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Communication & Conflict Project


Project Type (Circle One): Video or Comic Strip

Category Advanced Proficient Developing Emerging Student(s) Teacher

5 points 4 points 3 points 2-0 points Score Score

Styles of All 4 styles of 3 styles of 2 styles of 1 style of communication is

Communication communication communication communication labeled & demonstrated
are present and are present and are present and and/or styles are not well
clearly labeled & clearly labeled & clearly labeled & demonstrated and/or no
well well well styles are labeled or well
demonstrated demonstrated demonstrated demonstrated

Styles of All 5 styles of 3 styles of 2 styles of 1 style of listening is labeled

Listening listening are listening are listening are & demonstrated and/or
present and present and present and styles are not well
clearly labeled & clearly labeled & clearly labeled & demonstrated and/or no
well well well styles are labeled or
demonstrated demonstrated demonstrated demonstrated

Steps for solving All 6 steps of 5-4 steps of 3 steps of 2 or less steps of problem
problems problem solving problem solving problem solving solving are present, clearly
are present, are present, are present, labeled and demonstrated
clearly labeled clearly labeled clearly labeled and/or steps are not well
and well and well and well demonstrated and/or no
demonstrated demonstrated demonstrated styles are labeled or

Healthy form of An accurate An accurate A form of A form of healthy conflict

conflict healthy form of healthy form of healthy conflict resolution was not well
resolution communication conflict resolution is demonstrated and/or not
is clearly labeled resolution is demonstrated well labeled and/or a
and well labeled and but not clearly healthy form of conflict
demonstrated demonstrated labeled resolution was not present

Unhealthy form An accurate An accurate A form of A form of unhealthy conflict

of conflict unhealthy form unhealthy form unhealthy resolution was not well
resolution of of conflict conflict demonstrated and/or not
communication resolution is resolution is well labeled and/or a
is clearly labeled labeled and demonstrated healthy form of conflict
and well but not clearly resolution was not present
demonstrated labeled

Use of “I- I-Messages are I-Messages are I-Messages are I-Messages are not used to
Messages” used to resolve used to resolve used to resolve resolve conflict
conflict, are conflict are conflict
properly and mostly well
well constructed constructed

Participation All group Not all group members are

members are participants in the project
participants in
the project

Total Score: _____/35 _____/35

Additional comments Ms. Becker should take into consideration while grading?

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