ECON 2206 Assignment 1

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大家好,叶小二今天和大家分享一个 University Of New South Wales ECON 2206

Introductory Econometrics Assignment 1 的 solution

这个作业是关于 stata 的应用,用的 data 是 NBASAL.

总共有 8 个问题

Question 1

题目中给了 2 个 equation (1) 和(2)

问题 1 问的是,alpha2 和 beta2 的 interpretation。 alpha2 is the percentage effect on

salary of one additional assist per game, other things being equal。 beta2 has the
similar interpretation. 同时,我们 expect the positive signs for both of them, as players
that score more assists per game should be better in general, hence having higher

Question 2

要求用 stata 跑这两个 equation,command 分别是

reg exper assists black, and reg exper assists black points

然后 check the p-value, The p-value of β2 is 0.809 that is higher than the critical value of
0.05, suggesting that β2 is not statistically significant at the critical level of 5%.

Question 3

用这个 command “regress lwage exper assists black points, level (90)”, 我们可以直
接得到 90% CI 的估算,但是这个作业的老师要求学生手动计算。所以

The confidence interval can be also calculated by the formula “𝑥 ± z*(σ/ 𝑛)”, where
σ/ 𝑛 = standard error. The coefficient of points is 0.082, the z-score for 90% confidence
level is 1.645 and the standard error is 0.008. Thus, the lower bound of the confidence
interval is 0.069= (0.082- 1.645*0.008) and the upper bound is 0.095 =

Question 4

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要求 compare the fit of both models. 所以我们要 check adjusted r-square.

The R-square of the first model is 0.2678 while the R-square of the second model is
0.4743. So the second model is better.

Question 5

这个问题要求你估算具体的值,非常简单,直接代数回 equation (2) 就好了。

Question 6

我们想要检测的 hypothesis 是

H0 : β 1 - β4 = 0

Ha : β 1 - β4 ≠ 0

先跑 regression, 用“regress lwage exper assists black points”, 然后我们用 “test

(_b[exper] = _b[points])“。 The result is F (1, 264) = 0.07 with a p-value of 0.7882,
suggesting that the null hypothesis cannot be rejected at the critical value of 5%.

Question 7


H0 : β 2 = β3 = 0

Ha : β 2 ≠ β3 ≠ 0

先用 “regress lwage exper assists black points”, 然后用“test (assists black)”

F (2, 264) = 0.95 with a p-value of 0.3885, suggesting that the null hypothesis cannot be
rejected at the critical value of 5%.

Question 8

是问 marginal effect of experience on wages based on equation (2)

the marginal effect (Δlwage/ Δexper) = β1 + 2β2experience

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Thus, the marginal effect is not a constant but it depends on the level of experience,
unless β2 were zero.

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