Time 0:18: Celebration/Struggle/Question: Claim About Teaching

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Lesson Plan & Implementation:

Level 2 Reflection and Analysis
College of Education

Reflection is a critical process for supporting your growth and development as a

professional. At the end of each lesson, you should reflect on the experience and analyze its
effectiveness. This part of the process consists of two parts: the reflection and the analysis.

In order to receive full credit your reflection and analysis must include specific references
to the video with time correlations. For this reason, it is strongly suggested that you
complete a chart as you watch your video with the following headings.

Time Celebration/Struggle/Question: Claim about teaching

0:18 Tell students “Get your brain Engaging students by

into science” making them wonder what
type of science we will be
getting into.
FEAPS 3a: Deliver engaging
and challenging lessons; I
left the statement open
ended, the students were
engaged and ready for

0:57 Began “I am, Who has” activity I did this so none of the
and I give students a few students felt as if they were
seconds to read their paper and put on the spot to answer,
“become comfortable with and I gave them a chance to
their word and definition” process what they would be
saying aloud.

1:16 Student N.A. rarely speaks out N.A. rarely will speak out
loud and is very quiet so I loud so since she did,
repeated her definition so instead of placing her on the
everyone could hear. spot to talk louder, I
repeated her to celebrate
the fact that she spoke out
loud at all.
FEAPS 3h: Differentiating
instruction based on
individual student needs
and recognize differences in

students; I repeated N.A.

because I was already so
proud she spoke out loud
even if she was hard to

1:39 During “I am, Who has” student This is ensuring the students
knows she is last to speak so know the expectations and
she cuts off student prior to her in the classroom we will
to read her definition. I stop respect our peers when they
instruction tell her to hold on, are talking. This is setting
have student repeat his high expectations for my
definition, then have her go. students at all times, and
After I remind students to have holding them accountable
respect when others are for their actions.
FEAPS 2f: Maintaining a
climate of openness,
inquiry, fairness, and
support; reminding
students of expectations as
whole and not singling out
a student.

2:40 Student challenged me to ‘be This was allowing this

funny’ by answering my student to not feel like he
question “Can you separate salt was shot down for being
& pepper?” he answered “yes funny, but still keeping the
with your fingers” I gave him students focused and on
the plate and said “let’s see” topic. It proved that it could
not be separated and that I
was interacting with my
students in a fun respectful
way instead of getting mad
for him trying to be funny.

3:20 We reviewed the science I did this to remind students

experiment the students had this has a possibility that it
done prior in the week and will not work, also I wanted
explain how science isn’t to engage the students in
always proven to work, and their previous knowledge on
there are many factors to it. the same topic.

4:10-6:00 Students are engaging and we Students still do not know

are discussing possible what the experiment is

predictions about what we are going to be and I am not

going to do with the salt, telling them, we have simply
pepper, towel, spoons, and engaged in prior knowledge
plates. They are writing down about static electricity. This
their predictions on their is keeping them engaged to
worksheets. find out more.

6:15-6:55 Students think-pair-share their This is allowing students to

predictions with the student collaborate with each other,
next to them. Then share whole and then remember and
group what their partner said. share their partners answer
too. This is making them
good listeners.

7:05 I begin to show students how Instead of just explaining to

the experiment is going to the students, I engage them
work. I have them explain what by having them talk out the
I am doing and why. actions I am doing.

7:30-9:15 Give students free range to I am allowing students to

explore and investigate think and investigate
themselves how they are going themselves instead of me
to separate the salt and pepper always explaining. I give
on the plates. them the materials and let
them explore, this is part of
the fun of science.

9:25 Student is obnoxiously rubbing I did not notice student

spoon on the table moving crazy rubbing the
spoon all over the table, he
was playing and not
focusing. I should have
addressed this and
complimented someone
who was on task.

10:21 Student M.F. begins mixing the I remind the table that we
salt and pepper more with his are experimenting and we
spoon. must use our materials as
tools not toys. This is
repeating my expectations
for students to clarify.
FEAPS 2c: conveying high
expectations for all

students. Reminding them

of the rules in an open and
respectful way.

10:33 Students begin writing their This is tracking individual

observations on their individual progress because although
papers the students worked in
partners they observed
things in a different set of

11:41 Begin to collect plates and This is adapting the

spoons because students could environment to my
not focus on writing their student’s needs. They could
observations when they still not handle the materials still
had the experiment in front of being out therefore I put
them. them away to get them to

12:32 I had the students share their I had the students share
observations with a partner with someone else to build
other than the person they more openness and
experimented with. The communication within the
students had different group as well as
observations because they collaboration from hearing
charged the spoon on different their peer’s observations.
materials. Building those listening skills

13:03 I tell the students “scientists I say this to remind students

never just experiment and why we are doing this
move on, they must reflect on reflection and how in the
the investigations they have real world you always
done” reflect on what it is you’ve
FEAPS 3e: relating and
integrating real life with
subject matter; I wanted to
connect the science lesson
to real world scientists to
help keep the students
engaged as well as remind
them the why of the

13:52 Remind students they must use This is important to set high
key words in their reflections, expectations for the
then I place the definitions and students and also provide
key words in the middle of the them with the key words so
table for them all to see. they do not have to think
Remind students “I want 5th about if they are missing
grade work” any.

15:02-18:36 Students are writing their This is having the student

reflections and once they have keep repeating the same
finished, they read it to me and information in different
justify their thinking. I thank ways to help ensure they
them and release them back to remember it.
their seats.

16:48 Ask student to elaborate more This is to focus students and

on his reflection and give me redirect them when they
more of the ‘why’ this are stuck, providing HOT
happened. I give him a hint by questions for them to
reminding him of the balloon proceed on with their work.

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