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CHAPTER 21 PUBLIC SERVICE REGULATIONS  1. The person must own, operate, manage or control
PUBLIC UTILITY in the PH public services which may include
 Business or service engaged in regularly supplying the distribution of goods or rendering of services to the
public with some commodity or service of public public (such as common carrier, railroad, street
consequence such as electricity, gas, water, railway, traction railway, subway motor vehicle, either
transportation, telephone or telegraph service for freight or passenger, shipyard, marine railways,
 Implies public USE and SERVICE marine repair shop [warehouse] wharf or dock, ice
 [Kilusang Mayo Uno Labor Center V Hon Jesus Garcia plant, ice refrigeration plant, canal, irrigation system,
Jr] Public utilities are privately owned and operated gas, electric light, heat and power water supply and
businesses whose service are essential to the general power, petroleum, sewerage system, wire or wireless
public. They are enterprises which specially cater to communications system, wire or wireless broadcasting
the needs of the public and conduce to their comfort stations)
and convenience. As such, public utility services are  2. The ownership, operation, management or control
impressed with public interest and concern. The same must be for hire or compensation
is true with respect to the business of common carrier  3. The ownership, operation, management or control
which holds such a peculiar relation to the public must be done for general business purposes
interest that there is superinduced upon it the right of  The characteristics of public service include the
public regulation when private properties are affected following if:
with public interest, hence, they cease to be juris o 1. It is NOT required that the business is permanent
privati only. When, therefore, one devotes his property because the operation may be permanent,
to a use in which the public has an interest, he, in effect occasional or accidental
grants to the public an interest in that use, and must o 2. The business may be with general or limited
submit to the control by the public for the common clientele.
good, to the extent of the interest he has thus created.  With respect to carriers, they are considered
UNDER PSA (PUBLIC SERVICE ACT: CA 146) public service if:
 Public service is included in the broad concept of public o 1. They transport either freight or passenger or both
utilities o 2. Their service is with or without fixed route
 Sec 13 CA 146 - (b) The term “public service” includes o 3. Their classification may be freight or carrier
every person that now or hereafter may own, operate, service of any class, express service, steamboat or
manage, or control in the Philippines, for hire or steamship line, pontines, ferries, and water craft
compensation, with general or limited clientele,  “GENERAL BUSINESS PURPOSE”
whether permanent, occasional or accidental, and o [BUREAU OF TELECOMM v THE PUBLIC
done for general use business purposes, any common SERVICE COMMISSION]
carrier, railroad, street railway, traction railway, sub-  Caro vs. Rilloraza, described a "business" as
way motor vehicle, either for freight or passenger, or "the means by which a party habitually or
both with or without fixed route and whatever may be regularly earns a livelihood of some gain,"
its classification, freight or carrier service of any class, whereas,
express service, steamboat, or steamship line ,  in Collector of Internal Revenue vs. Manila
pontines, ferries, and water craft, engaged in the Lodge, we declared that "the plain, ordinary
transportation of passengers or freight or both, meaning of business is restricted to activities or
shipyard, marine railway, marine repair shop, wharf or affairs where profit is the purpose, or livelihood
dock, ice plant, ice-refrigeration plant, canal, irrigation is the motive."
system, gas, electric light, heat and power, water  Collector of Internal Revenue vs. St. Paul's
supply and power, petroleum, sewerage system, wire Hospital in which it was held that business is
or wireless communications system, wire or wireless "that which occupies time, attention, and labor
broadcasting stations and other similar public services: of men for the purpose of livelihood or profit."
Provided, however, That a person engaged in  SC: although the Bureau of
agriculture, not otherwise a public service, who owns a Telecommunications (BOT) operated as a
motor vehicle and uses it personally and/or enters into telephone system it is neither a publ.ic service
a special contract whereby said motor vehicle is nor engaged in the operation of telephone
offered for hire or compensation to a third party or third services for general business purposes.
parties engaged in agriculture, not itself or themselves  The BOT was created by Executive Order of
a public service, for operation by the latter for a limited the President
time and for specific purpose directly connected with  The fact that the EO transferred to the
the cultivation of his or their farm, the transportation, Bureau all personnel, powers, functions,
processing, and marketing of agricultural products of activities. Appropriations, properties,
such third party or third parties shall not be considered equipment, supplies, records and documents
as operating a public service for the purpose of this pertaining to intended for the electrical
Act. communication service under the Bureau of
Posts, the duties and functions of which, as  Petitioners were engaged in stevedoring or
well as those enumerated therein to the BOT, lighterage and harbor towage business and
do NOT indicate that the latter has been  also in interisland service which consists of
created for genera business purposes hauling cargoes such as sugar, oil, fertilizer and
 its rates are much lower than those of the other commercial commodities which are loaded
Company and, although 20% to 30% of its in their barges and towed by their tugboats from
telephone subscribers are private Manila to various points in the Visayan Islands,
subscribers, the services given thereto are particularly in the Provinces of Negros
merely incidental to its governmental Occidental and Capiz, and from said places to
function, to meet the telecommunication Manila
needs of the Government and the people  respondents charge freightage on a unit price
 There is no allegation in the complaint of the with rates
Company that the Bureau is engaged in  SC: respondent was a public utility even if it was
telephone operation, either for the purpose of serving a limited clientele
gain or profit, or as a means of livelihood. In o WATER DISTRICTS – fall under the term public
fact, the Bureau is not even authorized to use utility because its primary function is to construct,
its income, or any part thereof, and its maintain and operate water reservoirs and
expenses are met through annual waterworks for the purpose of supplying water to
appropriations made by Congress. Indeed, the inhabitants as well as consolidate and
the Bureau has no corporate existence and it centralize all water supplies and drainage systems
is admittedly "discharging a governmental or in the PH [METROPOLITAN CEBU WATER
State responsibility" or functions, which, as DISTRICT v ADALA]
such, "is not business. NOT A PUBLIC UTILITY BY LAW
o [CRUZ DE SYQUIA v BOARD OF POWER AND  RA 9136 (EPIRA) electric Power Reform Act of 2001
WATER WORKS] – power generators such as independent power
 FACTS: certain tenants filed 3 separate producers are NOT public utilities
complaints with the then Board of Power and o Sec 29 – any law contrary notwithstanding, supply
Waterworks (BPW) charging petitioner as of electricity to the contestable market shall NOT be
administrator of the South Syquia Apartments at considered a public utility operation
Malate with the offense of selling electricity o [INITIATIVE FOR DIALOGUE AND
without permit or franchise issued by BPW EMPOWERMENT THROUGH ALTERNATIVE
 Petitioner allegedly billed complainants LEGAL SERVICES INC (IDEALS INC) ET AL v
various specified amounts for their electricity POWER SECTOR ASSETS AND LIABILITIES
consumption at their respective apartments MANAGEMENT CORP (PSALM) ET AL]
in excess of the Meralco rates authorized by  Under the EPIRA, the generation of electric
BPW. power, a business affected with public interest,
 SC: BPW acquired no jurisdiction over was opened to private sector and any new
petitioner’s contractual relations with generation company is required to secure a
respondent complainants as her tenants, since certificate of compliance from the Energy
petitioner is NOT engaged in public service nor Regulatory Commission (ERC), as well as
in the sale of electricity without permit or health, safety and environmental clearances
franchise from the concerned government agencies.
 the petitioner did NOT operate, manage or Power generation shall not be considered a
control the power plant and electricity is public utility operation, and hence no franchise
directly and uninterruptedly supplied to the is necessary. Foreign investors are likewise
end-user THUS petitioner is NOT selling allowed entry into the electric power industry.
electricity nor a middleman in the electric  With the advent of privatization of the electric
power business power industry which resulted in its segregation
 the question of proportionate amount that into four sectors -- generation, transmission,
each tenant should bear for the additional distribution and supply – NPC’s generation and
electricity cost for common facilities of the transmission functions were unbundled. Power
apartment building used by the tenants in generation and transmission were treated as
common is PURELY CIVIL IN CHARACTER separate sectors governed by distinct rules
(lease bet. Tenant and landlord) to be under the new regulatory framework introduced
adjudged under the applicable civil laws by EPIRA. The National Transmission
exclusively by the regular courts of general Corporation (TRANSCO) was created to own
jurisdiction and is beyond the jurisdiction of and operate the transmission assets and
respondent board perform the transmission functions previously
o [LUZON STEVEDORING CO INC v PUBLIC under NPC. While the NPC continues to
SERVICE COMMISSION] undertake missionary electrification programs
through the SPUG, PSALM was also created to cooperatives, and similar collective organizations, shall be
liquidate the assets and liabilities of NPC. encouraged to broaden the base of their ownership.
o [LUZON STEVEDORING CO INC v PUBLIC  Section 6. The use of property bears a social function,
SERVICE COMMISSION] and all economic agents shall contribute to the
 legislature may not "declare a company or common good. Individuals and private groups,
enterprise to be a public utility when it is not including corporations, cooperatives, and similar
inherently such nor declare a company or collective organizations, shall have the right to own,
enterprise as NOT a public utility or NOT establish, and operate economic enterprises, subject
engaged in the operation of a public utility if it is to the duty of the State to promote distributive justice
inherently such and to intervene when the common good so demands.
 Specific provision in the law that states that an  Section 11. No franchise, certificate, or any other form
entity is NOT a public utility is NOT binding on of authorization for the operation of a public utility shall
the SC. SC may still declare that the be granted except to citizens of the Philippines or to
determination of the legislature that a business corporations or associations organized under the laws
is not a public utility is inconsistent with the intent of the Philippines, at least sixty per centum of whose
of Constitutional provisions on public utility capital is owned by such citizens; nor shall such
 Provision limiting foreign ownership of public franchise, certificate, or authorization be exclusive in
utilities Sec 11 Art XII of 1987 COnsti character or for a longer period than fifty years. Neither
 Framers have a concept of public utility in shall any such franchise or right be granted except
mind when they adopted the provision. under the condition that it shall be subject to
 If a special law will declare that common amendment, alteration, or repeal by the Congress
carriers are NOT public utilities with the result when the common good so requires. The State shall
of removing common carriers from the encourage equity participation in public utilities by the
operation of said provision then SC may general public. The participation of foreign investors in
declare that same provision as the governing body of any public utility enterprise shall
unconstitutional because the clear intent of be limited to their proportionate share in its capital, and
the Constitutional Commission is that all the executive and managing officers of such
common carriers are included in the concept corporation or association must be citizens of the
of public utilities under the same provision Philippines.
o The reclassification of a business that is originally  Section 17. In times of national emergency, when the
regarded as public utility into one that is NOT public interest so requires, the State may, during the
through a concession agreement or contract with a emergency and under reasonable terms prescribed by
government instrumentality, is NOT binding on the it, temporarily take over or direct the operation of any
courts and may be declared unconstitutional privately-owned public utility or business affected with
o Mere fact that service is rendered only under a public interest.
contract does NOT prevent a company from being  Section 18. The State may, in the interest of national
considered a public utility welfare or defense, establish and operate vital
o Mere fact that the concessionaire operates under a industries and, upon payment of just compensation,
contract does NOT remove it from the concept of transfer to public ownership utilities and other private
public utility if it is inherently so. it is for the court to enterprises to be operated by the Government.
decide if it is inherently such  Section 19. The State shall regulate or prohibit
CONSTITUTIONAL PROVISIONS (Art. XII) monopolies when the public interest so requires. No
 Section 1. The goals of the national economy are a combinations in restraint of trade or unfair competition
more equitable distribution of opportunities, income, shall be allowed.
and wealth; a sustained increase in the amount of  Section 22. Acts which circumvent or negate any of
goods and services produced by the nation for the the provisions of this Article shall be considered
benefit of the people; and an expanding productivity as inimical to the national interest and subject to criminal
the key to raising the quality of life for all, especially the and civil sanctions, as may be provided by law.
The State shall promote industrialization and full  1. No franchise, certificate, or any other form of
employment based on sound agricultural development and authorization for the operation of a public utility shall be
agrarian reform, through industries that make full and granted except to citizens of the PH or to corporations
efficient use of human and natural resources, and which are or associations organized under the laws of the PH at
competitive in both domestic and foreign markets. However, least 60% of whose capital is owned by such citizens
the State shall protect Filipino enterprises against unfair  2. No franchise, certificate, or authorization shall be
foreign competition and trade practices. EXCLUSIVE in character
In the pursuit of these goals, all sectors of the economy and
 3 No franchise, certificate, or authorization shall be for
all regions of the country shall be given optimum opportunity
to develop. Private enterprises, including corporations,
 4. A franchise or a right shall be granted only under the o 6. National Telecommunications Commission –
condition that it shall be subject to amendment, communication utilities and services, radio
alteration, or repeal by the Congress when the communication systems, wire or wireless telephone
common good so requires and telegraph systems, radio and television
 5. The State shall encourage equity participation in broadcasting systems and other similar public
public utilities by the general public utilities
 6 The participation of foreign investors in the governing o 7. Energy Regulatory Commission – electric or
body of any public utility enterprise shall be LIMITED power distribution companies
TO THEIR PROPORTIONATE SHARE IN ITS o 8. National Water Resources Council – water
CAPITA resources
 7. All the executive and managing officers of such o 9. Civil Aeronautics Board – air transportation
corporation or association must be citizens of the PH particularly its economic aspects
 8. In times of national emergency, when the public o 10. Civil Aviation Authority of the PH – maintenance
interest so requires, the State may, during the and operation of airports and other similar facilities;
emergency and under reasonable terms prescribed by registers aircrafts and other incidents concerning
it, temporarily take over or direct the operation of any the same and provides safety regulations in air
privately owned public utility or business affected with transportation
public interest o 11. Philippine Ports Authority – wharves and ports
 9. The State may, in the interest of national welfare or o 12. Local Water Utilities Administration – water
defense, upon payment of just compensation transfer districts
to public ownership utilities and other private o 13. Toll Regulatory Board – toll operators
enterprises to be operated by the Government  There are also specific laws that apply to the different
 10. The State shall regulate or prohibit monopolies agencies and the different public utilities that they
when the public interest so requires operate.
 11. Combination in restrain of trade or unfair BASES OF REGULATION OF PUBLIC UTILITIES
competition are NOT allowed  Police power of the State
REGULATORY AGENCIES  Justified because whenever private property is used
 ON PSA AS GOVERNING LAW for a public purpose and is affected with public interest,
o Were there serious doubts, the courts should still it ceases to be juris private only and becomes subject
be reluctant to invalidate the Public Service Law or to regulation.
any provision thereof. Although the legislature can  The regulation is to promote the common good.
not, by its mere declaration, make something a Submission to regulation may be withdraw by the
public utility which is not in fact such, "the public owner by discontinuing use; but as long as use of the
policy of the state as announced by the legislature property is continued, the same is subject to public
will be given due weight, and the determination of regulation
the legislature that a particular business is subject  Sec 6 Article XII (See above)
to the regulatory power, because the public welfare OWNERSHIP OF PUBLIC UTILITIES
is dependent upon its proper conduct and  Subject to regulation of the State
regulation, will not lightly be disregarded by the  Government agencies may impose certain
courts." requirements to persons or entities who wish to
o However, many of its provisions (i.e. concerning operate as public utilities (e.g. capitalization
organization and administration of Public Service requirement)
Commission) have been repealed by subsequent  Sec 11 Art. XII – 60% Filipino owned (see provision
issuances above)
THE FF GOVERNMENT AGENCIES:  [TATAD v GARCIA] even mere formation of a public
o 1. Department of Transportation and utility corporation does NOT ipso facto characterize the
Communications — other agencies are under this corporation as one operating as a public utility. The
department and it is the agency that issues moment for determination is when the entity
certificates of public convenience for operation of APPLIES for a franchise, certificate or any other
national railroad carriers form of authorization for that purpose
o 2. LTFRB Land Transportation Franchising  [PEOPLE v QUASHA] the Constitution does not
Regulatory Board – land transportation prohibit the mere formation of a public utility
o 3. LTO Land Transportation Office – registration of corporation without the required formation of
drivers and motor vehicles Filipino capital. What it does prohibit is the
o 4. MARINA Marine Industry Authority – water granting of a franchise or other form of
transportation authorization for the operation of a public utility to
o 5. Philippine Coast Guard – safety in water a corporation already in existence but without the
transportation requisite proportion of Filipino capital. This is
obvious from the context, for the constitutional o We shall illustrate the glaring anomaly in giving a
provision in question qualifies the terms " franchise", broad definition to the term capital. Let us assume
"certificate", or "any other form of authorization" with that a corporation has 100 common shares owned
the phrase "for the operation of a public utility," thereby by foreigners and 1,000,000 non-voting preferred
making it clear that the franchise meant is not the shares owned by Filipinos, with both classes of
"primary franchise" that invest a body of men with share having a par value of one peso (P1.00) per
corporate existence but the "secondary franchise" or share. Under the broad definition of the term
the privilege to operate as a public utility after the capital, such corporation would be considered
corporation has already come into being. compliant with the 40 percent constitutional limit on
o If the Constitution does not prohibit the mere foreign equity of public utilities since the
formation of a public utility corporation with the alien overwhelming majority, or more than 99.999
capital, then how can the accused be charged with percent, of the total outstanding capital stock is
having wrongfully intended to circumvent that Filipino owned. This is obviously absurd.
fundamental law by not revealing in the articles of o In the example given, only the foreigners holding
incorporation that Baylon was a mere trustee of his the common shares have voting rights in the
American co-incorporation and that for that reason election of directors, even if they hold only 100
the subscribed capital stock of the corporation was shares. The foreigners, with a minuscule equity of
wholly American? For the mere formation of the less than 0.001 percent, exercise control over the
corporation such revelation was not essential, and public utility. On the other hand, the Filipinos,
the Corporation Law does not require it. Defendant holding more than 99.999 percent of the equity,
was, therefore, under no obligation to make it. In the cannot vote in the election of directors and hence,
absence of such obligation and of the allege have no control over the public utility. This starkly
wrongful intent, defendant cannot be legally circumvents the intent of the framers of the
convicted of the crime with which he is charged. Constitution, as well as the clear language of the
o For a corporation to be entitled to operate a Constitution, to place the control of public utilities in
public utility it is not necessary that it be the hands of Filipinos. It also renders illusory the
organized with 60 per cent of its capital owned State policy of an independent national
by Filipinos from the start. A corporation economy effectively controlled by Filipinos.
formed with capital that is entirely alien may o the 60 percent Filipino ownership required by the
subsequently change the nationality of its Constitution to engage in certain economic
capital through transfer of shares to Filipino activities applies not only to voting control of the
citizens. conversely, a corporation originally corporation, but also to the beneficial ownership of
formed with Filipino capital may subsequently the corporation, it is therefore imperative that such
change the national status of said capital requirement apply uniformly and across the board
through transfer of shares to foreigners. What to all classes of shares, regardless of nomenclature
need is there then for a corporation that intends to and category, comprising the capital of a
operate a public utility to have, at the time of its corporation.
formation, 60 per cent of its capital owned by o the 60-40 ownership requirement in favor of Filipino
Filipinos alone? That condition may anytime be citizens must apply separately to each class of
attained thru the necessary transfer of stocks. The shares, whether common, preferred non-voting,
moment for determining whether a corporation is preferred voting or any other class of shares.
entitled to operate as a public utility is when it o Even non-voting shares are still entitled to vote on
applies for a franchise, certificate, or any other form 8 specific corporate matters
of authorization for that purpose. And that can be o Across the board application s, regardless of
done after the corporation has already come into differences in voting rights, privileges and
being and not while it is still being formed. And at restrictions, guarantees effective Filipino control of
that moment, the corporation must show that it has public utilities, as mandated by the Constitution.
complied not only with the requirement of the OWNERSHIP OF FACILITIES
Constitution as to the nationality of its capital, but  [TATAD v GARCIA] the limit imposed by Consti on
also with the requirements of the Civil Aviation Law foreigh equity applies only to the operation of a
if it is a common carrier by air, the Revised public utility and not to ownership of the facilities
Administrative Code if it is a common carrier by o Ownership is defined as a relation in law by virtue
water, and the Public Service Law if it is a common of which a thing pertaining to one person is
carrier by land or other kind of public service. completely subjected to his will in everything not
VOTING CONTROL TEST AND BENEFICIAL prohibited by law or the concurrence with the rights
 [GAMBOA v TEVEZ] both tests must be applied to o The exercise of the rights encompassed in
determine whether a corporation is a PH national ownership is limited by law so that a property
o Full beneficial ownership of the stocks, coupled cannot be operated and used to serve the public as
with voting rights is essential a public utility unless the operator has a franchise.
The operation of a rail system as a public utility petition was filed against Jesus Garcia, Jr. in his
includes the transportation of passengers from one capacity as DOTC Secretary.
point to another point, their loading and unloading  ISSUE: Whether or not the petition shall prosper.
at designated places and the movement of the  HELD: No. The Supreme Court made a clarification.
trains at pre-scheduled times The SC ruled that EDSA LRT Consortium, under the
o The right to operate a public utility may exist agreement, does not and will not become the owner of
independently and separately from the a public utility hence, the question of its nationality is
ownership of the facilities thereof. One can own misplaced. It is true that a foreign corporation cannot
said facilities without operating them as a own a public utility but in this case what EDSA LRT
public utility, or conversely, one may operate a Consortium will be owning are the facilities that it will
public utility without owning the facilities used be building for the EDSA railway project. There is no
to serve the public. The devotion of property to prohibition against a foreign corporation to own
serve the public may be done by the owner or facilities used for a public utility. Further, it cannot
by the person in control thereof who may not be said that EDSA LRT Consortium will be the one
necessarily be the owner thereof. operating the public utility for it will be DOTC that will
o This dichotomy between the operation of a public operate the railway transit. DOTC will be the one
utility and the ownership of the facilities used to exacting fees from the people for the use of the railway
serve the public can be very well appreciated when and from the proceeds, it shall be paying the rent due
we consider the transportation industry. to EDSA LRT Consortium. All that EDSA LRT
Enfranchised airline and shipping companies may Consortium has to do is to build the facilities and
lease their aircraft and vessels instead of owning receive rent from the use thereof by the government
them themselves for 25 years – it will not operate the railway transit.
o a mere owner and lessor of the facilities used by a Although EDSA LRT Consortium is a corporation
public utility is not a public utility formed for the purpose of building a public utility it does
o Neither are owners of tank, refrigerator, wine, not automatically mean that it is operating a public
poultry and beer cars who supply cars under utility. The moment for determining the requisite
contract to railroad companies considered as public Filipino nationality is when the entity applies for a
utilities franchise, certificate or any other form of authorization
 A Corporation is NOT subject to the 60-40 rule if it for that purpose.
will just own the equipment or properties that will [KILOSBAYAN INC v GUINGONA]
be used by another entity which shall operate as  PGMC (PH Gaming Management Corp) entered into a
public utility Contract of Lease with PCSO prescribed under
[TATAD v GARCIA] PCSO’s charter. PGMC obliged itself to build at its own
 In 1989, the government planned to build a railway expense all the facilities necessary to operate and
transit line along EDSA. No bidding was made but maintain a nationwide online lottery system form whom
certain corporations were invited to prequalify. The PCSO was to lease the facilities and operate the same.
only corporation to qualify was the EDSA LRT Court found out that PGMC’s participation was not
Consortium which was obviously formed for this confined to construction and setting up but spilled over
particular undertaking. An agreement was then made to the actual operation, becoming indispensable to the
between the government, through the Department of continuance of the highly technical and sophisticated
Transportation and Communication (DOTC), and lottery system. Is PGMC required to meet the 60-40
EDSA LRT Consortium. The agreement was based on rule?
the Build-Operate-Transfer scheme provided for by  YES. It involves not only the ownership of the facilities
law (RA 6957, amended by RA 7718). Under the that will be used in the operation. PCSO leased out its
agreement, EDSA LRT Consortium shall build the franchise to PGMC that actually operated and
facilities, i.e., railways, and shall supply the train cabs. managed the same. What was entered into was a
Every phase that is completed shall be turned over to collaboration or joint venture agreement whereby
the DOTC and the latter shall pay rent for the same for operation of the business will be taken by the PGMC
25 years. By the end of 25 years, it was projected that
the government shall have fully paid EDSA LRT
Consortium. Thereafter, EDSA LRT Consortium shall DEFINITE TERM
sell the facilities to the government for $1.00.  50 yrs at any given time. However, the appropriate
 However, Senators Francisco Tatad, John Osmeña, government agency may extend the franchise
and Rodolfo Biazon opposed the implementation of  As there is a relation between the first and second
said agreement as they averred that EDSA LRT paragraphs of said section 15, the two provisions must
Consortium is a foreign corporation as it was organized be read and interpreted together. That is to say, in
under Hongkong laws; that as such, it cannot own a issuing a certificate, the Commission must necessarily
public utility such as the EDSA railway transit because be satisfied that the operation of the service under said
this falls under the nationalized areas of activities. The certificate during a definite period fixed therein "will
promote the public interests in a proper and suitable character. The 1935, 1973 and 1987 Constitutions
manner." Under section 16 (a) of Commonwealth Act. expressly and clearly state that, "nor shall such
No. 146 which is a complement of section 15, the franchise x x x be exclusive in character." There is
Commission is empowered to issue certificates of no exception.
public convenience whenever it "finds that the  the President, Congress and the Court cannot create
operation of the public service proposed and the directly franchises that are exclusive in character.
authorization to do business will promote the public What the President, Congress and the Court cannot
interests in a proper and suitable manner." Inasmuch legally do directly they cannot do indirectly. Thus, the
as the period to be fixed by the Commission under President, Congress and the Court cannot create
section 15 is inseparable from the certificate itself, said indirectly franchises that are exclusive in character by
period cannot be disregarded by the Commission in allowing the Board of Directors (BOD) of a water
determining the question whether the issuance of the district and the Local Water Utilities Administration
certificate will promote the public interests in a proper (LWUA) to create franchises that are exclusive in
and suitable manner. Conversely, in determining "a character.
definite period of time," the Commission will be guided  Police power does not include the power to violate the
by "public interests," the only limitation to its power Constitution. Police power is the plenary power vested
being that said period shall not exceed fifty years (sec. in Congress to make laws not repugnant to the
16 (a), Commonwealth Act No. 146; Constitution, Art. Constitution. This rule is basic.
XIII, sec. 8.) We have already ruled that "public SUBJECT TO MODIFICATION OR AMENDMENT
interest" furnishes a sufficient standard.  A franchise or right shall be granted only under the
 Section 8 of Article XIII of the Constitution provides, condition that it shall be subject to amendment,
among other things, that no franchise, certificate, or alteration or repeal by the Congress when the common
any other form of authorization for the operation of a good so requires
public utility shall be "for a longer period than fifty  [ABS CBN BROADCASTING CORP v PH
years," and when it was ordained, in section 15 of MUTIMEDIA SYSTEM INC ET AL] SC sustained the
Commonwealth Act No. 146, as amended by validity of the “Must Carry Rule” imposed on
Commonwealth Act No. 454, that the Public Service operator of cable and satellite television by the NTC
Commission may prescribed as a condition for the under which these operators are required to carry local
issuance of a certificate that it "shall be valid only for a channels
definite period of time" and, in section 16 (a) that "no o No infringement of the intellectual property rights of
such certificates shall be issued for a period of more the petitioner and other local channels because
than fifty years," the National Assembly meant to give what happens is a retransmission and NOT
effect to the aforesaid constitutional mandate. More rebroadcasting of shows.
than this, it has thereby also declared its will that the o ABS CBN creates and transmits its own signals;
period to be fixed by the Public Service Commission respondent PMSI merely carries such signals that
shall not be longer than fifty years. All that has been the viewers receive in its unaltered form
delegated to the Commission, therefore, is the o PMSI does NOT produce, select or determine the
administrative function, involving the use discretion, to programs to be shown in petitioner’s channels
carry out the will of the National Assembly having in o Must carry rule as well as the legislative franchises
view, in addition, the promotion of "public interests in a granted to both are in consonance with state
proper and suitable manner." The fact that the National policies in the COnsti (Secs. 9, 17, 24 of Art II of
Assembly may itself exercise the function and authority COnsti) ALSO THE AMENDMENT OF
thus conferred upon the Public Service Commission FRANCHISES FOR THE COMMON GOOD
does not make the provision in question  [TELECOM v BROADCAST ATTYS. OF THE PH INC
constitutionally objectionable. v COMELEC] franchise is a mere privilege that may be
NON-EXCLUSIVITY reasonably burdened with some form of public service
 Franchise CANNOT be exclusive o All broadcasting, whether by radio or by television
 Sec 47 of PD 198 was declared null and void because stations, is licensed by the government. Airwave
it made the franchise of water exclusive frequencies have to be allocated as there are more
o “no franchise shall be granted to any other person individuals who want to broadcast than there are
or agency for domestic, industrial or commercial frequencies to assign. A franchise is thus a
water service within the district or any portion privilege subject, among other things, to
thereof UNLESS and EXCEPT to the extent that the amendment by Congress in accordance with the
board of directors of said district consents thereto constitutional provision that any such franchise or
by resolution duly adopted, such resolution, right granted . . . shall be subject to amendment,
however shall be subject to review by the alteration or repeal by the Congress when the
Administration” common good so requires
 Plain words do not require explanation. The 1935, o What better measure can be conceived for the
1973 and 1987 Constitutions are clear -- franchises for common good than one for free air time for the
the operation of a public utility cannot be exclusive in benefit not only of candidates but even more of
the public, particularly the voters, so that they  (4) The emergency powers must be exercised
will be fully informed of the issues in an to carry out a national policydeclared by
election? [I]t is the right of the viewers and Congress.
listeners, not the right of the broadcasters, o Section 17, Article XII must be understood as an
which is paramount. aspect of the emergency powers clause. The
o Nor indeed can there be any constitutional taking over of private business affected with public
objection to the requirement that broadcast interest is just another facet of the emergency
stations give free air time. Even in the United powers generally reposed upon Congress.
States, there are responsible scholars who believe o “EMERGENCY” - Emergency, as a generic term,
that government controls on broadcast media can connotes the existence of conditions suddenly
constitutionally be instituted to ensure diversity of intensifying the degree of existing danger to life or
views and attention to public affairs to further the well-being beyond that which is accepted as
system of free expression. For this purpose, normal. Implicit in this definitions are the elements
broadcast stations may be required to give free air of intensity, variety, and perception. Emergencies,
time to candidates in an election as perceived by legislature or executive in the
o radio and television broadcasting companies, United Sates since 1933, have been occasioned by
which are given franchises, do not own the a wide range of situations, classifiable under three
airwaves and frequencies through which they (3) principal heads: a) economic, b) natural
transmit broadcast signals and images. They disaster, and c) national security.
are merely given the temporary privilege of  Emergency, as contemplated in our
using them. Since a franchise is a mere Constitution, is of the same breadth. It may
privilege, the exercise of the privilege may include rebellion, economic crisis, pestilence or
reasonably be burdened with the performance epidemic, typhoon, flood, or other similar
by the grantee of some form of public service. catastrophe of nationwide proportions or effect
TAKE-OVER OF PUBLIC UTILITIES  It may be argued that when there is national
 take-over by the Govt may be temporary or permanent emergency, Congress may not be able to
 PERMANENT TAKEOVER – when the public utilities convene and, therefore, unable to delegate to
are expropriated subject to payment of just the President the power to take over privately-
compensation (in the interest of national welfare or owned public utility or business affected with
defense) public interest.
 TEMPORARY TAKEOVER – in times of national o while the President alone can declare a state of
emergencies national emergency, however, without legislation,
o When the public interest so requires, the State may he has no power to take over privately-owned
during the emergency and under reasonable terms public utility or business affected with public
prescribed by it, temporarily take over or direct the interest. The President cannot decide whether
operation of any privately owned public utility or exceptional circumstances exist warranting the
business affected with public interest. take over of privately-owned public utility or
 [PROF RANDOLF S DAVID ET AL v GLORIA business affected with public interest. Nor can he
MACAPAGAL ARROYO] determine when such exceptional circumstances
o Considering that Section 17 of Article XII and have ceased. Likewise, without legislation, the
Section 23 of Article VI, previously quoted, relate to President has no power to point out the types of
national emergencies, they must be read together businesses affected with public interest that should
to determine the limitation of the exercise of be taken over. In short, the President has no
emergency powers. absolute authority to exercise all the powers of the
o Generally, Congress is the repository of State under Section 17, Article VII in the absence
emergency powers. This is evident in the tenor of of an emergency powers act passed by Congress.
Section 23 (2), Article VI authorizing it to delegate MONOPOLIES AND UNFAIR COMPETITION
such powers to the President. Certainly, a body  State shall regulate or prohibit monopolies when the
cannot delegate a power not reposed upon public interest so requires. Combinations in restraint or
it. However, knowing that during grave trade or unfair competition are NOT allowed
emergencies, it may not be possible or practicable  HOWEVER, in [OROPORT CARGOHANDLING
for Congress to meet and exercise its powers, the SERVICES INC v PHIVIDEC INDUSTRIAL
Framers of our Constitution deemed it wise to allow AUTHORITY] court ruled that the law authorizing
Congress to grant emergency powers to the Philippine Ports Authority to “take over arrastre
President, subject to certain conditions, thus: and stevedoring services in government-owned
 (1) There must be a war or other emergency. ports and cancel permits issued to private
 (2) The delegation must be for a limited operators is a valid exercise of police power; it
period only. does not violate due process of law as the exercise
 (3) The delegation must be subject to such of police power is paramount over the right against
restrictions as the Congress may prescribe. non-impairment of contracts. Moreover, a
regulated monopoly is not proscribed in industries the Constitutional proscription that no franchise
affected with public interest such as in port certificate or authorization shall be exclusive in
rendition of arrastre/stevedoring services in character or shall last longer than fifty (50) years
Philippine ports (ibid., Section 11; Article XIV Section 5, 1973
o Private monopolies are NOT necessarily prohibited Constitution; Article XIV, Section 8, 1935
by the COnsti Constitution). Additionally, the State is empowered
o Certain public utilities must be given franchises that to decide whether public interest demands that
do not violate the law against monopolies monopolies be regulated or prohibited (1987
o there is no unfair competition as PIA Constitution. Article XII, Section 19).
 (1) is not a competitor of Oroport; REGULATION OF RATES
 (2) imposes the same tariff rates as Oroport; and  In line with the policy of the STAte to protect the public
 (3) is operating in an entirely separate and against arbitrary and excessive rates while maintaining
distinct port. the efficiency and quality of services rendered
 [PH LONG DISTANCE TELEPHONE COMPANY v  Sec. 16 (c) PSA - (c) To fix and determine individual
NTC] interconnection that was required was a valid or joint rates, toll, charges, classifications, or
form of intervention with property rights dictated by the schedules thereof, as well as commutation, mileage,
objective of the got to promote rapid expansion of kilometrage, and other special rates which shall be
telecommunications services in all areas of the PH, to imposed, observed, and followed thereafter by any
maximize the use of telecom facilities available, in public service: Provided, That the Commission may, in
recognition of the vital role of communications in nation its discretion, approve rates proposed by public
building and to ensure that all other users of the public services provisionally and without necessity of any
telecom service have access to all other users of the hearing; but it shall call a hearing thereon within thirty
service have access to all other users of the service days thereafter, upon publication and notice to the
wherever they may be within the PH at an acceptable concerns operating in the territory affected: Provided,
service at a reasonable cost. further, That in case the public service equipment of an
o The NTC as the regulatory agency of the State, operator is used principally or secondarily for the
merely exercised its delegated authority to promotion of a private business, the net profits of said
regulate the use of telecom networks when it private business shall be considered in relation with the
decreed interconnection public service of such operator of the purpose of fixing
o The decisive consideration are: PUBLIC NEED, the rates.
o Despite the fact that there is a virtual monopoly of  Power to regulate does NOT give State the power
the telephone system in the country at present. to prescribe rates that are so low as to deprive the
service is sadly inadequate. Customer demands public utility of a reasonable ROI.
are hardly met, whether fixed or mobile. There is a  Rates prescribed must thus be one that yields a fair
unanimous cry to hasten the development of a return on the public utility upon the value of the
modern, efficient, satisfactory and continuous property performing the service and one that is
telecommunications service not only in Metro reasonable to the public for the services rendered. The
Manila but throughout the archipelago. The need fixing of a just and reasonable rates involves
therefor was dramatically emphasized by the Balancing of the investor and the consumer
destructive earthquake of 16 July 1990. It may be interests
that users of the cellular mobile telephone would POLICE POWER
initially be limited to a few and to highly  State in the exercise of Police power can regulate rates
commercialized areas. However, it is a step in the imposed by a public utility
right direction towards the enhancement of the  Rate regulation includes the granting of a provisional
telecommunications infrastructure, the expansion rate increase, increase of rates or directing the public
of telecommunications services in, hopefully, all utility to refund its over-recoveries based on the
areas of the country, with chances of complete applicable provisions of law. In making such order, the
disruption of communications minimized. It will thus admin agency is simply performing its mandate to
impact on, the total development of the country's protect the public interest imbued in those rates
telecommunications systems and redound to the NON-DELEGATION
benefit of even those who may not be able to  Power to fix rates is a power already delegated to the
subscribe to ETCI. regulatory admin agencies thus CANNOT BE
o Free competition in the industry may also provide FURTHER DELEGATED.
the answer to a much-desired improvement in the  Public service may propose new rates but it cannot
quality and delivery of this type of public utility, to lawfully make said new rates effective without the
improved technology, fast and handy mobile approval of the said rates by the regulatory agency like
service, and reduced user dissatisfaction. After all, PSC, and the regulatory agency itself cannot authorize
neither PLDT nor any other public utility has a a public service to enforce rates without the prior
constitutional right to a monopoly position in view of
approval of said rates by the Commission. The  Public Service Commission granted the Phil. Railway
regulatory agency must approve new rates when they Co. the power to fix its own rates in order to compete
are submitted to it, if the evidence shows them to be with the rates of road trucks and auto buses. Such
just and reasonable, otherwise it must disapprove grant is invalid. The Legislature delegated to the PSC
them. Clearly, the commission cannot determine in the power of fixing rates of public services but it was
advance whether or not the new rates of the Philippine not authorized by law to delegate to Phil. Railway Co.
Railway Co, will be just and reasonable, because it the power to alter its freight rates whenever it should
does not know what those rates will be. find it necessary to do so, because the PSC cannot
 [KILUSANG MAYO UNO LABOR CENTER v HON. determine whether such new rates will be just and
JESUS GARCIA] reasonable.
o In the case at bench, the authority given by the [KILUSANG MAYO UNO LABOR CENTER v HON. JESUS
LTFRB to the provincial bus operators to set a GARCIA]
fare range over and above the authorized  In 1990, DOTC Sec. Oscar Orbos issued Memo
existing fare, is illegal and invalid as it is Circular to LTFRB Chair Remedios Fernando to allow
tantamount to an undue delegation of provincial bus to change passenger rates w/in a fare
legislative authority. Potestas delegata non range of 15% above or below the LTFRB official rate
delegari potest. What has been delegated cannot for a 1yr. period. This is in line with the liberalization of
be delegated. This doctrine is based on the ethical regulation in the transport sector which the
principle that such a delegated power constitutes government intends to implement and to make
not only a right but a duty to be performed by the progress towards greater reliance on free market
delegate through the instrumentality of his own forces. Fernando respectfully called attention of DOTC
judgment and not through the intervening mind of Sec. that the Public Service Act requires publication
another.10 A further delegation of such power would and notice to concerned parties and public hearing. In
indeed constitute a negation of the duty in violation Dec. 1990, Provincial Bus Operators Assoc. of the
of the trust reposed in the delegate mandated to Phils. (PBOAP) filed an application for across the
discharge it directly. The policy of allowing the board fare rate increase, which was granted by
provincial bus operators to change and increase LTFRB. In 1992, then DOTC Sec. Garcia issued a
their fares at will would result not only to a chaotic memo to LTFRB suggesting a swift action on adoption
situation but to an anarchic state of affairs. This of procedures to implement the Department Order & to
would leave the riding public at the mercy of lay down deregulation policies. Pursuant to LTFRB
transport operators who may increase fares every Guideline, PBOAP, w/o benefit of public hearing
hour, every day, every month or every year, announced a 20% fare rate increase. Petitioner
whenever it pleases them or whenever they deem Kilusang Mayo Uno (KMU) opposed the move and filed
it "necessary" to do so. a petition before LTFRB w/c was denied. Hence the
o One veritable consequence of the deregulation of instant petition for certiorari w/ urgent prayer for a TRO,
transport fares is a compounded fare. If transport w/c was readily granted by the Supreme Court.
operators will be authorized to impose and  ISSUE: Whether the authority granted by LTFB to
collect an additional amount equivalent to 20% provincial buses to set a fare range above existing
over and above the authorized fare over a authorized fare range is unconstitutional and invalid.
period of time, this will unduly prejudice a  HELD: The grant of power by LTFRB of its delegated
commuter who will be made to pay a fare that authority is unconstitutional. The doctrine of Potestas
has been computed in a manner similar to those delegate non delegari (what has been delegated
of compounded bank interest rates. cannot be delegated) is applicable because a
o Given the complexity of the nature of the function of delegated power constitutes not only a right but a duty
rate-fixing and its far-reaching effects on millions of to be performed by the delegate thru instrumentality of
commuters, government must not relinquish this his own judgment. To delegate this power is a negation
important function in favor of those who would of the duty in violation of the trust reposed in the
benefit and profit from the industry. Neither should delegate mandated to discharge such duty. Also, to
the requisite notice and hearing be done away with. give provincial buses the power to charge their fare
The people, represented by reputable oppositors, rates will result to a chaotic state of affairs ad this
deserve to be given full opportunity to be heard in would leave the riding public at the mercy of transport
their opposition to any fare increase. operators who can increase their rates arbitrarily
o To do away with such a procedure and allow just whenever it pleases or when they deem it necessary.
one party, an interested party at that, to determine DEREGULATION OF DOMESTIC SHIPPING RATES
what the rate should be, will undermine the right of  EO 213 Nov 28, 1994 – instituted the deregulation of
the other parties to due process. The purpose of a domestic shipping rates
hearing is precisely to determine what a just and  MC 153 Dec 16, 1999 by MARINA – further
reasonable rate is. implements deregulation
[PANAY AUTOBUS CO v PH RAILWAY CO]  Also in Sec. 8 of RA 9295 May 1994
PROHIBITION AGAINST DISCRIMINATION [US v LUIS  The law prohibits any common carrier from making or
QUINAJON AND EUGENIO QUITORIO] giving any unnecessary orunreasonable preference or
 The law prohibits any common carrier from making or advantage to any particular person, company,
giving any unnecessary or unreasonable preference or firm,corporation or locality, or any particular kind of
advantage to any particular person, company, firm, traffic, or to subject any particular person, company,
corporation or locality, or any particular kind of traffic, firm, corporation, or locality, or any particular kind of
or to subject any particular person, company, firm, traffic, to any undue or unreasonable prejudice or
corporation, or locality, or any particular kind of traffic, discrimination whatsoever.
to any undue or unreasonable prejudice or  ISSUE: WON Quinajon and Quitorano violated Act No.
discrimination whatsoever. 98
 It will be noted that the law requires common carriers  HELD: No. The law does not require that the same
to carry for all persons, either passengers or property, charge shall be made for the carrying of passengers or
for exactly the same charge for a like or property, unless all the conditions are alike and
contemporaneous service in the transportation of like contemporaneous. It is not believed that the law
kind of traffic under substantially similar circumstances prohibits the charging of a different rate for the carrying
or conditions. The law prohibits common carriers from of passengers or property when the actual cost of
subjecting any person, etc., or locality, or any particular handling and transporting the same is different. It is not
kind of traffic, to any undue or unreasonable prejudice believed that the law intended to require common
or discrimination whatsoever. The law does not require carriers to carry the same kind of merchandise, even
that the same charge shall be made for the carrying of at the same price, under different and unlike conditions
passengers or property, unless all the conditions are and where the actual cost is different.
alike and contemporaneous. It is not believed that the  A common carrier may enter into special agreements
law prohibits the charging of a different rate for the for handling and transporting merchandise, whereby
carrying of passengers or property when the actual advantage may accrue to individuals, when it is made
cost of handling and transporting the same is different. clearly to appear that by such agreements the common
it is not believed that the law intended to require carrier has only its interests and the legitimate increase
common carriers to carry the same kind of of its profits in view, and when the consideration given
merchandise, even at the same price, under different to the individuals for the interest of the common carrier
and unlike conditions and where the actual cost is alone, and when the common carrier gives all shippers
different. exactly the same rate, under the same conditions.
 Quinajon and Quitorano have been engaged in the REASONABLE AND JUST STANDARD IN FIXING RATES
transportation of passengers and merchandise in the [REPUBLIC v MANILA ELECTRIC CO]
port of Currimao by means of virayes. They charged  Reasonable rates for public utilities are the ultimate
and collected from some shippers and merchants, a object. The extent of judicial interference is protection
certain price for each package of merchandise, loaded against unreasonable rates. The public utility is entitled
or unloaded, according to a certain schedule. to a just compensation and a fair return upon the value
 They collected 6 centavos for each package, of of its property while it is being used by the public.
whatever kind of merchandise, large or small, heavy or  ONLY STANDARD – that the rate be reasonable
light, from those merchants only with whom they had a and just.
special contract. From other merchants, with whom o Question of fact calling for the exercise of
they had not made said special contract, as well as the discretion, good sense, and a fair, enlightened
Province of Ilocos Norte, they collected a different rate and independent judgment. The requirement of
(10 centavos). reasonableness comprehends such rates which
 They were charged with violation of Act. No. 98 of the must not be so low as to be confiscatory, or too high
Civil Commission which compels common carriers to as to be oppressive. In determining whether a rate
render to all persons exactly the same or analogous is confiscatory, it is essential also to consider the
service for exactly the same price, to the end that there given situation, requirements and opportunities of
may be no unjust advantage or the utility
unreasonablediscrimination. o Fair return upon the value of the property to
 The law provides that no common carrier shall directly public utility
or indirectly, by any special rate, rebate, drawback, or o goal of rate-making is to arrive at a just and
other device, charge, demand collect, or receive from reasonable rate for both the public utility and the
any person or persons, a greater or less compensation public which avails of the formers products and
for any service rendered in the transportation of services. However, what is a just and reasonable
passengers or property,between points in the rate cannot be fixed by any immutable method or
Philippine Islands, than he charges, demands, formula. Hence, it has been held that no public
collects, or receives from any other person or persons, utility has a vested right to any particular method of
for doing a like or contemporaneous service, under valuation. Accordingly, with respect to a
substantially similar conditions or circumstances. determination of the proper method to be used in
the valuation of property and equipment used by a o Income tax, it should be stressed, is imposed on an
public utility for rate-making purposes, the individual or entity as a form of excise tax or a tax
administrative agency is not bound to apply any one on the privilege of earning income. The burden of
particular formula or method simply because the paying income tax should be Meralcos alone and
same method has been previously used and should not be shifted to the consumers by including
applied. the same in the computation of its operating
o Founded upon condition which are fair and expenses.
reasonable both to the owner and the public FIXING RATES FOR ELECTRIC COMPANIES [REPUBLIC
o Public utility must prove its allegations that the rates v MANILA ELECTRIC CO]
prescribed are unjust or confiscatory as to deprive  three major factors are considered by the
its stockholders a reasonable ROI regulating agency: a) rate of return; b) rate base
o [YNCHAUSTI SS CO v PUBLIC UTILITY and c) the return itself or the computed revenue to
COMMISSIONER] there is a presumption that the be earned by the public utility based on the rate of
rates fixed by an admin agency are reasonable return and rate base. The rate of return is a judgment
and must be conceded that the fixing of rates of percentage which, if multiplied with the rate base,
the Govt, through its authorized agents, provides a fair return on the public utility for the use of
involves the exercise of reasonable discretion its property for service to the public. The rate of return
and UNLESS there is abuse of that discretion, of a public utility is not prescribed by statute but by
the courts will not interfere. administrative and judicial pronouncements.
OPERATING EXPENSES [REPUBLIC v MANILA  This Court has consistently adopted a 12% rate of
ELECTRIC CO] return for public utilities. The rate base, on the other
 Included in the determination of a just and reasonable hand, is an evaluation of the property devoted by the
rate utility to the public service or the value of invested
 operating expenses should be a requisite of or capital or property which the utility is entitled to a return
necessary in the operation of a utility, recurring, and  ERC JURISDICTION – original and exclusive
that it redounds to the service or benefit of customers. jurisdiction under Rule 43 (u) of EPIRA over all cases
 The principle behind the inclusion of operating contesting rates, fees, fines, and penalties imposed by
expenses in the determination of a just and reasonable the ERC in the exercise of its powers, functions and
rate is to allow the public utility to recoup the responsibilities, and over all cases involving disputes
reasonable amount of expenses it has incurred in between and among participants or players in the
connection with the services it provides. It does not energy sector
give the public utility the license to indiscriminately LTFRB
charge any and all types of expenses incurred without  Fare rates determination is one of the major functions
regard to the nature thereof, i.e., whether or not the of the Board to avoid cut-throat competition and to
expense is attributable to the production of services by insure that the public safety and comfort are not
the public utility. To charge consumers for expenses sacrificed.
incurred by a public utility which are not related to the  Factors to be considered: price of gasoline, spare
service or benefit derived by the customers from the parts, boundary, and other operating expenses
public utility is unjustified and inequitable.  Balance between affordability of the riding public
 In determining whether or not a rate yields a fair return and the viability of the operator without detriment
to the utility, the operating expenses of the utility must to public safety
be considered. The return allowed to a public utility in  TWO METHODS IN RATE DETERMINATION
accordance with the prescribed rate must be sufficient o Add-on method- adding the established minimum
to provide for the payment of such reasonable fare to the fare per succeeding km multiplied by the
operating expenses incurred by the public utility in the distance travelled in excess of 4 km and 5 km
provision of its services to the public. Thus, the public respectively
utility is allowed a return on capital over and above o Straight computation method – actual distance
operating expenses. However, only such expenses travelled is multiplied by the authorized fare per
and in such amounts as are reasonable for the efficient succeeding km
operation of the utility should be allowed for PROVISIONAL INCREASE
determination of the rates to be charged by a public  Admin agency may approve provisionally When
utility. demanded by urgent public need, rates of public
 INCOME TAX NOT INCLUDED utilities without a hearing.
o Inconsistent with the nature of operating expenses  RATIO: only temporary and subject to adjustment in
o operating expenses are those which are conformity with the definitive rates approved after final
reasonably incurred in connection with business hearing
operations to yield revenue or income. They are PROVISIONAL RATE INCREASE UNDER EPIRA
items of expenses which contribute or are  1. Publication of the application itself, not merely the
attributable to the production of income or revenue notice of hearing issued by ERC, in a newspaper of
general circulation in the locality where the applicant shall post a copy of the Fare Matrix in a conspicuous
operates place at his/her office, terminal, or waiting stations and
 2. Need for the ERC to consider the comments or in the interior of each motor vehicle which is in actual
pleadings of the customers and LGU concerned in its service
action on the application or motion for provisional rate o Taxi – operators thereof must make sure that their
adjustment meters accurately reflect the correct fare. All taxi
 UNDER SECTION 4(e) RULE 3 OF IRR OF EPIRA meters with receipt shall be presented to the Board
o (1) The applicant must file with the ERC a verified 2x a yr for testing and sealing
application/petition for rate adjustment. It must  Electric Distribution Companies
indicate that a copy thereof was received by the o Meters must be accurate
legislative body of the LGU concerned. It must also o [MANILA ELECTRIC COMPANY v MACRO
include a certification of the notice of publication TEXTILE MILLS CORP] cannot sanction a situation
thereof in a newspaper of general circulation in the wherein the defects in the electric meter are
same locality. allowed to continue indefinitely until suddenly
o (2) Within 30 days from receipt of the the public utilities demand payment for the
application/petition or the publication thereof, any unrecorded electricity utilized when they could have
consumer affected by the proposed rate adjustment remedied the situation immediately. MERALCOs
or the LGU concerned may file its comment on the failure to do so may encourage neglect of public
application/petition, as well as on the motion for utilities to the detriment of the consuming public.
provisional rate adjustment.  Imperative duty to make a reasonable and
o (3) If such comment is filed, the ERC must consider proper inspection of its apparatus and
it in its action on the motion for provisional rate equipment to ensure that they do not
adjustment, together with the documents submitted malfunction, and the due diligence to discover
by the applicant in support of its application/petition. and repair the defects therein. Failure to perform
If no such comment is filed within the 30-day period, such duties = negligence = utilities run the risk
then and only then may the ERC resolve the motion of forfeiting amounts originally due from their
for provisional rate adjustment on the basis of the customers
documents submitted by the applicant. o The electric company can disconnect the service if
o (4) However, the ERC need not conduct a hearing the failure of electric meter to reflect the correct
on the motion for provisional rate adjustment. It is usage was due to the malicious act of the customer.
sufficient that it consider the written comment, if But electric company must follow procedure
there is any. prescribed by law and appropriate govt agency i.e.
o (5) The ERC must resolve the motion for provisional ERB
rate adjustment within 75 days from the filing of the [QUISUMBING v MANILA ELECTRIC COMPANY] the
application/petition. action of the defendant in maliciously disconnecting the
o (6) Thereafter, the ERC must conduct a full-blown electric service constitutes a breach of public policy. For
hearing on the application/petition not later than 30 public utilities, broad as their powers are, have a clear duty
days from the date of issuance of the provisional to see to it that they do not violate nor transgress the rights
order and must resolve the application/petition not of the consumers. Any act on their part that militates against
later than 12 months from the issuance of the the ordinary norms of justice and fair play is considered an
provisional order. Effectively, this provision limits infraction that gives rise to an action for damages.
the lifetime of the provisional order to only 12
COLLECTION  The power to authorize and control the operation of
 After the proper regulatory body approves the rate of a public utility is admittedly a prerogative of the
the public utility, the public utility is obligated to collect legislature, since Congress is that branch of
only the rates agreed upon. Overcharging is prohibited government vested with plenary powers of
 The public utility may be required to refund the amount legislation.
that is in excess of the approved rates  The franchise is a legislative grant; it binds the
 In some cases, the public utility may even be required public, and is, directly or indirectly, the act of the
to refund certain amounts even if the rate was state.
previously apprived if the approval is against the  It is up to Congress whether it will delegate the
COnsti precepts or statutory rules. The court may power to authorize the operation of public utilities.
declare null and void the approval that was already
made by theses govt agencies Philippine Airlines v. CAB
 Carriers in Land Transport. Part of the condition of o There is a constantly growing tendency towards the
issuance of Certificate of Public Convenience to a PUV delegation of greater powers by the legislature, and
is that is shall charge the passenger and freight rates towards the approval of the practice by the courts.
only as authorized by the Board. The PUV operator
FRANCHISE AND CERTIFICATE OF PUBLIC of EPIRA law provides that the power to
CONVENIENCE grant franchises to persons engaged in the
Radio Communication of the Philippines, Inc. v. NTC transmission and distribution of electricity
o Legislative franchise was distinguished from a CPC shall be vested exclusively in the Congress
o LEGISLATIVE FRANCHISE – grant or privilege of the PH.
from the sovereign power  Requirement is not only a legislative
- Started out as a royal privilege franchise but also a license or a CPC from
- Being merely a privilege emanating from the a government agency.
sovereign power of the state and owing its Associated Communications & Wireless
existence to a grant, is subject to regulation by Services – legislative franchise is necessary
the state itself by virtue of its police power before a CPC can be issued to operate
through its administrative agencies. radio and television broadcasting
o CPC – form of regulation through the administrative companies.
agencies  Divinagracia v. Consolidated Broadcasting
System, Inc. – there is a dual
 To be valid, the delegation itself must be franchise/license CPC requirement with
circumscribed by legislative restrictions, not a respect to broadcast media.
‘roving commission’ that will give the delegate
unlimited legislative authority. Otherwise, the  Collateral attack on a legislative franchise is not
delegation is in legal effect an abdication of allowed.
legislative authority, a total surrender by the  More properly the subject of a quo warranto, the
legislature of its prerogatives in favor of the right to assert which, as a rule, belongs to the State
delegate. upon complaint or otherwise, the reason being that
 Privileges conferred by grant by administrative the abuse of franchise is a public wrong and not a
agencies as agents for the state constitute as much private injury.
a legislative franchise as though the grant had been
made by an act of the Legislature. CERTIFICATE OF PUBLIC CONVENIENCE AND
Albano v. Reyes  CPCN requires prior issuance of municipal franchise
o Wharf or a dock as contemplated under the PSA is while CPC does not.
a public utility.  Rule on CPCN as contemplated under Section 16
o Even if the Manila International Container Port may (b) is now obsolete.
be considered a public utility, or a public service, its  Hence, cities and municipalities no longer issue
operation would not necessarily call for a franchise CPCNs contemplated under the PSA.
from the Legislative Branch. Franchises issued by
Congress are not required before each and every DELEGATION TO LGUs.
public utility may operate. The law has granted  Cities and municipalities are likewise given
certain administrative agencies the power to grant delegated authorities to grant franchise to certain
licenses for or to authorize the operation of certain public utilities including franchise of tricycle
public utilities. operators, ferries and wharves.
 Thus, the LGC provides that the Sanggunian Bayan
is empowered to:
 SC cautioned that although the trend is not to
 Subject to guidelines by DOTC, regulate
require a legislative franchise, the call to dispense
operation of tricycles and grant franchises
with the requisite legislative franchise must,
thereof within the territorial jurisdiction of the
however, be addressed to Congress as the
lawmaker of the land for the Court’s function is to
 Approval by a majority vote of all the
interpret and not to rewrite the law.
members of SB, grant a franchise to any
person, partnership … to establish,
construct … ferries, wharves, markets or
 Even if there was already a delegation of authority slaughterhouses, or such other similar
to a specific administrative agency to issue CPC, it activities within the municipality. Provided,
does not follow that a legislative franchise is no that cooperatives shall be given preference
longer necessary. It would still depend of the in the grant of such franchise.
enabling law.
 The law creating or authorizing the
 The power granted to cities and municipalities is
administrative body may still require a
legislative franchise. However, A CPC is
 While a public market is a public service or utility, it
not necessary for the issuance of a
is not one that falls under the jurisdiction of the PSC,
legislative franchise. Example: Section 27
not being ejusdem generis with those public 3. Prove that the operation of the public service
services enumerated in Section 13(b) of the PSA proposed and the authorization to do business
over which the PSC has jurisdiction. will promote public interest in a proper and
 Thus, LGUs can fix the fees for the use of its public suitable manner.
markets without the approval of any administrative
regulatory agency.  Regulatory agency’s authority is broad in its scope
as to factual matters.
PSA  The fact that the applicant-operator had no
Section 15 summary corporate existence on the day the franchise was
 No public service shall operate in the PH without granted in its name does not render the franchise
possessing a CPC and CPCN invalid, because later applicant obtained its
 Commission may prescribe as a condition for certificate of incorporation and then accepted the
the issuance of CPC or CPCN franchise in accordance with the terms and
1. Service can be acquired by the RP or any conditions thereof. Rizal Light & Ice Cp., Inc. v.
instrumentality thereof upon payment of the Municipality of Morong Rizal
cost price of its useful equipment, less
2. Valid only for a definite period of time.  Overriding principle: public interest, necessity and
3. Violation of these conditions will produce convenience.
the immediate cancellation of the certificate.  Something fitting or suited to the public need
 In estimating depreciation, the ff. shall be taken  Public convenience and necessity exists when the
into consideration: proposed facility or service meets a reasonable want
1. Effect of use of the equipment of the public and supply a need that the existing
2. Actual condition facilities do not adequately supply.
3. Age of the model  Question of fact; must be established by evidence in
4. Other circumstances affecting its value a public hearing conducted for that purpose.
 Applicable to any extension or amendment of
certificates actually in force and to those which OTHER RULES AND POLICIES
may hereafter be issued PRIOR OPERATOR RULE
1. To permit to modify itineraries and time - The regulating agency protects the first
schedules of public services licensee’s investment and will not be subjected
2. Renew and increase equipment and to ruinous competition.
properties. - PSC will not issue a CPC to a second operator
Section 16 summary if there is a first operator who is rendering
 The commission shall have power, upon sufficient, adequate and satisfactory service,
proper notice and hearing: and who in all things and respects is complying
1. Issue CPC and CPCN – granted only to with the rules and regulations of the
citizens of the PH or of the US or Commission.
corporations, etc. constituted under the THIRD OPERATOR RULE
laws of the PH; 60% of the stock belong - Variation of the prior operator rule
entirely to citizens of PH or US. No such - Instead of one prior operator, there are two prior
certificates shall be issued for a period operators who are rendering sufficient service.
of more than 50 years. - Where two operators are more than serving the
2. Approve subject to constitutional public there is no reason to permit a third
limitations… properly conserve the operator to engage in competition with them.
public interests, impose such conditions PROTECTION OF INVESTMENT RULE
as to construction, equipment, - Law aims not only to protect the public but the
maintenance, etc. operators as well.
- It is the duty of the government to protect the
BASIC REQUIREMENTS investment of the operators of public utilities.
 Above rules are now modified by the Constitution. - It is the duty of the government to protect said
 CPC still requires concurrence of the following operators from unfair, unjustified and ruinous
requisites competition.
1. Filipino citizen; 60% of stock belong entirely to PRIOR APPLICANT RULE
Filipino citizens. - Priority in the filing of the CPC is, other
2. Financially capable of undertaking the proposed conditions being equal, an important factor in
service and meeting the responsibilities incident determining the rights if the public service
to its operations companies.
 Common carrier does nor acquire a property right in
 Prior operator rule is not absolute, for nobody has the route covered thereby. No vested right will be
exclusive right to secure a franchise or a CPC. To affected if the government decides to re-route the
apply the rule unqualifiedly is to encourage violation traffic thereby changing the route of the carrier.
or disregard of the terms and conditions of the  Does not confer upon the holder any proprietary
certificate. right or interest or franchise in the public highways.
 Paramount consideration should always be the  New and additional burdens, alteration of the
public interest and public convenience. certificate and even revocation thereof are reserved
 Duty of regulatory agency is to protect investment of to the State.
a public utility operator refers only to operators of  In a broad sense, may also be considered property:
good standing. “a CPC can be sold by the holder thereof because it
 The prior operator rule requires for its application has considerable material value and is considered
that the old operator offers to meet the increase in as a valuable asset.”
the demand the moment it arises and not when - State: no proprietary right; other persons and
another operator, even a new one, had made the other public utilities, a CPC may be considered
offer to serve the public needs. a property which cannot be taken without due
process of law.


Section 2. Declaration of Policy.— It is hereby
 PSC and successor agencies has the power to
declared the policy of the Government of the
specify and define the terms and conditions upon
Philippines to:
which the public utility shall be operated, and to
(a) Develop and maintain a Philippine make reasonable rules and regulations for its
Metropolitan Marine composed of well- operation and the compensation, and for any failure
equipped, safe and modern vessels most to comply with rules or the violation, the Commission
suited for, Philippine requirements and has ample power to enforce the provisions of the
conditions, manned by qualified Filipino license or even revoke it.
officers and crew, and owned and operated
under the Philippine flag by citizens of the PROVISIONAL AUTHORITY
Philippines or by associations or corporations  Certain public utilities may be allowed to operate
organized under the laws of the Philippines, pending the issuance of a CPC by acquiring a
at least sixty percent (60%) of the capital of provisional authority.
which is owned by citizens of the Philippines;  DEFINITION: refers to an authority given to an entity
qualified to operate a public utility for a limited period
(b) Assist in the development, recovery and during the pendency of its application for, or before
expansion of Philippine overseas shipping the issuance of its Certificate of Public Convenience
capable of meeting the requirements of the (CPC). It has a general scope because it is akin to a
expanding international trade of the provisional CPC in that it gives a public utility
Philippines; provider power to operate as such and be bound by
the laws and rules governing public utilities, pending
(c) Provide assistance to Philippine Shipping
the issuance of its actual CPC.
enterprises and encourage the long range
 PU granted a PA is already allowed to operate.
vessel acquisition development
modernization and expansion through private  Lifetime of the PA is limited and may be revoked by
investments without direct government the agency at any time in accordance with law and
financial assistance; and subject to the final action on the main application for
a CPC.
(d) Create a Healthy climate to attract private  PA is a temporary authority to operate pending the
enterprises. issuance of a CPC.
 See page 769 (b) for examples of PA.
 Monopoly is eschewed and the aim to deliver
adequate service to serve the public takes  A PA is not the equivalent of a temporary permit.
precedence.  DEFINITION OF TP: a document containing the call
sign, authorized power, frequency/channel, class
NATURE OF CPC station, hours of operation, points of communication
 Insofar as the State is considered a CPC constitutes and equipment particulars granted to an authorized
neither a franchises nor a contract, confers no public utility. Its scope is more specific than a P.A.
property right, and is a mere license of privilege. because it contains details and specifications under
which a public utility…should operate…pursuant to completed before its approval or to prevent the
a previously updated P.A. sale, alienation, or lease by any public service of
 The operational validity of a TP flows only from a any of its property in the ordinary course of its
previously updated PA. business.
 There should be an effective PA before a TP is
issued.  The Registered Owner Rule applies if the transfer of
the franchise was not approved by the regulating
 The transfer of the franchise is prohibited if the
transfer is for an illegal purpose. Thus, the transfer
Section 14. The following are exempted from should be denied and the CPC can even be
the provisions of the preceding section: canceled if the transfer is pursuant to the illegal
practice called “trafficking” by the former PSC.
(a) Warehouses; - TRAFFICKING – case of parties who apply for
and are authorized to operate taxi cab units, not
(b) Vehicles drawn by animals and bancas to render service to the public but to engage in
moved by oar or sail, and tugboats and speculation by thereafter selling said units and
lighters; thereafter ask for authority to operate additional
(c) Airships within the Philippines except as
regards the fixing of their maximum rates on OTHER TRANSACTIONS
freight and passengers; 1. Sale or any alienation
2. Mortgage
(d) Radio companies except with respect to 3. Encumbrance
the fixing of rates; 4. Lease
5. Merger or consolidation
(e) Public services owned or operated by any - Cover not only CPC but also its property or
instrumentality of the National Government or privileges, or rights or any part thereof.
by any government-owned or controlled
corporation, except with respect to the fixing REVOCATION OR CANCELLATION OF CERTIFICATE
of rates. (As amended by Com. Act 454, RA (n) To suspend or revoke any certificate issued under
No. 2031, and RA No. 2677) the provisions of this Act whenever the holder thereof
 Airlines are now under the CAB (economic aspect), has violated or willfully and contumaciously refused to
CAAP (regulates civil aviation). comply with any order rule or regulation of the
Commission or any provision of this Act: Provided, That
 Radio companies are under the NTC.
the Commission, for good cause, may prior to the
hearing suspend for a period not to exceed thirty days
any certificate or the exercise of any right or authority
 The applicable state may deny or grant to the
issued or granted under this Act by order of the
operator the right to transfer a franchise.
Commission, whenever such step shall in the judgment
of the Commission be necessary to avoid serious and
(g) To sell, alienate, mortgage, encumber or
irreparable damage or inconvenience to the public or to
lease its property, franchises, certificates,
private interests.
privileges, or rights or any part thereof; or merge
or consolidate its property, franchises privileges
 SC sustained the cancellation of the CPC:
or rights, or any part thereof, with those of any
1. Where the holder is a mere dummy
other public service. The approval herein
2. Where the operator ceased the operations and
required shall be given, after notice to the public
placed his vehicles in storage
and hearing the persons interested at a public
3. Where the operator totally abandoned the
hearing, if it be shown that there are just and
reasonable grounds for making the mortgaged
or encumbrance, for liabilities of more than one  Letters b and c are repetitions 
year maturity, or the sale, alienation, lease,  CPC can properly be cancelled on the ground of
merger, or consolidation to be approved, and misrepresentation.
that the same are not detrimental to the public  To allow a public service to continue its operation
interest, and in case of a sale, the date on which notwithstanding several violations would be to
the same is to be consummated shall be fixed in sacrifice public interest and convenience in favor of
the order of approval: Provided, however, that private interest.
nothing herein contained shall be construed to
prevent the transaction from being negotiated or
 Revocation of CPC is not justified if there is no
showing of willful and contumacious violation of the
law and rules.

Manzanal v. Ausejo
The cancellation of the certificate of authority cannot be
justified by the mere fact that escaping hold-uppers used the
 Mere failure to operate temporarily should likewise
not be a ground for cancellation.

**WARNING: Low quality from here and skipped a couple of



(h) To sell or register in its books the transfer or sale of
shares of its capital stock, if the result of that sale in
itself or in connection with another previous sale, shall
be to vest in the transferee more than forty per centum
of the subscribed capital of said public service. Any
transfer made in violation of this provision shall be void
and of no effect and shall not be registered in the books
of the public service corporation. Nothing herein
contained shall be construed to prevent the holding of
shares lawfully acquired. (As amended by Com. Act No.


Section 17

Section 21. Every public service violating or failing to
comply with the terms and conditions of any certificate
or any orders, decisions or regulations of the
Commission shall be subject to a fine of not exceeding
two hundred pesos per day for every day during which
such default or violation continues; and the
Commission is hereby authorized and empowered to
impose such fine, after due notice and hearing.

The fines so imposed shall be paid to the Government

of the Philippines through the Commission, and failure
to pay the fine in any case within the same specified in
the order or decision of the Commission shall be
deemed good and sufficient reason for the suspension
of the certificate of said public service until payment
shall be made. Payment may also be enforced by
appropriate action brought in a court of competent
jurisdiction. The remedy provided in this section shall
not be a bar to, or affect any other remedy provided in
this Act but shall be cumulative and additional to such
remedy or remedies.

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