher (.7 V), the n drop th e sistor). a nd t he collector re- b u t it a lso wou ld have re- keyboa rd .
su p p ly voltage (Vcc) to sistor is t ied to the 6818 q u ired an e xterna l d evice to The wa y the so ft wa re
bot h MCU and 6818 by sep- vee. W hen the sy stem is o n. perfo rm t hat function. The works. im m ed ia te ly after a
arate diodes {0 4 a nd on the collector is low, e n- system designer mu st m ake key is re lea sed . e.g.. t he
This ensu re s that both pa rts abling the 6818. but it goes the d ec ision here . In t h is " e nte r" key, t he d a ta direc-
20 73 Magazine· June, 1982
• Inject ion Molded Plast ic Fitt ings tor Strength, • f Ol oj,DOIeS ~al} '~ ,n- 'ell
Durabl1lty and Weath er-proofing. vees & dO~S
• Broad Banded l ow VSWR • Replaoc" Cenl e< ",5ula,or .,
• No Tuner or Balun Required
• PuiS pthOo'e< ", an,enna
• 8 .oa..... <\Oe'<l J-.O"' Hz

• Feed With Any Leng t h 50 Ohm Coax
• sma_ 1oo(fl!"""'9'" and
• Power Hand li ng Capac it y - Two Kw ....a1"'E'fP!'(lOI

• No t A Kit · Ready Fo r Use - Made in USA

I o Payme nt eneloH<l S _ • I , Impe<lilflCe ' a lOCl
• Steel Eyeletts For Installation and 50-239 I o VISA o we • For !ulle9a1 PI."""" and mooe
Fitt ing Are Mo lded Into A nt enna • ~P'5 e hm,na!e TV!

h p. date
60 or 40 Met er 49.95 ea. • w ,!n SO 239 c onneclor
20, 15. o r 10 Met er .44.95 ea.
I $ignl tu..
only $12.95 'T,
c- - , LlOWBll ~ai" ayamma , _ I Addfe n HI·Q ANTENNA
."" . 1001 Cypress .... 96 ~ City
~_ I 2 J Wes t Monroo LI 71291 ~

<.L..-- ~ Sm all rugged hgnllw ,gnt

we al nerO/oal
Rep lac e s eenl"r ,ns ula lo'


~ ~95
H an(lleS lull I,' ga l pow'"
eoc more
W,l n SO 239 co nnL'cl",

RuOQOO . IOQtI, ,,,e,otlr. inlec·
lio n molded 01 l Oll Qu.hl y
ma'erial. ""III t1'Otl eesec-
, nc Quillihe5 and eoC9'l len'
",eall'lPraD,Joly End .nS<lI.·
lors a' e const'ucted lA a
5P"a l unend.ng ta~oon 10
penn" "" nd' ng ot Ioad,ng
coils or p.a.rt,al "" noj.ng 10'
Md' 0<' u ..,<l 'or

- - $4.95
. Gul .. ,,,. 5lr il'" "'....... ""5

....... • f A<l III CU11," """"loI'ors 'or

...·I!,'nn d~
• ConsIJUCh"" of dnl, ""'a lOd<.t
,ng COOlS 0' tl'u'htl and U<lIlS

• DIPOLES...." "'-0
Yes, now you can take it with you! The new HAL


Lf N'' '"
_ <C• •

"'-0 ........
,NIUl AT""

0·" 40.'5
aa 23,95
CWR.6850 Telereader is the smallest RTTY and CW 0"
0-'5 "is 22
26,95 22,95
terminal available, complete wit h CRT display screen. 0-'0 io 25_95 21.95
_ ........ polo.
Stay active with your RTTY and CW friends even so
while traveling. Some of the outstanding features of S",'

" e ""

the CWR·6850 are:

• Send and receive ASCII. Baudot , and Morse code

40.20.1 0.'5
ee "" 37,95 ""
--, __ "" - ""
• RTIY and Mor se de modulators are built-in """"" .
...,.""" 6020 .'5

.. ...-." ....."" ""

• RTTY speeds of 45,50,57,74,110, and 300 baud
• High or Low RTTY tones "'." $11,95 p.
$10 95 PI"
• Send and receive CW at 3 to 40 w pm "
All ...' en O\aS are comple, e ""m al1 l.Q Balun 0' HI.Q
• Built-in 5 inch green CRT display ......,e<In&
Cent... ,nsul.n or. NO.1 • • 1'11....... "' ''I , eIf-
"'1{; inSUI.IIOfs. 100 nylonanle<>M ",pporl rope lSO
• Four page video scr een display modell OI1ly 5Ol.ate<l 10' lullle<ga l POW" _"'1'11_ 1
tTI;IIy be used a s iln in...",e<l V a.n<I may . ISCI tie used
• Six programmable HERE IS messages I)y ~ A RS Of swre.
• Pretype up to 15 lines of text
Anl . . - - ;na 'l.Illle * 'Itl ilfllenna oroers
• External k eyboard included Nylon guy rope ol5OIt ' esl 100 feet S,U9
• Runs on + 12 VDC @; 1. 7 Amperes CeramiC (DogDone Typel ;an,enna insulillO'S $1.50 p.
50-239 009 _ con nect0'5 ,56
• Small size (12. 75" x 5" x 11.5")
All PI;,:es a ' e POS,p.a.'d USA 48
Write or call fo r more details. See th e CWR-6850 at Ava ,la ble a l your la"",ile dealer or order di,ect from
your favorite HAL dealer.
HAL COMMUNICATIONS CORP. Van Dea le. In qu"l e s Invlled
BOX 365 Gorden
URBANA, ILLINOIS 61801 217·367-7373 Engineering
BOX 21305 B, SOUTH EUCLI D, OHIO «1 21

73Maga zine • June, 1982 21


" ,..... ,-,
... ~- >ro'

U l 5HO
" ~. ~
0 ~
) ~'O ' S"

•• )


. 0'
• T ""'C .~
r I'I.AeU
2 ~~ 1 'r • .. ' ec

I,1;f ~ ,
1 0

l~"8 --1 "" f--' c "T" S

•1 • • •
,• •
..c '.OIl I " Y::::
f--' ~.

." --1 '"

...,. ''''T
--1 ", f--' ".
," ;:: "0
, ~ . o o,

10e ..n .... v

'owt" ~

". -"-:1; '" Fig. 10. Block diagram o f a complete single-convers ion

transce iver controlled by the microprocessor v fo.
... ----- - - ----- - - - -1,
'00 Jl( L.'
s• " "'" '"
, I
I 1--- -, .!.,
• " cn o" z

'" ,~

'1 ser fOIl
~ "' A"" OPIII ATE
f" EQUENCY s..,rT

2.21< T LJ " I
Fig. 9(a). This circuit provides automatic bandswirching for I
,~ . I
the FT·70? Afternative connect io ns ma y be required for the I

FT-107 o r o ther radios. Be sure to p lace the FT·lO? band-
switch in the unused position when this hardware is con- 1 I , lI£"U.cn
_____________ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ..J '.. f IG 5 C)4

Fig. 11. M ode switc hing for rigs wh ich d ispla y actua l
ADDRESS DATA co mplete . While in the operat ing freq uency (not carrier freq uenc y).
S03 $80 tim e-di splay mod e. once
$07 $40 eve ry seco nd a n interru pt is
$1 0 $20
generated. As soon as the ."
$14 $10
MCU recogn izes this inter-
ru pt, the MCU read s the .
time from the 6818 and dis- •• ON 'A"H
$01 plays it. As soon as that " 2~

•• f Oll
r--- - - ----,I
$29 S03 data is read . the MCU is re- I
All ot her loc at io ns are $00. configu red for a keyboard
I ...
$ denotes hexadecimal notation.

Fig. 9(b). This program m ust

entry . The rest of the one-
seco nd pe riod, the MCU is
wa iti ng for a button to be ill
,." ,.". ..
__ J
I ."
be burned into the 74LS470
PROM of bandswirching cir-
pu sh ed . The amou nt of r---
time req uired to read the
time (< 50 J.ls) is the onl y ... I
TO "'6
'. b

tion reg ister s in the M CU

are set up to talk to the
time that depressing a key
could possib ly d isturb the
actual data read , But since I
0 .. ' ..... n

6818. Data is then trans- any ke y depression would ~...:'~~~~~ 8010"~

ferred to the 6816'5 RAM . be greater th an 20 ms. the stT " 'T AOIO flf'E Tu.. E FOIl ..'0 ~~, ~,o..
As soon as the data tran sfer incorrect frequen cy wou ld TtJRoo 000 "" ."0 rU NE FO" nAT NOTE
TU"N Of F AND AO, UST "A O F O" SA "E P il e ..
is com plete. the MCU is re- be disp layed, then immedi- uSE AS REQ UIRED

configu red for inputs from ate ly jump out of the time-
the ke yboard. The actual Fig. 12. Adding R IT and fine tu ning to the vto. M ost o f these
display mode and red isplay
transfer time is so short components mo unt on the main circ uit board.
the last frequen c y.
« 300 J.ls) that no matter
how hard the operator tries. Band and Mode Switching b and tran scei ver , so me te m wh ich MHz segme nt it
he cannot hit another key For the vfo to be used method mu st be prov ided is o n. This funct ion is imp le-
bef ore the data transfer is co nve nie nt ly with a multi- to tell the external Pll svs- mented as fo llows.
22 73 Magazine . June, 1962
Whenever the f requen cy Fig . 10 show s a block dia- MODE DISPLAY VFO PURPOSE
is sent to t he on-board syn- gram o f this radio. (PC2.1,O) FREQUENCY
t hesi zer, t he two m ost sig- The v f o prov ides t he ac- 000 3.‫סס‬OO 5.‫סס‬OO INVERTED 8O-20M
nificant di gits (M Hz) are tual frequen cy select io n, 3.9999 5.9999 AUTO REV ON 20
sent seria l ly to the data p in with the displ ay present ing 14 .‫סס‬OO 5.9999 MHZ NOT SENT
(PCO). If o pera t ing on 5 th e operato r with the ca r- 14.9999 5.‫סס‬OO PC2 1 = 80
MHz . the seq u en c e o f rier frequency . If yo u are 0 =20
events is: (1) set up the upgrading a standa rd radio 001 XX.OOOO 5.5000 FT107 MODE
Sob-M Hz syn the size r. ( 2) suc h as Heath o r Coll ins XX.5000 5.‫סס‬OO MHZ SENT
pulse t he SQW p in of t he where there was an analog 0 10 XX.OOOO 5.9999 INVERTED
6818 (resets the exte rnal m ethod o f readout, there XX.9999 5 .‫סס‬OO MHZ SENT
cou nter). (3) set the cl ock will be no problem in con-
ena ble pin (allows clock version . But if you ar e
101 xx.oooo 5.‫סס‬OO NORMAL
XX.9999 5.9999 MHZ SENT
line to inc remen t counter), al rea dy u smg a d igit al
(4) send out five pul ses (for readout t hat d ispl ays not 110 3.‫סס‬OO 5.9999 BO-2OM
5 MH z), (5) clea r the clock the ca rr ier frequency, but 3.9999 5 .‫סס‬OO AUTO REV ON 20
enable pin. and (b) conti nue the ac t ua l " talk frequen-
14.9999 5.9999 PC21=80
w ith program . cy," t he n an addi t ional
0 =20
m od if ica t io n m ust be made
The c ircuit f or a sim ple
to t he syst em . Th is mod w ill Ta ble 1. Vfo o p tions. M CV 110 pins PCO, PO, and PCl are
decod ing schem e using t he shift the reference oscilla- strapped to 1 (+ 5 V] or 0 (gro u nd), depending on the vfo
MC14S18 du al-BCD count-
to r by 1.5 kH z, eit her up or mode yo u select.
er is show n in Fig. 8. O ne
u se for t he ou tpu ts from t he
counter is to prov ide au to-
mat ic bandswitc hing. Parts List Y4 18.36 or 18.86 MHz
Component Value(Q) Ouantity RYl Relay (RIT) 1
Refer ences w ere made Rl ,8.14 47 3 C1 ,2.7,10,11 .13.43, .1 " F 17
earl ier to bandswitching o n R2,35 22' 2 44.14,15,16,18.26,
an H -107 or H -707. Fig. 9(a) R11 ,16,29 100' 3 27,45,46,49
shows how it m ay be ac- R4 5.6k 1 C3,04 300 pF 2
compli shed . By taking the R. 910 1 C5 200 pF 1
outputs o f the binary de- R7,15 600 2 C6 .47 " F 1
R9 270 1 C8 65 pF 1
coder o f Fig. 8 and runn ing
Rl0 SOk pot (sma ll) 1 C9 91 pF 1
them into a 74LS470 Pro- R12,1 3,15,26, 15' 7 C12,20,24,28,3O 1000 pF 5
grammable Read O n ly 27,28,30 C17,19 82 pF 2
Memory (PROM), ce rt ain R17,R33 1k 2 C21 10 pF 1
com b inat io ns of frequen- R18 750 1 C22 20 pF 1
cies may be t urn ed into R19 68 1 C23 12 pF 1
level s w hi ch may d rive cir- R20 56 1 C25,31 150 p F 2
cu itry to change band s. The R21 82k 1 C29,32 470 pF 2
PROM mu st b e p r o - R22 39' 1 C33,47,48 1,F 3
R23 20' 1 C34,36 10-40 var. 2
gramm ed as per Fig. 9(b).
R24,31 ,39, 10' 12 C3. 50 pF 1
Un like older transceiver s,
44-51 ,3 C37 39 pF 1
the FT-107 and 707 do not R32 4.7k 1 C38 .47 " F 1
u se a b and switch wh ich R34 1 C39 ·1 0-40 pF 1
runs the ent ire depth o f the R36 56' 1 040 °39 pF 1
rig. The actual sw itc h is on- R37 3.6k 1 C41,42 2,F 2
ly a double-pole type which R38 1.8k 1 C50 10 ",F 1
sw itc hes rel ays within t he R40,41 ,42 5k pot 3 01 2N5484 1
radio . By p lacing this sw itc h (2 pa nel, 1 PCB) 02.3,5,6 2N2222 4
in an unused po si tion and R5 27' 1 04 2N3006 1
R43 10 meg 1 01,4,5,6 1N914 4
addi ng appropriate d river s.
R53 300 1 02 MV104 1
t he rem o te v fo ca n sw itch
R58 2.2k 1 03 MV830 1
band s. too ! 11 1 07,9 1N4002 2
150 "H
I o rigi nal ly u sed this v fo
with a sim ple home-brew
L2 1-2 " H
(13 turns 1t28 V. ·
1 IC10
• MC6805T2 or ,

form) 68705P3
transc eiver t hat ope ra te s L3,4 2 IC2 MC146818P 1
6.8 "H
on both 80 and 20 m eter s.
w it h no exte rna l hete ro-
d yne osci ll ator. Th is si ngle-
L5,6 1.8 "H
MC1 45000P
GE Display
convers ion rad io provides m ixer 1C6 • MC1451SSP 1
an excel lent "sim ple" radio, Yl 4.096 MHz 1 ICl MC7805 1
w ith the T2 con t roll in g Y2 4.194 MHz 1 ICS,9 MC78 LOS 2
everyt hing, incl uding the Y3 '2.048 MHz 1 "ce notes MC68705P3 option.
bandswitching of t he filter s.
73 Magazine . June,1982 23

Fig. 13. Main vfo PC board (foil side).

down. depending on which O f c o u rse, an add itional c re rne n tal tun ing (RIl) wa s relay u sed to switc h it in
sid eband you are on . By position o n the sw it c h m ay a mu st for operating con- and o ut. Fig. 1 2 illu stra tes
tap p ing off the m ode be used for CW, AM, etc . ven ience, Th is vto p rovides ho w the RIT is imp le -
sw it c h in t he rig, the f re- This mod mus t be made if t he u ser wit h not on ly a RIT mented , (Tha nks to Yae su
quency may be s hift ed a u- using the vfo as a compan- control. but al so a f ine- for their design]
tomatically. ion for an other digital rig tuning ad just ment f or st a-
Fig. 11 gives an example which uses a 5-t0-6-MHz tion s between t he l QO.Hz Construction a nd
of how this ma y be ac- vfo . re so lut ion of the vfo . The Align men t
comp lished . In thi s dia- foil pattern fo r all RIT com- I re commend that the
gra m, a voltage d ivider is KIT ponen ts wit h the exception vco be built first. This is the
swi tched , depending on In almost every rig that of the pane l control s is on m o st d ifficult po rt ion of the
what mode the radio is in . I've owned, receiver in- the PC board, inclu d ing the vfo, and t he re st comes
easi ly o nce th is is com-
pleted . Aft e r the vco is
built, c hec k its frequ ency
ra nge by turn ing t he slu g in
c o il L2. It s houl d encom-
pass the 12.36-1 3.36-MHz
range requi red . Aft e r this
ha s been built , b uild the
re s t of the rf se ct ion
(18-M Hz vxo a nd f ilte rs).
O nly a fte r you have 5 to 6
MHz com ing o u t o f the fil-
ter stage shou ld you pr o-
ceed with the d igital se c-
tion. Depending o n which
p arts you are using (12 or
P3), sel e ct the appropri ate
ju m pe rs a nd insta ll the re st
Fig. 14. Displa y PC board (foil side). o f the p arts. The 681 8 fre-
24 73Magazine . June, 1982
-- I C>.
Cl8 Cl6 RII -------------
r• ,,
R36 o~ Q ,, , • ,,
RI~ '~ 3 ,
R35 C20
r C@3
, 02.
rc I ,
e21 RI4 Cl 5 RI , -.. "
t .a crs
e22 C46 . 12 _ _ o. f R.:: 5.! ~ pC~3_3 _
I I e43 --
C32 RF OUT C23 0 tr:
N~ ~ ~ IL....-
a: a: a: a: ---------
I •0 33 Ne
C31 L4 , C4 4 • ---
L.6 C45 C41 ~ C7 C6
f - -.....----SOCKET TO

~;9 / ~I

12 C53e 49 02

e49 -i----'

C28 RI9 C24 fffI C5~
e 37

D' • •• :L:.---;'T BAT T ERY

RIB ~~~ I ~ CI 2 01 Y2~ 0"
, 1'29 "
s ac e27
RS C13

CIOC C3 : 1C5,
R6 02 C4
era I
C9 } BCD
09 " LI

Fig. 15. Component pfacement, main board.

quency m ay be adj usted by erlv built a nd t ha t there is a layouts for the vfo and modes o f the v fo syst em .
placing a counter on pin 21 . feed back frequency back display, respecti vely . Figs. Th e m odes are select ed by
Trimmer (36 should be ad- to the PLl. Also, c heck for 14 and 16 show component st rapp ing I/O pins PCO, PC1 .
justed to read 4 .1 9430 8 the o bvious so lder sho rt. placem ent. and PC2 to eit her + 5 V o r
MHz . If you ca nnot bring it Figs. 13 and 15 a re t he PC Tab le 1 lists t he ava ila ble ground t hrough 15k resis-
exactly on f requency. some
adjustment of fixed capaci-
tor C37 may be requi red .

If you are usi ng the P3.
freque ncy of t he • 1. • •I -.::-

~'~llj~ It.
MC 1 45155 m ay be o b-
se rved o n pin 15 of t he part.
Adj ust C39 f or 2.048 MHz .
If using t he n , use a low-
capacitance probe on p in 5 rca
of the MCU and adjust C34
for 4.096 M Hz . If, upon • III
power-up, the unit appea rs
dead. it is time to borrow an
I •
° R3 4
..f U· • ., 0
oscilloscope to do some
checki ng. First. check t he
jumpers and powe r sup-
pl ies. Next. check to see TO KEYPAD
tha t t he osci llators are
fu nctioning pro perl y. CC C CRRRR
43 2 1432 1
If the u nit seem s to
operate properly but the Fig. 16. Component placement, display board. Driver chip fits under display unit, on the
vco will not track . be sure same side of the board. Display unit is elevated above the board by segments of high-
that the loop filter is prop- profife IC sockets (see photos).
73 Magazine • J une, 1982 25

Displa y board. The liqu id crystal d isplay (LCD) un it plugs

into a home-brew socket com posed of pieces o f two 40-pin Display board. Th is view sho ws ho w the display driver 1C
IC sockets. mounts beneath the LCD unit.

tors. In the first co lum n of Gelli ng the Parts e MC145000 - $124 9 (G E part LX0690 7R09) is
the table, a 0 indicates the Ap proxi mate costs o f the • 8-d igit LCO - S26AO ava il a b le from a ny G E dis-
pin is connec ted to ground, high-va lue item s of the proj- The MC6805T2 conta in- tr ibutor (Ham ilton Avnet,
wh ile a 1 mean s the pin is ec t a re: ing the program used for e tc .).
connec ted to + 5 V. The this project is a n evaluation
tabl e shows the ava ilable e M C680 5T 2l 2 - $1 2.0 0 - pa rt und er t he nu mbe r My heartiest thanks go to
modes vs. the frequ encie s 15.00 MC6805T2L2 (ceramic case) Helge Granbe rg and Mike
produced . Also incl uded • MC68 705P3 - $50.00 (no t and is ava ila b le from any Pe nd le y, who provided me
a re the purpose s be hind need ed if the 1 2 is used) Mo toro la d istributor, as is wi th some necessary rf
eac h mode . The mode is e MC1451 55 - $7.32 (not the MC68705P3, the a lter- savvy, and Ulrich Ro hd e,
re ad at re se t t ime o n PeO, needed if the T2 is used ) na tive MPU. who gave me some insights
PC1 , a nd PC2. • MC146818 -$10.00 The liq uid crysta l d isplay into PLl syste m design .•

Take it from Il!a1Derd •• •

f"rou'll have :;"lEeS --
best matched pair
in town!"
Ma.teh1ng your antenna. and transmitter
requ1res the accuracy of our lOOQ-A RF
Wa.ttmeter for sertoua DXtng. Trlmming your
antenna. for the frequency you're w ork1ng
eDBW"eS youll get max:1mum power out and minimum
reflected power back. Get more reach wtth the best
matched pa.1r in town.
You can depend on Dielectric, Organue you,. s hock u'ith a
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quaUt;y meters, couplers
CONSOLE $203. 35
and toads. • Large , 42" H x 57" W x 29"'D
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Call us for more informa.t1on and the name of • Mar-resistant wood grain finish
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BaymmI4. V'tDe ()oIon uu. / a07~55""'555/800-341 _"78 / TWX nD-U9-6800

26 73 Magazine · J une , 1982

-_. -
• •
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• • •

BJ popular acclaim - the leader and king of radio teleprinter communications - the HAL
DS3100ASR and ST6000. When combined with the MS03100 Message Storage Option and a
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over choose the DS3100 and ST6000 for their stat ions over any other equipment. The DS3100
and ST6000 have set new standards of comparison for commercial and amateur RTTY data
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DS3100 and ST6000!

• Send and r eceive AS CII, Baudot and ylorse code

• Full length 72 character lines and 24 line screen
• True"ASR" operation - pretype while receiving
• 50 Line pretype, on-screen transmit buffer
• 150 Line receive display buffer
• MS03100 adds 450 lines of MAILBOX message storage
• P31 green, 12 inch display screen is built-in
• Cont rol functi ons are cl early marked on keytops
• On-screen st at us indicat ors with real time
• Upper -lower case ASCII with ALL control codes
• 45,50,57, 74, 100 baud Baudot
• 110, 150, 300,600,1200, 1800,2400,4800, and 9600 baud
ASCll - full or half duplex
• 1 to 175 wpm send and receive Morse code
• Current loop or RS232 110 interface
• ST6000 has tuning oscilloscope and loop supply
• Thr ee RTTY shifts: 170, 425, or 850 liz
• Multiple active RTTY filters and detector stages
• Crysta l controlled RTTY transmit tones
• Printers available for hard-copy of all 3 codes

Write or call for more details. See the DS3100, MS0 3 100, ST6000, and printers at your favo rite
HAL dealer.
BOX 365
URBANA, ILLINOIS 61801 217·367·7373
The and
offer perfonnance and versatility
for those who demand the ultimate!
TR7A Transceiver R7A Receiver
receive coverage . The optional AUX7 pro vides 0 to 1.5 MHz trequency coverage.
receive plus transmit coverage of 1.8 to 30 MHz. for future • Full passband tuning (PBT).
Amateur bands. MARS. Em bassy . Government or Commercial
Newl NB7A Noise Blanker supplied as standard.
frequencies (proper authorization required).
• State-of-the-Art f eatu res of the l1UA, plus added
• Full Passband Tuning (PBT) enhances use of high rejection flexibility with a low noise 10 dB rf amplifier.
a-pole crystal filte rs.
Newl Standard ultimate selectivity choices include the
Newl Both 2 .3 kHz ssb and 500 Hz cw crystal filters . and 9 supplied 2.3 kHz ssb and 500 Hz cw crystal fi lters, and
kHz a-m selectivity are standard, plus provisions for two 9 kHz a-m selectivity. Capability f or three accessory
additional filters. These B-pole crystal filters in conjunction crystal filters prus the two supplied. including 300 Hz.
w ith careful mechanical ! electrical design result in realizable 1.8 k Hz. 4 kHz, and 6 k Hz, The 4 kHz f ilter, when used
ultimate rejection in excess of 100 dB. with t he R7A's Synchro-Phase a-m detector, provides
Newl The very effective NB7 Noise Blank er is now standard . a-m recept ion w ith greater frequency response within a
Newl Bultt In light ning protection avoids damage t o solid-state narrower bandwidth t han conventional a-m detection,
components from lightning Induced t r ansients. and sideband selection to m inimize interference potenti al.
Newl Mic audio available on rear panel to facilitate phone patch • Front panel pushbutton control of rf pream p, a-m / ssb
connection, detector, speaker ON /OFF sw itch, i-f notch filter.
• State-of·the-art design com bining solid-state PA , reference-derived calibrator signal. three age release
up-ccnverson. high-level double balanced 1st m ixer and times Iprus AGe OFF), Integral ISO MHz frequency
frequency synthesis provided a no tune-up, broadband. high counter / digital readout f or external use, and Receiver
dynamic range transceiver. Incremental Tuning (RIl).

The "Twins" System

• FREQUENCY FLEXIBILITY. The TA7A/R7A combination appropriate use of the TA7A's RCT control (Receiver
offers the operator, particularly the DX'er or Contester, fre- Controlled Transmit). DSR Is Implemented by mixing the two
quency control agility not available In any other system, The audio signals in the R7A
"Twins" offer the only system capable of no-compromlse • ALTERNATE ANTENNA CAPABIl...ITV. The R7A's Antenna
DSR (Dual Simultaneous Receive). Most transceivers allow Power Splitter enhances the DSR feature by allowing the use
some external receiver control, but the "TWins" provide of an additional antenna (ALTERNATE) besides the MAIN
Instant transfer of transmit frequency control to the R7A antenna connected to the TA7 A (the transmitting antenna).
VFO. The operator can listen to either or both receiver's All possible splits between the two antennas and the two
audio, and instantly determine his transmitting frequency by system receivers are possible .

pnces subject to change WIt hOut notic:e

Spec:iftcations. avaHa billty and Of otlIIOatlOl'l,
~ see your Drake dealer or write ~ New RV7S Synthesized VFO

~ ~. for additional Information. Compatible with lRS and 7·Llne XcvrslRcYnl
• Freqll'lK)' Synthesi%td for aystIl<ontro+led
stability . VRTO (V,nab" Ra~ Tunln; Oscillator")
adj usts tuning rate as functlon of tuning soeec.
• R.solutlon to 10 HI • Th.... progrlmmlbll flue!
frtqllencles for MARS, etc. • Spilt or Trln,.;eive
opllrltlon with main tra nsceiver PrO or RV75

R. L DRAKE COMPANY. 540 Richard Street, Miemisburg, Ohio 45342 • Phonel513J 866-2421 • Telex 288-017 " Patent pending
RV75 Synthesized VFO
featuring the Drake "VRTO"
• Frelj uency Synth n il,d for crystar-ccntrcned
stability · VRTO (Vu l.bl' Rate Tuning O"Ill.tor')
adjusts tuning rate as function of tuning speed. , _ ,
• • Resolut ion t o 10 HE Three programmable fixed
t recceeces for MARS. etc • Split or Tran!ltelyt
operation With main transceiver PTO or RV75

With the new TR5 • Patent pend ing

versatility and value are spelled D·R·A·K·E ...

The dynamic range of the TRS is unexcelled by any transceiver in its class. The TRS·s
greater tha n 0 dBm third order intercept point (85 dB two-tone dynamic range) at 20
YNAMIC kHz spacing can be achieved only by the use of a passive diode-ring double balanced
RANGE mixer. Drake was th e fi rst t o bring th is t echnology t o the Amateur market with a
high-level mixer in the TR7.

When you pu rchase a TRS. or any Drake product. you acquire a product of the lat est
prod uction techniques. w hich provide relia ble performance.
ELiABLE Yet w ith a prod uct as sophisticated as one of tcday's t ransceivers. after-sales
SERVICE service is a must. Ask any Drake owner. Our Customer service Department has a
reputation second to none.

Drake is the only Amateur Radio manufacture r who offers a full complement of
accessories to satisfy almost every desire the HF Amateur may have. This wide
CCESSORIES selection allow s any operator to assemble a station which meets his needs. and
assures com pat ible interfacing and styling instead of a desk full of equipm ent with
a variety of styli ng and poor operation as a sy stem.
Everyone wants t o be heard! The accessory L75 and its 3-5OOZ (1200 watts PEP
ILOWAn in put) and a decent antenna will do the trick. This rugged sett-contatnec amplifier /
AMPLIFIER power supply will put the TRS on an even f ooting with t he best of them .

The TRS and all Drak e Transceivers. are backed by the best in engineeri ng. The TRS
is the result of an extensive engineering effort. combini ng proven past techn iques
.NGINEERING and ideas with new state of the art concepts.
As a result . the ffiS will not be superceoed by a new model every six months. It
represents a true radio communications value t hat will provide many years of
operating enjoyment .

Features. avaIlability and pnces suDJKt to Cl'l,mge WltOOU t ecrce or oongation.

see your Drake dealer
or write for
addItional Information. R. L. DRAKE COMPANY l<lDmmmI. 540 R>chltrd se.. M'am'sbut'g, Ohio 4 5 342 . USA
Phone: 1513J 866-2421 • Tele~ 288-017

Keith Creiner AK()Q

42 1 N. PleaSdnf Hill Bl vd.
Des Moines IA S0117

Surviving the
- part II: some practical ideas

I n part I, I tal ked about

the idea o f e me rge ncy
com mu nicat ions a ft e r a
fra ctio n of a n inst ant con-
nected your re ce iver's an-
te nna termina ls to a high-
sis-orie nte d world, the situ-
a tion is indeed wit hin the
re alm of possibility . The
But. first. why should we
eve n be co nce rned a bo ut
protect ion ? After al l, any
nuclea r attack and the vo ltage d ist ribution line . 4o-kY shock is what c ivil-de- nucle a r exchange see ms to
bene fits the Amateur Se r- The resu lt was a 4O-kY, fense experts say wou ld be be so outrageou sly inco m-
vice might provide. In th is l ,()(X).Amp shock to the in- the re sult of a nuclear blast petent on the part of world
pa rt , we 'll talk about put of your receiver. There in the vicinity of most a ny leaders that it seems that it
specific steps that each of wouldn't be very much left piece of unshielded wire, in- never could happen . Unfor-
us can take. First, though, of you r sensitive input cir- cluding telephone wires, tunately, however, we've
le t's set the stage: cuits, to say the least. power lines, antennas, and see n in the last few years
Imagine this situa tio n fo r This sounds like a n im- feed lines . The phe no me no n that many imp robab le
a moment: The most incom- possi ble situation I o nly is common ly re fe rred to as th ings such as revolu tions,
peten t of o perators wa lked wish that it were truly im- a nuclea r e lectro magnetic hosta ge taki ng. etc., have
into your shac k an d fo r a poss ib le. But in to dav's c rt- pulse (EM P o r NEMP). actua lly occ urred ,
This kind of pu lse is so ex-
treme in a mpli tude that Even though we a ll hope
. .. Tt .... . FEtO CA8Lt ma ny norm al lightning pro- a nd pray that a nucle ar ex-
u tectors a re use less . For ex-
ample, a typical lightning
c hange does not occur, let
us not underestimate the
pulse has about a l OQ-mi- devastating and paralyzing
crosecond du ration, with a effects of su c h an ex -
Smicrosecond rise to Its c ha nge. Simply imagine, for
pea k. A high-altitude EMP a moment, a world with
pul se c a n be expected to hundreds of millions of US
have a t -rnicrosecond dura- and Russi a n citizens killed
t ion a nd a lO-na nose co nd an d tens of millions more
rise to its pe ak. That's no t severely a nd unt re a tab ly
e nough time fo r ma ny com- burned , near dea th, a nd
mo n ligh tn ing a rrestors to starving . Maj or ci ties, with
, " 0 4/0 BUE COPPER work. thei r so phisticated hosp i-
" U P " u" BEfI or
IE .. OS TO " ''' ''' "~",-~r
In the fo llowi ng pages tals, pol ice, telephone com-
we'll ta lk about some of the munication syste ms, rad io
EM P protective measures and television stat ions ,
EA"'H which should be taken on transportation, food dis-
4"0"f "~ G"Ou "O OJ' " IT
your equipment. Without tribution networks, finan-
protection, sensitive semi- cial centers, and manufac-
conductors would be most turing centers all eliminat-
likely to fail and put you ed -gone-not much us-
o ut of bus iness when your able left, a nd most like ly
se rvices ma y be ne ede d t o o ra d io a c t ive to a p-
Fig. 1. Recommended ground connections at tower base. most. pro ac h for many years to
30 73 Magazine· J une, 1982
come . The sit u at io n might
be reminiscent of th e Cam - CP c LAR~O

UG T -4 UGT -4
bodian experience of re-
cent yea rs, where a ruthless
and irresponsib le leader-

!..----COPP ER

"~~ r: 1':;-- ,
ship evacu ated the ci ties
and forced an entire coun-
- ------

U8 0 · 2 r;'
-,... ---

try into an unn ecessary d i- I I

c I
saster. Im agi ne that sit ua- I
t ion in your com mu nity, ,
, rr> .-----r,I ,p . CLAR E CO. UBD -2 -ZE RD

among your friends-per- I • I ' OR EOU I VALE" T l

haps w o rl dw ide ! ,I , I
~---------- - - --- t -,- ~ - - -'
How ever, even in the
wo rst of d isaste rs, th ere w il l / •1 I.
be some survivors . If not us,
t hen our fri ends o r rel a-

t ives. Perh aps o ur child ren

or gra ndc hild re n w ill b e COUNTEIIP_O~"~'__ ,.------jT'rI 'rIT~
cnouso -
amo ng t hose f ortunate sur- EA RT H

v ivors. The re also w il l b e

some amate ur radi o ope ra-
Fig. 2. Suggested use o f gas gaps in an antenna balun. No te that this approach uses a thick.-
wall conduit around the coax.
tors . Pe rha ps t he best th ing
t hat we c an do f or t hese
people f aced w ith a co m-
plete ly unknow n and hos-
t otal di sorganizat ion eve n
in t imes when t here IS no


til e environment is to en-

sure t hat t hey have eve ry
C ri S IS.

The job of amat eur rad io

ANTE NNA - - j ---
poss ib le assistance avail-
able t o help t hem th ro ug h
eq u i p ment pro t ect io n is
easy once we realize t hat it

the crisis. does not need to be diffi- O, OOE

4~ 0
cult o r com p lex. M ost any
In comm unications, t hat
t echni c al o r no n-t echn ical
assi st ance means that in a
op erato r ca n acc omplish
wo rld w he re t he estab-
some EMP protec ti on on
li shed pu bl ic syste m is no Rf GA SKET A.. O BOLTE O
short noti ce, w ith a ve ry COV ER
l o ng er ava i l ab le, t he
sma l l ou tlay of m oney . The SH IE LDED EN CLOS
techn ical prepa rat ions o f
objective is to safely b ypass
am at eur radi o ope rators Fig. 3. Coaxial tee protectors used in a receiver circuit.
your eq uip me nt and any in-
may m ake the difference
com ing connectio ns w hen
between li f e and death f or
they ar e presented w ith an AT T R AN SMI T TE R OU TP UT OR AT AN TENN A
coun tless hund reds of tho u-
EMP signa l composed of 40
sands. It could be t he fi na l
foothold in t hei r st ruggle
fo r surviva l. A fte r all, ass is-
to 50 kV and current in t he
o rder o f 1 ,000 A mperes. -
t ance du ri ng disaste rs is It is interesti ng to note f iS CHE R C UST OM
one of our key eleme nts, that mu ch o f t he EMP pro- I f C Cl GAS GAP
and a just ification f or an tective eq u ipme nt avai l- 33 0 PROTEcT OR
Amateur Rad io Se rv ice. O n- ab le tod ay has been de-
ly amateu r radi o ope rators sig ned sinc e our cou ntry E" C L OSU RE

ca n supply an organized sto p ped t estin g n uc le ar

commu nicat io n syst e m w eapo ns. As a resul t, non e Fig. 4. Coaxial tee protectors sho wn in a transm itter circuit.
from al mos t every com m u- of it has received the o nly
nity in t his count ry . O nly t r ue test of r e l i a bil it y
- o n-th e-j o b t est in g - al- sto re d i n a t h or oughl y locat io n 30 to 200 m il es
amate u r rad io o pe rato rs
thou gh EM P sim ulators are sealed and shielded b ox. from t hei r com mu nity, de-
can supply this syst em with
used. The bo x should ha ve no pe nd ing o n the nature o f
a substantia l portion o f t he
holes wher e any kind o f t hreat to that com mu nity,
survivi ng equip me nt easil y Becau se o f t he lack of
ene rgy ca n get in and the equi pment should lik e-
made ope rat ional after t he w idespread t est ing c ap a-
should have a sk in m ade of wise be moved to a location
shoc k of a nucl ear expl o- bilities, t he onl y reall y prov-
18- t o 26-gauge metal to 30 to 200 mil es f rom t he
sion . Citize ns Band eq uip- en m ethod o f protection is
prov ide m agnet ic shield ing com m unity.
ment f or t he m ost part al so t he sim p lest. Under
for the equ ipment inside .
wou ld be rendered t otal ly t his approach, all equi p- Keep in mind when stor-
usel ess by its unprotected m ent t o b e pr o t e ct e d Since t he civ i l-defe nse ing your equipm ent t hat
relia nce o n sem ico nd uc- shou ld b e d isco nnected planners expect to ha ve power supp lies also should
to rs and its tendency f or from all ext ernal w ires and A me ric ans m oved to a safe be shiel ded and stored with
73 Magazine. J une,1 982 31

r---- - -- - ---,
,L _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _I

S ~ IHD (D
( " Cl OS UU

, /~ ," ~ . u~

CO " .. NOD" I,VElH _ .. 0

H UE "

Fig. 7. Th is is a t ypical varistor ins tallation applied to a
fluores cent lighting circu it
I JY Ne T,o ..
G ~O" NO W' R[ ,
Fig. 5. Suggested layout for communications room with 'J
remote operation of equ ipment.
,~ ~[. ,. "[ CO"OU' T
S,",-If ' ''CO '' '',O

. .. ,,' .. ~U:,':.'. " , ., .,. I," " .."'(

" oTE • SL H V( HE llE " NOlf I

' ":.'~ ,
,, [1A ~ OX'O [
•• , • ",_ , .p • • • • • •• • " .• • • , •• > • • •• ! • •
• •• , .
v A~'STO"S
[ OY' VA" [ IO '

" OH 7

Fig. 8. This is a suggested circ uit for fMP protection of a

,, ,
.. J.phase, 4-wire motor using metal-oxide varistors (MO Vs)
connected between each hot wire and ground.
..,, ,: U AO S ~UT"
n"..,... ·,,,O
C.ILl Ju .. eTlo"
,, , •
.. ..
- . ' - ,•
.. l
• G.OY"O . ,~[

.. .""." • • ••
7 , N£U

• ()
"", ,.. - .. c•
, •
., "0 ~ OT .)
, ,
, ,,

. .,
. . .
....... 0
... -!! '"

.. . . - .. ,•
• 0
-";, u x,. « CO NDUtT
"' '0'

o0 ;: .
.. ,
7 .. (T &< OX'O (
•• l[Q V&R'STO'lS °•
, -
- •• [OU'v AU NT
, ,-
•• ••
, ,
•" ••
Fig. 9. Single-phase motor protection using MOVs between
, ," "
••l •
, ,
, ,
hot wires and groun d.

N OT( 6
tion. a nd ante nnas should in anticipat io n o f a n attack .
Fig. 6. This is one recommended method o f protecting a be we ll grounded . Bu t a Fi rst, yo u sho uld o pe n the
telephone cable system against EMP transients. Note the sma rt operator wou ld keep master power switch at you r
heavy emphasis on shiefding. The numbered notes refer to a longwire and tuner stored se rvice e ntrance. Second .
detailed cons truction specifications. as if to be used for Field a ll ci rcuit b reakers should
Day for, in any e me rge ncy, be opened an d a ll cri tica l
your equ ipment becau se least o ne set of equipment the a nte n nas can be e xpect- equ ip ment sho uld be tu rned
t hey are just as susceptible (and likely more) should be ed to take the brunt o f the o ff o r di sconnected .
to an EMP tran sient signal held in re serve in the event effec ts a nd may nee d to be When the e q u ip me nt and
as is you r se nsitive tra ns- of a ny equi pment failu re. In re pla ced in the fast est tim e powe r are to be restored. all
m itt in g an d re c ei vi n g the id e al case, ham o pe ra- possible. ci rcu its sho uld be c hecked
eq uipment. A pub licly-re- tors sho uld have a re ser ve The De pa rtment o f De- for arc-overs or damage be-
leased 1970 Depa rtment o f available due to equipment fens e publ ication fMP Pro- fo re power is restored . Be
Defense publication sug- fa ilure c a used by every sue- te ctive Systems suggests su re to di sc onnect tel e-
gests that if equ ipment ceeding attack . severa l approa che s wh ich phone and c a ble television
must be used during a Go od grounds are very should be used if you' re go- connec tion s, be cause the
threat of nuclear attack. at important to EMP protec- ing to shut d own for a whil e advice indicates tha t there
32 73 Magazine · Ju ne, 1982
could be a prob lem w ith '"
any wire com ing in to you r ,.,
( ,)
hom e . Si nce t he EMP
ene rgy in lon g over head
w ires ca n b e ext re me ly II ( ,) II
( ,
hazardous, be sure peop le
stay away f ro m these wi res
dur ing a time of poss ib le at-
tack . r-
If you mu st have some
co, '-"-'
rad io eq uipm ent ope rati ng,
dig out your o ld t ube-type
( ,)
eq uipment a nd use it.
Tubes are muc h less sensi-
t ive to hi gh-vo ltage shoc ks
\ ( ,) ( :1
•c \11

and are more l ikely to re-
( ,) '" r">; ~R I NG CIRCU I T

cover. It is felt that less

protective shie ldi ng is nec- L OA D
essary f or b roadcast receiv- I
ers w ith lo opstic k antennas LO AD
or receiv ers with short an-
te nnas, incl uding two-mete r Fig. 10. Various EMP protect ive circu its for several typical circuits.
equ ip ment. Aga in , how-
eve r, bec ause t here are so inches below t he surface, a balun at the antenna feed- The amount of ti me that
man y unknowns, a w ise op- using Y2 -inch copper tu b- poi nt. The best way t o pro- anyone gap arcs ove r IS a
erator wou ld most likely ing. The app roach cou ld get te et a balu n is to provide factor to be cons ide red
co nsider any equipment in very expensive at t oday' s " z ero reaction time" gas- when selecting t he gap.
f u ll use to be vu lnerab le. coppe r p rices but would gap arrestors in pa ra llel A lmost any gap c an sust ain
M ore advanced EM P pro- provide an u ndisputab ly with al l balun capacitors a large number of low-cu r-
tect ive measu res which super grou nd for you r ver- and ind uc tors. Be sure to rent arc-overs, but only a
allow more operating ve rsa- t ical. Be sure t o connect the have the breakdown volt- few ve ry-large-c urrent arc-
ti lity also have been pub- outs ide of you r antenna age of the gas gap h igher overs du ring its lif e. The
li shed under the name of f eed cab le shie lds to the than that whi ch you would specification s for each gap
the De fense Civil Prepa red- grou nd . A ny contro l cables expect unde r no rmal opera- should be consu lted if it is
ness Agency and m ay be goi ng up t he t ow er should tions. even un der unu sua lly also to hand le lightning-a t-
obtai ned from t he Federal be sh ield ed in th readed h igh swr conditions. Gap s resting c ho res in add ition to
Eme rge ncy Management co ndu it so there is a perfect can have breakdown volt- EM P protect ion . A lso, most
Age ncy in Washington, DC cond uctive shie ld all along ages rang ing f rom 220 volts gaps cap ab le o f EM P pro-
(ask for publication TR-61- t he l ine. to 30 kV and have c u rr ent tection are labeled as suc h.
B). These approaches to the A pa rticu larly sensitive ratin gs rang ing f rom 3,000 Th e c haracterist ic ca-
p roblem center around the part of an an tenna c ircu it is Am ps on up. pac itance of each gap is o f
use of gas-gap arrestors,
" OV ' S 10 JOULE
meta l -oxi de varistor s
(MOVs), coaxial tee p ro-
tectors for antenna cab les,
and improved groundi ng.
Some of t heir suggestio ns
are d esc ribed here, so you
can sta rt on you r p rotection • J-VAR'STO~ ~ROTECTO~ ~ R[ "OTE LOAO
ri ght away. The ap proac h • 60 JOULE

IJ O~' S 10 J Ou LE
requires some expe nse and
wou ld be used if you wou ld
anticipate operating duri ng

c -r

a nuc lea r t hreat. I
Im prov ed grou ndi ng of a ~ " 12 0 v AC RELAY
: I
(-;---)--...'I~I :,
tower is extreme ly impor- E " ELEcT RI C O ~ E RATOR I
tan t for supplying a low- I
im ped ance path to ground <:: 4-~ I
,- J
f or EM P cu rrent. The sug- I
gested way to acco mplish
t his is shown in Fig. 1 . Th e I •
towe r should be connected ,,
to t he grou nd ro d s using 4/0 GEN E RA TOR ,
An alter native is to instal l
20 radials abou t 12 to 18 Fig. 11. Full-blown EMP protection for supplying power to communications equipment.
34 73 Magazine. June, 1982
Hill 2301 "'Hl 00V\r.. COII ERTERS (FR£ O RAi'lGE 2OCO?!>OO "'!'q)
lXWoMOOf: L" KIT B.o&CUNIT WtPl'IE,A ,,"PlESSHOUSl NG & Fm 'NGS Mll-i15
2301 MODE L ~ KIT '''''~ _"'PI s.5IiI.1I!i
23OoIMOOl L" KIT I..'tn H'9"Gaonp<eamp' _ 95
OMXlfLS 2 10 3 WITH COA ~ FITTINGS ,,. .. OUT .. .. 0 WIT H WUH' E ~ PROOFE O OlE
oUITENN A.$ 10 OTI'I EII ACCESSOIllES 4VA' l.JlIlt E se ..
UT1LIZESlO' ...H1 CRYS1.. L~ PPM CO/rIII P\.El £ 1UT S l~
..AL·:!OOA , ·ooc;lT COU .. TER IS' M' LAR TO 600"" WITH FREOUENCY RANGE OF 0 - 300
... .., COIoII P\. ETE IHT S lllll
..AL·!IGA BDIGIT COU,ojTHI win. FREOUEN CY """(if OF ZEROos......"o
TO '50 MHl OR BET ·
UT ILIZE S 1 (). MH , CRY STA ~ 5 PPM CO ,.. Pl ETE I\ IT S1(19
HAlJOOPA" (P<e-<l"'led G· l 0 boa"'.n<l .,1 com_,s)
HAlJOOM'RE & me u at><we boJl w'lh p,ump!
H...l eoD PAE (P<NIf>lled0- 10 boa<d.n<l .11 com_'SI
HAl eoD M'A E (... me.5.~ boJ' wolf> plUmp!
F ~OWEO G '0 PC 9OAFIO. 1·'l67$. 2·7002 . "'N O ...u, ElEC TRONIC CC»oOPONEilITS
ao.o.FlO "' E"'SlJAES J.' 12 ~ SII2!NGHES HAS ' 2 11NES OUT ON~ YS3ll.95
TONE "' NOlllZE O "'lU"'"NU'" U 8'NET "' EASUAES ON~ Y 2 ' , 'oJ ' • • CC»oO PlETE WITH
NEW _ l t lifoiE DELUXE E""CODE R s.Jf95
H"'~ ECO_ ' S l 'NE DEWXE E"ICOOE 1l 'NC\.UOf-S PC ao"'fIO "'~l P...IlTS t U SE

H"' l ECO_ ' 2 l'NE DEWXE E"ICOOE1l CO",P\.UE W'T H PC eo...fIO. "' l~ P"' I'ITS &

w&>.vvF "'CCUI\ EYEI'l OIlIGIN...U Y OESCIl' BEO BY J ...... ES G...RRETT. ,,.. 05T
MAGAZINE "'NO THE '975 R...QIO AM",TEUR·S H...N0 6OO1\ S16.95
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CO"' BINED PR'CE O N~ Y 132,00

H...l·PA·' 1I W' OE 8ANO PRE "UIPlIf' EA, 2·200 "I I', BM'OWI OTH ( _ 3<lB PO' NTSl '9 <lB
fU~lY ASSE ,..BtE D AND TESTED "-115
HAl.PA,l .• WIDE BAND PRE-AIoIPlIF,eR. 10 "' Hl TO 1 . C Hi ' 2<18 G...,N
FUl lY ASS£III B ~ ED Sl 2-115

CLOCK KIT -HA~ 111 f OUR- OICW SP£CIAl - Sl.95. ()P



C()I,IPlETE I\ 'T CONSlST'...a Of 2 PC 0-10 PFIE '~'l~E O PC I!OAAOS. 'CLOCI\ CHIP,S
FNO CQI,I ... CloTH REAOOUTS . '3 TRANS . lCAPS. ll AESlS T~. 5 CM.Xl£S. 3 PUSH-
a..OCI\ CASE ..........,,,-,,,BtE AN DW' ~ ~ f iT A"' YON E OF THE AIIOVE CLOCKS AEGUl.AR
PIlICE $6-.0 BIJT ON 1' "'.!it! WHE"" BOUGHT WITH ClOCI\ .
Sllt.DIGIT ........R.. ClDCI\ I\IT f Qfl H()t,OE. C...MP[ I'l , "Y . OFt ~ 'E ~O-OA Y USE
PRICE D AT Sl t.t!>
fl'lO'" nO-VOl T ...c WHEN PURC HUEO WlTH Q.OCKKIT S2.t!>
s.25, PlEA SE ,NClUDE "'OO'TION"'~ $2.00 FOI'I H"'NDlING AND "' A I ~'NG C HARGES
Alum. T_ ... ...P P«Iduc..
!We M.e ''''' new H--"Bro.. 5 1'".....)

P. O. BOX110'
PHON E(313) 2B& 1782

73 Magazine • June,1982 35

Lf ,, Ie . u D'O EMP Protect ion Equipment Sources
Some EMP protective devices are not easily o bt ained . I
have found that even a local distributor cannot always o btain
information about them. Following is an updated list of
"" 'P " EMt/
sources . Those w ith asterisk s (") have expressed their inter-
Fig. 12. Switching diodes may be used to protect very short est in selling the equipment by sending me information whe n I
specifica lly requested information about EMP protection.
wires. Use 1N365J s and a O.l-jJ.F, S()()..volt capacitor.
· C. P. Clare Co. Gas gaps and ot her
3101 West Prall Avenue transient protector s
considerab le importance in sheet meta l shou ld be fo ld- Chicago Il60645
rf ci rc uits since the inter- ed at the sea ms a nd sol- Dale Electronics, Inc. Gas gaps and other
electrode capacitance be- dered, wit h a st ri p of tinned- Box 609 t ransient protector s
tween gap e lectrodes can meta l tape covering the Columbu s NE 68601
cause additiona l capaci- seam. " Emerson and Cuming, Inc . Conductive ad hesives
tance to be put into the ci r- Telephone landline s 869 Washington Street Rt gaskets
cuit along with the gas gap. should be brought into the Canton MA 02021 Rf sh ielding
This capacitance ca n be on sha ck via 50 to 300 feet of • Fischer Custom Coaxial tee protect ors
the order of 2 to 15 pF or cond uc tive condu it which Commun ications
more. depending on the is welded to the enclosure Box 581
Manhattan Beach CA 90266
type of gap. The capaci- at the point of entry. The
tance can be reduced by General Electric Company Metal-oxide vari stor s
line s sho uld be terminated
Electronic Comp. Sales (MOVS)
connect ing two gaps in in ga s gaps, meta l-oxide
serie s. If you use that ap- varistors, or both . Fig. 6 1 River Road
proach, be sure to put a shows an exam p le. Even Schenectady NY 12306
'l -megohrn or higher resist or you r light ing system shou ld Gene ral Semiconductor Gas gaps and other
(about 1 Watt) across each have MOV protec tion as Industries transient protectors
gap to equalize the voltage shown in Fig. 7. 2001 W. Tenth Place
between gaps . Keep in Ac power supply line s Tempe AZ 85281
mind. too, that co nnec t ing should have MQVs at all " Joslyn Electronics Systems Gas gaps and other
two gaps in series roughly critical points . FEMA 6868 Cortona Drive transient suppressors
doubles their breakdown recommends that MQV rat- Goleta CA 93017
voltage. An example of the ing s should exceed the lectro Mag net ics Rf shields
use of gas gaps in an anten- stored induc tive energy of 6056 W . Jefferson Blvd.
na balun is shown in Fig . 2. the preceding transformer los Angeles CA 90016
At the tran smitter or re- and also sho uld exceed the E. A. Lindgren and Al sh ields
ceiver, you may use a gas no-load transfo rmer c ur- Associates
gap or tee protector as rent . Typica l va ristors have 4515 N. Ravenswood Avenue
shown in Fig. 3. The diode ra tin gs of 40 joules (some Chicago Il60640
shown here is a silicon type. are in the ran ge of 10 to 200 Ray Proof Corporation Rf shields
While this diode has a fast jou les) and sho uld be in- Keeler Avenue
react ion time, it may not be stall ed at 40 joules per Norwalk CT 06856
able to sustain the needed phase of the ac line . Four "Shielding Technology, Inc . Conductive adhesives
curre nt, and sho uld be pre- to-joule varistors connect- (Division of Chomerics)
ceded by a gas gap at a ed in parallel will provide 970 New Durham Road
Edison NJ 08816
point close r to the antenna . the needed 4O-joule protec-
Fig . 4 shows a ga s gap con- tion. Electrical distribution Technical W ire Products Al gaskets and shielding
129 Dermody Street
nected in a transmitter cir- boxes and co ntro l boxes, of
Cranlord NJ 07016
cuit. course, sho uld be thorough-
" Tec hnit (EMt Shielding RI gaskets and shieldi ng
If you want to go fi rst ly shie lded. FEMA recom-
class and prepare the entire mends that doors and open- 320 North Nopal Street
shac k (Fig. 5), you could be ings should be fitted with rf- Santa Barbara CA 93103
in fo r a very expens ive proj- shielding gas kets a nd con- Topat ro n, Inc . Rt gaskets and shielding
ect, whic h may not be nec- duc tive epoxy. Box 967
essary if you can shut down Don 't fo rget the ventila- Costa Mesa CA 92627
your equipment as di s- tion sys te m, where all Transtector Systems Transient suppressor s
cu ssed above. However, if motor wires and switches 532 Monterey Pass Road
you wi sh to take that ste p, should be thoroughly Monterey Park CA 91754
the FEMA re commend s shielded and protected
that the shack should be with MOVs. Some addition-
complerely encased in 18- to al circ uit protection ap-
2b-gauge galvanized sheet proaches may be seen in wiring should have MOV Acknowledgement
metal! To provide com- Figs. 8 through 12. protection. Shielded con- The basis for Figs. 1 through 6
plete protection, the treat- Of particular importance ductors should be used for and 8 through 11 is EMP Pro-
ment includes the door and is the emergency generator best results and the shields tective Measures, Defense Civit
ventilat ion facilit ies. The to be used . All important shou ld be grounded .• Preparedness Agen cy , 1976.
36 73 Magazine · June, 1982
- ~-S-
O#te- ~ eM
()~ ~t4e ~ fPUU""
Introducing the New Low Cost Spectrum
SCR 77 Repeaters-2M, 220 & 440 MHz!



- ----
..u . ...

..........- ...... C o .. D .

,I,,- . ',-
,, ,,

)15 or 30 WI. Xmtrs. I
Includes: • O.35~V Rcvr. 8 Pole IF Filter
• Crysta ls - high stability .0Cl05%
• Local Mic
.Your Call programmed fmc lDer
• Provision for Aulo-Switchover to Blry. Pwr.
%~. a.ete.u«u.~.
• Buitt·in 1151230V AC Supply; basic Panel con -
trois, Spkr., LED Indicators
ca&e. ete.. i4 at44 ew4ita&e.
If you' re looking for a new Repeat er, but you real-
ly don't need (or can' t afford) all t he feat ures and
op tions on our wo rld famous, 's uper deluxe'
SCR1000/4000, then our new economy li ne of
Se A?? Repeat ers is ideal fo r you!
These new Repealers ma inta in the quality 01 design, com-
ponents and construction which m ade Spectrum gear
lamous. However. all of the "bells & whistles" which you may 01 course, if you do want a lull leatured/super deluxe
not need or want have been eliminated-a t a larg e cost see- repeater. w it h higher power and a tuuus t o f available 'buut-m'
ings to you! The SCA77 is a real " workhorse" basic machine options, then you want our SCR 100(l or 4OClO " Dream
designed for those who wa nt excellent, super-reliable perfor- Ma chine" . Th ese units will co ntinue to be available for t hose
mance year afte r year- but no frillS! ('PL', 12 Po le IF Filter, w ho want 'The Ul ti mate in Repea ters'.
Front End Preselect or , and a JOWt. Transmit ter are the only SCA77 Pricing (15WI.): 2M or 220M Hz, $995.00 Am at eur Net.
"built-in" options available; but A ut o patc h, Rem ote Co n- 440MHz, $1 150.00. For no 'ptu q-in' 10 board (Export), deduct
trol , and ot her equipmen t can be conn ected vi a t he rear $40.00. Call or write today fo r a da ta sheet, or to p la ce your
pan el jack.) order! Sol d Facto ry Di rec t o r throu gh Exp ort Sales Reps only.

10M FM RXlTX Boards, Repeaters & Remote Bases NOW

AVAILABLE! Call or Write tor Full Info.
' - - - - - -- - - - - - - - -- - - - -i5£ Uta &.ft"""'/


1055 W. Germantown Pk,S6. Norristown, PA 19401 • (215) 631·1710 • Telex: 846·211
~ Sf''' Lls i 01 Adver/lsers on p age 114
73 Magazine • June,1 982 37
Food for thought.
OUf new Universal Tone Encoder lends it's versatility to
all tastes . The menu incl udes all cress. as well as Burst
Tones, Touch Tones , and Test Tones. No counter or test
equipment required to set frequency-j ust dial it in. While
traveling. use it on your Amateur transceiver to access tone
operated systems, or in your service van to check out your
customers repeaters; also, as a piece of test equipment to
modulate your Service Mo nitor
or signal generator. It can
even operate off an
internal nine volt
battery. and is available
for one day delivery.
backed by our one
year warranty.
• All tones in Group A and Group B are incl uded .
• Output level flat to within 1.5db over entire range selected .
• Separate level adjust pots and o utput connections for each tone
• Immune to RF
• Powered by 6-3Ovdc, unregulated at 8 rna.
o Low impedance, low distortion. adjustable sinewave output. 5v

o Instant start-up.

o Off position for no tone output.

o Reverse po larity protection built-in .

G roup A
67.0 XZ 91.57Z 118.828 156.75A
71.9 XA 94.8 ZA 123.03Z 162.25B
74 .4 WA 97 .4 Z8 127..13A 167.962
77.0 XB 100.012 131.8 38 173.86A
79.7 SP 103.5 IA 136 .54Z 179 .9 6B
82.5 Y2 107.2 1B 14 1.34A 186 .2 72
85.4 YA 110.922 146.2 48 192.87A
88.5 YB 114.82A 151.452 203 .5 MI
o Frequency accuracy, ± . 1 Hz maximum - 4O'"C to + 8S'e
o Frequencies to 250 Hz available on special order
o Continuous tone

Group B
600 697 12119 1600 1850 2150 2400
1000 770 1336 1650 .900 2200 2450
1500 852 1477 '700 1950 2250 2500
2175 941 1633 1750 2000 2300 2550
2805 .800 2100 2350

o Frequency accuracy, ± 1 Hz maximum - 40°C to + 85°C

o Tone length approximately 300 ms . May be lengthened,
shortened or eliminated by changing value of resistor

Wired and tested: $79 .95

'a :
!.iii - ~ - IIl!!!!!pII
L:"I _ _ i_ VlS4 .!

426 West Taft Avenue, Orange. California 92667
(800) 854-0547/ California: (714) 998-302 1

Bob Ghorm le y KOBV

5800 lones PI. NW
Albuquerque NM 871 20

A Split Personality
for the KDK FM2015R

diode-switched on b y + 9
A sim ple modification to
your KDK FM2015R
w ill give yo u t he capability
MARS-CAP modific ation,
so I c an't take credit f or the
o ri ginal id ea. I'll f ir st de--
st ored in channel 1. Thi s fre--
q uency is di splayed whil e
t ransmitting, and the dis-
volts from the front panel
MODE swi tc h. We locate
to rece ive on one frequency scr ibe how the modif ica- play shifts back to your the w ire which runs to the
sto red in memory and tio n fun ction s, then go channel 2 receive frequen- " A " o sc ill at or p o sit ion
transm it on another. Th is through a st ep-by-step mod- cy when the m ic button is (w hic h has no crystal in-
modif ication gives you the if icat ion procedure. released. stalled) and run sw it ching
newer FM2016's capability The resulting fron t-p anel Channels 3 and 4 work d iodes from there to two
to operate w ith nonsten- performance is as f ollows: the same, with channel 4 places.
da rd offsets without an Selec t Mode A . With the funct ioning as the recei ve The fir st diod e goes to
additiona l cryst al. It re- memory-select swit ch at ch annel, sw it c hing au t o- the simplex crystal position,
quires two diodes. a piece OFF, you have simplex op- mat ica lly to t he frequ ency act ivat ing it on t ransm it.
o f w ire, no holes, and less eration on the di aled-in and st o red in cha nne l 3 on The second diode goes t o
th an hal f an hour. The rig disp laye d frequ enc y , Se- tra ns m it. If eit her channel 1 one of the two me mory-
m ay easi ly be returned to lec t ing memory posi t io n 2 or 3 is selected. sim plex op- select lines (A@ and A1)
o r igina l co n f igu ration wil l allow you t o receive on era tion on t hose channel s is which se lect the mem ory
whenever desired. the f requency stored there. the result. All t hat for on ly channel. In an unmodified
A d ifferent form of th is which is di splayed as usual. two diodes! rig, t he same memory fre-
mod wa s described in som e When you transmit, ho w- Here's how it works : On quency is used on both re-
Amateur-Wholesa le Ele c- ever. the memory intern all y transmit in the unm od if ied ceive and transmit. If you
tron ic s notes concemmg shi fts to the frequen cy rig, a transmit osci llator is t ra ce out the sc hem ati c,

Photo A. Photo B.
40 73 Magazine • June. 1982
you will see that in the spends to each crys ta l posi- The se cond diode ' s Verify that the rig w ill
ori ginal configuration when tion. A yellow wire is co n- anode is al so so ldered to operate now as described
memory position 2 is front- nect ed to t he f irst unu sed the yellow wi re . At this earlier. Thi s mod is totally
panel selected, + 9 volts is crysta l position, w hic h is po i nt th e ye llow w i re " safe" in t hat the rig can't
ro uted t hro ugh th is m em - th e f ourth o ne in fro m the sho uld f orm a " f lying t ie b e h arm ed by inco rrect
ory sw itc h t o m em or y- outsi de ed ge of t he boa rd . po int" w ith t he two d iode front-pane l switc h setti ngs.
select li ne A1. O r. if memory The penci l in t he photo is anodes. Atta ch the cat hode MODE switc h position s B
posit ion 3 is select ed, AI) touchi ng thi s te rminal . (point) of the second diode and C are still available for
is taken high. Memory posi- Note that thi s wire is co n- to a length o f hookup wire. nonstandard offset crystal s
t ion 1 requires both AI) nected to the " A " M ODE Route t he free end of the if desired . The rig' s o pera-
and A1 to be high, and posi- sw i tc h pos ition a nd is wi re toward the f ront of the tion in all ot her respects is
tion 4 requ ires neither to sw it ched to + 9 volts o n rad io to the co nt ro l board unaffec ted .
be high. If we mod ify t hi ngs t ra nsm it. Remove t he w ire and connect it to t he AI)
to ma ke AfJ high on t rans- f rom thi s term in al post. You p ad . This control bo ard is The on ly prob lem I en-
m it only, t hen memory po- w ill ru n two d iodes f rom accessib le from t he bottom counte red wa s that the
sit ion 4 on receive beco mes t hi s yellow wire, and you of t he rad io and is located sim plex tran smit oscillator
3 on transmit. and 2 be- will need to mecha nically near the front pa nel. See didn't function until t he
comes 1 on transmit. This sec ure thi s junction some- Photo B. The pencil points yellow wire and diod es
sw itc hi n g is done with how . I slipped a piece of to pad AO. The wi re at- were isolated from the
d iodes to avoid interfering spaghetti over t he termin al t ached to the pad is t he one fou rth oscillator te rminal as
w ith other fu nctions . and t ied t he wire/diodes t o I added fo r this mod . I have descri bed . If you feel
To p erf orm t his m od , it. How ever you do it, t he lik e experi menti ng, leave
remove both top and bot- fi rst diode is so ldered f rom The Af) and A1 p ad s are t he ye l low wi re con nected
tom covers from t he ri g. t he yellow w ire to t he fi rst designated as suc h o n the and so lder the d iodes d i-
With the rig right side up, crys tal position's terminal c o m p o nen t sid e of the rectl y to the terminal. If it
locate the three crysta ls on (t he one with the brown b oard and have whit e! w ork s (if the transm itter
the transm itter board . (See w ire). The diode points at brown (A O) and white! puts out power), then you
Photo A and ignore the the brown wire (cathode to black (A1) w ires attached to win . If not. then isolate the
fourth cry sta l w hic h I in- brown wi re) and wil l ac t i- t hem on t he component wire/diodes as I described .
sta lled for anot her o ff set.I va te th e si mp lex osc illato r side. This com plete s th e Please send an SAS E if you
A te r mi na l post c o r re- on t ra nsmit. modi f icatio n. have any questions .•


AM I ~~ocitim ~'" lRIOK

Fast, Reliable Service Since 1963 PURPOSE
Sma II Orders Welcome Free ' Tec h-Da ta" Flyer • PRESS BRAKE
Toroi dal Cores . Sh ield ing Beads. Shiel ded Coil For m s OPERATE
Ferr i te Rods. Pot Cores. Baluns. Et c.
• 24" wide. 257 Ibs.
• 20" gaocapacity mild steel or
12033 OTSEGO STREET. NORTH HOLLYWOOO. CALIFORNIA 91601 • .0 50 /.060 " 'h hard aluminum
• punches. special dies. stand
available as accessories

2 Meter Crystals - $3.95 each
(10 or More - $3.50 each) NO DISTORTION' NO BURRS
Quick Delivery • continuous shearing $58 50
• corner notching
• tab notching pluS -'.00
We Stock Crystals For: Rolin Distributors • nibbling ahipping
Clegg Drake Icom P.O. Box 436 Department 7
lafayette Tempo
Dunellen, N .J . 0 8 812
• Send lor your FREE literalure~and

(Custom Crysta l Orders Aeeepted.) 4 10 W. Paclllc Coast Hwy. Sulle K 206

Preci sion Cut Land Mobiles Availabl e
Newport Beach, CA 92563 1714/645-5962

73 Magazine . J une. 1982 41

Building for Beginners

- happiness is a hot soldering iron

Paul M. Danzer NtII swer t he mo st com monly stores. To d ay, you r best bet yea rs, and the a cceptance
2 Dawn Road asked qu estions. The next is e ithe r the mail-order ads of the ir ad s by 73 on a
Norw alk CT 06851 t im e y ou see a c ircu it o r in the ba ck of this mag azin e co nt in u ing bas is s hows
gadget described in 73 o r o r the Rad io Shack c ha in of that they d eal fa irly with

I ha ve auth or ed severa l
short const ruct io n ar-
t icl es in t he past year o r two
el sewhe re, don 't be shy-
go a head a nd bui ld it !
You'll be de lighted with
stores . Rad io Shack c a rries
a line o f t he most com mon-
ly used p art s a nd has
thei r c ustomers.
Try to ta ke advantage of
the " two-fo r" offers. Even if
a nd e ac h time their publica- the results. stores scattered throughout you have no immediate use
tion was followed by a the country. for the extra parts, keep
flurry o f letter s asking for Where Ca n I Get the Parts! The mail-order advert is- them a round and you will
help in se lecting parts a nd The most c ritical part o f e rs in the back o f this maga- proba bly find a use for
bui ldin g the cir c uit. This b u ild ing a n ythin g th e se zine usua ll y li st com mon them in some futu re con-
ma il suggests that a num ber d ay s is obtai ni ng the parts. part s a nd p rices for immed i- struc tio n project.
o f ham s without ve ry mu ch Year s ago, the corner radio ate o rder. Mo st of them of-
electro nic co nstruction ex- store ca rried a lmost any- fer c a ta lo gs, either free o r Resistors and Capacito rs
per ience wou ld still like to thin g you wa nted , a nd if fo r the po sta ge , a nd are Unless the magazine art i-
home-brew t hei r ow n. you lived in a metropolitan gea red up to ship you r cle sta te s ot herwise, use
Fo r this reason, I have a rea you could always go o rder within a day o r two half-Watt resistors . They
put together a set of sugges- down to " ra d io row" where after receipt. They have are most commonly avail-
tio ns and hints whic h a n- the re was a cluster of suc h been advert ising for many able, and if a higher watt-
age is nee d e d, the a rti-
cle w ill say so. If you are
sq ueezed for space, qu ar-
t er-Watt units ca n be
9 0 0011 __
1I02QII _ " 00 11 used-again , as long as

-.. the a rt icle says no thing to

the contrary.
Don't worry about the
see m ingly oddball values
. ,. - specified . Resistors general-
ly come with 20% , 10% ,
and 5% tol erance s. Using
10 k Ohm s as a n exam ple,
IO, e OO ll
11,0 0 0 11
Fig. 1 shows the re la tio n-
~- -'I .ooo n
ship be tween the sta nda rd
va lues a nd these toleranc-
'2.000n es. Tod a y. most people use
10% values primari ly be-
Fig. 1. Standard resistor values. Those in boxes are standard cause they are the most
ccmmercieiiv-evedeb te resistors. Fig. 2. IC pin locations. co m mo nly available. If the
42 73 Magazine. June, 1982
For the TRS-BO • A Trad8mat1< Ql Ihe TanclyCorp

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-SAVE TEXT TO DISK Detailed brochure available on request.

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Brings you the (404) 432-8008 ~'"
73 Magazine . June,1982 43

article does not say any- lines of transistors a nd sub- in " in-line" pa ckages havi ng Zener d iodes, used in
thing else, you might stick to stitution guides where you 8, 14, o r 16 pins. A round vo ltage regu lators, have
10% . You can always use a can look up the device you dot us ua lly ma rks pin 1. both a voltage rati ng a nd a
re sistor with a better want; the guide will give Sometimes a notch tells power rat ing. You must use
tolerance (10% instead of you their substitute num- you where pin 1 is, and oc- the voltage rat ing called
20% , or 5% instead of ber. When you do substi- casionally you have to cope fo r, but you can always use
10% ). If you need 5% and tute, be careful of the con- with a dot and two notches. a higher-power-rated diode.
can find only 10%, buy a nection s. Often a substitute As Fig. 2 shows, the dot
handful of 10% resistors will be very close to the takes precedence over the Power Supply Connections
and check them with an original part electrically notch, a nd if there is a Fig. 5 shows a simple
ohmmeter to select one that but will have a different no tch at both ends of the 2-transistor amplifier. With
falls within + 5% of the mechanical package and/or package, the larger notch todav's solid-state circuits,
value required . lead arrangement. tells you where pin 1 is. usua ll y on ly one power-sup-
Capacitors have both a Unli ke tubes or transis- ply voltage is used a nd, as
Integrated Circuits shown in the figu re, you
value a nd a voltage rating . to rs, t he man uf a ctu rer's
You can always use a cap Let's assume tha t the cir- data shee ts usua lly picture simp ly tie the identica lly-
tha t has a voltage ra ting cu it you a re bu ilding uses a integrated circuits from the mark ed points togethe r a nd
higher than the a mou nt very co m mo n a m p lif ier top . Therefore, when you connect the m to the volt-
needed . For most capaci- kno wn as t he 741 . There a re a re wiring the m from the age required . If the sc he-
tors, you must stic k to the perhaps twenty ve rsio ns of unde rside, remember that mat ic does not show diffe r-
value needed but you can this ampl ifier, with twe nty pin 1 is now o n the other ent ly, t he powe r-supp ly
a lway s use the la rger-than- d iffe re nt part num ber s. side of t he package as seen retu rn lead (in this case
specified electrolytic cap Eac h of the pa rt nu mbers from the bottom of the ci r- the min us 9-volt lea d) is
when it is used for bypass- includes the d igits 741 , with cuit boa rd (Fig. 3). tied back to a ll of the
ing or filtering a power sup- the rest of the digits telling grou nd terminals.
ply voltage. Just be careful you the temperatu re range Diodes
and mechanical package. Jacks
to wire it in with the polari- Power-supply-type di -
ty shown in the schematic. For most uses we don't have odes have both a current Here you can substitute
to be concerned about the rating and a voltage rating. at will. Just remember that
Transistors a nd FE Ts temperature range, but the You can substitute any di- the most commonly used
pin numbers for connecting ode which has a rating jacks have one side ex-
Generally, you will have
to the amplifier are very equal to o r greater than the posed a nd will connect to
to sti ck to the type
much of interest . Compare o riginal numbers. Small sig- the c hassis (ground) if they
specified in the article. Sub- a re not insulated by wash-
the pin numbers of the na l d iodes used as switches
stitutes can be used a nd
amplifier as shown in the usua lly can be subst ituted
you can pick a substitute by
schematic wi t h the pin fo r at will. Most ham cir-
looki ng at the subst itution •
numbers of the actual part cuits use a maximum of 12
, - - - ,'c
guide printed by a number SYMBOl.
yo u buy. vo lts (so meti mes la bel ed
of supp liers an d d istri bu-
to rs. Radio Shack, GE, a nd Occas iona lly, the article 13.6 vo lts if the eq uipment
Motorola all have hobby will speci fy an am plifier is for mo bile use) . The re- ,
such as the 741 a nd show it
as a single a mplifier in an
fo re, if the ci rcuit ca lls fo r a
sma ll signa l silicon diode,
( [)---'- }"",,, COOO MERC' £LLY
,,£R.f D
8--pi n package. You m ight a lmost a ny o ther silicon , ( PI)--!- DIDDn
P'o<. --( 0
be able to obta in o nly a diode will do . Fig. 4 shows
dual 741 or two 741 amplifi- the most common ma rkings Fig. 4. Typical diode mark-
ers in a 14-pin package . This of the diode package . mgs.
is perfectly OK; just ignore
the se co nd amplifier.
Integrated circuits are
available most commonly

"" ,

" "' .,
c , J"
--l " ., -,

Fig. 3. Pin 1 transposition. Fig. 5. Power-supply connections.
« 73 MagaZine • June, 1982
FT101 T5520 T5820

VHF Ho 1. CONVERTERS Probably th e most po pular units ever pro-

duced , these soli dly built transceivers were
built to LAST. If you can live without gadgetry,
why repl ace your reliable time-tested rig
-COUBLE BAND uc -v, HC-U2 .SING lE BAND HC -V220 with a costly ne w model? Especially since
• BI-LATERAl PROTECTION AGAINST you can easily make your rec eiver eccer in
ACCIDENTAL TRAN SMIS'50N selectivity and ultimate reject ion to any now
FOR UP TO 5 WATTS on the marxet with an inexpensive
- STANDARD SNe • USES SINGLE Fox-Tango Filter Cascading Kitl
• Easy installation - 30 minute average.
-H C- V • LOW LOSS • No drilling , switching, alignment.
154 - 15 8 COUPLING TO • Results of 16 poles of filtering:
159 - 16 3 ANTENNA
Filter Shape Factor as high as 1.19.
Ultimate Rejection better th an 100dB.
oH C-U2 • "OF F" ReTURNS Works wonders on SSB; improves CWo
460 -464 TO NORMAL • Compensates for Filter Inse rtion loss.
• Complete instructions, clear diagrams .
• No RX audio impairment, TX unaffected.
oHC- V2 20 • Size: .pprox . • Fits all mooers of Series - any tetter.
221 - 225 2xl .5x1 .5 .'0% off if any four are ordered at once.
TS520 Series Order Kit No. 520 K , $70
• WEIGHT: T5620 Series: Order Kit No. 820K $70
3 .9 02$.
FT101 seteetoct ZD):OrderKil No.4K $75
FT10 1z b seees: Order Kit No. 4K-ZD $75
Prices include shipping to U.S, & Canada;
HC -U2 HC-V220 Overseas Air $5. Florida Sales Tax: 4%
$72 .45 C -v 162.45 All kits include a genuine &pole tcc-ccemv
S~r.4S FT Filter, improved cascad ing/mini-amp cir-
M-SQUARED cuit board, all needed parts, c ables, and
ENGINEERING\. INC . detailed instructions.
1446 LANSING AV~ . Shipping included In addition totheabove, Fox-Tange features
SAN J OSE, C A. 95118 DEALERS casc ading ki ts for the FT-901 /2 ($65) , FR-
WELCOME Calif. residents add 10 1 ($55), Heat hkit SB104A ($60) . Also a
14 0 8J 266 - 9 2 14 6 .5% sales tax wide line of SS B, C W, AM, and special filters
for veesu. Kenwood . Drake R4C and z-uoe.
Hea thkit, and Collins 75S-3B/C.
NEW! T5830S and Ra20 KITS
SATELLITE SYSTEM HEADQUARTERS T5830 and R820 owners who have replaced
their 1 et and 2nd IF filters with a Matched
Don't wait. Get Your TVRO System TODAY! Pair of 2.1KHz Fox-Tango filters enthusi-
astically report the following:
- . . VeT now works as I dreamed n should "
". . , Resulfs are almosl unbelievable "
• Receivers featuring
".. , Spectacular sse RX perlormance "
the OEXCEl and
Aut om ation Tech-
niques units OJ- ".... 1 no longer need 8 CW Filter
{Names on ReQuest}
Tests prove that high Quality Fox-Tango 8-

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ready to install f ro m CHAPARRAL DEXCEl SATElLITE ANTENNAS modest 455KHz second IF ceramic unit
$2850 "Super Feed" 120 lo w noise Sutistltunon of Fox-Tango lilters result in a
• Call today fo r more feed horn amplifiers MDS POWER SUPPLIES bandwi dth 01 1.9 KHz at -6dS, a shape
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(Independent Report available upon reqoeetj
1900 to 2500 MHz Microwave Down con verters Regular Price: $55 + $125 = $180 + shipping
INTRODUCTORY PRICE (Complete Kit) . • •$150
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A ssemb led $48.50 All cables, parts, detailed instructions
ALSO AVAILABLE 10% Quantity Discount Applies
Genuine f ox-Tango crvstat tilters are guar-
Co mm ercia l M.D.S. System $169.95 anteed lor ONE yEAR. Beware of cheap
SLOTI ED ARRAY ANTENNA $28.50 imitations: they are no bargainl Don't be
fooled .
PB RADIO ORDER by Mail Of Telephone. Pay by Visa,
MC, M,O., Check (US$), Cash, or CO.D.
SCandanav~ : M ICRO TEC, Makedi en 26.
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(800) 433·5169 FOX TANGO COl .. ,.",ATION
Box 159445 W Palm Beach , f L 3 34 0 b
(817) 460·7071 Phone 1-305-683-958 7 .... 323

.... See Li~ ' of Advef'i~ers on page 114 73 Magazin e. June, 1982 45
... n M ES

: 0 0 0 0 0 0
to the su pply voltage and
jum pe red to the IC pin
where req uired Tran sistors
0 0 0 0 0
and other parts c a n be
ac cae mounted wher e c o nve-
0 0 0
."- nient. A se co nd bu s is used
"" 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 for ground .
H R " ".A~ PR[ 1$[ O
Also co m mo nly a vai l-
able are sm a ll c a rr ie r
board s whi ch will a llo w you
Fig. 6. W ire siz es. Fig. 7. Use o f p erfboard. to wire up one or two inte-
gr ated c ircu it s (Fig. 9 ).
ers. If you need a two-con- use w ire sizes larger than c ircuits , neatl y enclosed in Other parts are jumpered
d uctor ja ck , and one lead is number 22 or 24. As sho wn a box , whi ch have been op- from o ne terminal to wher-
not supposed to be ground- in Fig. 6, the lower the num- e ra ting in their breadboard ever required .
ed. you will ei the r have to ber the larger the wire diam- form for man y ye a rs. Even Ge n e ra ll y s pea ki ng .
mechan ically insulate the eter. Pick wire which is me- if yo ur construct ion does socke ts o r molex'" pins are
outside of the jack from cha nica lly co nve nie nt. Soft not co me o ut very neat, the a good ide a for mounting
ground o r get a three-con- pla stic insula tio n strips very flaw s will be hidden by the integrated c irc uits . If you
ductor jack where you use e a sily and convenientl y, e nclos u re you put th e do have a problem, yo u can
the two inner co nd uc tors but if you have to solder a circuit in. now unp lug t he IC a nd test
and ignore th e third number of them in close o r substitute without a mas-
(grounded) lead . proxim ity , the plasti c O ne of the simplest co n- sive and messy unso ldering
tends to melt and burn. struc tio n technique s uses job.
Cabl e generally making a rather perforated board su c h a s
If the circuit yo u are unsightly mess. that sold by Radio Shack.
Pla n It Ou t and Then Build
building is not used at VHF Ve ctor. and o the rs. The ci r-
and a piece of co ax is ca ll ed Printed Circuit Boards and cuit is laid out just a s it a p- Take a care ful look a t
for with a le ngth of 12 inch- Breadboards pears on the sc hematic, and what parts are required and
e s o r le ss. the coax is being Some con str uction a rti- every time a connection make sure you ca n obtain
used mainly fo r its shie ld ing must be made, a small met- them . Plan the layout o f
cles provide e ither a PC-
capabil ity. You c a n safely al term inal or clip is insert- parts and decide what you
board layo ut or a commer-
ignore the impedance and ed in a hole a nd the le ads are goi ng to en close the cir-
cia l sou rce for purc ha sing
pick a piece of coax on the so lde red o nto the term ina l cu it in and where the jacks,
the boa rd . If a layout is
basis of being ab le to fit it [F ;g. 7.) co nne cto rs, and contro ls
give n, you can use the PC-
into your box mec hanical ly. boa rd ki ts so ld by severa l will be loc ated . Don 't hesi-
Alte rnative ly, ge ne ra l- tate to ca ll fo r he lp. Otten
su pp lie rs to m ak e you r
Wire purpose PC boards a lso a re a n experienced ham in the
ow n. Ho we ver, if no bo ard
Unless use d fo r high-cu r- co mme rcia lly avai la b le . area ca n offer an immed i-
is suggested, you a lways
ren t le ads. most so lid-s ta te They are a rra nged in a fixed ate solut ion to you r un ique
can use a bread board-type
ci rcuits use just a few mi ll i- pattern and. as sho wn by proble m. But if this does
construc tio n to bu ild the
am peres per sta ge . There- the dotted re cta ngle , inte- no t solve the problem , you
ci rc uit. Most ha ms have
fore , there is no re a so n to grated c ircuits plug in ad ja- can d rop the author of the
one or more bre ad board
ce nt row s of holes (F ig. 8). A article a note. En close an
tOl<"ft T 10 POSITIVE I/OU AGE SUf>!>I.Y
bus-bar syste m of feed ing SAS E, a nd help will proba-
ground a nd voltage is used , bly be on its wa y quite
where one bus is co nne cted quickly.•
0 0 c. 0 oj Co 0 .J 0

q p 0 0
0 0 0
q I,. YE ....ATfO p
q t l RtUll

P • 0

q p • •

p • 0

q p

~-----p •
(0 • 0) (0 • oj 0

(0 • oj (0 0 0) 0

.......... tOOo"[CT TO GIOlIUf<O

Fig. 8. Commerc ietlv-eveiiebie PC board for breadboarding. Fig. 9. Sing /e-JC carr ier board.
46 73 Magazine • June, 1982
QUALITY parts at

VoCom 's 5/8 wave gain antenna:
• Dramatically boosts reception .
• Gives your hand-held full Quieting from places
you're nearly dead in with a rubber duck.
Here's Why It Works So Well:
In order for a 5/8 wave antenna to provide its full appar-
ent gain over a standard 1/4 wave whip, it must not
only appea r as 5/8 wavelength at 2 meters, but it
L.E. D!s
~ must also utilize a ground plane. Since you can't al-
ways operate your hand-held from a car roof or other

RED 10 f OIl $1 .5 0
1700mrd,1 5 0V DC $2. OIlEEN 10 FOR , 2, 00 metal base. VoCom found a way to emulate the
" In " 0 1,0.. . ~ ~f~" HIGH YELLOW 10 FOO: $ 2 .00
3,600mfd. FLASHER LED III ground plane.
1 J/8" OI A. x I" HI ~ JUMBO SIU At right is the circuit that does it. The coil that
6,400 m Id. "FUll $1.7G doubles as a base spring is tap fed , and a
60VDC $2 .50 81 POLAR LED
ll/9 ' " ,~ x 4 1/4 " 1 FOR 1 1 . /0 matched capacitor completes the reso-
12,ooomfd. 40VDC $3.00 SUB MINI LE D nant circuit.
2" or A x " l /~" HI GH 't9o How to is
18.000mfd. 75VOC $4 ,00
" 112" DIA )\ ~ 112" HI Gt<
07 g· J. 0 118"
20m " .i 1 75Y
The result is an antenna that, fUlly ex- tell a YoCom ~
20,000 mId. 2svOC tended, displays tetter tha n 1.5:1 VSWA
, " 0[.0.. )\ 2\;" HI(;>< $ 2,00
10 FOR \1.'00
200 FOR \18. 00 across the entire 144-148 MHz band. 5/8 wave ~ '
" .. OO~ X 2 1 1< ~ " 'G" $2.CO "~'iie~<~"~'~'~'i<"ii~ii"" And, when collapsed. it is the operat- antenna from ~
22,000 mfd .40 VOC RANSFORMER ing equivalent of a rubber duck. (With Its imitato rs:
2" 0 \,0.. . • 0" HI""
S,OOOmrd.75VOC $4.50 120 vall 8 of the 10 sections extended. it this cutaway shows
J " DIA X ~ 11 8" HIGH primaries . • is a 5/8 wave antenna at the base spring/coil ,
45.000mld. 25 VOC 220 MHz.)
2" DI A. , 4" " ' Gt< $3 50 II VOLTS •• 1~ 0 '" " .n its feed tap , and the
12.000mld.15VOC 12 V. C .T. • ' ,00",... 12,SO
/" 0 1,0.. , • 4" ~ Ir... ~ 111,~ V, .' 3 ...o,IPS $Ii .SO resonant circuit ~~
c .... >S 10 ... CAO",,"O*. """ . . 18 VOlTS .1 3SO ,.... 12.00 capacitor. Or you can
18 YOlTS ., 1 ...,." U .SO
ANNONXLRA-3-1 2~ ,2 veT.' 2.8 "'''''55.SO simply check the VSWR- i!l
l PIllll'l>
500K UNEAR you r t ransm itte r will " ~'\

t l1d)
C"'-5515 MJWT
1 1/ 8" lEN;TH appreciate the dif fer~nce, ~\\
"l --9 1
12,0 0 E"'CH ~/ 4" lllA""L
10 fOf 51$.00


~~ B. S .s. -ooa, Cn6P/CIJ ... SPRING/C OIL

f( ~ PLAYS H /4 5/78 OECOIlDS
. ~ , ~~ MINI S i n : 8 1/4'" X 12"
~ .. , ~ T'lCI,.l,QfS OVS T CO"" . AN"
- '<1 TH F'~Cl'-lT CUT OOT TO F' I T
"7.50..ch STEREO lN JT (NOT I NCLlllE D) .

_-170 MFD 330V
ALL ELI... ....""...... v
• •
S2.50 •• ch
1~" X 1/ 8"
? F'O~ ~1 .;O

905 S. Vermont Ave. · ou.""".,' ''''''••
P O. eox 20406 • "' ," 0 ' ' '' ' '000
Los Angeles, Calli. 90006 · ...., 5 2 5 0
S" 'P.'"~ USA
(213) 380·8000 · C. h. . .. A....• • PR ODU CTS C O R PO RATI O N
Mon. · Fri. Saturday
9A M ·5 PM 10 AM ·3 P M

.-See LlSf oI 4C1 vert,se" on page / 14

• . ,,"". ' Sh">,,,,,,,
NO COO ' ... 20
65 East Palatine Road
Prospect Heights, IL 60070

73Magazine • June, 1982

....90" ,

Glenn tecobs KC7M
Poverty Flat AZ 85925

Coping with PC Boards

- it's not easy to be virtuous

IIA dmit it. You'd real ly

rather build it. Any
tunately, I don't have to.
The League ' publis hes Solid
lines and peeled up the un-
wanted foil in ltttle-bittv
air ! 1 wiped It up . The floor
is now permanently stained
idiot can p lun k down a State Design for the Radio strips with a point of a sev eral shad es of brown,
charge card ." Amateur. It's a " co ok bo ok." knife. I t took half a day . But black , green, and gray.
"Well, yeah . " It shows three varieties of it worked . I got a nice little
Etc hi ng It
"Glenn, if you bu ild it, it any circu it you could 40m CW receiver for my
will give you pride and ex- want-a l l pre-engineered trouble. Anyway, now I was ready
perience, and you'll know and tested to begin . Or wa s I? I cu t out
Buy ing It a littl e p iece of the high-
how to service it yoursel f ."
"Yeah, but " Red esigning It For my next project, I just priced board and drew a cir-
"And it wouldn't cost Now , even with a sent off for ready-made c u it on it in ink . I laid it in a
nearly as much, and no- cookbook, I can make mis- c ust om boa rds.' They were plasti c di sh and poured
body would hav e one just takes . In fact. it's about nice, neat, correct, beauti- some of the smelly brown
exactly like yours." even odds t hat I w ill make a ful , and even had the parts juic e over it. An hour later it
So, I'm building. And my mistake in a o ne-device placement marked . They look ed gritty . Two hours
inner voice was right about gadget. It is far beyond me worked perfect ly . I made a later it wa s covered with a
everyth ing it said. But the re to put forty " stages" on a mate for the last project. fine b la ck sed i m e n t. I
are a few th ings it didn't tell board as big as a 73 cover But I wanted to do these rinsed it in the sink and
me. I found out the hard and hav e them al l work. I boards myself. every bit of cop per wa s
way, and I'm te lling you so decided to put eac h stage I se n t off for ferr ic gone . The thing might still
you don't have to " re- invent on a separate board and ch loride .' This time I called make a banjo pick, but it
t he whee l," like I had to. plug 'em all into edge con- up and told ' em my card wou ld not make a c irc u it.
I' m build ing. But so help nectors . That way if (w hen !) number and they had the
me, when I see t hose ful l- I make a mistake, I won't st uff de livered to my d oor Resisti ng It
page, ful l-color ads and a have to tear everything up. in about three day s. I cu t ou t another piece.
to ll-free number and the I mailed off! for some PC This time I drew my d esign
sign of the ye llow and board . It took three weeks Mixi ng It with a fel t marker. I b ap-
orange overlapping circles, to get here . They didn't The fer ri c c hloride is a t ized it for two hours in the
it's hard to keep at it. I send it unti l my check black , gritty powder. I ferric c hlo ride soup and,
could have an y equipment I cleared . mixed it with hot w ater in a behold l c- a printed circuit.
want for ju st a phone ca ll plastic j ug. The water got The rem aining foil wa s
and twen ty " ea sy" pay-
Whittling It hotter. The powder that got rough and gritty-about
ments. The path of virtue is PCB is funny st u f f . I on my hands turned into a half eaten up. But it would
harder. cou ldn 't t race anything on brown goo al l by itself and do. Now I kn ew for su re
it. I couldn 't find any kind began to st ing. I went and what to do. Very caref u lly I
Design ing It of ca rbon paper that would washed it off . When I cam e de signed the first board . I
In the fi rst p lace, I don 't make a mark . Finally I back, the gri t I had spilt on f elt-mark ed it and laid it
know much about vacuum- ru bbed yellow crayon on the floor had turned into a away in the tobacco juice.
tube circuits and even less the cop per and was able to nasty glop. That stuff ab- In the morning there wasn't
about solid state . Fo r- t race faint lines . I cut on the sorbs water right out of the enough copper left on the
48 73Magazine. J une,1982
board to tel l wha t it was teed to d e lig ht you Correct
su pp os e d to have been.
Next I tr ied c rayo n. I sup-
pose if c rayon were t he o n-
you r ste nc ils. Paint you r
nai ls pu rple . Ma ke your
own P C boa rd s . (Who
ly re sist in the world , we knows, it may even remo ve
might m ake a go of it, but warts.) This is t he best stuff
w e w ouldn 't like it. It since snake oil. You c a n
turned out rough and ugly. even see you r pencil lines
By now I wa sn't trying to o n the foil through the
make a ny particula r k ind of fluid . These liners protect any se1lSllIW electronic
board . I ju st wanted to see equipment rrom power line transient damage
what wou ld get me decent Drilli ng II and radio frequency intenerence BoIh
models o" er surge suppressl()n lor
resul ts, By "n by I had t he f irst power hoe " spikes". RF inter·
boa rd re a d y for p a rts . Nea r- terence IS suppressed using
Cursi ng It ly re a d y fo r parts. Gatta
both inductive and
capacitive componen ts.
Oh! I foun d a lu m p o f d rill it. All my drill s a re too Ideal ror computers ,
etc ha nt I had m isse d be- b ig. J wen t to a d o zen hard- test equipment, or TV.
for e , I s te p ped o n it bare- ware st ores with in a hu n-
foo t a nd s tai ned my so le d red mi le s. The sm a llest or- LF2 - A ouprex ouuet. 120V, 8 amps , , . 539.95
brown . I sa id so me word s d inary d ril l bi t is a six tee nt h LF6 - Three separately lil1ered duplex outlets.
120V, total fused capacity 15 amps,
t ha t sta ined my soul d ee p of an inch. It's po sitivel y power switCh and indicator lamp $69 ,95
pu rp le . Afte r I clea ned up teensy. But t he com pone nts Add $2 ,50 shipping and handling pef ordef.
t he mess, I went to be d , ju st fell out of t he hol e s. Send crece wrth order and provire street
di sgu sted , Even after I solde red the m . a<klress ror UPS shipmenl. Ohio resoeets add
The best I cou ld d o was
sales Tv. Charge ca rd buyers may call toll-free. 1·800·543·5612
Dreaming It In Ohio, Of for
bend the leads over hard information, call:
Sud den ly I sa t up. I had af ter poking them th rough 1-513-866-2421
dozed o ff and d reamed I the holes , Then they would
was painting a pattern with sta y in place long enou gh to
a tiny bru sh , That mimeo- be so ld e red , But the holes 540 Richard Street , MiamiSburg. Ohio 45342
graph co rrec t io n fluid ! I were so la rge it left a qua r- '- INSTITU TtlINAl AN OOEAI.,U INOUIRIES INVITED -'
had a whole c as e of it! ter-moon gap arou nd each
Mimeog rap h c o rre c t io n le a d . It did n't look neat. It
fl u id corre cts by dry ing into did n't look profess iona l. If t
a p lastic film . And it comes ha d wanted a ventila ted the sha nk in to m y ha nd dril l You ca n re m o ve it with a
with a hand y litt le b rush boa rd , I would have m a d e a a nd fou nd it woul d go fingernai l. W hen you a re
built righ t into the bottl e pattern of round ho les o n t hroug h PCB like a hot kn ife sa tisfie d w it h you r patte rn,
lid, I p ut o n my p an ts and pu rpose , throu gh b utter. It m ad e a a m ixt u re o f fer ric c hloride
waddl ed o u t into t he d ark ne at round hole with t he and water will etc h it fo r
to m y store. ' There it wa s, " I need a sm a ller drill ," fo il pu shed up a rou nd the you . Plain water will clea n
ca rton s a nd ca rtons of it. I " No, You need sm a lle r edge like t he rim of a mo o n it up, wi th a littl e scrubbing .
b rought o ne in a nd anno int- holes. O r, you need to be cra te r. And, the hol e wa s If you can't get t he size
ed a little rec ta ngle o f cop- le ss picky ," too litt le fo r a re sistor le a d , of drills you need, re ad y-
per wi t h abst rac t des igns " All I want is a drill ha lf Bu t se wing-m a c h ine nee- made, you can make you r
and f looded it wit h the slop t hat size : ' d les come in differe nt size s own out of sewing-mac hine
from the jug , " T h e re ain 't any in and for a b uck at t he fr iend- needles .
In the morning I rinsed eastern Arizona . You need ly local notions counter, I
it o ff and sc ru b bed it clean som e t h ing else." had a n a ssortment of drill Footnot ing It
at the kitchen sink. Beauti- " If it drill s holes, a in't it a b la nks ju st the right sizes
1 , Amer i can
Radio Re la y
ful My design w a s perfect- drill bit' '' fo r c o m p o ne nt lead s. league. Newingto n, Connecti -
ly preserved in glitteri ng " No t necessarily." cu t 06111.
cop per. My wife broke a sewing- Concluding II
machi ne needle a s I a rgued You ca n ro ll you r o w n 2. There are a 101 of places . I gOl
Shari ng It with the in ne r voice. printed ci rcuit b o ard s wit h- mine lrom Fair Radio Sales. Box
Finally I have found The " Ho ne y, get th is b roken out spe nd ing a fort u ne on 1105, lima, Ohio 45802.
Wa y to do it. And I w ill needle out fo r me, wil l you , s pe ci a l su p p lie s a nd equip-
s ha re it wi th you . Ju st send please ?" ment. 3. Again , there are seve ral
a dolla r and a dou ble- You c a n draw you r pat- so ur c es . Try Cir c u it Board
stam ped SASE to G le n n's G rindi ng It te rn right o n the coppe r Spec ia list s, Bo x 969, Pueblo,
Colorado 81002.
Tra ding Po st a t Pov e rty I d id . A br ok en -off w ith an o rd ina ry pencil a nd
Fl a t, Arizo na 8592 5. I will se wing - mac h in e n e e d le e rase It un til you get it right. 4, Meshna, Box 62, East lynn.
send you a bottl e o f ge n-u- looks a lot like a little-bittv You ca n pai nt d ire c tl y on M as s ac h u sell s 0190 4 . They
ine Army su rp lu s correction d ril l bi t. I ground a be vel on t he boa rd w ith mi meog ra p h may be out .
f lu id co m p le te wi th a nice t he no tche d sid e of it with a corre c tion flu id . You c a n
litt le app li cator b rush b uilt w het stone a nd it lo o ked a se e your pe ncil line s rig ht 5, Glenn 's Trading Post. Poverty
right into the lid . Gua ran- lot more like one. I c hucked t hrough t he pu rp le film . stet. Arizona 85925.
73 Magazine · June,l982 49
Write for quantity discount
TELEVISION P.O. eox 21002


Complete Systems, Antennas, , AVAILABLE NOW
Receivers, LNA's & Accessories ~~. AZDEN PSC·300

812-238-1456 PCS·300 HT 5290 .00

Remot e cable
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Free Shipp ing in U.S.A. $265.00
lor all XCVR o r HT orders
11128 Claire Ave.
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ARLINGTON. TEXAS 7600 4·0 339

SUPERVERTER I. $99.95 VARIABLE POWER SUPPLy........ . $24.95

The ult imate In converter techno logy ! u uei-st ec e eerec- Complete kit includes eu co mpo nent s for working unit,
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trolled oscillator. We recommend th is unit for expert·
enced kit bullde,.. 12 v S t a tio n a r y Powe r DISK YAGI ANTENNA. • . .•..•. .• . ..• $25.00
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This new unit Is not like other w ldeband preamps. Ex· 4-FOOT DISH ANTENNA . •.. • •.. ••.• $54.95
per lenced k it builders can easily add this uni t to our ex- Overall 25 dB ga in. Parti al assembly requ ired. Shipped
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prove overall performance.

2300 MHZ CONVERTER KIT. • .. • .. . . . $35.00

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TERMS: COD, Monoy Ordor, Bonk Cords
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HOURS: 8:30- 4:30 COST: MON-FRI

Our product may be copied, but the performance Is never equauen .P.O. BOX 339, ARLINGTON,
50 73 Magazine · J une, 1982

You've got terrestrial interference...

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-.. The co ncrete under your new earth station isn't hard yet , but

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you've go t trouble already-unwanted microwave signals are
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you have tw o choices: Tear it down and eat the installation costs ,
or tiller It.
We can help . Call us and we'll send you MTV/82 , which tells
how to eliminate terre strial interference on earth stations and lists a
complete line of filters designed and tested for this purpose .
Created lor effective use by novic e and experienced earth station
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describes the symptoms and recommends specific filters to solve
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Produ cts include : • waveguide adapters
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Call or write today and we 'll also send you FG/8 2 , " Earth Sta-
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Ul R 'OOF_ u,'~ • Easy to Install
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73 Magazine · J une. 1982 51

'Lite Receiver IV
- the second half

i- Richard Chmfian WA.JCVP phv. The receiver completes and parts l ist s are provided or the aud io level from the
600 Norton Drivf> the home-brew system A sou rce is prov ided for MC13SBs is sufficient to
S,H<;uma A L 11,,172 which started with our lo w etched and drilled printed drive most rf modulators.
noise ampl ifier (February, circuit boa rds for those not Complete component co st ,
5. f. (Mitch) Mitchell. /r ~'\'A.J05R
1982, 7Jl and easy-to-build wishing to " ro ll their own " exclusive of the printed cir-
PO /iO\ <j7J
dow n converte r (Ma rch, c u it board, sho u ld be
Mobile AL 36601 Dual Aud io Board
1982, 73 ) around $15.00,
The f irst ' Lite Receiver IV The aud io circuit pro-
Co nst ruction
T his is t he second part of
a two-part art icle on t he
'Lite Receiver IV .* In the
i n st al l m e n t covered the
70-M Hz bandpass filter/i-f
ampl ifier board and the vid-
vides for switch selection of
either b,8-M Hz or 6,2-M H.l
audio subcarriers from the
The printed circuit board
and part s overlay, Fig . 2,
f irst insta llment (May, 1982, eo demodulator board, Also satellites. The circuit sho w n make construction simple.
73), we described our philos- in cluded was an intercon- in Fig, 1 is designed around We did not use sockets for
ophy for design ing a home- nection diagram showing Motorola MCl ]SB audio de- the ICs; however, there is no
brew rece iv er tha t can be how all o f the boards were coder ICs; however , RCA reason not to use them with
easily duplicated. The 'Lite connected together. In th is CA306S or National LM]ObS the relatively low rf frequen -
Receiver IV is the culmina- installment, we describe the ICs can be used as direct re- cies involved. The coil s are
tion of that design philoso- audio, automatic frequency p lacements The board (an about $1.00 eac h from RCA
cont rol, and metering ci r- drive a small speaker and distributors.
" lite Receiver IV is a trademark cuits . For ease of building, has a front-panel audio-level When build ing, you must
of Martcomm, Inc. printed circuit board layo ut s cont rol if t he speaker is used decide on the options that

-- --
...." ...
... ..-
e I - . .

....,. , .""
"". ...
' r .-
front panel of the 'Lite Receiver IV. Top view of the lite Receiver 's du al aud io board.
52 73 Magazine. June, 1982
you want. If you do no t omitte d , adj ust t he 5Dk·
p la n to use a spea ker b ut O h m po t for correc t m odu- PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARDS
need au d io o n ly to drive lati on le ve l for yo ur rf Print ed circui t boards are available from Martcomm, Inc., PO
you r rf modulator, then t he Box 74, Mobil e Al 36601 . The dual audio bo ard is $12.00 and
modu lator.
t he alcJmetering board is $15.00. Add $1.75 per order for fi rst
lM386 and its a ssociated To tune t he 6.B--M Hz ci r-
class postage.
components ca n be e limi - cuit , simp ly repe a t t he
n at e d . In t h at case , t he above pro c edure w ith t he
fr ont-p a nel leve l con t rol signal genera to r set for 6 ,8
w ill not be need ed, b ut be MH z and tune l3 a nd l 4 as
su re t o i n s t a l l th e two descr ibed .
Parts list
Su k-O h m pr in te d c irc u it O ff- t he-a ir tune-up c an be
2 MC1 358 ICs. See te xt.
bo a rd pots sin ce they co n- perfo rmed u sing the sa me 1 LM386 IC
tro l t he a m o u nt of a ud io pr o ced ure a s a bo ve. How- 17812 voltage reg ulator
available from t he MC1 358s, e ver, video will have to be 2 sox-onm PC boa rd mou nt pot s. See t ext.
If the lM386 is not in- d e te cted by t he video d e- 1 t cs-onm POt. pan el mou nt . See text .
sta lled , t he cen te r pole o f m odul ator board since the 1 1().Ohm , 'I.-Watt
51 is connec te d to a re ar- aud io is a subcamer rid ing 2 220-0hm, 'I. ,Watt
pan e l jack for con nection on t he video signa l. If t he 2 tck-onm, 'I.-Watt. See te xt.
to your rf m odu la to r. If t he signal-ge ne ra to r tu ne-u p 2 4·pF silver mica
2 12-pF silver mica
lM386 is installed . then the met hod is used, it still wi ll
2 27-pF silver mica
o u tput o f t he lM 386 is con- be ne c e ssary to fine- tu ne
2 33·p F silver mica
ne cted to t he re ar-panel o nce you ha ve a signal off 7 .01-uF disc ceramic
jack fo r con nec tio n to a the air . Sim p ly ad just fo r 4 .047· o r .05-uF disc ceramic
spe a ke r o r to you r rf modu- best audio q ua lity. 1 .05·uF disc ceramic
lator . We use the com p le te If th e l M386 and a speak- 3 1·uF elect ro lyt ic
c irc u it a s show n so that a e r are u sed a ll the time, be 1 lO·uF elect ro lyt ic
sma ll spea ker ca n be u sed su re to heat-sink t he voltage 1 1OD-uF electrolyt ic
when we c a rry the re ce iver reg u lator a nd t he lM386 , 1 SPDT switch, panel mo unt
out to the a ntenna to m ake 2 coils, 11 and L3, t rans tormer-soundn-t, stock number
Thi s comp le tes the audio
1301 20, from RCA PM20Q sound board.
adj ustments . sec tion of t he rec eiver. 2 coils, L2 and L4, coil--discriminator, stock number 130121 ,
If you decide t hat you fro m RCA PM20Q sound board .
want the speaker drive capa- Afc/MelerinR Board 1 printed circuit board, smcte-eroeo. G-10, available from
bi lity , re p la c e the two The ate/metering bo ard Martco mm_Inc., PO Box 74, Mobil e AL 36601.
Snk -Obm PC boa rd p ot s gives ate control for the mix-
with 10k-0hm , q ua rter-Watt
re sistors. The 1 Ok-Ohrn re sis-
tors provide fixed atte nua-
tion of the audio le vel from no n
th e MC1 358s, The fron t-pan- 0"
" ."
e l control is t hen used for " ,r---.~ ..
_ _ _ _ ""OOll c U Ofl ,.

C " " ~ ~ O T 11$£0
a u dio level for b o th the
l M386 a nd your rf mod u la-
nof I '.'

eee TEX T
• "" c " "....-1~' · ,t v
tor. I ,
.....! < '°1 1°'
Note t hat p ic o farad -size
1°47 ~

capacitors a re silver mica,
with all other capacitors ce- 1"'1. "
ramic or elect rolytic. ". .(

Tune-Up Procedure r ,tof ,

For tu ne-u p, it is neces- -ov
sa ry to have a signa l gene ra-
tor o r use a signa l o ff th e a ir.
If you r signa l generator ha s ... 220 11

modul ati on ca pa bi lity, e n-

ab le the m odu lat ion a nd thF
1 :.""", . .
tu ne t he ou tp ut of th e gen- I ,," o

e rator fo r 6 .2 MH z . Tune l1 < •

fo r maximum audio le vel
and l2 for best audio (which
probably wo n 't be ve ry " .... Ql:O
1000<I<... T011
PC r" co


good because most signal-

T n ..-
ge ne rato r modulatio n is
AM). If t he signal generator
is CW o nly, the n tu ne both
l1 an d l2 for ma xi m u m Fig. 1. D ual frequency aud io demodulato r and amplifier schema tic. "See text. All p F capaci-
q uieting. If the l M386 was re -s are silver mica. All others are d is c ceramic o r electro l ytic.
73 Magazine· June, 1982 53


13 5 8

.05+ ILM386I
I -H!.
01 01 .0 '
.L Ll
TTT eacn '"
7815 1<' pF
-H- 33PFL:] i ~
.1. 1358

G " [ T
~ ,.
.0 41
.0 4 1

Fig 1. PC board and parts layout for the dual audio board.

er loca l oscillator (vto) and the ate ci rcu itry, so o ne was

AfClMETERING BOARD p rov ides drive for a relative left over. We decided to pu t
Parts list signal-strength meter. it to use to drive the meter.
1 lM324 tc The 70-M Hz outp ut from
1 tk-Ohm PC board pol The signa l-st rengt h meter t he i-f filter amp is p icked
2 sk-cnrn PC board pols is not a necessity f or t he re- off t h roug h a coax ia l tee
t Sk-Ohm panel mount pol ceiver. Still, meters seem to
1 toe-ohm PC board pol coupled with a .01-uF capac-
impress people and we are itor. The rf is the n fed to a
2 1k-Ohm, 'I. -w ett
no exception. It does serve a voltage doubler composed
2 2.2k-Ohm, w-w eu
6 tce-cnrn '1,·Watt very usefu l pu rpose, how- of two 1N270 germanium di-
1 1 megohm, '/. ·Wa ll ever. The meter comes in odes . The d c from the volt-
3 .Ql ·uF disc ceramic handy for adjusting your age doubler goes to an op
1 .022-u F disc ceramic LNA and antenna, and it amp connected as a non-in-
2 l -uF electrolyt ic gives a relative indication of verting buffer. The op amp
1 47·uF electrolytic signal to noise for you r com- drives a Q-1 -mA relative sig-
2 lN27Q germanium d iodes plete system . nal-strengt h meter.
, a-l -mA meier
2 SPDT swit che s As ca n be seen from the
Afc Circuit
1 printed circuit board, single-sided, G·10, available from schematic in Fig. 3, there are
Mertcomrn. rnc., PO Bo x 74, Mobile AL 36601. four op am ps used on the The automatic f requency
board We needed t hree f or cont ro l Ia fc). like t he meter-
ing circ uit, is not an abso lute
, ~,.c OFF
necessity . But it su re is nice

I ••c . ~e{
,[ ..." " ~¥ . -
• o ~o
pt .. OOut. ...O.

to have it lock the vto onto a
transponder, as the vto does

l ~f...., + 0'
drift in frequency due to am-
bient temperature fluctua -
tion s.
." "" '" • ,,~

• It was decided to provide'

07~ f
." • ~ "'-
". '0.
b ~nAO
' . fo r ate with normal or in-
l U 'Z_
,r-l' • ." 'f.'-.. verted video . There is no t

v,J;' II.
". ,~ . •

m uc h in verted video on the
satel l ites, but occas iona lly
you d o run ac ross an " up-
side-dow n " t ra ns po nde r .
A lso, on a single-conversion
."o. ,"
_". .. sy stem such as ou rs, it is
. ~o

•• "-'U Z_

" OO '
" • ") ,"zm • possible to tune in the im age
of a transponder. But if the

' •

'. video switch is in the
" NO RM " video position, the

"' C · l
llOU D
'''000 ,.. ....
ate will " p ush" the image
signal away instead of lock-
' ''0'' " 'DEO
D( ..OD....L.T O.. 8 0 U D
ing onto it.
Refer to the schematic in
Fig. J. Afdmeter;ng board scbemetic. Fig. 3. At t he ate samp le
54 73 Mag azine. June, 1982

The 'Lite Receiver's afdmetering board.

point, AFC-2, w e are no t de- IC socke t for the l M324

tecting a peak or a null, b ut since tune-up of the board is Bottom view o f the dual audio board.
instead a de level which is do ne before the lM324 is in-
compa red to a ref erence sig- stalled . Do no t connect the board. Set the video switc h switc h the afc switch to the
nal at pin 3 of the l M324 tuning pot wiper to point to " NO RM" and the a te " O FF" position. With the afc
quad op a mp. The fir st up "W" o n the PC boa rd yet. switch to ;'O N." switc hed "O FF," se t the pin
amp in the cha in is wired a s W ith t he lM324 un - 2 voltage with R4 to the
a non-inverti ng volta ge com- Tune-Up plugge d, te st for + 15 volts same voltage as with the ate
p a ra to r . It s o u t p u t is Connect the tuning-pot at p in 4 of the l M324 socket . switch "O N." Now, remove
summed with the transpon- wiper to the vto at th is time. Tune in a transponder a nd power and plug or so lde r in
der t u ning pot voltage to Connect the AFC-1 and measure the voltage at pin 2 the l M 324. Co nnec t the
sup ply the tun ing vo ltage AFC-2 points to the video of the lM324 socket. Move tun ing-pot wiper to point
for t he vto in th e dow ncon- de modu la tor boa rd . Co n- the me ter probe to pin 3 on "W" on the a fe board, and
ve rter (mixer). A span pot, ne ct to the + 15 vo lts re gu- the socket. The n, using R1 , connect the afc boa rd ou t-
R2. and a zero pot. R3. a re la ted a nd de ground retu rn se t the pin 3 voltage to put (ma rked vtol to the vto.
provided to ca li brate the on the video demod ula to r equal the pin 2 volt age. Now Be sure to use coax o r well-
tr an sp on d er t u n i ng pot ,
since vtos have different
volt age-to-frequencv ra tio s.
The third op amp is used
as an inve rt ing buffer for in-
ve rted video. As ca n be seen
on the sc hematic. the video
nor mal/re verse switch is a
double-pole. doub le-throw
switc h. This switc h reve rses
the a fc action when yo u
switc h from norm al to in-
ve rted video. Al so, provisio n
was made to turn the afc off
but not c ha nge the tra n-
sponder tuni ng pot ca lib ra- TO sr
tion . R4 sets the a te re fer-
e nce leve l the sa me a s the
ate voltage of a prope rl y
I ~.
10K .J.. "
tuned transponde r when '0 '
the afc is switc hed o ff .
-+. -"IN'w--

Construction o.
---i j-:-0 l
A printed circuit board + ' !l 1I
layou t and pa rts overl ay are FRO M \/10 [0 I" INU O( ZI
shown in Fig. 4. There is OE MOO BOARD - J. III
,01T FR OM
nothing c ri tica l a bout the I I'F "-
T .L
T ·o l 10 MH , AMP
const ruc tion of th is board .
lust use good so lde ring
technique a nd keep com-
AFC _ .
ponen ts fla t a ga inst t he
printed circuit board . Use an Fig. 4. PC board and pam layout for the a fe/meter ing board.
73 MagaZine • Ju ne,1 982 55

shielded cable to connect #24 close to the fu ll clock-

the output of the ate board wise position of the tuning
~ l""
RF "
p"'. ~,
, .~.
J.n ~l'"lJ ""-~/"CC ... . --p '.ll ~ l " Do>ub'~ 8
I n Sl'", ,·"n._
D~' l.U SU R~ ~ ' 10'
g, to the vto. (Usually, the v to pot
Sl'.ll "F " ".~, •.•\ Sl"'s " ... O<1 / "CO: "'" ' .• ' Sl.-'UI Xl. ' ",1 C'l s .• ~ will be remotelv mounted in Now, with a ().l-mA meter
Sl ' ' ' ) l_' ''na " -I' • Sf Sl'l,' VOC...Dr;._ _ '_'l Sl..... f " ' " ~ ."
!ol1'" " c c Con I tI "l'.... "'F " "'P • to Sl.. " F'" R, . . . " ..U I." the down co nve rte r. located co nnec ted to the meter out-
U lOll " F " ......OC J 71 Sl!OJ] " F " .... . " Sl.... F\I Rt>' • 0 " J."
at enn-nna.) The ate board put, tune in a t ransponder
output is controlling the and im p ress people.
voltage-cont rol led o scilla -
tor In t he mixer, so a ny st ray Rf Modulator
AMATEUR signa l or noise spi kes p icked W e have no t desc ribed
MICROWAVE DOWNCONVERTER u p by t he cab le wi ll result in th e rf modul ators t hat w e
the vto be ing " mod ulated" have t ried since we just
dod wi ll cause i t to change haven't fo und a c ircu it that
SPECIAL $17 9.95 f requency wi th very undesir-
''' Cl UOI'' C SIlIPPI H" IU. P.,,) VIS" ...vc '.''''SH k C'' '' '' "'~U~HI> we are hap p y wit h At p res-
a ble effects on the picture. ent, we are using the rf mod-
With the ate switch " O N" ulator in our RCA video ta pe
- - - dod the vid eo switch se t to
" NO RM," the tuning pot w ilt
p layers The rf modulator
therefore costs only four
act like a c ha nne l switch As times what the complete
t he tuning pot is rotated, th e 'l ite Receiver IV costs !
ate will try to hang onto a
transponder as long as possi- Co rrespo nde nce
ble; then . It w ill " ju mp" to Because of the co m p lexi-
OOT""T 1\I" lD ..... C ( "0" 100 O ""~ the nex t tran spo nder. Be- ty of t he ' l i te Receiver IV,
10· e n sV,>Tl" C ...'N
T u N£ S ,_ , G h , l~ " Ch ' . FUll 'rI ""
\"'RII ... .. r v
I'f RfORI,,, .. t £CUA. ~ ;;' ''' l lU Oil cause of the " ju m p," t he ef- we may no t have answered
PR<" "Pl 'F I~R 10· d~ ,- " I" 1,S d~ .. r
OUTPUT TU" ' .5 T\I U' .....NH S I TO b YOU " "o..n IlH UNOlO
fect is to " sw it ch" t ran spon- a ll you r questions. We' ll be
CALL (804) 4 8 9- 215 6 _w d ers! Fina lly, adjust t he zero gtad to try to answer any
pot, RJ, to set t ransponder q uestions that you m ight
ELECTRONIC HOBB Y INNOVATIONS #1 close to f ull counter- have if you in cl ud e a self-a d-
751 0 GRA NBV S T AEE T SU IT E 20 7 N OR F OL Il . VIRG IN IA 23505 clockwise position of the d ressed stamped envelope
turung pot Adju st the spa n and are patient in awaiting a
pol. R2. to set tran sponder reply.•

Microwave Labs
19D1J 331-0340 .- 406 DEPT 73

I ~ , ~ z. J J, 4 /. 68. 10, 16, 22, 27_47, 100. 120


leo, 22ll. 270. 3Jll, 300 470. ~. 680. 820 I~ , I 1'1\
I !lI\ . l9l< 8 1'1\, 1(1( lOOK ,.
' ncludes Qu;Jl' ly PC boatd_ NEO;> 13 7 nus. m a l<.n.,o dlOde,,_ rnokled
coils, al l PC boatd DolIIS. .141 semt-nyl<l <."'"
IDf1 book 22 dD QClIn, !> 5 dD N F

~ 12 page ,nS1tllC'
U&f U OO
U G~ I~ 1 2
200 8 "
0 8011 •
4GH l
lU G 150 8
lU G 16011
IlICF 1200 ~ f , lIlll • lGHl. !IF Ullll 8 " loG 14011.


The UCC- l .. ,11\ N E6453!i t" y n g,;,n RF ,'_ 5'00" 8 1o~ , ..... ~~.~ " Oolo l
I\JIC PlUG fOIl AG-!l6
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The UCC-' k,' .. ,m
~ Incl"""" 1 ~ d<,h ~lbllL01"'" k>..
$4 3.00

,.....0 soIde<. F.(;! and F ~ conn...:.lors_ T'V .....1<.n'''lI . 1"" pI.ons IOf
ma'ly lypes 01 ..n len........ ><1 _el y del,,""" 26 I>"\,l" ,n~1tU<:I"'" Ind<'
" ..... CH"'SSIS UQUIIT I'I.UG SII n "' ''G I
s..... CH"'SSIS U O U~ T SfIllP·lI II! 1A8
SUA PlUG fOA l(;;a
su PlUG FOFo AG-l/4
W I Recommended 'Of the , ,, '" III.." Du,ld.!!
5/11 PlUG fOA I~1 St"'1lIiGlO
TI'Ie S MC -l ..... .' n N I:&4 5J 5 n,yn y.. ,., RF u..n~,slv' f'l\ II PlUG fOA AG-9illG-1
TYPI: " 00\J8U MAH
RFA -l 2STAG!: SElECTIVE. PREAMP $J9 .95 "PI: Ii f Ofl m SU.ll-R~ W $15 00
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TU-II OElU XE PO WER SUPP LY KIT 53995 1'1, 11 pl. .. ~oppe' , ~,.", 8' 00,", " '0" '. I In . P. ..I",

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•.- Qu al , ,~ c a se a ",1 smooth t u ~ ' ny MIL "pe<..
IKJ I Co" ,p''' ' ~
ceore & m..k n '"11 d on' Ot ,,~, po.....,,, "ul!l!l~ k ,' S trom $2 7 95

AN T-4 DI SK VAG' AN TENNA lilT 53000

,n ;> n G<>~ . ond moO! ...M. motal allol '

32 l':Iemeo" <II..... ~ ...' .... .tn 12 ,ocn """""""1"''''''

"""SIIlQ No.. IflCk&I<~
""10 51""'" mounl'"il Dt...: kl' ltn.~ '<JCI fXJl 'OCIUOOO!



56 73 Magazine .. June, 1982

TV system for $2,586.00 ~riI1\! ­4J
** ********************* ***
Our updated manua l mcteoes m'CIO W ;I ~e con
cepts antennas ano oo weconveues Includes
$ 16.25
1.J;,r,:r r- I \
del(l,!ed sceematcs and PC ocare ta socts
\Vhat the system will do : I \
SUBSCRIPTION TELEVISION Yo u c.m receive u p t o t,(l c hannc lv of T .\' . dl rect f rom
~ate l lite~ 10 ~uu r h o m e r eceive r , M .w i e~ , ~ p< .. t in li: eve n rc,
I \
T ~o scrambling & decou-nq Systems are
enroeom ceotn Signal capture and mod.nca
non recnmcoes all' presented lor eoocanonat
rd ill:i ou~ pr 0l:r.am~ . ot h er T .\·. ~lill io n~ , .a nJ muc h more . I \
ana lySIS What t he system includes : f \
I. 10 ft . fihl'rl:lass dish mad e o f refle c tiv c metal bond
RECEIVER SYSTEM $ 169.95 wit h f i ht' r l: l a ~~ . \Veathl'r·rt'sislanl a nd v ir tu a lly mairucn-
I \
ContinUIng In tne 01110 Qu,)h Ty and performance
that you ve come to lcnow In the HMRII 11'''5 re
ance-feee. Dish comes in 4 ~e Cli" ns . I \
cewet has a ne.... tles,qn and «creased (jam Z. S in f: le J"t"Jes la l h eavv d utv potar moun t f nr e x t ra I \
IN FO RM ATI O N PACKAGE ON All ~ l re nl:th a n d ins lal1 a li"n vimplicit v: eavv va tclfite 'u va t -
VID EO PRODUCTS AND KITS $2 .00 e lli te a dj us rmc nf . I \
~ ""'e ~~a S" n'~;>,"u ..na n"nUI,nu CA ,p~,~,n ,r,"
J. f our 1'<,1., r ot ato r mou nt f nr m utt' s ta h ili l\", ~lJ u;l re I •
~., Or ~ 5'1 ',j ,t " VISA .,,'0 MA STE RCAR D " IUhl' lq ::s and rnlalor Includ ed.
I \
• .'pr"O 4 . A ll alu min u m LNA mount a nd hor n h••ldc r fu r a cvu-
ABEX r-a te a imin J:: u f I.N'A . All a luminum , we a t h er- proof I.:-":A
P O Bo.26601-G ",. , , ~
San Eranosco CA 94126 6601 cove- r .
*** *********************** S. Drak e f'_"'R·Z4 Receive r o r Auro -T ech Receiver.
You r c hoice. D ow n conve rte r located at the di~h .
h . Am phca ll r A\ a nt e k I.1""A I ZO°.
i . C h a p p a rd Feed tl tlrn f." un ~urpa ~ 'l'd lJUa lil \" .
X. All a rce s suri es ind u de d. 13 IT.
Co mp lete Systems, R ec ei ve rs. PARABOLIC
RECEIVER CO OKBOOK An tennas, LNA's & Accessories
• Bu.1d a good. sohd undt!rstanO:!lnil CALL US TODAY! 90 \·795·4504 DI SH ES
01 sereu-re recewe- leeh noiog1

Step by Step g u ide 01 e ach s tage_
Com plete t heory. sct>emiltlcs. and
eonsrrucnoo dela.l s, - - P.O. BO X 181108 ' - -
• Pre ·as sembled. tested RF sect-on .
• No comple. a lignm ent or spec.al
test ilear req Uired

Uhra ·low COSt /h'ilh performance ,
DeslQned Irom cook book c, rcu .ts The Luly ANTENNA
$995 ",
• • •
" •• . . . ... Cookboo k and POLARIZER
&15995 CooI<bo ok plus Kit
Send to
• Completely ponable Antenna, comes fUlly assembled (fOlds like
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can change polarities with a flick of a
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twisting cables, freeze
Dual Stage Microwave Preamplifier ups. and down time.
Install the Ampire 2001 in you r micro-
wave receiving system to improve the
noise fIgure and system gain .
• 2.0 to 2.6 GHz band
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Ampue , ,
Ampire 2001N , ' 149" Write To:
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(7 14) SaS-7 52 5
Corcoran . MN 55374
DealeJ aTI(J OistritJuror InQuirieS WelCOme
612-498-8014 ... 135

73 Magazine . June, 1982 57

J. Richdrd (hrtst'dn WA4(VP

600 Norlon DrIve
Sdhumd ilL 36571

S, r. (Mi tch) M Itchell, J,. WII40SR

PO Bo~ 971
M obile AL Jbb01

TVRO Transducer
- waveguide-to-coax transition

T ra ns-d uc-e r (tra ns-doc'.

sa r) n . Any d evice
through whic h the e nergy
syste m, wheth er o f the
sa me o r a d ifferent type .
tr an sd ucer, let' s look a t the
sate llite TV definition: the
giz mo that hooks the anten-
dccer is a se ct io n of wave-
gu id e 3/4 of a wavelength
deep w ith the back closed ,
of one power system may Now that you know the na horn to you r LNA . The \vaveguide is a trans-
be tran sm itted to a not her dictiona ry defi nition of a Simply stated, the trans- mission line and ha s a ve-
locity fac tor different from

.. - ". tha t o f free space . A signa l-

' p ickup pro be is insta lled 1{4
- e e-
wavelength from the bac k
r-r------- --+---------+.--
, - - -- - - -; (cl osed end) a nd 1/4 wave-
length from one side of the
,,, box . The 1{4-wavelength
I , ~. o
spa c ing ensures that any

o 4·C Hl energy that get s pa st
: the probe a nd is reflec ted
-, s loes ~NO 6 ~ C'"
from the back of t he box to
the bac k sid e of the probe
" A~ E '1110"
0 111 (;0.. .. [111
0 40 5 "U T '"A5S will be in p ha se with the sig-
nal a rr iving " he a d on ."
since 1/4 wavelength from
the probe to the ba ck of the
---- ---- - ---- ,~"'~-. box pl us 1/4 wavelength
-, , -

o - -,
from the back of the box
bac k to the pro be e q uals
20' ·
1/2 wave lengt h. The 1/2 -
wavelengt h spacing mini-
mizes pha se distortion and
signa l ca ncella tio n
COIIN eC f t:Jll' sp~c e ~
.... E , EAC" r.o.. "" H lln
e . AS S 011 (;0 0'0'[ 111
O. 'lL 4 [ ACH CO'"O[IIl 1I0 ,HoT '''G
Two Methods
CO.... EC TO. TAP ro. A.40 THIIlH OS O ur tran sd ucer can be
built in one of two ways, If
yo u a re lu ck y a nd c a n find
so me 4-CH z copper wave-
guide, most of the work is
------...; 5 n"- al ready done for you . Just

i ",-:g
cu t off a 2.5" section of the
waveguide. Take a scra p
3 / . · I--.-
TOP A/liO 60T TO Ol p ,eceS
eE "o 9 0' 0 " e . OKE " L' NES. , ..... CE5 P ' C" li P p "06e
piece of waveguide and c ut
, _ - - " AK E ' EAC H OAO B IIl ASS 0 111 (;OP P EIIl
II .KE 2.1110 .. OAO · SHEfT ' .A S S 0 111
a piece to fit the bac k o f the
CE .. H IIl CO"Ol.>OO Ill 0' TYPE ....
CONN EC TO. 2.5 " pie ce , So lde r the two
pieces to form a box with
Fig. 1. Parts dim ensions and bending instructions. o ne e nd o pen . Make su re
58 73 MagaZine • June , 1982
that no so ld e r gets inside pieces in prepa ration for
the box. Using the instruc- solde ring . Assemble the
tions below. prepare and in- three pieces to fo rm the
stall the l "·square piece, box. and clamp or wire
the pro be. a nd the coax them toge th er . If necessa ry.
• --.'
connector. This waveguide slight ly be nd t he Ij-sha ped ,, • •
method was used to build p iece o utwa rd to ensure a •, ,,
the transdu cer in th e photo . tight fi t when th e top a nd
~ 'I
If you ar e not luck y
e nough to have a friend
bottom pieces are insta lled ,
Wit h a la rge so lde ring Iron
o r small pro pa ne torc h. so l-
r"• i'.".
with a so urce of waveguide. der all seam s, Be sure that
you will have to " be nd"
your own . The material
no solder gets inside the • n.. '
box . If any so lde r gets in-
needed is .040" brass shim side. clean It out; you want
stock o r sheet fl ashing co p- a very smoot h surface in-
per. Most large sheet-me tal side th e box to minimi ze in-
sho ps have sma ll sc ra ps of te rf e re nc e with the si gnal
suc h materi al th a ~ can be energy . End vie w o f a transd ucer made from co pper waveguide,
purchased a t a ve ry reason- No te the dean, smooth interio r,
able price. Installing the Probe
The 1 "<squ are connector
C u t the 7 . 3~x l . 1 5 " spacer (see drawing) must Now install the connec- Sand or file off any excess
piece of material and bend be made from 1/8" brass o r tor to the waveguide. using solder for a smooth transi-
it to a U shape as shown in co ppe r. Drill a 1/2-inch ho le 4-40 sc rews, makin g su re t ion from the flange to the
Fig , 1. Cut two piece s 2.S " in t he center of the 1" that t he fl at side of t he tran sd ucer. Drill mati ng
X 2.8", (You pro ba b ly can ho les in the fl a nge to mate
p iece. Then, using the type pro be is towa rd th e front of
get th e sheet-me tal shop to N ch ass is-co nnector moun t- the wa veguide . with the fla nge o n your
cut the materi al wi th their ing holes as a guide. drill ho rn. We use ,141" hardline
shea r fo r good clea n edges .) a nd tap the piece fo r 4-40 Connecting to the Horn coax fro m the transd ucer to
Bend the edges of the two screws . Swea t-solder the Afte r construct ing your the lNA. This sma ll coax
pieces 90 degrees as shown t v-sq ua re p late centered transd ucer by the easy or can be bent eas ily so that
inFig.l . over the Sn6" hole in the hard method, you still have the lNA ca n be installed di-
Drill one 2 . S~x 2 . 8" bottom of the box (now. to mechanically connect it rectly behind the transduc-
piece as shown . This piece tra nsducer!). Cut th e pickup to your antenna horn . Thi s e'
wi ll be the botto m of the probe from .040" brass or is where a WR-229 wave-
coppe r scra p to th e dimen- guide flan ge comes in real Final Comment
box. so th at loo king into th e
sions shown in th e drawing. hand y. If yo u don't hav e ac- We have hear d of seve ral
front of the box. the probe
Solde r th e probe to th e cess to a WR-229. you ca n peopl e buildin g horn s a nd
hole will be in the bottom
cente r connector of the make o ne from 1/8" bra ss or transd ucers from doubl e-
o n th e right-hand side. The
type N connec tor. The d is- cop pe r. Mil d stee l also sided pri nted circuit boa rd.
photo sho ws how the probe
ta nce from the connec tor could be used . but is m ore We have go ne the PC-board
is offset.
flan ge to the end of the difficult to solder. Refer to route, but with very poor re-
Thoro ughly c le a n all probe is 13/16", Fig. 2 fo r the dimensions if sult s, Stick with the sheet
you have to make you r own . co ppe r or brass and you
shou ld get good result s
' ".' Solder the flange flu sh to wit h a minimum of trou ble.
a a- •
I I the fron t of the tra nsducer. Good transdu cing!.

I , ". '

, '"

Fig. 2. WR-229 waveguide ffange dimensions, Flanges m a y

be purchased or made from sheet brass or copper 1/16"
thick or heavier. Whife not absolutely necessary, some
method must be used to ma te the transducer to the hom.
Solder the ffange flush with the transducer. Fig, 3. Th ree-D drawing of the transd ucer.
73 Magazine· J une, 1982 59

Stephen G ib~n
PO BOl 38386
Ho llywood (A 90038

The MTV Music Box

- Satellite Central, part VII

P art of the fun o f TV RO

expe ri menting is searc h-
ing for new signals. While
tr ick. that m ighty W arner
never thought o f !
on the other su bcarr ier.
You can hear t he su m
c hannel on a bb2-MHz su b-
likewise, if you sub tract
l + R from l -R, you get
ju st 2R. The secret to all the
video is an easy mark , the Ste reo Trickery
ca rrier and th e difference on add ition and subt rac t io n is a
real go ld is so met imes hard- Just hav ing two so u nd d e- 5. 8 MH z. Al l you need to do " mat rix, " w hi ch is a short
er to fi nd, especia lly since tec tors to get stereo isn't is a litt le add it io n and sub- and fan cy way of say ing two
new services keep popping eno ugh You need a d ecod- t raction with the electron- op amps from Radio Shac k.
up. The " v ideo record s" are er, to o D on 't bother with a ic s, and voila . , .t hev sepa- Before you rip the top off
a good e xam ple . Slide by st ereo FM-d ecoder set up rate into left and right ! If yo u r rec e i v er a nd st a rt
transponder 11 on Satccm 3 becau se it won't work . MTV you add the l + R signal to tweaking. yo u shou ld co n-
(131 degree s west ). and co m b ines bot h c ha nn el s, the L - R signal, t he + Rand sid er an o ption . W hy not
you 'l l find M usic Te levi sio n L + R, o n on e subca mer and t he - R ca ncel, leav in g- j ust bu ild two more so u nd sec-
(M TV). a cab le service fro m sends t he differe nce b e-- L, or 2l , if you want to be tions p lu s w hatever else is
Warner Amex. tween the channels, L r- R, te chn ica l abo ut it. necessary in a separate box,
Yo u may wonder why yo u sp aring you r receiver? Don't
are seei ng ro ck gro u ps blast- worry if yo u are a No vice o r
ing the ir brains out in near si- your last project was an old
lence . It's bec ause the audio tube-type Selecto-I et . I' ve
portion of MTV is not o n fou nd an easy way f or you
you r typical TVRO receiver to bu ild thi s gadget.
outputs o f 6.8 or 6.2 M Hz .
In ste ad, different subcarrier Simple Circuit De tai ls
frequen cies were picked . Se- The un it connects to yo ur
curity? Perhaps TVRO receiver at the sa me
Rock and rol l m usic may place you r internal sound
no t be you r cu p of tea, bu t subcarrier-d etec tor c irc uits
the MTV del ivery technique tap off . Refe rring to Fig. 1,
may becom e popu lar and
worthy o f more in vestiga-
- the detected com po sit e vid-
eo with aud io subcarri ers is
t io n since it is sent in stereo co up led t o two separate
And more im port ant. yo u su bcarrier so u nd detectors.
can experiment with a neat PhOfO A. Fronf view of the M usic Box. O ne detector is tu ned to
60 73 Magazine· June, 1982
6 .62 MH z and w ill gi ve you
an L + R output Th e o t her
detector is tuned to 5.8 MHz
II " ".
, ..
and del ive rs an L - R o u t put. 662 "H,
Eac h d etector o ut p ut feed s L..! _ ~~4
two o p am p s. I u sed a TL084
because it is c heap (avail-
able at Radio Shack) and
' ~PU '
<01 "H,
' · f TU ~S
,- ,
- .., '00 '

w orks rat her w ell . You get
ee j
,.s . .. ~, "
four am p lif iers in a single OI' T(, ·O ·

c hip . That su re beats the

'"" I ~
- •
6SN7 that so m e of yo u may ~.~" H'
• •.....c
- '2~
A portion o f the L + R de- 2A ·~6 10 0 •

tector ou tput f eeds the in-

ve rt ing inpu t of the top op ~~,::J11

" , -.

am p in the d iagram . T he ;r'
L'- R detector o ut p ut feeds
the non-inverting input As 1"2

in typ ica l o p am p fa sh ion, J. ,. '" J. , -' 2 ~

its output is jus t t he d iff er- :J: :J:

ence between t he tw o in-
puts. So mu ch for t he sub- Fig 1. Two PM -2m sub carrier detecto rs and a TLnB4 op amp are all you need fa hear M TV sat-
trac tio n part o f the m atrix . e/{ite stereo.
Add ition is performed in t he hi-ft. to o . Get tw o RCA t he distortion spec s w ould er o n and will o n ly reduce
bottom o p am p by sum mi ng M A A OO1 As f rom a lo c al d rive any aud iop hi le back to ste reo separa tion . So why
the L + R and L - R detector RCA distri butor. They run AM radio ! bother!
o utp uts into the invert in g in- about 15 bucks each. Yo u Last, solder a SOk PC-ty pe Depend ing o n you r TV RO
put. I solat io n is superb in m ay be soc ked w ith a $3.00 m in i-po t f rom pm 6 o n t he rec eive r, you may need an
thi s co nf ig urat io n bec ause d ud c harge, c h ip to a grou nd trac e. Th is in pu t ba nd pa ss filter t o cut
the invertin g inp ut i s dr iv en is a vo lum e co nt ro l t hat we
Modifica t ion o f t he PM - no ise f rom t he v id eo and ad-
to w ard s ground . u se in t he m ixing proce.. s.
2oo/M A AOOl A m odules i.. jacent aud io sub camer. The
An Evening Project ve ry easy. W e sim p ly red uce Yo u c an u se larger sha ft- inp ut coil (T299) works p ret -
t he va lues of two ca pac itor.. tvpe pots and m o unt them ty w el l. b u t a c hea p
The subca me r-decode r on t hf' front p anel, but they 10 7 -M H z FM i-f t ra nsform er
c irc u it s in May ' s edi tion o f so that w e c an tune hiRhf'r
t han 4.5 M H z and t hen add are l ik el y to get b umped la t. padded down to the proper
" Satell it e Cent ral" w ill work
tw o more ca pacitors to get
,r - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , ,
very well . Yo u c an m ake a
PC board for two detectors nettPr sound . Rf' ff' rr in g to
o r u se p erf -type v ec t o r- Fig. 2, rem o ve the T299 ca n
and c hange C290 (82 pF) to
'P' I
1~ ! ..
~~ r - - - T2 ~ ~
board and hand-wire t he ci r-
cu it in record time. O r you ')() p F Replace the can . The n ,~ . ", , , ·n_o , ,, ,
, , , . - ..
-, , . , ,tl ~ ~ ,~ ~

c hange C29'l (68 p F) to 25 , ( "' oo; ~ ) 00 ......•
can even buy some dua l- , •
'. u,.,
so und-sec tion subcarrier PC pF. Now t he u nit tune.. f rom
,, c J , .-/.
• ,13
boa rd s from o ne o f t he 7J
advert isers and ju st stuff 'n
'l5 to nearl y R MHz .
Next, solder a .Ol ·~ F ca- , I 0·1~~~·
-'- (, ...

/, '
. -JI
... , •,>--

) ~c

so lder. p ac itor f rom pin 11 o n thf' I
But if you are in a ru sh CA 1065 I C t o a around I
I so ~n
x"" I
. .. R1B
(and w ho isn't. nowad ay s) or
If yo u a re jus t learn in g
about e lect ronic s, I suggest
t race. Th i.. se ts t he r1p ·p m ~
phesis to 75 j.l..ec m ing it rp-.-
sistor inside t he ch ip , Then
" u nn,.
' .... .. 0(1,
.L n o'
,, ~ •I' ~ _o
I r-
.. .
).. , &P
0 2 '0
you t ake the lazy w ay and s ol de r it 'l -j.l F (or "0)
.L • ;r " I I 1>42 0 ' I

I ct'., I II ' 0. I
sim p ly buy two RCA XL-100
sou nd-section m od u les lik e
t ho se descri bed la st m onth .
ca p acito r f rom pin A o n th e
CAJ065 t o a spa re t race. If
vou d on't w e a " pa re trace .

" ? ~'
, I
--l L

Se rv ic e me n c a l l th e m then c ut the t ract' fro m p in A "" '"

1111 I ".o e'02

PM-2OOs , These lit t le m od- o n t he CA3065 le ad ing o ut L , _ t _ ,,_ ,, _ _ o J
ules are co m p lete TV-set to the edge o f the board a nd
sou nd sect ions and sim p ly
solde r the cap ar-row th is
pl u g int o the p op ul ar
XL-l oo. O f cou rse, they are
tun ed t o 4.5 MH z (T V
t race cut . lust he sure the
cap is polari zed (end w i t h +
o n it) towa rds t he ch ip. Now
n Ol"
r --
- - - -1
I ('OO~
.on I

sou nd). but we can tweak you have a d e-bloc ked o ut- ... _- -000---"I
I . ...

them to the fr eq uen c ies w e p ut t o your amp . W e don't Fig, 2. The RCA PM-200 U .W~ a CA306S quadra tu re FM -detec·
w ant . In f act. w e can m od ify u se the pream p inside t he tor Ie for 4.5-MHz audio. The few m o ds d iscussed in the text
t hem so that w e get pretty ch ip bec au se a qu ick lo o k at w ill make it perform very well as a stereo sound decoder.
73 MagaZine .. J une, 1982 61
• •

would soon be lost in the that you may have both de-
never-ending wire jum ble te ctors tuned to the same
beh ind my pre amp. I used a carrier, and you' re sure to
utility box and mounted see there must be a better
RCA jacks for all the outputs wa y.
to my stereo system . (See Use a signal generator set
Photo A .) The rf input wa s a to 6.62 MHz. Feed it into the
low ly phone jack since I be- unit. Put a scope on pin 9 of
lieve in using everything in the IC on the 6.62-MHz
the junk box. Use mini-coax board (l + R) and tune the
if you have some. The input coils for maximum. Back the
transformers can be so l- generator down below limit-
dered to the bottom of the ing and peak again. Do the
PM-200s. The op amp wa s sam e proc edure for th e
mounted on an experiment- other module (l - R), but set
er's bread board. A ll boards the genera tor to 5.8 MHz.
Photo B. Clean out that junk box with this proiect since noth- were mounted on st andoffs . If the generator can be
ing is critical. For example, two l].l8-yolt transformers can The PM-200 al ready has a frequency-modu lated by an
be used instead of a single 24-36 volt. Even another op amp hole in it for 6-32 hardware. int ern al oscill ator, set it to
likely will work. Be sure t o u se vo lt age + 75-KH z dev iation and ad-
regulators to smoot h the rip-- ju st the l299 coil s on each
frequency k no ck s out w hat a ry usua lly has a ce nter tap , pie. The op am ps won't see m odule for the cleanest
little noise is left. Not all ripple when running from a w aveform . Depending on
tran sformers are the sa me, Junk Box Jubilee bipolar supply, but the little the part i cular run of
so a gdo or an rf gene rator I decid ed to take a strict ly PM-200s want pure de. PM-200s, you may need a re-
will separate the winne rs plain-vanill a a pproach since For the most part, con- sist or across l299 to lower
from the losers. The second- I knew my little M usic Box st ruct io n is not critical other its Q a small amount. A THO
than the suggestion that you analyzer is a better eyeball
use c o a x t o feed th e if you have one. Without an
WHVQUAD? analyzer, you are stu ck w ith
PM-200s. A lso, you shou ld
Back in the dark ages of stereo, David Haller of Oynaco was use 5% , y.-Watt resistors in having t o use your ear to
expenmentfnq with tecnmcues to eliminate t he so-called t he o p amp matrix (all l OOk). f ine-t une l299 for min imum
"hole in the middle" between lett and right channel speakers noise and d istortion.
While the pots on t he detec-
-see Fig. 3(a). From that effort came a center-ch annel speak- While we're on the sub-
er which was Simply the left and righ t channels combined
t or s can be used to compen-
sate for tolerances, we do ject, don't expect the Music
(L + A) and played 6 dB softer. Then he went one better and
want the tune-up process to Box to play very well if your
suggested a single speaker behind the listener to add am-
be easy. system has any sparklies.
bience. Logic ally. this ambience channel would consis t of the
d ifference between t he ch annels, or L - A. Remember. we And narrow ing the receiver
Next, you should modify i-f bandpass doesn't count,
st arted wit h only two channels from tape or d is k. Thi s was
your receiver. Find the loca- despite the picture improve-
revolutionary to audiophiles, but old hat to mctron-ctctc re
peop le who'd been doing it for yea rs wi th Cinemascope and
tion where the 6.2- and ment you 'll likely see. It's
3D. (Funny how simple technology doesn't cross-pollinate 6.B-MH z detectors co nnect. what you'll hear that really
now and then.) Th is is usually an em itter fol- co unts. The first time a
Anyway, Michael Gerzon in England im proved on the idea lower after video detect ion . solid-color field is displayed
with the typical left· and nqht-Iront setup by feeding the dif· Tap in w ith a de-blocking ca- (wi der ca rri er deviat ion),
terence [l, - AI to separate speakers located at " left-rear" and pacit or. Then run more m ini- you' ll see and hear what
"nqht .rear" and out of phase-see Fig . 3(b). II sounded SO coax t o a BNC, type F, or
good that record people started record ing ambience with a many c all t rizaies. the b ane
RCA jack that you mount on o f all " near threshold" sys-
reverse matrix setup. Then they tried discrete channels. and
.the rear o f th e receiver. Take tems. Even with music, noth-
yo u had t ech no logy go mad with the consumer wondering
your choice. Use what you ing beats a good lNA and a
which system to choose. So much lo r histo ry. Most stereo
record ings have some ambience imbedded in th em, so t his have. The signal is then large dish. Nothing.
t echn iq ue is wo rt h t he extra ettort to t rack down an old ampu- patched to the Musi c Box At this point, you should
tier and two small speakers to fiddle wi t h quadraphonics. with still more coax . be able to connect every-
A 5th Channel?
thing and hear pretty good
Tune-Up Hints stereo: Use headphones to
If th e trent speakers are widely separated, you can co nnect
There are two w ays to verify. Some o f the musi c is
a 5th channel to go between them . This will indeed reduce
separation but tends to fill the " hol e in the middle" ettect . Ctn-
make the Mu sic Box play. in mono, so don't worry if
ema sound processors use this techniq ue with an age to re- You c an simply set both 50k your first blast o f sound is in
store apparent separation. Since a signal that would appear pot s for min im um resistance t he m iddle of your head . If
to be located at a point i n space between the speakers would (t hat's maxi m um volume) you u sed 5% o r better
have to be coming Irom both the left and right channels, we and tweak the input trans- resistors on the op amps,
must assume that it is the sum of the channels, or L + A- see f ormers, th e T299 coils, and you ma y be finished. Other-
Fig . 3(c). So feed another amp with the l + A output of the l299 co ils for sound. But wise, the two SOk pots ma y
Music Box and place the speaker between lelt and right knowing which subcamer need ad ju stment for max i-
you are on may be a trick . mum separati on . Tweak
Add to that the possibility either pot for best aural
62 73 Magazine· June, 1982

separation o r connec t the
Music Bo x outputs to the
...,.' spe a ke rs as shown in Fig . 4 .
Note that t he speakers o n
horizontal a nd ve rtical in- • the am p lifier's o ut p ut are
puts of a n oscilloscope . connected In pa ra lle l b ut
" I Without sweep, you can ad- ou t of phase . The l - R goes
just the detector pots for a o n the le ft rear a s you face
c , 45-degree a ngle trace on the Fig. 4. Hookup for q uadra- the ma in speak e rs. The R - L
CRT when mono IS being phonic sound. goes o n t he righ t rear. Since
k transm itt ed . Yo u'll see a
" b a ll o f ya rn" d isp la y when
stereo IS being sent. Of
Music 8011 Bonu s!
the re ar spea ke rs will be ra-
d iati ng only am b ience . you
don't need to use the best
'01 course, yo u can alwa ys ad- Sendi ng t he so u nd tracks t hat money can buy. Sma ll
j ust f or the m o st sy m- in stereo wa s a p retty good bookshelf u nits work fine.
me tr ica l jumble. What else idea. But w hat t he Wa rne r Setting levels fo r Quad is a
wou ld one do for rock and people d id n't o p tion was m atter of taste . The am bi-
c·, roll ? Quadr aph on ic so u nd (at ence e ffec t IS very pr o-
Next. co nnect the speak- lea st until they read th is)! noun ced if the re ar le ve ls
e rs. Watch ph ase because it And the little Mu sic Box can are hi gh . But t he ste reo ef-
is everyth ing in a quad set- do it. Quad sou nd ? Ye ah .. . fe ct is re d u ce d so m e wha t
up . If you are u nsu re, then and d oe s it so und ne at! And d epend ing on t he room , Th is
first place a 1.S-vo lt cell m o- if fo ur c hannels d on't grab IS a lso true o f t he ce nter
m entarily ac ross t he voice you. the n how abo u t five cha nne l. Too much level
co il of each spea ker a nd c ha nne ls? It' s ju st sitt ing up and separation goes away.
t here o n the bird wa iting fo r
'" note in wh ic h d irec tion th e
co ne m o ve s . M ark th e you to sna tch it!
As a ru le. start you r ad-
justments with the ce nter
R. \=. spea ke r le ad with a + when
c-' " t he cell pol arity cau se s the
cone to m ove o utward . All
For a Quick tri p into the
hist ory beh ind fou r- a nd
five-channel sou nd . see t he
a nd rea r c ha nnel s about 6
dB soft e r t han t he main left
and r ig h t. And . . .o h
Fig. 3. Evolution of fo ur- and this is arbitrary, of cou rse . bo x. To get Quad. just tak e yes. . .remernbe r t he thre sh-
five-channel sound. (a) Ste- but se rves to give you a ref- the Musi c Box' s L r- R ou t- o ld of p ain is sti ll + 1 20 dB.
reo, (b) quad, and (e) f ive- ere nce from which you can pu t, run it through a p ower But it may be le ss with rock
channel s ystem. work. amplif ier, a nd con nect two and roll !.

ZJlIIIIllIU COHYllITfll . IT , .
KO ·44'" _ pc _ 0. _ .. & ~ __
'. ".u..".,.. II "
P.. _
llOO MH. -l .$GH, HUCTlVl
for _ ...,n _
1 111
c.......,,.. T
"'......, UfI oItc tie .-.. ......
0 ' ..... .... "".oe"'...'. _ ... ' or """'~ _ ' or"",nc.
A low co. t, h'9h Qua"lv V "'III A ' ~ 1 !'OWllI . U ~y . , , ., "., " . »4.•
a l'eonawe 10 snow sleds 'n<'u_ 01'C_",co.., _ ro. 0"" ""." ," .",.""" ...."'" " COMPARE OUR QUALITY,
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_'WI__ .... ,,' . . . - . OuoI·'_ .....,
P""'" durable 'OVM_ gh1 o' l *_ 0'0'
Steel cons' Includes feed· _ ,,"_. ,1 _ ' . _ ... dO,".,...... """'_ _ 'or WE MASU rACTURE:
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- . . d01I'l"'" .. _ Me lZV n"'TIOfLkIlV I'OWtIl SU""_ , _ .• PARABOLI C DISHES
~ .... _ _ '" 000... e-..-
flll -.t>'v l NA HOLDERS
h~1 'III _ !he< ....... row
~te a nd 14'96 ~M l u""' ~
. O DUf.V S-'~ If
.....,,"", MOOf:l f• ...,. .IIF. If. • , ••..•. , . 1tJIO..... _ W OO DEMO TRAilERS
,"" . ... R< """"" 0'''' '0' , ·te·
,,,.._.~ "0-- 'o'fA ., .....-. POLA R !\-IOUNTS
Y'N. Mnhl'l CaiIl
P.O. lOX ,.." . DRAKE
Our kjl ' ''0 com. . In AR LIN GTON . TEXA S MI1 3
• 2 h . lin w ith " db 111.1IIO-M40 ... 328 CIleCIr.. Monev or<le< . WASH BUR N
, lln _ ONLY f2.4 ,lill anll CO 0 (Adll $21 AUTOMATION TEC H.
",nee 1!lt>t> "~'l liP ..... Du'" ..... "oC A LLIANC E
• • SI" .... ' ''' g'OUPl wen • • ,"" "' .. 0
5 f O"ES DOl l _ PAATO" . "" '''''''0'''9
S I _ "E I ~ "".. d""" . ,"".. . . ..." _
'oJ ''''' ;omo' ........., ''''1<1 !\-tQDULATORS
'49°5 3(]d S3 00
s h,p" on g


oH ig h q uality speec h a Ud io
ol nCftl ll la lk po wer. 10d B! P RICES.
oEqu ali u a ny m ic ro p ho ne AUST IN C. LEWIS
oBe p ro ud 0 1 yo u r $ig nal MoSO "g no" Con'a ,n e'C&" " e '0 '" ve", ' e" h,gh. ' ha' 90 1-78 4-2 19 1
°ln$l all , aasilv in m ic laad cause 'he'" ' 0 c. "' uOO, , oUOOOO 9 hard '0 copy. 'ac k,ng ",
"cula',on oM p'.ocence 01 ' ,b',""c., • & , oouOO') f ~.e . ~ LEWIS CONSTRUCTIO N CO .
oBrighl en up M e ·SO mics no,."f! C""d'I''''' • • ' C NOT ..... e</ D, .UO 'O p' ot ,n", r""
.Put good lo ws in 0 ·104 .... ..... '. EO"AlIl Ano.. Jull . ' D""'de..." "'CO'd ,ng
P.O. BOX 100
........... EO ' m oe " ...... '... EO 200 a'''''' ' ,,,,,, 10 ' . due. HUMBOLDT, TN. 38343
HE ll, l TO_ 0" ""-"0" 0 (le. "" c~<."". on<l .,o,!OnCe
Ma rissa , Il 622S1 "I~ Bl:SI'fSS AT THIS LOCATIO~
' '''' COO<> a'so"', . f .. o
ToneG_ . ,o< c..cu., 8, ' '~g .
618·295·3000 '. .. C _ " I I """ ~ " , - " 'u,,".-ou' $S8 "on ne.- SJ ~CE 1964"
T." Tone_.. ~ ' , l1 00

73 Magazine . June,1982 63



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F,equent l "n i ' 3JD GMl to 4 90 6H z

f Ill I sllndl.d CPI 229 11'"11 I' the LU
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lil5CInalng ...... 0/ moc:<owa velechooolog , We oft"", fM . . .dd" ....1 thlll U . ,11 Id.,1 t~,s h l~
a compIe1e Ilne ol anll!'nllas. ,ece"'e<s. pie-amps. hr. 10 , ... l U.
powe< suppIoes. III(; II COIN Of w tTlft tor de\.aols

3110 Evelyn St re e t
P .O. BOX 311
Ro seville , M N 55113
912·967·2828 .... 11&

531 W£5T COl.I. I NS DRIVE


Accurate information on FM broadcast, booster and translator stations. $6.95
Compiled by location and frequency for United States and Canada with maps.
TDK cassette tape C-/ 80 f or third party record, 3 hour capacity $6.00
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30 second $4.50 3 minute 53.50 12 minute $4.50 ~ '"
PA NA SON/C C T 55// battery portable color T V receiver and video m onitor $420
cast AM receiver t o 160 meters I am looking lor work in th e
to receive cod e l or QAP work? electronics field in the Knox -

HAM HELP Frank Hennis KA71 WW

1009 Olbb St.
Bremerton WA 98310
vme-cnattanocca TN area. Ex·
perien ce includes digital and rl
ci rc uit s. I have a First Class
Radiotelephone l icense with
I am looking for a Halncratt- radar endorsement and an Extra
t am in need of service data I need plug·in coils for a Na- ers l FfMF tuner, model HA·1O. c lass amateur license.
lor a Hammarlund HQ 100A, tional SW·3 receiver. Ed Heger KA2 HNO H.F. SChnur
Hallicraflers WA 1500, and old Max R. Otlo W.lFF 271 Henry 5 1. 8227 Rolling Stone Lane
Weston , Jewell , and Hic koc k 733 W . Benton 51. Paramus NJ 07652 Ooltewah TN 37363
tube t est ers. Iowa Cit y IA 52240
Frank Krantz
100 Osage Ave. Does anyone know ho w to IE04198 top
Somerdale NJ 08083 convert a li ttle t ransis tor bread-

• -. .-
.-00\0. • ••
o - ••• o•
.. 00 0 \;
o e e 0.. 0 00 • e. 0

0" • •
0 :0,._
,.000 _ 00°: 0

The British VHF converter

project presented in the April .
omitted . It Is reprod uced here as
Fig. 1. Also. the crystal x t . A9. ••

0 0•• 0 0

1982. issue 01 73 uses a double- and l 4 junct ion should not be

sided printed board. The ten cat- connected to ground .
tern lor the board's top (compo- Tim Oanlel N8RK
nent) s ide was inadvertently 73 Magazine Staff Fig. 1. Foil pa ttern for top side of tne VHF converter PCB.
64 73 Magazine . June, 1982

ASTRO 150 5975.00
General Frequency Range OR12VDC
160 Meter Band -1 .8-2.4 MHz '
80 Meter Band -3.0·4.5 MHz
40 Meter Band- 6 .0-B.3 MHz
20 Meter Band- 13.S-16.0 MHz
15 Meter Band-20 .8-23.0 MHz
10 Meter Band -28.0·30.0 MHzt t
77 Model 150 only
, Model 151 only


Power Supplie s

Model List Sale

IV 24.00 18.00
6-R 71 .00 55.00
HAL Communicat ions Cor p MIRAGE AMPLIFIERS 1/4 WAVE MAG
35-R 227.00 161 .00
LIST 24 .95

CAl l US
Prices Or Specifi cations

Roger N. Pe1erwn
25 Orchard Lane
New Can.l<1n CT 0b840

Tune In the World's Tinderbox

- SWUng from Cairo to Kuwait

T he assassinat ion of An-

w ar Sader. President of
Egypt, was simply the latest.
heard well in North Amer-
ica . And you will find it in-
tere sting to co m pa re the dif-
followed by a d iscussio n of
so me timely toprc. usually
related to the Middle East .
Sadat's deat h ha d been
made, Radio Cai ro di scard--
ed its regula r fo rmat and put
at that time. of a whole ferent viewpoints of t hese The music is M idd le Eastern, on a fa scinating p rog ram
se ries of " incidents" in this nations . remin iscent of Egyptian bel- about the late president
conflic t-torn area , The wa r- Rad io Cai ro fro m Egypt ly-danci ng scenes in o ld The y covered his rise to
fare b etween I srael a nd usu ally ha s a pretty good movies. The mu sic goes o n fa me and h is accomp lish-
Egyp t a few yea rs ago, the signal into North Am erica . for a bout ten mi nutes a nd ments wh ile president, a nd
fi ghting between Iraq and Its Engl ish programs can be then fo r 15 m inutes you hear then switched to a report on
Ir an. the invasion of Afghan- heard at 2215-234 5 CMT on talk . Then back to the mu- the background of his su c-
istan by the USSR, and the 9805 kHz and at 02()(}{)330 sic. and so on . This is the reg- cesso r, Ho sni Mubarak .
ever-threate ned stabi lity of CM T on 12.000 a nd 9 .465 ular daily p rog ram fo rmat To me . thi s wa s short-
Saud i Ara bia. Kuwa it. and kH z. A 25Q--kW and a 100- Ho we ve r, lik e the good wave rad io at its best . Suc h
other Arab o il-p roducing kW tran smitter a re all the broad ca sters t hey are, Radio ex pe riences give t he listener
states a re al l pa rt of the tur- statio n has . Its pr ograms a l- Cairo is not afraid to b re a k the opportu nity to go to the
bulent Midd le East scene. ways open with the so und of out of the mold if the occa- so urce s of major stories.
For a clear-cut. direct. day- c h im e s (sou ndi ng suspi- sion calls for it wherever in the world they
by-day pictu re of this ex- ciously like Big Ben in lon- If you had been liste n ing take place. and to get o n-
plosive part of the world. don) a nd t he wo rds fro m a to Rad io Ca iro on t he eve- the-spot coverage that is
li sten to you r shortw av e woma n an nou nce r: " This is ning tha t Sad at was kill ed, as usually way a head o f you r
radio. A l l th e count ries men- Cairo, t his is Ca iro." Fol- I wa s, yo u would have been loca l radio o r TV new s
tioned a bove. plus others, lo win g this is a ten-m inute in for a m ost interesti ng ex- report .
have daily p rog rams in news p rogram . The n comes perience. As soon as the offi- Perhaps the most exten-
English that can usually be a regular pattern of musi c cial announcement of sive broadcasting job in the

• •




66 73 Magazine. June, 1982
Middle East is done by Isra- though afternoons generally
el . Kol Israel , the voice of also are good Mornings at Want aSl Cards or Station Programs?
Israel ' s Externa l Service, 1200-1230 GMT are usu ally Here are the ad dresses of Midd le East broadca sters:
beam s some six ho urs of not the best for reception .
Engli sh-lang uage pr ogr am s In t he evenings, listen
Radio Afgh anista n Radi o Cairo
into North Ameri ca, many from ‫סס‬oo to 0030 GM T,
PO Box 544 PO Box 1186
of t hem very popula r with 01 00 to0130 GMT, and 0200 Kabul Cairo, Egy pt
regu la r listeners. to 0225 GMT on one o f the Afghanistan
fol lowi ng frequencies :
Broadcasting in Israel
goes back to the days when 15.583 k Hz , 11 .640 kHz , or Voice of Islamic Republic Rad io Baghd ad
9.815 kHz. Also li sten f rom BOK 41-364 1 Iraqi Broadca sting
the British ruled Palestine
0500 GMT to 0515 GMT on Tehran, Iran Salibiya
under a l eague o f Na tions Baghdad, Iraq
15 105, 11 .960, 11 .638, o r
mandate. They f orm ed the
Palestine Broadc ast ing Se r- 9.815 kH z.
Israel Broadcasti ng Auth ority Kuwait Broadcast ing
vice (PBS) b ack in 1936 and In t he mornings at 1200, PO Box 1082 PO Box 397
put out programs in English, try for Kol Israel program s Jerusalem, Israel Kuwait
Hebrew, and Arabic. The on 21.760, 21.495, or 17612
present Kol Israel took its kHz . Sometimes the recep- Broadcasting Service of the UAE Radio
bow on the first day of Isra- tion at this hou r is unusually Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Dubai
el's independence, carry ing good, but it is problemati- Ministry of Info rmat ion PO Bo x 637
cal, unl ike t he o ther t imes of Riyadh Abu Dhabi
Prime M inister David Ben-
broadcast. Kingdom of Saudi Ar abi a United Arab Emirates
Gu ria n's o rigi na l Decl ara-
tion of Ind e p end en c e Fro m 2000 to 2030 GM T
speech Jive on May 14, 1948. o n 12.025, 11.960, 9.815,
from the Tel Aviv Municipa l and 11 .638 k Hz, reception of t he day and offers the Kuwa it as m ight be ex-
Museum . The Heb rew is usually strong. So, too, is listener some live ly discus- pec te d , has m od ern
broadcasting staff of the it from 2230 to 2300 GMT sions about peop le and Western technology work-
PBS joined up with those on 11.960, 11.638, and 9.815 politics . ing for it, and th is includes
who had been broadcast- kHz. Thursdays . " Time O ut " shortwave transmitter s in
ing for th e Jew ish under- A ll Kol Israel programs offers inte rest ing f eature which there are fo ur 250-kW
ground to f orm a nu cl eus for begin w it h a five-m inu t e sto ries about li fe in Israel. and two 500-kw units. They
t he o r iginal Ko l Is rael news summary and t hen go have a pretty good signa l in-
Fridays . " M u si c fr om
organization . into thei r regu lar program- to t he US f rom 1800 to 2100
ming, which is different GMT every day . They use
In 1965, a Broadcasting Saturdays . " I srae l This
each day. only one f requency-11 .675
Authority law was enacted Wef'k " is a review of cu rrent
Sundays. " Call ing All lis- kHz- but t he equi pme nt is
that gave Kol Israel the events of t he past six days.
teners" is Radio Israel 's pop- good enough to m ake this
same status t hat is en joyed
u lar OX program w hic h Compared to Israe l, th e al most alw ays a good one
in Great Brit ain by th e BBC
gives up-to-date in form ation ot he-r Middl e East bro ad- for receivers here in t hi s
That is, it is admin iste red by
on f requency changes for casters are, for the most count ry .
a Board o f Governors acting
stations in t he Midd le East part, inferior. W hile some A typical program from
as an independent body out-
and also Kol Israel program have good signals, they are Kuw ait goes li ke t his:
Side of di rect government
details for the week. This not on the air very much and -1800 GMT -Station Iden-
control . The executive head
program extends into Mon- their programming is, by tification ; music (Arab
is the Director-General who
day GM T times (0100, 0200, comparison to Kol Israel. sty le);
is appointed by t he govern-
etc.). somewhat cr ude. However, -1 8 30 G M T - 15-mi nu te
ment for a f ive-yea r te rm .
if you are no t li stening just talk on some cu rrent event
About two-th irds o f t he Is- M on da y s . " Pro g ram
for en iovrne nt, as you mi ght in the M iddl e East by young
rael Broadcast ing A u t hori- Parade" gives forthcomi ng
with the BBC or ot her West- lady;
ty's budget is revenue from program details, and then
ern stat ions, but to get infor- - 1845 GMT - More m u sic;
license fees of domestic lis- comes " This land," which is
mation and various view- - 1900 GM T - W est er n -
teners and TV viewers. The particularly aimed at people
points, these other Midd le style music;
remainder comes from fees interested in touring Is-
East stations do give -1930 GMT -c- Review of
charged advert isers for com- rael. Following this is " Spec-
you t hat . the week;
me rcia ls on domestic rad io tr um," w hich rev iew s Israeli
Rad io Kuwait IS an 10- -2000 GM T - M u sic (A ra-
and TV. The Externa l Ser- scie nt ific develo pm ents.
te resti ng stat ion to listen to. bi c); and
vice also gets direct grants Tuesday . " Israel Mosa ic" This litt le coun try- abou t - 2030 GMT- Disc ussion
from the government. gives the listener interest- t he size of Israel but wit h o f economics by a man .
Kollsrael has a strong sig- ing facts about life in that on ly half as many liste ning to Radio Kuwait
nal into North America With country. " Pop Sound " of- people-has some 15% of is simila r to sticking w ith
fou r 300-kW t ransmitters fers music, and then comes the world's oil reserves Oil Radio Cai ro . Ir s not easy to
aimed at our shores. Broad- " Person ally Speaking," a pays fo r just abou t stay gl ued to the recei ver on
casts in Engl ish can be heard prog ram wit h guest eve ry th ing the re- free stat ions li ke t hese un less
in the morn ings, afternoons, commentators. medica l ca re, edu c atio n, somet hing spec ial is hap-
and evenings. The last is t he Wednesdays . "Israel and socia l security. Best o f pening in the area. Thi s, o f
best t ime for reception, al- Forum" is the big program all , t here are no ta xes! co urse, is very likely th ese
73 MagaZine • June, 1982 67

unti l 1971 anot her reaso n

-c \\'hile it m ay sound rat her
for it s o bscu ri ty. boring, the f act o f the m at-
BeA Better From a broadca sting
st and po int, UAE Radio is a
ter is that th e talks are w ell
t hought out and very well
delive red It is good listen-

Listener. ple a sa nt su rp rise. It has

three 3£Xl.kW tran .. miners
which seem to reac h us her e
ing if you are at all interest-
ed in what is going o n in the
M idd le East
Take command of your in North Americ a ext remelv
~ <:M ­ scanner or s hort wave wel l. Its Engli sh programs Iraq is not a large country
.:oif ' ia ~ receiver. l earn where can be hea rd twi ce daily, at (<1 l ittle bigger than Califor-
to look and when to 0330·-{)357 GM T o n 17.775 nia in si ze and with a popu-
listen with h elp from and 9.590 kHz , and from
MONITORING TIMES . lanon of 12,OOO,(XXl l. but it
1610-1650 GM T o n 21 ,695 is one o f the key nations in
and 17.710 kH z. the area and. u nlike some,
Tune In: • DrugSmuggflng Communicabons After sta t ion ident ifi ca-
t ion by a young lady who
has a pretty good record for
sta b ility. In o t her word s, it s
• Police Action • Space Shuttle support so unds as though she has att it ud es and thinking w ill
been edu cated in l o ndo n, be Im p o rt a n t in fu t ure
• Clandestine Broadcasts • Spy Networks England , UAE Rad io offers developments in the Middle
not the news, as is the u su al Ea st You c an hear Radio
• Military Air-To-Ground • Ship-to-ShoreUnks B aghd ad eve ry day at
sho r t w ave broad c a st in g
...AndMuch.Much More! ••
-i•• techniq ue, but a f eature
story. Recent ly, for example,
it h a d an i n t e r es ti n g
2130-2225 GM T o n 9745
kHz and at O.l<JO-0335 o n
21 .585 kHz .
Published b i-monthly, it's tht>Drily
oroea-soectrum publication written
fo r the "serious listener. II,.
15-m inute tal k o n the hi story
of t he trade of that geo-
The other co unt ries in the
area are an " i ffv" p ropo si-
grap hical area with China
For a FREE sample
issue, please write: " d uring the t ime o f the Cru-
sades. Follow ing this ca me
ti o n as far as reception is
co nce rned. Iran, three t imes
t he size of Iraq in bo th po p-
ten minutes of mu sic -not
ulation and area, ca n often
140 D og S " •.,c h R oa d , 8rasstow". N .C . 2 8 9 0 2 Arabi c mu sic, but th e kind
be heard at 1930-2030 GM T
we hear on US FM " bea un- o n 9022 k Hz . Program s are
fu l music " stat io ns After
not exactl y award winners.
t his ca me the news hut you d o Ret the Iranian
da ys. with the Midd le Ea st m an sav ing, " This is Radio
set to have an e xplos ion o f ledda h. the b roadc asti ng New s is d o ne in BBC point of view .
some kind at any l im e. Thu s. service o f the Kingdom o f stvle . That is, fir st they gi ve
you the head lines, then the Afghan istan ca n usuall y
it makes sense to know Sa ud i Arabia " The program
det ailed stories, and then a be heard at 1900-1930 GMT
w here to find station s like that fol lows is a mixture of o n 1 5,077 -hut not very
Radio Kuwait on your dial M iddle Eastern musi c and repeat of the headlines. You
ca n see the British influence well. Al geria can som et imes
a nd to c heck into th em from talk . the latter pr imarily ex- he heard at 21 £Xl.21 30 GM T
t ime to t ime . pl aimn g po sit ions o n oil in their bro ad c ast ing. W ith
t he excep tion o f Israe l, UA E o n 25 700 or 15.21 5 kH z.
A re al d isap point men t is prices, purc hases o f m odern Some li steners have heard
arms from the U S, e tc. Radio appears to be t he
Saudi Arabia. Here is one of most westernized of all the Lebanon o n 11.790 o r 11860
the la rges t Middle East Aga in, while not the mo st kHz at OnO-03CX) GM T. OX-
entertaining station to l isten Middle East stat io ns,
co unt ries, with a population ers haw caught add it io na l
of 9,2YO.OOO and geogra ph- to, it could be of gre at in - Another pleasant su rp rise Middle last cou ntries, but
ica lly a quar ter t he stze o f terest shou ld som e event in Middlf' East sta t ions is no t w ith pr o gr am s in
the US. l ike Kuwait. It is oil- ta ke place in t hat p art o f Radio Baghd ad from Iraq English
rich Unli ke Kuwait. which the worl d This stat ion also has ve ry
has a literacy rate o f ove r A mu ch m ore intri gui ng good program s, and even H owever, for t hose of you
60% . Saud i Arabia ha s a st at io n to li sten to is UAE th ough it is reported to have who w ant to keep up Wi th
rail' of only 15%, Radio in Dub ai. in t he o n ly a sing le 250-kW trans- w hat is gomg on in that part
Un ited Arab Em irates, Here mitter, It com es in w ith a of the world , you have a
The Sau d is have three is a little co u ntry that I had p re tty st rong signal to North pretty w ide c ho ice o f sta-
sho rtwave t ra nsrrutters c- a never heard of before be- Americ a A typ ical program t ions WIth good signals and
50--, a 1£Xl., and a 35D-kW . comi ng a shortw ave rad io starts w ith 15 minutes o f f a irl y good p ro g ram s -
I hev shoul d spend ,) coup le li stener It has a popul ation news followed by abou t fi ve I srael , Egypt, UA E Rad io,
o f b uck s and buy more o r of le ss than a million people m inutes o f mu si c (A rab Kuwai t, a n d Ir aq , Thi s
better ant' s Recepti on is not and IS ro ughly the Sill" of stvle). Next co m es <1 five- asso rt m ent gives you a good
vcrv go od here in the US, Maine, However, oil rev- minute editoria l (perhaps o n balance o f opinions. A f ter a
Lh e v br oa d c a s t fr om enues give the U A E one of the war wi t h Iran and why few months o f listening to
1800·2100 GMT on 11 8 56 or t he highest per ca pi ta gross they are f ight ing ), fol lowed this array of programs, you' ll
72 10 k Hz na tio nal produ cts In t he by mo re mu si c T he n be t he best-in formed guy or
When you do tu ne t hem w or ld Thi s little cou ntry a noth e r t alk a n d m ore girl on the bloc k about the
in, th e program sta rts With a wa s a Brit ish protectorate rnu src. MiddlL' East. _
68 73 Magazine · June. 1982

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.......0-.. •
e 1 LOWELL AD•• HUDSON, N.H. 0 3051
TEL: (eo31 88 3· 5005

73 Mag azine · June, 1982 71



"BASIC" COMPUTER LANGUAGE - Write and load programs in easy to use
Enter, store, replay, delete etc. individual
messages remotely.
Did you work him or not? When? etc. or use for
personal station log.
Create perfect message quality text with
editing capabil ities.
Never lose your MAILBOX, station LOG, DUPE
sheet or program. 24K = 24576 characters.

- The most complete communications system available today

(or for years to come!)

With the addition of this one internal multl·function board and

basic module to your ATR·6800, ALL of the above features are
available, as well as the superior RTIY/CW performance in
one attractive Rf'1 PROOF package.

Factory installed for $599, contact us for

scheduling at 18713 Mooney Dr., Gaithers·
burg, Md. 20879. Tel. 301·258·8400.
ATR·6800 with 9" video $2,495. _'" MICROLOG
72 73 Magazine. June, 1982
MFJ CW/SSB/Notch Filters
MFJ·722 ALL MODE audio filter for CW I SS B has
tunable 70 dB notch , no ring 80 Hz CW bandwidth , steep
SSB skirts (18 poles total ),2 watts for speaker plus more.

I ...,.,...,
All mode versa tility:
r azor sharp C W and s teep -skir ted
SSB filter ing wi th tu nable notch
i eliminates Q RM .


.. $ 95
New 5th edition by Perry Ferrell
Bigger a nd better th an th e w o r ld- New super-selective filter. The new MFJ-722 Versatile. all models plug into the phone Jack,
acclaimed 4t h editi on, thi s new book "Optimi zer" oilers razor sharp. no ring CW prov ide 2 watts for speaker or can De used With
has 30% more stati o ns listed , more than reeoonooes Al l require 9·18 VDC or 110 VAC With
7500 operati ng bet wee n the interna- fil tering wilh swrrcn-seiectatse band widt hs (80.
110.150. 180 Hz centered on 750 HZ). steep-skirted ooucrar adapter. MFJ- 131 2. $9 95
ti ona l broad cast ing and amateur rad io
bands. spanni ng 4-28 MHz . Listings by SSB tiltering. aM a 3OO.3OOJ Hz tunabte 70 dB Order lrom MFJ and t~ n- ne obligation It
both frequency a nd ca llsi g n ref lect notch tiller wllh aorcstaore tanownnn. not delighted. return It Within 30 days fOf leluno
present and post-WARC assign me nts. rte s-pere 14 stage I active Ie uner gives CW per- {less shlPPlngl. One ear unconditional uarantee
Complete list of Coastal CW stati o ns temance no tunable utter can match (80 Hz band- Order loday , an 1001 Ifee 800-647,1800 Charge
p lus Embassy. Aero nautical, Milita ry. wlllth gives -60 OS recoese one octave !rom center VISA. Me Of mall check. money croer tor amount
e-o up to 15 11 B nose rOOocllon) The 8 pole SSB Indicatedcrus $4 00 each shlppll"IlJ and handlmg
Time Sigs. Feeders. VOL MET. FAX. IN-
TER POL , etc . New d eta ils on seneca.
eme rgency channels. alterna tes. and
eoorc tlalld wlom IS ooumeeo for reouceo sideband
splatter and less DR M 1375 Hz mqncass cu tcu
EnlOY improved readability, order now. a:J:D
, I • I
never-betora-pubnshed IDs. plus selectable Icrwpass cutotts at 25. 2.0 and
In USA : $9.95 Book Ma il , o r $12.00 UPS. 1 5 KHl . 36 oa/cctave rollotfl. Measures s...Z.6· · call tiOt·32J·:xIb!l In \ \155 onnoe cunllllenLd,
Outside USA : Book Ma il US$l1 .OO. m.

New Model MFJ • 1$49.951. IS Similar to the USA or for tecnocar Into. ccer / recav status
Overseas Airma i l: US$ 14 .oo + US$3.3O m outts fOf CWo Has a 60 dB notcn tunable
Reg istratio n to assure deli very.
DEPT. 738. BOll 2'39. PARK RIDGE NJ 071se
from 300 to 1200 Hl . Measures 4xZ.6·'.
Other models: MFJ - 721 . 159.95 Like 722. less M ENTERPRISES,
notch. MFJ · no, SJ995. Lrs e 723. less notch. t BOl 494 , MISSISSIPPI STATE , MS 39762 .... 1

ASSOCIATED RADIO 913-381 -5900

8012 CONSER BOX 4 3 27


All Brands New & Reconditioned


~. VISA '
John H. Klingelhoeffer WB4LNM
2608 Vantage Cove
Annapolis MD 21401

Are You Ready for 900 MHz~

Thi s art ic le Is based on a paper given at the 27th Annual VHF Conference , Western Michigan University, Oct. 17, 1981, Kala mazoo MI.

S ince the proposa l and

decision to allocate the
902-928-MHz segment of
Warning: The 915-M Hz
freq uency was o r iginally
chosen f or its heat ing ef-
iects such as t rees and eart h
w il l be greate r than on 450
M Hz. neces sitat ing in -
words duri ng transmissio ns
w ill, at 900 M Hz, add a low-
f requency buzz to demod u-
the UHF spectrum to the f ect s on subs t ances with creased effective rad iated lated audio. At speeds o f 30
Amateur Service; ' V HFI high wa ter conte nt such as power. Ho wever, in urban to 60 m iles per hour, the fre-
UHF enthusiasts and experi- f ood and, unfortunately , areas, because of the much quency of t his tone will be
me nters have wonde red huma n flesh! sho rte r wave leng th , it s app roximately 80 to 160 Hz
how best to util ize t his new Th e ISM servic e w i l l spec ular refl ect io n al lows for a t ransm ission frequen-
reso urc e and what equip- share t he new amateu r allo- much bette r coverage in c y of 915 MHz. Although
me nt wou ld be needed to cation o n a seco ndary, non- areas fores ted by tal l build- t his is not a prob lem fo r
communicate efficient ly on inte rfe rence basis as t he ings and t unnel structures.' voice intelligibility (it can
it. This artic le will address pr oposal s now st and. Bot h M uch researc h has al- be f iltered out by appropri-
t hose topics and wi ll pro- se rv ices w ill share the ba nd ready been accompli shed ate audio high-p ass fi lter-
pose a b and pla n for t he w it h Govern me nt Radi ol o- by t he commercia l commu- ing). it does cause the pres-
amateu r community based cat ion (rada r), whic h w il l nit y in its quest to prolifer- ent conti nuous tone sub-
on experience with other have pri mary sta tus (t his is ate the ce l lu lar mo bil e ra- audib le sq u elc h (CTSS),
V HF/UHF bands and prov- the case in m any UH F/mi- d iote le phone services into kno w n more popula rly by
en rad io-f requency desig n crow ave amateur b and s). In t he 825-to-890-M Hz area. it s trade name , Private
techniques. addit ion, other restricti on s Severa l exce llent art icles Line.' to malfunctio n by un-
provide t hat t he new band have ap peared document- squelchi ng a receiver when
wil l not be ava ilab le to the ing extensive tests that have there is actual ly no t rans-
Am ateur Satel lite Service been per fo rmed in a var iety mi tt ed CTSS tone. Thus, dif-
Recent use of t he fre- and that it m ay be suscepti- of areas (mostly metropo li- fe rent selective-signali ng
q ue ncy spectrum from bl e to in terferenc e by A uto- ta n) aro un d t h e United met hods , pe r hap s to ne
902-928 M Hz in the Un ited ma tic Ve hic le M on it ori ng States.t-?-' The operational bu rst or dig ital squelc h
States has been for rad io- (AV M) sys te ms p en d i ng characteristics of amate ur com posed o f a short du ra-
f requency heati ng, i.e., t he cons ideration by the Feder- mobile FM voice should t ion seria l-bit stream at the
Indu st r ial , Scientif ic and al Co m mu nicat io ns Com- para l lel t hese results quite begi nn ing of eac h t ransm is-
Medical (I SM ) service , Early mission. ' closely. sio n. woul d be requi red for
comme rcial and consu me r O ne area of concern in reli able operation .
m icrowave ovens used thi s using t he new 33-cent ime-
wave length, althoug h m ost Propagation t er band for m obil e com- Hardware
now have changed to 2450 The new UHF allocation m un ic ation is the rat e of Equip ment for com m u-
M Hz f or im proved perfo r- has shown in com me rcia l signa l c ance llation and ad- nic ating at 900 MH z is an-
m ance at t his higher tre- land mo bil e tests t hat it be- d iti on (mobi le fl utter ). At other area where t he com-
q uencv.' Most ISM heat ing haves much as expected - two meter s, the same phe- m erc ial com mu nicatio ns
devices (typ ica lly magne- atte nuat io n by nat ural ob- nomenon t hat causes lost se rvices are helpi ng al most
tro ns) are tu ned to a ce nter as m u ch as w hen t hey
frequency of 915 M Hz and, 902.0 MHz-CW/SSB d um ped t housa nd s of o ld
wit h the ir pulsed power op- 902.6 MHz - FM volce/RPT VHF high-b and transce iv-
eration. generate consider- (mobile receive, RPT transmit) ers on the amateur m arket
able amounts of energy in 906.0 MHz-ATV Channel A
in t he lat e 1960s. A lt ho ug h
912.0 MHz-ATV Channel B
t he fo rm of side bands . it will be ma ny yea rs be-
918.0 MHz -ATV Channel C
Thu s, guard bands of plus fore the new cellu lar rad ios
924.0 MHz- FM voice/RPT
and mi nus 13 megahertz (mobile transmit, RPT receive) w i ll be ava ilable as surp lus,
about t he ce nter frequency 927.4 MHz, the components and tec h-
were adopted to minimize 928.0 MHz - Control Links, Packet Tran smissi ons nol ogy used in these t ra ns-
interference w ith services ce ivers wi ll be produced in
in immed iate ly adjacent al- The band plan proposed by W B4LNM in October, 1981, for mass qu antities f o r t he
locations. 902-928 M Hz. ma ny tens of t housands o f
74 73Magazine. June, 1982
WACOM M FJ I Bencher Keyer Combo
Deluxe MFJ Keyer fits on Bencher Paddle. Curtis 8044
IC. Iambic. Adjustable weight, tone, volume, speed.
Semi and automatic modes. Solid state keying. RF proof.

MFJ-422 MFJ-422X
Combo K ever onl y
The bes t of all CW world s· a deluxe MFJ «ever The Bencher Paddle is a bes t se ller . Fully ac-
in a compact configura tion that fits right on the justable qclu-plaled silver contacts . lucile padd les ,
Bencher iambic pacdle ! You can buy the combina - chrome plated brass. heavy stee l base with
tion or just the keyer for your Bencher. nco-sun teet .
New MFJ Keyer - smali in sue . big in feat ures, li rder from MFJ and trv it - no obligation. II
Curtis 8044 IC, adjustable weight and tone , not delighted , return it wi thin 30 days for retune
fron t pa lei vcrume and speed con trols (8,50 wpm), (less shipping) One year unconditional guarantee.
Built-in dot-dash memories , Speaker, soe tone . and Order today. ramon free 8OO·f)47·1BQCf" Charge
push button se lection of semi-au tomatic/tune or VISA, Me or mail chec k. money order for amount
automatrc modes. indica ted plus $4.00 each shipping and hand ling .
Ultra-reliable solid stale keying : oto-oroce. EnjOy CWo See dealer or call MFJ now.
cathode and solid stale transmitters (-300 V. 10 mA
max" +300 V. 100 mA max l. Fully shielded.
Uses 9 V battery or 110 VAC with optional adap ter.
MFJ 131 2. S995
Beautiful fun ctional enginellring . The keyer
mounts on tne paddle base to torm a small
(41/8 x 2 5/8 x 5 1/ 2"') attractive combination
that is a pleasure to look at and use ..- 47
494, Mis sis siPPI Sta te, M S 39762

73 M ag az in e • June.1 982 75
mob ile radiote leph one does it loo k like to the cir- a c curate) co uld be used a s growth mode is that of fa st-
users that are expected to cuit? " At this frequency, a a refe rence to whic h the scan te lev isio n and com-
populate t he adja cent one-eighth-inch le ad of #22 mob ile transmitter could be puter-generated video. On
commerc ia l band in the AWe wire o n a 27o-picofa r- frequ e ncy-locked. Si nce the 70-centimeter band, the
next few yea rs , Sev eral a d dis c capacitor e xhibits t he vast majority of ve hicu- wide, buzzing video car-
se m ico nd uc to r manuf ac- a n inductive re a c t a nc e lar operation on t his band riers a re no t well received
turers a lre a d y are pro duc- la rge r than the capa citive will m o st certain ly be tied (more accurately, not wel-
ing com po ne nts th at will reactance of the capacitor. to repeater systems, this come) near the weak-signal
work well in a ma te u r tran s- Th us, th e ca pac ito r at this method re p resen ts a very satellite downlink sub ba nd
ceive rs."":" fre que ncy is a ctually acting cost-e ffective solution . The fro m 4 35-438 MHz . Th is has
For those wh o don't want a s an inductor. ba nd plan suggested la te r prompted ATV, in seve ral
to build down to th e ba sics, Chip capacitors, capaci- in this article was d e ve l- me tro pol ita n areas of the
there are a lso hybrid power- tors with no leads at a ll, a re oped with this concept in co u nt ry, to move to 23 em
amp lifier modules tha t re- frequent ly used where this m ind . in search of usab le spe c-
quire little more than appli- effect becomes a problem . Another positive aspect trum . Ho weve r, the expect-
cat ion o f proper dri ve sig- Although they a re re ason- of a fu ll duplex system is ed allocation of 1260-1270
nal s, po we r-su p p ly volt- ably expensive, their price that it will allow the opera- MHz to the amateur satel -
ages, and heat sinking." can be expected to de- tor to gain im m e d ia t e lite service, 1 coupled with
The se would be suita ble fo r c rease since the production know ledge of how well he the re ce nt re m o va l of ama-
FM, PM, or CW operati on s, process for manufacturi ng is communicating w ith the teur operating privileges
and req uire only 250 mil li- them is automated and they ret ra nsmis s ion site, be- from 1215 to 1240 MHz for
watts of inp ut e ne rgy for 7.5 a re now being used in the ca use he wil l be able to li s- mil itary navigational sate l-
or 20 Watts outpu t. co m p ute r ind ustry to help ten to h is own signa l a s it is lite syste m s (NAVST AR,
Receiver design s will be digita l device s comply with ret ra nsmitted (perhaps at GP SSV as wel l a s the diffi-
of the sa me genera l supe r- st ringe nt new ra di o fre - reduced volume in the re- culty of generating healthy
heterod yne style we are a c- quency inte rfe re nce regu la- ce ive r to p reve nt aud io amounts of power at 23 ern .
customed to, but with sig- tion s. feedback ). makes this band less than
nific ant difference s in the One of t he toug hest Anten nas for the 33-cm desirable for fa st-scan tele-
co nst ruct io n o f the rf am- p roblem s to tackle wi ll be band will be smal l e nough VI Sion .
plifi e r a n d f irst mixer that of freque ncy sta bility, to be built eas ily with sim- I am proposing, there-
stages. To e nha nce se le ct iv- especially in mobi le and ple ha nd tools and mo unt- fo re , that three 6-MHz-wid e
ity, sma ll cav ity resonators portable equipment. Co n- ed on ma sts no la rge r than st a nd a rd video channel s
o r helic al reson ators wi ll be sider a typical transmitter sma ll television a ntennas . A
(w ith multiplexed FM voic e
used for the ir low-los s char- c r y s t a l of frequen cy fou rteen-element paras itic
if des ired) be ce nte re d in
a cteri sti cs a nd th ei r physi- 33.4074 MH z (902 MHz d i- vagi-uda a rray, whic h mag-
the proposed ba nd plan,
cal size, whi ch will reac h vided by 27), with a toler- nifies a transmitte r's power
Since these three cha n nels
manageable proportion s at an ce of 0001 % over t he ex- 16 tim es, occupies a space
wou ld be broad cast stan-
th is wavel ength, G a llium t rem es of tempe ratu re, of on ly 6.5 by 28.5 inc hes.
dard video form at and fre -
a rse n id e field -effec t tran sis- sho ck, and voltage . This Corner reflectors , which
quency spa c ing, on ly one
tors, onc e e xpe ns ive d e- c rysta l could exhibit a drift ha ve never been widely
loca l o sc illator per down-
v ices for co m m e rci a l and of 9 kHz at 902 MHz and used by amateurs at lower
converter would be ne ed ed
mi litar y systems, will be still be within spec ification. frequencie s, are easi ly co n-
to mix a ll three down to
emp lo yed t o minimize If the new amateur band struc ted and offer a decent
contiguou s VHF o r UHF
noi se figu res wh en used were to follow the norma l amount of gai n and fai rly
broadcast c hannel s fo r di s-
ahe ad of Scho tt ky diode 25 -k Hz channel spacing wide bandwidth . O f cou rse,
play o n a sta nd a rd unmodi-
do ub le- ba la nc e d m ixe rs and 1 3-kHz o cc u pied band - for t hose who can afford
fied telev ision receiver ,
known for their inherent ex- width used on 450 MHz, it is the price (a nd hav e no
c e ll ent w id e dyn amic obvious that the communi- ne ighbors), a four-meter d i- For the FM crowd, the
range. The cost o f th ese cations system would suffe r ameter parabolic di sh gives band plan p roposes 1 28
mi xer s c o nt in ues to d e- great degradation in both about 27 dB gain and can new FM chann e l pa irs
c rease as they ar e used in ad ja cent channe l se le ct ivi- be used o n the h ighe r m i- spaced at 25 kHz , with the
more a nd more co mm un i- ty and demodulation di stor- crowave bands as wel l. transmi ssion and reception
c at io n sys t e ms. Se ve ra l tion if thi s c rysta l were frequency d iffe re nc e (sp lit)
m anufacturers a lre a dy o f- used . Using It
at 21.4 MHz . This would a l-
fer , in sma ll qu antitie s, pre- Seve ral inge nio us ideas Many different idea s, low use of re lat ive ly inex-
a ssem bled m ixer m odule s have been proposed to alle- a mateu r co nve ntio ns, and pen sive monol ithi c c rystal
th at work to 1 GH z fo r un - v iate thi s stability problem , technological factors were filter s at an inte rm ed ia te
der te n d o lla rs. or at le ast to t ra nsfe r the co nsidered when attempt- frequency of 21.4 MHz and
Build ing at 900 MHz will problem to a station capa- ing to formulate a ban d the fre qu e nc y-lo ck ing o f
introduce th e newcomer to ble of mainta ining an accu- plan that wou ld serve all transmitters to re ce ive d pi-
a di fferent att it ude towa rd rate frequency standard . I J the needs of the a mateur lot ca rriers from repeaters.
the compo ne nts he uses , If the mobile transmitters fr a ter nity, The followi ng Although this is an extre me-
The rule s here are, " the on- were designed to operate in plan is the d ist il la te of ly low first i-f for a radio of
ly good lead s a re no le a d s," fu ll duplex mode, the signa l those co mponents . this type, a judicious mix of
a nd, "it may look like a ca- received from the repeater One a spe ct of the ho b by imag e -cancelli ng mixer
pacitor to yo u but wh at (ass um ed to be stable and that a ppears to be in a technology and low-lo ss
76 73 Magazine. June, 1982
WORLD TIME NEW MFJ-312 VHF Converter lets you
the first microprocessor watch HEAR POLICE/FIRE CALLS
and Weather Band on 2 meter rigs. Covers nearly all FCC
made especially for hams
allocated police/fire VHF-hi freq. (154-158 MHz). Direct freq.
readout on synthesized, VFD 144-148 MHz FM rigs.
24 hr. timer Scanning r igs become
Now wilh weather band coverage! policelfire scanner.
water resistant - D i r ect f req . readout on
s y n thesiz e d a n d liFO r igs.

solar assist
New Low Price
$ 95
Hear exciling policellire calls, weather band.
maritime costal and more on your 2 meter rigl
~ Onn LED. 9- 18 VOC. SO-239. Mtg bkt. 3x4x1".
MFJ·311, $49.95. like MFJ-31 2 less WX bard.
Scanning rigs become police/lire scanner Order from MFJ and try it - no obligation. If
The HAM -l fu nct ions incl ude local time, This ingenious MFJ VHF Converter turn s your not delighted . return it within 30 days for refund
wo rld t ime, (G.M.T. tool co u nt-up and synthesized or VFO 144-148 MHz FM rig into a (less shipping)_ One year unconditional guarantee.
co unt down chro no meter, day, month, hot couce'nre receiver (154- 158 MHz) with direct llnler today. Call loll free 800-647·1800_ Charge
date , alarm and hourly chime. It's id ea l VISA, MC or mail check. money order lor $59.95
for log -keeping. OX time conversion and
frequency readout on your rig_
Rec ei ve weather plus more on 160-1 64 MHz. lor MFJ-312. $49.95 for MFJ- 311 plus $4.00
10 m inu te 1.0. timing. The HAM-' tee-
tures a h igh contrast Seiko display and Feedlhru allows simultaneous scanning of both each shipping/handlir.g.
so la r cell battery assist. Battery lif e is 2 meters and policelfi re band. No missed caus. Enjoy exciting police and lite calls, order now.
better than 4 years. T he HAM· l is water EnjOY all benefit s of your rig such as squ elch, t ; I I
resistant to 20 meters, the case is 100% excellent sensitivity, selectivity. stability, limiting,
sol id stain less steel and the crystal is Call 601 -323-58 69 lor technical mtcrmation, or-
AM rejection. For handhelds..J.Q1, der/repair status. Also call 601-323·5869 outside
scratc h resistant minera l glass. The HAM-
Two MOSFETS (tuned RF amp, mixer), bipolar

1 is rugged and durable and has a 1 year continental USA and in Mississippi. .... 47
crystal oscillator gi ves excellent performance

M ~
warranty .
Bypass/oft switch allows tran smitting. Won't
2 METER AMPLIFIER burn out if you transrntt (up to 25 watts) with ...." INCORPORATED
$39.95 con verter on. low insertion SWR. Box 494, Mississ ippi Sta te. MS 39762

. 2 Watts In, 10 Watts Out . V.S.W.A.

Protected - Can be Used for F.M. & 5.5.
B. • Led Status Ind icato rs· L ow Loss
50-239 Connectors . Curren t Drain Less
Tha n 2.5A at 13.6 V.D.C. • Massive
Heatsink - Bu il t I n T/R Switch
Upgrade your early Tempo 5· 1 to cur-
rent Production Specifications, kits
includ e: _ 450 M .A. H . Battery Pack
_ New Case Assembly _ All New Es-
cutcheons _ Spkr.lMic. Jack w/Dust
Cap _ New Earphone & Jack _ P.C.B.
and Parts for Easy Installat io n _ Detail ed
Instru cti o n Manual _ For Rad ios With &
Without T .T. Pad.
Other Accessories Available :
Spkr /M ic . Designed for 5-1'so $24.95
Heavy Duty Belt Clip . . 7.50
Flex A ntenna . _ . 6.00
To Ord er Call or Write to :
24 11 Lincoln Ave nue ..- «6
Bel mo nt , CA. 94002 U .S.A.
(4 151595·3949
Add $3 .00 per order for shipping &
handlmg. California residen ts add 6%
sales tax . V isa, Master Charge accepted.

.... See Lis ' of Advertisers on pa ge 114 73 Magaz ine • Ju ne,1982 77

front-end filte ring will pro- for weak-signal modes. SSB. ph as is has bee n plac ed o n Barton, G. A. Wagner, Communi·
vide good image rejection and CW, as is co m mon o n th e need for fast-scan tele- ca tions Magazine , March·Aprll,
a nd sensitivity. the lo we r VHF and UHF visio n t ra nsm issio n spec- 1974.
The portable equipment bands. This ~kHz swath trum since it appears that 6. "$orne Characteristics o f Mo-
bile Aadio Propagat ion at 836
receive band is placed at allows for many 3·kHz side- ATV mode has be e n
MHz in th e Philadelph ia Area,"
the low end of the new band voice channels for tro- nudged out of o the r re-
O. M. Bla ck, O. O. Aed ud ink,
spectrum. causing the im- posphenc-scatter, mo on- g ions of the amateur spec- IEEE Transactions on Vehicular
age frequencies to be bounce. and meteor-scatter trum . It is hoped that the Technolog y, May, 1972.
thrown into the avion ics experiments. Initial e xperi- d iscu ssion o f the new UHF 7. " Examinatio n of the Feasibil-
(DME. TACAN) band in- ments may be ca rrie d o ut band w ill ent ice you to ity of Convent ional Land M obile
stead of the new cellular re- with little more than a re- buil d or buy equ ipment Operation at 950 MHz," FCC Re-
diotelephone band . Since turned 451·451 .30·MHz and operate th is frequen cy search Division Report R·7120.
the smaller mo b ile trans- commercial FM transceiver range no matter what your 8. Private Line: reg istered trace-
ceivers have le ss room for d riving a varactor doubler special inte re st is. With 26 mark of M otorola ccmmumca-
c avity filters. that can be fo r CW tra nsmission . From MHz of spectrum . there is t lons Products, Inc ., Schaum-
burg, Ill inois.
implemented more e asi ly in past experie nce with both room for everybody!.
9. " Af Se lector Gu ide and Cross
fixed- retransmis sio n sites . listen ing a nd operating o n
Beterence," Motorola Semlcon-
The ATV repeate r-output t he other bands above 30 Relerences ductor Products, rn c., Phoenix,
spectrum is a lso lo c ated at MHz, this will provide plen- 1. Proceedings 01 the 1979 Ar izona.
the same e nd of the band as ty of weak-signal spectrum World Administrat ive Aad lo 10. " Af Commun icat ions Prod-
the FM voice re pe ate r so space fo r the foreseeable Conference. ucts," TAW AF Sem iconduc-
that the two types of re- future . 2. " M icrowave Ovens - Revclu - t ors, Lawndale, centcmte.
peaters can be easi ly co-lo- t lon In Cooking," O. R. McCon· 11 . Data Sheets , communlce-
cated . Po int-to-po int ser- Conclusio n nell, Electronics World , Au g ust, ucns Transistor Corporation,
vice for low-band repeater Te chniques and equ ip- 1970. tnc., San Ca rlos, California.
linking . packet-tra nsm is· 3. " Happenings" column, W . O. 12. Data Sh e e ts MHW8 20,
ment for the new am ateur
Clift, OST, September, 1981. MHW808, Motorola Semicon-
sion techniq ues, and radio- band from 902·92 6 MHz 4. Microwave Mobile communi- ductor Products, Inc ., Phoenix,
command systems would have been d iscussed . A ce tions , W . C. Jakes , Jr., W iley' Arizo na .
be placed at the high end of band p lan wh ich tries to tnter s c ten ce . 1974 . I S B N 13. " 'Loglcal' Design Betaxee
the band . serve all users in the ama- (}.4 71-43720-4. To ugh Cry stal Standards." S. J.
Space has been reserved teur commun ity has been 5. "What Happens When 900 Lipoff, Microwave s Magazine,
at the lower end of the band proposed . Part icu lar em- MHz Takes to the HillS," F. A. Au g ust , 19n.

appcz' + TRs-ac'
TUI M'''AU. • •
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' '9O' . ,~ m
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15 Day M o nt!y B.ICk Trial P eriod TO OROER (209) 634-8888 or 667-2888

011 Fa ctor y Direct Order s w" a,,, u per",neinll t"l"p~on. d,H,cull'. " _ PI""... ~ ""P tr"nll
·TRS·SO is a Rag,sla 'lld Ttldftma, ' 01 T."", Co, p
APOle is . Aag'St. '1Id Tf' ''''''''' ' of App", CompuI", Inc
1 .,. . Pans & l.bo' · L,m,'Ml W. " enty

--The communications terminal that does it all!

78 73Ma9azine . June, 1982
Lets you adjust your antenna quickly for maxi-
mum performance. Measure resonant frequency,
radiation resistance and reactance. ExclusivQ range
extender and ex[!anded capacitance range gives
you much extended measuring range.
"THE PROFESSIONAL TOUCH • Exclusive range extender • ~pa!lde.d.
COMES TO AMA'l'EUB RADIOI" capacitance range • Series Bridge

$ 95
"'W;5 8ulOmo.uca.lly PI'OVld • • ,,,nUl hlP> rr<>-
quancy bee p at ~h. be«:m n LrlI!l at ....,h I.MI.llIIm lA-
IIIOn .... (I 1 low beep at u.een<l VIrl.U&!ly ..1Im1-
" " - ·· l.O.lk -over"! ()ptI...... for u p \0 One y ....

- --
on & lingle 9-'0' baWl.,. ( nol .... ppllOod l. C&n boo
d~ m ",rf"""" "" IUlJ' ~ ..... .. luch ...
ke 7"d by gmundlf\ll u.. P'M' I1ne 1\M P'M' l1ne
-.oIlai<' m UlA be _ ,1.1.....
nol U - - U'>An 24
Order from MFJ and try it - no obligation. II
VDC . ..... lhOt CUM"Ml1 ~ U\.Ul 100 IN.I
Woru w ,U'I ~ IJ All
_ Lt. no w yOU
can han Il'"
,.... YOU' "
f llis MFJ·202 RF Nilise Bridge lets you qUICkly
adjust yoof single Of mulbband dipole. Inverted
110I delighted, return it within 30 days tor a relund
(less shipping). Tltls br!dQe IS unconditionally
Vee. beam. vertical, mobile whip or random guaranteed lor one 'tU!:-
system lor maomum per1ormance.
"ADD THE BEEP!" Tels ~ sonant frequency and whether to shorten
To orde" slmply cal us toI tree 800·641·1800
and charge it on your VISA or MasteICharge or
or lengthen your antenna l or minimum SWR over mail us a check or money order lor $59,95 plus
·· HP 3A Chm....., Wllll ........ C*I:1le.
St.I1ndllrd 4-pln ~ any ccncn oj a band. $4.00 lor shipping and handling lor MFJ·202.
Hp·3H ...... l:>ove""""I'"'
W1UlOut MFJ's neillsi,e range nlender, expanded ca Put thi s MFJ Noise Bridge to work improving
w~'t<1!"!l . Add yout' OWl1 M .Mpp pacttance range ( ± 150 pi) gives unparalleled im- your anlenna. Order from MFJ or see dealer.
IIp·X CIrowt- boo.l'd ""!"!li on fo r pedance measurements, 1 to 100 MHz. Simple to
eus!.l, m tn.lB lIa'lOn IlUl8pp I ; , I
All unItB """"",blfod .' ~ OH .-Id8f1lB
use , Comprehensive computer proven manual.
add6% ..... Tu' · Walts with any IIcelver or transceiver. 50·239 Call 601·323-5869 lor technical inform ation. or-
connec tors. 2 x 3 x 4 «cres. 9 volt battery. der/repair status. Also call 601 ·323·5869 ou tside
Other uses: tune nansmatcn; adjust tuned ce. continental USA and in Mississippi.
CUits: measure inductance, RF impedance of ampli-
fiers, caters. transformers; electrcat length, velo-
city tecto-, impedance of coax: synthesize RF im-
-=' •
pedances with transmatch and dummy load. Box 49 4, Mississippi 518te, M5 39762
*.*.* ••••••• ** ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••*••••••••••••••••••**.*****.*****
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POWER TRAN SFORME R P.C. BOARD 4 Prewcund chokes
SPECIAL $49.95 1 Electrolyti c Ca p.
FIN E TU NE POT, KNOB 1 Pre Made Probe
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BUILT POWER SUPPlY $34.95 No M.. ." . 10 '
Quanl' lv O,oeouft!
We will tune ccnver- We • •11 KU~ to llKl calll tor onl_ on" on V'1Ia and MU lt< Canl
ter board for $12.50
trouble shoot
add _ 7.SO
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To Ord •• Call ! ·311 ,25S,1116-fo. info.maho" call 311-291-1262
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NOVAX interfaces your stand ard 2 meter; 220 : 450: etc. base staeoo and DTMF
Al l p"cel lob HouIl..... U OIpI wt>.... ,ndou " ,d PrICeS
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1Ub(e<t to "'-n.ge W1lhovt notOOl. • Il,teml llu.'.nleed can direct dla l from your automobile or With the HT from the backyard or poolside
Some " _ 'uiJIKllltlOt ..... Te,...' ' -nt l .ad 6'110
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80 73 Magazine . June, 1982

(305) 294·2033
v", ~ CW Computer Interface
Connects computer 10 transceiver. Converts received audio
!,IOOH BANOS LOTH to TTl/RS·232. Allows computer to key transmitter. For
TSl ~ o 80 40 18
1SL ( 0 21) ( 0 20 . t ~ 40
use with your computer and CW Keyboard/Reader program.
Sl8010 80 40.lO 15 '
.-- SS99 5 Allows your rig to
15, '0
Sll60 160 130 ' 13695 " talk CW" to your
SL eo 80 1>3 SH 95
computer and vice versa.
S l 40 401 $ 33 13495
-- - -Oc-.-
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FP O 8010 80 40. 20 "r~
'S 10
F P C 401 0 40 :10' 5' 0 63 S" 95
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"' DOL • ..
FOld5 10 5' "a ckag. No A. d ,a ls R.quu.d
FuliV A ••embled Full le ga l lim,. " VS W A A personal computer With an appropriate aluminum cabinet Requires 6·9 VAC or 110 VAC
MO DEl BA NOS HGH T PAIC E program can give you a complete and very vet- with optional AC adapter. MFJ·1309AC, $9 9S
PV 80. 0 80 . 0 13' S599 5
same CW Keyboa rd/Reader. But you still need Order Irom MFJ and try it - no obligation, 11
interl ac e etecfronics to pr ovide compatible signal s not delighted. return it within 30 days tor retund
between your transceiver and computer. (less shlpprng). One yea r unconditi onal guaran tee.
V HiO 11>080 .0.10, 23 5399~
I ~ 10.6
The MFJ·1200 CW Compu ter Interface pro- Order today. call toll 'fee 8006471800. Charge
V 80 80 .• 0.20 23 531 9~ cesses (nor se limits, brters. de tects, post hlters. VISA, MC or mail check, money order l or 569 9 ~
1 ~ .1 06
V.O .0 1O. 1 ~ 1 06 23 53 ~9~
shapes, level shilts) the received CW audio lrom l or Mf J·1 200 piuS $4,00 Sh!pprng and handhrog
your transceiver to provide a clean compu1tf Use this MFJ·1200 to enjoy your computer as
compatible TIL or RS 232 level, a CW Keyboard/Reader cau MFJ or see drMler
2 EI n h _ J Bi nds Compl. '. Sl19 9 ~
It ane takes the keyboa rd generated CW I ~ , ::l ; I I
CH, pI OIllSH lp GOTHA ... BEA "" S
fun 5" . Compl. 1. 110m $79 9~
(TIL or RS-232 output levels) !Tom your computer
carl flOl 323 !l869 lor techrncal InlormallOl'l. 01·
DEALER "~OUIRI£$I N VItED and drives high voltage keYing circuits to key
der/repalr status. Also call 601 ·323 586q out<;M!e
CAU O R SEIIlD LARGE SASE f OR C AU your tube or solid state transmlltef (·300 V.
COl'lllfleotil USA and in MiSSISSIPPI. ... . ,
l OG S lI'~' ''9 D,poln ' V.rl 'eaIS 10 rnA ma x; + 300 V. 100 rn A max).

S2 l.O USA sr 00 Ca nl "a: S5 .00 fPC . APO
B. am s' OUI"SSh,pp." UPS or Ff• .."hl Has tuning. transmit. and MON" LEOs. Reverse ENTERPRISES,
Con.c l f lllckl. ' .SI I.sTa , normal SWi tch mverts output level to com pu ter, INCORPORATED
141 5 First St. . Key West, FL 33040 ON/OFF switch. 6x Ptox3 m Black, eggshell white Box 494. M iss issippi Sta le. M S 39 762

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PO..... ER
590 S N Y D ER A VE. PH O N E 215-436·6051

73Maga zin e • J u ne . 1982 81

Model 90PL
• FREQUENCY, ang. lU · I.S MHz
• OPERATION FM or SSB ItomplolOly Ilno' r! CI... ASl
• RF DRIV E 1 1. 30 w.m

KEYING RF 3Cl".10d W1 ln ~"g h qu ol,ly " '.yl
SSB o"".Mn buill in de lo,
• POWER REQ UIREMENT S l,p"al 10 w. ll. d"••. 13 amp. 01 13 S VOC
• IDLE 'urronl 20 mIll •
....n 38v DC • MOBI LE Or fiXED oplt.toon
• PREAMP ISOS ~ IU" minimum

$119.95 .-
.' •

NOISE FIG URE 1m than I 5 OS
PREAM P KEYIN G "'dopendent - . ep.moly Rf .<:l..atad "lay.
CON STRUCTION ..... p .r""no .iumlnum hUI '<Ilk 2 p'.,••
360 d. grl l. , ""long
•• • SIZE )"Iwi • 5"101 • 3" lhl - WEIGHT 3 lb. 9 0..
Features: Model TE·464 • IMME OIATE SHIP ME NT
• tree CW signa l reproduclion -Sing lesignal recaJ>-
l ion
• Removes all a RM and QAN
• Digs out CW signa l. decod es ,1 w,th Phased Lock Matching Power Supply
Loop Tone Dec od er then reprod uc es it w,t h ful l r
operator contror ever Gam, Freq , To ne. Delay 16 AMP SUPPLY WI , 13 lb...It S"lw l . 5"lhl' 6"10)
• All controls on I ront pane l IMMEDIATE SHIPMENT
· Freq control """ a ble 300 Hz 10 2500 Hz w,lI matCh au PARTS ANO LASOR WARRANTED ON E f ULL YEAR
a ny fig
1 23 456 789 10 VJ90 PL Amplili. , 1139_9 5 plUl noD dlip",,,,
• LEO fl ash es du'ing decode r OP& ,;<I,ol1
'Opera tes in line "" ttl " II aud io - leave in line On POWER INPUT IN WAlTS VJ15 POWER SUlIply . 99,S5 plUl n oD "'ipping
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'Headphones jack rear pane l VISA, MASTE R C HARG E, M .O . o r C.O.D . • PHON E (713) 477-01 34
' Batle,y O! AC -adapt of. 9VDC operation
· Oelux., CMOS Keyer_ " St ale-o l-the-arl ' C MOS c,,· V-J PRODUCTS, INC. 505 East Shaw, Pasadena, Texas 77506
cui try
'Self-comp let ing cots and da shes SERVINGTH E ELE CTRONICS INDUSTRY SINCE 1965
' Both dol and das h memory
' Iambi c keying with any squeeze paddle
':'-50 w .p.m
'S peed, Volume, Tone. Tune and Weight cc mrors
'S idetone and spea~er
" Sem i-aula SWlich to, bUll or stra ight ~ e y
'Detu'e Quart e'-inc h Jac~s tor ~ey i ng an d output
' Keys lllld btoc ~ or solid stale rigs
T."::' .


PROCESSOR Now you can get all the features of the world's first and still best mtcrcccmputenaed
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and provisions for internal memory keep alive battery. The MM·2 operates from
Features: Model TE 424 external 12 VDC at approximately 350 Ma .
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Loop Tone Decoder then 'eproduces it WIth tull oc
erato, comror over Gain , Freq, Tone, De lay If you have hesitated buying the best because of price. you need to wait no tanger,
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' Freq control ... "ab le 30J H1 t O2500 Hz will matCh
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(716) 852-8188 Breakthrough! (800) 526-0903

82 73 MagaZine • J une, 1982

Uses Curtis 8044 IC. Iambic
TOCUMW operation, dot-dash memo-
• RAISE OR LOW'ER Ai'lTENNA TO (,ROUI'D ries, weight control, solid
• SIMPLE A~D EASY Tt) INSTALL A:--.:D USE state keying. RF proof.

~lARn" E:\{;['E ERr..;( ~

PH I" 1:\ 2~l The MFJ·4 08 Deluxe Eleclronic Keyer sends


1\"\ ))'\;\'1111:, '10 0')21\

..... 1 3~
iambic, automatic, semi-automatic, manual. Use
squeeze. single lever or st raight key _
Speedmeter lets you read speed to 100 WPM
Socket for enemar Curti s memory, rand om
code generator, keyboard, Optional cable, $ 4_ 95 .
Iambic operalion w it h squeeze key. Dot-cash
A TRUE STATE-OF-THE·ART msertron Semi·automatic " bug" operation pro
vices automatic dots and manual dashes.
COMMUNICATIONS TERMINAL! Dot·dash memory, self-completi ng dots and
dashes, jam-proof spacing, instant start RF proof,
Solid·stale keying: grid block, solid state xmns.

Front pa nel eonlrols : linear speed, weight,
tone. volume, fu ncnon swttcn. 8 to 50 WPM.
Weight cont rol adjusts dot-dash space ratio:
makes your signal distinctive to penetrate ORM.

M"SOO Tone cont rol. Speaker, Ideal for classroom.

Function switch selects oU, on, semi-automatic!
manual, tone. Tune keys transmitter for tuning.

Uses 4 C·eells. 2 5 mm jack tor power (6 -9
VDG), Op tional AC adapter MFJ-130 5, $9 .9 5_
Egg shell white , walnut sides. 8x2 x6 inches,
MFJ·406, $69.95, like 408 less speedmeler.

(with 12" Manito,) New MFJ·401 Econo Keyer n gi..es you a
reliable, l ull feature economy keyer lor squeeze,
$180.00 single lever or slra ight key
Has seemne. speaker, volume, speed, internal
MEMORY EXPANSION BOARD (contains mailbox systems) weight and tone controls, Sends iambic, auto-
(10K of Memory) matic. semi-automatic, manual. Tune function .
Dot-dash memories, 8 50 WPM _ "On" LEO, Use
For use by amateur radio operators in the so-e for battery back-up. many other Ieatutes.
9V battery. 6-9 VDC, or 110 VAC w ith optional
transmission and recept ion 01 RTTY (ASCII & The M·5OQ consists of three parts
Baudot) anc Morse code, Mi croprocessor con - 1, KEYBOARD Connected to ma inframe by AC adapter, MFJ1 30 5, $9 .9 5. 4x2x 3W ' ,
troneo w ith 20K of memory (8K ROM, 8K RAM. sn. umbilical cord for maximum operating flexi· Reliable solid state keying. Keys virtually all
4K video RAM). bility Enlire svstern keyboard con trol led solid sta te or tube type transmitters
User programmable messages. Set-Cat. 2. MAIN FRAME Houses 95% ot ire erec-
WRU . mailbox. real l ime clock. large rurm ing tronrcs. all 110 Jacks. power supplies, modu lator,
buffe rs, buffers for printers. basic word p ro- demodulators Metal frame cabinet is table top
cessing for on-sc reen editing, full and hal! or rack mounted,
duplex. cassette tape lnterta ce. split screen 3, 12" VIDEO MONITOR High quality to insure
formats. ASCII or eauoot printer outputs. auto- onotstoneo Video , provide flexibility for coerat-
start, push 10 talk. accessory sw itches, provl- ing cosucn placement •
MFJ·405 Eeono Keyer II. Same as MFJ-401
but has built-in single paddle w it h adjustable

Order direct or /rom these dealers ' travel. Also jack for external padd le, 4x2 x3W',
Optional: Bencher Iambic Paddle, $ 42 95;
Di.1II Am.eu. Aadio Suppry Gill.. AUllC~el , Inc , ... &- G lhtribullng
5640 S W 116th 'we ~1~48 thSt 52 Par k A.e 7201 NW 12th St 110VAC adapter, MFJ 1305 , $9 ,95 Free catalog.
'-1",,""i, Florida 33173 Rapid Cil';, South Da kota 5170 1 park Ridge , New je,,"Y 07656 Miami , FIOIida 33 126 Order from MFJ and lry it 11 not delighted,
13(5) 271 -3675 (6051343-6127 ( ~0 1 1 39 1' 7887 (3051592-9685,763'llt70
Calmry Ptoduetl Bect.onic Equipment II.1nk Global Comm... icalilln$ A.dill WlII1d return within 30 days tor refund (less shipping) _
14903 8eactMew Ave 516 Mill St. 606 ccccarses 8I\ftI Terminal BUilding One year unconditional guarantee.
Wnite Rock, B.C_,Canada V4B1N8 Vienna, Vi' ginia 22 180 Cocoa Beach, FIOIida 3293 1 Oneida Go""1'; Airport
1604) 536·3058 (7031 938·3350 (305) 783 -3624 Oriskany, New Vt>rl< 13424 Order youlS loday. Call loll lree 800·647·1800.
Ham RadiIJ Glnw (315) 736 -0470 Charge VISA, MC. Or mail check, money order.
1-800 -448·9338
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St louis. Missouri 63132 Roy' l Amateur A. clio

INFO-TECH ~~~~~~; I ·BOO·325-3~

M .mpm' Am ~ur Bect ~$
1445 Wells Stabon Ad
MemphiS , Tennes$llll38 108
1590 US Highway 19 SouTh
Cteilrwater, Florida 33516
(813) 535 -1416
Uniftr..l Am iteu' Aamo
I : I •
Call 601-32358 69 lor technical informa tion, or
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3B21Q MaSl
1633 Wisteria Court. Englewood, Aorida 33533 '-11 Clemens, Mil:n;gan 48()45 ENTERPRISES,
813-474-9518 (313) 459 -4656 .., INCORPORATED
Bo x 494, M i ssis sippi State, M S 39762

... See List of Advertisers on page 114 73 MagaZine • June, 1982 83

Crime-Stoppers' Textbook
- rules of thumb for would-be gumshoes

Robert C Diefenbach he passed . No one seemed idling engi ne. He appeared figures relea sed by the Fed-
2401 Lauderdale Orive, Nf to notice. impatient as he glanced at eral Bureau of Investiga-
....t/.,mt.,J C A JOJ4S But the d river of the car his wristwa tch. tion . These men and wom-
with amateu r rad io tags did Driving past the parking en do thei r best in the

N o o ne seemed t o
notice the tan car tha t
stopped at the q u ie t corner
no t ic e. and a few m inut es
later also noticed the sa me
ta n ca r stopped in the
lot. the ham noted the
dented left front fe nder on
the ta n car a nd the dr iver's
face of an alarming in-
c rease in serious c nme.
but they a re. as a gro up,
o nly long e no ug h to drop shade of a cl ump o f low blonde ha ir a nd blue foo t- vast ly ove rworked. Since
o ff a tall , casual ly dressed pin e tree s in a nearby ball-style jersey. And more . 1971 , property crimes (bur-
you ng man , As the c ar c hurc h park ing lot . The By the tim e he pu ll ed hi s glary. la rcen y-th eft . a nd
drove unh urr iedl y away, ca r's hood was raised . Its car to a n ea sy sto p midway motor-veh icle the ft) have
the you ng man began walk- d ri v er, sta ndi ng in f ront down the next blo ck and shot up 54 percent na tion-
ing past the neat ly trimmed wit h o ne foot resting o n t he rea ched for th e m icro- ally . Violent c rimes (mur-
ya rds lo o king - caref u lly bumper, was ma king some phone clipped to the da sh- der. forcible rape, and ag-
looking- at each house as u nseen adjustment to the boa rd . he knew exactly gravated assault) have risen
what he wo uld say to the 60 percent. In just one year,
police dispatche r. from 1979 to 1980. burglar-
It took o nly mo me nts to ies and robberies rose 14
pla ce the ca ll throug h the and 18 percent. re spe c-
repe a ter pho ne patc h. tive ly.
The di sp atcher's voice As fede ral. state, and lo-
wa s c risp. " Po lice e mer- ca l gove rnme nts t ig hten
ge ncy," their be lts in the cu rre nt
" I want to report a sus pi- wave of b udget and tax re-
ciou s car a nd persons o n visions. the re is not li ke ly to
Thom ason Drive . I suspect be m uc h-if any-inc rease
the y a re planning a b ur- in the nu m be r of p rofes-
gla ry." sional crime fighters in
" Stand by." most jurisdictions. There is
There was nothing re- a clea r and growing need
markable about this series for appropriately -con -
of tra nsmissions o r others tro lled civilian invo lve-
like it. hea rd infre quently ment.
o n the a ma teur and busi- Specia l Agent Edward J.
ne ss rad io bands. exce pt Tul ly of the FB I points out
that they a re he ard ver y in- th at "t he re has been a ten-
frequentl y in propo rtion to dency fo r civilian s to for ge t
the potential c rimina l act iv- their respo nsibility for ef -
ities witne ssed by dr ivers o f fective la w e nfo rceme nt.
rad io-equ ipped ve hicles . Clearly, poli ce departments
law-en force me nt agencies cannot do the job a lone."
wish fervent ly tha t there Tully is acting academic
were more civilian rad io dea n o f the FBI Institute in
exchanges like this one . Quantico. Virginia . where
They need al l the help they police officers from cities
can get. of all siz es a re trained
Ther e are o nly 2.1 full- a longside federa l a nd state
time law-enf orceme nt off i- agents a nd policemen and
cers per 1000 US citizens, -wo me n. " Citize ns with ac-
B. M. Cray II . a cc ording to th e la te st cess to mo bil e two-w ay
84 73 Magazine. June, 1982
rad ios, o r ham ra d io oper- Bite O ut o f Crime" adverti s-
tors, can be of significa nt Ing c a mpa ign. B.M. Gray II .
assistanc e," he said . Director of Crime Preven-
Sa nfo rd H. Smith, a le a d- tion. says, " Surve ill a nce by
ing national figure in public- dri vers of two-wa y rad io-
safety co m m u nica tio ns . eq uipped ve hicles could be
agree s wh o leh e ar t ed ly . o ne of the most useful citi-
" The pre sent tre nd in our zen involvements in pre-
country is toward s self- venting c ri mes. particularl y
help. Increased citizen in- street c rimes. from occ ur-
volve me nt in law e nforce- ring. Drivers whose rad io s
ment is a natural part of give the m the ab ility to no-
that trend ." Mr. Smith is tify a nd communicate with
Director of Communic a- the pol ice witho ut leaving
tions fo r the c ity of Green s- t he ir ve h icl es- w he t he r
boro, North Ca ro lina. presi- am ate ur radio hobbyists or
dent of the l a nd Mobil e comm ercial drivers - c a n
Com muni cations Council , be a def inite a sset."
and immed iate past-p resf- Why the need for train-
dent of the Associated Pub- ing? It so u n ds simple
lic Safety Co mmunica tio ns en ough : If yo u se e so me-
Officers, Inc. " Whe n we th ing unu su al or suspiciou s.
feel we hav e done so me- ca ll the po lice . That's the
thing for our commu nity basic idea. a ll right. But
and our fell ow men, there is when is something unusu a l
a huge personal reward." o r suspicious? What should
he adds. be re ported . How should it
When the FBI a nd a ny be re ported ? Po lice-direc t-
o t he r law -en f or cemen t ed traini ng is the most rel i-
agency solic it c ivilian hel p, able source for a nswers spe-
they are definitely not sug- cific to eac h community's
ge sting that the civil ians need s a nd re so urces.
" play pol iceman ." Tha t is Most police departments
the very last thing author i- are a nxious to work with Sanford H. Smith.
ties want and is probab ly loca l citi zens who expres s
the best way a civ ilian inte res t in helping them . A Whal Is Unusual or as obv ious ly truant stu-
could pick to become a letter to the off ice of the Suspicio us! dents-w ho a re obviously
part of the problem instead Chie f of Po lice , volunteer- o ut of place where the y a re
Decidi ng what is unu sual
of the solution ! What is ing to help a nd ask ing to be o r susp icio us enough 10 re- o bse rve d, perhaps with a
wa nted and needed is re- train ed, is a good way to po rt to the pol ice ca lls for screwd river o r gloves stic k-
spo nsible. reliable observa- sta rt. Yo u m ight attac h a su bj ec t ive , case-by-ca se ing out of a pock et, so me-
tion a nd reportin g of poten- copy of th is article a s a wa y judgment. It is easy to e rr in one knocking at the front
tial or a ctual c rimin al activ- of int rodu ci ng the sub ject. door a nd mov ing to the rear
e ither direc t ion: reporting
it ie s, and NOT vigila ntism The a mount of tr ai ning inco ns e q ue nt ia l obse rva- of a ho use when there is no
or other una ut ho rized di- tio ns or fail ing to report answer, and oc cupied c a rs
pol ic e department s ca n
rect involvement. pro vide - from informal a d- me an ingful ones. Detective o r tru cks parked in conc e a l-
Professiona ls in la w-en- vice t hrou g h cl ass room Jerry l aq ue nta KA4NlA of ment.
for cem en t co m m u nica- pre sen ta t ions- varie s wide- the Boc a Raton. Florida.
tion s c- v swom " offic e rs " But don't be guided o n-
ly, de pend ing upon the re- Po lic e Department bur- ly by a person's appea r-
and ci vilia ns a li ke-agree sou rces avai la ble. Under- gla ry sq ua d , vo ic es th e an ce." c a ut io ns Sa nfo rd
that radio-equi pped volu n-- sta ndab ly, mo st depart- o p inion of most law-en-
teer observers' reports a re Smith. " It is a sub ject's a c-
ments will de vote more at- for c ement profe ssiona ls. tions that will usually tip off
valuable. The y stress that tentio n to train ing requ e sts "We would far rat he r get a
these reports a re more valu- a good observer." Persons
that represent bigge r poten- d oze n o r mo re false who se e m to be hiding. o r
able when the observers tial payoffs -larger num- alarm s - ca lls re por t ing
have been trained , even sho wing nervousness w hile
b er s of rel iable radi o- what turn out to be ent irely lo it er in g, are h ig h on
minima lly, by their local e q uipped o bse rve rs on the innocent events-tha n risk Smith's list of significa nt
police departments. str ee ts. Se ve ra l ham rad io missing t he one c al l that observatio ns.
The concept is e ndo rsed c lubs o r repeate r groups , o r does invo lve crime. If there
by The Crime Prevention the owners of sev e ra l sma ll- is re a so nabl e doubt. call !" " Any so rt of vio le nce
Coalition , a group of a lmost er f irm s whi c h operate s ho u ld be re p or t e d
50 prestigious nati onal or- radi o -eq u ipped vehicl e s. Detect ive Jaque nta lists quick ly," add s David N.
gan ization s w ho se c o m- ca n e ff ec tive ly combine these exa mple s among ob- Wise N8CNY, veteran c hief
bined efforts a re behind the their initia l contacts with se rva tio ns he thinks sho uld of the Michigan State Po-
multim ill ion dollar " Ta ke a the police . be reported : pe rsons - suc h lice Department's twenty-
73Magazine • June,1982 85
and eas ily-recogn ized assur ing the po lice that
lan dm a rks. they bel ieve in the accu r-
acy of their report.
• W ho and where are you?
The rad io o r tel e phone • Wha t are the details?
li nk between you a nd the Your eyes may fool you .
police could somehow be Si mply being a ble to see all
broken. Give the police d is- of the details tha t occur
pa tc he r your name, exact du ring a n exciting, st ressful
loc a tion, and a way that he eve nt can be difficult .
or she can get back in touc h Under these circum stances
with you if you are discon- we a re all subject to a phys-
ne c ted . This is especially ical phenomenon called
importa nt in bigger cities tunnel vision . As we con-
where seve ra l dispatchers centrate inte ntly on what is
are on duty at a time . Ca ll- going on in the ce nte r of
ing back after disconnect- ou r visual field , we ac tua lly
ing, you may get another lose a great percentage of
dispatcher and have to start o ur peripheral- or side-
your report all over again . vision. Being aware that this
Ham radio ope rators , may happen to you will
and others who c a n talk to help you prepare to o ve r-
the pol ice directly through come tunnel visio n by mak-
re pe ate r phone-patch faci l- ing a conscious effort to
itie s. a re not so easily re- look around the ce ntra l ac-
co ntacted if the patch tion for impo rta nt detai ls.
times out o r the connection W hen de scrib ing per-
breaks some other way. sons, follow thi s sta ndard
Hams should a sk for he lp sequence. leave o ut any
fro m a nother a mateu r mon- item you do not know.
itoring the frequency from 1 . Name
a lo ca tion with a te lephone, 2. Sex
a nd tha t te lephone number 3. Ra ce
sho uld be give n to t he 4. Age
David N. Wise NBCNY.
police dis patc he r. If no o ne 5. Heigh t
e lse is on frequency. think 6. Weight
seven comm unications dis- Smith lists t hese fo ur com- of some other way the corn- 7. Ha ir
patchi ng locations . "Wheth- ponents of a n obse rvation muni ca tions link mig ht be 8. Eyes
er it is as obviou sly c rimina l re port, in the o rder in which re-est a blishe d if it breaks. 9. Co mp lexion
as a ro bbe ry or on ly poten- they should be given to a Be su re tha t you a nd the 10. Physical characteristics:
tially so- as in a st ree t- police dis patc he r. po lice d e p art me nt both marks, sca rs, li mp, etc.
corner sho ving matc h that • What is being reported? unde rsta nd how th e reo 11 . Clothi ng, from head to
look s as if it could become Tell the d ispatc her imm ed i- contac t will be made . foo t: hat, shirt. coat,
a fistfight-I et the police ately. A. robbery in pro- If the re port is being tro use rs, socks, shoes.
know . But" he emphasizes, gress? A suspic ious perso n made through a taxi. de- When describing vehi-
" d o it fr om a s a f e o r vehicle? An accident? A livery se rvice, o r o ther bu si- cles, sta rt with the color o r
distan ce !" Exposing you r- fire? A potential suicide ? ness rad io dispatcher, that colors, then give the make.
self to danger o r viola ting Knowing what the basic business dispa tc her's phone model, and as many give-
the law yourse lf- for exam- problem is, the d ispatc her number should be given to away markings -accessor-
ple, follow ing a spe ed ing c a n decide what public- the police d ispatcher. ies, damage. e tc. - as you
ca r- isn't just foo lhardy. It safety resources may be Some law-en fo rcement can. The lice nse number or
is dumb! needed . Radio operators agenc ies will insist on re- any part of the number ca n
Pol ice dispatchers, par- sho u ld know that most co rd ing your identity -as be very helpful to the
ticularly in sma lle r jurisdic- police depa rtments would much to d iscou rage anony- police. But stole n tags are
tions, soon le arn whether rather get several radio re- mous nuisance c a ll s as to co mmo nly used by c rimi-
regular callers are reliable ports of a serious traffi c ac- add to their record . Others na ls, so an accurate descrip-
observers o r mere ly bu sy- cide nt than not receive any will ask your name, but tion of the vehicl e itse lf is
bod ies. If you remember because each passing rad io- treat your report with equal just as important.
the o ld ta le about crying e q ui p p e d observe r as- seriousnes s whether you
wolf. you will agree that it is sumed someone else had give it or not. While some How Should It Be
best not to get the latter reported it. rad io o pe ra to rs may shrink Reported!
reputa tion . • Where is it happening? from getting involved in an To be useful . reports
Give as a ccurate a location incident they observe by must be mad e c a lm ly,
What Sho uld Be Reported ' as possible. Include street identifying themselves , clearly. and ob jectivel y.
Public-safety co mmuni- names, nearby inte rse c- they should realize that by That may not seem too dif -
c a t io n s expert Sanford tions, build ing numbers, giving their names they a re ficult when yo u are descnb-
88 73 MBg81ins • J une, 1982
, \
Legallssuas In Civilian Survelll.nce
Does a rad io operator step onto dangerous legal gro und by 1 •i . / )
making report s to the police? Can he or she be sued for • I
s lander? For false arrest? Not if the reports are accurate , ac- , , "
cording to Lew is J . Paper, former Ass oc iate Cou nse l of the •
Federal Co mmunications Commission, now in private prac-
lice In Washington, DC. " It would be diffic ult ," he says, " t o
" ,
.I •
conceive a s ituat ion where si mply reporting-accurately re- ,I
porting - what is observed could expose the observer t o any ,
lIabli llty." • t ' • , •
Attorney Paper recommends that as soon as possible after
making any direct or Ind irect verbal report to the police, radio-
equipped observers should make a personal written record of

, I J" ,
. \
everything seen and said conc erni ng the event , and then save
the reco rd. If made while memo ry Is stili fre sh,thls document
can be very helpful later if you are ever ca lled as a witness in

any court act ion that ensues. Yo u can be su bpoenaed by
either the prosecut ion o r defense. Your record It self will prob-
ably never be called Into eviden ce. But if there Is - and there
frequently Is - a long de lay between the event and a tria l, It
will protect you aga inst a lessen ing or lo ss of memo ry that
co uld occur before you are asked to test ify.
" Altho ugh most states' s lander laws vary In detail, " says
Mr. Paper, " generally a Charge o f s lander must be based on re-
port ing Information wh ich the reporter knows or should have Dete ctive Jerry j aq uenra KA4 NfA
known was false. A written reco rd - by Its very exts-
tence-wlt l he lp minimize any risk that you will be accused of
Intentio nally lying." you can to a n injured per- Don't forget th e impo r-
Provided yo u have accurately reported yo ur observations, so n, yo u can be mor e help- tant don'ts: Don 't expose
according to Mr. Paper, you have no liability If the police are ful by be ing keeping a com- yo urself to dange r! Don 't
charged with false arrest after detaining someone as a resu lt munications line open be- play cop! In the process of
of your repo rt. " In making the arrest the law- enfo rcement
tween the police a nd what- try ing to assist t he pol ice,
agency assumes the responsib ilit y and any li abil ity for that
arrest," he says.
ever act ion you a re observ- don 't viola te a ny la ws
LIke every other authorit y cont act ed In con nec tion with this
mg. you rself .•
art ic le, Mr. Paper quickly and firmly point s ou t that vol unt eers
must remember that they can expose themse lves to li ability
for violations li ke trespass and assault by acting as If they
have powers which, without specific fegel authority, they
don't have! . 1/2-5lze (75M only 66')

Multi-Band (5, 4, 3 band5)

SO/75M thru 10M
ing a m inor auto acc ide nt faster and to ra ise th e vo l-
on the freeway. But it is d if- Broadbanded - no trap, used
ume and pitch of their
ficult when actu al c ri me o r voic es. The co mb ina t ion Price, stan at $82.50
vio lence is co nce rned. even ma kes for ha rd- to-co py
police office rs have had d if- rad io transm iss ions. listen
ficulty ma king proper rad io to yo u rself . Kee p you r
tra nsmissions under e mo- voice as close to normal
tion ally st ressfu l circu m- as po ssible. THE MOR-GAIS HD DIPOLES are the
sta nces. Here are som e tips • Avoid sub jective words. most 'd,a nc~ . highest performance multl-balld Hf
fr om the expe rts : Be specific in describ ing dipole antennas awallable Pal enl~ deSign prowldes
• Think about what yo u what you see. The d ispatch- lenctl! cne-nan 01 conwentlonal dipoles 50 Ohm
leed on all bands. no tuner or balun reqUired. Can
are going to say before you er doesn't know what you be Installed as mrerted VEE. Thousands in use
transmit. Even if it mea ns a think "a bad fight" is or worldw ide. 22 models avarlable including two
sho rt delay, compose your what "a whole bunc h" of in- models engineered for optimum certemance lor the
message mentally to be jured motorists means. noYlce bindS. The Mor-Galn HOdipoles NIT series
ere the onl) ccmmercrat , ntellnas speciflcall,
sure it is acc urate, conc ise, • Spea k plain Engl ish l deslg~d 10 meet tilt operallOnal requireme nts of
and in the seq ue nce that leave the " te n-t his" and the noece license. Our I-,e.r . arr, n!) ISbacked bl'
will be th e most helpful to " te n-that" and othe r sup- nurly 20 ,ears of HDdipole produclion e.peflence
the po lice d ispatcher. po sed-to-be po lice ja rgo n
• Keep yo ur t ra nsmissions to the TV heros. The few for deta,1ed la-Pille brochure, e nte or phone
sho rt. Break frequent ly to se conds yo u th ink you directly to MOR-GAIS. P.O. 80x 3Z9T.
allow the person on the might save by using jargon lea-,enworth.l\s. &&048, Tel (913) 682·]142.
other end to inte rrupt. is no t worth the ri sk o f
• Co nt ro l yo ur voi ce . being misunderstood .
When excited o r upset, • Stay at your radio. Ex-
many people tend to speak cept to render whatever aid
73 Magazine· June,1982 87

admlffed Ir""" O.lea will open It 8:00 am. MI DLAND loll

r In add illon to tlle.dml..100 lee, tllele will JUN 12
be a $3.OD 11M for 1. llga tlng Ind Illellea Tile Cenl ral MOC h;gl n Amaleur Repeal·

SOCIAL EVENTS m. rI<e t spaces . Oal" will open . , 7:00 am

tor t.ilgat lng MtUp. FNlUles will Include
ladies' progrlm., c hl ld re n' s enlertl in,
ment. CW prollclency .wards, OSL bu r·
e< Assoc iat ion wm Mold IIslllghth a nl>llll
hamlesl on June 12. 1962. Irom 8:00am 10
1:00 pm in lhe "GrN I HIlI~ 01 the Valley
Plaza Com plex. JlIat 011 US RI • . 10 in Uid--
N US, load Ind lelrashmenls, .nd many
l ls /mgs ." th IS coluMn
I,. . 0 1 c" arga 011"
spac..~." .t>I.
pto vid~
bu ,s.
1. lned campers will be a.a ilablt on J une
I th. The' e will be e xhibits , bOotlla, a""
pliles. Ta l~ ~n on 1406.37/146.97 (W1CROj
and 11e.52. For Idd itlonll inlormatlon,
' I nct loll. Ticket , a rl $3.00; Clllldrftn under
12 wlll be adm lffe<l hie . Ta lk·in on
l le fl7/.D7 and 145.52. For.dd lllon. 1tn lor·
Th. 101l0 .. Ing in fo rm . llon , hould ba 'fl' pl lleS , Telk·in on 251.85 and .161. 76. Fo r
wrlle Jim Lascaris WA20EJ . 11053 Cam-
fie ld CI., M. n. asas VA 22110 .
,.".tlon, c ontacl C a rOl Ha tt W0600G . 4651
Ca rdinill' Oriv". U t. Plta,.nt MI 48858, or
cludtKJ in •• e"l . nnOllflc"m . ,,/: spon s or, more , nlo rm. lion or rese rva tlonl, wl ite
&'I'e"l, <1alft, t,m". piICI. cit y, sf. rll, a d m is- Am. le u , Fa " , PO 60. 30051, St. P.u l MN cen (517).772.()363,
sion c". ,ge (II any), 1"llu'I. , t.I ~ ·i" rre· 55175.
qUl ne,e s, and the ".m.. of ", hom 10 can· JUN e STATEN ISlAND NY
GRAND RAPIDS MI The 1Ilh .nnu.1 Millo n Amate ur Ra d iO J UN 12
leer lor fUff"., in/arm. lion. Anno"nCI-
JUN 5 Club ha mlesl will be held on Jun" 8, 1962, The Slal"n Ist. nd Amaleur R.d lo
m",, /s mus l be '''cai'lfld . 113 ~i1gUinll oy
tlte /" ' 1 o f'/'I.
month, two mort/hs proa, to The IndepenOe-nl Repea ter A5SOC I. lIoo
will I'IOld liS IIlnu. l Grand Rapids Fes tlv.1
fro m 6:00 am to 5:00 pm, r.in or sh ine, .1
the Alle nwood Flramen 'l Fa irg ro und s 10-
As soc iahon will I'IOld ItS Ile a millrl<et on
June 12, 1l182, lrom 9:00 am 10 3:00 pm, at
1/' 1 month '" ..IIieh,,,, ....nr I.U IS pilei.
Swap & Shop on Sal urd.y . J une 5, IIl62. caltld on US 15,4 miles north 01 lnters la t. All Saints Episcopal CIlu'Ch. Slalen Island
SEASIDE OR lrom 8:00 1m 10 3..00 pm ilIt the Klnlwood 80. Advanc. reg lsl r., 1on Is $2.50; a l IIlI NY . To gel 10 lhe cl'luICh, tak e interst.le 278
JU N4-t Field HouM, jusl soulh 01 6Ot1l SI _ on glle, $3.00; XYla.nd c hild ren will be ad- 10 the Vlc10ry Bou......d . ..t, proceed _Sl
TI'It Norm Coast RePN le< As sociation Ka lamazoo A..... ue. AdmiSSion is $3,00; m Illed Ir"",. There will be a lleill markel, an on ViClory 6oulev.rd lor V. mile to Cryst.'
and the Orevon Tu' latm Valley "' ~leu r eig ht·lool tablft arft S7.00 or sa 00 \01 hal l· . uc t ion, cont"t.. ca..1l door prllftS, and I Avenue, and IlIrTl left on Cryal" Aven ue.
~ iO C IIJl) .... ,.. I'Iold their Oregon SI.,. 5Ile There WIll be priZes ilond rfllres/lfnerltl. tree portlbles.nd moOH" FM cli nic. An In- The<e will be no admossOon c h¥oe tor
Ha m COny_lIon on J u ... . .e. 1962• • , lhe For mewa inlormallOtl or dHler ~ . door . rllll will be ••aila llllas wllll . llood tIlIyer's, a n OD per ~ c l\alge tor sellers
SeilS'" CO"'Hmt,on eel'll $!', seaSId e OR. lions, wrlle IRA Swap, 562 92nd Si reet S E, .nd bftvellge • . Ta l~ · in on .3 71. 0 7, (bring your own la blnl, and I S1.00 ch¥ge
Hour. If. 12:00 noon 10 !i:oo pm on Friday . a yl On C. nte l MI 19315 , o r c . 1I ,0000.625, .nd .52. For lurther Getail•. can- lor Ill8Clriclly, RefreatvnenlS will be •• a i ~
8:00 am to 9:30 pm Ofl S.'u'O'I " and 8:00 (616~ 2926 . t.CI Jerry WiIIl.mson WA3SXQ. 10 Old able, A raffle will beheld a t 1:00pm a nd lhe
am to 2:00 pm on Sund ay. Reg'sl" t,on is f.rm L.ne, Millo n PA 17617, or een ....nner will h..... .. choic:e o llll icom IC-4A T
OUELP H ONT CAN (717)-712·3027.
$5,00 per single , S1 00 per couple, and or a Beareal 20120. T llk~n on 146.52 . nd
JU N 5
S1.(IO lo r c h ild re n. Se mina'a will Includ e 146.281.88. For add,tion.1inlorm.tion, send
rece ive ' des ign , cons t'ucllon, s a le llite The Gue lph Amate u r Ra d iO Club ROME NY a n SASE to GlIOroe Rice , Jr. WAlAMJ, 480
e .,lh ' l a t io n s , CO n l ftSIS, a nd man y (VE3ZMI will hoid Ihe 7th a n nua l Centr.1 J UN fI J ewett Avenue, Slaten Island NV 10302
othe r, . Tna banquet spfta kftr will bft a Ontario Ama lftur Ra dio Fle a U a rkel on
The Rome Radio Club, Inc., will hold the
N"SA S pacft Shulll ft n u o naul and mee- Saturday , June 5, 1982, trcm 8.. 00 am to TORRIN GTON CT
30th annua l Rome Ham Family Oay on Su n-
ter 0 1ce remonies will be Mel Ellis K7ADZ, 1:00 pm a t " R ~ a l Ha ll,"' ~ Woodlawn J UN 12
d.y, June6, 1l182,.t BIlck'sGrove, Oswego
Vice Oirecto" ARRL No rlhwes l Division. Ro ad Wesl, corne r o f Woodlawn and Ha n·
Road, Rome NY. Fealur" wi,l lnclude door 1lIto CO Ama teur Rad iO Club 0 1 Torr ing-
The benquet c os t is S12.SO pel" person. lon P.r~WlY (Hwy. 116), Guelph ON T. Ad·
pOles. ilon early bNnch, • bullet·style dIn- ton CT will hold a ham radio Ilea market on
Telk·in o n 146.52 ilond 115 15 ( - 6OOl. For milsion Is $2.oo.nd c hild'en 12 yearl old
ner, a Ilea ml rl<e t, educatiOnill a nd Kiano June 12, 1962, lrom i:OO am 10 5..OD pm OIl
mo<e inlormilolion. wrile Doe Mc Lendon Ind uf'l<lel will be admiUad h"",. Ven<Iorl'
lilie present.horlll, and O'VeI'OIOhl parl<intl the OIop-In GenIe<, wt Albarl Street . Tor-
W1GWC. PO eo_920, s.nlOot O R 97132. aomiasiorl II .n a ddlliorlal $3.00 I nd •
lor campetS, . . well III Ily-in c;apat>; lil.... ring ton CT. 1lIto admission 1_ 01 R OD In-
Qu.nt lty 0 1 3' x 8 ' Iillbles are a v. i1l lll1 al
Talk~n on ,281 11I and 145 55. cludes • ctlance lor a door pril<I. A seller'l
s.t.H DI EGO Cot. $5.00 e ac h. Ven<Iors wm be ad mlll.,;! from
indoor table is ss.oo MCI'l and Il llgating
JU N-'" 6:00 1m on. There will be commat'Ci.1 d,.
HUMBOLDT TN ~ Is S2.00 MCI'l. """1 will be • r. ffle
T ~ san Diego COunty ..,."., _ ~ iO
p llya. lIlJrpluS du lers, compule< toll w.'e
JU N ' leaturing a personal mlefOCQmptltltf kIt IS
Council ancI tile San [);ego compu ter Soci-- .nd hardwar • . and indOor and O\Ilooor d ,..
The HumbOldt Ama teul Radio Cl ub will hrsl prtze , a port.bIe radiO ca.ssetla rec0rd-
ety WIll Ilokl Ha mc:omo 82 on June 4-6, pla ys. The re heshmenl concession WIll
hold Its a nn ullh. mle st o n S unday, Ju ne er as second plinl. and .n U FJ cloc~ . s
1l182, a t lhe To wn & COuntry eoo-.tiOn open I t 12:00 noon. Fo r furth8'r infor ma·
6, 1962, .1 a new loca tion: B"iley Pari<, Ihird priz&. Yoo ntoed not be present to win.
Ce nle<, San Olego CA. R"lllltrilion it S7.00 lio n. conlac l Bob Lecomte VEBn E a l
(51g)-843-46 18 or Rocco Furlaro VE3HGZ Nort ll 22nd Annue, Humboldl TN. Tlc k"l. Talk·in on 146 .251.65, 117.811,21, and 146.52.
a nd tee Sat urda y evening banquet le a tur- For fic kels, lable reserv.tions (belor&June
a l (519HI21-1 t 57, a,e $2.00 each , with no additional c n. rgft
ing s peake r Roy Neal K6DUE is SI5.00. 8, 1962), or more Inlorm. lion. contac t Se-
lo r the flea markel, TMere will be prlles ,
The,e will be technica l sessions aU day Sat· FAIRBANKS AK ba stlano Albanl KA 1FVM. 76 Pylhlan Ave-
li Oht lunch& s , and la d le l ' and children' s
urday. ha m an d c omput ar boerne. man y J UN 5 nue, Torrinolon CT. or c.1I (203 ~ 489- 29<1 5:
ecuvrue e, Talk·ln on 118.3 7/.97. For more
p,ll ftS and awards (including a ma in prile 01 Ron Brook KA 1AFN, 213 East Pearl Sireet ,
The A'cl lc R.dio Club of F. "ba nk s AK information . cont. c t Ed Ho lmes WIIGW .
a n Osborr", 1 compullJf). an "RR L lorum, a Torri nglon CT, or c. 1I (203)-"82·2761; or the
will I'IOld I hamlest on June 5, 1962, al the SOl Norlh 18tll Ave nue, Humbo ldl TN
CO cce. PO eo. 1lIl2, Torling ton CT 06190,
ladl el ' IUncf>llon. Sunday morning break·
In " . a nd ham a nd compuler $oII$5iOns
Kiwanil AG Ha n at lhe Tan.n. Valley Fa ir.
o rounc:t a. Tile Goon! will open a l 8 :00 . m
every IlOur Tile lin;lll _ I on Sunday a l GRANITE CITY IL
I nd lhera will be I SS.oo fee for a ll MIler• . DEAL NJ
1:00 pm will be a T.fIunt on 146.7$ MHz- JU N 13
Featu,e. will inelude ooor pill " . I rallte , JU N fI
Telk·ln on .041,64, .151, 15. and 222,9011224.54.
I le ft·loot.,;! key lor a code conlest. .nd The Fort Monmoulh ARC. nd Haverlm The 53rd year anniverllary ceIetlr.lion
For regIstratiOn lorms, wrile Hamcomp 82,
a n oIe··I. .... iOnad pot luc k dInner. The and annual ham'" 1 of the Egyptian Rad io
PO eo. 8 1S37, San Diego CA 92136 will Ilokl Ille Jersay $IlOIe Haml"1 a nd
Alaska OSL buleau will be tl\ele . 1 . e ll . s Eteelronic s FIN MlrI<et on J une 6. 1982, Cl ull, Inc. (oY9AllJl, wlll be hIIId on Sunday,
LOVELA NO CO an ARRL rlprlsentalin . For lurther in.or· from !KlO .m 10 U lO pm iIII IrMI JltWi.... June 13, 1962, . , thei< c lub grOUf\d$ near
J UN 5 mallon. contlCI He<b W.lI s KL7JLF . PO Com~nl ly Center. 100 Gr.nd Ave nue, Gr. nite City IL
60. 182'5. F.irba nks AK 119 707. Deal NJ . Admi811000 ia $3.00 per pel"son:
The No rthern Col ora do Ama t"" r Radio
KYLs and c hlldle n unOer 12 will be .dm it· QUEENS NY
Clu b WIU ho ld Its a nnu a l Superlest on C HELS EA MI
ted Iree, Ou tdoor la ilgaling Is $2.00 pel" J UN 13
June 5, 1982. lro m 8:00 am 10 4:30 pm in J UN'
Ihe MCM Illen Build ing a l Ihe Larime r sp.ce and Ind oor aplce is SS,OO per fl.loot The Ha ll 01SCience Amate ur Radio Club
The Chl iu a Swap and Sho p wlil be la b re. Door prlzel and refreshmenl s will
Coun ty Fa"ground s, Lov" la nd CO, Adm is· WIll hold its a nnual indoor/outdoor. r..in-or·
h"ld o n S un d. y, June 6, 1982, at th e Chel · be a.a ila b le , Ta lk·in on 117,045+ .8,
sion is $3.00 and will lnCludft a s wap lab1ft. $ea FauOrounds, Chelse. MI , Gales will s hine hamfesl o n Sunday , June 13, 1982,
Therft will ee e .hibits, tectmrcer tal ks, a 146.775 - .6, and 118.52. from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm, a f lhe municipal
ope n 101 te llers et 5:00 a m and 10' the pub-
eeee contest with prlles , a n aucl ion, a lic lrom 8:00 am until 2:00 pm. Dona tIo n Is p. rking lot. 80-25 126th Str8tll 11 bloe~ Irom
s Wilop fes t, a nd dra win gs lor many priles , MAYVILLE ND Ql,III8ns Bouleva'd), KIIW G. 'den s , QlIeIIIlS
S2.OO In I dv.nce o r S2.50.1 Ih" 0.1" . C llil.
inciud ing a s ynlhe s il ad 2·meler ha nd- J UN fI NY . 5el1efS' don.tiOns I re $3,00, bu}'9fs '
dren u nder 12. nd non-Il.m SPOU,el WIll
held. S pe<:lal act ivitie s are p'anned lor be .dm ltted Iree. Tal ~- i n on 146,520 s im- The Goose Ri.er Amal"UI Rilld io Clu b donallons . re $2.00, and XYlll and c hild'en
non·llams, espec ially lhe kid s . For furt her ple _ and 117855 (C hel se. ,ftpe a lerj. For will I'IOId ils .nnUI' Ilamlasl on Sund . y, will beadmrlted free. Tal ~ ·inon 145 520 For
.dchtiOnill inlormatlon, conlacl Thomas

HI lol m a llOn, con t ac t Gana a e lle m y mo<. 11'1.0, wnte 10 Wilham AUenDernd l June 6. 1962, al the City PIrI<, Ma yville NO,
Wl»ORU . 3 124 Wfts t 611l S t'let Gr"",ley In call of inclemanl weather, the lesl lyl. 00yIe KA20TB, 135-11 125t1l SI'eet, South
WB6HSN . 3132 Timbefline. Jac ~_ MI
00 80631. ties will be held in lhe Miloyville Armory. Ozone Park, o.-s NY 11120. or phone
Reg istrltion beiin l al noon a nd t ill (212). 7JlI.8881.
ST PAUL IIIIIN MA NASSAS VA c haroe is S1.00. All ' egis lranlS will be eli·
J UN 5 J UN fI oible lor lhe many door p rizes, The g rand WILLOW SPRI NOS Il
The Nort h A' 1Ill Repeller An oe lalion Tl'>e Ole Vi, g lniilo Hams " ,.".teu r Rad iO pliZ" is a HllIlh~ ll SA2060 SUpel" Tuner . J UN 13
WIll hold I s wapfest and e .pcnl liOn for ra· Club, lne., will I'IOICI IIle e iOhlll lnnUII M. Camping I.Cllil... WIll be .vallable lor The $1. MeIer Club o f Chicago, Inc., will
d lo emat"urs ilond compuler l'lObtIylst s on nassa, H. ml .SI on Sund.y, Ju ne 8. 1962, lhose wl'lO das lle 10 be.1 the ",sh. Talk·in Mold ifs lSlh a nnu a l ARRL·alli hillled ham·
J une 5, 1982, at tl'ltl Mln nel oll Sta te Fa ir· • t till Pn ne.W, II I.mCounty Fl ug round s , on .3 11.g 1. For lurther Inlorma tlon, plea. . felt On Sundly , Juna 13, 1982,.t Sanla Fe
grou nd s , St. Paul "IN , Adml n ion Is 13.00 Rou te 231, Ma na ssa s VA . AdmissIon Is cont act Ma ry Carlson, RR 2. Bo. 17, HII- Park, 91S1 a nd Woll Road . Willow Spring s
a nd free overn iohi pe ' klno fo' sell-(:on- 14.00 per person: Child ,,,n unde' 12 will be Ion NO 58240 . IL (so ulhwe st 01 do wnt own Chicaooj. Ad·

88 73 Magazine · June, 1982

You Can Bank on Us tor More Than Jus t Low Prices.

SAVE $186.00
~ ;o
Ct .~

• .1;"
SAVE $10.00
on FRG ·l100
on FT902 OM


"-ONE 9 8a ~d " V, ,""F P · 107, 10110 FM , 126115.00 IC·72O... D,g' ta l !"IF ' cv' . Gene ra l Co.".ag" Rcv' , v_u FRGnllO 150 I( Hz,30 MHZ D,g ltal ' CYf 1479.00
" ·107M/OM S \I 8a nd , CV' , d 'o,l a l , .' . .' " , $ 1034.00 Al l 9 HF e ..nds . 2VFO s . . '1 \9'A00 V..." MU1700 12 c- Memo", Un,l 5135,00
"- T01 ZO MKIII 9 Band "CO', d,g,tal , 17j i.OO IC·730 Solid St al " . Digita l , cvr.8 Band S, 2 VFOs , VMI.. FRO·7 5,29 9 MHZ 'C.. 5289.00
FV·l 01 DM S ynll'l , Ole, M On O VFO _ 5323.00 1 M" mory P'" DaM ", $72& ,00 K.nwood R,IOOO 15·30 MH , $449 .00
" ·1I020M 9 Ba nd .c"
d' O'lal ,.. S1:W' .OO PS·15 Po.. e' S upp ly ..... ,...... .. $135.00 K.nwood 1'1-600 15·JC MHl $359 ,00
VO-1I(I1P M" n,IOf 'JC0(le ... .. p.nadapl e ' 1469 .00 PS·2O Po....e. S upp ly . . . . $' H ,OO P.",alOnlC RF ·3100 1,30 M+-oz & FM 5289 00
FV·eo'O M Remo te ...-Fa .. 'memory _ U73.OO P!>pn" Pilch Sc&clly 730 0' 720A , 5125.00 P_ sonlC RF ,22llO M6 S W·F'-' 5159 00
n .707 6 Band , Moo.'e , cv' 1121.00 ...T·l00 lOOW a ulO anl"nna tunee . . $31• .00 5on~ ICF·2l101 Dlgllal. Compac t 529'9 00
FP-701 PQ>Oer Sup()ly SU S.oo "'T·5OO 5IXlW a ulO anl"nna luner . . $3H .00 Sony ICF-f5OO 1"' 11'.... , D,g ,ta' $1&9 .00
nV·70T Trans vM~ .. 0 t.4«lule 1111.00 Paloma. Loop "'mp)""I . $ n.5OIS~ '5
2M MOlJule onl~ 113&.00 VHF·UHF TRANSCEIVERS Into-hCIl M2llOF wrrvcw ve ec Out 5~9 00
6M l,lOd ule on'~ ' ".00 McKly Dy.... k 0"' ,1000 ACt•• 1!' Ut 5 121.00
1OC1o'I "'Odul(' onl, 1229.00 1C·2tQ... ...11 Mode 2M ' CV' , 2 VFOs 5 M. mo.... , Ka-nlronlC M,nj·Ra_ 52.9 00
1110 w ..ns. ...n S PECI...L. ~.oo World Radio TV Handboo_ 1982 516 50
FT.e.tlOIl 6M SS8JFM·CW :"' ''' . cv'
FT·4IOR 2M SSa.,FMiCw >cv,
" .leuR 70CM loll Mooe . Cv'
56" 00
1C·2S... Compacl. i M ' CV' . 2 VFOs , 5 Me mot,,,s .
SC 1;2'5""' .
1C-251... 2M 1I Mode SUPER SPECI"'L ,
IC-4S1'" U!"lF All Mode Base Sta ho n ,
1C·551 6M All Medii Ba se Slat,on
. 531• .00
-'21 ,00
Call 0 ' ","If TPdly 10 ' I II , 0 1,1'
1a.' Equ ,pm.nt N• ..:!• .

IC·49OA AIl·Mode.3O M!"Iz Mob"" . , 5571.00 TEST EQUIPMENT SPECIALISTS

IC 2A12AT 2M, Hand he ld . . . 5216.00 , 5242.00
" ·:lOaR 2 5W 2M FM 1011 wiTTP .'. "" .' .' 1323,00 IC 3Al3...T 220. Ha nd he ld $2.2.00 ,5261.00 SCo~ • . Coun l.... DMM. a.n..alo..,
Fl·rOIR l W 440 FM !-I T wITT" .' . .'",.'.'. 1323,00 IC 4A14AT 440. Ha nd I>e ld $2.2,00 $261.00 Pow.. Supply
VHF PORTABLES All aCCI!'SSOfll!'S 10 "10 oil .. I Rad ,o PUfCha s " '" A. SO AR 6 &1( DYNASC"' N
LEA DER A'-' PIo< E"' OL
n.ti90A 15M FM ssa ' CV' . 5339.00
n ·290R 2M FM sse . Cv' 53SO.OO Limi ted to EEB s tocx. eECI(MA",
FULL LI NE ...V"'ll...8 LE O N S"' LE YAESU -41M A . .. SpKial 5171.00
"" 1eccessooes
lqo~ o il .. . R¥J ,0 PufC"" SI!' .. .. ..
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Alex andria, VA 2231 2
_S h,ppong cl>a'ges I'lQt ",clude<!
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Vienna. Virginia 22 180
- sce e ,tem s Iom ,ted 10 stoce o nly
_Li m ited Quan lol le s
(703) 938·3350
HUSTlER 1'\;.., a .. s,1 ne. t lime you're In Wa"" ng ton DC
- No CODs
.8TV 40-10 1,41,. Ve,llc..1 , . 57U 10
58TV 80-10 Mtl V&rtte.. l . , $100.00 HY-GAIN CUSHCRAFT
M01IM02 !"1 F Mobile Ma s t . . $11,00 A3 3 Elemenl T" lwId Beam $161.00
TH3JRS J. Tlluf>(le.t)lfd. 7~ PEP $ 150.00
HF Mobile R.SORIItcn. Std. «lOW . . _ SUPER 2KW HQ .2$ Hy.Qua(1, 2 EIe<ne<>I 523$.00 ...4 4 ElIlmIlnl T. ib<lnd Beam . 5~.00
TH5DXS Tllutl(lerbf'd , 5 Element 5215.00 ...7Q 7 & 10 MHl Add On lor 3 555.00
10 orlSm _ ." " .00 $13.00 ...744 7 & 10 MHz Add On IOf 555.00
TH3MK3$ Th""'d,,,tll'd . 3 Elernenl $l!i1!>.OO
20m . . . . $11.00 $16.00 TH2MK3$ Tllul'ldllftl<' d , 2 Elernenl $12'.00 ...V3 3 Band V",,~ lo-2Om $4 1.110
tOm $13.00 $1'.00 TH1DX Thul'ldllftl<rd. 7 ElemIl nt 5336.00 ...V•• Band VIlr1ICit1 lQ-~. 582.00
75 or 10m , $".00 $21.00 3Ill2S T!"I60XX COn_sion K.I 10 TH1O;I( $13$.00 "'VS 5 Band VIlr1IC41 IQ-f!Om $3&.00
8M-1 8vmper mi ill> SS. SI.ao . . . , $13.00 1058AS 5 ElllfT\Ilf'It 1(Im "" l.ong.,Jonn·· $11• .00 R3 ' • .21.28 M!"Iz Ringo $2Oot.OO
SSM·2 Commercia' 5.5. Billl , $1• .00 1$56"'5 5 ElllfT\Ilf'Il 1!Im " Long-John'" 5161 .00 32·111 Eloomet" 19 Element 2m . $75.00
2058 ...S 5 Ele menl 20m '"Lono-Joh n" 52t1&.00 2148 J . BoomIl< I. Element 2m $61.00
SF·2 518 W......, 2 Me t.. An lenna . 59.00
I.....VQlW8S I ~ V"rtlcal , . . . . . . S4i,&5 ...141·11 2m tt EIIlfT\Ilf'II Ante nna 53<1.00
HOT HustlOtl loll. .. ,tIl S.. ivel Dall $lHIO
I6"'VTIW6S 10«lm Vertical $I7_SO ...U1·.2M • Elemenl "' nte nna $23.00
G$-1~8 2M Colin.... 11 .1l<I Sl attOn. 6db , 571.00
V.2$ Cohn"ov Ga ,n Vertical 136-17. M!"IZ 533.7$ "'R X·28 t 3<l ,l ~ M!"Il R,ngo Ra ng". II 53<1.00
G1·t~ 2M Colil'le a " holl<l SI"ion.1db. 5103.00 ...144·IOT 1. 5 Ml'1 l 10 Element .. $41.00
6 N·66 Fe "'l" Balun. t o-8O me te rs. ,. 513.00
ROHN HDR·300 Deluo. Botor. D,g'lal Readout . , $37' .00 .... 32·2OT . 32 MH z 20 Element ", .. 141.00
A14T·MB Tw,st Mo unting 800m & B,acket '21,00
20G to It, Stack ing sec tion . . 532,00
2$(1 10 fl, S tacki ng Secl ion " , " "., 539.50 SUPER HY·GAIN PACKAGE ~UII Lin. A•• iI. bl" 0" Sal, C.II
. sa 10 fl, Stacking Sect ion '"
25AO 2.3 O' • To p sec tio n

HllX56 56 It. s ree S t..nd"'g Tow " ,

, . SlI7.50
. 552.50
HOIIX .. ~ It F. ee S tan(lIng Towe•.... . $320.00
. $3«1.00
S"'VE $355.15 Plu. FREE DELIVE RY '
SALE $1 ,306.70
HGS3SS 52 It , $e11,SuPPOl'1,ng c.an ~·up
HQ·1 Mln ,.Q uad 611 011$/2Om Anll!'nna . . . 5121.95
B·24 2 Element I'1F M..,I-Beam 6110'15I2Om 599.00
FK2$q 48 11 25G Fo ldovl!" Tow " . 5125.00 · To .." . . . . . . . ... .. .. $910.00 Value RK·3 3rd Elemenl Add -on 10 ' B·24
TII3 TI>. ust Bear" ' g . . . 00 Impl"OV. S lQ-2Om. 567.00
HG-eO'" 3 Nell co.. am> tor Tow L"9s
SlI25G SIIo<1 Base ' or 25G , 5 11.50 ... . . . . . . . m .OOVa'''' C" M,n'· VIlr1'~ 6110'1$/2Om 559 ,00
llPH25Q !"I1nge<! Bull' Plate . 55&,75 TH5DXS Tll u~rd. 5 EIIlMe<1I TnDand ROTORS & CA BLES
AS2SG A.cc"Si5O')' Sne ll , _ U .SO ... . , Ult.&5 V ...
Hll2SAG t .·· Kou se a . ack" l .. $" .50 CDE H"'M IV RoIOO" . 5175.00
H"'M IV Rotor . . 5237.&5 Val...
lIPC2SG CemIlrlI au. Pial"
lI...S2SG SIIo<1 109 M<:100fl ... 'ace snell
M2llO 16 g'""ile 10 11. 2" '. 0 MH I
M200t4 M r ' ...all. 10 11 ,.. 0 0 M~ S I
$l ' .SO
HG·l0 10 II. masl e- 00 120 Wall
S teel . ,
8N-a& Fflmt" Balun
551.00 Val...
51' .&5 Value
F""" (Je1,WI"! 0 11,,'«1 lor Sh,p p",'iJ po"' /s ...,/llon
C DE T2X Ro lor ....
COE.5 RotOO" ..
....Iianc. !"I D-13 RoIOO" .....
....Iiance Uloo Ro lor
RG-IIU Fo.If1l co.. 95 % ShlClld
F,.,ghl J1fIItH-' C! on Fold-o•• f 'o " I!" s PrICl!'S
,o'1. '" g"e , .." s l 0 1 R(>(;ky MIS
48 Sla'es ADDED BON US: InclulJe AA 0 01'
~",r,1l<I Ck .." " p'dl!" and ffIC.'" a
RG·213 eoa•. M,1. 5gec .
Mil'll" Coa. 95 % Sh'eld.. ...... ,
Philly 5",", G"y Cable In .toc k • 101' prIc. and Van OO'don PCHJ(J.IC D,pole FREE Rolor WI" 8 Conducto ' ..... , l kIIl .
. .11... ry ca" (7031 SU·l200 NO SUBSTITUTIONS PLEASE. SALE ENDS 4/:xJ!82 • Co ndue lo, • . ." . . . . . , 1. ~1 .

73 Magazine' June, 1982 89


va nce rll9,str at,on 'S $2.00; Oil the p Ie , d,splay$. Talk·,n on 146. 131.13 .nd!)2. For F."g,ounds. Lancaster O H, Tickels ere BOISSEVAIN MAN CAN
13 00. There ..,II be. I." ge s ..a pper·, row . add,toonal '" 'ormation. contilCt F.ed lu I S2,OO ' n advaneeor $3,OOat lhe door. Fle a - JU L 1(1.11
d,spla ys. a n AFMARS meel' ng , re hear.. woeHL PO 60. 982, Mon<oe MI 48161, or ma' ke! taDIe-s .. ,II be a va,lable or tII,ng The 19th e nnu.al Int...nelional H..... '. .,
ment s. plenty 01 pa.rking spac:e . p'enic c;.atl 131:)1.2Q.1088 your o..n . Thefe ..,II be hourly dra~ngs, ..lit be netd on J uly 1(1.11 . 1982. on the e.-
grounds, and p<il" . ,nclud' ng .I"st pAle ret fllshmenl e. a nd ple nl y ot I'ee park,ng nad,an stele 0 1 Ille Inl...nationel Peace
01 a tolor TV . Talk·,n on 1~. ~ or ,3 7/,9 7 AKRONOH Ta lk·in on 141.031 ,63 01 1~.~. For .dd ,· Gafdens be...._ Ounsellh NO end Boi.
K90NoI./R For advenee h Cke ls. cont act J UN 13 t'onal inlormahon or <ldv<l nce lickets . aeva ,n MAN In the canadian Pavilion . Ac ·
Vel Hell..,g 'tI..9ZWV . ~20 Sou lh 60Ih The 15th a nnua l Goodyea, ARC HlII1lfeSI w, ite 80. 3. Lan caSler OH . 3130, tlvitie...1II ' nc lude "ansm'''er hunts. m0-
COU f1 , Cicero IL 60650. will be ho ld on Sunda y, J une 13. 1982. fro m bile Judging , CW .nd QLF contests. semi·
10:00 am 10 5:00 pm "'I Goodyear Wingfcol CROWN POINT IN nars lo r OMs a nd YLa , Ilea markets, a ham
La ke Pa'k. near SR224 and 43. e ast 01Akron JUN 20 auc tion, a SalUlday night dance, a Sunday
JUN 13
OH. Fa mily admisSion is 12.50 In advance The Lake County Amate Uf Radio C lub morn ing break last , and lots 01 greet
The satenue Amate u r Radio Club ...,11 allCl $3.00 a t Ille !late . Flea markel spaces pfilea . For more 'n'ormat ion , c oo t aet Bef'
w,1I hold its 10th a nnual Dad's Day Ham·
ho ld its a nnua l b a r·j).qls.. acteet on June outside a re S1,00 a nd dea lers ' tables in:side nie Arclllld WOI MO, PO 60. 53. Epping
lesl 00 J u ne 20, 1982. a l the tnd usllia l Arts
13. 1982. at Ille Un,on Oil pic nic g rounds. the shelter Ife 15.00 ladvance r"""alions NO 58843. or Willi.m M. Shryock . Jr.
Build,ng a l lhe Lake COun ly F." g round s,
lust SOUlh 0 1 Santa Ma ria CA. Ad m's s ion a<e s uggested). There w,ll be picnic tibias. WDlIGRC, 322 EeSI 4th St reet. WillISton
Clow n Poi nl IN. Prilfl, will be leat ure<!
's Iree tor the s.. apl""t; d 'n...... IK:ketS e 'e a concession stand. and I.... par king avail- NO !I8801.
and ell......., ts ...i11 be held indo<lf8. Tick e ts
S7,50 lor ~u lt • • nd 13.50 lor Child.1Itfl 6 to able. Proze drilw,ngSwill be held tlvoughoul ar. $2.50. Talk·in on 1.7.&u.24 or .~. For
12 years o f il9IIt; pl'lle h Cke lS ere Sl ,OO the day ..,th grand prize dr. ..ings .t 4000 RAPID CtTY SO
adv.nc. t iCket S. ma,1cheek to uke COu...
each. S...a p tables ere S2.50 lor eech e rN, pm. Talk·in on 146.00&1.64, For ' Uf1 he< intor· JU L 10.11
Iy ARC, eJO Willley Korol KA9FOC. 62. N,
Tt>e<e w,1I be P"leS, c oo te s ts, end • ""'hon. edvanee sales !i(;kelS. • nd she-ller Flensseleer Street . G.iffith IN 46319. The Black Hill. ARC will I'IoId the annu·
Sa nt a -Ma ria ·$I yle ba, ·b·q . Ta ik·,n on Ilou.... reservaliOn S. send an SASE 10 Don
1 46 , ~ /,94, For tic kels or more in to rma ·
a l SOUlh Dakot a Hamlest on July 1().11 .
Rogers WA8SXJ, 16 1 S, Hawk ina A",,"ue.
lion. wnte Sanla Ma rla S...apfest . PO Bo. Mt LWAUKE E WI 1982, althe SurbeCk Center, SO School 0 1
Akro n OH 44313 ,
Z6 16, Orcu n CA 93455. JUL $. 11 Mine s and Technology, Rapid C ily SO.
The YL Internati onal Sing le Sideba nd· Pre·re glstra tion Is S7,00: registration a l
BELLEFOUNTAINE O H er's (YlISS Bj 1982 Con venllon ...ill be held Ihe door is $6.00. There will be a prize
J UN 14
J UN 13 on July 8-1" 1982. in Milwa ukee WI. Ac t iv" dra ...lng for pr.'eg islrant s . lorum s, eee-
The Phil·Moo t Mobile Radio C lUb will tests. a pic nic , a nd prilll$. Tables .f" Iree
The Champa.ign Log a n Amat e-u r Rad iO hosllhe .m.leur ,ad ,o segmenl 0 1the In- tiea ...,11 Inc Iud<! the OX Roundup. the Sys·
Club. Inc _. a nn...al ham le s l a nd Ilea rna,· terns Awa rds Banq uel on s.a lu. da y nig nt , 101 lhe flea m. ,kel. Talk·in 00 .34o'.ioI
terna t ional Con 'erenee on Communica- (WGBLK). f or 1...f1 he< in'OImal iOn. *nte
ke l ...iIl be held on SUMay. J une 13. 1962. <Ind. ma iO< door prile o f an ltom te-2A T.
tions on Mond. y. June 14. 1982,I. orn 7000 Black Hills ARC. eJO Rudy WBePWA. "822
OIl the Loga n COunly F. "ground$. Belle-
pm 10 10:00 pm • • 1 lhe Fra nk to n Plaza H0- Jean cn 'llenden WA2BGE will tell ill>Out
tounla,ne OH. TlC ke ls a,e Sl .50 ,n 8d- _ ree""t China t " p, Pre--c:onvenlion ec- caPItol , Repld City SO S7701.
tel, 17lh and R_ SIreeta. Philadelph ia
va nee and $2.00 a t tile door. Tables are t'v,t ," ..ill begin July S, 1962. ..lIh goI l.
PA. The ..,h ion is hee and .1I •• ee ama-
13.00 in a dvance. Ga les ...ill open a l 7000 Ing. l is hing . and side trips planned. 0. MAPLE RIDGE BC CAN
leu~ . 'e inv'led 10 a llend . For a ddit iona l
a m a nd pr ize dr a ...ings will be held IIt\'IItfY ta iled Informa tion may be obl ained by JUL 1(1.11
inlormat ion . contact J acob S. 'tI..01l& Ichek.
hour slarling al 9:00 . m. The major pn zes send ing a n SASE (business s ize l to Su s The Map le Ridge ARC will ho ld its Ham·
J r. AK21, 1228 Hea rt\oOtOOd Drive, CheffY
o f $200. Sl 00, a nd SSOwili bed n at 3;00 Mu n c hl 'tI..BOOC . PO Bo. 18 123, Milwa u· test '82 o n J uly 1().11, 1982, atlhe Maple
Hill NJ 08003. or ph o ne (603)·428·5924 ,
pm; you nee-d no! be prese ot tc in, T." · kee WI 53216, R' dge F",i,ground s, ' ocat e<l 30 miles easl
in o n 147,601.00 W8EBGIR For more In!or. DUNELLEN NJ 01 Vancouver . M.ple Ridge ec. Regl.tra·
ma lion. lic kets . o r tables, co ntac t M. A. J UN 19 STATE COLLEGE PA lion 10' ham s is S5.00; for ncn- hams ave'
IBud) Griswold W8JXM. PO Bo. 301, Urb. J UL 10 12 yea.s old. S2 OO. There ..ill be tocc.
na OH 430711 The Ranta n Valley Rad io Clutl w,1I hold
pr,zes. a s wa p" . hOP, d,splays , a bunny
ilS 11th .nnu.al n.m!esl and Ilea m&fk8ton The N'lIany Amal"'" Radio Club Ham
June 19. 1982. lrom 8:30 am to 4-00 pm al hu nt . l<>d'es' .nd e n,Id' IItfl's programs. and
HUNTINGTON WV flltS"..al w... be held on July 10. 1962, '.om
Col umboa p ..... Dunellen NJ There .-ill be 8 00 ..... 10 .000 pm,.1 lha HRfl.$i nge< pic- a ma,n prize d,a* ,ng ' or a KIItfl ..ood
JUNU TA-2500. camper spaces ..,II be a.",I.bIe
door prlHS and a snack bel , Admission is nic grounds, Science Park ""-l tt>et-'
The T"'St. te Amaleur Rad 'o Ance ,. · (some .. ,th eleC lroeal l'lOOk ups). Telk..n on
S3.00 'or selle<$ and $2.00 lor 1OoktQ. Tal.· US 322 West and Ate 26 W I), Stale C0l-
hon will hold ils 20th a nnu a l Hunt 'nglOO 146.201.80. FOI more fA lormation and ree·
,n on 146.6251 025 (iQ.QW) ...:l 146.!)2 d;' lege Po\. Talk·in on 146.161.76, 1"625/.85,
Ham fest on Sund.y . June 13. 1962, Irom ,slra hon, conteel Maple Rodge ARC. eo.
reel. For lu"_ ,nlormilliOn. ca'i Bob and 1 46 ~ Feat",,,,, w.11 'nclude a Ilea
\1:00 am to 3 :00 pm .t Camden Pa rk. 0 11 292, Map le Ridge BC V2X 7G2.
KB2EF . 1 120 1~ 369-7038 market . techn ical s essi o ns, nu mero us
Roule 60 Wes t. Hunt ingto n WV. Reg "t ra·
prizes .nd contests. and "',,shmanl. ,
tlon isSJ.OO pe r pe'$On and Children unde r
PAYETTEID Tlcke ls are $3.00; lailgatlng and lables are INDIANAPOLIS IN
12 will be admitted Ir...., Spa c e s are 13.00
J UN 19·20 $5,00. Fo r more Information, contacl JUL Y 11
e a ch lor Ihe Ilea market and 6·fOOl cern.
The Voi ce o t Id a ho Am" e u' Radi o Club Richard l. Sine KB3WN 1600 E. Brllneh The Ind ia na Stale Amateur RadiO CO'"
merci al deal er.' lable s ere $5.00 e a ch .
a nd Ihe Treasufe Vallay Radio Associa · Road , State College PA 16801 ve nt ion, In co njunc tion ...llh the Indl.nep.
Selup lime is 6:00 am 10 9,00 a m , Over.
n,ghl splICe wHI be av.ilable for sell-con- lio n will hol d the I,tlh annua l T,. .sure Val· oils Hamlesl a nd Compu ler Show. will ~
ley Ha mlesl on June 19-20. 1982, Irom9:oo OAIli CREEK WI held on Sunday. Ju ly 11, 1982, at lhe Ma ....
II-U'lltd RV s. Talk"n 00 146 .041.64 .nd
a m Satu' day to 3:00 pm Sund<ly a t the JULY 10 on COunty Fa irgrounds al t!'le soutllN.Sl·
1 46.S2I.~_ For IU f1_ in lormaloon, send
a n SASE 10 TARA. ree., PO 80. 4100. Hun- M,fI+.dome. Pa yene 'D. Regi.U<ltiOn in- T"ha Sout h Mi""e""ee Amal_ Radio ..., InteflllltCtiOn 0 1 1-74 end f.<tM. Get.
I,ngton WV 25729 cl udes bf. .klasl, d ,n"",. • nd pr'ze lick· Clutl ..,11 hold Its annuat swap'esl on Sat",· lOCket s are $4 ,00 e nd IItflt ,t le you to a ll K ·
e! $. e nd 's $15.00 ln&<1vance e nd $20 .00.111 day. July 10. 1962, lrom 7.-00 am 10 5000 pm IMt "". Inc lud Ing the jor pnze d .....ng
SAGIN AW MI the door. Fu tur"" will Include s wap ta- . 1 the American Legion PolIt 434, 9327 . nd Iloufly pr!z"". T e will ~ inside and
JUNU ble• . de.lers. transm,tter hUAl s, special SOUlh $heplIrd Av«Iue, 08k Cfeek WI. Ad- ou lside II". markels. . sep;orate eomOU1.
a chVI! ,es lor ladies a nd c hiid'en , ga mes. m ,ssiOn Is 12.00 and incl udes a happy Ilour e r show and Ilea m.rket, a commerciel
The Sag inew V.'1ey Amate-ur Radio A.
contests, prlzea , a c QCktail Pilrty on Sun. with Iree beverages. Pllzes Include a $100 vendors ' diaplay ar" a, technic.1 torum• .
soeia tio n will hold its ne w Eleclronic HQb. c lub activities , and la d ies' pfogfam• .
day , a p ic n ic and banquet on Sa turday , lirsl prize and a $50 aeeond prize piuS e
by E. po on Sund. y, June 13. 1982. a l and a bllla klast on Sunday , Talk-In On There will be .etupe alle r 12:00 noon on
Bridg e po r1 High Sc hool, oft 1·75, e.it 144 va rie ly o f ot he r prizes to be a warded during
U7,8 41.24 t W B7 NS EI RI, U7 ,72/ . 12 the day, P.rking, a picnic .raa, net a nd cold Salurday. July 101h. Secu. lly will be pro-
we s t. Door s will open at 8:00 am , Adults '
IK70J IIR). • ee 1~ ,~. For more Inlorma· sa ndwiches. liquid retlllsllmenls. a nd over· vided Saturday nlgllt a nd Sunday, end
I,cke ts a re SI.OO; kids will be admitted free
lion . c ont a cl Samuel 'tI... Sower N700V, night c . mping ..111 be avai l.bIe. Talk·in 00 campef hOOkUp lecllille. will be evailable
Trun k sale-s are $2.00 and ",II t",b1es are
1909 Granl Sir"!. Caldwe ll 10 83605. or 146 ,901 More deta ils, inc lvdlng a ffilll), may on the ground s. FOI IUf1ner InlQllTlation.
~.OO. Fe",""es * ,11 include d'splays ....:l
phQ... l208)--4~132. be obteoned Ifom lha Soulh M,,,,,,,..kee Am- contact Ind ie neootls Hemlest, 80. 11086,
dem o"stra hon. tor the """c>Ie family. maJOI'
at_ Rad io O ub . PO 80. 102, SOUlf'l Indi e napoliS IN 46201 .
pflZ"" lotallng S4OO.00, ....:l !IclufIy dr...
MOORHEADMN M"....... ee WI 53172.
,ngs, Tillk..., on 147.24 ....:ll 46.!)2 tK8DAC).
For more ,nlormafoon, . - . .......... II(lnt. or J UN 11-20 ALEXANDER NY
tICke ts, send en SASE 10 SVARAlEHE-82. 50 The ACE Radio C lub will hold its filSl MILTON ONT CAN JU Ll1
Dura nd Court. Seg,na.. MI 48602. rJldIO a nd comp uler Ilea merket on J u ne J UL re The Gene see Rad iO Am.le-urS, tec., *i11
1 9~ 20, 19&2, beg inning .t 8 000 em <I t the The Burl inglon Am.teu, Radio Club ..III hold Ihe second a nnue l ARRL·.pp,oved
MON ROE MI Moorhead Cenlenni al Arena. MQQfhead hold the 6th a n nua l Onta rio Hamfest o n Batavia Ha mte . t on Sunday. July 11, 1i82,
J UN 13 MN Ta lk·ln on U6.970, FOr c om ple le de- Salurday. July 10, 1982.•1the Millon Faif· trcm 7:00 am toS:OO pm at Aie. a nder Fir.
Thil ",nnu",1 Monroe Co unty Radi o Co m. tailed in formation , .end an SASE 10 ACE. g ,ounds. Milto n, On tario. Adm is s io n Is men's Grounds, Rle. 98 (nine miles $Qulh
munica lioos Hamlest ...ill be hold on June PO Bo. 452, Moorhe ad MN 56560, 13.00 pe' person or $2.00 lor p"Hll9i St,e· 0 1 B",tavla). AleIand"r NY. Regls"etion i.
13, 1982. from 8000 am fO 3:00 pm a t the h on . Th"re wi ll be. tin m.fket, display$, S2.OO in a dva ne " , $3.00 at the gate, .nd
Monroe Community Col lege. Ra,s,nville LANCASTER 0" a n . uction, contesls, and p,lzes. camping $1.00 lor t he II. . markel. Tt>e<e ..ill be
Road. Mon roe MI. Ticke ts a re 12.00 a l the JUN 20 ..ill be available a nd g rounds wHl open many po'ile a , e lergtl e.hibll ."a. O M end
gate. $1.50 in..,..ann,....:l XYU ....:l Chil- The Lancas ter . nd Fair/oaldCOunty Am- Ffld.y nigh l tor . .fly campers_ For pr. YL program• . contests. p l""Iy 01 tood.
dren ...11 llfI 8dfn,tted I,ee. Plen ty at liltlle at"" r Red 'O Clu b ~ II hold il. a nnu. 1u ... ' . gla lr . lion . c o n l . e l M'k e CObb ove<night c emp'ng. a nd a DOeI anchor'
spKe and f.... parl"ng ...ill be ava'!alM <:a'ller H. ml"1 on J une 20. 1982. Irom VE3MWR, PO eo. 636 . Burlington L7R . uetiOn <It 3000 pm. Te lk~n on 4.7115.31
FeatUfed * ," be conleslS. &l,lC11Ont. ....:l 9oo.m to 500 pm al the Fa irl.eld COunty 3Y7. caf\ilda . (W2RClQOf .~. For ..,....-.eel ickel• . ma k"

90 73Magszine . June, 1982

TR·7A 160m xo r/ sw RcvrINB/ SOOHz
P5-7 25A continuous duty power su ppl ~
P5-75 lSApo wer suppl ~ . 25Asurge 199.00
RV·] Remote VFO 195.00
RVaHS Remote VFO.•.• .•.•••• •. . . . . . . . . . TSA TV·300HP
MUK·] Mobile mounting kil •• . . . . . . . .. .••• 79.00 D ummy h),f( k
Ol·3oo 300w (llydummy load $26.95
Ol· l ooo 1~"" d.y dumm ~ load 5995
FA-l CooImg Ian for 01.·1000 .•.•.•••.•.• .. 29,00

IIIIN -2100 I ~w. 160-lllm antenna tuner ..•• SJ49.00
8·1000 41 balun·MN 75/ MN-2700 ...•.•.• 29.95
[ Il u ipn w m prOlN"r",y
1549 200w anten na surge sh unt
](1(11 Replacement "" pin" eleme nt
RP-700 RfCl'Ivt. trOl1t·eod proledor
TVI f i l"-,, .
TV-42-lP 100w SO· 10m jow-pass filler $14.95
R·7A 0.30 MHz dig Rcvr/ NB/500 H.z htter $1649.00 TV-J300-IP Ikw 8(). IOm lo w· pass fi ll 29 95
~ C((, 5 IOTi(' s - TV-Joo-H P 300 oIlm hlgh·pass !lite 14.95
11II 5-] Spea ker. $39.00 TV-75-HP 15 ohm fugh.oass fille r , 17.95
FA·] Cooling fan •. •.•.•.•. •••.••.• .. .. . . . 29.00 Unl' fi /rl''' :
AUX·] Range pro gram board 45.00 IF-2 z.ounet ACli ne mter , ., ., ., $39,95
RR M·] Range receive mod ule •.•. • . . . . . . . . . 8. 50 IF-6 s.ounet AC nne fi lter " " " " " , 59,95
RT M·]. Range to nsceve module . • .• .• . .. .. 8.50 DMM Auto scale digital muitnneter , 95.95
WARe·] WARe band kit (HT M's) 205
SL-300 300 Hz CWfilter .•'. • . • . • . • . • . . . . . . . 59.95
Sl·5oo 500 Hz CWfilter 59,95 .-
Sl· looo 1 Khz RTTY niter. R·1A 59,95
Sl·l8oo 1.8 KHz SSB/ RTTYhlter 59,95
Sl·4ooo 4 kHz AMnner
Sl·6000 6 KHz AMhlter.
-- -
IS" R·1A/TR·1Atabie Interface kit 29.SO
1031 Enender tard seraee kit SO.OO ESR·24 Earlh stallOl1 receiver $145.00
Service ma nuals ea 35.00 SC/ ESR SlOg1eo converSlOll down converter 2SO.OO
1982 World Radlo /TV H.a ndbook 16.SO SPH-24 Splash proo' housmg 60,OO
CS·l 1533 Remote antenna SWi tch
1534 Ientrol console only '0. CS-l
1535 Remote SWitch only lor CS-l
'BUIJ wUk C~~ .. .. .
AK-15 Mul tlband antenna 39.95 AES has Over 24 years of
AA- 75 Antenna msutetcr kll, . , , 3. 49
Experience in Mail Order
. ..
.. - ..-
I ~ ~~ISA' I
1·1 2kw PEP jmear w/tu bes S1400.oo ' ·75 Use yo u r CREDIT CARD!
_.. .
• • •
Our Milwaukee Headquarters 'MIl answer the
Nationwide WATS line 1-800-558-0411 untll B
SP·75 pm (Milwaukee time) Monday thru Thursday.
P·15 Phone Patch 19.95 Please use WATS line tor Placing Ord ers
LA·7 600 ohm balanced nne ampllfle•. . . . ; 49.95 For orner i nformat lOr'l, etc , please use Regular line
CW·75 Electrcr uc ke~e r 19.95
SP·75 Speech prOCe1SOI.
WH -l 16D· 10m 201200l2kw wattmeter
HOURS: Mon, Tue, Wed &
7073 Hand microphone w/ plug 29.95 Fri 9-5:30; Thu rs* 9-8; Sat 9-3
7077 Desk microphone w/ plug 49.00 "Las Vegas & Florida stores NOT open Ibursda yevenings

73 Magazine • June, 1982 91

------------------------------- !
chec ks payable to BataVIa Haml0 51 , cia tsc t Bul Ch LetlOld WA8S HP, 10877 Ha ,el , tssoe . a nd more info rm a l,o n , co ntact MARY SVillE OH
Gram, Inc .. Bo. 572. Bat.vi. NY 14020 v,e w A.enue . All iance 0'" 44601 . Or pnone TSRAC. Box 210. R0 2. Aden a OH 4300 1. AUG 21·22
12 1 6~8 2 1 ·8 791 The UnIon Cou nty Amat e ur Rad 'o Club
HARBOR S P RINGS ""I PITTS8 UR GH PA w,11hoi d the Mary sv ilie Ha mfe SI On Satu r.
J Ul 17 GRANO RAPIOS MN AUG 1 d ay aHern oo n a nd a ll da y Sunday, Augu sl
J Ul 18
Tfle 51ra.' s "'ea Amllou' Rad,o Club",,1I Tile 451h a nn ua l Sou ln H,lls Brass 2 1·22. 1982. at Ihe lallg,ouM in Ma rys v,lle
hold ils an" ual hamlel ! on July 17, 1982. The Ra nge W,de Ha mfe Sl WIll be held Pound e rs iIlnd "'olI ula lor s Ha mie SI * ,11 be Inea' ColumDu.> OH. Adm 'SSlOn IS $2 .00
Irom !lOll am to • .00 pm li t the Hs ' bot On July \8. 1982. from 10,00 am to 1.00 pm I'Ield on Aug uSI 1. 1982. Irom 10:00 a m 10 in adva nce 0.- $3.00 all he lIale. Flea mat,
Spr,ngs H,gh 5<:I>0OI, HaftlOr Spr'''Os '-4 1 a l Gunn Parll . H,ghway38. 6miles nOrlllol 1:00 pm , a t Soutn Campus. COmmunny ke t space is 51.00. Food. Dever ag. .. and
Oona'>Ona are $2 00 at !tie 000r and l able Grall<1 Rap'ds MN Adm ,ss ,on a nd reoree College 0 1 Aileglleny COUn ly. Pllt s bu rgh Iree o . etnigh l ca mpIng, movIe•. a nd pop.
~ ., 12.50. Doors "" II De oPen 81 8:00 a ,e Iree. Bllng Ihe lam.ly fo ' a p,cn,c. PA Ad mISSIo n .s $2.00 or 3 tOl 55.00 co,n * ill be ava, la Dle. F"al urel! on Sa lu"
am tor setups. Luncn * ,11 be se<'09d ',om game e. ptl, e s. a nd lun. Par~ in g a nd camp. The ' e WIll be comPul"'. OSCAR. and ATV da y nIght WIll be a free SQuaredilnce IWllh
11:00 am ' 0 1:00 pm and '01,"1>"""" ..,II g,ound. will be ava ila ble . Tal ll·;n on demonslral,OtIs." *ell as. flea ma'ket a live bandl lo lrow-..d by is big country
be avaIlable duf'''O l!'le oay_ Thete ...,11 be 1 ~.28I.88 a nd .52. FOI more inlormallon. Ta' k·,n on 146.131 .73 .nd 1 ~ .52 For lu" bfe a klast a V;lllaDle a ll n'gh'- Door p'lles.
one maIn dOOr (l<_ and """,ief'P"Zes "",II *" le Bob WOGAAF . 736 Crystal Sp"ng. Il'Ier ,n IOlmallOn . conlac l And' ew l . PalO ladoes' programs, and .l RRL. FCC. and
be a...... d4!d noutly. TI\e kl'loOl ~"'lI1oI Road, G'i11'>ll Rap'ds MN 5!>1U. 01 UII WA3PS O. 1133 SCII.ultler Or ..... W".t "'A AS ,""",lings ",II be lealurf!<! on Sun-
IS hee ror Mil-contall'lllll RVa la t,I$'I!I tOt iln 12 18)-326-2268 I"",e<u ngs l "'o me. te ad PA 15120, day. Ta' "-.n on 146.52 and 141.991 .39. FOI
lW"""llt>1 ""V and many p1acltS or ,n ler"! add,llonal rnlorma llon. .. II 1e UCARC .
to YLs ,," '8 a,.,"'Dle ~'by Tal. -,n on POUG HKEEPSI E NY 13613 US 36. Marys v.lle OH 13GIO, 01 call
.521 .!l2 and 1.-; 0716 1 For more dOUIIS. JUL 24 :5 13)--611·0168
suo 1
contact ',k 8«_ SlotnICk K88RE. 6JO
Tna Mt Beacon Ama l.... ' Rad'O Club
Ann St'eet Ha rtlQr SPn"ll1 "'" .91'*0. or call Ttle SleuDen COunly Radoo Amaleur. ", II AUGUSTA ME
", ,11 hoI<l ,15 annual ham leal on JUly 21,
(6161--52&-56 1. !>old lhe 2(111 at\tIual F'" PICnOC .nd Ham- SEP 10.12
1982. beglnn,ng a t 8;00 a m. a l lhe Arlong , leal on 5ufl<1ay, AuguSI 1. 1982. • ' ClooIled
Ion 5en1Q< "" g h SChool, f"oug hkeep.,e Tile Aug us ta Eme<gency Amal....' Ra·
Lake . Angol . IN Ad mo$SlOf1 '. $2.50. Thete
EUGENE OR NY Adm ,ssron ts $2 .00 lXY l s a nd Chlld'en dio Un.1 "" 11 Ilokl tl'le ARRl ·a pp<oved
w,1I De pr".... pocnOC·Slyle SBC cllOCken. ,n-
JUl17·18 admItted tr l. ta,lgatl"'ll space I. $3.00 Nort llea SI Area Hamleat on Seplember
SIde la DIeS 101 e <II'DltOls al'>ll.endO<s. and
The La~ County "'am Fa" .. ,II be ....1d uocrcoes 1 h admISSIOn). a l'>ll • la Dle O'fem'ghl camprng . lA lee w,1I be Charged 10-12. 1962. a l W,I'>llSOt F."gtounds. kJ.
on Jul y 17_18. 1982. at u,. OIegon N/l tl on- .PllCfl IS $4 .00 (,ncludes 1 I'ee la ble and by counly park I Talk"n on 146.52 and
c alf!<! jus t 011 Roule 17. 10 mIles ea.l 01
al GUlII.d Armory, ~15 Cet'o lenn,al. E",.. lldmlSSlonl. Tl>ete ... rIt be tt>e Iree Ilea ma', AuguSla ME. Fac illl.e s 100 c a mper. ...,11be
gene OR. T,ck eta are SA 00 . .en and enll· ke l laDIes IndOors. pa rl" "'ll door pllles. iIln a. all able. ACl lvI\lea W'" 'nclude. Ilea
Ill' ll\e hol<le< 10 one a o,r. d ,_""ng llckat • UC lron st art'ng a t 2:00 p m. a nd rKIl food ma fl<el a nd tegularly Khedu led .pea k......
free II purCllased DetOle JUI~ tst. Ooo<s a l'>ll Dev...age-s. Ta lk" n on 146.37/.97 and and demonstrS llOnS, as we ll •• II>e usual
WIlt open a t 8 :00 am sa turlla~ al'\(l SUl'\(lav. 146.52 . For lldd ll io nal ,nlorma llOn. ad· e venl S. h lk·' n on 146.221.82 and J9IO,
Feat ure s WIll Illclulle a s wap iIlId stlQp iIlt v.nce I.c~ ets. 01 teglsl,.tlon. send .n Tile St ClOud Rad'O cue *," tIOld 'IS
S ASE to WiIllt Colt er WAllCN . North H,"· annual lIamleSI on Sunday . Augu SI 8 ,
$$.00 ill table , a 2,mel" DuMy lIun t. *Orn' ADRIAN MI
e n' s .cll"'l,es. a cn,ldren'l comer, c0m- .,Ot! lall e Road. Wapp i"'llets Fa ilS NY 1962. Irom 8 .3O.m to I 00 pm. al ''''' Saul.
SEP 26
12590. 01 pllone (9 11 ~22fXi6J6 RilPlds Mun,c ,pa l PiIlr ll. Sau k RapIdS MN
puter lIemo e. leclln'cal " n"na ... OCWA ,
Talk·'n on 14631J94 FOI mo'e ,nlorma· The Ad"an Amaleu, RadIO Club *, n
a nll a grill"" pn'e 0 1iIln Icom 130 low·~""
lIon. COnlacl M,ke lyncn . 21 IS-l sI sneer, 1I0id 11 5 IOlh annual hsm l"sl on SUndillY,
eeeue ng. There wIll De an all-dilly .n .c ~ WEST FR IENDSH IP MD
Seplem Der 26 . 1982. a l tl'le len.wee Coun·
SI Cloud MN 56301, or call 16 1 2)·~ 1 ·229 1
~r. tree pa'~lng tOl RVI lno llOCH<uPIJ , JU l25
ill"" a Saturlla y potluC~ lupper 116:00 pm, The Ball imOle Rad IO Amaleu r Te iev '·
Iy Fa " g ,o u nd s . Adria n M L Tal k·,n on
116 .311.91 (WllTOEI. For t,c lle lS, lillbie s .
Talk·;n on .521.52. 1~. 28J . 68. 117 86126, s,on Soc'ely (BRATSI ...,lI l1old ils a nn" a l TACOMA WA
a nd more inlOlmation. con lacl Ille Ad n . n
a "" 3,910 HF. For ad .ance tlc ~el •. send BRATS Mary lal'\(l "'a m!esl on S unday , Ju· AUG 14·15
Amaleu r RadioClub. Inc .. PO 80. 26. Ad, ;·
a n SASE to Eun ic e Brow n WA7MOK. 2156 ly 25. 1982. al the Howatd Counly Fa,,· The Ra llio Clu b ot Tacomill will hold a rt MI4922 l.
Corral Court. Spllngt, eld O R 97177, or g, o undS. Rou le 114 e t Ro ute 32. adlacenl Hamla " 82 on Aug us l 11·15. 1982. al I he
phone (503~71 1·79311, 10 Inle r. la le 70. abo ut 15 miles weSl 01 Pac ilic l ulh e rs n Universi ly cam pus, Ta - NEW LONDON NH
Balt imore. in west f rie ndSh ip MO. Indoor com . WA. Reg istr a lion is $5.00 aM tllnne r
SEP 26
WASHIN GTON MO lables with ac pc...er are $15,00 each : i. $1 ,50, AClivllle s will Incl ude le c hn ical
JU L Ia without ac powe r, $ 10.00each, Indoor la ,l· semIn ar., a flea mar lle!, co mme rci a l The 61h a nnuai Co nneclicul Va lley FM
gatrng is $5 .00 per space: ouldoo, ta ilgat · boothe. a n ARRL mee llng. a ,epeale, 10- ASSOCIation "'a mle s llFle a Market WIll be
The Zero Bealers Amat eur RadIo Club held On Sunday. Seplember 26, 1982. from
,ng is $3.00 per space, Overn ighl AV hooll· ,um . a VHF twea~ a nd lune ch nic, pll,e.,
WIll hold It s hamfe st on S u n d a ~ , J uly t8. 9:00 am to 5:00 pm . at King R,dge S~o Are a,
ups will be a vaua cre. Fo r more Inlorma· ra li le. , and. logger . ' D'eallia s l. Tal k·in
t982, at the Wa shongl on Fai rground s . Ne w London NH, Adull aomresrcn s a re
lio n and ,ese,v afions. write to BRATS, PO on 147.881,28, For more inl ormalion . c on-
Wa s h.ngton MO , Ta l~· i n on t4 7,8I1,24, For 52,00. a tfea-market setup IS 55.00. a nd
Bo. 5915. Balt,more MD 2 1208 tac t Grace Tell,,,1 AD7 S. 701 So . 12lJth. Ta,
mO'e inlo, ma tion. conlact RIc h Noel'e ch ildren under 16 will be adm"I elI free ,
co ma WA 98141 . Or phon" (206)·561·8341 ,
WAINU I. Rl e 3. to RiCh a rd O" .e, King Ridge will ha.e tne food conc es. ion
Wa s hinglon MO 63090 CENTREVILLE 1011 For more onformat io n. contact Fla nc is
J Ul25 Ca ll a han KA 1eW E. 80. 113. Easl Wa lling.
The Ama leu' Ra<lIO Pub lic Se'vlce As· ford VT 05712,
JU l 18 The Tioga Counly PA ARC 6t~ Ann ual
soc,aUon of S1. Joseph Coun ty MI W'"
The 17l h iIlnnual Wood Coun ly Ha m-A· Ama le ur RadIO Ha mie SI wllillfl neld on Sal·
tIOkl ,I. Ilh annua l swap eoe SrKlp on July C HICAGO tl
Ra ma wIll be ""Id on Sunday, J uly 18. utday. Aug usl 2 1. 1982, l'om08OOIo 1600at
~, 1982. a l Ihe S t. J oseph Co unly Fa,,- OCT 11
1982. at tna Wood County Fa i'grounds, a ne w locauon a t 1.land Park. JUSI ot! US
grounds. ceolre v,lIe M!. Door. OPen at 8:00
Bowling Green 0 .... Ga les will open at to Rle 15. BiO••bu,g PA Tl'Iete will be a uea The Cnica go C,I"ens RadIO league W,II
am. Tick els a fl' $2.00 ,n adva nce and $3.00
am. wilh I,... a dm oasion iIlnd par ~ing markel, rcco, nee campl"'ll. a n a UCllo n , an hold lIS Ii'st a nnua l hamleat on Dc loDet 17.
al II'Ie gale. Indoor lables a 'e 52.00. Trunk
Tlle re will be dr a w,ngs tor pll,es: IIc ~el. HIT door pn"", e lC, Talk·,n on 191.19 and 1982. a l lhe NOIl t\ St>ore Am""cart legion
ule. are Itee . camp, ng ;s ava ,la ble Satue
are $1 ,50 in lld.ance and $2.00 a l lhe gale, 52. For more ,n lOlmallQtl 01 ad. ance llc~' POSI. 6010 N Clark, ChICago n, h om 7:00
day n,ght only lor $6.00. Talll·m on I ~ .52
T'un~ sale. spllee al'>ll lOOd woll be a.all· Fo r mo<e InlOlmatlon. conlacl Denn•• ets, ..nle TIOga Co. ARC. PO SO. 56. "'a na-- a m 10 1:00 pm. Due 10 llmltf!<! table apace.
able, Adnnce table ten lalS a'. $3.00 10 Il8ld PA 16933. 01 contact Pa ul San<:lo lable rese<\lalions must be made ,n ..."lIng
Cutler NBOOU. 3051 Z Aven ue. V,ckesburg
deale ,s OtIly. Salu.day selup a ..a"able un- KC2 AZ. 606 ReytlOldS Sireet Elm"a NY 10 Fred "'a, leu e KA9FUO 1851 W, enase.
MI4909 1.
Iii 8;00 pm. K8T1 H liIllk,;n on 52 FOI mo<. 149010n IG;,7901 9frt',36 ClIlCago u 6ll62ti
inlo 01 lIealer ,enlale . send an S ASE 10
WOOd County ARC. C/O S 1,000S. PO 80.
JU l 25
13. Luckey OH 13U3
TI'Ie Tllple smes Rad IO Am .I....' CluD
WIll I>old 115 ( th a nnua l ham lest on StJn.
TI'Ie TUK O RadIO Club (W8lXI al'>ll lila
can ton Amaleu, RadIO Clull (W8Al) wIll
d.y. JUly~. 1982. f,om 9:00am 104 :oo p-m.
.1 Wheelr"'ll Pa rk. Wheeh"'ll WV " dm i. ·
SIOn'. 52. oo , ~ cll,ldren und... 12 WIll
be admmed eee Tna,e .. ill be maJOr
hoI<l lhe 811\ annu.l Ha ll 0 1 Fame H.m lest prll"S plu. door prlle. e"",y 15 mlnules, a
on July 18. 1962 . a l Ille N,m, s IlIUe n IS-m lnut" auct,on e ve<y t>ou. on ll'le hour; I would appreciate hearing I am looking for informat ion
Grange. ~I Euton 5l reel. l ou lsv llla hee paf ~'ng tor 1.000 c ars: relrestlments,
OH Ad m' n l()n III $2 .50 ,n advance, 13.00 ARRUSWOTITSRA C boolhS; indoo< deal·
from anyone who has made any regarding the ser ial numbers on
a t lhe gale. ill"" c n'ldran uncle< 16 WIll be .. d'.p'.YS: a nd a tlea marke t There WIll modification to the Kenwood vrorccrex units and the year 01
a<lmllled h ee . Tlla!lea ma,kel * llI openal De setups II>e "'ght eete-e 01 a t 1:00 am TR·7500 z-meter FM transceiver. their manufacture.
9.00 am and acllv't,es * ,lI lnc luoe a w.'ds. StJl'>llay mo<nlng , Talll-,n on 116.311.91 .nd
lorums. dealer • • and XYl prOll'ams Ta lk· 116.52. FOI lldvance oeal...- reg.s traIlOn. R. L Rabenstein W83JJG Richard Ralldall K6ARE
In on 1 ~. 1g,.79, 1~.52152. and 111,121 12 e'ec mcal ouHel andlable requeSlS. s-ub- 2904 W, Pine Avenue 1263 Lakehurst Rd.
FOI 'eserva tlOnS and/OI ,nIOlmation. ceo- m'SSIOn o t I,ee a ds 10I11'Ie clull'S ha ml" . I . Altoona PA 16601 livermore CA ~550
92 73 Magazine · Ju ne, 1982

I wou ld like to correspond I need schematics, tech nica l

w ith hams wh o have operated manuals, and crystal rntcrme-
HAM HELP w it h or are operating w ith a Hal-
lic ralters FPM300. I am Interest-
ed in troubleshooting an extst -
ing problem and in learni ng
for an ANNAG-52 rad io set
(T· 8 9 1I V AC· 52 and R·11461
VAG-52). I w ill pa y any reason-
able c harges for copying and
about any mod ifications wh ich postage, o r will copy and return.
A wh ile back , Po ly Pak s wa s I am in need of schematics can be done on this rig. John Wilson KCl P
selling a surplus keyboard , ml- and part s lists for t he power Neil F. Haeger WD6CVA 15 Kennedy Ad.
nus the keyt op s, made by C. P. supply and tape reader 0 1 an 14402 Cartela Dr. Cambridge MA 02138
Clare and Co. for Burroughs NCR Model 400·500 Teletype' La Mirada CA 90638
Corp. If anyone ha s oneol these (power supply schematic no. I would like to hear from hams
boards or ext ra kevewttcnes, I 095·0009500 and tape reader I am looking for a model DD· who use the Exldy Sorcerer for
would li ke 10 bUy th em. Model GE 4APTR6 1GOO2, serial t c spectrcntcs f requency read- ham applications of any nature.
Ralph Alellander WB50AH no. 5628). Have cop ier or please out for my Collins 755-3 receiver. John Stover N9AMC
Box 236 advise.
A. E. Foltz W7JOO 1521 Medora SI.
l elor. TX 79054 Also needed is a dial plate (or
PO Box 2126 South Bend IN 46628
co py) for t he Phi lco AM /SW
I recently purcha sed a Ham- 5ecIona AZ 86336
Model 41 ·250 rad io , Code 121 .
marlund Model SP-600 and a I would like to convert a model
H. W. Wallmeier I need the service manual for 1-636 Royce S$BlAM 23-channel
Hammar lund HG-l 0 converter
700 W. 7 the Clegg " 99' er" e-meter trans- CB rad io for use on the to-meter
(less hookup adapt er). I will pay
Washington MO 63090 ceiver a long with any tntc rma- band. Any information on how to
lor manuals or any infor mation,
copies, post age. etc ., regarding t ion o n home-brewing a su itable do this wou ld be helpful.
Doe s anyone have informa- v10 and FMing the uni!. 1will pay
Ihese two units and t heir co rn- Lyl. G. Plum WB7P XQ
tion o n the whereabouts of for postage and copying ,
pati bllity. I am also in need 01an 3807 Ea.t Emile Zola
VP6LX (April , 1963) o r
adapter for the HC·1O. Kevin Van Zullen KA9GWB Phoenix AZ 85032
W2PCJ/KJ6 (August, 1963)1
C.L. Gantz, Jr. 205 Lehman SI.
George ceter KIEDA Berne IN 46711
515 E. Fulton 51. I need a sc hematic and
524 6th 51.
lancaste r PA 17602 manual for a Hammarlund HQ
Wil st Des Moines IA 50265 , am looking fo r a schematic
(717)-393-1262 100 rece iver. A ll cost s w ill be
I need a schemat ic and menu- for an SBE VHF power amplifier,
model SB-1 PA. gladly paid.
I am in need 0 1a tu be-spec tft- at for a Gonset G1S1 FM Com-
cation manual which covers re- Lenno x Bodman K1NBG Patrick J, Chivlnoton WBJIB
ceiving and tra nsmitt ing ty pes. 29 MI. Vernon 5 1. 1478 Grace Ave.
Mar!( Aethemeyer Lakewood OH 44107
l a rry Scha d 1531 Belmont Gardiner ME 04345
Box 332 Kansas City MO &.4126
Aft o n IA 50830 I need a service manual and I need a schemat ic and any
I need a schematic , and ser- schematic for a Phill ips Tele- technica l advice for keyboard
I am in need of some donated vice and upgrade informat ion communications rece iver type assembly 055-13-02·7QREV by
QSL cards. fo r the Sommerkamp FTdx·15O BX 925A109 N R BC 6380/S0502. Incoterm Corp., particularly for
Gary Mitchell KH8AC transceiver. Mark A. O'Ornella. SAW AnY. A ll reasonable expenses
PO Drawer 909 Charles Wendler K2BOZ 110 Barrack SI. refunded.
Pago Pago, American Samoa 58 South Airmont Ad. Kingston, Georgetown W. G. Matt G4KLP
96799 Suflern NY 10901 Guyana 2 London Bridge

RTTY Her e is no compromise design and const r uction ;

• Unp"r . lleled selectivity .chieved with sophis -
t;uted Iimi ter less design ut i li ling ultrasharp
London, 5El 9RB

DemodUlators active filt ers and decision level correc tion ci r -

• The most flexible interface system .v.il.ble to
computers and high voltage loops
• Built in 170 volt loop supply
• sereceeere bandwidths of 55 and 100 HI . (copi es
110 Bud ASCII )
• Continuously t unable shi ft cove....ge ' UI.I. ~. W "V E _ .. . e._ _ . ...., .. !>. ,• ••_
_ . .....n H .. Q T, _ . 3 M ......... 1.1. u" ....
• Rugged construction - commerd al quality G•• ~ •• •• "' H E.. VY 0 _ 1 ..
........._ " • •• H I S T IIENGT H Fl BEII-
throughou t GI. ... !>!> TUBI NG OVEII . ...1.1. . NO WOS st.Y LU-

...~ I • Full complement of re... panel connectors for

ellsy inter face
M P Y T II .. PS - NO UNSIGHTLY C I. ...M PS n~"''''
", , fl, I •••,.... N........ .11
V. '. T•• • • _ •• _ . ,

FSK·1000 ' • • Keybo.rd activa ted switc h for break in oper . t lon ....,
,.....' ro" ..
, . " . HI·P ..... "1.1. OO-•• \iOn DX A ••
• Individual tuning meters .nd LED's for q uick,
accueete tun ing
BILE HOME S - CO NOOS ••• , ••••• _ ,
..0_ (In
"M .. N D.. TO IIYI In
l . U,
n. '1'.p'••
'" , . _
( l ( _ . __ . E lCO MPLETEI.'
T his RTTY demodulator is designed for compu ter NO T UNER NEEDED 0. .. AI _ , (Jr . . . .. 80
interface but is a fin e stand alone unit : ........ . . 00 "'c:l SW" l- 2 . ' .. 11_ _ S. ....
S02311 .... - ... _ SO 'or ..., _ " II G 5 I1U ·
• Eny computer inted.clt with RS - 232 or 5 volt IIGIIU , . _• . l1li . .._ 1. ""''''ES TII"'''$ClEV '
EllS . 2 0 0 0 Won PEP, _ _ ... ....._ • PilE '
logic signals P""O '" US.... . . . . . _. .. 10 - . _ _
• Thr ee shirt cover.ge wit hout st r .ddle tuning . ....._ ... WEAT N U I PIl OOfl
• Select.ble bandwidt hs give you optim.1 B.udot ,.... ..VT 8 0 . 1O - 5 _ _ 2lt"n · - s . TIl..\l5
or 110 Baud ASCII copy .... . .. VT. O-IO _ . _ _ wa- - S'21l.IlIS
FSK·SOO ,~ ... .. "'VT2Q-OQ - 3e- - n ll · -S~ ..\l5
• Input b/Ilndp"ss preselector using act ive f ilter s SE ND ' UL I. PRlQ: '011 PP DEI. IN U$" Ie -.
• High volt.ge loop keyer output .. S 5 .OO _ e- J ..
_ .. _ VI S " , ""I5TEII C" RD .. " "E II IC " "
• Autost ...t bui lt in E.lPIIESI5 Goo. N..... .. .... E• . _ .. Ptt 1_308.
• Three shirt AFSK keyer plus narro w shift CW lD 2311-533 3 Il.... 6 P IIII _ ........
.... . _., _ ___ ., .. " ' "
W. _ .. 2_3
• Fully ....i r ed and tested : ready to copy!
• T he FSK- 500 i s the best demod ulator .v.iI.ble
for under 5500 .00 (Except for our FSK -I OOO!)
• Posi ti ve t uning with meter and LED' s

D••,. "T. II
"W EST"",ER, N
• ' 0 ." _
_ Gwor

fl... . ..
N ••• ,
OO" . . . . . .
'" . _ -

94 73 Magazine . June, 1982

I am loo king lor a schematic, I need a schematic diagram
service manual , and co nnec- for a Colli ns 651S aenerei-ccv-
tlons f or a M oto rol a Twin V

erage receiver. I will pay for the
Trans-type CC 3006 6112-volt ra- copies and postage.
diophone, model W 43GGD-2. I Tom Korma nlk
am also look ing f or inlormatlon 14114 S1. Marylln,
on the BC733F radio rece iver . I Houston TX 77079
I am looking lor active Radio I am looking for: w ill pay all costs for postage
Shack TRS-80 and Sinclair ZX-81 • the instruc tion booklet for us- and hand ling.
I am looking for a Hall icraft·
computer user's ne ls. I am inter- ing t he Johnson transceiver William Pence ere SX-73 o r 5X-73A receiver. I
ested in when these nels meet tester 800 Old Stage Rd. wou ld like t o use the rece iver for
and the trecuencree they meet • information on how to convert Cave Junction OR 97523 OXing the 540-16O().kHz broad-
on. I am also interested in t he the Heathkit 5 B310 rece iver for
I need a schematic or any cast band.
locat io ns of the fo llowing air- 1~ and t s -met er band coverage
o t he r inf orm ation o n the model John CreQue
craft and marine beacons (all • information on how to modify
3001600 d igital counter so ld by 1121 Berdan Ave.
frequen cies In kHz): A·320 , the Heat hkit 5 8 102 for more so-
Crescent W ire and Gable Co m. Toledo OH 43612
BNQ-396, BNU-396, COR·206, phisticated operation
EBY-391 , FR·355, GWF·262. I will copy and return or for- pany, c irca 1976.
HMM ·410. tNE·521, LYI -41S , ward payment for the above. Harold Ma y I am looki ng for a schematic
MF-371 . NO ·351 , 01 ·376, Robert Ross VE3LPJ 428 Phll llppa and service manual lor the mod·
PNA ·392. 00 ·401 , AD-4 10 , 4 Meadowlane Dr. Hinsda le IL 60521 el 33 Sideband Eng ineers trans-
SL-288, TA·390, UNB-38B. VI-220, Brampton, ONT L6W 2R4 cefver. ! wou ld also li ke some in-
I need a sc he m a ti c and formation o n how to convert this
XSD-278, and ZP-368. Canada
operat ing manual l or a Kn ight rig for CVY use.
Gary Payne KE6CZ KG·2100 de oscilloscope.
1347 E. Dakota Is t here a reader of 73whocan Ka Kanana
write an article about the Jape- Joe Bische KA4HAG 158 SW Oaklyn SL
Fr••no CA 93704
nese ra dio- In t ercept tr aining 3412 29th Sl W. Palm Bay FL 32905
program t hat took place at the Bradenton FL 33505
I need a manual tor the
Bec kman-Berk ley model 7751 Eastern Signal Corps Train ing Our club Is in d ire need of a I am returning home Irom Ger-
frequency coun t er a nd a Center in Ft. Monmouth NJ in service manual for a Johnson many to the Rome/Cartersville,
l~kHz, 115-V ac crysta l oven
for same. I am also looking for
'944' Gordon E. Hopper
Thunderbolt l inear amplif ier,
catalog " 240-353.
Georgia, area. Any jo b informa-
t ion for a F i rs t C l a ss Ba -
the m anual for the 31284 Collins 75 Kendall Ave. Ronald Daly WB.ZNI diotelephone and amateur Extra
speaker console. I wi ll purc hase Framingham MA 01701 Hot Springs c lass licensee comm encing in
outright or copy and return Amateur Radio Club August would be m ost ap-
Bill Nell,en WB4APC I am interested in th e 1750- Box 385 preciated.
Rt 2, 80x 253E meter band and would enjoy Hot Springs SO 57147
B. G. Echols, Jr.
Radcliff KY 40160 hearing f rom someone who is( WA2NYRJDA2EJ
I need schematics fo r the
w as us in g t his frequency. I a m University 01 Maryland
a-me te r Ed g ec o mm mob i le
I would like to obtain a m otor- inte rested in learning about re- Jaeger K.s., Bldg. 26
radio s 25A and 3OOOA. I will pay
d ivider PC board number 1A210r ceiver convers ion and t ransmit- APO New Yortt NY 09162
copy cos t s and post age.
a GXC5 military FA X uni t. A ter desi gn, as well as activity on
th is band. Rudolph Fallang KA7DTA
schemat ic and/or manu al for
717B SE 6th I wou ld like to get a Novice
t hi s wou ld be ha nd y. Rex Faulkner N4EYE College Place WA 99324 license. Are t here any nearby
AI Clkas KA9GDL 3413 Covington Dr.
hams t hat could help me on my
2112 Stonehenge Augusta GA 30909
I am looking for a DG-5 digital days o ff? A n hour every ot her
Springfield IL 62702 display and a O& 1A ec-cecon- weekend would be a great help.
An am ateur in th e Ivory Coast verter lor a Kenwood T5·5205. Robert Good
I need sche ma tics or any in· is looking lor a RTTY prog ram Pl ea se etete condition and Box 86
formation lor the Hamma rlund and interface to use with the price, including shipping. Overbrook KS 66524
H 0 110, H amm a rlu nd H 01 80, Atari 800 compute r. Can anyone John P. Iorio WD4MWH (913)-665-7483
and Hammarlu nd HXSOO t rans- help me to help him ? 5228 Longview Dr.
mitter. I also need inlormation Fred Trick, Sr. K89UB New Port Richey FL 33552
I need a service manual and
on the 'reietypee 28RO teletype ZeUred Company schemat ic d iagram for a
mach ine and t he Gonset G·50 PO Box 265 I am looking for a Vocallne
Motorola T41GGV series " Twin
e-meter Communicator, and in- North Manchester IN 46962 AT·30 420· M H z trans ce iver.
V " transceiver. I wi ll pa y
struct ions on how to convert the These units are very old, but I am
reasonable copying costs or
Communicator to FM. Wanted: Robo t Mo del 70 sure t hat one c an be found.
copy and return.
SSTV monitor, regardless of Allen Herrls
Tom Blessing Jeffrey Miller WD4SMA
condition. 3047 Worden st,
294 Helen Ave. 2112 Nat,hoa Court
Xenia OH 45385 Dante Ventrlere KA4JRE Muskegon MI 49441
Falls Church VA 22043
(513)-372·9341 17831 NW 81 Ave.
Hialeah Fl 33015 I am in need 01 a source for
st a inless spring rod in pieces I am looking for manuals and
I wou ld like to use my TR&80
Wanted: amateur radio CSL that are f ive teet long and no specif i cat i on s h ee t s f or
Model I lor SSTV worx and
cards prior to 1930 for old-time more than 1/8" In d iameter. Hallicrafters 5X1 01 and SX42
would like to get In contact with
d isplay. Tape red rep la cement CB whips rece ivers. I w i ll bu y y o u r
anyone who has info rm at ion on
are not Qu ite long enough. o riginal s or pay for copyi ng.
how to do this. One Noon VE31AE
19 Honeysuckle Cr. Stan Hockman KA4DSK Bob Allie
Dale Clartt N9APX
London, Ontario 838 Fl.ger Blvd. 736 Pine Sl
40194 N. Glendale
Canada N5Y 4P3 lake Park FL 33403 Centra l Falls RI 02863
Zion IL 60099
73 MagaZine • J une, 1982 95


The TVRO fil ter/ampli fier and (l op) sides of these boards are
demodu lator c ircu it boa rds g iven here as Fig s. 2 and 3.

CORRECTIONS shown in ., 'U te Receiver IV: ' J . Richard Christian WA4CYP

M ay, 1982, are double-sided. The Mobile AL
fo il patterns lor th e component

Please note the fo llowing in-

• The coa ste r COlli near oe -
scribed in " Drool-Gain," an ar-
ticle in the May issue of 73, is
incorrectly shown in Fig. 3.
The 'I.-wave st ub should be
shorted at both ends, as de-
scribed in th e t ext.
• A complete ki t of parts for the
"Fun-Amp" feat ured in the
Ma y, 1982, issue is available
from Radiok it , Box 411 5,
Gre en vi l le NH 0 30 48 l or
Tim Daniel N8R K
73 Magazine Stall

The printed c ircuit board lay-

out for "Home-Brew a TVRO
nownconverter.' M arc h, 1982,
s ho u ld have in c l ud ed both
sides. The top an d bottom of the
board shou ld be etched as
shown here in Fig s. 4 and 5.
Al so, the t hree coupling ca-
pacitors sho wn in the part s
placement diagram should be Fig. 3. Foil layout for top side of the demodula tor board.
5O-pF disc ce ramics, not the
.Ol ·uF ones shown .
S. F. Mitch ell WA40SR
Mobile Al

0 0
0 0
0 0
0 00
0 0 0
0 00
0 000

0 0 0 0 Fig. 4. Top side of double-sided circuit board.

0 0
0 00 0
0 0 0
0 0 00
0 00 0
00 00 00 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 00 0
0 0

Fig. 2. Foil layou t for lop side of

the filler/amp lifier board. Fig. 5. Bottom side of down converter circuit board.
96 73Magazine . June, 1982


I ·1 I · . 11/ /~.IIII
With the Phase IltB launch slill set for early July, there are now in-
• • ••••• / / / •• I .. // r: /.
creasingly brig ht prospects for geosynchronous launch opport uni-

(We SpeakYour
t ies for amateur sat ell it es. It appears thai there may be two suc h
possibiliti es by the end of 1985. The fi rst of the se is a test fli ght o f a
vehicle designed tor launChing a new US defense satelli t e. The sec-
ond is a lest launch of a new Euro pean Space Agenc y (ESA) vehicl e
called Ariane 4.
In both cases, the available payload is enor mo us by amateur sat-
ellite st andards: 1200 pound s for the US lau nc h and 4400 pounds for
t he ESA f light . Needless to say, AM SAT offici als on both stoes ot the Backed by ov er 54 years of experience. Harvey
At lantic are pursuing these unique opport unities. It has been sug- co ntinues to offe r the broadest selection and fi nest
gest ed that the t ime may be at hand for AM SAT to coordinate Its ac- serv ic e availab le fo r th e amate ur rad io co mmu nity .
ti vit ies with other amateur sp ace groups, in o rder t o make full use of This expe rience has tau gh t us that the ham need s
t he large payload s. It may we ll be a case of "use it or lose it ." special treatment and that is why Harvey has estab-
Iished a special division ded icated to the needs of
SPAC EW EEK: JULY 16-24 the U.S. and fore ign ham alike .
The week of J uly 16-24 marks t he 13t h anniver sary oftheApollo 11 One thing is fo r ce rtain. A ham wi ll never get the
IIight . d uring whic h man f irst set foot upon the moon. -speceweek'' run around from Harvey. If we don't have something
is a national celebration 10 commemor at e t his historic event and to in stock, we say so and will order it for you -or - tell
demonst rate public support for space exploration. Activit ies include you where to get it. However, we are sincerel y dedi-
exhibits, lect ures, and a peti tion drive to show our leaders in Wash· ca ted to the ham community and . as a result, ou r
inqton DC that Amer icans really do fa vor an act ive ro le in space for expansive in-
th e United Stales. ventory means
Spaceweek acti vities in each loca l area are organized by vofun- that,more than
teer groups. The Sp sceweek Handbook, w hic h tells how to co nduct likely, we will
a local Spa ceweek, is available from the grou p's headquarters for a have wha t you
$10 donation. Wr ite 10 Spaceweek Nat ional Hea dquarters. PO Bo x are looking for
58172, Houston TX 77258. in stock.
The above inform aton is courtesy of AMSAT Satellite Report . PO
Box 27. Washington DC 20044.
0kU • Orb .... ,
Orb .. , ~"

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fo. J ....

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Antenna Specialisrs
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, •• 6 R,L. Drake M.F.J. Sinclair

""' "" 'll'," n. T

" Ul
.11' ,," 11 . '
n. t
Got ham A ntennas M idland Telex H ygain
ll .. . "
" "",II H.I Grundig
Henry Radio
J. W. Mill er
Sysrem One
H. M. Electro nics Wm.M.Nye VoCom
ModIoI T).10 Ii........., lor fePlN t... "","1..-
leom Pace W_S. Engmeenng
10 .-.oId timing out It.- fePlNt...
Kantronies Regency Yaesu •
AeMlI on e lm.< drOP-OUI
Piet<:in9. &.5 I':Hz aleft t .....
Adjus llble timiono;l ~od CALLTOLL FREE:
Can bIo uM<! I t 1.0 . ram•...,..
SOIl$,..... . nougn tor nlnonel(l6 Model TI·l0 asnmDle<l , $69
100 % .olid s Ia l.; no ..lay s witc hing Mod. 1 TI-10K, ki t larm $57
Hlnd .omo s tyling. durabl. Cltl P!'inled Clrcuil Board a nd Ask for Dou '·Jae ··Chin - KB2 M U
Ba"lfY PowlQd; Documentation . , $20
sen... RF Cl m . r_ no connection. to ri Snippin g a nd ha nd linll a dd S3

..... n..n ord e rIng. ple n e specily moo..1 It YOU <1c t !lelor.. Ju'y I 1982 r.-.;:.. ,Y<'
1 $ '0 d,scounl on lhe n 10; $5 d ,scou ni on the TI·IOK

P.o. BOX 771 Madison Heights, M148071
-. " 25 W 45th St, N.Y., NY. 10036 (212) 921 -5920

73 MagaZine I June. 1982 97

tied to hearing an alterca tio n followed by a shot. Alter a lengthy trial,
t he murderer wa s convicted, sentenc ed to death, and hanged.

FUN! • Nat knew bot h the victim and the murderer.

er n court , the judge asked Walt t og ive his account 0 1 the shooting,
• Harvey wa s the last of the six to see J immy alive.
• The policeman testified that he picked up John near the place
where the body wa s l ound .
John Edwards KI2U
• Bob and Harvey never met.
78-56 86th S treet
Glenda le N Y 71385 What ro le did each ham p lay in this trag ic story?

Recently, on a day when 15 mete rs was dead and I had nothing ELEMENT 3-DXCC COUPLES
else to do,' pulled out my Dover Books cata logue and began thumb-
Many husbands and wives are avid bxers. One attemcon. Stan,
ing through its pages. For those of you not acquainted with this firm,
Frank, and Joe, along w ith their wives, whose names in random or-
Dover is a company specializi ng in a ll types o f Qua lity paperback re-
der are: Susan, Wilma, and Diane, got t oget her t o co mpare their
prints priced from about one to live buck s. W ithin the pages o f t heir
DXCC totals.
cat alogue. you can fi nd books on subjects ranging from dying cloth
with crushed insects. 10 the complete engraving s of A lbrecht Durer. • Diane, Wilma, Susan, and Frank have 206, 202, 200, and 194 coun-
They also have a selection of orc-tesntonec postcards thai can be t ries respectively.
made into fantastic cst.e . • Stan and Joe have 198 and 196 coun t ries, but for so me t ime they
AI any rete. I'm plowing m y wa y t hrough th is catalog and what could n't tell wh o had made wh ich since they both had bad memories
should I see listed but a book by Hiram Percy MaKim. Yes, the Hiram and lost t hei r copy of OST.
Percy Maxim. As I ment ioned in a column ba ck in 1980, amo ng • When the fellows f inally fou nd the OST, it turned out that two o f
HP M's many accomplishments wa s an autobiography entit led AGe· the couples had the same tota l.
nius in the Fam ily (later made into the 1946 movie So Goes My Love. • Frank' s wile has more co unt ries than Stan's wife.
sta rring Don Ameche and Myrna Loy). Well , it seems that Dover ha s Wha ,is the name of each man's wife, and how many coun tries do
dusted off t his mighty tome and is ollering It to an anxious public for Stan and Joe have con firmed ?
the tantalizing sum 0 1 $1 .50.
If you're Int erested In ordering a copy (and should any real ham be
without one?), you'll l ind It on page 52 0 1 the 1981-82 cat alogue li sted
between The Handbook. of Pictoral Symbols and Obedien ce Train·
ing For Your Dog. To order, wr ite to Dover Pu blications, 180 Varick The fo llowing example of mult iplication has bee n attacked by the
Street (slig htly south 0 1 the FCC), New York NY 10014, and ask for " Math Censor: ' He' s taken most 0 1 the d igit s in this problem and re-
book 20948-2. Be sure to add Joe l or handling. I can hard ly wa it to placed them wit h x's. ft'e up to you to restore the problem to its cor-
see the faces on the people at Dover when they su ddenly get a l ew rect form. (Note: The as. 5s, and 6s remain ing are not necessarily the
hundred requ ests for a book by Hiram Percy Max im. only digits 0 1 those val ues in the example.)
Last January' s log ic puule in the Reader's Corner seems to have
struck a responsive Chord. In tact. s ince the puzzle appeared, I've re-
ceived over two dozen leiters asking l or more problems devoted to
" x
logic and reasoning. Since FUN! always a im s t o please it s readers,
this month we're dedicating the entire column t o logic games. These
puzzles are by tar some 01 the most complex riddles ever published
In FUN! , so be sure to keep a glass of Ice wa ter or some other suit- xx5x4x
able refreshment nea rby. We don't wa nt to burn out any brains.
Uncensor th ose digits !


The Northern Sou t h Dak ota Repeater Council ha s a highly in-
Six hams: John, Ma ry, Carl, St an, Harry, and Dick, are the only
volved system 0 1 repeater group representat ion. According to the
people interested in running l or the off ices o f pre sident, fi rst vice
rules 0 1 the council, each repea te r is represented by four members,
president , and general manager of a cert ain nat ional o rganizat ion.
but because 0 1 overla pping repeater c lub membershi ps the fo llow-
ing complications exist: e Jotm won't be an o fficer unless Harry is president.
• Mary won't serve if she out ranks Cart.
• Each person on the counci l is simultaneously the representative
• Mary won't serve w ith Dick under any condit ions.
0 1 tw o different repeater groups.
• Carl won 't serve with both Harry and Dick.
• Every pair of repeater clubs has one representative in common.
• Carl won 't serve if Dick is president o r Mary is general manager.
In this maze of conl lict ing allegiances, the NSDRC accomplishes • Stan won't serve with Carl or Harry unless he outranks them.
little In the way of frequency coord ination, which is n't unu sual l or a • Harry won 't be lirst vice president.
group of this sort. Nevertheless , the co uncil's organizat ion presents • Harry won't be general manager if Stan is an ot uc er.
an interest ing puzzle. whi ch is: How man y repeater clubs are repre- • Harry won't serve w ith John unless Dick serve s too.
sented on the NSDRC and what are the tota l number of representa- • Dick won't serve unless eit her he or Carl is president.
tive s?
How ca n the three offices be f illed?


A recent murder case involved the homic ide 0 1 an alleged repe ater
jammer. In o ne o rder or anot her , six hams, Walt, J immy, John, Bob, Element 1:
Nat, and Harvey, were the victi m, the murderer, the witness, the po- The re are ten persons repre sent ing five repeat er groups.
liceman, the judge, and the hangman. Here are the tecta 0 1 th e case: Element 2:
The victim had died instantly from the ettect of a erose-renee gun- Walt was the policeman, Jimmy the murderer, John the witness, Bob
shot wound . The w ilness did not see the crime committed , but te en- the victim, Nat the judge. and Harvey the hangman .
98 73Magazine. J une, 1982
Elemen t 3: Elemen t 3:
Stan is married to Diane, Frank is married to Wilma, and Joe is wed Twenty poi nts.
to Susan. Stan has 198 countries and Joe 196. Element 4.-
Element 4: Twenty po ints.
6 45 Element 5:
72 1 Twenly points.
6 45
1 2 90
Let's get logical.
4 5 15
4 6 5 04 5
1·20 po ints-Scatterbra in.
Elemen t 5:
21 -40 points-Utterly confused.
Carl is the president, Mary t he first vice president, and Harry the gen·
41-60 points-Aoom temperature 10.
eral manager.
61-80 cctn t s-c-ccmoc ter-nke.
81-100 po ints-Mr, Speck.
Elemen t 1: The follow ing amateurs were missing from last month's list o f
Twenty points. those solving January's Reader's Co rner. Found 1 solution:
Elem ent 2: Ed Laro se KS5V, Jo hn Hut sc ttmfd KI9J , Bo b Kendall VE4ZH, and
Twenty po int s. Mar ien Kenda ll XYL·VE4ZH .

he places I he lower, the ele- Iy high noise level combine with

ments will hang over his neigh- amateurs pushed down from the
bor's yard. That neighbor, o f higher bands so conditions are

ox course ... is the one who has

never been very friendly si nce
that incident with the TV set. It
necttc. But it is possible to make
contacts ou t side your conn-
nent. Antenna work can wait un-
loo ks like another seaso n wi t h III the win ter proves tha t tne
Chad Harris VP2ML the inverted vee. Maybe a rettec- beam reall y is 100 big and blows
Box 488 1 tor elemen t hung bet ween that it over.
Santa Rosa CA 95402 light posl and t he fence .. . Fi fteen meters flashe s wit h
Twe nty meters slays open, af- o ccasiona l excite men t ; it's
COMBATIING THE SUMMER will not ice those copper wires in ter a fash ion , all summer. The probably the besl ba nd to watch
DOLDRUMS their swimm ing pools. high absorpt ion and occas iona l- c arefully during the month. The
Doldrums. A state of inactivi- T he aO ·meter enthusiast
ty , stagnation, or sl ump; a spell split s his time between repair-
of listlessness. What the bands ing winter-damaged w ire aruen-
do in the summer. The pits. nas and c hecking the no isy sun-
Wha t do the enthusiasts of the rise and sunset openings for •
various bands do during t he some other masochistic DXer.
summe r doldrums? The picki ngs on th e band are
The hi gh level of at mospheric poor, There are t oo many leaves
noise (ORN) rui ns the lo wer tre- on t he t rees to shoot the arrow
quencies for most ox. The
teo-meter specia list ctsccn-
thro ugh the branc hes and haul
the antenna up anyway. Maybe -
nects the rig and spends the
summer nights sleeping, dream-
ing o f liv ing o n a mountain of
there's a baseball game on the
t ube.
The ec-meter DXer pace s o ff
. ,.
- «I
• •

copper plate. His days are uueo his imaginary z-eremeet mon o-
designing t he perfect ground bander in the back yard for the
and wo ndering if hi s neighbors fi ft eenth time. No matter where

. -"

The Catholic church overlooking Ma in Street, Easler Island. Anten· Father Dave Reddy, O.F.M., CE.aAE. The Chifean flag has flown over
nas mark CEaAE. Father Dave for years .
73 MagaZine • June,1982 99

stained roof 0 1t he church itself. hearty laug h and ever-present

Bu t what is th at sticking up smile and good humor provide a
above the roof of th e church? It welcome touch 0 1 the States in
loo ks like ... it is ! A multib and th is remote co rner of the world .
vertical, w ith radials strung out His l ong Is land twang, wh ich
just over the roo/ line. An RG·58 strongly colors his Spanish, be-
feed line runs 011 the back 0 1the t rays his New York he ritage. The
church and crosses over a long. visitor suspects he wel comes
neglected garden to a tiny the c hance to speak English
house, overrun w ith vines and other than " 59 100."
ca ts. A garden gate hangs from
II is hard t o say whi ch of the
a strap o f rubber tire under a cot-
items I brought from the United
lapSing grape arbor. The person
States Father Dave most appre-
who lives here has interests
c iated : the spark plugs and re-
other than garden ing .
placement gearsh ift knob for his
Indeed, a telllale crackle from
jeep, the diodes to repair a sel-
the w indow o n your right hints
dom-used Co ll ins JOl t am pli-
CEaAE as most of the amateur popula tion sees(hears?)him. Fa ther at the avocation o/ t he icnc-ume
fier, or the tw o big jars of chunky
Dave's 5BWAS sits above the /ist of countries needed, the latter resident: That smooth CW rad io
pea nut butter. I suspect the tas t.
always at hand. ates from the l ist 0 1 Father Dave
The food on Easter Isl an d is
CEQAE, on Easter Island, in the
m on ot o nous and ell pensive ,
Pac ific.
band opens toward the sun in w ith a fi ck leness which strikes and the passing of the plate at
the morning, olten very rapidly. terror in many a propagation Fat her Dave Reddy, O.F.M., the Sunday service permit s few
The mosl distant stations lade forecaster. A sudden solar flare landed o n th is remote rock, fuxunes.
rapidly as the MU F c limbs, but can produce the most incred ible thousa nds of miles tr orn any
ot her inhabited land, on the rec- The presence of amateu r ra -
the shorter path OX slays slrong tonc-p at n openings one night,
ommendation 01 Father Sebas- dio visitors promised another
for hours. The sunrise and sun- and drive the absorption so high bright spot in the slow life on
set hours at the OX locat ion re- the nex t day that you can' t work tian. the former Catholi c priest
0 1 Easter Island. Fat her Sebas-
Easter Island. Fat her Dave wet-
main the best bets. across the block. But tavorame co rned t he asetsta nce c t the vts-
Ten meters sullers badly from cond iti o ns as t he l1are just tian, w idely recognized as the
fathe r 01 modern arc heology on it ing amateurs in improving his
the summer doldrums. Bu l the starts make up for the c rummy antenna f arm, heavily damaged
changeable ionosphere does co nd itio ns the next day or t wo . Easter Island, as well as lather
of his fl ock, interviewed Fat her by the storms which sweep in
give the band a lillie pizzazz Take advantage of these nan- from the nort hwest. Spare parts
once in a while. 15 me ters pro- Dave in the United States short-
sient gilts to the dedicated DXer and tower-c limbing ability are
vides a good predicto r 01 ly before the forme r's death.
by checking t he bands at least Soon tnereatter. Fat her Dave scarce in Easter Island, but the
t o-met er band openings, As 15 t wi ce a day. Monito r WWV on a gen erosity of his amateur vtsl-
meters shortens up (the more embarked on the fulf illment of a
couple o f di llerent frequencies, longti me drea m: ope ra ti ng ham tors and a Iitlle help from some
distan t sta tions lose signal if possible, until you c an l ell passersby left CEIJAE with a
st rength , t he closer stations im - radio from the Sou th Pacific. He
when conditions are a l ittle credible set 0 1 skyhooks.
pr ove), 10 might be opening in left th e seminary in Buffalo,
st range, a littl e wi lder than ncr- New Yo rk, where he ha d be en Fath er Dave divides his tim e
that direction. A rapid shorten- mal. Try some of th ose lon q- on th e Isla de Pasqua between
ing of 15 sug gests tuning to 10 teach ing, for San tiago, Chile, to
pa th direc tions and t im es. Most lear n Spanish. his church , DXi ng, and his Boy
and trying a few cas. The fir st superb ban d c ond itions pass Scout t ro op, one 01 two on Eas-
few stations on th e newly open- unexploited because "everyone His arrival in Chile (t he coun. ter Island. On Chile's Constttu-
ing band ge t the best OX. know s t he band isn' t open t ry wh ic h con trols East er Island ) t tc n Da y, he org anized the
Six-meter tans are f inding F2 then! " was un timely, t.ettrs t leader A I· Scouts into t he parade, then
propagation scarce, but the at- Another encouraging aspect uenoe rode to power on the back race d t o joi n the other island au-
ways-exciting Ecskip keeps the of the summer dold rums is t he 0 1 anti-American slogans, and thorities in the viewing stand.
summer interesti ng . So lar flares occasional cool breeze of good Fat her Dave could not get the The Scouts themselves quickly
liven the band a couple 0 1limes cond iti ons. The level 01 absorp- necessary permission t o as- joined the viewers at the side of
during t he summer, but the real t io n varies daily an d frequently sume his ro le as the spiritual the pa rade route as soon as they
excnement awai ts the return 0 1 drops low enough t o permit leader 0 1 Easter Island . passed the view ing stand. There
shorter days. some good DXing. Again, daily simply aren't enough people on
DX activity and the overall lev· Although the journey was net-
or twice daily monitoring and the entire island to both have a
er of euecuveness 01 the bands tner short nor straight, Fat her
occasional transmitting ensure parade a nd have people wat cn -
do indeed drop during the mid. Dave did finally arrive on Easter
catching these openings. ing it. Everyone serves double
die 0 1the summer. The increase Island , with built-in status as
But during these months of duty.
in solar radiation during the one o f the leaders 0 1 the tiny is-
perfect weather, be tween the A good time to work CElJAE is
longer days increases the ab- land. His predecessors in the
occasional flashes of real ex - during a contest. He lets few
sorptive properties of the iono- role 0 1 Pasto r 0 1 Isla de Pasqua
c iternent on the bands, this wtn- pass with out at least a lew con-
sphere much m ore than the re- helped f orge a nucleus o f
er's attention begins to wander. tac ts. H e c laims a laissez 'a ire
fractive ones. The signals aren't " W ho's Who" on Easter Island
I start to think how some 01 the att itude toward amateur rad io
escaping into space as they do along with the Governor, Mayor,
South A merican amateurs are contests, but his actions sua-
when the max imum usable tre- and heads o f the small military
co nt end i ng with the winter gest a more positive altitude to-
quency is low. Our radio waves units o n the island. Father Dave
st orms, amateurs such as our 73 ward their period ic madness.
are be ing absorbed by the same rapid ly forged another repute-
profile: CEfJ AE. When his to-meter signal ap-
ionosphere which permits long. non as an active and congenial
peared to be interfering with the
distance communication s in the amateur radio operator, CEQAE.
When a vis itor walks slowly public address system in his
f irst place. up the wide, dusty main street, Today , Father Dave wel - neighboring c hu rc h, Father
But a lew bright spots shine he looks toward the church comes visitors w ith the same Dave wou ld hear none of any
through the murky band s. The square, drawing attention from Iriendly cheer so we ll known to suggestion that the vis iti ng am.
declin ing sunspot cycl e fla shes the crumbling walls and rust - h is on. tne.air cont ac t s. Hi s ateur c urt ail operat ions during
100 73Magazine . June, 1982
t he Sunday service . " Nonsense! be w ithin 225 miles of Chile and easy to copy t hroug h the pileup. too long for pileup situations.
You go right ahead and operate. lose our status as a separate Does your phonetic call meet But t hey can be used to good ad-
I'll t urn off the church m ike and coun try inonly 70miliion yea rs. I these object ives? van t age in poorer co ndit ions or
ta lk louder." A nd he did ! ho pe I can work the last 47 coun- to confirm a callsign. A ll place
W hile Father Dave often can tries I need before then." THE CH OIC ES names share a common disad-
be found in contests, he admits How can you increase your The fi rs t place to look for pho- vantage as phonetic s, however.
he prefers OXing t o contes ting. ch ances of work ing Father Dave netics is the st andard list fo und Upon occasion they cause more
Easter Island lies sout h of the next time he shows up on 15 m e- in any amateur ra dio handbook confusion than they elim inate !
tropics , and the band conditions te rs? Maybe you should review or t raining manual . This st an- Witness m y callsign above, and
are not as uniformly superb as in the ph onet ics for your callsign. dard list is rem arkably good, but th e OX stat ion an swers, " The
t he West Indies or ot her m ore it doe s have a f ew problems for stat ion in Bolivia, stand by. The
northerly islands in t he Pacif ic . CHOOSING YOUR PHONETICS nxe rs. On e example: After mak- Portuguese station, go ahead! "
So band openings to the heavy (ThiS pa rt of the co lumn Is for ing th ousands 0 1 contacts as One well known co ntest er
amateur concen trations in the phone o perators only; we' ll get WA1SQB, I would like t o person- t urned t his problem Into an ad-
Northern Hem isphere are short- to the CW c ro wd in another col- ally thrott le the id iot wh o picked vantage. WA1KIO would often
er and not as stro ng as those en - umn.) Proper c hoice o f phonet- " s ierra" l or S. Sierra is C. I still break thro ugh p ileup s with
joyed by his co mpeti tion in the ics can spell the difference be. hear sierra and writ e C. " Sugar" " W A 1KlOelaware," Ethica l DX-
tropic s. And the abso lute lack of tween success a nd fa ilure in OX gets t hrough as well as si erra, ere Irown on such use of decep-
any local contacts makes sen- pi leups. How do you choose the withou t t he ambiguity, t ive phonetics, however, and
ous contesting d iffic ult. East er mo st effective phonet ics fo r you wi ll Quick ly l ind t his prac-
your callsign? Sho rt p h o n et i c s pu nc h
Isl and is no place to go to win an tice leads to more harm than
throug h pileups faste r than long good.
amateur radio cont es t, despite Think about w hy you use pho-
net ics: The pu rpose is to reduce ones. The amateur wh o uses
the exira 20 dB the CEO callsig n A fina l hunting ground for
short , punchy phone tics can get possible phonetics: "cute" o r
imparts. ambigu ity . So many lett ers
his call in twi ce as olten as t he
" Besides," Father Dave re- sound the same in the English c a tc hy phonetl c s . Such as
ham wh o uses longer ones.
mind s his visitors, "Sunday is language: b, d, e. t, p, g, c, v, a. Black White veucw, or Whiskey
Guess wh o works more OX?
my bu siest day. " Even under perfect condit ions, On e No Good. Or the famous
" Fox" is vastly preferable t o
Father Dave shows some of most OX stations co nf use state- Cute Enema Sea shore. To pical
" Florida," And the OX stat ion
the signs of the hard-core DXer: side ca lls. In the conf usion o f a phonetics fa ll inlo th is same
can fa ll aslee p or, wor se, work
His greatest fear is that newon't typical ph one pileup, these le t- c ategory. When the race horse
someone else, wh ile I st ruggle
get on the Honor Roll before ters are impo ssible to tell apart. Sea ttle Slew won th e Trip le
w ith " W as hi ngt o n American
East er Is land loses its status as So you turn t o pho netics. Cro wn of ra cing, K7SS tried Se-
One Santiago Quebec Bolivia
a separat e country. You wan t the OX st ation to attle Slew for phonetics.
recogni ze' (and come back to) Port a b l e V i cto ria Port ug a l How do you choose the be st
Easter Island no long er a sep-
arate country fo r DXec? Father your callsign, and hopetutly be. phonetic from t his assortme nt?
Da ve ex plai ns, " Co nti nent a l fore he comes bac k to someone Which brings us to another We'll examine ho w you "tine-
drift is sweeping Easter Isl and el se's. So you r phonetic call sign possible source o f phonetics- t une" your individual phonetic
toward main land Chile at the should be unique, it should re- place nam e s. Place na m e s fo r your voice and station next
rat e of 2 Inches per year. We'll d uce confusion, and it should be m ake long phonetics. usually m ont h.

There belo re m e wa s th e universe. Another tragedy in the

room-the one with the t hree tale of Major Arm strong unfold-

LETTERS window s-where it began . The

sounds of t hose words rang in
my head and lifted up in to the
sky a bo ve . O pen in to th e
ed before me and you.
And so th e las t tragedy in the
li fe o f Ma jor E. H. Arm strong
passed one cold December 16,

terly destroyed. Tho ug h win-

1 dows below were boarded, the
door swung freely in t he winter
Shortly after the art icle " Th e wind; a foreboding l eeling crept
Father 0 1 FM " (February, 1982) over m e as I en tered.
appeared, I th ought I'd rook-see
Loca l vcu ths. it appeared,
for myself. Perhaps a l ew pic-
had added their m ark to th e at-
tures would be in o rder. Su re
read y s ic keni ng s ight. Pear-
wou ld be nice to add to th e c lub
fu lly I en t ered , as o ne would a n
histo ry (t he Major Arm strong
unknown t omb, feeling t he evil
Memorial Rad io Club, Alpine,
of such a deed , SlowlY,1 c li mbed
NJ , on the site of the tower de-
to the room where it all beg an,
scribed in his tat er experiments).
up the m ain stairs wh ich , under
Several passes were made to
the paint removed by the heat,
fi nd the location, and at last I
showed a lovely balustrade-
found it hiding ingloriously be.
the kind so m any are now rest or-
hind a huge apartment, th e num-
ing bac k t o th e wa y t hey used to
ber, 1032, hidden under many
coats of paint and hard t o etsttn- be.
gu iSh. II o nly it had had a ch ance, it
There above me on the hill to too coul d ha ve been rest ored as
the east s he stood, em pty, have been the hom es o f many o f
burned, and blackened, over- America 's lesser heros, but the
grown w ith weeds and unattend - shame of the Bronx has reached 1032 Warburton Ave" Yonkers, 8t present. For " then," see p. 5 1 of
ed fl ora, alone, abandoned, ut- a few miles north in to Yonkers. the February, 1982, issue.
73 Magazine . June, 1982 101
1981, short ly after 8;00 am, car- repeaters? Also, the operat ing work, introductions to some of 73 MagaZine. I find your logic in
ried by the heat and smoke into st andards 01US amateurs to me our more exciting a c tivities a no-code ham ticket as being
eternity. are much higher than the aver- such as traffic handling, SSTV, beyond reproach and agree
God bless his memory. age, espec iall y on CW.I am sure ATV, RTTY, certificate hun ting, wncre-neertenv wit h your com-
Art Bonte W2ZYC that t his di ff erence is a result ot contes ts, and so on.- Wayn e. ments. Do not give up on t his, as
New Milford NJ you r Novice system, that I would you wi ll prevai l.
li ke to see copied in the UK.

I SIX·METER NETS IN DC I This brings me to my next

Subject 01emergency ccmmu nt-
cations, although no body ca n

I am wr iting in di sagreement
1 One of th e most frustrat ing
experien ces I have had has been
wa nting to get a ham license
and to do expe rimentation in
The Metropolitan Communi· tauu your suggestion lor e ne- wilh your leelings about CWoEv-
idently you don 't operate CWoI communications. As a result of
cat io ns Network Radio Club of tlonet data network (internation-
operate CW and enjoy it. I am 14 this frustration, I turned to CB
the greater Washington (DC) al ?) lor trallic handling. I believe
and was first introduced to ham radi o. Mo st everyone knows
area operated a repeater on six that on ce main power supplies
radi o when I wa s 11. I was at · there is a problem on 11 meters,
meters (52.250 MHz in; 53.250 have gone, as they certainly w ill
tracted to ham radio beca use of but fads have a way of fading
MHz out). We would like t o have in a con flict, we will be back to
CWo I believe that we shou ld CW; it seemed interesting . I wa s away, leaving only those that
repeater clu bs operating si x
m eters an ywhere a long the propagate some return to basic, not scared cu by CW when I wa s are sincere . The only drawbacks
but modern, tech nology i n a newcomer. I work lot s of CW. I in my gett ing into ham wer e two
eastern seaboard contact us to
amateur rad io coupled w ith CW do a lso work 5SB and enjoy it, items, one a my th and the ot her
establish some li nkage and ex-
change experiences. The six- operatin g so that in the t ina l too. CW is not (l or most) just w hat now should be a legend, to
emergen cy we amateurs can " t he us ual garbage of name, lo- w it: you had to spend a lot 01
meter FM net meets Saturday at
sa lvage some communications cat io n, si gnal st rength. . .' etc., money on equipment. and code.
1900 hours loc al time. We a lso
have a six -meter AM net which trom the remains. as you statecl in an answer to a As has been evidenc ed, you can
meets Sundays at 0900 hours lo- leiter in the April, 1982, issue. get on the air in a respectable
And y Hewitt G3SVDfW4 man ner without having 10 sell
cal time on 50.4 MHz. Sunday at I'm a raccnewer and do most ly
Tha tcham, Berkshire, England the wile and kid s.
1900 hours local time we have a t hat, though I do some OXing
six-meter sideband nat which I can see you've never tried our and contesting. I don't just give The other ilem, code, is rhet-
meets on 50.125 MHz. repeaters in New York or Los An· my name, QTH, etc. I ta lk about oric used by the elitists to keep
geles. J monitor the London re- my family, the day, sc hool, my it all t o themselves.
Robert Sporn WA3GGO
peaters when I'm there. .. no luture, electro nics , et c. CW Is Self ish and unconcerned as
CorrespondIng Secretary
comparison to the antics we are fu n and rewarding . CW is t he to the future o f ham rad io: " I had
9927 Cottrell r erreee
able to generate. Andy, where root of ham radio. CW is what to do it, so should you: ' atu-
Sliver Spri ng MD 20903
are we going to get a ll those CW makes ham rad io spec ia l. I am tude s. If we wer e to use the log ic
comp letely against " no-code"

I W RITE FOR RIGHT HAMS I rigs? Most of the SSB and FM

ham gear these da ys can coer-
ate from a car battery as well as
the ma ins. A large part of the
licenses; the last thing I want to
hear is ham rad io sound ing li ke
the Chicken Band (CB). So my
many hams crctes s. we'd still
be in knickers unt il manhood ,
women wo uld not be able t o
As a regu lar reader 01your ex- vote (hmmm), and we would
emergency gear is mobile and conclusi on is t hat CW is fun and
ce llent publication , I enjoy read- have legal slaves . Trying to keep
hand·held equipment anyway. J thoughts are expresseo on CWo cod e as a requirem ent is analo-
ing your often-controversial ed i-
can jus t see us a/l sitting there Eric Lassiter KA4KEQ gous to keeping a person on a
torial comments and the letters
with a hand key sending mes o Danville VA respirator wh o has euuereo
paga, but I have now been
sages via our handie·talkles. "brain death ."
lorced to write on bahatl of the Hey, Eric L, I 'm glad you 've
large number 01 amateurs out - Perhaps some forward·looking found some chap s on CW who I cannot lor the life of me find
side the US without wh om there firm will come out with a hand· will give you more than the usua l any logic in th e license require-
would be no OX. It seem s that all key kit to provide keys which will dull ro utine. That's g;eat! Not ments for code. 5 wpm, Novice,
your comments d o not take any screw on to our HTs in case of CW o nly; Technic ian, CW and
that J can in any way single ou t
account of the very important in- emergency need. We could even phone o n so me VHF; 13 wpm tor
CW for that crime. It's all too
ternat iona l-co nta ct part 01 our have the code printed on it for prevalent on our repeaters, and Genera l and Advancecl for...
great hobby. Please bea r in those of use who have f orgotten phone privileges? like putting
certa inl y no t unkno wn on our DX
the ooae.s- w evne. the c art bet ore t he horse, bass
mind that you are no more a rep- bands. And f don ', kn ow of any·
resenta tive of the radio arna-
teurs than is the editor 01 the
WaShington Post o r the London
Times of their respect ive reader-
I A RIGHT HAM WRITES I one who wants to have our ham
bands sounding even m ore like
CB than they do, so stop fretting
about that. Perhaps J put more
ackwards. In any case, code
sho uld be li ke blaCksmithing, an
art of an o utdated requirement .
Those who want it, do it ; those
I think that you ought to write
ships, and please take us OX op- a couple 01 things about Nov- trust in the intelligence it takes who don't, won't. Code, like sav-
erators into account. Ices. I'm 12 yea rs old and I'm a to understand radio theory than ing string, serves no uselul pur.
I would also like to comment Novice. I see a lot 01 arti cles on I do in the skill it takes to copy pose but you keep hanging on to it.
on some aspects rai sed In your things pertaining to General code. J do know that you would
We need technical mnova-
Issue 01 March , 1982. Concern- class hams but nothing about be hard put to point out any of
ucns and exper imentation by
ing your promotion 01 a no- us Novices . Thanks for your the more seri ous offenders on
those who sincerely want it
Morse license, I am definitely t ime. I think your magazine Is our bands as being good techni·
wh ile, on the other hand, provid·
against this, espec ia lly as we in great! cian s. I tend to gravitate more
ing a hobby to many. t am trying
Brita in have had a no-Morse toward hams with techn ica l
Eric Farwell EF2XJI t o get o ur loc al Com munity Col.
VHF lic ense for some years. As I ba ckgrounds, and to find them
Miam i Fl lege to carry a non-credi t course
operate both in the US and at the mos t sincere and te scmet.
in the aspects 01 ham tech no l-
home on both the VHF and HF Eric F., you are absolutely right ! ing of all hams. - Wayne.
og y. So far no luc k, but I will con-
bands, I have noted that despite Let's see some more articles to t inue 10 t ry. I teel that we as
the much larger number of US help our Novices understand NO CODE A YES YES America ns need to recapture
amateurs, you have a much more of what is going on. We 1 ' the reputat ion for being leaders
smaller proportion 01 lids. Have need to get them in terested in Sir, I s incerely app laud you tor in technological advancements
you ever listened to the l ondon simp le antennas and how they your edltcrta! in the March , 1982, rather than also- tans. To do this,
102 73 Magazine • June, 1982
we must t ake down our selt-lm- he was using a mec-mcuntec

every ham has his goal within
posed barriers and " mot ivat e, HANG HI Ol' VAGI Hustler whip on his rig In the Sight and obtainable. It only de-
not fru st rate " (a good ant i-code basement. ..he said he would pends on his ability and determi-
slogan) new blood inlo ham. wa lt for propagat ion , (Gud nation to do so.
Even 1can remember the time
I'll learn the code In o rder to when one needed a yag i or a man !)
upgrade, but I w ill then drop It We with the mile-high yagls Wayne professes that Invol ve-
quad to work OX, the thrill of
and maximum·llm lt amplillers ment with computers will revere-
like a bad habit. I gu ess that breaking a pileup, the scctrreu-
means some peo ple w ill label cation 01 dual vfo's, ta ll·ending, are anachronisms, Inc ong rul. ucnne the hobby. He Is abso-
me as a lid or ot her terms t hey and a ll the rest o f that gOOd ties at th is point o f t ime. Down lut ely correct. It will do what he
wUl come those relics of the wants. It w ill have hams all over
put on t hose w ho want to move stuff. To the new breed of ham,
t his sounds li ke we ird talk in- past and up will go the trcutne- the world making contests no
forw ard , not stay in t he past. II
Iree dipole o r vertical, and out more complicated than picking
people wou ld sit down and un- deed . The new OXer th inks
w ill go the amplifier. That stuff up the phone and d ialing across
emotionally ana lyze the no-code you're out of the band w hen he
be longs with chrome-laden, the states. If that's what hams
proposals, using reality, and not hears about stacking uve-cver-
l ive on a 180-foot tower. Who 6-lItre guulef autom obiles and want, then wh y are thtly epeno-
negatively specu late on wha t
needs It? And he's right ! These 25-ce nt-a-gallon gas. Get wll h It, Ing their money on better anten-
wou ld happen, on ly positive
OXers, you're showing your age ! nas, higher towers, new radios,
things could come about. For t ales of working OX w it h yag is
Pileups are o n their way o ut, t he or any other gadget that they
those who cannot tcucw t he a nd amp l if iers s ound like
wa y Individuality Is ou t and cr- thi nk will make their contacts
rules and regu latio ns as set echoes of the past, li ke t he
ganlzatio n Is In. CU o n the li sts. better or st ronger than anyone
do wn, wh at we need Is stronger mumblings 01 bearded Hon or
else's? Why don't thtly spend il
enforcement 01 t he rules, not Ro llers about the gud cr da ys . Don N.wl.nd. VE3HGN
on computers and ecttware and
outdated recutrementa such as The new OXer knows where it's Colborne, Ont.rio, C.n.d.
take a ll the grief out of ham-
cod e. at. ..you won' t f ind him staying
You don 't have to be an old· m ing?
up half t he night in t he hope o f
FCC has Its heart and hands
catching a rare one wh ile the timer to remtlmbtlr the days Computer hamming w il l elimi-
l ull in light of th e budget cuts,
rest of the world s leeps . He's whtln men were men tlnd the en· na t e persona l sat isfact ion,
etc. It need s help in enforce-
not go ing to spend hours calling dorsement sticker belonged to wh ich w ill In turn eliminate the
ment of t he rules. This could be
COOX In t he hope of f inding a the strong and thtl quick. But desire to be an amateur redlo
accompli shed by the use of
rare b ird. Hell no, he'll tune In to now the demand for OX i s way operator.
hams themselves. Testing co uld ahttad of supply. A OL Cttn rttl,e
a OX net, of which there are now
be done on a local level by a Jim Ory WD9ATJ
more t han thirty. He'll get In line a hugtt to-metttr pileup on a
group o r club of hams. In my
and w ork the rare ones without weekda y afternoon. Rere ones PI.lnfleld Il
case, I wou ld have to go to l on g
any luss. " li ke a telephone who prefer to avoid the melee
Beach, California, to upg rade. call," says o ne list-taker. " No turn to lists. What to do ? Try By gofly, JIm, you are probebly
This would cause me t o miss right! We j ust mey be able to
c use'n and scream'n." contesting, where ttltl big sta·
tw o da ys of work. Or, glory be, I make It so amateur radio can be
We o ld goats have been taken tlon i s worth the trouble. There 's
co uld walt t o see II the 'ie ld 01· stiff a place for your 8877s, enjoyed by people who heven't
tree w ill have enough money to In by the manufacturers, i.e., we
Oon.-WB8BTH. the kllobucks to put up monster
make a trip maybe 2·3 t imes a were told It was necessary to
beams and run 10,000 Watts, as
year to come to where I live.
Using local hams to upgrade
luture hams would also Inst il l
have a beam and an amplifier if
one wanted to be a successful
OXer, Well, It took me five years
to oteccver tbet all one needs to-
I IT DOESN'T COMPUTE I you seem to prefer. We might
even be able to cut back on
those fun pileups which have
pride. It wouldn't take lon g to The basic reason for not reo chased most of thtt DX opttra·
day Is a worry· free dipole and a tors off the air from rare coun-
f ind out which groups are up- newlng my Subscription to 73
barefoot transceiver and you
grading really qualified hams, MagaZine Is because I leel that tries. But just maybe the nuts
c an work the world.
as the proof is in the pudding. Wayne Green Is using It to fur- who think a new country Is
Noth ing wro ng in taking p ride in like an archaeological reuc, a ther the use 01 computers and worth gtlltlng killed for can be st-
knowing that your pupils have dinosaur c rying out for a mate, I assoc iated software tcr cc m mu- phoned off Into ever more com-
be e n pr oper l y s upervised , ca lled COOX today for twenty nlcatlons between hams. Th is, I plex automatic country working,
inst ructed, and motivated In th e minutes on 15 meters and not h· fee l, reduces the human touch thus leavIng the bends more
correct mel hods and kncwr- Ing came back . There I was w ith Involved In everyday hamming . ooen for getting to rea/ly know
edge. However, the c lout Is In a fortune t ied up In ampilliers
and towers, yagi s at 150 feet,
Taking away the persona lity
the ham and ",placing It w ith
0' some of the OX operators. You
know, the FCC was opposed to
the hands of t he d iehards wh o
insi st on being outdated In put- and two-Inch hettex. Nothing machinery will Indeed make letting computers Into amateur
t ing po litical pressures on tho se c ame ba ck , so I spun up the everyone bored w ith the hobby. radio, too. It apparently never
band a nd t here t hey were, Th is leads 10 reduced growth, occurred to them that, like a
who can c hange the cod e re-
q uirement. Until t hese " c hosen" twelve of t hem, a ll 5 and 9, and
all semi-rare: 068, Z07, EAa,
wh ic h is the opposite 0'
wh ich Wa yne I s tr y ing to
t hat typewriter or a Teletype - mao
chine, there hes to be an opera·
pass away to that great sha ck In
t he skY, 1am afra id t hat the code EA9 , 7Q7, 3V8, JW, a nd more, all ach ieve. tor. . . a Jive person... behind
w ill rema in, reg rettably. s itting like clay ducks in a each computer. The computer i s
s hoo ting ga llery . One after We do need growth In o ur just another means of communI-
There are so many po sitive another they came bac k t o t he hamming hobby. Th is w il l not be cating, JJttle different from CW,
aspect s to dropping t he code; If sq ueaky ctt-rrequencv signals deni ed. But to substitute com- RTTY, and so on. It turned out
only tho se w ho w ish t o ho ld o n w ith 4 and 3 rep orts . (T he puters for the personal touch is that thtt FCC chaps had vlrtue lly
to the past would t ake a positive callsl gn s we re handed out by not go ing to hack It. Co ntesters, no undarstandlng of the sltua·
view. let's move ahead and be- t he control stat ion t o t he OX eta- OX hunters, coun ty hunters, and tkm and were acting normtJl/y
come th e leaders of advance- t ion. Reason: speed and etft- rag-chewers thrive on the per- .. .flghtlng any efforts by hams
ments, not the sleeping g iants ctency, 0 1 cou rse, o f cou rse!) sona l satisfact ion that comes to experiment and perhaps pro-
that we are. And wha t's more, everybod y fro m doing it t hemse lves, From vide the world with some prog-
Frink J. Ward KA7lXT was ha ppy . The gud 01' ust learni ng a new la ng au ge - ress. Obvious ly, JIm, you 've
Tempe AZ takers stood by for the indoor Morse cod e-to bu ilding their managed to arrive at your con-
dipoles and vertical s: Only on e own crclecte. no metter new v/cti ons without tak ing the time
Troublemaker. - Wa yne. guy failed to get his report, and simp le o r complex, each and to ask anyone Involved with
73Magazine· June,1982 103
computers about the real skin· form o f abolish ing the code re- cent ered, and no longer will that I 'm real serious about s n
ny. Find out what you are talk ing q uirements for ham licenses. hams work for the " goocl o f am- th is. Oh, I do think that i t is high
ab out f irst ... then think it ateur rad io." time to dump the code as a
I adm ire you for the courage
over. .. then, and only then , go means of keep ing enthusia sts
of your convictions, Wayne, but But that is not why I write this
on record. Remember, Jim, that out of the hobb y. ..and to su~
there are more than a lew of us lett er. I enjoy your magazine
when I write so mething' know ' plan t i t with a techn ical exam
out here wh o have strong oblec- very much, Wayne, but a cou ple
will be fa ced with about 200,000 which can't be tota lfy thwarted
tions t o a no-code license, m y- of th ings disturb me, First of all,
skep tics, each on e more inter- by the Bashes and other cheat·
self included. your " Holy Gra n" editoria ls tend
ested in blowing a hole in my ing systems. 11 you read the li-
reas oning than in agreeing with a bit toward ranting and raving . cense study manuals I put out,
I am a newer ham (since 1977), That can't be good for t he blood
me. . .so I have to be darned sure an electroni cs engineering t een- YOU 'll see what I th ink is best. ..
pressure or the digest ion . I also simple theory explana tions
I have the background to kno w niclan , own my own personal
what I am writing about. Jim, I 'm have noticed t hat yo ur replies t o which anyone can understand.
co mputer, and am an act ive the letters protesting your edito-
ready to stand up in fr ont of any member of the Tucson Amateur Fortu nately, f have reason and
assemblage of hams and dis· ria l views are usua lly longer psychology on my side...and
Packet Radio Club. I only say than the leiters themselves. My
cuss Morse code, its pros and thi s in order to dispel any Idea j ust an interest in getting things
cons. I've been at that for som e psychologist friend has some in- improved, not an overwhelm ing
that I am of the "fraternity" that te resting thing s to say about
thirty years now. . .and, as I've dislikes the introduction of new zeal. Zea lots are not open to al-
said, i t has been quite a few that. In short, take it easy, ternative ideas and get all em o-
techno logy into ham radio . Wayne. This would be a pretty
years since I've heard anything tiona lly in volved in what they
new. Jim, you ha ven 't the Slight· When I received m y ham li- dull hobby someti m es if it were are do ing. en.
I don 't expect
est idea of what computers may cense in the mail, I fe lt some- not for cage-rattl ers like you, so Morse code to get dumped
d o t o hamming sin c e yo u t hing that I'm sure no CB er ha s t ry to rattle softer, so that you quickly. . .perhaps some experi-
haven 't tried them ... and ap· fe lt when his permit arrived. may ratt le longer. ments with th is on 220 MHz , as'
parently don 't kn ow anyone who That feeling is a sense of ac- Dave Barnhart W870BG proposed to the FCC about thir-
has .-Wayne. compli shment. I earned thi s li· Glendale AZ teen years ago, to see if we can
cense. and it is that feeli ng that make the Change from a filter of
binds me t oget her along with Dave, I enjoyed your letter. But a very slight skill (code) to a not·
the majority of other hams, A you should unders tand that no mucn-more-attncutt tech nical
1 " c ut above ," if you will. The day
that bond is gone is the day that
matter how much the cages rat-
tle, rm sitting here grinn ing. My
tes t . . .with out the universal
chea/ing via Bash. My letter an·
So Wayne the Grate (just a the Amateur Radio Service blood p ressure is fine. . .I give s wers are long, at times, so I can
sm all pun) ha s again taken up ce ases to exist. All remaining heart attacks, 'don 't get 'em. t'm clarify misconceptions.-Wayne.
the Holy Grail, thi s t ime in the m ot ivating tact ors w ill be sen. happy th at I give the impress ion

eac h band. The fina l score is the in ea ch class and to the top
sum of aso points multiplied by scorer in each country. A sepa-
the sum of mu ltipliers. rate log for each worked band


Certificates will be awarded
must be sent no later than Ju ly
31 st to WWSA Ma nager. PO Box
18003,20772 Rio de Janeiro, RJ,
to the th ree t op-sccrmc stations Brazil.
Robert Baker WB2GFE weekend of June. Use all bands
15 Winds or Dr. from 80 through 10 m eters on
A tco NJ ()8()()4 CW only; cro ssbanc cont ac ts
Contest Period:
are not valid. Onl y contacts be-
tween Sou th America n st ations
and stations on ot her conti-
nents are considered for seer- JUH 5
CALENOAR JettIll'8Ol'l Orris OSC Patty
1500 to 2400 GMT June 5 ing. A st ation ma y be worked on- JUH 12-13 AAAl VHF OSC Patty
The Pennyroya l Ama teur Ra- Iy once on ea ch band . Ent ry
JUH 12·13 World • ..,. South ArnIok:a cw

d io Society is offering attractive

JUH 1..20 s.- SMI AK PIttY
cl asses inc lud e single operatorl JUH 2&-27 AAAl f'-kl O. t
certi fic ates lor cont ac ts made single band or all ba nd s, an d JUl l CAAF c....cl8 o.t eon_I
during t his year's annual event. m uru-cceretorretnct e transmit- JUL 10-11 IAAU A8d1osporl
JUL 11·1e InI_11on81 OAP Conl. .t
Su g g est ed fr eq uencie s are ter (multi band o nl y).
J UL l 1-1e • A5 M. " n l... Worklwld8 SSTV OK Cont.st
3730, 3940, 7260, 1431 0, 21410, JUL 24-28 CW Cou nty' Hunt.... Cont..1
and 28610. Request s for cert if i- EXCHANGE: AUa r-e ARAL UH F Cont.'1
ca t es o r m ore Inform at ion RST and co nsecuti ve a s o A UQ 14-1 5 Europun OK Cont. st_ CW
AUa 21·22 SAATO Worldwide ATTY Conl.st
should be addressed to Penny- number starting w ith 001.
AUa 21·22 A5 M. " . zl... FSTV UHF Con_I
royal Amateur Rad io Soc iety , SEP 11·12 ARAL VHF OSC PIttY
PO Box 1077, Ho pkinsville KY SCORING: SEP 11·12 EwvpNn OX Cont..t- PhoM
42240. Each a s o co un ts 2 points. SEP 1..20 WnNngIon Slsts OSC Patty
OCT 2·3 C8ll1omll1 OSC Patty
Contacts between South Ameri·
can stations count only as muf- OCT 16-17 .........,..,.... QSO PIttY
ncners. not as aso points. Fo r HOY 6-7 ARAL S. ; tsk.. _CW
Starts: 1500 GMT June 12 South American st ations, the "lOY 13-1.. Ewcp sn OX ContNt-RTTY
Ends: 1500 GMT June 13 multiplier is the numbe r of dif· "loy 20-21 ARAL S. . . .18..._PhoM
DEC 4-5 AAAL 180-11II_ ContNI
Sponsored by Elec tronica terent countries work ed on each OEC 11·12 ARAL 10-11II_ Conl ..t
Pop ular ma gaz ine of Rio de Ja- band. For ot he rs, the multiplier DEC 11 CAAF C• ...cl8 Cont..1
neiro, Brazil, t his con tes t will be is the num ber of d ifferent Sou th
held annua lly on th e second Am erican pref ixes wo rked on
104 73 Magaz ine. June, 1982
.- •,.... '


-Cla imed SCores-
(Ca lls lgn. OlH. a soa. TOl al Coni . .' SC......)

WN E SIng" O pe..10l'
s ees.
113 .2 40
N3AMK "" m 99 ,100
KA 1XN .,

OX SIngle O pe. , IOf

'"'" 87.440
YU5A NE Venezue la ", 65.880

6 1,008
HalS H
Sa lomo... Is, '"m 37,765
l A5YF
Japan '"
aos 28,470

WIVE Mulll·Opera'or
86,3!'>5 T
" ,.,
66 ,392
OX Mu ltl ·Operator
l aY NO
It al y '"
sse 107.334


-Claimed 5<:.".1-

WIVE Sing le Operl tor

KQ2M "'0 "'.600
"' 57,642
.0 ""
42,5 10
VE5XK "'
S1l5k. '"
'" 42,222

OX Single 0 1',,,.10'
Mo rocco
Bahamas '"
200 21,488
HI8G BG oc m. Rep_
'",., 16,640 Sometimes, the design of a aSL card can capitalize on the unusu-
O K1 M$M
Czec h.
Com . Rep '" 14,484 al aspects of your station . It worked for W8VFT and his wind-pow -
ered setup. In fact, as t he back of the ca rd explains, W8VFT's ent ire
WIVE Multl ·Dpoo, alo.
57,652 homestead is powered by th e w ind generator shown on the card !
"0 ' 0 '" 42.38 7 If yo u would li ke t o enter our contest, put yo ur aSL card in an en-
"«v '"'" ee.eeo velope and mail it alo ng wi t h your choice of a book from 73's Radio
W4 CN ". 35,441
Bookshop to 73 Magazine, Pine Street , Peterborough NH 03458, At ·
K F2 X
"' '" tention: OSt.ot the Mont h, Ent ries wh ich do not use an envelop e (the
OX M" III·Operalor Pos tal Service does occasionally damage c ards) and do not spec ify
22,184 a book will not be considered.
15 M PK It al y
WN E Si ngi. Operator CONTEST Count 2 points f o r each
NlD F UT 1188 180.040 Starts: 0000 GMT June 19
KC4 0V

93 1

14 1,885
104.96 7
End s: 2400 GMT June 20
Sponsored by the Six-Meter
SMIRK con tact, 1 point fo r non-
SMIR K csos. Add aso poi nts
and multiply by number of ARRL
OH 735 100 .250
"'''" Internation a l Radio K l u b
(S MIRK). No c rossband co n-
sections, foreign states, provo
inces, and countries worked for
OX Si ngle Oper.to,
CNBCO Morocco 802 256.90B tact s, multi-operators. or partial final score.
H44S H $olomon Is 360 71,082 contac ts . Check logs or dupe
J AIELY Japan 196 26 .64 2
sheets are not needed. A WA RDS:
VK5BW AuSlra lia 170 17,384
8,54 4
Tr ophies fo r htqh-acore
OL8UI W. Germany 92
EXCHANGE: SMIRK in two div isions: US/Can·
WNE Mulll.Operalor SMIR K number an d A RRL ada and foreig n. Certifi cates for
KF2X "''"" 16 1,604
section, foreig n state, province,
prefectu re, or c ount ry. Count
high score in eac h ARRL section
and foreign state, province, ore-
OX Mull l·Operslo r ARRL sections in th e 48 US tecture. or country.
VE2ZP Que. 1271 249,996 states only; KH6 and KL7 count
234,136 ENTRIES:
15MPK Ila ly
'" as countries. Wash ington DC
counts as a section as well. Entries must be submitted on
73 Magazine a June, 1982 105
Spon.or«! by t he NOl1he," C.Kloml. Conl.,t Club
(C.II, cw a t , SSB a t, Muilipler. Sco,.)

Clllloml, 51ngll Opt

N68 T 'aes" ""
"" "sa
o ""
1655 ee
215 ,180
K6HN Z o 189.1 26
1<160 sse
,n "sssr 167.238
N60W '"
'"e '"'" ee
15 5.208

AM" es
t 1227 sr
C.lltomll Multl·C ps
AJ60l M-M)
N6A H A (M·S) '""" ,,.
"" "" 243,333
16 5.9 27
Alter a th ree-month hiatus, I was called upo n again to
K6AA 11.1I·51
K6YA IM-M) '"
'" «o " 93,528
choose a winner for 73's monthly newsletter contest. As
KS6H (M -SI soc
'" "eo 83.581
79, 100 usual, I put the task off until the last minute. This time, I was
luc ky; a " winner" jumped out at me. If you have an opportu-
nity to read this month's choice, The Log, published by t he
W DiEW D ,., Qu I 01 S,.te
Northern Ohio Amateur Radio Society, you'll see why.
"" 81 ,324
'" '"'" ".,"
The NOA RS newsletter is not a one-man show. A rather im-
creestve-roo krnc masthead lists 25 names of officers, editors,
'"u a .
and committee chairmen . The theory t hat many hands, work·
ing together, make for a light load applies here. The Log's first
'" '" "" " .522 page is rounded out by " Inside This Issue," a series of vi-
'o'"" '"
".096 gnelles t hat make you want to t urn the page and start

WA1FCN 32.4 77
read ing.
KD4XR 32,148
NOARS editors KA8JRI and N8DNA make sure t hat t here is
OX To p Fly. something for everyone. They inc lude reports for award
$M30XC aa chasers, the contest crowd, DX hounds, traffic handlers, and
"o t
o aa
JA 10P
"o ea ae
Novices. An historical series, " In the Beginning," will appeal
to all the readers. A more somber Log feat ure is the " Silent
" "" at
zaos Key" section , which incorporates the aSL cards of dece ased
members as par t of a brief memorial.
In addition to t heir monthly newsletter, NOARS members
receive an annual membership roster and a ca lendar that has
the fall , 1981 , edition of the offi- log requests, and entries post - t he dates for c lub activities and operating events clearly
c ial SMIRK log . Sing le copies marked by July 11th, to Spencer marked. All this helps to convey the image o f a lively, enthu-
are available for an SASE and F. Ritc hie KA2 MHT/5, 5122 Saq- siast ic club. -N8RK.
photocop ies may be used. Send amore, San Anto nio TX 78242.

• WTC-Wo rk The Caribbean. solid walnu t plaque denoting

The basic award is issued for your accomplishment is even-
confi rmed contact with at least ab le for $20.00. (Overseas, add

AWARDS 20 countries in t he Ca ribbean

area as set f ort h by the WTC
cou nt ry li st. Gold seal: A gold
$3.00 postagelinsurance.)
• A-1-0pera tor's Certificate
of Merit. Issued free of cost by
seal is applied when 30 or more t he lA RS/Certi ficate Hunt ers
Bill Gosney KE7C ce rti fied by a local radio c lub confirmations are achieved. Club to amateurs observed drs-
Micro·BO, Inc. offici al, two l icensed ama- Aw ard app licat io n fee is $3.50 playing a high level of achieve-
2665 North Busby Road teu rs , or a notary public. o r 12 IRCs; overseas, add $1.00 ment In various areas of am a-
Oak Harbor WA 98277 Copies of you r cards will be ac- or 3 IRCs; go ld seal after teu r rad io. The award is also
cepted in l ieu of ce rtification. o rigin al application is $1.00 or issued upon recei pt of t hree
CERTIFICATE HUNTERS CLUB • WTP-Work The Pacific . Th e 3 IRCs. nominations from t hree d if-
All awards are Issued t o both basic aw ard is issued fo r con- . G ol d Seal Plaques . If fe rent amateurs i n t hree di ffer-
licensed amateurs and SWLs firmed contact wi t h at least 30 desired, p laqu es are ava ilable ent geographical locations. So,
on a heard basis. countries in t he Pacific area as f or t he WT P and WTC award if you feel that an amateur
Requests for band, mode, set fo rth by t he WT P count ry series. W hen requested at the should receive t h is honor, get
and power endorsements must list. Gold sea l: A gold sea l is t ime o f original application, out your pen and give us t he
be made at the time of your applied when 50 or mo re conur- yo ur awa rd is mounted on a detai ls in writing. You do not
orig ina l appl ication and must matrons are achieved. Aw ard waln ut-g rain 13" x 16" plaque, have t o be a member of t he
be correc t ly indicat ed o n your app lic at ion fee is $3.50 or 12 for $25.00. (Overseas, add $7.50 club or a holder of the awa rd t o
log extract. IRCs; overseas, add $1.00 o r 3 postage/insu rance.) When re- nominate.
A verified log should be sent IRCs; gold seal after origi nal quested after yo ur original ap- • County Awards. Issued in
in lieu o f Q5Ls. Have yo ur log application, $ 1.00 or 3 IRCs. plication, an engraved 4 x 6 multiple classes for the ditfer-
106 73 Magazine . June, 1982
ent numbers of counties con - confirmation c ards, t o the Nor- plus acontact with Sable Island . WORKED ALL
firmed, in 14 states. GCR apply; town ARC. There is no charge fo r this SASKATCHEWAN PROVINCE
fee is $3.50. The awards mea- award, but applicants are asked The Regina Amateur Radio
sure S V! x 11 n and are printed
TRAN S-CANADA AWARD to send QSL ca rds and log da ta Association is pleased to an-
on a fine cerc htone bond . Other along with sufficient postage nounce the WASP Award whi ch
The Canadi an OX Association
co unty awards will be made fo r t heir safe ret urn . Address requires the app licant to accu -
writes t o tell us about their very
available as demand require s. you r application to Mrs. Chris- mulate a total of 100 points to
beautif ul award. To qualify, you
_ 10 K and 20 K Awards. Issued tine Weeks VE1AKO, PO Box 47, qualify. Members of the Regina
must work eac h of the eight VE
for confi rmed co nt act with 10 or Rura l Rou te 1, Cleveland, Nova organization co unt 10 points
call areas, with five cont act s in
20 different locations o utside Scot ia, Canada BOE l JO. each to a maximum of five con-
each area . In add ition to that,
the Unit ed States operat ing with tacts made wi t h members o f the
another five st at ion s must be The Halifax Amateur Radio
a W, K, or N prefix. Award fee is group. Contacts with other Regi·
worked in VOl and/o r V02; o ne Club also sponsors a Worked All
$2.00 and band and mode en- na amateurs score five point s,
VEQ ma ritime mobile station Nova Scotia Cou nties Award
dorsements are available. while contacts with other s as-
must be contacted . One of t he which states that maritime provo
_ Work A-1s. Requires app li- katchewan amateurs co unt two
five VE8 contacts required must inces m ust contact seventeen
cant to work A-l operator certi fi - points. There must be a m ini-
be from the Yukon Territ o ry and of the eig hteen counties in the
ca te holders of any radi o organi- mum of ten asos made. Send
o ne mu st be from o ne of the off- province, while at the same time
zations issued for WAC , WAZ , your li st of co nt acts along wi th
sho re is lands of the Northwest t hey must contact ten co unt ies
WAS, WPX and DX{CC). All rules yo ur co nfi rmed QSLs and $1 .00
Territories. In short , a total of 46 on a second band or series of
are the same as they are for the t o RARA Club VE5NN , 2827 Ab-
co nt act s mu st be made to meet bands. In all cases, Sable Isl and
regular award . Award fee is bolt Road, Regina , Saskatcne-
the mi nimum requirements. can be used as a substitute.
$2.00 and band and mode en- wan, Canada S4N 2J9.
dorsements are available. WAC 2-80 AWARD To qualify, all contac ts must
For application s and addi- STONEHENGE USA
Spo nso red by the Metro Ama- have been made on or after Jan-
ti onal i nfo r matio n , send an The Trl·City Amateur Radio
teur Radio Club of Oownsview, uary 1, 1977, and t he application
SAS E t o the CHC Manager, Club w ill operate a special event
Ont ario, the Worked All Canada should be sent directly to the
scott Douglas KB7SB, PO Box Hali fax ARC, PO Box 663, Ha li· st atio n Saturday, June 12, 1982,
2-80 Award was originated in
46032, Los Angel es CA 90046. fax, Nova Scotia, Canada B3J from the replic a of Stonehenge
November, 1972. All co ntact s
and confirming cards must be 2T3. There is no charge for this located near Maryhill, wasntnc-
dat ed o n o r after that date. award, but the applicant must t on. W7VPA will o perat e from
WORKED ALL VE To qualify, the applicant must supply sufficient postage for 1600 to 0100 UTC on o r near the
Sponsored by the Nortown subm it a SL cards t o verify t wo- the safe return of con firmation fr eq uenc ies of 3.900, 14.290,
Amateur Radio Club of wutcw- way contact with one slat ion cards. 21.390,28.690, and 146.52. An at -
dale, Ontario, the WVE Award possessing a two-letter call in tractive certifi ca te wil l be
requires the applicant to work each of the twelve Canadian awarded . Send QSL info and
two different st ations on two dif- sec tio ns . Are you wondering $1.00 t o W7VPA Spec ial Event,
feren t bands in t he eight sec- what the 2-80 stands for?Well , it PO Box 73, Richland WA 99352.
From Quebec City, Canada,
tions, VEl t hro ugh YES. All con- means all cont act s must be
comes word about t he French
tacts must have been made made with stations only with HOMEWOR K NET
Americas Award which requires
from an area within a radius o t two-letter call s, and these con- Are you a teenager? Or still
stations in Europe, A f r ic a ,
150 miles of one point o n and af- tact s must be made o nly on 80 think you are? Then the Ho me-
North, and South America to
ter January 1, 1939. meters. Required sections in- work Net is for you , operating on
wo rk at least two FPB stations,
c lude VOl , V02, VEl (PEl), VEl 7.250 phone eve ry Sat urday
A swo rn affidavit and certtft- two FY7 stations, and either an
(NB), VEl (NS), VE2, VE3, VE4, FS7 or FM7 station. Applican ts from 2100 to 2200Z. It is de-
cat io n by a loca l rad io c lub o ff i-
VE5, VE6, VE7, and YES. There signed fo r, but not lim ited to,
cial must accompany your appli- in Asia or Oceania must work
are no mode restrictions, but en- t eenagers. This net is loo king
cat ion. Also, be sure to send all on ly a s ingle contact from the
dorsements will be granted at areas of FPB, FY7, and FS7 o r fo r young amateurs who wish to
sixteen QSL cards, two from
the time of application s if all FM7. make new cont act s with people
each sect ion, along with $1.00
con t act s were made o n a specif- who have similar int erests. So
and suff ic ient ret urn postage fo r
ic mode o f o perat ion. There appear to be no da te re- take a brea k from your horne-
the return of your card s. Ad -
Contacts must be made using strictions, and applicants may work and join us on our informal
d ress your application to the
your own equipment from one have their li st of co ntacts veri - Homework Net-Dlane W D9DNQ
Nortown Amateur Radio cru b.
location or from within 150 miles fied by a local radio club official and Scott KCQN F.
Box 146, St at io n A, WiUowdale,
o f it and within the same sec- and sent, along with an awards
Ont ario, Canada M2N 5S8.
tion . fee o f $1.00 or seven l ACs, to
The No rtown o rga n iza tio n WATERLOO DAYS
To apply for this award, en- Alex Desmeules VE2AFC, PO
al so sponsors the WACAN Box 382, Quebec City 4, Canada. . The N. E. Iowa Radio Amateur
close $2.00 and suffic ient post-
(Worked All Canada) Award. Association will o perat e special
age for the return of your award
Here the applicant mu st work
and the required co nfirmat io n event station WflMG in ccmunc-
two different stations on two ott- QUEBEC CITY AWARD
c ards . Address all your corre- tion wi t h activities celebrat ing
terent bands in each of the fol- Speaking of Q uebec City, My Waterloo Days, on June
spondence to the Metro ARC,
lowing twelve area s: VEl (PEl), PO Box 352, oownsvrew, Ontar- Quebec, the loc al ama teur rad io 12·13. Activi ty will take place
VEl (NS), VE2, VE3, VE4, VE5, fratern it y sponsors t he Quebec
io , Canada M3M 3A6. from Waterloo, Iowa, and will be
VE6, VE7, VY1 o r VE8, VOl , and City Award fo r American and on 7.240, 14.290, and 21 .370.
V0 2. Canadian stati on s which make Special informative commemo-
A ll contacts must have been ALL NOVA SCOTIA COUNTIES a minimum of five station con- rative aSL c ard for SASE t o:
made on or after January 1, The Nova Scotia Amateur Ha- tacts In Quebec City. NEIRAA , PO Box 92, Waterloo IA
1949, and a 150-mile rule ap- oro Assoc iation is proud t o an- You may address all corte- 50704.
plies, as mentioned for t he WVE nounce the WANS Award, wh ich sp ondence to the Radio Club of
Award. requ ires the applicant to work Quebec, PO Box 332, Upper
Send you r list of contacts and fi ft een of the eighteen co unt ies Town, Quebec City, Quebec, DUNGEONS AND DRAGONS
QSL cards, with $1 .00 and suff i- in Nova Scotia, Canada, or four- Canada. The award fee is $1.00 New! A to-meter Dungeon s
ci ent funds for the ret urn of your teen of the eighteen count ies or seven IRCs. and Dragons Net at 28.720
73 Magazine . June, 1982 107
:!:DRM. Saturdays promptly at the HF bands, daylight hour s lower part 01 t he General bands, in United States history. Approx -
15CMJ GMT. To save us time and only, with each operator using 10 th rough 80 meters, on the im ately three million dollars in
griel, please be ready w ith your his own call and the Fort Dela- weekends o f June 5·6, J ul y negotiable instrument s and [ew-
character, rank, dice , and a ll 0 1 wa re identi f ier. Members 0 1 the 17·18, and Aug ust 7-8; we will be elry were co nf iscated during a
the necessary Into. Net control In de pen den t Amateur Rad io operaling eo-meter Novice ba nd brief st opover and all partici-
is KA9JOX. If you do n't hear any· Group o f Delaware will be Rick at 7.125. Send osts to Donald l. pants were apprehended within
one at 28.720. c heck 28.820. If KBJPD, Allen KB3HZ, Dwight Wi nner WDBRZG , 8927 Torrance s i x m onths . Fr eque n cle a :
still nothing is heard. the net has N3ARU , Ned N3ARV, and Doug Ave.. Brooklyn OH 44144. phone-7.260, 14.290, 21 .375;
bee n c anceled because of poor N3A CU. Comm emorative OSl CW- 7.125, 21 .150. Time: from
turn out or ot her reasons an d w ill cards will be issued t o contacts OOOOZ 12 June unt il OOOOZ 13
resume the next week at th e NORFOLK TRICENTENNIAl
su pplyin g SASEs. J une. Certificate l or a large
same time and place. If you w ish The ci t y of Norlolk, Virg inia, SASE to: KB9BR o r " Bi g Rob-
to participate regularly. plea se For more information, con- w ill be celebrati ng its mcenten- bery," Box 656, libertyville Il
writ e me so you can get a ta ct the Independent Amateur mal th is year. As part of the 60048.
c hance to be a OM or net con- Radio Group 01 Delaware, 400 "Harbortest" c ele bra tion o n
trol. Address: Michael Fr o st Filth Ave., Millcreek, Wilming. June 11- 14, the Tidewater area
ton DE 19808. amateur clubs will jo in together STAR-SPANGLED BANNER
KA9JOX, Box 1008, Riverside Il
to operate a Harborfest-Tricen - SPECIAL EVENT STATION
tenniat special event station . WB3KUH will operate a spe·
Th e amat eur c all W4N V will be eta! event station from Fo rt Me-
FORT DELAWARE Once again, signals w ill be ra - used. an d special aSl certttr- Henry, Ba lt imo re, Maryland -
diating I rom th e submarine USS ca tes will be sent to all co nt acts the birt hplace 01 The Star·Span·
Fort Delaware, on Pea Patch
Cod. Members 01 the Nort hern made who send a large (8 ~ x gled Banner- on June 12 and
Island , Delaware, will be the site
Ohio Amateur Radio Society will 10, SASE. The station will coer- 13, 1982. Operation will com-
0 1 a miru-expeditio n by Wilming·
be operating from this pr oud ate 24 hours each day in the 80- mence at 1600 GMT. Operation
to n area hams on the weekend
WWII warship dur ing the through z-meter bands and will w ill be w ith in t he f irst 25 kHz o f
of J une 5 and 6, 1982.
m onths o f June, July, and Au· work CW and SSB . the General and Advan ced
This will be the f irst HF ama- gust , using the c all K8KRG .
teur operation from the fort in For further inf ormation , bands. Both SSB and CW will be
The USS Cod is on per manent please co nt act Bill Verebe ly used . Novice opera tion is also
t he midd le ol the Delaware River display in Cleve land. Oh io . c oer-
where, during th e Civil War, KC4YX ,3101 Petre Road. c nese- expec ted. Operat ion will be on
aucns will begin on Memoria l peake VA 23325. 20, 15, 40, 2, and 6 meters.
many thousands o f Co nfederate Day and run every weekend
prisoners of war were held. The (wi t h the except ion of Field Day Stations desiring a special
fort is now a state park. weekend) until labor Day . LARGEST TRAIN ROBBER V certi fi cate from the event sta-
EQuipment w ill be limited to An attract ive certi ficate w ill The libertyville and Munde- tion can obtain one by sending
one transceiver led by a sm all be awarded for two-way con- lein Amateur Radi o Society an SASE and their aso
numbe r
generator carried to the island ta ct s from the ship upon receipt (LA MARS) will operate W9HOO to Donald Oakjones WB3KU H,
by a sm all boat . Operations will 0 1 aSl card and $.50 for post- from Rondout, Illinois, near the 1806 W illan n Road, Roseda le
be in the Ge neral segments of age. l ook lor operati ons in the si te of the largest tr ain robbery Mo 21237.

I would like t o hea r from any- ments TI·9914 home comp uter to
on e wh o served at th e Nava l Ra- send an d receive Rny, CW, an d

HAM HELP dio Station NSS, Ann apo lis M D,

from 1942 t o 1946.
Laurence E. Hoepfer N7BJT
Miguel Blnstok LU1DIU
PO Box 012592
Box 334 Miami FL 33101
Columbia Falls MT 59912
We are happy to provide Ham equipment , spe cifi cally the I would like to hear from o w n-
Help listings free, on a space- SR2000 Hurricane t ransceiver, I need a schemat ic fo r a Hick· ers o f the code reader made by
available basis. We are nor hap- HAlO vf o , and P2000 power sup- ok MOdel 19XD signal generato r. Microcraft. I need data o n how
py when we have to take time plylspeaker. I am interes ted in Shennan Banks N4CXF well it wo rks, ORM, etc.
away from other duties to cec- o peratio nal notes , rnodu tca - Rt.1 Youngs Mill Rd. Berand G. Kirschner WBIVCO
pher cryp ric nares scrawled iI· nons reviews, and co mparisons, Kingston GA 30145 1440 Grand Ave. '11
legibly on dog'eared post cards
I would also like t o obtain in- St. Paul MN 55105
and odd·sized scraps of paper. Has anyone interfaced an
Please type or print (neatly!), fo rmation on the history of Hatn-
Atari 400I80O to a rig for send ing I wou ld like to " m arry" my
double spaced, you r reques t on c raft ers equipment, particularly
and receiving CW? Is software Johnson invader 20012000 w ith a
an8'h "x 11 "sheetofpapera nd ccst.t ssa. (I already have a copy available? receiver that has a 5.Q.5.5-MHz
use upper' and lowercase lerters 0 1 the Ham Radio art ic le, " The
John S. Lee KA4EPR vfo so that I get transceiver-type
where appropriate. Also, please Hamcratters Story" ,)
12341 Dickinson Dr. W303 inform at ion. Can anyone help?
make 8 "I " look like a " 1:' not
And does anyone have manu- Coral Gables Fl 33146 Arthur Ford W2HAE
an " I," which could be an " el" or
als and schematics lor a Heath · 552 Hillside Ct.
an " eye," and so on, Hard as it
may be '0 believe, we are nOl te-
kit IG·72 audio generator and
AT·1 transmitter, Hall icraft ers
I am in need of information
about t he WWII Navy Model
Melbourne Fl 32935
mttter with every piece of equip·
S38E receiver, and Eico 's 1078 MBM rad io. I need a copy of the sene-
ment manufactured on Earth for
ac power supply, 239 TVM, and rnat lc for a H alhc raft ers S-107
the last 50 years .' Thanks for Tony Grogan WA4MRR
Model 3 15 signal genera tor? M ark II receiver , buill epproxt-
you r coop eration. 5 Rollingwood Dr.
Write belore sending. mately 1961 .
Taylors SC 29687
I am in te res ted in co rrespond- Robert Gagne Sheldon Daltch WA4MZZ
ing with hams wh o have o r had 143 Millville St. I would like to contact anyone Box 8091
a ny late·m odel Hatucretter s Salem NH 03079 who is using the Texa s tnst ru - Greenville NC 27634
108 73 Magazine · June, 1982
! (;lnJ).i.l'!)~]1~ (Jr~ G[H]J)~].!) ),]J):uJ I

I <>.
1.-) • _.....- • ~
:. ~\ r.y"
~. :J..~-:.J
• ~. T ran smlU pe rfec t M orse Cod e • B u llt·l n 16 •
c hara cte r tl uner • t n t er n al speak er a nd slo e. I
I t o n e • R eea re la y o ut p ut e lim i na t es keyln<J
• • protl le m s • All so lid state ci rcuits and socke ts •

I for r e liabili t y ' S pe ed ra nge 5-4S W PM · Pe r fecl I

-- companion 10 ou r CODE * STAR au-mcc e coae
• reeee-. •
I MORSE · A- KEVER KIT, mOdel MAK·K. ComDle le kit 01 Darts & ma n ua l •• • • • $1 59 .9 5 I
KLM VHF/UHF M O RS E _A _KE V E R, mOde l M A K~F , Fac tory wired & le sted • . . . . . • .•• ••• • $19 9 .9 5
• MOR SE_A· KEYER ESSE N TIA L PAR TS K IT, mccet E PK.K, • • . . . . . . . . • • $ 69.95 •
POWER AMPLIFIERS I (Esse nti,, 1 D"ru k it f or hom e-b rew e rs co nSists o f e c b oard , b o"rd Dar ts a nO manual.
Yo u SU P p ly ASCII k eyboar d , cabi net . p ower SUPDly & m iscell aneou s Dotrts.1
Fnl ory ~.If'd. I.tr model un it, with One
Ye u W.rr.nly, including oulpullr.n,idon.. • Sena c he<; k 0' mOn e y o r der. Use y o u r V IS A o r M ast er C"rd. Ad d $5.00 sn iDDin<;j " nd •
I hand ling f o r Co n ll nen l al U .S. W isconsin res la e nts se e 4 % W isc o ns i n Sta t e Sales T a l<. I
Model Bi nd/Mod. In Out R'I _ NOW
P,U · lSl 2m FM 1-4w 25w $ 99'\ $ 74" • ?'Itic'tO-<:/JP,,/" Co r p 0 rot i o n T el eph one : (4 14 1 2 4 1·8 14 4 •
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129"\ 9911 I .~ Post Office B o x 5 13G, Thiensville, Wis<;on sin 5 3092 ...50 I
P"4·' 081 2m FMlSSB 1-4w 80w 229"
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PA10·9081 2m FMI$SB l Ow 90'1' 199"
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PAU·li DSt 2m FM/ SSB !H5w 160w 269'" 199' \
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PAI5·608C 12tl FM 5- 15.. 60w 199"i l U "
PA l S-120ac 22Uf M 5- 15... 120w 299" 225"
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So lS.
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PAI5-UOCt 4SO FM/SSB 5-1S. 110. 3049"' 262t'
PRA-SOC 6111. 10 dB. 2,5 dBNF•........... .... $47"
PRA-I"I 2m or mtg. In old style KIM amp ..... 47"
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"" D~y AES W .., ••nt)'

TRAM SWR/Wattmeter
Full y automate. sell-cahblaling . no adjustments to
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SWR· Slmultaneouslyl Range: 1,8·30 Mhz, Power: 0-
Kantronics, the innovator In COde readers and RTIY
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Your personal computer becomes a complete CW and
20,0·200 & G-2000 .altS, Accuracy ~'\. Only 10'\ 01
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The Interface,m receives any shift of RnY, ASCii, or

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cw and transmits ali the necessary AFSK tones for RTTY,
ASCii, and RTIY CW-ID. The manual lncludes a complete
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screen display, buffered keyboard, status display, and
much more, SOftware Is also avaliable on diskette for
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Foliow the leader, Kantronics, Into the computer age
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ed Kantronics dealer, or contact
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(913) 842-7745 1202 E. lawrence, Kansas 66044
L ------ - - J 73 Magazine . June,1982 109
C(;;he eweet eounf)infj epeate'l

A Stradivarius is more than a body, neck. and strings. The name alone says it is an instrument of out-
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In repeaters the name for optimum performance and clean , natural sound is Mark 3CR. And Mark 3CA
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• Receiver sensitivity <0,25 uV. • Spurious rejection> 65 d B.

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• 13 Morse messages • 15 Function controlled outputs
• Die cast alumi num receiver and tr ansmitter enclosures

For the Finest in

Repeaters • Controllers • Power Amplifiers. Link Transceivers
23 Elm Park. Groveland . MA 01834 (617) 372-3442
110 73Magazine . June,1982
••,.•~ HOVICE FOR $15.951
• 5 WPM- CT1305- This is the beginning tape tor people
who do not know the cod e at al l. It takes them through

6• . the 2li letters, 10 numbers and neces$;lry punct uation ,

STUDY GUIDE AND complele wit h practice every slep 01 the way using the
newest blitz teaching techniq ues, It is almost mirac-
ulous! In one flOur many people - inc ludino kid s ol ten-
NOVICE STUDY TAPES are ab le to master the code . The ease 01 learning gives
eceueeece to beginners who m ight ot herwise drop out
'J)lI l
• NOVICE STUDY GUIDE_ by Timothy M. Danie l N8RK. Here I~ the most up to date novice guide
availab le. II is complete wilh Information about learning Morse Code. has the latest FCCamal sur regula· 6+ WPM - CT7306- Thls Is the practice tape tor the
I,ons and the current FCC applicat ion forms. This guide is not a quesHonlanswer memorization course No_ic e and Technician licenses. II la made UP ot one
bu t ' athe' it emphasizes the pract ical side o f lleWn o a ham Iie",nse and putting a station on the air. It solid hour 01 code, sent at I he official FCC sland ard (no
other tape we've heard uses I hese st anda rds. 50 many
ref lects wMI the FCC expects II Nov ice to «new wit ho ut pags aftel palieo! du ll theory. The most current people !Iu nk the code when they are sudden ly -Ul'>der
,nformat ,on st ,lI available at la s t yea r's price. SG7357 $4.95. · pressure-taced wll h characters eent et 13 wpm al'>d
spaced for 5 wpm). This tape is not memorizatl le, unlike
• NOVICE STUDY TAPES- If you ale luslllsltinll started In ham rad io. you 'll lind the se tapes Indlspen· the u ny 5 wpm tape, sinc e the code groups are ent irely
sable This up-to-Ihe·minute revision of Ihe 73 Sludy couese is Ihe perlect way to learn everyt hing you random ch aracters sen t in groups ot live,
need 10 b,eez e through the Novic e wrmen exam. Theory. fCC regUlations. and operallng skil ls are all
c ove red. and you ' ll be amazed at ho w last you learn using these tapes!
Onc e the l est is behind you. these tapes will go right on being use tul. bec ause they are packed with the "SACk SREAKER-
latest IntOfmatio n on setting up your own ham al atio n. and getting on the air,
Thousan ds o ! people have disco vered ho w easy learning from casselle Can be_Ofder nOw and enter 13 + WPM - CT1313- Code grou ps again, at a brisk t4
the ! asclnati ng world of ham radio! CT7300 Sel 01 3-S15.95.· per SO you will be at ease when yo u sit down in tront ot the
sleely-eyed government mspector and he starts sending
screouste ha"8 proven that you learn laster by li sl enlng than by reading beCause yOlJ can pla ya cas- you pla in language at o nly 13 per. Vou need this. extra
sette tape 0_ and O"8r in your SIlare lime-""en while you 're driving! You gel more and mora into marg in to overcome tM panic which is uni..ersal m the
each time you hear it. You can 't progress without solid fu ndamenta ls. These three hou r" ong tapes give test situations, When YOU'''9 spenl your money and time
you all the ba sic s you' ll need to pass the Novice exam eas ily . You 'll ha"8an uf\derstand ing ot the ee- to take tbe test, you 'li thank hea'i8fl you had this back·
sics whi ch will be inva luab le to you tor the fest of your iil a' Can you atford 10 take your Novice exam breaking tape,
WItho ut l irst listening to these tapes?

SPECIAL OFFERI Both Novice License S t u d y Guide and Novice Study " COURAGEOUS"
20 + WPM- CT7320- Code is wha t gels you when you
Tapes $19.95. Order NP7300. go for the Extre clan licen se, Il ls so em barrass lng.to
panic out just because you di dn't prepare you(sell WIth
Ihl s l ape. Though th. s is only one word taater. tM cod e

- General License Study Guide - proups are so d ifficu ll that you 'lf almost ! all asleep copy·
In;l the FCC st ul f by compari son. Users " ,partl fl.llt they
can 't believe how easy 20 per really is wit h this tantaatic


one hour tap e.

to upgrade your licensa? TO prevent ret aking the FCC 25+ WPM- CT132!i_ This is the ta pe lor that sma ll
GEN ERAL LICE NSE STUDY GUIDE _ by Timo thy M. theory exam , you need the 73 Advanced theory gUIde. g rou p of overach ieving ham s who wouldn't be content to
Danie l N8RK. Thi s is the complete gu ide to the Genera l SSB, antenna theory. tlansmlttefs, and eieet-ceree SImply SlIlfsly the code requ lremenls o! the Extra Class
License learn ing ra thef than memo rizin g is the measuring techniques are covered in det ail in this eaey- license. It 's the toughesl tape we've got a nd we keep a
secret. This is not a quest ion·and·ans wel gu ide that tc-touow study g uid e, Specia l modes and tec hniques, perma nent l ile ot hams w flO have mastered it. Let ua
wi ll gather dust whe n the fCC Is sue s a new test. In- such as RTn' . are also treated. An engineering degree Is know when you 're up 10 speed and we' ll inscribe your
stead , Ih is book wi ll be a helpful rel erenc e, usefu l long n ol necessary to master the Ad _anced theory- try this name in 13'5 CW "H al l o! Fame. "
auer a ham upg rades to General. Inc ludes up-to-date book betore vis it ing the examlner'sottlce! (Published by
FCC rules and an application torm, Order yours loday TAB Books previous to recent ch anges In FCC axam
and ta lk to the wOf ld SG 7358 S6.95 material.) SG1081 $695.·
winning prog rams from the 73 SSTV contest. Exc ellent
lor Oemo! SS,95.·

. OSl CAR OS- 13 tur ns o ut a temeeue ser ies 01 QSl

ca rds at abOu t half tM cost 01 ha ving t he m done else·
whe re because I hey are run as a till· in bet ween prin t ing
bookS and oth er items in Ihe 73 Print Shop, 250 Stl"
W -OW025O - fo r S8.95· : 500 Sty le W - QW~ - o r • BA CK ISSUES- Com plete you r co llection; many are
S13 .95· , 250 Style X-QX025O-lor $8,95 '; 500 St yle prime c oll ec tab les no w, classics in the field ! A fu ll col·
X _ Q X~: 250 Sty le v -OV025O -tor $8.95· ; 500 lecti on is an in_a luable compendium of radio and erec-
Style Y-QY05OO -tor $13,95 ,· Allow 6-12 wk s. lor
de livery
W2NSD/1 Style W

tronic s knOWledge !
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BOOK , 2nd EDITlO N by H ank Benne t! and Harr y L.
Heims. ThIS co mprehensive vo lume conta ins lo ads of
ne w in format ion from all o . er the worl d on the latest
developments in SW L tec hno iog y cl ubs, associations,
practices a nd statio ns. A thorough gUIde to statIons 01
the wo rld by ge neral continen tal are a and frequenc y Is
' 0- mcruoec. BK124t S9.95
BEHIND THE DIAL- by Bob Grove. Get mor" fun out o f THE TEN METER FM HANDB OOK ~ by Bo b Heil K9E10,
sncrt wav e li sten ing wit h lhis interesllng guide to This handbook has been published to help the ten meter
rece ivers. antennas , freque nc ies , and inte r!e ,ence. enthu siast learn mora aOO ut the many methods of cce-
BK 7307 $.ol .9!i.' versions and tricks Ihat a'e osed to ma ke existin ll uni ts
work better. Jo in t he g,eat "t inkere's" olt he world on ten
FM and enjoy the fantasti c amount of fun in comment-
THE CHALLENGE OF 160- i5 the ne west book In th e 73 c ating with amateur stations wo< ldw ide on ten meter
technica l hbrary, ded ic ated to t6l).mete, operating. SI FM. llK1 190 1495. · _
Donn provides all necessa ry inlormation to get started
on this unique band. The all-important ant enna am! THE PRACTICAL HANDBOOK OF AMATEUR RADIO FM
ground systems are described in delall . The introduct ion REPEATERS_ by Bill Pasternak WASITF (author of 73
cootams onterestong photos 01 Stew Perry's Ithe KIng 01 Magazine s monthly co lomn "Loo ki ng West ") This Is the
160) shac k. Th is reference is a must for new and ex- book for the VHF /UHF FMer, compiled from material
perienced " Top Band" ope rato,s, BK7309 S4.95.· submi lted b y o ver a hu nd red in d iv iduals, clu bs,
o,gan izations and equipment manu facturers. A " most
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Wilson. Single Sideband Transmiss ion, ., thousands 01
us use it every d ay, yet it 'emalns one of the least
understood fac ets 01 am ateur radio, J. B, Wil son
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ne ws, or are you wonder ing aOOut the ne ws t hat yoo
The 19
presents seWlral met hods 01 sideband generatro n, am-
ply ili ustr ated wrth charts and schematics. which will
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band generator , A must for the technicaliy·serlous ham.
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Test Equipment
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ne ws services as AP, UPI, Reuters, TASS, VOA a nd
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mumcatrcns net works o f the 1940s, Joh n Hen ry Nei son
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habl e forecaster in Americ a today. The book p'ovldes an Ra lp h E. Tagga rt WB800T, Here Is the comp letely up·
enl ighten ed look at commonlcations past. present, and dated and revised edilion c onta in lnll a ll the Informa·
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Wick s is an easy·lo-und e,stand book wrillen for the desrgns and all the ins tr uc tio ns necessary to o perate
beg innrng klt·burlder as weil as the experienced ho b- the equi pment are incl ud ed. For e xperimente rs who
byist It has numero us p ictures and descrip tio ns o f the are ope,ating stations, the boo k detai lS all procedures
safe and correct ways to use basic and specia lized tools necessary to modify equipmen t !o r the new se ries of
for electron ic proje c ts, as well as speciahzed metal- sp acecr aft. Am ate ur weattler s ate ll ite activi ty repre-
worki nll tools and the Ch emical aid s wh ich are used in sen ts a unique biend o f in teres ts encompassin g elec·
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c y waves, ttle common denominator of amateu r radio.
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'Use 1M or der card ,n tn ,s magaZ Ine Or Item ize your o , oe' Oil a separa te p-ece or pap "r a nd mal l to ' 73 Radro Boo kshop •
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systems, and accessories are presented giving the The . A.
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PUTI NG - B K 73 t 1- A co llec t'on of th e r>es t arucres th a' comput ing l ibrary. Thi S Iwo-pa rl fe xl ,nclud es l he be s l
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M ic roco m puh ng magaz ines on llle ha, dw are and solt -
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up 10 speed on ho..... compule'" work~ha,dwa'e and
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On ly S4 95 '
reco m me nda ti o ns a. a l eac h,ng a,d. S4.95.' B K7322
• Use the o'de r card ,n th iS magaz",e or ,tern Il e you, orde r on a sepa rate p,ece 01 pape, and mati to: 73 Ra d 10 Bookshop •
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de li. ery . O uest ions reg ard ing you, orde r? Please w rile f a Cus tomer ser--ce at the above ad d ress. I Prices SUbjec t 10 change
on boo l<s nol pub l i shed by 73 M agazi ne .)



improve 73 and our other pubu- ttvely priced. In 1938, I was just Yor k. The inaugura l ceremonies a RTTY Bulletin out for t he few
cations. With our mountains to barely getting going in amateur were in the lobby of t he building, hundred ATTY experi menters. I
cli mb, he could easily l ake oft radio, having been involved for wit h me as the cameraman. almost ruined the mimeo mao
a bo u t fift y t o seventv-uve about a year. chine in the process, but I was
It didn't take long befo re I was
pounds and gel in to lighting The Daify News plant was started. The Bufletin grew into
nosing around the to p floor of
t rim to help amateur radio gel modern then, with new high· Amateur Radio Frontiers and
t he skyscraper, looking for a
back into a growth mode. What speed presses and row upon kept going on almo st a monthly
place lor a small ham station.
say t here, Harry? I know he 's al- row of Linotype machines. The basis until I became editor of CO
I found an unused room and
ways been a very big fan 0 1 Lino type operators delighted in J anuary, 1955.
soon had permission to use it
mine, so let's see what happens. my c lassmates by ma king up and pu t an anten na on the root The News has c hanged re-
our names in type slugs and of the building. I brought up m y markably li ttle in the last thirty
to ssi ng th em t o us, burni ng ou r years, which probably is why it
WHAT'S THAT CLOUD? SCA·522, which was state-or-
hand s with the hot lead wh ile wa s recently put up for sale. The
the-art in t hose days. Imagine,
Is that a nuclear blast c loud t hey laug hed. c rys tal con t rol! Twenty Wall s ! gradual c losing ot one New York
rising over New Hampshire? No, Hit ler was raising hel l i n Then I put one of the Bill Ho ts- paper after another, oft en in th e
the work on our nuclear power Europe and war was brewing. ing to n (W2 BV) te -e tem ent wake of st rikes, has kept the
generator seems t o have been Despite the barrage of props- p a pe rs fr o m maki ng m uch
beams up and found myself wi th
ha lted . A clipping sent In from a canoe. war was not real to us a whale of a signal. I could work money. That and union cpocei-
Nor t h Carolina paper (where and it never even occurred to me anything from cent ral Connecti- non kept The News from mod·
they put much stoce in these that before long I might begoing cu t on down almost to Phila- e rnizing t he ir equipment. I
things) gives us a hint. It seems to war on a submarine in charge delphia, including all of long wouldn't be su rprised if they still
that there are more cigarettes of maintaining and operating all Island. I made tno usa ncs of con- had some of t hose old li notype
per person sold in New Hamp- of the complex electronic equip- tact s. Hams are still bringing my mac hines being used to set ho t
shi re than in any other state. ment. old New s buildi ng QS l ca rds to slugs 01 type. I should get ba ck
About 254.4 packs fo r every per- All er the war . .. and after co l- for a visi t and see if any of t he
namtest s to f lash at me.
son . . . including t he ki ds. lege ... having avo ided ent rap- o ld televi sio n c rew are st ill
Now before yo u get th e idea ment by large corporations (a Being young and fool ish (as there.
that my own effo rts t o ste m t he fat e sulfered by most co llege differentiated from old and toot-
tide of smok ing by not hiring gradua tes wh ic h dooms th em to Bill Hoisington 's fire tow er
ish), I wan ted t o put my beam in
smo kers is totally mettecnve. I mediocrity of income for life), I even t ually blew dow n in a st or m
the bes t possible locat ion on
should point out t hat New foun d myself in broadcasting . and he found himself f ired from
the root of the building. I wanted
Hampshire has a lower t all. on First I tried rad io engineering the f irm he had worked w ith for
it out in the open so that I would
crqarenes t han o ther states. and announcing. Then, when a years. The main reason for let ·
have a good signal in all cuec-
The result is t hat Massachu- spot opened at WPIX lor an en- ting him go seemed tobe t nat he
nons. Well, the only realty good
setts (called taxa cnu settsj oeo- gineer, I made contact through was getting too close to ret ire-
place for it was mounted on to p
cte come up here in swarms to an old friend Bob Sullivan, who ment pensio n age. He went into
of a parapet. I have to adm it that
buy cig arettes and nquor. both worked as a feature writer for business wr iting a long series of
I wa s a bit shaky about climbing
of which are a bargain in New The Sunday News. simple VHF and UH F const ruc-
out on it to set up the rotator and
Hampshire. tion projects for 73. He moved to
Bob, a friend o f the family, beam. I had to skinny out about
The gas stations along the Pe terborough (as K1ell) t o
had Quite an influence on my f ifty feet, w ith a 25-story drop on
border do a land -office business make th is si mpler. Following a
life. It was he who introduced one side and about si x stories
in cancerettes, helping substan- divorce and some serious ill
me t o c lassical mu sic wh en ' on th e ot her. Just to hel p mat-
tially to stamp o ut life in t he health , Bill moved to the Philip.
was about seven. He also was a ters, it wa s windy. It is alway s
grea t co mmon wealth just so ut h pines and got remarried . He
Gilbert and Sull ivan nut, wh ich I windy on top o f a 37·tloor build-
of us. Liquor is sold in sta te li- seems to be living happily ever
beca me, too. I maybe got even ing.
after th ere, still working on elm-
quor stores, thus giving us a cut by exposing him to country and
o f the actio n to wards lowering pie ho me VHF project s.
western, wh ich took with him. My stin t ato p Th e News build·
taxes. Indeed. we are the lowest You know, one of the odd
ing had lasting repercussio ns. It
taxes state, with no sales t ax Befo re we could pu t W PIX things about operati ng from the
was w hile operatin g from this
(channel 11) o n t he ai r, we had to top of a skyscraper or a moun-
and no personal income tax. aerie that I began wondering
The only serious problem we get some experience. In 1948, tain is that when the two-meter
w hat t ho se st range beadle-
there were no unemployed tele- band begins to open, it is the
have is t he air pollution along beedle signals were on the high
vision cameramen to hire. The st ations on t he ground wh ich
the Massac husett s border from end of the band. I started asking
News rented studio space a lew hear the skip signals f irst. I
all those cig arettes. aro und and was led to John Wil-
blocks from their 42nd street would hear New York stations
liams W2BFD out in Woodside,
skyscraper at Beeves Sound working dow n into Vi rgi nia and
NO NEWS VS. GOO D NEWS Q ueens. Jo hn was p l ay i ng
Studios. Buzz Reeves is reason- Nort h Caroli na fo r an hour o r
around with radio Teletype>. Be-
The recent purc hase of The ably well know n today for his in- more without being able to hear
ing an unrepentan t experiment-
Daily News in New York brought credible co ntest sta t ion. I think a whisper o f the southe rn
er, I was Quickly hooked on
back memor ies 0 1 my first visit the y use th e call N2AA. Buzz chaps. Then, when the OX was
to The News, ba ck in 1938. was one of t he wealthy hams I starti ng to work on up into c on-
When I visited The Ne ws along talked wit h when I was looking John wa s t he lather 01 ham necticut, I would start hearin g
wit h my hig h school class (we to st art 73 Magazine. Wisely, he ATTY. He got a lot of us hooked t hem and be able to make con-
often went on field trips to see was not interested. on it in the rate aes. My downfall, te et. M y elevation had little
businesses), little could I have When the studios were f in- if you like to think of it as that. benefits for that type of cont act.
imagined th at jn ten years I ished in The Ne ws building, we came when I wen t to work for There are d rawbacks to sky.
would be working for WPIX , The moved to there and finished get- WX El , a television st ation in scrapers and mountains.
News' television station. Heck, t ing ready to go on the air. We Cleveland. I wa s hired on as a Well, I hope that the new
in those days television was a learned to use the cameras, to television producer and director. owners of The Ne ws w ill moo-
new invent ion which was being fix them while operating, to han- The y had a mimeo machine, ermze it and keep it go ing. I en-
shown at the New York World's dle the m ike booms, and to cope w hich wa s a fa irly rare item in joyed m y wo rking there and will
Fa ir. The sets for receiving th e wit h th e various unions wh ich tho se days. Within a few days, I never forget the exci tement of
few broadcast s were pro hibi- hav e a vtce- like co nt rol of New ma naged to get the fi rst issue of OXing from that spo t.
124 73Magazin e . June, 1982

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...See U., o f Advert,.e" an page t 14 73 MagaZine • June,1982 125

RF PRODUCTS announces p rOducloo n o f ~ wave 'eng, n VH F S /1. 15 S".15
t el esco pi ng antenn as fOl 144_148 M>1' 12 1,11. 152 _174 MHl and
220-225 MHl (I".). These ne'" anlennas a'" ,n,eM ea fo r uSA on
hand-"" 'd and ba s e 51al,on I,a nsee ,v"rs T~e, are ava,laD'" wah
BNC conneclor . 5116-32 s tud or Pl-259 connecto r A, 'e lescop
Ing Or a ss n ic ke l-pl ated n tne sect IOn ,od l.'o, os used for I' g h l e r
w"'!I~ t an d le$$ RF ,u nc I ,on. IM n o,eV>ou $ly ." . "ab le 5IIl
wa ve le nllih a nle M a s M awt1 u m gam ,s aeh""ed oy me com
b'Mloon 01 a ba se sp"nQ 'or 'N ~ ' P o,o'ec t'o n and a lun..d ma lc~­
Ing n e t wo , k lor m inimum VSWA M,n ,mu m 2·n1 el e, bandw idth lor
l S I VSWR ,s 35 MH ' O".. , all Ic ng' h "", ,, B NC cOO<1 e<: l o, OS P.C.804RD
44 '. Inch e s 1110.25 e M, Th e BNC conn eCl o r and " '632 stud
PRE- pRIlUp 4ND JJ W4SH fRS I P.C.804Rp
mOd,,'S are ,n,e nded '0' n a ~ ~ ~eld "a nsce"e' ,HTsl uSe a~d
I~e Pl·259 mOdel w ~ lc h Inc luoe s a type M359 " g ~ ' angle ad ap SOl DER IlOWED 12 SP4CERS I POWU TUNSI.
10' 'S I ~ t e n<l e d for <l"pct 'ear mounl,ng on Ddse ' f~l lo~ frons· I J lOOT lOP I J Ill4DJUST41U
ce've r,. SuggeSied "S' p"ce 10 ' a ll model s 's \ 1995 Ihe mosl J AlRl9 0 I TR4NS.
popu'o, of w~ ' c~ a re hSled belOw
CHIP C4PS 'l4 RGf~
1 f ~ENDC4PS
' ·200
19 1· 2 14
2 M 5"'6·32 Sl u<l
2 M BNC co ~ne clo'
191·800 1-, M 51'6·32 Slud
19 1·8 14 1' . M BNC co nnec to.
• PUP41Up COIlS,
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*Standard Frequencies Available
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For tn cee wllo wan t to see llle ATV aclion
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TVC·4L extra tow-norse version . . .$105 delivered in USA
up diag ram s, and opt iona l accessories w~icll includ e antennas, modulalors,
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126 73Magazine· June, 1982

M odel UES-AS6F
CONE AND • NOT A KIT F""l_ RiIIl!I' LHf470 - 8119MHI
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MAE- 1 32 Ele ment YAG I Antenna ... $19.95
e 1'l'2-SW

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600,000 HAPPY USERS FOR CARlI TV 8 CE9·SW EIoc".~ Kit 9- _ ' , , _ US
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Tel ex - 953050 ~ H>O Tel: (702) 3 22-5273 Tel: (2 1 3 ) 675- 3347 _ VISA ~nd Ma.,o rca.d A<:cept,bl e -

...See List 01 Adv",tisers on pege I t<f 73 Magazine • June,1982 127

· Send Perfectly-Timed Code
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As5errtlled <lnd rested 7995 Blacksburg Group
K't 59.95
Shipping and H;lndhng 2.50 Box 242
VISA <lnd Iv\:merCuu accepted, Blacksburg. Virginia 24060
Virgin,,'! re')id!"nts add 4% saes tax. 703/951 -9030
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MODEL P50 to P500 •
Limited Offer...
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• Ultimate rejeelion over 80 dB
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2: 600 kHz at 144 MHz: - 30 dB
:!: 1.6 MHz at 220 MHz: - 40 dB
:!: 5 MHz al 450 MHz: - 45 dB
• The solution 10 interference, inlermod and
eesens problems on repeaters
• 12V DC operation
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ing connectors
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• Custom tunal! to your frequency
• Low cosl - only $69.95
• Allow $2.00 for sllipping and handling
We ha ve a co mplete line of tra nsmitter and receiv-
er suos and synthesizers tor Amateur and t om-
99 + 1e
rn ercal use Wri te or ca ll lor ou r tree C<l ta lo9 · FOR THE DUCK
We welcome MasterCard or VISA
Collapsed is a
matched 1/4
1952 Clinton St. , Buffalo, N. Y. 14206 $19, "' 6-9 DB
..... 143 1-(716) 8 24·7936, 9 t o 4 " ,
TNC-F -50239 Wave Antenna
BRAND $26 . ~; 6-9 DB SNG ONLY W,II 0Ol 1fa n Sm'l
110VAe MUFFIN FAN C ill c o lla psed POS ltiOll
coohng I. n . W ' l .~l e fo . e leclro"",,1
elec,,,ca l eQ u ,p men ' GoolonQ . 3200 NA
R PMI IOO C FM PI•• t,e co ns" uc hon BRAND $24."' 5-8 DB BNC ONLY W ill no! trans mit
Q u , el ' u M i ~ g . ~ - ' I " 6 " SQ ua ' e ~ 1 _ 1 1 ~
I ~,c ' _ 3 ~'aQe fao . RemOve<! f'o m use<! V on collapse<:l pos<l ,o n
eQ u,pmenl, c hec ked oul ana ~ua '

3 BLADE_ S6.00 SII LA OE- 51.00 • Meas ured Field Strength O ver Rubber Duck
10B LADE_S6,OO 3.1J·' Sq. -ST.50 •• Specify Base Type BNG, Tempo, Ect.
ANItIRM·250 SIGNA L GENERA lOR c o.""ng 10 KH,
to 50 MHz in " 'g~1 ban<ls RF ou lPUl 0.1 to l 00,oo:l u. RD2 S
in 50 oh m load ; 2 yolts adlu.tabl" a c ' o ss h,gh lo ad 1m , Stubby
"",d a nc" Amp lO1 ude mo<!ula"o n: 0 to 50 ',. 400 Of l oo:l The Tu ned Antenna Company brings you the Super Stick II
Hz inte'nal. W,lh 1 MH , cry.t al calib,al0'. Po",,,, ' e·
QUofed : 115 VAC 5O- 1oo:l Hz, 11 'I, ~ 1~ ~ 10 >'; , SH WI . for those long h au ls with your H .T .. plus our 5/8 Wa ve
.u LBS Used, re pa,a ble. le s . a cc e s sorie s $55.00. Anten na may be operated collapsed with the same operating
",laC<'e ssor," s 175.00
cha rac ter isti c of a Rubber DUCk Antenna. T h e Super Stick II
HEAT SENSOR ELEMENT 99¢ is av ail able w it h Tempo S- 1. BNC-TNC-F-PL-259 Bases at a
Ma nu la Clur ed by Elm.. ood. Opens price that is se veral bucks un der o t her 5/8 Wave Antennas.

0 '
a t 2OO ' F. b c e lle nt 10' l' wld ,ng
nea t & fo re a larms. 5Ill" d ia. ~
mak ing the Super Stic k II the b est buy around, See your local
11132" deep, 318" tabs to' pUsh Of dealer for stoc k. S ell Ie for n o t hi n g less th an a Super Stick II.
term",..ls 15116 '" C. to C mo unting
• T erm . : C .O.D. , check 0 < m on ey 0.0..... P Ie . .. .dO $2.00
SG·12I1J FtM·all FM SIGNAL G ENERATOR. 19.51 0 102
MH , F M In Ii"" ban<l. "" t n d""atlOn , " n9"S 0 10 25. 50.
'0< 11<11 .n l"nn• • nd $1 .00 lor ''''' h .oomone! ,n'en n . 10 c o ...
and 100 KHz: 1000 Hz modula loo n. AI80 if ""l pu lS on .hlppi ng . nd h ... dllng. C . lUo<nl. retlld.ntt . dd 6..... ",I.. I• •.•
1.4, 2515. 2.65. 2.88 , ~ . 3 , ~ ~ 5 , 5.0 , 5.35. 15 MHz, p lu.
1"'0 spa'" pos itions Ca lib'ated out put yoltag" ' : 0 .5 Uy
10 .0 1 I'Oll s (RF): 0.5 y.l 0 1.0 y (IF), out put im peda nc es
10 o hm. (RF); 25 oh m. {IF) W,th 1 MHz a ndlOf 2 MHz
cry.l a l c"l ibra l", ma r",," Po",e' ' f!quored 1151230 OR TO ORDER CAll:
VAC 50-1000 Hz. S i,,, : 12 ~ 18 ~ 12: S npg WI: 85 LBS
Used , rep a'able. $ 100.00 (714) 268-0720
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.-5..., !- ,S I 0 1 A.d . "tr!se rs on pa ge 114 73 Magazine . J une, 1982 129

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A modular app roa ch . . . for your own ccs tom.cestcoec ATV
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...See L,s r or Ad.er!,sers on page 1" 73 Magaline II June ,1982 131

Wayne Green Books

TEXTEDIT-A Complete Word Proces sing System in kit form
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f.<jlm TEXTEOIT is an inexpensive word processor that helps you learn aboul BASIC pro-
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132 73Magazine . June, 1982

What does MBA mean? It stands for Morse-Baudot and ASC II.
What does the MBA Reader do? The AO mode l (reader only) uses
a 32 character alphanumeric vacuum flu orescent display and
takes cw or tty aud io from a receiver or tape recorder and visually
presents it on the display.
The copy moves from right to left across the screen, much like
the Times Square reader board. Is the AEA model MBA Reader
different from other read ers? It certainly is! It is the first to give the
user 32 characters of copy (w ithout a CRT), up to five words at one
time .ltean copy cw upto99wpm and Baudot at 60-67-75 and 100
wpm . Speeds in the ASCII mode are 110 and hand typed 300
baud. The expanded display allows easy copy even during high speed reception .
The A EA model MBA has an exclusive automatic speed tracking feature. If yo u are copying a signal at
3-5 wpm and tune to a new signal at 90 wpm, the MBA catches the increased speed without loss of copy.
The MBA Reader allows a visual display of your fist and improves your code proficiency. It is compact
in size, and has an easily read vacuum fluorescent display.
The Reader operates from an external 12 VDC source. This allows for portable/mob ile or fixed

Advanced Electronic Applications, Ine. -,

Check the AEA model MBA Reade r at your favorite dealer and see all the features in this new
eq uipme nt. If your dealer can not supply yo u, contact
Brings you the
p.o . Box 2 160. Lynnwood. WA 98036 Call 206/775-7373 Breakthrough!
Prices and spec if icat io ns subject to c hange WIthout notice or obliga t io n


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70/ M BM 48 .lrning slgnll "I" II ido l lor u rvlCllllln Ir hobbyists.
1250-1300 MH l loop yagi 12%-L Y S49.75 Till Dr lk l Diglli l Mullillellf tl w ld 'I.. plell willi blnerits [bl nery Ill. b
Send 36C stamps for full details of all our VHF/ UHF nems. gru llr then 300 II rsJ prob... 2D Imp eurrem sllunt Iplrl lUll. Ind lOll
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73 MagaZine • June, 1982 133

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"00 handling for con tinental U.S. Wisconsin resid ents add 4% State Sale. Tax.
HandbOo. $1000
Ant. Book ne .. &. im prove d '00 Corporati on T el ephone : 14 14 ) 241 -8144
Large asso rlment of pUbH ca l,ons ca ll P. O. Box 5 13G, T h iensville , Wisc o n si n 53092
H013 11 0 7 sq 11 1ROlaI O' $99 .00
U-l00Sm a l l Rotal ar 45 00
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RS7A 5-7 Amp Powe' Supp ly $49.00
RS 12/\ 9-12 Amp 6900
RS20A16 ·2QAmp "'00
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BA SH Study Gu ides $9.95
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Many ot ~ e ' s in stock ca ll
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PS 15 Powe' Supply 135 00 " p, hili'. Fun";.n.
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KT34A4 ELT" ba nde, $3 15.00
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548 0m nl C $975.00 Doppler Directio n Finder. Simply plug in to receiver's antenna and external speaker
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525Argosy 439 .00 jac ks, U se any tour omnidi rectional antennas. See June 1981 issue of 73 10 r technical
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134 73Magazine . June, 1982

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73 Magazine • J une. 1982 135

l ei us Io.now 8 we eks in advance so that vo u won' t
mi ss oJ sinKI", issue o f 71 MolIXd.line .
AIt.u:h o ld "abel where ind ica ted and pr int new ad-
dres!o in space provided . Aho include vour moliliox
lab el whenever vnu write co nce rni ng yo u r sub..crip-
tion. II helps us serve .,. OU prompttv . Writ e to :
~rblt Subscri pti o n Depart ment
19magaZine P,O. Bo x 931
Farmingdal e NY 11737
-o - - - - - - - - 1
Addr.. " ch,lnl<e onlv
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ORBIT is the Official Journal for the ;:; Name Ca ll _ I
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This pac kage is ideal for audio com ponen t repair-
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136 73 Magazine . June, 1982

etter ozen.
NEVER SAY D IE -If you want controversy, . -- - - - -- - - -,
1. Wayne G reen W2NSD/1 w ill give it to you His
popular column ranges from travelogue to ti rade
d o d IS guaranteed t o entertain, inspire and
I Send me a d o z en iss u e s of
enlighten you. I for the dozen reasons listed! I
DJ( - This globe-trotting co lu m n keeps you in- I
2. formed about the news of the OX worl d from K ing-
man Reef to Bahra in
0 1 year. USA Sl<)<)7
I o 1 yea r, CANADA, US funds S22 .97
I o0 1MCvee r.0FOR EIGN, Surface. US tunds S39 9 7
CONTE STS - You get a ll the news on the contest
3. world from Ro bert Baker WB2CH . He'll give you
information on upco ming events and resul t s f rom
re ce nt contests

Add,.." _

FUN - Just f or fun, Jo hn Edwa rds K I2 U p rov ides
I City S, ..II' lip _ I
4. you w ith wacky pu zzles. q uizzes, a nd games tha t
test your ha m m et t le.
C.. rdll

hp 0"1'-' - - - - - - - -

FCC -If you 're looking to t he f uture, t hese out-
s. takes f rom the Federal Register c hronicle changes
in policy a nd regula tio ns tha t re late to amateur

.... ~

1J .~ "'" 'iubo< "JIl"'" ()opr
]2686 I
RTl Y LOO P- To keep you ab reast of rediotele- L P~~.:. f:~. ~:71~
6. type developments. Marc Leavey WA3AJR ex-
pla ins the new RTTY equipment, the in crea sing
role o f computers in RTTY. and other matters of
- - - - _ _ I

interest to digita l communications fa ns.

RE VIEWS- Bef ore you buy. save yourself some

7. money c heck 73's mdept h evaluat ion o f the

latest gear.

HAM HELP - A s a serv ice to you, 73 prints your

8. q uesti on s in our ma gazine. Thi s helps yo u t o ob-

ta in hard-t o-get parts, schematics. and ow ner's
m anuals .
SATELLI TES - Fro m Phase III to TVRO, 73 M aga-
9. z ine covers t he news o f t he sat ellite w o rld l ike no
other rad io amateu r m agazine.
Subsr npncn Depa rtme nt
PO 80,931
Earmmgdale, NY 11737
N EW PRO O UCTS- Thi s brief look at t he lat est
10. ham equi pment on th,~ market keeps you on topof
new developments in amateur radio. For ceoers only please
ForeIgn a ir ma il, please inqUirE'
AWA ROS- To find out what certificates are avail-

11. able where, read Bill Cosnev KE7C's coverage of

all the ham radio awards.

CONSTRUCT ION - The builder's magazine

12. that's 73 You get the best projec ts from the best
authors every m onth.

- ...--- -
Think Spring, STUDY GUIDE
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ANTENNAS learni ng rat her t han memorizing is the secret . This
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rules and an application fo rm.
ORD ER yo urs today and ta lk to the wo rld .
SG7358 $6.95

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lo Pi<:s . lIlysl erns, lind laC(;esSOfIes are P<~'ed giving the reed .... some load lOf
thought end practical data l or construction. Designed to aid tile e.pe<i,m ced
ham and ncmc" a5 we ll. On ly 8"" 015 $9 ~,'
73 DIPO LE A ND LON G·WIRE ANTENNAS _ by Edw ard M . No ll W3FOJ . Ttl ls Is THE·'-' aT G-..,.,
the firs t ecnecuce of VIrtually e. er y type of wire antM n ll used by amateur • . In.
MOST -wut( D
eludes d ime ns io ns, contig uralions , aM delailed c o nstructio n dat a 10' 73 di f-
leren\ .otenna lypes, APP8n<llc n describe the con structio n a t noise bridges.
,.., t,BK1016 $5.50 '
line tuner s. and da ta on measuring resona nt h " qu ency, veio c ily fac to r, and
ALL A BOU T CUBICA L QUA D A NTEN N AS (2nd .olllonl-8I<" 96 _T l'le
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BEAM ANT EN NA HANOBOO,; (N_ 5th IIdlIIotlr-BK I 197- Vagi beam 11l«Wy.
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ALL AB OUT CU BICA L OUAD ANTENNAS (2fl d ad ltlon)- BK l1 96 _ TMe
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o r 'femiz" ~our o rO" r On a sltpa. ate p'ece of pa per and meutc
Use I he Ofder .c ard iflth is magazine O' Itemize you . o rder on a separate piece 0 1
paper and ma ll to: 73 RadIO Bookahop a Peterborough N H 03458, Be sure to In- 73 Rad IO BOOk Shop a Pe1 er tl OfOUgh NH 03458. Be Sur" 10 inc lude
Clude c hec k Of ""tailed credIt ca.d in lOfmalion , No C.O.D. oroers acc epted. All c h e c~ 0' deta,led Crea,! c at O ,nlormall Ofl . No C.O.D oroe.s ac cept ed
orders add $ 1.50 l'Iandliflg first tlool<, $ 100 each additional book. $1 0.00 per book Add $1 .50 ha nd l,ng Cha rge '0'the "'S! tloo~, $ 1.00 fo, ea c h add l1 'Ofl.i tloo k
lor elgfl ai .mall. Psease allo", 4-(1 "'eeks lOf delivery. Questions .ag.rding yOlJI
Ofde<? P1Nse ", rrte 10 Customer SenriCfl . 1 the allove add,,""s. (Prices sutljecllO Ques tio ns ' eg aro,ng ~OUf orde" Please "' '' ' e to Customer 5e .... tee
c llange on books not putllistled by 73 Milgaz lne ,l al th e aDo>e add teS' Pluse allo", 4-6 "'eeh to, del,very

138 73 Magazine . June, 1982

NEW from
Selling 73 Magazine, the ham radio
BY Il R. RALPH E. TAGGA RT magazine that offers quality and
Here is the comp le tely updated and revised ed ition o f the best- quantity, brings the ham into your
selling W. .ther Setetllte Handbook- c o n ta in in g a ll the In ter-
ma lio n on the most sop histic ated and effect ive spacecraft store. Once through the door you
no w in o rbit. Dr. Taggart has written this book to serve both th e
expe rienc ed amateur satelli t e e nthusia st and the newcomer. can sell him anything.
The book is an in troductio n 10 satell ite wat ching . pr oviding a ll
the informat ion req uued 10 c onstruct a com pl ete and highly e f-
te cuve ground stati o n . Not ju st ideas, but solid hard ware de-
Sig ns and autne instructions necessary t o o per ate the eq u ip- Our dealers are telling us that '7 3"
ment are included. For the th o u sand s Of experiment ers w ho
are operat ing s ta tions. t he book deta ils all proced ures nece s-
outsells them all . . . so call today
sary to mo d i fy t heir equipment fo r th e ne w serie s of s pa ce,
c r aft. Amateu r w ea t he r s ate ll it e act ivit y represen ts a u n iq ue
and join the dealers who make
blend o f in terests encompassing e lec t ro nics. me teorology money with 73 Magazine.
and a stro naut ics. Join the priv ileged few in watchin g t he spec -
ta cle o f earth as seen fr om space on your own monitoring
equipment. Order BK7383 $8.9S
For information on selling 73
- - S AVE $%.95--- Magazine call 603·924·9471 and
WEATHER SATELLITE speak with Ginnie Boudrieau, our
HAN OBOOK (first edition) Bulk Sales Manager. Or write to
By Dr. Ralph E. Tag ga rt WB8DOr. Va luable in forma tion in thi s her at:
f ir st edit ion is not in c lu d ed in Dr. Taggart' s just published
ooo«. The New We.ther Sa tellit e Ha ndbook (see a bove).
Chap te rs such as " How t o Bu ild a n Elec tric T im er fo r Satellite
Tracking " a nd " Bu ilding an A uto mat ic Con tr o l for t h e Sa tellite
Receiving St ation " will no longer be available wh en thi s ed t-
t tc n is o ut of print. This Is a good en t ry leve l te xt l o r tho se
disco ve ring the e xc it in g ne w use ot w eathe r s atel lit es. Reg ula r MAGAZINE
ONLY $'0.95, SAV E $2.95! (Thi s off er ava ilable only wh ile suo- 80 Pine Street
plies tas t.) Order WS7 300 and rece ive bo th edit ion s 01 t he
Weat her Sa tellite Ha nd book for onl y $10.95 (plus $1.00 s hi p p·
Peterborough NH 03458
JOg a nd hand ling c ha rg e).

•Use tne orde' c a rd '0 th,S maOill'oe or " em,ze your orde< 0t'I a eeceeate p,ece OljHIper
lind mall to, 73 Ra(j.0 6ool<sl'lOP • Ptlte'bOtc.uoh NH 03456 Be sure 10 'tlC lude cnee~ or
det~"'ed cled, l c ar d ,0Iorma-I,00. Add $1.50 f",SI boljIk, $ 1,00 eac h a dd ,t ,o oa l book.
$10 00 per boo" tore ,o o 11"1'1'111' •. NOl e: Pn ces s"blecl 10 eh~lOlle 0t'I bOoI< s 001PUbl'Shed
by 73 MlIllill....e . QueSl,Oo s 'egll.d,oll your orde'? Please w" le to Customer Se'vlce a l
!fie a Dove ad d re s s . Plea se allOw .·6wee~ s tor del,ve, y. NOe .a .D. orders a c ce p!....,. For
TOil F'1Hl o ' d..nog c a ll 1·800-258·5473

73Magazine • June,1982 139

(Repeat of a sell out)
Ii. .. My ·Ga m 40 cn" .,ne l P" ~ I " <l C<ru" t
!XI""" • • •• mbl, ISQ""K ~ PO! . ol"m..
MOOEL conhOl .nd c tl.M..' ' '' ''etl nOI ,~cl,, <lM'
eo.,,,, 1010 . , •• D._".",,, 6
. ..-
S61000 ~f
• .I.D( III $349 ,95
". 1·11 pca Sl .SO.'.
10-' 1l pca " -SO • • .
73 Magazme does nOI keep subscrip-
non record s on t he premises . th ere-
.. Cowers 100 to 185 104Hz in 1 kHz steps With tnumh -
rw." .. Q ..... n.'....., ...11
for e call ing us only ad ds lime and
wheel dial " AcCliracy 1 part per 10 million at all lre- REM O TE ' 0 C H A N NEl C .B, doesn 't solve the problem ,
queoces .. Internal f M adJlIstatlle trom 0 to 100kHz R.. motes " a v~ • m..lal "a me 5p.... ..'
at a 1 kHz rate " Spurs and noise atleast 60 dB be-
pta .. ,e u se .nO CO'" ,,'I
moe no' ,,,«,,<l.."
Please sen d a description 0 1 the
50 1<1 • • ' s
low car rier " Af output adjustatile from 5 ·~0 mv at S1'.9 5 ". problem and your most recen t ad-
~ ohms " Operat es on 12 Vdc @ 1/2 Amp " Avail· C ,B BAR GAIN dress label to :
able lor immedi.lte delivery " $349.95 ptus shlppmg CB e<>.'~' ""~$'~O D.r" 0'
.. Add·on Accessories available to extend l req r:.nr..~~''''$D.·.D.''' 9".~ ...,•
range . add inllmte resolllllOfl. YOlCe and SlIb·aoolb!e S3,5O ••
tones . AM, pretlSIOfl 12'0 dB calibrated allenualor 0._ ,~ 'O' m.hO" "'~ .... aGO U DC ' O' 73 MagaZine
5 M ,," UFS COO, . cc..,,''''' ' ''' "" " " ,
.. Call lor details " Dealers wanted Worldwide ' 01. " "0 $ 0;0 00 '" moo.. ~"",~. '''''o..~" Subscription Dept.
.o~ • •~ ' .'''~ I• • ~ , ~ .m ym "'~.' $ ' ~ 00 PO Box 931
VANGUARD LABS - " , fo'~,O., o r ~ e'$
5' H ~A STE R
I"n ~,
.~ ~20' '0'
o« .. pleo Farmingdale, NY 11737
' . 23 J a "",11;:lI Aw• •• Hom., NY 11423
PIlone: (212) AM-2120 Surplus Electronics Corp.
1~ NW SoI ltl 5 t
MIa mi fL 33166 ..... 69
PH a 3OS-887-32:18

Take your favorite H.T. out PRESERVE

for a drive tonight. :'i~~g;y~~:~:fARD tor 19 IJ~!l~:l.JNl
For S69.95 you get th e most effici ent, •
dependable. fully gu aranteed 35W 2 meter BINDERS s
amp kit tor your handy talkie money can buy.
Now you can save your batteries by o perating FILE CASES
your H.T. o n low power and still get ou t like a ~ ee ~ YOll! ,"s ues ot 73 Maga "" e loge tM ', nandy
mobile rig. The model 33SA produces 35 watts a nd p.otectOOln na nd some a nd d u' a bl" lib, ary file s
out with an input of 3 watts, and 15 watts out with .I .... . '" b,"""'s 60lh sly!-es bo,,"" ,n red lealne re lle '" " n
only 1 watt in. Compatible with IC-2AT, TR-2400, - '-,.. Ille m"gazllle IOQO s tamped In gold
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Yaesu. Wilson & Tempo ! Other 2 meter models are avail- to.- ....SV , e l"'"""e. $!i 9!> each 3 lor $1100
able w ith outputs of 25W and 75W, in addition to a 1(1()\/o/ 6 lor s.J(IOO
amplifier kit for 430MHZ. ..382 e ,fId01ts [acl> blfId01t holds 12 ISsues . no opens
" .01 tor ....sy re.Jdl<><;J S150 ....cl>. 3 lor S211~ .
Communication Concepts tne. C~ ~~~ A". Day_OH 4S42l1 6 lor $42.00
IPostage pa id on USA. Fo,,,,gn orde's ,ncl"de $2,50
pe, It ..m)
Please Sla te ye afS 19 77 to t963
send eheel< or money order IU


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PO 80.5.20

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A.1O\oo 4 10 6 tor Clelovt'f)

"'''' ~'(\~ ~ I L 1.....-/ RG8U mIl spec 96 '4 SI>...IO S27.9Sl100 h . 31c1tt.
.....O~ ;'\ £;?' RG21 4U Olll Sllve, s l>,elO. 50 0 tlm .. Sl.35111.
" ~ "'" \$\t::J Q$ -: 100 II. AG8U with PL·259 on eaeh endS19.95
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RGI741Umit sP\IC . 96 '4 s n,eld ,
RGII U 96 04 s h''''d, 75-o/lm mil Sptl<;
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PL·259 & SO 239
Oo" b l.. Ma le ConneClo r
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I fl patcl> c oro ",IRCA Iype plllg$eael> er>CI
ReCI"ce, UG·115 0.- .16
1111$1 ."
ROse mIl SPeC · 96% S/llf!'I<l llc1tt. UG 2¥.i ,PL m to BNCI 5UO
F59 "' tTV lvpel 1M2.IS
RGaX % '1'0 shoelO (tII":k, wM e or g.aY\. . 51• .t!il 100 It. UG 21DIU "'mpl>e nol Typ. N lAa l. lor RG8 $3.00
He/h. BNC UG88CJIJ. male $1 .2S
AGllU 90"" s h>eld IkllI. ) 116 lOCI> "' ,. " PI"o 10' COII".,S Nc 51.2 5
FlG58U 90 '4 s n,etd
AG5lIU % '4 shIeld ".
RG8U 91 '10 sl>leld 11 ga . leq" iv. Beld e" 82'4)
AG59U ' 00% toll ! n,e ld , TV Iype " , .571100 II. 10Ci11.
UG 213 B HC 10 PL·259

, . 5) 00
ROl o.- cable 8-con 2·18 ga, &22ga 1\k111. CO D . dd $ t. SO _ FL.... Rn . d d 4-"S.ln T.. Un iversi ty Microfilms Internat io na l
Connectors-shipping 10% add'I, 2.50 minimum 300 N or t l> z eee Road 18 Bedl o nt Ro w
[)@ pt P R Dep t P 1'1
C"b le - s n, p""n g $3 00 1Sf • 00 !l 52 00 ....c " aOO I '00 " "' n n Arbo, . M I . 8 1Q6 Lo ndon. W C1Fl 4EJ
5685 SW BOth. Slreet Dept. RLO M i8m l, Fl. 33143 Can (305) 661 ·5534 US A E ng ta n-d

140 73Magazine . June, 1982

Modell -Icom IC2AIT. Etc. SUPE R LO W PRIC ES!
Model 11; ·1 lor TR·2500
_ alldH on bo"Clm of radio
AlDEI" f>CS.300 2·METER HT S285 .00
SA1'IOYEC 14-4U P 2-METER HT S289.00

S31 9 .00
xexwoon 2500 HANDHELD S299.00
Mode!lI_TA.24OO; YAES U FT·208R 2 ·METER HT
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TO 10HZ. REAR PANEL 10HZ DEFEAT T EMPO $-2220 HT , S249.00
SWITCH. 3/8 - RED l EO. 1318H. 4 1(2 W. 6 AL L KENWOOD &. ICOM HF RIGS 12%
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- lill Inlo battary compartment PLUGIJ ACK.
• It unique ball"'Y eliminil lOf' ALSO WORK ON FT620B FT221 R599
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, IfOl'I auto DC or b.... ~
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HAHOJ.TE K 13 78 S. Ba..c:om Ave. SanJm.e . Ca lif . 95 128
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2·m ..' .. . T . .. n"" " i,·" , UH l .OO
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CRYSTAL SUPPLY COMPANY epipoceommunicatlons " Ben Fran k lin Elec tronics
P.O. Bo x 183 EmpfldlS 's Ott Ouahty & Rehabfkty .... 300
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Sandwich, Ma . 02563-0183 lI6·94 7 · 226~

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,'" "' _
I ... sc.......
TR-2.ooG .lop• • nd locO. on _yoOt . , _
0"'''. k.,.·
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• nd ' . . - ..,.,." ca.....
_ '0. no """'che.
Cont.olled IIy
10 iOO<l ,... 1. ,1. "."yi..slde ''I). '0> SHERWOOD 1· · ,•.- .J
.,mp.. co""'eellOf'S. no mod,hUhO"" Does not ... .
....c. "'.... <led 10< PI.
WIth .......- -1--.,
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TR·9000 M. mDfy Su......
",,1 -11. 95
'Of "' . ~ ..ood TI1 ·9OOO sc.~. 5 memOfy ena M el • . S lOP '
O~ O,,'y . ~d ,es"me . ...ne n c."'e' d'ops Use. e . i.t i~ g STILL T\-E f1t'..£ST CCJlv1BINATION
con,,,,i. , No . ""'cne. 10 .dd ' nsl.lI . " ." y IM 'de fOg 600 HZ LOW·LOSS l ot ,IF CW fiLT ER, Imp!""'" . .. I ~ .." \lO
See p'O<!uel ,e..e .. Sep" lu ue 73 M. gs,ins
... . ..mOled_ I 39.95
Plug·, n . so lid ".le w be , ,,,,Iac.. me n tl
• S·line performance-solid state !
I",prove ul,I""" . ..."",..., 10 140 dB. Ellm'nt'. ItfOng
. -"-1;"11 2nd mi. "" <IUSOng ;n.1tfI"O<! and _
... ,""tiv i1~ . EIi",i""t. ni!lh{>itc...... ... ~ . ",ourd 2rd·lf l ilWJ.
.il i, .Iion
IC ·280 hnd se....... - UU5 CF -6IXI/$: SIlO.DO. N_ PC _ . . . . . , ......"" k;1 $45.00
M• ......., s.:. n.... _ n ' .r.; DoIII t", n',to • Hea t d inipation .educed 60%. h , ·If sse FI LTERS. 1&0 dB ul'. ftj . CF 21fJ1: $I SO.DO ....',
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5kH. h l ·lf fl LTER. _1>i1"t<:I\odO~ "' . Cf·51fJ1: SIlO.OO
• D>g, lal ,_ ul. 0'''''., sc.nned I_....ncy. • Unlimited equipment life
• All sc."""• • ,e , 1o .n . I.1I us 'ng comp" ' ••Ad tH· 18 -f>OLE IWC SSII' Plug-in hi... u.w.... Iod ... ... -.iYit~
,.,..., .n.'.I1.' 'n.Uve'...... TUBE STERS COSI less t h an two tubes. 1800 H, at .edt. 2.00 HI .. «ldB. Cf ·21(f18 , S135 .00.
• ... " sc.......... ...SSEI,lBlED l TESTE D ,• • cepI k,I.
• Sehslachon Gu.'."I"'" and <lie guar ant eed lor SO lo ng as y ou own 250. liOO _ 1000 ... '·-f>OU
c r .2!iIlI8. CF,SOOIll _
CF·I .l)1<J8; 180,00,
you r S ·line. " -.. _ . _ _ od Mo" k .... $po<-' AM 1_ _ .

f ..... _ lor R-"'I t RI. R·T. TR·T. TIU. ~. Ad ...

Atl<I SJ "'-,,1* _: sa...........,
1_ ' F • . _ _ 1&_. _ 10. 1 ; . .. . . ~

Sherwood EnginEering Inc.

SKYTEC Wri te o. phone for 1268 South Ogden St .
2f>I411 W Ma'Y Arm Ad" "'m ooch . IL 60002
Box 535 specs and p ricel. Denver . Colo. 802 10
,nciude 11 50 PO.' age l n . " d lr~ g ... 27 Talmage. CA 95481 (707) 462·688 2 (303) 722·2257
lI"no,. 'e• . ,nc lude 5'1. % . '. 'e I..

73 Magazine · June,1982 141


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• EUER"'AHY SWITCMED 1'011 C M" "' III ELS 3 Or 4
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q~a,,'y a t lh" .., !""nd on tOd"V ' "deo taP<' "" ",lId, ' S II
h." , on"·,,,,'''' ,,"0"0 Id C'-'. fo' V1df'{) .,n<l A"(I,,,"'0"" OM
,, ~S
a sta"d..,,1 F tvre con""" I'" 1o, I'll' ou lp" , P".. €, '.
RE~ISIO " Z - S24 ts
suCPI,,,,, Or .In AC 10 DC PO....' pAC ' "" "e " '~ "'c:l"ae<:l
Call ",OW I " mQfe ,n'O,,,,,,1 "" aM ID. q"dfi"' VOoSCOUni.


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MasIn code or UpgEade 11\ a mailer of days
Cod~ Qui<." If> a unique breaklhr0U9h
" TIP lI O "' PIII O""~L 2"' 1C .1M SUPEA SPf.CI..' DE .. '
• t • A".
,U, which s. m plif...... warn'ng Mo rse C ode.
Instead of a confusing maze of dlts and
~ 5" " 0 " TEMPEREO GL"'SS 110 ·F ~ [ ". ,po debs , each leller will magically begin 10 call
'1'" ,"'" "'. ""
' 10 16Q ' F 1.a8 out i15 own name! Slop torturing yourself'
' 1010 J SE"'S II IVE G.. TESCR )/88
2.88 ' 3D . . JiJ.\{) • .,..",.
C'" " ,,, " .. " " '0 .. ac, C"'O" CA"O ". Coo ,
Your "ma~ing kit containing 5 pou.r<'r-
f..", , , 'OIlI
pecked cass.ettes. visual breakthrough
cards and o ngmal manual is o nly $39,95!
Send check Of money ceder 100ay to
Your Ham Tube P ,O , 801< 3261, C rty of Industry. C A 91744
Ask !of C ede Q u il::k _103 . C a],fom ia
residents ecd 6 '\, win. In .
Headquarters! One User Co mme nls:
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thing works! So much fun you don'l reehze
TOll 800·221 ·0860 FRE E how much you're leerning."

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Hundreds of salisfied customers!
You can·' Io!oe!FoIowea.ch $imple step . You
must succ eed or ret urn The kiT for ... lolal
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' 0000 , lf ts

s u.'Co"OuCTO~S ~f CO.... E C 1 0 ~ S
from damage caused .. ~, 2<!oII O" ' 1 no.oo pc l~ .0I1l<i-!> SAVER KIT
" Af 4\01 li l ts ,,~
' OIM ts
by high·Yoltage " ~f 4~
" 2"" uc "~ 111 'M'.., 15 min utes to In-
transients entering
the antenna system
l1'>ew t r. nsre nt s usually are cauwd by
" AO

I " ts

1' 21oO •• .-
uo ~ ~u
UO 21:Jju

1_ .. .......
s1 50 ...

11 50 _
I' rs_
stan. scan restarts
when carrier drops
011 . busy SWi tch
.tmosPl'IeflC st enc dlKharges Dr nearby 8 connors aut cmanc
lightning stnko>s
The new Model 1549 Surge Shunt can ee
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having up to 200 w att s out put.
f OP BRA ND Popula, ReceIVIng fube Tvpes
FREE LI ST Av,u lable
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Allow $3 00 Min,mum for UPS Charg es
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The arrester "pili '" element nas a long o c~ FT·207R BAnERY SAVER KIT
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· S,mple TO ".slIlI; Slep· Dy·Slep ,nstfUCtlQnS
and p,a rlS ,ncluded
mA me"""y DaCk up ' edUCed 10 !lOCI ~A
In Ohio. or 'Of '~

~. mtcrmauon can: · ~5 rnA rece,. e' d.am .educed to 30 mA

Ie: D Ir:MLiW.:I 1.5nS66.2421 2115 A venue X
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Brooklyn, NY 11235 P.o. Bo]( 3966 ... «o
~o Richard Street . Miamisbu rg, Otuc 4534 2
. .__ " 1"'(I,,,,,,ol.lJt1l DU ,U. _ .. liS "'."" , Phone (212) 646-6300 ~" ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA 92803

142 73 Magazine · June, 1982

:"0 w at Ia"t an autopatch Ut~iged for the
- .... . .,

<;I; 'phist icateJ F.\l Amateur "I'rtvutc Patch"

works th rough ('xisting rep.'i'lt'rs as well as
simplex Gi\'l's you access 10 your h"111I'
..mpl. lllue
o nly $2.500 phone within the roveragc area o f any ., ...
,eo ..' ........ 'O N .....
....,k...'ted repeater "Priva te I';ltt h " requires
no lHodifical ~)I\S to yo ur ba....• F,\ ttransceiver.
T 00 ,~, _.
_ 0 ..

OUt IH H U .. . •

--.- =
Connects only to ~lIC and speaker jacks. Con-
vt'r"",ltion is \"t"ry na tu ral because "Pri vate
AMATEUR TElEVISION Patc h" does no t use th c ';dlllpling techniq ue .
C W ID sends your ca ll. Fin ' J iglt m ...ncr I'm..
MAGAZINE .w.~ '"
.. "'~ I H•. !1ft.. I~U 'U> ( OM " '} ~ M • n".. u u,o "- UR "
grammable al'ClOSS code and opl'TatllT/k mg
distance inhibit protect your phone hill Sl'!f f~ ..

,,-, ~.,
Su rf.c.
Me. lc;o
$ 1000
Surf. c .
$ 1300
Ai,mei l
Centr, l
S. Arnttr>c.
AI. mei l
All OTher
Fore ill"
S 2300
contained AC supply. ;..ro lone encoders
req uired All C:-.tOS digit al logic. IH) anal"t:
tuning used. Com pare our standa rd features .
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73 MagaZine • June. l982 143


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he....... ,". Onr 1.000 Soltll0 00'0 . ~
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MINI a l,ve ' 3 d,fferen !
I'ghts II,cker "" Ih SUjle' Sl. uth Try y our han d et bUildin g the t.ne st lookI ng cloc k o n the
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pln d<OP al 1$'",,' G.-eal
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len m" e _,, , T,.nsm,lS . "."'a lo .... s E.ch .n d,- Use lor .... me t>a<l9'" room 01" lIS _ . 1 pur' la kes 1-2 ncors 10 assemble YOllr Ch O'Ce of case colors
S'9"'" up 10 300 y. '''' .. ,m " . eap-
loON' .u<loo ou."I, t>v me. .... ot 'II
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I>a lW<"y."" SUP<'< '''''''',"1''''''' T"'.
v,d ua lty .d lust -
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10 300 W , un s on
110 VAC
b ullon s .... ' n ' ng
panel '9'ts a"'fl!'llnO'
Runs on 3 10 1$ wOl1S
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u .r.;
~ a mj)l , ~


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Full 2 W
rrns oulpul tunS on 6 10
von.. ""'" 8- 4$
snve r. gold . blac k Ispec,ly)
CIOC~ k.t . 12/24 hO llr . DC-5
Cloc k w .fh 10 moo 10 hmer 12 /2 4 h Ollr OC-l 0
A larm c loc k . 12 h our o nly DC -8
$24 .9 5
529.9 5
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12V DC car cloc k, D C -7 52 9 .tS
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$US Au" s on 3·' 2 VI)(; 1 ..... <lUI • I(HZ Qoo<l '0' CPO FO' Wifed and tested cloc ks add $1 0 00 to k,l o nce
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Whiajle' Li9"1 1( ,1 T_ Dec:_ ~
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• com p~e 'one (le(;O- ~
An ,nl e 'estlnQ _,I . m,,11 m ,_e de' On a Slng'e PC TM UN· le lT. _ , 5 001_ COOOnec: b ......
f,ansm ,,. up 10 300 ' to
.nv FM b'o.adcasl ' •.
p ,c .s u p s o u nds a nd conve , ls
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m"e Runs on 3'0 9 V TVpe fM -2 I, "on. 567 IC Use!u l for 'ouen · eO""o' pM"",• ..- ... ~ '" 0 ' . "'0"" '•••o h IO ."p", 0", Of "",", c _.. ,~.
Inc ludes m" e, c o n tro ls u p 10 . ""n ' ,n,.., . """ ,,." . 1"""0" « .. " nor " CO o ", . " ... 0.0 ~ " ' ''.'.~' ..... ".'~O 1 "",0
~ u ,""ed sens,t... m,• • p'eamp lone bu'S! de tecl,on FSK elc
300 W,'unSOn l10VAC
Ca n alSO be used a s a . table lOne " "" C"",C<"' "".. 01" , 0' on'o c.... "p,.",,,
SI.Q" Com plele " ,t w t. -' eecccer Run. on 5 10 12 volls OC 1 k,' <2 M u' '0 ''''"' $1~ IS
JM · l . '. $3,15 n~ · 2 ,,1 54 .1 5 $6 ,9S
Compl..l.. _" TD- l n .' 5 OC 1 ..""" . M ...... $"'~

_. . ....,. _.-,-. .-..._;r_. "'_

Siren lUi Cal..."" . I.,m Cloc_ lift. ., Ca.n C", Cloc_

P. o...' " .n" lIa. ,c pa", .M PC

P. oo tiC'" up.... ,,:1 an" "o.. n...",,,
"" ,I CI>" aC le" ' I'c a polICe
s"en 5 W pea • • oo,ooulpul ,,,ns
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"'" mo'e ne s"PO" 1001 cn,p ..
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.va"_' ~
Can ",pply up ' 0 '5 "'''s 0'
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9""'f"a""" ..-. 555 , , - ' 'C ."" • pe,_e, • •, _ casf' (flO' {>fo< , _ , , -
'f'lClu<!e<; a '''.-.q.e or ""'1. '0' ......' OI>nO.oous _ Il..-.s on 6-'5 VOC Complete _,I S M-3 DC .
.f _...
" m'''g
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PARTS PARADE ..... ......


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Aud io
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600 MHz

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""' "
70 15
·•~ ~ selectable . 10 0 ' . 100 . g ..es 01
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"me' H,gh .en'il ,v,ly ot 25 mv , 1
e .tend the range you •
c ounter to 600 M Hz W o ''' s
w,th all cou n te rs Less th a n

meg ,n pu l la nd b uo lH n filleting 150 m v s e ns, t, v,ty eoec.te -
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.""_ '".. '0-30
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1211;0 AC Ou'" $Imple C lass C power amp teatcres 8 lImes power gain 1 W ,n
531 4
5315.6 G
P.nel """'n, ..."n I N ,,"
8 'Sl llll
for 8 out. 2 W In 10f IS oul. 4 W In lo r 30 c o t Ma. o u tp ut 0 135 W.
In(;red,b!e value. c omp le le w ,th all parts , less case and T-R relay
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'Ou' ,,.
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Complfole , ,,ple ' f'9 u ' o , e ~ po".'
supp. y p, ,,.. "u
.o"oble 610 18"oU s .,
Sockall oc· p c Con.. ~., Ce'am,c IF F,lle " R F actu ated re la y sens es R F roo ma on<! • 5 . ' I .s.mp E >cellen' lood
READ OUTS 8 P,n ' 0112.00 , ~.~ < ' " P" , p,"" ·9 '<10 "" 30"'. "' ,n; Ce'a m,c " Il e'" 7 .Hl rf'9ul. "on ~ oo~ f,I'. " n9 .M sma l'
U P,n '0112.00 ' 9 '<Ie 0' ''''''' . ' ' '5 '"0 ~ ~5m. 11 2' BW 455.H z $1. SO el (1 Wj a n d closes DPD T rela y
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28 P,n
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1'>M10 Tum Tftm Po<
,~ 20 Tum T, ... Pol
U ~
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80 Po n li U .llll OP-AJoIP Spec:!aII
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,nPu' l
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SI :rs . 1On
1& ' 5

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3 ".

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144 73 Magazine ' June, 1982

o\A\. - YOUR - 0E4i




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73 Magazin e . J une,1 982 145


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(602) 242·3037
(602) 242·8916
e1ectroruc"l PHOENIX, ARIZONA 85015
Satellite Receiver Boards-Now in Stock
This board provides conversion f rom the 3.7-4.2 band f irst to Th is circuutakes the 70 MHz center f requenc y satellite TV sig-
900 MHz where gai n and bandpass filt ering are provided and, nals in the 10 to 200 millivolt range. detects them using a phase
second . 10 70 MHz. The bo ard con t ains bot h local osc illator s. locked loop, de-em phas izes and f ilters the result and ampli-
o ne fi xed and th e ot her variable, and th e second mixer. Con- lies the result to produce standard NTSC video. Ot her out puts
struction is g reatl y simpli fi ed by the use of Hybrid Ie amp lifiers Include the audio subcarrier, a DC voltage proportional to the
for the gain st ages. strength of the 70 MHz sig nal , and AFC voltage cent ered at
about 2 volt s DC.
For use w ith du al co nversion board •.•...• .• .•.•. 5 6.0 0 SINGLE AUDIO $15.00
Thi s circuit recovers the aud io sig nals from t he 6 .8 MHz fre-
70 M Hz I F BOARD $25.00 quency. The Miller 9051 coils are t uned to pass the 6 .8 MH z
This circuit provides about 43dB ga in w ith 50 ohm input and sc ecamer and the Miller 9052 coi l tunes l or recovery o f
o ut put impedance. It is designed to d rive the HOWARDI the audio.
COLEMA N TVRO Demodulator. The on-board bandpa ss filt er
ca n be tuned for bandwidt hs between 20 and 35 MHz w ith a DUAL AUDIO $25.00
passba nd rip ple of less th an V2 dB . Hybrid IC's are used for Duplicate of the sing le audio but also covers the 6.2 range.
the gain stages .
Fo r use wit h th e 70 MHz IF board . .• .• .• .. .•..... 5 7.0 0 SPECIAL SET OF FIVE BOARDS $100.00
INCLUDING DUAL AUDIO (2 single aud io boards)


M ICROWAVE RECEIVER Thi s receiver is tunable over a range of 1900 to 2500 MHz approximately, and
is intended for amateur use. The lo ca l oscillator is voltage controlled, making the I.F. range approximate-
Iy 54 to 88 M Hz for standard TV set c hannels 2 th ru 7.
P.C. BOARD with DATA 1t05 $15.00 6 10 11 $13.00 12 t0 26 $11 .00 27·up $9.00
P.C. Board wi th all parts for assembly $49.99 P.C. Board with all chip caps soldered on $30.00
P.C. Board with all parts for assembly P.C. Board assembled & tested $69.99
plus 2N6603 _. _ _. _ $69.99 P.C. Board assembled & tested with 2N6603$79.99
HMR II OOWNCONVERTER with Power Supply, Antenna (Dish) & all Gables for installation. 100 Day Warranty.
1105 $150.00 6toll $140.00 tz-up $125.00
VAGI DOWNCONVERTER with Power Supply, Antenna (Vagi) & all Cables for installation. 90 Day Warranty.
1105 $150.00 6t011 $140.00 12· up $125.00
YAGI DOWN CONVERTER as above but Kit. (NO CABLES) Wit h Bo x.
1 t05 $125.00 6 t0 11 $115.00 12 ·up $100.00
1t05 $125.00 6t011 $115.00 t z- up $100.00
•• •••• ••••••• • •••• ••• • • •• • ••• • • ••• •••• • ••••••• •••• • ••• •••••••• ••••••• • ••• •••• ••••••••••••• ••• • • •• • ••• • •••• •••• •••••••••••• •••• • ••• •••••••••••••• • ••• • •••• •••• • ••••••••• ••• • •


1.25mm 13164 36 47 55 63
1.45mm 19 37 48 56 64
3.2mm 20 36 49 57 65
3.3mm 24 39 50 56 67
1/8 26 40 51 59 68
3/16 29 44 52 60 69
5/32 30 45 53 61
7/32 31 46 54 62

146 73 Magazine . June. 1982

Start taking calls in curious places with the
revolutionary, new Cordless & Phone.
Special Purchase-The ItJroit" Cordless Telephone!
We are pleased to announce the Escort Mark III is now available
at s pecia l pricing. We bought the manufacturer's entire inventory••
and we are passing the savings on to you!

The Escorl Mark III was originally designed to retail for 5199.95. Now, we
suggest a retail price of $169.95 to 5189.95. Or, you can move them
out at 5149.95. In any event, you ' lI lJ ke the profit margins.


1-2 units 69.75 each 53"10
3-5 units 64 .50 each 5 7"10
6-11 units 62.50 each 58"10
12-23 units 60.75 each 59"10

On all orders of t 2 or more , we pay the freight ! This Is your opportunity

to s tock up for the Christmas buying season. These are Ideal gift
items , that will really move out!


This duplexer was made lor AF Harris Mo bile •
Phones and Two W ay Radios. These duplex-
ers can be used in any mobile phone or two •
way radio system, along with having the ca.

caeuures to be modified for UHF use. The
physical dimensions are 3 315 - long, 4 215 -
Wide, and 1 1110- Deep. The approximate
weight is 180z.l11b. 2 oz.. PRI CE $74.99

• oeewee as a regular telephone on touch-tone or HOW WE CUT THE CORD.

rotary dial systems
The new Cordless Phone
• Range up to 300 teet work s on a simple,
• Ni-Cad rechargeable batteries included highl y sophisti cated principle.
in telephone
A smal l base station plugs into
• Charger built into base transmitter your regular phone jack, and
• Simple plug-in installation! an electrical wall outlet. The
• High-performance antenna base station then transmits
• Full duplex, answer and dial out any in- or out-going call to the
• Full FCC approval handheld recei ver, anywhere
Exactly As Shown up to 300 feet.

~ ""
J 800-528-0180
Toll Free Number
~ GIl Z
(For orders only) CJ .. a - \...: electr 0'VCI
==;;;;;;;;1 73 Magazin e · June, 1982 147
- - - - - - - - - - -= - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -1

Col li ns Mecha ni cal Fi lte r #526-9724-010 Model F455Z32F
455KHz at 3.2KHz Wide . $15.00
---- --------------- ------------------------ ------- --------------- ------- ---- ------ ---------
At las Crys t al Fi l t ers
5. 52 -2. 7/8 5. 52MH z/2 . 7KHz wide 8 pole
5. 595-2 . 7/8/U 5.595MHz/2 . 7KH z wide 8 pole upper sideband
5. 595- . 500/4/CW 5.595MHz/ . 500KHz wide 4 pol e CW
5.595-2.7/LS8 5.595MH z/2 . 7KHz wide 8 po l e lower s i deband
5. 595-2 .7/USB 5. 595MH z/ 2.7KHz wide 8 pole upper s ideband
5.645-2 .7/8 5.645MHz/2 . 7KHz wide 8 pole Yo ur Choi ce
9.0SB/CW 9.0MHz/ B pol e s ideband and CW $12. 99
-------- ----- ---------------------- ------------- -------------------------------------- -----
Kokusai El ectri c Co . Mechani cal Fil t er #MF- 455- Zl - 21H
455KHz at Center Frequency of 453.5Kc Carri er Fr eq uency of 455Kc 2.36Kc Bandw idth
$15. 00
----- -------- ----- ----- ----- ---------------- -- ---- --------------- ----------- --- -+- ---- -- ---
Crystal Filters
Ni kko FX- 07BOOC 7. 811Hz 10.00
TEW FEC-I03-2 10. 6935 10. 00
Tyco/ CD 001019880 10. 7MHz 2 pole 15KHz Bw. Motorola #48D84396KOI
Th ru #48D84396K05 4. 00
Mot orola 4884863BOI 11.7MHz 2 pole 15KHz Bandwi dth 5. 00
PTl 5350C 12MHz 2 pol e 15KHz Bandwidth 5. 00
PTl 5426C 21.4 MHz 2 po l e 15KHz Bandwidth 5.00
CD AI0300 45MH z 2 po le 15KH z Bandwi dt h ( For Motorola
Commun ications equ i pment) 5.00
--------- ----- ------------ --------------------- ------- ---- ------------------- --- -----------
Ceramic Fi lters
Murata BFB455B 455KHz $ 2.4D
CFM455 E 455KHz +- 5. 5KHz 6.65
CFM455D 455KHz +- 7KHz 6.65
CFR455E 455KHz +- 5. 5KHz 8. 00
CFU455E 455KHz +- 1. 5KHz 2. 90
CFU455G 455KHz +- 1KHz 2.90
CFW455D 455KHz +- 1KHz 2.90
CFW455H 455KH z +- 3KHz 4.35
SFB455D 455KHz 2. 40
SFEIO .7 10.7 MH z 2. 67
SFGIO .7MA 10. 7MHz 10. DO
Clevi te TO-O IA 455KHz 5.00
TO- 02A 455KHz 5. 00
Nippon LF-B4/ CFU4 55! 455KHz +- 1KHz 5.80
LF- B6/ CFU455H 455KHz +- 1KHz 5.8D
LF -C 18 455KHz 10. DO
Tok i n CF455A/BFU455K 455KHz +- 2KHz 4.80
Matsus hi r a EFC-L455K 455KHz 7. 0D
These fans are new f actory boxed 11 5vac at 14watt s 50/60cps . Impedan ce Pro tected-F
CFM i s 88 at 50cps and 105 at 60cps . s 7.99
----- ------------------- ----------- ------- ---- ----------------------- ------ ------- -------
SPECTRA PHYSICS INC. Model 088 HeNe Laser Tu bes .
Powe r output 1.6mw . Beam Oi a. . 75rJ1T1. Beam Oir . 2.7mr . BKv sta rting voltage
68K ohm lwat t ballast 1000vdc +- IOOvd c 3.7ma . TUBES ARE NEW $59 .99

148 73Magazine . June, 1982

Model s UTC2- 102M AP-20-T AL-45-0- 1 AK- IOOOM
Frequency Range 30 to 200MC 200 to 400MC 450 to BOOMe 500 t o 1000MC
Noise Fi gure 1.5dB 6.5dB 7dB 2.5dB
Voltage +15vdc +24vdc - 6vdc @ +12vdc +12vdc @ - 12vdc
Gain 29dB 30dB 30dB 25dB
Power Outpu t IdS Ga in +7dBm Id S Gain +20dBm IdS Ga in - 5dBm IdS Ga i n +8dBm
Pr ice $49. 99 $49 .99 $49.99 $69.99

Mini Ci rcuits Double Balanced Mixers

Hodel RAY-3
Very Hig h Level (+23dBm LO) 70KHz t o 200MHz LO, RF,DC to 200MHz IF
Convers i on L o s s ~ d B One Oc tave From Ban d Edge 6Typ ./7 .5Max . Total Range 6.5Typ . / BMax .
Isolation ,dB Lower Band Edge To Dne Decade Higher (LO- RF/LD- IF) 55Typ. /45M in . Mid. Range
(LO- RF/LO- IF) 40Typ . / 30Min. Upper Band Edge To One Octave Lower (LO- RF/LO- IF) 30Ty p'/
25Min .
Pr ice $24. 99
Model TSM- 3
St andard Level (+7dBm LO) .IMHz to 4001Hz LO, RF, DC to 400MHz IF
Conversi on Loss ,dB One Octave From Band Edge 5.3Typ. /7 .5Max . Total Range 6. 5Typ./8 . 5Max .
Isolation ,dB Lower Band Edge To One Decade Higher (LO-RF/LO-I F) 60Typ . /50Min . Mid . Ran ge
(LO- RF/LO- I F) 50Typ . /35Mi n. Upper Band Edge To One Octave Lower (LO- RF/LO- IF) 35TY P. /
25Mi n.
Price $1 1.99

Hew lett Packard linear Power Microwave RF Trans i st or HXTR5401 /3583IE

Co l lec to r Ba se Brakedown Voltage at Ic=1 00ua 35volt s mi n.
Col lec to r Emi tt er Brakedown Vol t age at Ic=500ua 30va lt s mi n.
Collector Cutoff Current at Vcb=15v lOQua max.
Forward Current Transfer. Ratio at Vce=15v ,Ic =15ma I5min,40typ,I25max
Transducer Power Gain at Vce=l Bv ,Ice=6Oma ,F=2GHz. 3dBmin ,4dBtyp
Maximum Avai lab le Gai n at Vce=lBv , Ic=6Oma ,F= lGHz/ F=2GHz 14d8 typ .8dB typ
Pri ce $29 .99

Mo torol a RF Power Ampl i fie r Modules

Frequen cy Range 146 t o 147MHz 150 t o 174MHz 400 to 512MHz 40D to 470MH z
Voltage 12. 5vdc 12 .5vdc 12.5vdc 12. 5vdc
Out put Power 20wa t ts 30watts 13watts 20watts
Mi ni mum Gain 20dB 20dB I9.4d8 21dB
Ha nnoni cs - 3OdB - 30dB 4DdB 40dB
RF Input Power 400mw 500mw 250mw 250mw
Pr ice $57. 50 $59 .80 $57.50 $69 .OD

Toll Free Number

(For orders only) ~<tU electr0'UCI

73 Magazine · June,1982 149


WATK INS JOH NSON WJ-M62 3. 7 t o 4. 26Hz Communi cat ion Ban d Double Ba lanc ed Mi xer $IOD. OO
SSB Conversion loss 4.9dB Typ. 6dB Max. fR 3.7 t o 4.26H z
5.5dB Typ . 6.5dB Max . fI DC to 1125MHz fL fR
f I 880MHz fL fR
SSB Noise Fiqure fR 3.7 to 4.2GHz
4.9dB Typ . 6dB Max . fl 30 to 1125MHz fL fR
5.5dB Typ . 6.5dB Max . f I 8BDMHz fL f R
fL at R 30dB Mi n. 40dB Typ . fL 2.8 to 5.35GHz
fL at I 25dB Mi n. 30dB Typ. fL 4. 5 t o 5.35GHz
20dB Min. 30dB Typ. fL 3.6 t o 4.5GHz
15dB Min . 25dB Typ. f L 2.8 to 3.6GHz
Conversion Compression IdS Max . f R l evel +2dBm
Flatness . 2dB Peak to Peak Over any 40MHz Segment of fR=3 .7 to 4.26Hz
Third Order Input Intercept +lldBm fRl=4GHz fR2=4.01GHz Both at -5dBm fL=4 .5GHz
Group Time Delay . 5ns Typ . . 75ns Max . fR3 .7 to 4.2GHz fl 3480MHz @ +13dBm
VSWR L-Port 1.25 :1 Typ . 2.0 :1 fL 2.8 to 5.35GHz
R-Port 1.25 :1 Typ . 2.0:1 fR 3.7 t o 4.2GHz fL f R
1.4 :1 Typ . 2.0 :1 fR 3.7 to 4.2GHz fL fR
I - Port 1.5 :1 Typ . 2.0:1 fI= IOOMHz
1.3 : 1 Typ. 2.0 :1 f I=500MHz
1.8 :1 Typ. 2. 5: 1 fI =1 125MHz

SGS/ATES RF Transistors Motorola RF Trans istor

Type . BFQ85 BFW92 MRF901 2N6603
Collector Base V 20v 25v 25v 25v
Collector Emitter V 15v 15v 15v 15v
Emitter Base V 3v 2 .5v 3v 3v
Collector Current 40ma 25ma 30ma 30ma
Power Dissipat ion 200mw 190mw 375mw 400mw
HFE 40min . 200max . zontn. l SQmax . 3Om i n. 200max . 30mi n. 20Dma x.
FT 4GHZ min . 5GH z max . I .6GH z Typ . 4.5GHz t ypo 2GHz min .
Noise Fiqure IGHz 3dB Max . 500MHz 4dB Typ. IGH z 2d8 Typ. 2GHz 2.9dB Typ .
Price $1.50 $1.50 $2 .00 SIO .OO

Nati onal Semiconductor Variab le Voltage Regu lator Sale Il l!! !!!!
LM317K LM350K LM723G/ L LM7805/ 06/ 08/1 2/1 5/ 18/ 24
I. 2 to 37vdc I. 2 to 33vdc 2 to 37vdc 5, 6, B, 12 , 15 , lB ,24vdc
I. 5Amps 3Amps 150ma. lAmp
TO-3 TO- 3 TO- IOO/TO- 1I6 TO-220/TO- 3
$4 .50 $5 .75 $1.00 $1. 25 $1.17 $2. 00

P & B Sol id State Relays Type ECTIDB72

5VDC Tu rn On 120VAC Con t act 7Amps
20Amps on 1O"xlO"x .062" Al um . Heats i nk with
Sil ico n Greas e $5. 00
*May Be Other Brand Equi val ent

Toll Free Number

(For orders only)

1 so 73 Magazine • June, 1982

WATK INS JOHNSON WJ - M6 Doub le Balanced Mixe r
LO and RF 0.2 to 300MHz IF DC to 300MHz $21. DO
Conversion Loss (SSB) 6.5dB Max . I to 50MHz
B.5dB Max. . 2 to 300MHz WITH DATA SHEET
Noise Figure (SSB) same as above
B.5dB Max. 50 to 300MHz
Conve rs io n Compress i on .3dB Ty p.


Ft Gain Ba ndwidth Product at Vce=8v . Ic= 10ma . GHz 4 Min. 6 Typ .

Vcbo 25v Vceo II v Vebo 3v Ie 5Oma . Pt . 250mw

UNElCO Rf Power and Linear Amplifler Capacitors

These are the famous capacitors used by all the RF Power and linear Amplifier manufacutures
and desc ribed in the Motoro la RF Data Book .
10pf 22pf 30pf 40pf WOp f 250pf I to lOpes . . 60< each
I3p f 25pf 32pf 43pf 120pf 820pf II t o 50pcs . .50< each
14pf 27pf 33pf 62pf 180pf 51 to 100pcs . . 40< each
20pf 27 . 5pf 34pf BOpf 200pf


I~OOEL IS2199 IS2200 $7 .50
Peak Pt . Current rna. Ip smtn. lOTyp . llmax . sntn. lOTyp. llmax .
Va l ley Pt. Current rna. Iv I. 2Typ . I. 5max . I. 2Typ . I. Smax .
Pea k Pt . Vo l tage my. Vp 95Typ . 120ma x. 75Typ . somax .
Projected Pea k Pt. Vo ltage my. Vpp Vf=Ip 4BOmin . 550Typ . 630max . 440m;n . 520Typ . 60Qmax .
Series Res . Ohms rS 2 .5Typ . 4max . 2Typ . 3max .
Termina l Cap . pf. Ct I. Hyp . 2max. 5Typ . Bmax .
Valley Pt . Voltage my . VV 370Typ . 350Typ .

FAIRCH I LD I DUMONT Osc i lloscope Probes Mode l 4290B

Input Impedan ce 10 meg .• Input Capac ity 6.5 to 12pf.. Divis io n Rat ion (Volts/Oiv Factor)
10: 1, Cab le Length 4Ft. • Freq uency Ra nge Over 100MHz .
These Probes wil l work on al l Te ktroni x. Hew lett Packard , and other Oscilloscopes.
PR IC E $45.00


List all Motorol a RF Tran s i s tors / RF Power Amplifiers . Varactor Diodes and muc h much
PRICE $7 . 50

Toll Free Number

(For orders only)

73Magazine • June,1982 151

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -1


SK110 Socket s POR SK626 Chimney s 7.70
SK406 Chimney 35 .00 SK630 Socket 45 .00
SK416 Chimney 22 .00 SK636B Chimney 26.40
SK500 Socket 330 .00 SK640 Socket 27 .50
SK506 Chimney 47 .00 SK646 Chimney 55.00
SK600 Socket 39 .50 SK7 11A Socket 192. 50
SK602 Socket 56 .00 SK740 Socket 66.00
SK606 Chimney B.80 SK770 Socket 66.00
SK607 Socke t 43. 00 SK800A Soc ket 150. 00
5K610 Soc ket 44 . 00 5K806 Chimney 30 .80
SK620 Socket 45 . 00 SK900 Socket 253.00
SK620A Socket 50.50 5K906 Chimney 44.00
124-115-2/SK620A Socket $ 30 .00 124-113 Bypass Cap . $ 10.00
124-115/SK630A Socket 40.00 122-0275-001 Socket
(For 4-250A ,4-400A ,3-4001 , 10.00
3-5001) 2/$15 .00
---------- -- --------- ----- ------ --- -- ------ ---------- --- ----------------------------- -----
.8pf 10pf 100pf* 430pf
Ipf 12pf 1l0pf 470pf
I.lpf 15pf 120pf 510pf
1.4pf 18pf 130pf 560pf
1. 5pf 20pf 150pf 620pf
1.8pf 22pf 160pf 680pf
2.2pf 24pf 180pf 820pf
2.7pf 27pf 200pf 1000pf/ .00luf*
3.3pf 33pf 220pf* 1800pf/ .00 18uf
3.6pf 39pf 240pf 2700pf/ . 0027uf
3.9pf 47pf 270pf 10, OOOpf/. Ol uf
4.7pf 51pf 300pf 12 ,OOOpf/ .012uf
5.6pf 56pf 330pf 15,000pf/.015uf
s.ser 68pf 360pf 18 ,000pf/ .018uf
8.2pf 82pf 390pf
PRICES : 1 to 10 - . 99< 101 to 1000 . 60< * IS A SPECIAL PR ICE: 10 for $7. 50
11 to 50 - .90< 1001 & UP . 35< 100 for $65.00
51 to 100 - .80< 1000 for $350 .00
---------- -- ---------------- ----------- --------- -------- ------------------------ -_. - . . _----
WATKINS JOHNSON WJ-V907: Voltage Controlled Microwave Oscillator $110.00
Frequency range 3.6 to 4 .26Hz , Power Duput . Min . lOdBm t ypi cal, BdBm Gua ranteed.
Spurious output suppression Harmonic (nfol , min . 20dS typical . In-Band Non-Harmoni c, min .
GOdS typical . Residual FM , pk to pk , Max. 5KH z, pushing factor , Max. 8KHz/ V, Pulling fig ure
(1 .5 :1 VSWR) . Max. 60MHz , Tuning vol tage range +1 t o +1 5vol t s. Tuning current . Ma x. -O .lmA.
modulation sensi tiv ity ran ge . Max. 120 t o 30MHz/V . In put capacitance . Ma x. 100pf . Osc i l l at or
Bias +15 +-0. 05 vo lts @ 55mA . Max .

Toll Free Number

(For orders only)

152 73 Magazine . June, 1982

2E26 $ 4.69 572 1 $200.00 8462 $100 .00
2K28 100. 00 5768 85.00 8505A 73 .50
3B28 5.00 5836 100. 00 8533W 92 .00
3-500Z 102. 00 5837 100.00 8560A 55 .00
3- 1000Z/8164 300.00 5861/ EC55 110 .00 8560AS 57 .00
3CX 1000A/8283 200.00 5876A 15 .00 8608 34.00
3X2500A3 200.00 5SS I/6L6 5.00 8624 67 .20
4-65A/8 165 45 .00 5894/A 45 . 00 8637 38 .00
4- 125A/4021 58 .00 5894B 55 .00 B647 123 .00
4-250A/5022 68 .00 6080 10.00 B737/5894B 55 .10
4-400A/8438 71.00 6083 /AX9909 89.00 SS07 1000.00
4-400C/6775 80.00 6098/6AK6 14 .00 8873 260 .00
4-1000A/8 166 300 .00 6115/A 100 .00 8874 260 .00
4CS250R 69 .00 6146 6.00 8875 260 .00
4X150A/7034 30 .00 6146A 6.50 8877 533 .00
4X1500/7035 40.00 61468/8298A 7.50 8908 12 .00
4X I50G 50.00 6146W 14 .00 8916 1500.00
4X2508 30.00 6159 11. 00 8930/ X651Z 45.00
4CX250B/ 7203 45.00 6161 70.00 8950 10.00
4CX250 F/7204 45 .00 6291 125 .00
4CX250 FG/862 1 55 .00 6293 20 .00 6BK4C 5.00
4CX250 K/8245 100.00 6360 4.00 6DQ5 4.00
4CX250R17 580W 69 .00 6524 53 .00 6FW5 5.00
4CX300A 99.00 6550 7.00 6GE5 5.00
4CX350A/ 8321 100 . DO 6562/6794A 25 .00 6GJ5 5.00
4CX350FJ / 8904 100 .00 6693 110 .00 6HS5 5.00
4X500A 100. 00 68 16 58.00 6JB5/6HE5 5.00
4CX600J 300 .00 6832 22 .00 6JB6A 5.00
4C XIOOOA/8 168 300 .00 6883/ B032A/ 8552 7.00 6JM6 5.00
4CX1 500B/ 8660 300 .00 6884 46 .00 6J N6 5.00
4CX3000A/ 8169 300. 00 6897 11 0. 00 6JS6B 5.00
4CX 5000A/8170 400. 00 6900 35.00 6JT6A 5.00
4CX 100000/B Ill 500 .00 6907 55 .00 6K06 5.00
4CX 15000A/ 82BI 700 .00 6939 15.00 6K66/EL505 5.50
4E27 / A/5-1 23A/B 40. 00 7094 75.00 6KM6 5.00
4PR60A 100. 00 7l1l 17 .00 6KN6 5.00
4PR60B/ 8252 175 .00 72 11 60 .00 6LF6 6.00
KT88 15. 00 7289/3CXIOOA5 34 .00 6LQ6 6.00
OX362 35.00 7360 11. 00 6LU8 5.00
OX4 15 35. 00 7377 67 .00 6LX6 5.00
572 B/ TI60L 44 .00 7486 75.00 6ME6 5. 00
811 10 .00 7650 250 .00 12J B6A 6.00
BII A 13. 00 7843 58 .00 "\~E ARE ALSO LOOKING FOR
812A 15 .00 7B6B 4.00 TUBES NEW/USEO ECT ,.
813 38.00 7984 12 .00
4624 100. 00 8072 55 .00 WE BUY SELL OR TRAOE
4665 350.00 8121 50.00
5551A 100. 00 8122 B5 .00
5563A 77 . 00 8236 30 .00
5675 15. 00 8295/PU72 300 .00
1• •11• •1 11
• • 1
• 11
• • 11111111 111 t lll ll l l l l l i l l • •
NOTI CE ALL PRI CES ARE SUBJ ECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTIC E • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Toll Free Number

(For orders only) ~GJU electrotUCI

73 Magazine · June,1982 153



MODel 453 Portabl. 50 MHz ...'11'1 a GA Dua l Trace S 650.50
Du al Tra ce S1200.oo MODel 543A 33 MHz Baneh Scope
MODel 45:»' Portable 60 MHr ...,11'1 a GA Dua l Trace S 415.50
MOOEl454 Portabla 150 MHr MODEl 1&OA Main Frame. S 61S.00
Oual Trace 51 100.00 MODEl1 &OE Mai n Fram• . S 750.00
MODEl454A Por1abl.1 5O MHr MODEl1 S1A Main Fram• . SHloo.oo
Dua l Tra ce S2ooo .oo MODEl1 S2A Main Frame. S 900 .00
MOOEl455 Portabl. 50 MHz MODEl113A Main Frame. S1000.OO
Dual Tra ce , S1800.00
MOOEl475 Porta bl , 200 MHz 1801A Dual t-ece so MH Z S 495.00
Dual Tra ce , S2640.00 180JA D,ffere nl'al S 775.00
MODEL 475A Porlabl, 250 MHz
1804A Quad Tra ce 50 MHz S 795.00
QualTrace S2940.oo
1607A Dual T'a ce 50 MHZ S 375.00
MODEL 7514 Slorag. Oscillosc ope
181SA TOR/Sampler w,tl'l a 1816A DC 10 4
w 'l h a 7A1S A and a 7A1SAN· 11 Amp hf ,er
and a 7B5O TIme Base
OK, S1500.00
S3 500,00
1821A T,me Ba se &. Delay Genera t or S 495.00
MODel 51701 Stora ge Cu,.... rltc.r
w ,t h a 177 adapte r S3233 00 1822A T,me Ba se &. Delay Generat or S 525.00
MODel 51702 Cu,.. Tracer 1f!.31AD..ecI Acc ess600 MHz · S 200.00
w,t h a 177 adapter S2796.00 1840A T,meBa se&' Delay Generalo' • S 450.00
r.k l ronixl.b Carl M od. l ) S 316.00 184 1A T,meBase&. Delay Genera lof - S 675,00
'For 183A Only " " " "
TE l EOUIPMEN T MODel 01) OSCilloscope
MODEL 547 50 MHz a , nch Scop• . Dual Trace Po rt able 50 MHZ Wt!1l a V4 and S2A Plug·l n S1200.oo
W'th a 1A 1 Dual Trac e, S 722.50 DUM ONT MODEL 1062 Oscilloscope
W,lh a 1A2 Dual Trace S 637.50 Dual Trace 65 MHz portable, S 750.00
w un e 1A4 Quad Trace S 872.50 TEII;TRON IX
W,lh a 1AS D,I Ierent tal S 722.50 MODEL RMS6 5 Dual 8 eam O,cillo,cope
W't h a 1A6 D.l ferenl ,al S 612.50 10 MHZ w ,!h a 3A6 Dual Trace and a 3A72 Dual Tr ace S1107.5O
or wll h 1 0 1eac h ace... e S1 667 50 MODEL 549 Storage Os cUloscope
MODE L 545 30 M Hz a. nch Scope Bench 50 MHZ w,!n a CA Dual T.ace S1000.00
w't h a CA Dua l Trace MODEl 647A Oscilloscope
MODEL 545A 30 MHz B.nch Scope Bench 100 MH Z w,t n a 10A2 Du a' Trace
w't h a CA Dua l Trace S 437 50 and a 11B2AT,meBase S12OO.00
DEFECTIVE MATERIAL: All cl aims for defective material must be made within si xt y (60) da ys after rec eipt o f
parcel. All c lai m s must inc lude the defect ive materia l (for te sti ng purposes), our invoice number, and the date
o f purchase. Al l returns must be packed properly or it wil l void all warranties.
DELIVERY: Orders are normally sh ipped w ithin 48 hou rs aft er receipt o f c ustome r's order. If a part has to be
backorde red the customer is noti fied. Ou r normal shipping method is via First Class Mail or UPS depend ing on
size and weight 01 th e pa ck age. On test equipment it is by Air on ly, FOB shipping po int .
FOREIGN ORDERS: A ll foreign orders must be prepa id w ith cas hi er's c hec k or mo ney ord er made out in U.S.
Funds . We are sorry but C.O.D. is not available to foreign count ries and Letters of Cred it are not an acce ptable
form of pa yment either. Furt her informatio n is available on request.
HOURS: Monday thru Saturday: 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
INSURANCE: Please inc lude 25¢ for ea ch add it iona l $100.00 over $100.00. Uni ted Parcel only .
ORDER FORMS: New order forms are incl uded w it h ea ch order for yo u r convenience. Add it iona l fo rms are
ava ilable on request .
POSTAGE: Minimum shipp ing and handl ing in the US, Canada , and MeXICOis $2.50 all other count ries is $5.00.
On foreign orders inc lud e 20 % shipping and hand ling .
PREPAID ORDERS: Order must be accompan ied by a c hec k.
PRICES: Prices are subject to c hange w it hout not ice.
RESTOCK CHARGE: If parts are returned to MHZ Elec tronic s du e 10 c ustomer err or, c ustomer will be held
respons ible lor all extra fees, w ill be c harged a 15 % restock ing fee , w it h the rema inder in credit only. All returns
must have approva l.
SALES TAX: Arizona must add 5 % sales tax , u nless a signed Arizon a resa le tax card is cu rrently on file with
MHZ Elec tron ic s. A ll orders placed by persons out side of Arizona. but delivered to persons in Arizona are sub-
je ct to the 5% sa les tax .
SHORTAGE OR DAMAGE: All c laims for shortages or damages must be made within 5 days after rece ipt of
parcel. Cla ims must Include our invoice number and the date o f purchase. Customers wh ich do not notify us
wi t hi n this time period wil l be held responsible for the entire order as we will consid er the order complete.
NO INFORMATION WI LL BE GIV EN. ' ·800-528-0180.

154 73 Magazine · June, 1982

95H90oC 350 MC Pre sca le r divide by 10/11 $ 8.50 MI XERS MODELS 1051 4A 10514B
95H91DC 350MC Presca ler divide by 5/6 ' .50 Frequency Range 2M Hz to 500M C 2MHzlo
l lC90DC 650MC Pre sca ler divide by 10J l l 15.50 500MC
llC91 DC 650 MC Pre sca le r divide by 5/6 15.50 InpullOulpul Freq uency L & R 200KHz 10 200KHz to
llC06DC UHF Presca ler 150MC 0 Type Fli p Flo p 12.30 500 MC 500MC
llC05DC 1GHz Counler Divide by 4 X DC to 500 MC DC 10 500M C
(Regul ar pnce $15.00) 50.00 M I~er ConverSion Loss l AI 'dB zc a
llC01FC H lgl'! Speed Dual 5/.. Input NOINOR G ate 15.40 IB) 90 B 90B
82S90 Presellable H lgl'! Speed Dec ad e/Binary NOise Per l ormance (SSB, (A) zca 'dB
Count er used wrtn tne 11C90/91 or the IB) 90B 90 B
95H9OI91 Presc aler c an d ivide by 100. PRICE $49.99 PRIC E $39,99
(S,gneIlCSI 5.00
l1C2 4DC ThiS ChiP is me same as a MOlo rola FREQUENCY SOURCES. INC MO DEL M$- 7.. X
MC"02..1432" oua t TTL VOllage Con trol MICROWAVE SIG NAL SOURCE
Mu lhv tb rat or 3.31 MS·1"X Mec han,ca lly Tunable Frequen cy Range (M Hz) 10630 to
llC44DC This CI'!IP IS tee same as a Mot or o la 11230 (10 631 0 1123GHZ) M inim um Oulput Power (mW) 10. Overall
MC..O....,..3.... Pha se Freq uency Detector. 3.31 M uU lp her aauc 108. In ternal Crysta l OSCIllator Frequency Range
[M Hz! 9B.4 10 104 0 , Ma~ Imum Input Current (rnA) 400.
The Sig na l source ale deSigned tor appncenons w here hi(lh Slabillty
and low norse are 0 1prime conc ern . tnese sourc es utruze tu ndamen-
ta r tra nsIstor cscuratces WitI'! I'!,g h a ccaoat ceones. fo llo wed by
f req Gap (G Hl,) 12 10 18. Oulput lM ln llOQmW. Duly ("1.1
broad oand Sl able step recovery d iode rnumcuers. 'rms des.qn
CWo Typ. Bias (Vdc) 8.0, Type . Oper. (MAdcI 55O. Ma x. Tl'!res.
allows Single scre w mecnarucat ad justment 0 1 frequ ency o ver stan-
{mAde! '000. Max aes rveermo 139.99
dard com munications ba nd s Broadband sampli ng crrc erts are USed
VARI AN GALLIUM ARSEN IDE GUNN DIODES MO DEL VSX·9201S5 to phase lOCk the OSCill ator 10 a h,gh slablh!y re ference wh,c h may
f req Coverage 810 12 4GHz. Ou l put (Mln.! l oomW. Bias be euner an Intern al sert-ccntamed Crystal oscure tor. externa l
v cnece (Max.) 14vdC. Bias curren t (mAdC) Operatmq 550 Typ. pro mary s tanc are or VHf syntheSIzer ThiS u r nque tecnmaoe a llows
750 Ma~ , . Tl'!reshold 850 roc. 1000 Ma ... $39.99 l or OphmlzatoOn o t OD in f M norse and long term slablilly L'SI pnce
VARt·L Co. Inc. MODEL S$-43 AM MODULATOR IS $1158 00 (TH ESE ARE NEW) Our Pr ice-S289 .
f reQ Ran(le 60 10 15OMC. fnsertron Loss 130B NomInal,
Sig nal Pori Im p 500hms NomInal, SIQnal Port Rf Power
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5082·2835 eCI Thi S Will wor k hke a Cham p in all those
Down Converter pro jec ts $1 .50 or 101$10.00
Frequency Range 510500 MHz 5 to 500 MHz WIDEBAND AMPLifiER MODULE.
Gam see 15dB frequen cy RanQe: 40 to 300 MHz.. Power Gam at 50M Hz
NOise figure 11dB 2.3dB to 3dB 16,6mln, to 17 emax .• Gam s tat ne ss :!: 0, 1 Typ . :!: 0.2
Power Ou tput + 17d B - 2d B to M a~ , oa. DC Supply VOl tage - zsvoc. RF Volt age Input

- 3dB + 70d BmV PRICE $29.99

Input Power Vdc
ModeI 1l41B905HOll ·Gl
Pac k ot 6 l o r $5.00 or 60 Cells. 10 Pack s fo r 545.00
PRICE 51000 PRICE $75,00 These may be broken down to indi vidu al cens.

TERMS: DOMEST IC: Prepaid , C.O.D. or Credit Card
FORE IGN : Prepa id only, U.S. Funds-money order or c as hi er's check only.
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chec k. We are sorry but we c annot accept persona l c hec ks for C .O.D.'s.
CONFIRMING ORDERS: We w ou ld prefer that c onfi rm ing orders not be sent alter a tel ephone order has been
placed . II com pany po lic y necess itates a confi rmin g order. please mark " CO NFIRM ING" boldly o n the o rder.
If prob lems o r duplicate Shipment s occur due to an order wh ich is not properly marked, cus tomers will be
held responsible for any charges incurred , plus a t5 % rest ock charge on retu rned parts.
DATA SHEETS: When we have data sheets in stock on devices we do supp ly them with the o rder.

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...S- L,s' "I " (jy'' 't,sru s "" lUge I t' 73 Magazine · J u ne.1 982 155
Quest Super Basic V5.0
A new ennanced version ot Supel Basic now
avaIlable, Ouest was the first company wo rklwide
to sh ip a lull see BaSIC tor 1802 Systems A
com plete nmcton Supel /laslc b'f lion Cenkel
includ ing floating pomt capability With SCIentific
nOlat ion (number lange · .1 7E'--). 32 billnteger
.,2 esnon multr dim arrays , stnngarrays: strong
mampulahOn: cassette 1..0. save and load , basic.
INTEGRATED CIRCUITS data aild machine language prog rams: and ove r

l: "'IS
-_ .

•• c._so "."
' ..
...... <_ " ",n
' " _ ''' n,,,
75 statements. ueerons and epereucns
New ,mpfow d taste' ,"'soon '"Clud'"l "
rwmber and essentially unlimited Ylnl lea .
.'Jso, an e.clus,v. use r expandatlle command
Senal and PalJllel 10 roulines Incluaed
,,,,. " ......T\IO. .. . ...... ""':';:""


,- ""~ " '"'" "..

t... ,'..,
"., ....IC'I. RCA Cosmac 1802 Sup., 8asic on Ga sseHe $55 00.

,... ", "..
", ....... .,., t'."oo, Super Elf Computer $106.95
, 0><'
''' - ... ..

The Super En is a small siogie board compute, that

fm PC cares and a 50 pin ccrsectoc sot for lhe
,- .'.-..
""'"'''''' Ouest Super hpanSIOO Beard. Powe, sUPP'l' and

," ..,". --
.","". ,.
" does many big Itungs. n's an e~celieot computer sooets for all IC 's are included plus a oetaHed
,.,,,. '" ,' ,,""
, :•
for trainil1\l aroj /(Ir ieamiog p,og,amming with its
madline language and yet rt's easily eIPanded
127 pg instructlon manual W'hidl now ;ncludes
~ 40 pgS 01 softwJre inkl. includlllQ 3 series 01

.. ',,.
. ,..,..... WIth additi onal memory, Full Basic. ASCII

esscos to help get you started and a music pro-
,,,,,. •" ., '" ,"'.,.,..... . Keyboards. y!deo chllracter genellltion. otc gram aroj graphics Iarvet \j3fOB. Many scrcoe
"" " f_ ., ..* "".
,," ROM mon~or: Stille all! Mode displays: slogle and universities are using ll1e Supe, Ell as a
''Ii'' '" •• step: Optional ecdress displays: Power Su pp ~: course 01 stud\'. OEM's use ~ lor training and
'41"" Audioi\'npldier all! Speaker: Ful ~ socketed /(I, ail R&D ,
, _""""'_
ic's: Ful documeotaUon
The Super En iflch.oes a ROM mcutcr fo' pro.
gram loading. edniog and exoculion wlll1 SlNGl.(
Remembef, other computet's only olle' Supe, Ett
features at addrtiooal 0051 01 not at all. COmpal1!
befOfe you buy, SlIper Ett Mrt 5106,95. Hl!lh

. _...."......._ .,...
POI ,,.. ... , ,..
'''''' '"•
,- .. ""
"" .,., STEP lor program debugging whidl is 00l in- address option $8. 95. Low addreu opHon
",.,. """ " . ','"~ dulled in others at !he same prlOO. W~h SlNGl.( $9,95. Custom Cabinet with dniled and labelled

ple. iglass front panel 52US. All metai Expansion
J8 :l ~ STEP you can see 1l-.e mic'Oll'o<:eSSOf chip eper-
~ _

,_m "' -"" .~

atiog with !he unlqlll Qued eceress all! data bus Gabioel , pai11led and silk screened , wrth room /(I,
dISplays beIofll. dINing and alter executing in- 5S-100 booms and power suPP'l' $57, 00. NiC3d
,"- structions. Also , CPU mode and msmctoo tycIe B3f1ery Memory Saver Krt $695. All krts and
options also oomplete~ assembled and tested
are decoded and ~i spl¥d on 8 lfOindicators
An RCA 1861 \'Ideo graphics chip allows )'00 to
ccoreet to yoU! own TV with an inexpertSll'e vcee
modulJfor 10 do graphics and games. There is a
speilllOlf system included for wrding \'OU' own
Questdata , a software publication fol 1802 com-
pute, users is available by subscriptioo for $1 2.00
per 12 iSSlJeS slngle issues $1.50. Issues 1-12
bound $16 .50

music or uSlflg many music Pl1)\lf3lllS al'ealIy Moews Voleo Gr"PhlCS $3.00. Games and Music
,~ - wnrten. The speaker amplitier may also be used to
,,~ drive reI3ys for control purposes,
$3.00. Ch;p B Interpleter $5.50. Starship 4K cas-
sette $14, 95, Excitmg JnC challengmg space
'""'0" A 24 key HEX kIyboard ifldudes 16 HEX keys plus !l3me, Complete manual induded,
,"""" load, It!set. lII'I . waH. Input . memory prated .
"l"'"" monilor SIl led and single step. Large. 00 board Free 14 page brochure
"l"'" dIsplays provide ol/lpllt aroj opt" high and low
,""",. Illdress. nere is a44 pin stalllafll connector sIol of complete Super Ell system.
,,"'-" '",.
," ..
,,,.,,,, Super Expansion Board with Casselle Interface $B9 .95
This is truly an astounding viliue! This board has
boon designed to allow you to decide how you
want ~ optioned . The Super Elpan~IOIl Board
gram bogs QUK:kly, rren follow w~h single step. tt
you ha~ the Super E>:pansion 80IIrd aroj Super
Monilor ltle mcmcr is upand running at ee push

- .
= > •
C ,"
.,,,,, ,.,
CQrnes wIfh 4K 01 low powBf RAM fully addr=· 01 a button.
ollle anywtIere in 64K with builf·in memory pre- Othef OIl board Opll(lns include Paraliellnpul and
,"",.oJ'" ,."
,,,- ,." teet and a eesserte larlertace Pll;Msoons have Output I'!lrfli with lull haodshalle TIley allow easy
'~ .H"
,,,- ," . boon made for ali other oploons onthe same boa r~
and it fits neatly into the hardwood cabmet
connection of an ASCII keyboam to !he input port
RS 232 and 20 ma Currelll lOOll for teletype or
,"",'. " alongside the Super EH The board ncludes slots
for ~ to 6.K 01 EPROM 12700. 2756. 2716 or TI
other devicll are 00 boam and ~ you need more
memory rtere are two 8-100 s ets for state RAM
2716) and IS tully lIIICketed..EPROM can be used or video boards . Also a lK Super Moo~(>f version
ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS KITS 160 Microcomputer fof !he mOMOI and Tony Basic 0' other purposes. 2 with I'IlIeo drrver for fUll capabolity display wlll1
.....pl. P"lph.rll Kits 16 Crt 110, 2 MHz clock. 21< RAM. RO M Bread- A1K Supel ROM Monitor $19.95 is ilVililabie as an Tiny Basic and a \'ideo inteftlCe board Panlilel
SERIAL 110 INTERf ACE 0 10 30 ,000 baua . boa rd space Exoo lent /(If control Bare Boa rd on board option in 2700 EPROM whidl has been I/O P!lrts 59.85. RS 232 $4 .5G. m 20 ma H
D.lR,. Input & OlJlplJl from monito, orbaSIC. or $28.50. f ull Kit $99, 00 . Monitor S20. 0II. Power preprogranmed wlll1 aprogram Ioade,jed~or aroj 51 ,95. $- 100 54.50. A 00 pin COIIIIeCIur set with
use Appleas intelligent termmal, Ba only (P.. N 2) Supp~ Kit $35.00 . Tiny Basic $30 .00.
error chl!(;king mujtl Ille cassette fea~jw, it e ribbon cat e is available at $18 ,95 for easy coo·
$14.95. Kit (P'N 2,1,) $51.25. Assem blM (P," N software, (relocalabie cassette file) anott-.ef exclu- recton between lhe Super EH and the Supel
2C) $6U 5. Modem Kit $60.00
Stale of lhe art. or~. , answer. No tuning reces- sM! from Ouest. It includes Ill\lister sase and Elpilllsion llo.anl,
PflOTOTY PI NG BOARD (Po N 7907) 521.95. rmdout, .lIiodI move capW ~ity and video graphics PIrover Supply KH for the oompIete system (see
PARALtEL TR IAC OUTPUT BOAA D B mecs. sev 103 compatible 300 baud, inexpensive
acou stic co up le, plans included B~ . only dove, w~h IJjlr1king cursor Break pomts can be M ulti-vo~ Poeer SuPP'l' beloW),
eacn o:3n SwitCh 11OV, 6,1, l03ds. Ba on~ (PiN $17,00, Articie In JUM Rilliio ElectronicS used wllh !he register save featufe 10 isolate pro-
210) $19,20, Kit (p.. N 21(),t,1$11 9.55.
OPTO-ISOLATED INPUT BOARD 8 inputs, o:3n 60 Hz Crystal Time Base Kit $4 .40
be driven from TIL logic, 8d on~ (PiN 120) Conve rts dIgital clocils nem N:; hne ffllQuerq to
Rockwell AIM 65 Computer
$15.65. Kit lPiN 120,1,) $69.95 . 6S02 based Single t>oar~ WITh tull ASCII keyt>o a'~
crystal time base. Outstanding accuracy, and 20 COlumn trIefrna l pnnter, 20 Cha" alpha"o-
Inl.rlKl Kill
SERIAliPA RALLEL INTE AfACE Bidil&C1ional, Video Modulator Kit $9.95 menc display RO M monnor:. lully expandable
B3Ud rates from 110 10 192K. sw selectable $A19 ,00, 4K Ye,~ion $A4 9, 00 4K Assemblel
Convert TV set into a hig h quality monito< WIO SJ 5,OO 11K aasc Interpretfr $65.00
polar~y of input and output strobe. 5 to B data affectIng u~ ge, Comp, kit wlfull instruc.
bits. 10,2 sto pMs. pa ,ity od ~ ore'ven or nOM. Special small pOOle' supply 5V 2A 24V .SA
all char3ctefS contain a staft bit, +5 & - 12V Multl·Yolt Computer Power Supply a"em on hame $59.00. Mo lded p la5~c
feQ uir~ , Ba only (PiN 101) $11 .95. Kit (PI N 8" Samp, ot 18v ,5 amp. 5v 1.5 amp, - ~v enc losure 10 tit bolh AIM 65 and powe' supply
l Ol A) 142.89, 5 amp, 12>- 5 amp. - 12" option. ot5v , ot 12v $52,50, AiM 65 'K in ca binet With powe, suplll\r
RS·232!HL INTERfACE B i ~ i, echonal , ,e· are ,egui.ted Bas ic Kit 535.95. ~ it with chassis switch , fuse, co'~ assem , S~ 9,OO . 4K $579,00,
qui'es % 12V, K ~ (poN 232,1,) 59.95. iI1ldail h3rdware$51. 95. Add $5 ,00 shipping. Kit A65 40·5000AIM 65. 40 w'16K RAM and monllo'
RS -232/20m A INTER fACE B i ~irecllOnal. 2 of hardware $1 6.00 . Woodgrain case $1 0 00 $129S.00. RAM Board Kn (16K $1951 (32K,
passive oplo· isolated cin:u~s , Kit l PiN 7901,1, ) $1 50 shipping 521 51 V0640 V'deo Inlerface Kit $119.00. A&T
$14,95. 5149.00 , Com plete AI M ~ In thm b""tcase w~h
Type-N-Talk by Votrax powe, sUPDI\' $518.00, Specl.1 Package Pnce 4K
PROM Eraser le" to speech synthesize< w;thuniimitedvocabu· AI M 11K Ba sic, powe' sup ply cabonet $629.00
Will erase 25 PROMs in 15 minutes, Ultra,,;olet, lalY. bUlII'ln lext to speech algorithm, 70 to 100 AIM ~, kI MSY MSupe, E ~ 44 pm expan510n
assembie~ , 25 PROM o:3pacity 537.50 (wilh bits per secon~ speech synt hesize r. RS232C boa ra, boarC wit ~ 3 oon_tofS 522 .95.
timOlf S69.!5'01 6 PRO M o:3 pacity OSi-lAiU L ve,- interface 5359 .00. Speecn IC 579. 95 . Super Color S-100 Video Kit $129.95
sion S18.5G lwith timer 5108.501. Expandable to 256 x 192 high resolution colo'
1602 16K Dynamic RAM Kit $149.00 Elf II Adapter Kit $24.g5 graphics. &847 with all display modes computer
NiCad Ballery Fixer/Charger Kit EJq::IaAjabIe 10 64K. Hi:lden refresh wldod<s ~ 10 Plugs into ElfII providing Super E~ 44and 50 pin controlled, Memory mapped 1K RAM e. pand-
Opens shon~ cells thaI wo n't noldach a,ge and 4 MHz wino g stdeS. AddI. 15K RAM $25,00. plus S-Ioo bus expansion, (With Super Ex· able to 6K. S·loo bus 1802 . 80fl(). 8085. lBO,
then charg&S them up, all in one kIt w-'1ull parts 8-100 4-s101upansioo $ 9.95 pansion) High and low address displays. state etc Dea lers: Send /(Ir excelle nl pricing-'margl n
an~ Instructions. No PC lloa rd $8, 95 aroj mode LE O's optional $18.00.
Supe, MonitorYl.! SOu.ce ll$/ing $1 5,00 program .

TERMS: $5.00 min. order U.S. Funds. Calli. residents add 6% tax. Prices
$10.00 min. VISA and MasterCard accepted. $1.00 insurance optional. subiecl FREE: Send lor your COllY of our NEW 1982
Shipping: Add 5%; orders under $25.00-10%. 10 chlnge OUEST CATALOG. Include BBe stamp.

156 73 Magazine. June, 1982

9 DIGITS 600 MHzS Pl;Cl f$129
RanJ~ 10 H z ' 0 600 "1H z
Th< CT-'Kl i. the m"., ,.... "1•. r••,,,,. I"' ded coun'., "-,,lable for I ..
!Kn,"i"' r Lc:" ' han 10 MV to 150 MHt
!han S.\\lO.OO' Ad,-. "".d do"iI' I..,u. .. "", I" de; thr....I",,"bl< Jat. 11 m .. Le.. lhn SO MV to 500 MH.
-,. -_..
""'. d,.,u. . . ... ,nd,ca'or and. unique d"pl .~ ""kl funclIon ...h",h huld.,he 0.1 Hz 110 MHz , an.e .
00 . _ ' ''
~' •• ~'
'." Or,•.,
, .. <II.plaj'el! count aher the ,npu' iJ . . . .I
mo'.d AI... alOmH . H:XO u.....
R. ""I",;.,,,
10 H l l bO MH . "'w:)

_ . . ..
"' '


" " I .., _ _


.... .
bow " "oed "'h"'h
Opolo....n y. a n
1'."'b ' cahbfo_ c~ks ...rn>! WW V
"..:! bane.,. p.d
"'&II saboI~1 <.,.. tal .,.flO tlI
to.... ~ inpld and M ",..,.
....., "'" •••oI.bIc T"'" CT 'Kl.
10 0 H' 4600 MHz '.""'1
9 "'..."0 . " U O
0puan0J M"'..... _e<..
Slandafd. IO OJO m Hz.. 1,0 ppm zo.-~ c.
n>-CII ppm 2O-.tO C
porfumwtcC)'OIl can ........ oC
8-15 VAC .. 2SO ....

7 DIGITS 525 MHz $99~IRED

Ran• • ]0 H. '0513 MIl> The CT-70 br• •k> ,h.
pric . b.rri., "" I.b qu.hl y freq""ncy COIln,u~
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Son.iti.i<y un
III.n ~O MV III I~O MIt. Oclu.o f,,'ure• •ucll.Il; lkte. f'«lu.ncy ,.n~o. · ..c h ",,,h pro- .mp li fic.' ......
CT -70 K , ~ 90 doy pan '
III.n I ~O MV III sec MH z dual ..l.c,.bl. p'",irn.~ . nd '.'0 ac'i .ily ind",.""" m "",.. ~,om.n" • ,an,y 8.95
R.",lwuolt 1.0 Hll 5 MH. 'ans<-l "'Of' , Tlw frequency •• n.....n.bIn Y"" 10 """,w ty ....... ~ .........1. " C· I "' C od&JII., 3_9'
100 H, ( W MH , ,...,.1 8P-I N",od po.ck + "'C
100 0 H, ooc MHz ,...,.. from Ih'" UH F ,,111 0 ppm ..,.,..,ocy · ,1Ia1'• .000 I'lb' The C T-70 ..
the , 10 all YOU' OIl the r..1d. I.b olIock. lda.pcerlc....s<-' 1295
7 oL"lO 0 e- UD
1 0 ppm TCXO 20-&0 C
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PRICE S, H. ,.·o • lIandy. •• n.'a l PUIflOl. COIlnl., Ib., pr".. id.. moo l .""01..
function• • , on unbell••• bl. p "C.,. Til. MI N I, 100 doe, n·1 lI.Iv. 1M f~1I SPE C IF ICA TIONS:
MINI 100 ... ".d. I y..'
... In .... ~ S79 . 9 ~ fr«l""""Y ,onl . or inpullm pedark.-c quah"•• found In h,l\.hc' price wnil" b.1I R&n"" I MHz to ' 00 MH z
...C·Z A. adlpI.. lor MINI for ha".IU' , i.".........u..""'nu. II con·, bo bo.t .... . W••, ........ u..""'n.. SonOlllvi<y u .. Ihon25 M'o'
Re"""" ion: 100 H. (010... p'eI
8P-Z Ni .ad pac k and ...C

12 9S
an bo madefrom I MH ••111... .... ~ uplO5oo MH , """' ..<:eI .. n' _.1I1v"~
..,..red. A dd
and ,''' ,_
Dicadpoc k._and
Ii......... you .. Ie<:o llw resol.....
MINI-I OO mu.......... _ _
1.0 KHz ( r.., ""')
1 di"lt. 0 . ·· LE D

... )'OW 1o‫ס‬i 00> for Hia. t'-- M Id· f_""" d_ki and rq>ain.
2.0 ppm20-&O'C
, \ 'OC '" 200 ....

8 DIGITS 600 MHz $159~IRED

CT-!O "'itO<!, I ~o..- ...........'Y S I! 99!
C T· l(I K I ~ 'l(J doy parts
R...." ..,,,,,, ........ "'y 119 9!
RA· I. =e".' od~, kot U 9S
RA· I ....... and_""",*","
med hond ~ d _ ....,
oe"'''''''''l 299S


T h.. llM-7(\1 " tkn p"'t "n.1 4u. l"v p<rt", m.n c~ ... h"....,.·"'t r"«
F ~'n ,nd~"". It> J,ff , ' ...1 ~ fun'......... , .11 . " anoN Of• • SPECIFI CATIONS:
fBl ns; con ,...,. ~ . .. to .... fOrmat lo.4 u. ~"'"' .... ~ J,"f'I o•.-J 1"11<" J ~ OO ...C.O""' lOO~'o'101 "'0'. 3 ' onl "
OM 700 """"" ( _ ..........,- S99 9S DGAC

1)10.4. 700 K I~
so d al pa""
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".....-~ .x.c,mal pi , " .........
"'-l ....""...." ... up '" 12~lhol.." .. all

0 .1 lOA to 2 0 "' ''''''' S , ....
o I oIIm. to 20 lo.4 . toII 6 ' .......

unll<'O . mak .... " .·" " •• 11• ..,.,t ,,, '" Tho r>1o.4-1ro~. orr h .
AC-1. AC a4&pt«
81'·). N"'ad pac k ·AC '" ,... hla. L ,~-.l A It; c c",,~ ......... ""...u ..... "h NoI ~ .. " on '- ' 10 M~"""'" OCJAC-'
odOfIU. c...., ..
Io.4 P I. P""" k"
o..k-..I ..LI""... ," .... ' '''''1''
O l ~ ...... DC YC 'lI
4 .c- <:ella


T.lucopoc ...lIlp ... ,~nn.o . 8 NC pi... . . . _S 7.93
For "'ah ,.ool~"" aOO", m..,"reme" ... m.. l~ph • • H"II ompedanc. probe. h....' "'-dlnl
1.0... pa.. probe, fo' .udlO m....., .m.nU
IH ! h" mu.u"n~ .." .1. "".l ",....1. tI"m Ill ,,, l ,lk'\)
1! 9$ M H,. S",.II . ~ ... I"" ..J h pl,,~ ".".I" .m.. - 'n .-l ~J..J
LJ I';n fi"'l~''''9
• G,.. I fo' PL «'IIU On." p,o.>be. lon~,.1 p' lfJXlO. ~"I~ . 129S • F la' 25 db , oln
• Multipli. , b~ !O or 100 T,I' ba ll fo' CT 70. 90. MIN I-lOO . , H! • 8 NC Connooc"",
• 0.01 Hz ,..oIu"OIi Colo, l>Il'" cahb'.ti"" unl~ ..libral.. COIl"'" • G ..... for ... iffi n. RF .... illl pick-up loop
S299! K,' Sl99S Wnw "Oln" col or TV 11.". 1 S J. 9S Kit S449' W i.....

ramsey eleGlnmiG'5. inc. ~ 63 PHONE O RD t: RS

l"A U 7 16-~1l6·J9~
2575 Baird Rd. Pen fi e ld. NY 14526 .... 62

73 Magazine . June, 1982 157


158 73Magazine · June,1982

FM· 5 PC Board Kit - O N LY $159 .95
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.1(2.0 _ ,.,.. _, K~ ,&- "VDC," '._ . "'.M
73 Mag azine . June, 1982 t at
Phoenix AZ Syracuse-Central NY J. H. Nel son
The S" ...th...... ~f' m",' I" ~i,,~ <,<"" m u o;"._ I I.\M· BO~E RADIO SAV ES US I.Uf ( )F U S
ti on. ""mt"')' ~t"<kin~ Ken.....'''''!, [rum ,
Y_ y, MF . B&\'< . A,tron. La""", I. u..horaf! .
Ul l all l"'m. Ten-T..·. lIy~"; n & Kantrunit"
c.,a. , FiL>'. Depe"dable Se"'i'" Ilef" ... I< AI""
4 Plymou th Or,
II}"" ";" . -.",.t. and m".... Wou ld hke to the Sale! s,." ,;",. ;" Our M~jn B",i"",.,' )\;t'<'<! Whit ing NJ 08 759
s." "e yout "",-, CommurUcaliom { A>'l' " 1640 C"" h-ll ~m · Iko I'" "'ill ",ll your ~e~1 10 , 10%
W..l Cam.lhad. lid ., Pbo.:ni>. AZ ll5015. ' 'Olnmio;.,i, m 321 MI 1::",. BI , d , E ., S)'rar''''''
Ul ·Watt. 13214. 446-22136,
C ulver City CA
Philade:J;hia PAl
Cam en NJ
• " • • • . " .. . . n

Jun', Electl'<lllic>. 39 19 SeJ>Ulv.do Blvd ., Cui"".
Wneguide 0< (; r"",ial M" '''''''.'·'' C"IIl ponenl> "
C ity CA OO2:lO,:l!lO-IlOOO . T•• <ks 46J. lAA6 Sao 0< EII Llip",en! . Lllbur.tol)' (; rarle 1'",t In_

.. , ,
..c ... u
D iego, ~ZI ·5732 (Reno NV ) , <1"",,,,,,1>.
Powcr SLlppli"" IlLl\', Sd l 6: T r.d<·
""n ,," "" ", ", ", ", ", , ,
all popu lar mak",_llP . GR, tX R. ESI. Su",,,·
. u n A.l , a
Fontana CA
Cumplele li"", ICO M. D.-nTroll, Ten_T"" ,
,,·n. Si"wr. ele, Leet"",ic R_arch I...bs, 1423
FeT')' A"", . Camden 1\j 08104, 541·4200, c . ....c Zo/<f "", ", ", " " " t

Mj'Q~. Cubit,. Lunar. ","'cr 4000 d cd roo;,"

product. lor hoh hyi'l, "..-hnK';all . ....peri _
menter. Al"" C8 radio. laoom"!>il,,. F""t.u,,"
Amsterdam NY
. ....." '"" " " "
" , , , " " "" " " " "
Electronic.. 1>626 Sit". A..., .• •'unl.ona CA Kenwen;I, lCOM . Or.I"" pi", mon)' othe.
lI2.1:J5 , RU.71 10. Ii""' . A"'aleur Dealer lor o,'er ,35 y...." . Adi"",.
-IA..... ", , ,

San Diego CA
dade lI.di" Supl'ly. Inc. . 1M W..t Main Street .
Am,te rdam ~'Y 12010. MIW!:l5O , "" C,,,,,., .
" " "
" " " "
We I:>uy and ,..11 Surpl". Army r-;.,'Y El.",. PU.ft TO AICO
tronic, . 1<0 Termin aloo ~ Qtl'tJaI . WI..! do }'0Il sour H UAIC..
wont to ", II? W,it" fur catah'l:' '''_ Elodroni<~ u , • . S . ft ,
town, Inc. , 44O-71h Avenue, PO Ilu>. 204/j. San
[)iqp;o CA 92112. 23Z-937Y. ... . rco...r ""
San Jose CA
!lomeb"""'t" ,; h......n; to,,", 01 new a nd u""oJ ,
"" "n '"" "" ""
" AG, ..r ' .. .
Ham /Computer j(ea, and rorn l"'''''''ls. St-rv:i" ~ Columbus 011
lI am.; ,i n<>e 1!l.'\Il, We ' J'C<-i alize in IC<.lM, The biAA""t and ret H.m Store in tho midw",t ..USTA.." a
KLM. Mira>:". Complrunix, We ' hip ",orld. fea'\l rin~ '1ualit}' Ke n"'ood pr oou,'!:; "' ith
"'ide. Tele-{;om Elect"""i",. 15460 Union ",orki,,~ di, play" W~ ...11 o,,]}, the he<t ,
A'en"". San J"'" Col. 95124 . :117-44111. Aothorized K" nwood Service . Uni' ""'a l
Amateur Radio Inc .. 1280 Aida Dr.• lI",nolrJ..
c.... u zO/<,
....... n
"" ,'", ", ", "t
'" " ," ,"
" " " " "
burl: (Colurn l>",,) 0 11 4:1068 . 866-4267, .

Bend OR
......... "" "" "" " re, "
"" "" "" """ '",
Solellile tv. Kno"' n bra"d" Call I<.ola,· for ...,U..,.... "
m"", i"fn. mati un a nd iO'l"i", al:>o<" ou r dealer
pfOl(ram, W!::SPERCOM. 1'. 0 , Box 1226,
SOUTH UAIC. "" "'" '"" '"", , ""
Smyrna G A
Bend OR 97708. J89.0996 .

Scranton PA
U. ' . ' .ft ,
" " r "
For your Kenwood . Ya",u . ICOM, Orake and
ICOM . Bi.d . Cu>hC'aft . I\<lckma n. •1uKe,
other amat"". """"". come to ,... us. Britt',
Two.Way Radio, 2S06 S. Atlanl.o lid.. Smpna
GA 3OOllO. 4J2.S006.
La""n, llLl-'t1e" A~I(." na ,SI";"-i ali' l',. A'lr?n.
A"an" . Beld<·n. \\-2A.UI\\2\S, CD~.. '\1::,0. ,
Vibruplex, Ham_t,:"". CES. Arnphenol, Sony, " ," ,", . , t
" " "
. .
..AG...TI ....

Preston 10
f a"'mlCourie•. Il& W . Ame«>. Shu,,·, LllR""
" ,"
'" , , ", ,, , ,
E:lectronics. 1112 G raodv i.:", St" Scranto.. 1',0. " USTftU'"
R<l>I; \VR7BYZ . has I...· Larg...l Shd:. of Ama. HI,')0lI.343-2124. C.... U zoo.
teur Gea. in 1"" Inte rm" uolain W"'t and Ihe
IIesl Pri<eI. Call me 10. all }uur ham ~, Dallas TX
UOOC. "O "" " , "" "" '"" "
'"" '"" "" " "'" "'" "zs, ""
H..... "
II.... lJi,lributing. 78 So. SI.ol<>, P.....wo ID Dealer in U..-.d Computer lI a. d"'a' e 6: EIer·.
8326J . 8i5z-01l3O. trnnit Pa rt>. Sped al on Daisy 1-\''-1 Print""

" " " " ", ""t , " " " "
Terre Ha ute IN
.xe"" Wurd Pro,""';ng Equip",,'nt. D"al Car<!
Printe" ~ nd D;,play S,,,tt'n,,. C~! a1"" SUlO
Roodu... Com pan, rr ...
Computer llnorn)
You. ham headQ"artm, located in 11><0 ......rt of Dept. 73. 2522 Bu'tIcr St., DaIla; . TX 7,')23.5.
the mid",..t. lloooier Electron;"'. Inc., . 9 G3()..4621.
. HICI...... . ..
," " " " ,
n ," " " "
re , ,
Meadu..... Ceote•. P,O, Bo. 3300, Ter... lI aute
San Antonio TX " "
. r , t t ,
SOUTH ... ftI C.
IS 478003. 238-1456,
Amah~". Co" "ne",ia1 2-",\'. Sdli" g Anten"..
Sp. oi aliru. ""·anti . Atdr." ,. Bi,d, 1!Y_gain. Stan-
U. ' . ' .A.
•.-s, CO.uT ," "" " t , , '" " "" "
dard. Vib"'!'I.... Midl. nd. Hen')'. C",.,»{;r.h .
Did ....1ri,-. Hustler . leO\t, M.1- ~y-e. Shu.... "
Cuhie, Tempo , Ten-T.,e and othe" , Appl;", ICC
llr Eq uipment Cu " I"" . 2311 Va",,, lad ,,,,,,
Road, San ""toni.. TX 182 13. OO!l-33.>O.
First leiter = d.,
waves Second = night waves
A - Next higher frequen cy m.,
also b. useful

Ann Arbor MI
Vien na VA
The WiL>hi n~(Jn m<1ropolilan area', l....d illg
r.upplie, of lhe I.tes! in Amat"". Radio and 1'",1
• = Dilflcult circuit th is period F = Fair G = Good
p = Poor • = Cha nc e of solar flare s; 1/ - of aurora
Equipment . On },o". rwxt trip to the l';~tion',
Soo us for prulucts likc Tcn.Tec, 1\ L D.ake. Capital , ,t" p by and "'" "S. FJe<,I",,,ie Eq uil'"
Denl mn and many mOre, Opeo Munday ment llaJd< , Inc., ,') 16 Mill St. N. E .. Vioenna VA
throuw. Sa'u.da\'. 08:JJ 10 1730. \.\IIIIIVGR. 22180. \138.33.'\11.
\.\IIIIIUXO. WDII() K~ a od W8RI' behind t...·
counlc. , Purcha... Radio SUPJI'y, 321 E . lloo' cr
A....., Ann Arbo. MI 411104, 6lJS..S696 ,
YOll r compatllj name and //It':'>Wge
Hudson NH can contaitl lip to 25 wordl for as lit·
New Enwand" Distributor and Aulhorizted Se,_ fie as $150 yearly (prepaid), or $15
vice C."'ler for all Ma jo. Amaleur l.i ncs, TWls per month (prepaid qunrterly). N o
Radio E:lectronics. Inc.. 61 Lowell Road . lI ud- mentio n oj mail-order busi'wSI' or
""" ~H 00051. S8J·5005.
area code permitted. Directory text
Somerset NJ and payment //l ust reach us 60 da ys
ill advance oj publu:alirm . For ex-
New )c""y', onl' b ct<Jry-a otho riU'd ICO~I
and y xesu
di5tri6u lor, La.~ inventu')' of ""'" am ple, advertising JOT the August
.,ld u- ' <p<riab , Mo.l mal'or hrand> in ,tud. '82 issue must be in OUT hands by
Com plele "" " icc and adlit i", . Rad io, June 1st . Afai! 10 73 ,Uaga<:ine , Pc-
Unlimited, 1760 F...,on .1......."" _P.O. 80>.347,
Some""t SJ 08873, 461J.-45119. terborough ,V II 03458. ATTN:
Na llcy Ciampa .
28 29
162 73 Magazine • J une, 1982 Reeder Service lorlecing pege ...83-
• • '<
# , ~ ... .

, • LCD flVEKflgrt frequency readout with night ·

light for high visibmty day or night.
• Two VFOsfor quick QSY across the band.
-' .•
. .
• Ten memory slots for storage and recall of -'I" : ""
favorite channels. ., • Full ' 25 wans of RF. power : output from '
• Selectable synthesizer steps (5 kHz or .t 0 kHz} extremely cOmpact package, - '., , -
in dial or scanning mode. ,,", • Built-in Elutomatic or manual:tone bu~t: 1;,:,;,';':,
• Priority channel for checking · ·a . , fa~orite. .. . , Opffonai synthesized CTCSS~EricOde' and )f ..
frequency for activity while monitoring another. Encode/Decode boards available. ~;:, J
, - > --, '. . ~

• Unique VFO/Memory Split mode for covering • Uthium memory backup battery with estimated
unusual repeater splits. lifetime of five years. - _'. :'
• Up/Down band scan plus memory scan for • Optional YM-49 Speaker/Microphone and
busy or clear channel. scanning microphone YM -50 DTMF Encoding Microphone provide
included in purchase price. maximum operating versatility.

, FT·708R
And don't forgetl Yaesu has • complete line
of VHF and UHF handheld and balte<y
portable transceivers using LCD display I!l
FM Handheld
2 Meters 1 FM Handheld
70 em

FT-290R - 2 Meters
SSB/CW/FM Portable
FHi90R - 6 Meters
USB/CW/ AM/FM Portable

e -a
Prce and SpecificatiOns Subject To
Change Without Notice or Obligation
• • •' • I
4 Io.
' 82

YAESU ELECmONICS CORP, 6851 Walthall Way, Paramount, CA 90723 • (213) 633-4007
Eastern Service CIr.. 9812 Pnnceton-Gtendele Rd., Cincinnati, OH 45246 • (513) 874·31()()
Superior dynamic range, auto. antenna tuner, .
aSK, dual NB, 2 VFO's, general coverage receiver.
pre-selected with band selection to nuru- • Fluorescent tube digital display.
TS S 3 0 S _
The TS-93OS is • superlative. high per-
mtze lu n in g Ume. "AUTO·THRU· switch o n Fluorescent lube d igital disp lay has analog
fro nt panel .
• CW full break-in.
type s ub-scale with 20-kHz s teps. Separate
2 d igit d isplay indicates RIT frequency s h ift.
rorreence. all-soUd state. HF transceiver CW full b reak-in c ircuit uses CMOS logrc Ie • RF speech processor.
keyed to the exacting requirements of the plus ree d relay for maximum Ilcxtbtltty. RF clipper type proce sso r provtdes h ighe r
DX and contest operator. It covers aU coupled with smooth, q uiet operauon . average "talk-power" p lus Improved Intelll-
Amateur bands from 160 through 10 SWltchable to semt-break-m. glbillty. Separate "IW and ·our fro nt
mete.... and incorporates a 150 kHz to • Dual di&ital VFO'.. panel level controls.
30 MHz general c o ve r age receiver haYing lo-Hz step dual digital VFO's Include band • ODe year wlUTanty.
an excellent dynamic range. mrormeuon. Each VFO tunes conunuously The TS·930S carries a one year limited
Among Its other Important features are. from band to band. A large. heavy. flywheel warranty on parts and labor.
SSB slope tuning, CW VBT, IF notch filter. type knob Is used fo r Improved tu ning ease. Otbe.. features:
CW pitch control. dual digital VFO's. CW T. F. Set switch allows Ia st trans m it • SSB monitor c ircuit. 3 step RF attenua to r.
full break-in. automatic antenna tuner. freq uency !>ettlnj:.( for split-freq u e ncy o pera - VOX, an d 100-kHz marke r.
and a higher voltsge operated solid state ttons. A- B s wttch for e q ualtztng o ne VFO Optional accessories:
final amplifier. It Is available with or fre qu e n cy to the other. VFO "Lock " switch • AT -930 automatic an ten na tu n e r.
without the AT·930 automatic antenna provided. RIT control fo r ±9.9 kHz receive • SP-930 external speaker wi th selectable
tuner built-in. frequency s hIft. audio filters.
TS-93OS FEATURES : • Eight memory cbeneets. • YG--455C-1 1500 Hz) or YG--455CN·11250 HzJ
• 160-10 Mete.... with 150 kHz - 30 MHz Stores both frequen cy and band mforma- phJ~-ln CW Itlters for 455-kHz IF.
general coverage receiver. Uon. VFO-MEMO ewnch allows use of each • YK-88C-1 (500 H7J CW plug-In Oller for
Covers all Amateur frequencies from 160-10 memory as an independent VFO . (the 8.83-MHz IF.
meters. tncludln~ new WARe. 30. 17. and Original memory freque ncy can be recalled • YK-88A-1 16 kHz) AM plug-In lllter fo r
12 mete r bands. on SSB. CWoFSK. and AM. a t w IIll. o r as a fixed frequency. Internal 8.83 - MHz IF.
Features 150 k l-lz - 30 MHz ge neral cover- Hattery memory back-up. estimated I yea r • MC·60 (S-8 ) d eluxe d es k mi croph o ne with
age reretve r. Separate Amateur band life. (Batt eries not Ke nwo od su ppltedl. UP/DOWN switch.
access ke ys a llow speedy band sek-ctt on. o Dual mode noise blanker ("pulse" 0 T L-92 2A llnea r a m purter.
UP/DOWN bandswttch changes In I-MHz or "woodpecker"), • S M-220 stanon monito r.
steps. A new. Innovative. quadrup le con- NB-1. with threshold control. for pulse-type • HC-10 d igital world clock.
version. digital PLL synthestzed circuit noise. NB ·2 for longer duration • IiS-6. HS-5. H5-4 headphones.
-provide s superior frequency accuracy and "woodpecker" type noise.
stability. plus greauy enhanced sejecuvny. More InfonnaUon on the T5-93DS Is
• SSB IF s l ope tuning.
o Excellent reeeteer dynamic ..ange.
Allows independent adjustment of the low available from all authorized dealers of
Receiver two-tone dynamic ra nge. 100 dB and/or hl,loth frequency slopes of the IF 'rrto-xenwooc Communicatio ns
typical 12 0 meters. 500 Hz CW bandwidth. passband. fo r best truerre rence rejection . 1111 West Wal n ut Street.
at sensmvny of 0 .25 u v. S IN 10 dB!. Compton, catuornta 90220
p ro vide s the ultimate In rejection of o CW VBT and pitch controls.
1M drstoruon. CW VBT (Variable Ba nd wid th Tu n in g)
control tu n e s o u t Inte rfering sl!,:na ls. CW
• All solid state, 28 volt operated
p itch controls s hifts IF pa ssba n d and s lmul·
final a m pUfi e r. taneously changes the p ilch o f th e beat
The Ilna! ampnner operates on 28 VDC for frequency. A -Narrow/wrde" niter
lowest 1M distoruon. Power Input rated at
selector swncti is provided.
250 W o n SSB. CWoand FSK. and at
80 W o n AM. Final arnpltfler protection • IF notcb ruter.
circuli with cooung fan . SWRIPower loo-kHz IF notch circuit gives deep.
meier built-In . sharp. notch. better tha n -40 dB.
o Automatic antenna tuner, built-In. • Audio ruter built-ln.
Available with AT-930 ante nna tuner b uilt- Tuneable. peak-type au d io filte r fo r CWo
in, or as an option . Covers Amate ur ba nds o AC power supply built-in.
80-10 meters. indudlng the new WARC 12 0 . 2 2 0 . o r 240 VAC. switch selected Sp...rj{klJfion,. and prlt·..,. are
bands. Tu ning range automatically (operates o n AC o nly) . subjecllo change wllhl>ul nOlice or obligalion.

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