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Donald Trump.

The Little Black Book

“May the wisdom of the greatest minds become yours.”

S. C. Hollister

Red Pocket Book Publishing

Donald Trump.
The Little Black Book
Design Copyright © 2015 S.C. Hollister
Published by Red Pocket Book Publishing
PO Box 14204
SLO, CA 93406-4204
To Donald Trump,
Thank you.
The Little Black Book used to be a means of getting in touch with people who could give you what you wanted; most famously understood as a Booty Call book.

But, in this 21 century version of the little black book, wisdom and knowledge are the keys to opening doors.

The design of this book invites you to meditate on the wisdom within, have focused conversations, or protect your coffee table from condensation.

The Donald Trump Little Black Book starts with general quotes from Trump. After that, major campaign issues are in alphabetical order. They are all equally

M ay the wisdom of some of the greatest, become yours.

Donald Trump.
The Little Black Book
Trump’s Little Black Book

1. Ladies and gentlemen, I am officially running for president of the United States and
we are going to make our country great again.

2. You watch it happen with me.

3. I don’t need this. What I’m doing is for the country. I want to make America great

4. Sadly, the American dream is dead. But if I get elected president, I will bring it
back, bigger and better than ever.

5. Without passion, you don’t have energy; without energy, you have nothing. Nothing
great in the world has been accomplished without passion.

6. Sometimes your best investments are the ones you don’t make.

7. Sometimes by losing a battle you find a new way to win the war.

8. People like what I say. They agree with what I say.

9. For me, Conservatism as it pertains to our country, is fiscal, we have to be strong

and secure and get rid of our debt. Military has to be powerful, and not necessarily
used but very powerful. I’m on the, sort of a little bit, social side of conservative. I
want people to be taken care of from a healthcare standpoint. But to do that, we
have to be strong. I wanna save Social Security without cuts. I want a strong
country. And to me, Conservative means a strong country with very little debt.

10. Anger and energy is what this country needs. And I won’t be angry for long if I
become president. We’re going to start having great victories, and we’re gonna
beat China in trade. And we’re gonna beat other countries in trade, and we’re
gonna have borders, and we’re going to have good healthcare, not Obama Care,
which is going up 25 and 35 and 45 percent and people can’t afford it. We’re
gonna do some great things. The anger will totally subside and it will be gone very

11. I try to learn from the past, but I plan for the future by focusing exclusively on the
present. That’s where the fun is.

12. Money was never a big motivation for me, except as a way to keep score. The
real excitement is playing the game.

13. What separates the winners from the losers is how a person reacts to each new
twist of fate.

14. You have to think anyway, so why not think big?

15. All of the women on The Apprentice flirted with me; consciously or unconsciously,
that’s to be expected.

16. It’s always good to be underestimated.

17. Everything in life is luck.

18. I’m really rich.

19. I have a lot of money; much more money than all of them [the other candidates]
put together, and all of their phony contributions put together. But you have to
understand, I want to be me.

20. I mean, part of the beauty of me is that I’m very rich.

21. She wanted to breast pump in front of me. I may have said that’s disgusting, I may
have said something else. I thought it was terrible. She’s a horrible person, knows
nothing about me.

22. This is not a reality show. This is the real deal.

23. In the meantime, I’m leading by double digits. So, maybe I shouldn’t change.

24. We all read “The Art of the Deal,” (by Donald Trump) right? Almost everybody,
right? Kerry did not read “The Art of the Deal.” And Obama definitely did not
read “The Art of the Deal.” Except when it came time to buy his house. No, he
read it when he bought his house. But that’s a very deep story; you’ll figure that
one out. (1)

25. I am. I’m very angry because I hate what’s happening to our country. I am angry.
I’m very angry.

26. I’m self-funding my campaign.

27. We’re kicking ass together. We’re all kicking ass.

28. I do not wear a wig.

29. I was attacked viscously by those people. I don’t mean a little bit, I mean
viciously. When I’m attacked, I fight back. But I was attacked viciously by those
women. Of course it’s very hard for them to attack me on looks because I’m so
good looking. But I was attacked very viciously by those women. And frankly,
again we get back to the words, “political correctness.” Am I allowed to defend
myself? What they said about me, is far worse than what I said about them.

30. War… I will make our military so strong and so powerful, nobody’s gonna mess
with us.

31. Intro… If I’m lucky enough to win, the public will be so lucky to have Melania as
the First Lady. She will be so beautiful and elegant and good from the heart. She
will be a fabulous First Lady.

32. I don’t want to reveal fears. Because if I reveal fears, I’m giving up something.

33. I never ever quit. I never give up. And in one way, that can be a little aggravating
to people, and in another way, I think it’s a good trait.

34. Good family. Good life. It’s so important. I see people that are very wealthy;
friends of mine that are immensely wealthy people – the wealthiest people in the
world, and a lot of them aren’t happy. They don’t have a good family life. They
don’t have a good marriage. They don’t have good kids or their kids are on drugs.
The happiest people that I see are people that have a great family life. (Edit this
one down.)

35. I don’t want to hurt people’s feelings. Believe it or not, I have a lot of feelings
with that. I don’t want to hurt people’s feelings.

36. We talk too much.


37. The concept of global warming was created by and for the Chinese in order to
make U.S. manufacturing noncompetitive.

38. I would like to see China take care of North Korea, because China has very
strong control over them. Don’t let them tell you they don’t.

39. Look, Saudi Arabia is going to be in big trouble pretty soon. And they’re gonna
need help because if you look at Yemen and you look at that border, you don’t
have to be an expert to know that is one long border and they’re not going in for
Yemen, they’re going in for the oil; they’re going in for Saudi Arabia. So, Saudi
Arabia is going to need help. Like it or don’t like it.

40. Obama has really let Israel down.

41. The primary reason we’re with Saudi Arabia, is because we need the oil. Now we
don’t need the oil so much. And if we let our people really go, we wouldn’t need
the oil at all, and we could let everybody else fight it out.

42. We owe 1.4 trillion dollars to China. So they take our jobs, they take our
manufacturing, and then they give us money, and we have to pay them interest.

43. If you take a look at what’s going on in terms of relationships with the United
States, everybody hates us. Hillary Clinton was the worst secretary of state in the
history of the United States. Hillary was the worst. In the history of the United
States, there’s never been a Secretary of State as bad as Hillary.

44. I have great relationships. If you look at Business Week Magazine, they did a
story on the ten things that China most wants. One of the ten things, anything
Trump. Anything Trump. And I’m the toughest critic there is on China. People
have to respect you.

45. Gotta get rid of Common Core. Really bad. Really, really bad. Gotta get rid of it.
We want our children educated locally. We want local people. We want mothers
and fathers. We want people that love the children; that take care of the children.
We don’t want a bureaucrat from Washington that’s making $400,000 a year, and
frankly couldn’t care less except for the amount of money they make. We don’t
need it.

46. If we keep going the way that we’re going, we’re gonna be third-world. We
probably already are. You look at our airports, our roads, our bridges, our schools,
our school system! We’re 25. We spend more on individual students than anybody
else, and we’re 25 in the world. We have to fix our country. We have to make our
country great again.

47. I think that the Super PACs are a real problem in terms of our country.

48. If I don’t win, I can’t make the difference. We’re not going to bring back trade.
We’re not going to straighten out our military. We’re not going to get rid of
Obama Care and come up with a real health care plan [if I don’t win.]

49. People are tired of being led by leaders, if you call them leaders, that are virtually

50. The one thing that I want right now, is the presidency. I will do a great job. And
I’ll make a lot of people happy. It’ll be a very positive thing. I don’t need it for
myself, for my ego, I just think I’d do a great job.

51. I’ve hired so many lobbyists. I know every one of them. A lobbyist called me
yesterday. One of the biggest. He said, “Don, I wanna give 5 million dollars to
your campaign.” I said, “I don’t want it. I don’t need your money, I don’t want it.
Because if he gives me 5 million dollars, all of a sudden, I guarantee, he’s gonna
call and say, “You know I represent such and such a company…” I don’t want to
have anybody have that influence.

52. Unlike our government, we’re under budget, and ahead of schedule.

53. I want the “Karl Icahns”. I want the great business people. And I know em all. I
want them to negotiate for us.

54. I’m a person that believes in leverage. I’m a natural business person.

55. We have grossly incompetent leadership, and we’re going to end it. We’re gonna
end it. We’re ending it.

56. You look at somebody like Jeb Bush. It took him five days, five days, to give a
proper answer on Iraq. He was changing his answer every day. How is somebody
like that going to negotiate?

57. I think Hillary would be a terrible president. She was the worst Secretary of State
in the history of our nation. Why would she be a good president?

58. I’ve built a great empire through negotiation. You have to be able to negotiate.

59. I tell the truth. I say what’s happening. I made a tremendous fortune. And that’s
the kind of mentality we need in this country. Jeb Bush will never take us to the
Promised Land.

60. It’s a scam. It’s a big fat scam. These Super PACs are a disaster. I had, I think
they said, nine or ten Super PACs set up in my name and I don’t even know who
these people are. You have all these people raising money, I guess in the name of
Trump, that we love Trump, and some of them I’m sure, do. And probably some of
them don’t. And I have no idea what they’re going to do with the money their
raising. But they’re raising all of this money, and they’re going to spend it on the
campaign. And we have the, you know, the candidates aren’t supposed to be
involved at all in that stuff. But they have all this money going. Nobody even
knows who the people are. Nobody knows where they are. Nobody knows what
they’re doing with the money. It’s a whole big scam.

61. I don’t consider her (Hillary Clinton) an enemy. Right now she’s an opponent. But
I wouldn’t consider her an enemy. But she can be easily beaten by her record. And
I’m not talking about the Benghazi record, and some pretty bad things came in,
you know, hundreds of phone calls from the ambassador, “Help. Help. Help.” And
nothing was done. People are sort of forgetting some of the things that took place
during that hearing.

62. If I get elected, many of those executive orders that he [Obama] signed, the first
day, they’re gonna be unsigned.

63. I think right now, the state of our union is a mess. We can’t beat ISIS. Our
military is falling back; it’s not being properly taken care of. Our Vets aren’t
being properly taken care of. Obama Care is, as you know, going to fail very soon
and probably in 2017. We don’t have borders. We don’t have anything. I think if
I’m there in two years and I’m making a speech, I say, we’re getting better fast.

64. I want to build our military bigger and better and stronger. I want to take care of
our Veterans. I want to take care of them. They’re being taken care of horribly. I
want to fix our healthcare system. I want to create borders so that we have a
country because right now we don’t have a country. We have borders where
people just walk across and do whatever they want to do. And then they have
babies and the babies become citizens and we have to take care of them. We’re
going to do many, many things, and we’re going to make America great again.
That’s what I want to do.

65. Look, when Jeb Bush raises 114 million dollars, I know those people that gave him
the money. I used to be one of them. I mean, I gave to everybody, okay. I know
those people. He’s like a puppet for those people. He’s a puppet. Those people,
they’ll take out negative ads on me, on other people, because they want him in
there. Because they’re going to control Jeb Bush. And not only Jeb, they’re
gonna control Hillary.
66. Pulling back from Europe would save this country millions of dollars annually. The
cost of stationing NATO troops in Europe is enormous. And these are clearly
funds that can be put to better use.

67. I’m a fan of fairness. I’m a fan of common sense. I’m certainly NOT a fan of us
being against Russia for Ukraine, when Germany is sitting back and getting all
the oil and gas they can get from Russia. So why isn’t Germany involved? You
know, she’s a great leader. And one of the reasons that Merkel is a great leader is
because she sort of says, “Oh, good. Let the United States handle it.” Why are we
always at the forefront of everything?

68. Our country is falling to pieces. We’re 19 Trillion in debt. We have infrastructure
that’s a disaster; our roadways, our airports, our schools, everything. We have to
start thinking about ourselves. We’re pouring trillions of dollars into the Middle
East, and we have nothing for it. We have nothing.
69. It’s a very difficult situation when you see the mental illness problem that we have
in this country. And that’s what it is. It’s not a gun problem; it’s a mental illness

70. In Paris, in France, you can’t have guns. If in Paris they had guns, if in California
they had guns, on the other side, where the bullets go both ways, not just in one
direction, you wouldn’t have had the kind of carnage that you’ve had.

71. The second amendment. We’re gonna sure up the second [amendment]. They
wanna take the guns away; step by step… we have to maintain our second
amendment. We cannot let them chip away at it.

72. No matter what you do, you're going to have problems. Because you have sick
people, and they’re very intelligent. They could be sick as hell and they’re
geniuses in a certain way; they are going to be able to break the system.

73. You have gun free zones on military bases. I’d end that in my first hour in office.
My first hour.

74. Guns or no guns. It doesn’t matter what you do. You have people that are
mentally ill. And they’re gonna come through the cracks, and they’re going to do
things that people will not even believe are possible. Whether it’s the school
shootings, which are really rather prevalent in this country, they seem to be more
prevalent in this country.

75. I can make the case that if there were guns in that room other than his, fewer
people would have died; fewer people would have been so horribly injured.
76. We’re going to get rid of Obama Care and come up with a real health care plan.

77. We have to do a much better job with mental health.

78. I would build a great wall… very inexpensive… on our southern border and I will
have Mexico pay for that wall.

79. President Obama is insane for allowing Syrian refugees into this country. We have
no idea who they are.

80. When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best… they’re bringing
drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some I assume, are good

81. We’re taking care of a lot of criminals that shouldn’t be in our country.

82. I’m talking about illegal Immigrants; I’m not talking about legal immigrants. I’m
talking about illegal. I’m an immigrant. You're an immigrant. We’re all
immigrants. I’m talking about illegal immigrants. Illegal immigrants are causing
tremendous crime; tremendous crime. And nobody wants to talk about it. And
that’s why Fox, at least fox, and I know you won’t leave this, perhaps, but at least
Fox is being honest because they’re now talking about it, big league. And if I
didn’t bring up this subject a number of weeks ago, we wouldn’t even be talking
about illegal immigration right now.

83. I will make that wall impenetrable. Impenetrable. You don’t have to worry about
how high it will be. And Mexico will pay for that wall.

84. I may be divisive on immigration but she’s weak on immigration, which is far
worse. Hillary would let everybody come in; killers, criminals, drug dealers.

85. We have to have a border. We have to have a wall.

86. People have to come into our country legally. Legally.

87. There’s a problem. We’ve got to get to the bottom of the problem. We’ve gotta
find out what’s going on. Now, we can be politically correct, and never discuss it,
but we can’t let that happen to our country. [Referring to the terrorist attacks on
Paris in 2015.]

88. I happen to disagree with the whole concept of anchor babies… it’s not in the
constitution. If you read and if you look and if you go to the real scholars, like
different people that I can give you, they will tell you, somebody comes over and
they have a baby on our border and it happens to be on this side of the border,
we’re not mandated to take care of that baby. You do not have to change the
constitution. You may need a vote in congress, but you don’t have to change.
89. Take a look at our GDP. And if you look at that, if you look at our productivity, if
you look at the fact that people in ten years essentially haven’t had a raise, or
people going down, instead of up. The jobs; a lot of temporary jobs. People are
working temporary jobs and jobs that they don’t want, instead of jobs – our
economy is doing horribly. And you take a look at that jobs report, that jobs
report is fiction, because all of the people that gave up… honestly, I would say it’s
90% false. We all have improvements from crashes…

90. I will be the greatest jobs President that God ever created.

91. I will win the Latino vote because I’m gonna put them to work. I will be able to
get jobs. I will take jobs back from China. I’ll take jobs back from Japan, where
they’re making so many cars, millions and millions of cars. I mean, what do we
get. We send very little to japan by comparison. I’ll take jobs back from Mexico.
Mexico is going to become the car capital of the world, the way they’re going.

92. What I want to do is create opportunity, create jobs, so that people get back on
the tax role.

93. You have 60, 70, 80 million people out there that want to work that aren’t getting
jobs. When people give up on looking for a job, they’re essentially statistically
considered to be employed.

94. I’m gonna take jobs back from China, from Mexico, from Japan. I’m gonna bring
jobs back… You will be very surprised.

95. What I want to do is bring in jobs so much so that people don’t have to live on
minimum wage. But we are going to have to compete with the rest of the world.

96. We have a problem called “Corporate Inversion” in this country. Where

corporations are leaving the United States to go to other places, because they can
get lower wages and lower taxes. And we have to be very careful with the
minimum wage. You know, it’s great politically to say, “Hey, I want to give
everybody $500 an hour. Forget about $15 or $12, right.” but we have to be very
careful. Because we have a huge inversion problem in this country. I mean, you
look at some of the companies that are talking about leaving the United States.

97. I want to keep the minimum wage pretty much where it is right now; because of
the fact that we have a country that is now competing more than ever before,
because of airplanes and transportation and the Internet.

98. I wanna save Social Security without cuts.

99. Social Security won’t even be on the table. People have been paying into this and
all of a sudden they’re not getting what they bargained for.
100. You're talking about millions, tens of millions of tax returns going in with a
dollar; where it’d cost you much more than that just to administer. So, I agree
with him 100%. I like the idea that everybody should pay something. But most of
these people are paying nothing now. They have nothing. And what are you
gonna do? So I believe in proper management. Proper administration. I’d love
everybody to pay [taxes] because psychologically I think that’s good. But from
an administration standpoint, it would be a total nightmare.

101. So many people love my tax plan. We’re lowering taxes for the middle-class.
We’re lowering them big league for business. And the middle class, but we’re
lowering em big league for business. Right now the United States is the highest
taxed nation in the world.
102. Ford is now building a two and a half billion dollar plant, two and a half billion
dollars, in Mexico. They’re going to sell cars and trucks and part in the United
States. Excuse me. How does that help us? Tennessee, they just lost a plant in
Tennessee. It went to Mexico. So Mexico is going to take care of their people
because as I said before, their leaders are smarter than our leaders, and their
negotiators are far better. And that will never happen if I am president.

103. I have great respect for the country of Mexico. I love the Mexican people and
their spirit. But the country of Mexico is killing us. The country of Mexico is
taking our jobs. They’re killing us at the border. They’re taking advantage of
the fact that we have stupid negotiators. We have very stupid people in our
country negotiating for us, and we have leaders that don’t know what they’re
doing… I’m not angry at Mexico, I’m angry at our leadership for not putting our
right people to negotiate this.

104. China so manipulates their currency, that it’s very hard to find companies that
can do business in the United States.

105. Let me just tell you something, and it’s very interesting, you're not bringing up
anything new. You know, you're acting like you're the great reporter. Ba. Ba. Ba.
Every speech I make, I talk about I always hate that I have to have my ties
made in China. And you know why they’re made in China, because China
manipulates their currency to such a degree, they just manipulated it again two
weeks ago.

106. We’re gonna do trade Pacts that are incredible instead of incompetent. Because
what we have right now with China, with Japan, with everybody, is just
incredible and nobody can, nobody is going to be able to do what I do in terms of
making our country wealthy again so we can do all the things we want to do;
including the military and the Vets and taking care of people.

107. China is going to be just fine. They manipulate their currency, and they will
manipulate it again. They will lower their currency, they will get more businesses
coming in. they will be fine, and we will be hurt.

108. As a country, we don’t have victories anymore. And it’s very sad. Whether it’s
trade with China, whether it’s Japan selling us cars by the millions and what do
we sell them? Nothing. I mean, we give them practically nothing. And by the
way, when we send beef, cattle, wheat, when we send things to Japan, they don’t
even want to take it.
109. The other day I ordered 4,000 television sets. 4,000. For a big project that I’m
building. Built. And, that’s a big order, right? So I want to, I’d love to buy
American. You can’t buy them from America. They’re all from South Korea.

110. We have some of the greatest business people in the world, in the United States
and we don’t use them.

111. Every country in the world is ripping us off. Every country in the world. If you
can’t make money dealing with the United States, you don’t have a very smart
country. Okay. Everybody makes money. Because the lobbyists and all these
people represent the countries and represent other people; and it’s a real bad
scene. And it’s going to continue if you put any of these other people in. It’s not
gonna continue with me.

112. You know Nabisco is leaving Chicago; they’re moving to Mexico. Alright, we’re
not gonna eat anymore Oreos. Don’t eat anymore Oreos. Nabisco is moving one
of their biggest plants to Mexico. Why? How does that help us, Folks? How does
that help us? They’ll make cookies, they’ll sell them to us; no tax, no nothing.

113. You will build in the United States, or we are gonna tax you 35% every time you
send a truck, a car or a part over here. We’re gonna charge you 35% anytime
you wanna build a car in Mexico and send it over like we’re a bunch of stupid
people, like our former representatives. Not gonna happen that way anymore.

114. We’re losing 400 BILLION dollars a year doing trade with China.
115. My style of doing things is fairly simple. I just push, push and push again, what I
want to achieve.

116. Your money should be at work at all times.

117. I’m a rich guy, but I have this great relationship with the working people of this
country. And that’s true.

118. That’s something I’d have to think about to be honest with you. I don’t want to
give a hard and fast answer to that.

119. Part of the problem we have now, is political correctness.

120. We don’t have time for “tone.” We need enthusiasm. We need a much tougher
tone than we’ve had. Because it’s not about tone; we have to straighten out our
country. We have to make our country great again. And we need energy and
enthusiasm. And this political correctness is absolutely killing us as a country.
You can’t say anything. Anything you say today, they’ll find a reason why it’s not

121. I consider an apology a big deal. But I will apologize if I’m wrong. But when I
make a statement like I did about Megyn, and I have nothing against Megyn
Kelly. Honestly. I have nothing against her.

122. You know, it really doesn’t matter what the media writes as long as you’ve got a
young and beautiful piece of ass.

123. I listen to the people. I get the biggest crowds. I get the biggest standing
ovations. And I guess you see it in the pole numbers. Look, I don’t even care
about it. Maybe I’m wasting my time doing this. And it costs me some money in
terms of some deals. But the big money is the opportunity because while I’m
wasting my time talking to you, which is, you know, essentially one sided, but
that’s fine. But while I’m wasting time talking to you, I could be doing deals on
other things, and so I’m losing out on hundreds of millions of dollars. Nobody else
loses when they run for office. They don’t lose. A politician doesn’t lose. But I do
lose. But I wanna make, just to answer the question, I’m running because I
wanna make our country great again.

124. I’m a nice person, believe it or not. I mean, I have a heart.

125. I’m calling on all candidates to disavow their Super PACs. It’s a scam. They
know it. It’s a joke. I mean, it’s a joke. They’re all laughing about it. I laugh
about it.

126. I will be a great unifier for our country.

127. I’ve changed opinions over the years. I mean, we [people] change.

128. I give lots of money away. I give lots of big contributions.

129. I’m not selling myself to special interests.

130. I want to take care of our Veterans. I want to take care of them. They’re being
taken care of horribly.
131. The problem is, the only ones that can have money, are guys like me that don’t
need it. If you don’t need the money, you can have as much as you want, and
you’ll pay one and a half percent interest. If you need money, and you're a great
entrepreneur, and everything is good but you gotta grow a business, the banks
won’t give you the money. They won’t give [it to] you. Dodd Frank. The
regulators run the banks. You know when you see these guys, and they make far
too much money; they make a fortune. They’re heads of banks. They don’t do

132. I had two of the richest people in the world in my office yesterday from China.
You know what they were here for? To pick up brand new jets. They bought
jets. They tell me China is absolutely fine. It’s having a digestion problem. I said,
what’s the digestion problem? They said, buying so much and doing so much
business with the United States and other places. That’s what it is. [the current
turmoil with China’s economy]

133. It’s the slowest recovery in our history. The slowest. And it’s not a recovery, by
the way; you take a look at what’s going on. Take a look at what’s happening on
Wall Street. You know the only flicker, and this was largely because of outside
sources, and the bubble, and the bubble; it’s a big fat bubble, Folks. Watch. But
the only flicker they had, is Wall Street. And a lot of it was going up. They’re
not making any money, it’s going up. They have some of these internet
companies, they don’t make anything and their stock keeps going up. Watch. We
had a bubble last time; watch this one. This is gonna be a beauty.
134. I should be given credit, because in 2003 I came out with a major statement,
front page, all over the place. I don’t know why because I was just a business
man, I wasn’t a politician. But that we shouldn’t go into Iraq because it’s going
to totally destabilize the Middle East, and that Iran is gonna end up taking over
Iraq. Which is by the way, exactly, after spending two trillion dollars, thousands
of lives, wounded warriors who I love all over the place; Iran is taking over Iraq
as we speak. And by the way, what they don’t have, ISIS has. So we shouldn’t
have done it. Hillary Clinton voted in favor of the war.

135. I was totally against Iraq, but we shouldn’t have left the way we left. And if you
remember, and I told you very early on, if we’re going to leave, take the oil.
Because right now, you know who has the oil and you know whose buying the oil,
is China. They don’t have ten cents in this whole deal and they’re buying the oil.
They’re the biggest customer. But you have the oil going to ISIS, and you have
the oil going to Iran. And Iran will end up with most of it and ISIS will have
plenty because they’ve got plenty of money, because they took the oil. Because
we were stupid.

136. The Trump Doctrine is very simple, Jake. It’s strength. It’s strength. Nobody is
going to mess with us. Our military is going to be made much stronger.

137. When you hear that we spend more money by many times than other countries,
part of the money we spend, is we’re protecting everybody, and we’re not
getting very much for it. Take a look at Saudi Arabia. They were making before
the oil went down, so maybe now they make half, they were making a billion
dollars a day, and they pay us peanuts to protect them. And without us, Saudi
Arabia wouldn’t be there. So, we have to get smart.

138. For years I’ve been saying, “Don’t go into Iraq.” But they went into Iraq. They
destabilized the Middle East. It was a big mistake. Okay, now we’re there, and
you have ISIS, and I said this was going to happen. I said, Iran will take over
Iraq. Which is happening as sure as you're sitting there. And ISIS is taking over
a lot of the oil in certain areas of Iraq. And I said, you take away their wealth.
You go and knock the hell out of the oil. Take back the oil. We take over the oil;
which we should have done in the first place.

139. We got nothing out of that war. We spent 2 trillion dollars. We had thousands of
people killed. Wounded warriors all over the place. They got nothing, and they
can’t even say we had a victory. (The war in Iraq.)
140. Women’s Rights… Women respect me. They like me. And they know I’m going
to take care of them. I’m going to protect them.

141. Women’s health issues to me are very important. I cherish women. I mean, my
mother was this incredible woman. I have great children. I have a great wife. I
cherish women. I understand the importance of women. I have such respect for
women. I have many executives in my organization that are women that frankly
get paid more than many of my men executives. I mean, they’ve done great with
me. Early on when I was building major towers, I had women in charge of a
couple of them, really big ones, and really important ones. And that was unheard
of in the construction industry if you look back 30 years.

142. I’ve always hated the concept of abortion. Always hated it. And through various
things and seeing various things, I’ve totally evolved on that issue and I’m pro-
life… I have exceptions; rape, incest, and if the mother is going to die. Ronald
Reagan had those same exceptions and many republicans have those same

The Little Black Book: 2016 Presidential Race series:

Hillary Clinton
Ted Cruz
Bernie Sanders
Donald Trump

More Titles in The Little Black Book series:

Albert Einstein
Benjamin Franklin
Bill Gates
Bruce Lee
Dale Carnegie
Elon Musk
Helen Keller
Johnny Depp
Justin Bieber
Mahatma Gandhi
Mark Twain
Martin Luther King Junior
Oprah Winfrey
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Richard Branson
Stephen Hawking
Steve Jobs

If there is someone you’d like to see added to The Little Black Book series, you can contact Hollister on Facebook at or contact us at

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