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Qualification of FTIR Spectroscopic Method for Protein

Secondary Structural Analysis

Formulation and Analytical Resources Department, Product and Process Development, Amgen Inc.,
Thousand Oaks, California 91320
Biophysics and Developability, Antibody Drug Discovery, Centocor Inc., Radnor, Pennsylvania 19406
Analytical Sciences Department, Product and Process Engineering, Amgen Inc., Longmont, Colorado 80503

Received 15 November 2010; revised 16 March 2011; accepted 9 June 2011

Published online 28 June 2011 in Wiley Online Library ( DOI 10.1002/jps.22686

ABSTRACT: Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy is widely used to study protein
secondary structure both in solution and in the solid state. The FTIR spectroscopic method
has also been employed as a characterization method by the biopharmaceutical industry to
determine the higher order structure of protein therapeutics, and to determine if any changes in
protein conformation have occurred as a result of changes to process, formulation, manufacture,
and storage conditions. The results of these studies are often included in regulatory filings;
when comparability is assessed, the comparison is often qualitative. To demonstrate that the
method can be quantitative, and is suitable for these intended purposes, the precision and
sensitivity of the FTIR method were evaluated. The results show that FTIR spectroscopic
analysis is reproducible with suitable method precision, that is, spectral similarity of replicate
measurements is greater than 90%. The method can detect secondary structural changes caused
by pH and denaturant. The sensitivity of the method in detecting structural changes depends on
the extent of the changes and their impact on the resulting spectral similarity and characteristic
FTIR bands. The results of these assessments are described in this paper. © 2011 Wiley-Liss,
Inc. and the American Pharmacists Association J Pharm Sci 100:4631–4641, 2011
Keywords: algorithm; Infrared spectroscopy; method qualification; proteins; structure; FTIR;
protein secondary structure; spectral similarity

INTRODUCTION gion of 1600–1700 cm−1 , is primarily due to the amide

C O stretching vibrations. Different secondary struc-
Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy is an
tures, such as alpha-helix, beta-sheet, and beta-turn,
absorption spectroscopy that can be used to obtain in-
exhibit characteristic frequencies and intensities in
formation about the vibrational states of molecules.
the amide I band region due to differences in the
The FTIR spectrum of a protein is composed of many
hydrogen bonds in these structures.1,2 Therefore the
vibrational bands arising from different functional
FTIR spectrum of a protein is routinely used to deter-
groups such as N H, C O, and so on. The protein
mine and characterize protein secondary structures
backbone amide groups generate a number of charac-
in solution as well as in the solid state.3–5
teristic IR bands that can be used to determine pro-
Many attempts have been made to quantify the
tein backbone conformation and secondary structure.
percentage of different secondary structural compo-
In particular, the amide I band, which is in the re-
nents for proteins in solution by FTIR and CD (cir-
cular dichroism); these results are compared with
Abbreviations used: FTIR, Fourier transform infrared; Gdn,
guanidine hydrogen chloride; C3N, 20 mM sodium citrate with those obtained by X-ray crystallography in order to
140 mM sodium chloride buffer at pH 3.0.DTGD, Deuterated assess their accuracy.1,6–8 For FTIR, there are two pri-
Triglycine Sulfate mary ways of doing this. The first uses curve fitting
Correspondence to: Yijia Jiang (Telephone: +805-447-1116;
Fax: +805-499-3654; E-mail:
of the second derivative or self-deconvoluted spec-
Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Vol. 100, 4631–4641 (2011)
tra to obtain the relative amounts of different types
© 2011 Wiley-Liss, Inc. and the American Pharmacists Association of secondary structure based on the band areas.1,9


The second involves peak fitting of the nondeconvo- the FTIR spectra quantitatively,15,16 including the
luted and baseline corrected amide I bands, and then correlation coefficient and area of overlap methods by
obtains the percentage of secondary structures by cor- Kendrick et al.15 and Prestrelski et al.16 Each one has
relating with the shape and intensity using an in- strengths and weaknesses, which will be detailed in
terval partial least squares algorithm.6 These meth- a separate paper. In this paper, we applied a quanti-
ods are helpful in determining the primary secondary tative function—OMNIC QC Compare17 —to directly
structure components and estimating their percent- compare FTIR spectra and identified important per-
ages in a protein. However, because the quantitation formance characteristics for the qualification of the
of the secondary structure composition can vary de- FTIR method.
pending on the methods and parameters used and To demonstrate that the FTIR method is suitable
the process typically involves considerable mathe- for its intended applications, that is, to analyze a
matical manipulations, they are not routinely carried protein therapeutic conformation and changes under
out for protein secondary structure assessment by various process-related conditions, and to ensure the
the biopharmaceutical industry. Furthermore, these proper folding of the protein during storage and deliv-
methods are focused on quantitation of the secondary ery, the precision and sensitivity of the method were
structure composition of each individual protein, but assessed.
are not optimized for assessing overall similarity of The precision of the method was evaluated through
protein structure between samples from different pro- a multisite/instrument and multi-analyst study,
cesses, or formulations. In contrast, the focus of this wherein the same data collection and analysis method
work is to evaluate the precision and sensitivity of were used. Proteins containing different types of sec-
the FTIR method for biopharmaceutical applications ondary structure such as alpha-helical and beta-sheet
in which a degree of similarity between the spectra were included to ensure that the precision assess-
obtained from two or more samples is often the de- ment would apply to secondary structure analysis
sired result. The higher order structure of protein of all proteins, regardless of the specific structural
therapeutics is complex in nature; the correct three- type. However, most of the data were acquired using
dimensional structure is required for proteins to be proteins with beta-sheet secondary structure because
able to carry out their function and remain stable. It antibody and antibody fragment-based therapies are
can be affected by manufacturing processes includ- prevalent in the biopharmaceutical industry. In addi-
ing refolding from inclusion bodies,10 low pH elu- tion, interday repeatability and effect of protein con-
tion during chromatographic and viral inactivation centration (±10% of the targeted concentration) dif-
steps,11 and so on. To ensure the product quality ferences on the precision of the method was also eval-
of a protein therapeutic, its higher order structure uated. Characteristic FTIR bands and overall spectral
needs to be assessed.12–14 FTIR spectroscopy is one similarity of spectra collected on the same proteins
of the spectroscopic techniques that has been used were compared. The precision of FTIR analysis from
routinely to assess the secondary structure of pro- this study can be used to define method performance
tein therapeutics with the data included in regula- parameters.
tory filings. However, the qualification of the FTIR The sensitivity of the method was evaluated by
method has mostly remained elusive, mainly due to comparing the spectrum of a native or control pro-
the lack of a quantitative way to directly compare tein to that of the partially or fully unfolded protein
the FTIR spectra of different samples without curve after low pH or denaturant treatment and also by
fitting or self-deconvolution. For this type of determi- blending studies, wherein a native protein spectrum
nation, the assignment of particular secondary struc- was mixed with that of a denatured protein and the
ture content to the protein is not important. The fo- resulting spectra were compared with that of the na-
cus is instead on the ability to detect small changes tive protein. Standard curves were generated where
in structure, regardless of the source of the change. the spectral similarity was plotted as a function of
At present, there is no consistent method applied to the percentage of the unfolded protein. Spectral simi-
quantitatively determine the comparability of differ- larity determined using the OMNIC QC compare tool
ent proteins, or of different lots of the same protein, was used to quantitatively assess the sensitivity of
so visual comparisons of a sample spectrum to a ref- the FTIR method.
erence have typically been used as a way to verify
proper folding of the protein. It is not straightforward
to apply principles from International Conference on MATERIALS AND METHODS
Harmonization guidelines Q2 (R1) “Validation of An-
alytical Procedures” to FTIR analyses because the
spectra are not quantitative without subsequent Proteins 1–11 in Table 1 were produced at Amgen Inc.
mathematical treatment. A few approaches (mathe- and were at least 98% pure by size-exclusion chro-
matical algorithms) have been explored to compare matography. They were kept in their stable storage


Table 1. Proteins Used in the Studies were quite different, especially at lower concentra-
Protein Characteristics
tions, and a nine-point smooth was necessary for
the noisier spectra and (2) for spectra collected us-
Protein 1 IgG2 mAb, beta-sheet protein
ing the Bruker instrument, the application software
Protein 2 Fc conjugate, beta-sheet protein
Protein 3 Fc conjugate, beta-sheet protein (OPUS) has nine-point smooth as the default setting
Protein 4 Growth factor, beta-sheet protein when the second-derivative operation is performed. A
Protein 5 Cytokine, alpha-helical protein seven-point smooth is not possible. So, to be consis-
Protein 6 IgG1 mAb, beta-sheet protein tent across different instruments, proteins, and pro-
Protein 7 Fc conjugate, beta-sheet protein
tein concentrations, we chose a nine-point smooth for
Protein 8 Cytokine, alpha-helical protein
Protein 9 IgG1 mAb, beta-sheet protein all the spectra collected.
Protein 10 IgG2 mAb, beta-sheet protein The similarity of the second-derivative spectra in
Protein 11 Fc conjugate, beta-sheet protein the amide I region was calculated using the Ther-
mal Electron Omnic Software QC Compare function
at 8 cm−1 resolution.17 The QC Compare function cor-
buffers at 2◦ C–8◦ C until analysis. All other chemicals relates the spectral information in a user-specified
including citric acid, sodium chloride, and guanidine region of sample and reference spectra to determine
hydrochloride were obtained from Sigma–Aldrich the similarity between the spectra. The result is a
(St. Louis, MO) and were of reagent grade. Milli-Q match value between 0% and 100%. The value shows
water was used to prepare all solutions. Millipore how well the sample spectrum matches the reference
ultracentrifuge filters (Biomax-0.5) with a molecular spectrum; a value of 100% indicates the spectra are
weight cutoff of 5 kDa were used to concentrate pro- identical.
tein samples to concentrations of at least 30 mg/mL For the precision assessment, the repeatability of
for FTIR analysis. the method was assessed by triplicate measurements
of the same proteins (Protein 1–5 and a mixture of
50% Protein 5 plus 50% Protein 9 at the same protein
An instrument suitability test was carried out with a concentration) on the same day. Interday repeatabil-
polystyrene film (3.0 mil) every 3 months by following ity was determined by collecting three spectra of Pro-
the vendor provided procedure. Regular preventative tein 1 over 3 days. The effect of concentration was
maintenance of the instrument was performed and assessed using Protein 1 at ±10% of the target con-
logged to ensure proper calibration and system suit- centrations at 30 and 150 mg/mL.
ability for the studies. For the sensitivity assessment, selected proteins
Fourier transform infrared spectra of protein solu- (Protein 1, 6–8) were analyzed in their respective sta-
tions were recorded at room temperature. The instru- ble storage buffers, at pH 3.0 in 20 mM NaCitrate,
ments used included the Bruker VERTEX 70, Nicolet 140 mM NaCl buffer (C3N), or in the presence of 6
Magna 550, or BOMEM MB 154S FTIR spectropho- M guanidine hydrogen chloride (Gdn). The changes
tometers in transmission mode. Protein samples caused by the pH 3.0 (C3N) or 6 M Gdn treatment
prepared at at least 30 mg/mL were measured in a were assessed by comparing the spectra of the pro-
sample cell that employed CaF2 windows separated teins under stable storage conditions to those at pH
by a 6-micron spacer, for example, an FTIR liquid 3.0 or in 6 M Gdn, respectively.
measurement cell (Spectra-Tech FT04-036), Bruker Blending studies were carried out with native pro-
AquaSpec Cell, or equivalent. For each spectrum, at teins of different structure types [Protein 9—an IgG1
least a 256-scan interferogram was collected in a sin- monoclonal antibody (mAb) with Protein 5—an alpha-
gle beam mode, with a 4 cm−1 resolution. Reference helical protein, Protein 10—an IgG2 mAb, or Protein
spectra were recorded under identical conditions with 11—an Fc conjugated protein] at different mass ra-
appropriate filtrate/buffer blank in the cell. The spec- tios, both experimentally and mathematically to es-
tra for the reference and gaseous water were sub- tablish correlations between the signal and the folded
tracted from the protein spectra, according to pre- state of the protein. Mathematically simulated blend-
viously established criteria.18 The second-derivative ing studies were then carried out with spectra of na-
spectrum was calculated using the application soft- tive/control (under stable storage condition) and the
ware and the final spectrum smoothed with a nine- pH 3.0 or 6 M Gdn-treated proteins at different mass
point function to remove white noise. The nine-point ratios to evaluate the sensitivity of the FTIR method.
smooth was selected for the following two reasons: Applicability of the mathematical blending results as
(1) As the spectra of the proteins were collected on a model for the experimental mixing results was es-
several different instruments, even at the same pro- tablished based on the results from the native protein
tein concentration, the signal to noise (S/N) levels blending study.


Figure 1. Second-derivative FTIR spectra of the different proteins by the same (Bruker)
instrument (pink, Protein1; purple, Protein 2; green, Protein 3; aqua, Protein 4; black,
Protein 5).

RESULTS AND DISCUSSION tic amide I bands are at about 1637 and 1690 cm−1 ,
indicating the presence of antiparallel beta-sheet sec-
Precision Assessment ondary structure in the protein, typical of an IgG
The precision of the FTIR measurements was eval- mAb. For Proteins 2 and 3, the characteristic IR bands
uated through a multi-instrument, multi-analyst, are at 1641/1690 cm−1 and 1643/1688 cm−1 , respec-
and multiprotein study. The representative second- tively, suggesting the presence of primarily beta-sheet
derivative FTIR spectra of proteins containing dif- secondary structure, as normal for the Fc domain of
ferent secondary structural types (Protein 1–5) are the molecules. For Protein 4, the characteristic bands
shown in Figure 1. The characteristic band frequen- are at about 1622, 1645, and 1688 cm−1 , again indi-
cies and spectral similarity of the triplicate measure- cating the presence of predominantly beta-sheet sec-
ments of the second-derivative FTIR spectra of the ondary structure as expected. Protein 5 shows the ma-
proteins (Protein 1–5 and 50% Protein 5 plus 50% jor characteristic FTIR band at 1655 cm−1 together
Protein 9 mixed at the same protein concentration) with a weak band at 1634 cm−1 , demonstrating the
are shown in Table 2. For Protein 1, the characteris- presence of mainly alpha-helical secondary structure

Table 2. The Means and Standard Deviations of Characteristic Band Frequencies and Spectral Similarity of the Second-Derivative
FTIR Spectra

Characteristic FTIR
Bandsa (cm−1 ) Overall Spectral Similarity Spectral Similarity Spectral Similarity Overall Spectral
Proteins mean ± SD (%) (Bruker) (%) (Nicolet) (%) (Bomem) Similarityb (%)
Protein 1 1637.5 ± 0.3, 1690.4 ± 1.0 >99 ≥97 >99 ≥ 97
Protein 2 1641.2 ± 0.04, 1689.6 ± 0.4 >96 > 93 >99 >93
Protein 3 1642.8 ± 0.5, 1688.2 ± 1.1 >99 >95 >99 >95
Protein 4 1622.4 ± 0.6, 1644.7 ± 0.6, >99 >96 >96 >96
1687.6 ± 0.3
Protein 5 1633.8 ± 0.6, 1654.7 ± 0.04 >99 >97 >97 >94
Mixture of 50% Protein 5 1638.4 ± 0.0, 1654.8 ± 0.0 >99 NDd NDd NDd
and 50% of Protein 9c
a Band frequencies were averaged among the spectra by the different instruments.
b Overallspectral similarity was determined for replicate measurements using the same instrument.
c Mixed at the same protein concentration.
d Not determined.


Figure 2. Second-derivative FTIR spectra of computer simulated and experimental mixing of

Protein 9 and Protein 5 (red, 100% Protein 5; purple, 75% Protein 5 + 25% Protein 9; green,
50% Protein 5 + 50% Protein 9; pink, 25% Protein 5 + 75% Protein 9; navy, 10% Protein 5 +
90% Protein 9; blue, 100% Protein 9).

with a small amount of beta-sheet structure in this cate measurements does not depend on the specific
protein. A mixture of 50% Proteins 5 and 9 combined type of secondary structure. Replicate measurements
at the same protein concentration was used to mimic of proteins with predominantly alpha-helical (Protein
a protein with mixed secondary structure (Fig. 2b, 5) or beta-sheet (Proteins 1–4) secondary structure
green trace) and showed the major IR bands at 1655 or a mixture of both (50% Proteins 5 and 9 mixed at
and 1638 cm−1 as expected. The characteristic band the same protein concentration) have similar spectral
frequencies for the same proteins are averaged among similarities and measurement precision. This is con-
the spectra obtained using different instruments. The sistent with the results of intramethod reproducibility
characteristic band frequencies are quite reproducible shown by van de Weert et al.,19 where they obtained
with standard deviations of 1.1 cm−1 or less on all five at least 94% spectral similarity using the percentage
proteins tested, regardless of the instrument, analyst, of area overlap15 for various proteins measured in
or types of secondary structure. transmission mode in water.
The main reasons for the variability in the char- The reasons for the variability in the spectral sim-
acteristic band frequencies are broader and weaker ilarity include moisture/vapor, water background19
FTIR bands, which may be improved by increasing interferences, and lower S/N ratio. Precision can
the instrument resolution (e.g., from 4 to 2 cm−1 ). be improved by minimizing the contribution of wa-
However, due to the overlapping nature of protein ter vapor to the protein spectra and increasing the
IR bands and the corresponding increase in noise S/N levels by increasing protein concentration, in-
level with increasing instrument resolution, this ap- creasing the number of scans, and/or using a
proach is not recommended. As shown by Dong and more sensitive detector [MCT(Mercury Cadmium Tel-
Caughey,18 and Susi and Byler,9 the deconvoluted luride) instead of DTGS(Deuterated Triglycine Sul-
amide I band frequencies for the assigned secondary fate)]. The effect of moisture was demonstrated by the
structures typically have a variability of ±2 cm−1 . significant improvement of the similarity of the trip-
The standard deviations of 1.1 cm−1 or less for the licate spectra (to >96% from >93%) using the Bomem
same proteins across the different instruments and normal transmission cell with a DTGS detector where
by different analysts are well within that range and moisture interference was decreased due to a closed
therefore will not affect the secondary structure de- system design for the optical components in the beam
termination of proteins. These results indicate that path. The effect of less moisture and higher signals
FTIR analysis is quite precise for characteristic band was also demonstrated by results from the Bruker,
frequencies. where the spectra collected showed decreased contri-
The spectral similarities of the replicate mea- butions from vapor, and increased S/N resulting in
surements using the same instrument are greater the increased spectral similarity (>96%) of replicate
than 93% by OMNIC QC Compare in all cases measurements. This is due to the use of an AquaSpec
(Table 2). The overall spectral similarity for the repli- cell and an MCT detector that led to the decreased


Table 3. The Characteristic Band Frequencies and Similarity of the Spectra at Different Protein Concentrations Compared with That at
30 and 150 mg/mL

Nicolet Magna 550, Normal Transmission Cell, DTGS detector 1600–1700 cm−1 , 9 points, 8 cm−1 resolution

Characteristic FTIR Spectral Similarity to Spectral Similarity to

Protein 1 (mg/mL) Bands (cm−1 ) 30 mg/mL (%) 150 mg/mL (%)
30 1638.0, 1691.3 100 ND
27 1637.3, 1691.3 96.5 ND
33 1638.3, 1691.3 94.9 ND
135 1637.3, 1691.3 98.5 99.7
165 1637.3, 1691.3 97.8 99.5
Overall mean ±SD 1637.6 ± 0.5, 1691.3 ± 0.0 >94 >99

ND, not determined.

moisture interference and increased S/N level. In- The effect of protein concentration on the preci-
crease in protein concentration and the resulting S/ sion of the FTIR measurement was also assessed
N ratio can also increase the spectral similarity as using Protein 1 and the Nicolet FTIR instrument.
shown in Table 3, where spectral similarity increased Protein 1 solutions were prepared at ±10% of the
from about 95% at 30 mg/mL to approximately 98% target concentrations (30 and 150 mg/mL) based
at about 150 mg/mL. on typical quality control specifications. The char-
acteristic band frequencies and similarity of the
spectra at different protein concentrations com-
Effect of Interday and Intraday Precision
pared with that at 30 or 150 mg/mL are shown in
and Concentration on FTIR Analysis
Table 3. The standard deviation of the band frequen-
The comparison of the interday and intraday tripli- cies of the spectra of Protein 1 at different concen-
cate measurements was carried out on Protein 1 us- trations is within the range of those of the intraday/
ing a Nicolet FTIR spectrophotometer and the results interday multiple measurements of the same protein
are shown in Table 4. As can be seen from the ta- sample on the same instrument (Tables 2 and 4). The
ble, the precisions of the band frequencies of the in- spectral similarity is greater than 94%. The results
terday measurements are comparable to or slightly indicate that the concentration variations of ±10%
better than those of the intraday triplicate measure- from the target protein concentration of 30 mg/mL
ments. The spectral similarities are also comparable and above did not adversely affect the precision of
for both the interday (>98%) and intraday (≥97%) the FTIR measurement.
multiple measurements. These results demonstrate However, as shown in Figure 3 and Table 3, the
that the precision of the FTIR measurement depends quality of the second-derivative FTIR spectra and
on the instrument used and the bandwidth of a spe- overall spectral similarity is protein concentration de-
cific band, but not on the analyst, the type of protein, pendent. The higher the protein concentration, the
nor the time between the acquisitions of the spectra. stronger signal from the protein, the less the interfer-
The precision of the FTIR measurement remains un- ence from water and vapor, and the better the spec-
changed for the spectra collected on the same day or tra obtained. The lower protein concentration limit
during a 3-day period as long as the protein itself is of an FTIR measurement is dependent on the S/N of
stable over the time period the data is being collected. the instrument and the interference from the water

Table 4. The Characteristic Band Frequencies and Spectral Similarity of the Second-derivative
FTIR Spectra of Protein 1 Measured Using the Same Instrument

1600–1700 cm−1 ,
Nicolet Magna 550, Normal Transmission Cell, DTGS detector 9 points, 8 cm−1 Resolution

Interday Characteristic FTIR Bands (cm−1 ) Spectral Similarity (%)

Day 1 1638.0, 1691.3 1 vs. 2—98.9
Day 2 1637.4, 1691.3 2 vs. 3—99.3
Day 3 1637.4, 1691.3 3 vs. 1—99.2
Mean ± SD 1637.6 ± 0.3, 1691.3 ± 0.0 >98
Measurement 1 1638.3, 1691.3 1 vs. 2—97.5
Measurement 2 1637.3, 1691.3 2 vs. 3—98.2
Measurement 3 1637.3, 1691.3 3 vs. 1—97.0
Mean ± SD 1637.6 ± 0.6, 1691.3 ± 0.0 ≥97


Figure 3. Second-derivative FTIR spectra of Protein 1 at various concentrations (green, 2;

aqua, 5; pink, 10; red, 15; navy, 30 mg/mL) by Bruker FTIR spectrophotometer.

vapor. In general, FTIR analysis requires high con- of the same proteins under stable storage conditions.
centration protein solutions (typically >10 mg/mL) to The FTIR spectra of selected proteins from different
obtain a sufficient S/N. For proteins that must be structural categories (Protein 6—IgG1 mAb, Protein
analyzed at much lower concentrations, FTIR anal- 1—IgG2 mAb, Protein 7—Fc conjugate, beta-sheet,
ysis may be inappropriate, or at a minimum, the and Protein 8—cytokine, alpha-helical) under stable
data are much more difficult to interpret quantita- storage, C3N, and 6 M Gdn conditions are overlaid in
tively. Samples with protein concentrations of 10 mg/ Figures 4a–4d. From the figures, it is clear that in 6 M
mL or higher in the same buffer had equivalent FTIR Gdn the secondary structures of the proteins with dif-
spectra, and therefore secondary structure indepen- ferent structural types were mostly unfolded and un-
dent of the protein concentration. Similar results ordered with the major FTIR band very broad at about
were also obtained for protein solutions analyzed by 1648 cm−1 . Gdn is known to absorb strongly in the
CD spectroscopy from 10 to about 0.5 mg/mL (data amide I region, which may interfere with the protein
not shown here). However, if the protein is unstable spectra if not fully subtracted.20,21 Work performed by
or partially unfolded under the conditions being an- Bowler et al.20,21 has shown that Gdn at more than
alyzed, then both protein concentration and analysis 3.5 M could not be accurately subtracted due to detec-
time can affect the conformation as it unfolds and tor saturation. The peak of Gdn absorption in aque-
aggregates during testing. For the precision data re- ous solution is at about 1680 cm−1 , whereas the main
ported in this paper, the proteins analyzed were in so- band of the unfolded protein is at about 1650 cm−1 .
lution conditions, which stabilized the conformation. Mathematical manipulations undertaken to test the
For an FTIR instrument with good S/N and water effect of Gdn concentration on data analysis involv-
vapor well controlled, a precision of more than 95% ing intentionally under or over subtraction of Gdn
spectral similarity of the measurements can be rou- resulted in similar spectral similarity values (<30%)
tinely achieved with a protein solution at high single compared with the control and main protein band po-
digit protein concentration (data not shown). sition (about 1650 cm−1 ). So even with interference
The results from the multiple measurements of from Gdn, it will not change the conclusion—proteins
the same proteins demonstrate that FTIR analysis were fully unfolded with the major band at about
of protein conformation is precise, with characteris- 1650 cm−1 and the FTIR method is able to detect and
tic band frequency from replicate measurements typ- determine the secondary structure changes. Strong
ically within 1 cm−1 . Gdn absorption would be a problem if one wants to
accurately determine the changes in the different sec-
Sensitivity Assessment ondary structure components. However, that is out-
side of the scope of this study. High concentrations
The sensitivity of the FTIR method was evaluated
of Gdn were used in our experiments simply to pro-
using a few different approaches. The first was to
duce spectral changes outside of method variability
compare the spectra of denatured proteins to those


Figure 4. Second-derivative FTIR spectra of Proteins 1, 6, 7, and 8 overlaid under stable

storage, C3N and 6 M Gdn conditions (red, native/control; navy, 6M Gdn; green, C3N).

as determined by OMNIC QC Compare for the over- close to the pH of C3N buffer and Protein 6 is an IgG 1
all spectra in amide I region. mAb, which is more stable to low-pH induced unfold-
The spectral similarity results of the selected pro- ing than IgG 2 (Protein 1) (Jiang et al. unpublished
teins in C3N or 6 M Gdn as compared with the spectra observations).
of the same proteins under their stable storage condi- Although differences at particular wavenumbers or
tions (controls) are presented in Table 5. Significant peaks could be more sensitive for specific changes
differences were observed in the FTIR spectra of the in conformation for specific proteins, the method de-
proteins in the presence of 6 M Gdn due to the fact scribed here can be applied more universally to com-
that the proteins are mostly unfolded in this denatur- pare the overall secondary structure, and is applicable
ing buffer. The spectra similarities of Protein 1 and to all proteins regardless of the secondary structure
Protein 7 in C3N as compared with their correspond- content or what the actual peak wavenumber and in-
ing controls are <30%, indicating extensive unfolding tensity is.
of the proteins at pH 3.0. The spectral similarities of The above FTIR results demonstrate that the FTIR
Protein 6 and Protein 8 in C3N as compared with the method is able to detect changes in the proteins
controls are greater than 95%. This is not surprising caused by low pH and denaturant and is appropri-
because Protein 8 is formulated at a pH that is very ate for assessing protein secondary structure changes
that may occur during manufacturing processes.

Table 5. Spectral Similarity of Proteins Under Different

Conditions Compared with Those in Stable Storage Buffers
Blending Studies with Native Proteins
(Control) (1600–1700 cm−1 ) Several proteins from different structural categories
Spectral Similarity (%) were used to assess whether computer-simulated
blending can be used to complement experimental
Protein Control to Itself C3N to Control Gdn to Control blending. Both empirical blending and computer-
Protein 1 100 2 19 simulated blending studies using proteins contain-
Protein 6 100 98 22 ing Protein 9 (IgG1, beta-sheet) and Protein 5
Protein 7 100 23 11
(Cytokine, alpha-helical), Protein 9 (IgG1 beta-sheet)
Protein 8 100 100 27
and Protein 10 (IgG2, beta-sheet), or Protein 9 (IgG1,


Figure 5. Second-derivative FTIR spectra of computer-simulated mixing of Protein 1 in native

state with 6 M Gdn or C3N denatured states (red, 100% native Protein 1; pink, 95% native
Protein 1 + 5% Protein 1 in 6 M Gdn or C3N; light blue, 90% native Protein 1 + 10% Protein
1 in 6 M Gdn or C3N; green, 75% native Protein 1 + 25% Protein 1 in 6 M Gdn or C3N; light
green, 50% native Protein 1 + 50% Protein 1 in 6 M Gdn or C3N; purple, 25% native Protein 1
+ 75% Protein 1 in 6 M Gdn or C3N; yellow, 10% native Protein 1 + 90% Protein 1 in 6 M Gdn
or C3N; blue, 100% Protein 1 in 6 M Gdn or C3N).

beta-sheet) and Protein 11 (Fc conjugate, beta-sheet) ences between the spectral similarities of the com-
were carried out. Experimentally, one protein sam- puter simulated and experimental mixings are 2% or
ple was mixed with another at various mass ra- less for every combination of proteins and mixing ra-
tios and the spectra of the resulting mixed samples tios, demonstrating that the spectra obtained using
were collected (spectra not shown). For the computer- experimental and computer mixing are very similar
simulated study, the spectra of the original protein at the same mass ratios. The results indicate that the
samples were mathematically blended using the same computer simulated blending may be used as an al-
mass ratios as employed in the empirical study. The ternative for the experimental blending to assess the
second-derivative FTIR spectra of computer simu- capability and sensitivity of FTIR analyses to detect
lated and experimental mixing of Protein 9 and Pro- structural changes.
tein 5 are shown in Figures 2a and 2b as an ex- A second approach to evaluate the sensitivity of
ample. The spectral similarity results from both the the FTIR method is through the blending studies of
empirical and computer-simulated blending are sum- proteins in stable storage buffers with those in C3N
marized in Table 6. The results show that the differ- or 6 M Gdn by computer simulation. Because of the

Table 6. FTIR Spectral Similarity of the Mixing (Both Computer Simulated and Experimental) Studies with Native Proteins
(1600–1700 cm−1 )

Resulting Spectra Similarity to Protein 9

Protein 10 (IgG2) Protein 11 (Fc conjugate) Protein 1 (IgG2)

Protein 9 (%) (IgG1) The Other Protein (%) Computer Experiment Computer Experiment Computer Experiment
100 0 100 100 100 100 100 100
90 10 99 99 99 99 87 88
75 25 96 96 98 97 47 49
50 50 86 86 89 88 19 19
25 75 72 74 71 72 3 3
0 100 59 59 53 53 <3 <3


Table 7. The FTIR Spectral Similarity Results of the Computer-Simulated Blending Study

Mixing Ratio Spectral Similarity to Control (%)

Protein 1 (IgG2) Protein 6 (IgG1) Protein 7 (Fc conjugate) Protein 8 (cytokine)

Control 6 M Gdn or C3N 6 M Gdn C3N 6 M Gdn C3N 6 M Gdn C3N 6 M Gdn C3N
100 0 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
95 5 100 99 99 N/A 99 100 100 N/A
90 10 98 96 99 N/A 95 98 99 N/A
75 25 83 74 91 NA 70 89 91 NA
50 50 46 40 51 N/A 40 56 63 N/A
25 75 33 19 17 N/A 25 38 42 N/A
10 90 24 6 10 N/A 16 29 34 N/A
0 100 19 2 22 98 11 23 27 100

reversible nature of the structural changes induced is greatest under the different conditions being as-
both at low pH and in the presence of denaturant, sessed. For example, based on the plots, for Protein 7
mixing of the actual proteins under these different the 6 M Gdn induced unfolding and for Protein 1
conditions will result in reversal of some of the the C3N induced unfolding can be easily detected
changes as the protein reaches equilibrium under (spectral similarity falls below 90%) when the mix-
these new unfolding conditions. Assuming certain tures contain 15% of the unfolded species. However,
population of the unfolded species remains after mix- when structural changes are less, resulting in smaller
ing, to assess the sensitivity of FTIR in detecting the changes in the spectra, spectral changes will only be
low pH or 6 M Gdn induced structural changes, the observed at a higher level of the denatured species.
FTIR spectra of the selected native proteins (Protein This is demonstrated by the case of Protein 8 exposed
1—IgG2, Protein 6—IgG1, Protein 7—Fc conjugate, to 6 M Gdn and C3N. In the presence of 6 M Gdn,
and Protein 8—cytokine) were mathematically mixed there were significant structural changes in Protein
with those of the denatured forms (pH 3.0 or 6M Gdn) 8, which caused a high degree of changes in the FTIR
at various mass ratios. The second-derivative FTIR spectrum with 27% spectral similarity compared with
spectra of computer-simulated mixing of Protein 1 in the control. In this case, it takes more than 25% of
native state with 6 M Gdn or C3N denatured states the 6 M Gdn denatured protein to cause significant
are shown in Figures 5a and 5b as an example. spectral changes (<90% spectral similarity) in the
The spectral similarities of the resulting mixed mixture. In C3N, where there were minimal changes
spectra compared with those of the controls are sum- to the structure of Protein 8 compared with the sta-
marized in Table 7 and plotted as a function of the ble storage condition (spectral similarity >95%), com-
percentage of the denatured protein in Figures 6 (6 M puter mixing of spectra was unable to detect differ-
Gdn) and 7 (C3N). The FTIR analysis is the most ences in the structure at any mixing ratios (Table 7
sensitive in detecting structural changes for those and Fig. 7). The results clearly show that the sensitiv-
proteins where the degree of change in the spectra ity of the FTIR method to detect structural changes

Figure 6. Spectral similarity as a function of percentage Figure 7. Spectral similarity as a function of percentage
of denatured protein by 6 M Gdn (navy diamond, Protein of denatured protein by C3N (navy diamond, Protein 1; pink
1; pink square, Protein 6; yellow triangle, Protein 7; aqua square, Protein 6; yellow triangle, Protein 7; aqua cross,
cross, Protein 8). Protein 8).


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Bob Bailey, Brent Kendrick, Vladimir Razinkov, and tion of the guanidine hydrochloride-denatured state of iso-
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