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All of the members of school communities are responsible on their own safety,
health and welfare and so do people around them. The schools are playing a big role
to inform staff, student and visitors about the importance of safety and health
especially at school. One of the most effective way of doing this is by giving them an
exposure to accident factors and how to prevent them. Tan Sri Lee Lam Thye said
that an accident at school can be prevented if Occupational Safety and Health (OSH)
culture is practiced at all school.

Some suggest that the main cause of physical harm in school are accident such
as slips, trips, falls and while handling with equipment. This type of accident
commonly involves the student at school as they prefer to play and do not care about
the risk of accident that may occur in their surrounding. Slips and trips might be
caused by an unsafe school environment such as slippery floors, potholes school’s
field and uneven pavements. It can also happen when the students run and push
each other and cause them to fall.

Additionally, accidents can also occur due to infrastructures damage in schools.

Corrupt facilities can invite injuries and forging to users especially students. As an
example, the condition of a damaged playground can harm the student as they are
not aware of the potential hazards and only know to play among them. The other
facilities in schools that can also endanger students are damaged equipment such as
sports equipment. Almost all student will use sports equipment during their sport
lesson and it may cause injuries if they use the broken equipment for any physical

Moreover, in recent years, there has been a report stating that emotional and
mental harms such as depression and stress are common among students, teachers
and staff. This is more likely due to bullying, harassment and assault that happen at
the school. Teachers and staff may be burdened with the tasks assigned by the
headmaster and administration. Besides, the teachers had to handle their students in
the classroom. This situation causes the teachers to feel depressed and this it is still
not include their personal problems. Meanwhile, bullying problems among students
cause bullying victims to be afraid and do not want to go to school. This scenario can
cause their education and emotion to be disrupted.

It is the responsibility of the schools to curb this problems from getting worse.
One of the method to prevent accidents and injuries at school is the safety round
method (Salminen et al., 2013). The headmaster, teachers and students should
patrolling around the school while observing any place that risk to be danger. It is
important for students to see the risk of accident that may occur around them.
Teachers should expose their students from the very beginning so that they will be
more careful when playing around the school.

Besides, Salminen et al. (2013) stated that the other methods that can be taken
to prevent accidents in school are by improving the physical environment around the
school. The things that can be done are through regular safety assessment, good
quality maintenance and repairing the identified hazards immediately. In this way, we
can improve school safety and guarantee students and the other community of school
to a safe school environment.

Furthermore, depression and stress problems among teachers can be overcome

through specialization of teaching only (Zaki Marsoha, 2013). Scenario now days
show that besides teaching, teachers also have to perform other management tasks,
which is should be carried out by other person. For example, managing student and
school data using the recently introduced online application. It is not only make them
stress but also disrupt their commitment to the essential duties at the school. This also
affects students’ performance in learning and examination.

As for the issue of bullying at school, the school should create a special rule
relating to bullying. Not only that, school can also putting up posters and distributing
brochures about anti-bullying to each student to be read together with their parents.
The information contained in this brochures should covers the concept of bullying,
some simple tips to deal with a bullying incidents, who can be contacted in case of
bullying and telephone lines or e-mail addresses to report about bullying incidents
either they are victims or witnesses (Othman, 2017).
In conclusion, safety and health are important for all staff and students. It is the
responsibility of school to ensure that the school in a good condition and safe to the
school communities. Nevertheless, the efforts made by the school will not be
successful without the cooperation of the school communities. For that, students,
teachers, staff and even parents should demonstrate strong support for the school in
safeguarding the safety and health in school.
Nor Hakimi. (2015, Mei 20). Sasar turun kemalangan di tempat kerja. Utusan Online.
Retrieved from

Othman Salihin.(2017, August). Menangani gejala buli. Retrieve from

Salminen, S., Kurenniemi, M., Råback, M., Markkula, J., & Lounamaa, A. (2013).
School Environment and School Injuries. Frontiers in Public Health, 1, 76.

Zaki Marsoha. (2013, November 11). Cara Menangani Stres Dalam Kalangan Guru.
Retrieved from

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