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netle be CTION MANUAL GONSET “COMMUNICATOR II-B” Transmitter-Receiver DIRECTORY OF COMMUNICATOR MODELS COVERED BY THIS BOOK: 3025. 04a. sunienaanic asin ate Aneto 6/18 0 ‘ir Ameo 12/15 a ia daria CAA 6/115 VOW (aoa CAR 12/15 ot (htt) Grom Ya AL RED. oted 2b 12/1158 Gees 20. Cited sae 12118 ¥en eA FCDA. Cotte 2 hte a/118 Yon one rbd csi’ ice s/s Yo The following suffixes, when appended to the above designation, indicote devio: tions from the sondord modelos Follows: indicates push-to-talk hes been added, 5 indicates speccl frequency (on special order) 2 fi cater substitution ofa crystal-contolled receiver forthe tunable receiver normally supplied 801 S. MAIN ST. BURBANK, CALIF. Vet sghene 5 LA roe ama oe mies WARRANTY ‘The Gontet Company worrnts this product to be fee from defective materi and workmanship ‘when new, ond will remedy any defect of replace ony defecve por ther than the vbrtor unl few of ‘charge for 6 period of 3 months fom date of originel purchese (one year in the case of FCDA Imocels), provided worranty repisttion cord is fled in ond mailed tous wihin 10 days. This worrenty ‘oee nai apply to unite wich have in ony wey been abused or minuted, shor daliberotiy 9 acter! tly, or have been allered. Except for vocvum tubes, the defective unit r port must be retumed tous ransprttion charges prepaid eer fst geting authorization to rlvm, Inthe cave of uber, the odjsiment normaly can be ace by the jobber rom whom the unit wes putchered, cs most jebbers ae s0 outerized by the tube manufacturers suppiving them. ‘OPERATOR LICENSE REQUIRED FOR TRANSMISSION Operation of the tonmitter inthis equipment requires a Federol Communications Commision license Operation withou a icerse ts lage ond is subject To penal. DANGER, HIGH VOLTAGE it ore suficsent to cause fotol shock under some condiions. Do ‘qualified Yo the eaten! of knowing Mode in USA, GONSET CO., INC. 801 S. MAIN. STREET BURBANK, CALF. 2 GONSET COMMUNICATOR II-B POWER INPUT. POWER DRAIN: CRYSTALS, MICROPHONE, TUNEL, (CRYSTAL SPOTTER: USE AS P-A SYSTEMS, MATING CONNECTORS, TUBE COMPLEMENT, omer, PERTINENT DATA Low voltage d-e or 115 volts a-e 40 to 400 cycles using ‘appropriate power cord. On dic the black wire ie ground, regardless of polarity. 95 welts on transmit, 65 watts on standby receive, ond 45 watts on tecsive clone, Fundamental type in F1-243 type holder. Refer to indi- Vidual schematic for erystal mullipiotion factor ond fun imental Frequency range. Single button carbon (telephone type F2 oF T-1 recom: mended), high output crystal, of high impedance dynamic (oF controlled reluctence (approx. — 50 db). Hot mike lead Connects to ring of PL-6E pleg. “Crstel-Carbon™ mike Switch must be thrown to corresponding position. Gain con trol originally is run fall on except for pa ure, Except on push-to-talk model, push:fotolk switch thovld be shorted Out if t breaks mike cect Starting with eye switch on “Oxe" postin, tune for maxi- imum eye closure by means of indicated contral, in counter- lockoise sequence, T/R switch on “Transmit” both power Switches in "on" position. On 6 meter model ge back and check tipler tuning after reronoting final grid With T/R switeh on “Receive,” turn eye switch to “Ore” positon. This ture on transmitter oscillator 10 permit spot- fing on receiver diol. Always return eye switch to "Tone: Lead” position before tying to trans Connect 4 to 8 ohm voice col of good trumpet toa phono connector on reor recess, Torn ‘Switch to "Receiver PA" and the T/R switch to "Transm ‘Adjust 0-f goin contol ar requir Type 83-15P coax connector. Type PL-68 mike plug, Type 13A oF M-93 Cinch “phono plug pra voice coll connector. Sefer 10 individ sche: efor specific equipment Dist tomps, Mesda No, 47; Vibrator, Mallory 294 or 625/825 for 6 volts; G625/G825 or G1501/G490 for 12 GENERAL “The Gonset COMMUNICATOR is an AM trans for we on either low voltage dee ceiver designed POWER SOURCE ‘The power supply circuit is automatically changed Ge 11s Nol The es hs a ise Sige of approximately 3 t9 6 db, and the transmiter a power tipo of ppreximtely 6 wats at sonnel ply voltage. These figures will vary slightly with fe ‘quency and different GBQA and 226 tubes. from a-¢ t9 de and vice versa by jumpers in the two plugs. When operating mobile, ic is recommended that except for very short periods the vehicle engine bbe run at charging speed during transmissions. Of the two wires the black wire is the ground wie and the

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