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Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios

Bachelor Program in English Language Teaching


Peer Observation Task 3

- Teaching Vocabulary -

Date: 15 de Noviembre Class: Level of class: Observer’s name:

801 A1 Daniel Chaparro

Teacher observed: Adriana Vargas Institution: Gabriel Betancourt Mejia


“Traditionally, the presentation of new language items would swiftly be followed by the practice of these items. This
practice would typically take the form of some of kind of oral repetition, such as a drill. This notion of mechanical practice
underlies the popular belief that ‘practice makes perfect’. However simply repeating newly learned words is no guarantee
that they will move from the short-term memory store into permanent memory. New language –i.e. new words – needs to
be integrated into existing knowledge – i.e. the learners’ existing network of word associations, or what we called the mental
lexicon. There is a greater likelihood of the word being integrated into this network if many ‘deep’ decisions have been made
about it. In other words, to ensure long-term retention and recall, words need to be ‘put to work’. They need to be placed in
working memory, and subjected to different operations. Such operations might include: being taken apart and put back
together again, being compared, combined, matched, sorted, visualized and re-shuffled, as well as being repeatedly filed
away and recalled.”
(Taken from Thornbury, Scott. (2002). How to Teach Vocabulary. Pearson)

Before the lesson:

In this task you are asked to note down the teacher`s procedures when presenting new vocabulary. Familiarize yourself with
the observation instrument for this task.
During the lesson:
Use the chart to analyze vocabulary teaching during this lesson. Observe what the teacher and learners do during the lesson
and take notes about the different aspects in this chart

Not If observed, how the teacher developed the

Explicit Vocabulary Instruction Observed
Observed procedure. If not, how would you do it?
The teacher asks questions by using pictures in
1. Teacher reviews words learned from previous
 cardboard, the students raise their hands and
lessons and a list, if relevant to the lesson.
say the word they remember.

2. Students are asked to share what they

already know about the meanings of new 

3. Teacher provides a list of new words students

will encounter in the lesson.

The theme of the class had to do with items to

buy in the supermarket, for that reason , the
teacher gave to know the word buy and order,
she exposes the word buy through mimic, she
4. Teacher introduces new words and explains
 used her hands for representing a basket she
the meanings of these words.
was handled and have payed for a product on
the other hand she exposes the word order
using her cell phone speaking in Spanish and
illustrates the meaning ordering a meal.

5. Teacher builds on students’ prior knowledge

of word meanings.

6. Teacher uses active and generative activities Teacher Divided students into 6 teams. She Gave
to embed and support vocabulary development each team one minute to list as many words as
during the lesson (e.g., word sorts, games,  possible from the supermarket on a piece of
word riddles, art/drawing, sentence challenges, paper by using their dictionaries. The team with
etc.). the most words were the winners.

The winner with the majority words

must have explained the definition
7. Teacher provides explicit vocabulary of each word.
Other teams take over by
explaining 3 words.
Not If observed, how the teacher developed the
Practice Opportunities Observed
Observed procedure. If not, how would you do it?
8. Students encounter the new words and the
ones previously learned in multiple contexts, 
including oral and written activities.
Teacher constantly asked to students what was
9. Repeated exposure to new words is provided
 the meaning of the word that your partner just
during the lesson.
10. Teacher provides sufficient time during the The teacher had provided a guide where other
lesson for students to practice new words.  new words referring to the topic in the
(controlled practice and free practice) supermarket ,
Students were said to translate all the guide
11. Practice is extended over time through the
 and complete it.This took more than 30
use of word walls or other activities/resources.
12. Computer-based activities are used to
provide students with extended practice, when 

13. Practice is extended through homework

assignments given at the end of the lesson.

Not If observed, how the teacher developed the

Scaffolding Student Strategies Observed
Observed procedure. If not, how would you do it?
14. Teacher models using context and word 
analysis cues as a strategy for determining
word meaning.
15. Teacher models strategies for using word 
structure and components (prefixes, roots,
suffixes) to derive the meaning of unfamiliar
16. Reference materials such as computer All the classmate uses the dictionary of larosse
software, textbook glossaries, reference books,
and dictionary/thesaurus are available in the
Not If observed, how the teacher developed the
Assessment of Student Learning Observed
Observed procedure. If not, how would you do it?
The teacher, told the
students, considering that
this class is dispersed
group, at the same time it is
a group where the discipline
and the autonomous work
17. Teacher encourages students to
can difficultly be achieved
demonstrate understanding of word meaning teacher, invites to all the

through a variety of oral and written activities students to write, what
embedded into the lesson.
would they buy in the
supermarket if found in the
street 50 thousand pesos.
She motivates students by
saying that this text will be
extra points for the final
The teacher was awared the
classroom in particular the
18. Teacher regularly monitors student students, she monitored the
understanding by conducting frequent informal
checks of individual and small group work
 classmate walked around
throughout the lesson. the room verifying that
everyone was doing the
19. Teacher uses formal written assessments to

document student understanding.
Not If observed, how the teacher developed the
Overall remarks Observed
Observed procedure. If not, how would you do it?
During the class, the teacher's attention during
20. Does the teacher have any specific aims for the class was,focused on the activity, while

teaching vocabulary? helping the students for the final exam, which
clearly was evident.

21. What new words are presented for students

to learn?
Teacher reviewed the vocabulary through
context, she proposed through the activity of
22. How is the new vocabulary presented?
the guide,besides of the fact that the guide
Through explanation? Through demonstration? 
was focused in past participle the previous
Through context? Other?
words learned were reviewed and practiced in
The teacher got the students to listen
23. What procedures are used to practice the
 to the word or phrase
new vocabulary?
Throughout dialogues in guide provided

24. Is vocabulary taught with explicitly? 

25. How much responsibility do the learners

take for acquiring new vocabulary?

After the lesson:

Based on your notes to answer the following questions:
- What techniques were used for presenting and practicing vocabulary?
- How successful were they?
During this lesson, a feature to be highlighted, is its interest in the use of didactic material so that students understand the

vocabulary that most have not had an autonomous work as expected by the teacher, is notable the interest of the teacher to

want their students Will acquire the new words from a dictionary which is an instrument-however, there was other such

as flashcards and teamwork were the most important techniques,since everyone made practiced of the new vocabulary

during class.

Using this observed lesson as a mirror of your own teaching, and based on the notes and analysis of the lesson you
observed, write a reflection in which you answer the following questions: What works well and what doesn’t work well
when teaching vocabulary? How teachers can you promote leaners’ responsible in acquiring new vocabulary? And if you
had the opportunity to teach this lesson, which changes would you include in order to teach vocabulary effectively?
You should write 300 – 400 words.

I would say that the oftenly using of the dictionary to explain meanings of new words, it is not enough for
students to internalize the usages and writing of each word, as an example during this lesson the teacher made
use of 3 different Instruments to exemplify vocabulary. In my opinion, this practice was the best, because all the
attention of the students was in the first part of the class, however. When the words of meals were illustrated the
teacher Wrote a long list of words on the top board of 30 words, I wonder if the teacher knows the limit of
words that a student at that level of language,specifically this specific group can withhold,what draws my
attention is the indulgence in which promoted the use of the dictionary,teacher consistently uses the example
of bilingual students learn more words not only by reading text They also use the dictionary,she said. At least
those words every after 15 minutes.
Something that I'm absolutely sure about is copying dictionary definitions, probably all agree, is not an
effective way to learn vocabulary. Students cannot develop their autonomy alone, they should coordinate with
their teacher, in order to achieve the desired results. I personally think that autonomous learners are those who
are prepared to take some significant responsibility for his own learning. And in order to be better. The learner
should make decisions to set realistic goals, plan program of work such aspect come from teacher guide ,
however nowadays it is common to see some students learning from their own. That is the reason why we as
teachers, we must to fully engage students in practice so they learn from their partners as well as correcting
some mistakes in the process,as result motivation represents to be the key aspect through different and joyful
activities that make students focused on.
What I think to teach in this lesson will be split the into three steps. The first would have to do with an
activity that helps them to remember or practice of previous knowledge, maybe using the same material as the
teacher implemented during their class, I would use a domino game between words and drawings that between
couples should complete, only so it can be said that they are using the vocabulary and its directs meanings.
Then, as a concrete activity I would introduce the activity with an entertaining game where they interact with
food in English probably hard to do, but there is no better activity to teach food than to use real food, the teacher
would have left the homework of bringing the next Class a meal from the supermarket, the activity by
making each student define the product they have and in a short presentation, explaining to their partners what
element It is, the intention, they write down, its name and definition at the end I will use the different meal to
play, a role play where all the students represent a day in the supermarket teacher will provide a dialogue and
everyone must listen and watch their partner performing a day in the supermarket. As a key aspect they will eat
at class what all they bring to class, at the same time teacher will share other elements of food.

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