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Multiple Intelligences

Lesson Plan
9th grade
European Geography

Ms. Gilliam
Ms. Wardell
Bodily/Kinesthetic Intelligence

Name of the activity: Name that country!

WHY THIS ACTIVITY SUITS THIS INTELLIGENCE: This activity suits this intelligence because it will require students
to be moving to race to the board and find the correct answer

Materials Needed: Dry erase markers, blank map on google slides

Detailed instructions:

1. Divide class into 2 teams

2. Have one person go at a time to find the country that will be read aloud by the teacher (their teammates
can help them)
3. Teams get 1 point for every country they get right
4. The team with the most points win

Website used: The brain.

Visual/ Spatial Intelligence

Name of the activity: Label and color that map!

WHY THIS ACTIVITY SUITS THIS INTELLIGENCE: This activity suits the visual intelligence because it allows the
students to see the placement of the countries they will be learning, and write it out on their own paper.

Materials Needed: pencils, colored pencils, maps of Europe (blank)

Detailed instructions:

1. Pass out blank maps

2. Display wordbank on google slides
3. Have students color and label countries (IN PENCIL)
4. Reveal correct answers on Google slides

Website used: The brain.

Musical Intelligence

Name of the activity: “Listen to that song”

WHY THIS ACTIVITY SUITS THIS INTELLIGENCE: Has a musical beat for students to follow along to

Materials Needed: Internet

Detailed instructions:

1- Play video once

2- Play video again and have students sing along

Website used:

Play from second 46 to minute 1:09

Linguistic Intelligence

Name of the activity: Watch that Video

WHY THIS ACTIVITY SUITS THIS INTELLIGENCE: Allows students to hear the accent from many european
countries, this stimulates verbal learning.

Materials Needed: The internet

Detailed instructions:

1. play video for students

2. Have the students right down what accent was most the intriguing and why

Website used:
Logical/ Mathematical
Name of the activity: Country Scramble

WHY THIS ACTIVITY SUITS THIS INTELLIGENCE: This hands on logic puzzle is stimulating for those students who
work best logically

Materials Needed: Logic puzzle, Answer key

Detailed instructions:

1- hand out blank maps to students

2- hand out the cut-out of countries to the students

3- have students place the countries on the map, in correct order, with no help from others

4- Check students map, and have them re-do until correct

5- Have students Check answer key to see if they are correct

Website used: Our BRAINS

Interpersonal Intelligence
Name of the activity: Jeopardy

WHY THIS ACTIVITY SUITS THIS INTELLIGENCE: This activity is interpersonal because the students will work in 2
teams to compete against one another.

Materials Needed: Jeopardy slides

Detailed instructions:

1. Split class up into 2 groups

2. Pull up jeopardy game
3. Have students play rock paper scissors to determine who goes first
4. Play until finished with game
5. Group who has the most points wins

Website used: The brain.

Intrapersonal Intelligence Picture of
Name of the activity: Match that Country

WHY THIS ACTIVITY SUITS THIS INTELLIGENCE: It is a simple activity for students to challenge themselves with
and complete on their own

Materials Needed: Matching worksheet, Answer key

Detailed instructions:

1- Hand out matching activity to students

2- Have students complete activity by themselves

3- When finished have students check answer key in front of class

Website used: OUR BRAIN

Naturalistic Intelligence

Name of the activity: Leaf Europe!

WHY THIS ACTIVITY SUITS THIS INTELLIGENCE: This is naturalistic because it allows students to go outside and
interact with nature.

Materials Needed: Leaves

Detailed instructions:

1. Have students go outside and gather leaves

2. Have them assemble the leaves in the shape of Europe as best they can
3. Check students work, then have them dispose of the leaves

Website used: The brain.

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