IJHR Volume 5 Issue 2 Pages 46-51

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International Journal of
of Hospital
Hospital Research 2016,4(4):
Research2015, 5(2):155-160
46-51 doi 10.15171/ijhr.2016.09

Research ARTICLE

the EffectFunction of Direct
of Additive
Health to Progesterone
Care Services Delivered on Patients
by Iranian
with Endometrial Hyperplasia
Open Access
Social Security Organization
Sattar Mehraban1*, Hossein Raghfar1,2
1 1* 2 2
1 Afsaneh Tehranian
Research Center , Nasim
of Economic Zarifi University,
Studies, Alzahra , Akram Sayfolahi
Tehran, , SaraofPayami
Iran. 2 Department Faezeh Aghajani 2
Economics, ,Alzahra
University, Tehran, Iran.

1 Published online June 30, 2016
Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics, Arash Women's Hospital, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran 2 School of Medicine, Tehran
University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
Background and Objectives: Social Security Organization (SSO) is the second largest organization to the
Ministry of Health and Medical Education (MOHME) in providing health care services in Iran. In recent years the
gap between the SSO’s resources and expenditures has shown an unprecedented growing trend due to the rapidly
increasing demand. Continuation of this trend may lead to financial imbalance in the following years, which would
negatively impact access of public to health care services. This study, thus, seeks to explore factors affecting the
efficiency and Objectives:
of SSO’s Endometrial
health care services hyperplasia
in quest (EH) istoan
for solutions abnormal
alleviate theovergrowth
potentially of endometrium
critical situation that may
lead to endometrial cancer, especially when accompanied by atypia. The treatment of EH is challenging, and
Methods: A microeconomic
previous studies analysis
report conflicting was carried
results. out (dimethyl
Metformin by panel biguanide)
stochastic frontier approach (SFA)
is an anti-diabetic method.
and insulin Cobb-
Douglas production
agent, which function
is supposed was antiproliferative
to have estimated based andonanticancer
likelihood estimation
and the potential(MLE), using cell
to decrease 7-year panel
growth in
data While
derived from thesome studiesof
yearbooks have
SSO evaluated the anticancer
(2008-2015). The annual effect of metformin,
admission rate studies on its potential
was selected effect
as the output
on endometrial
variable hyperplasia
and it was assumed are rare.
to be To address
a function this gap,ofinphysicians,
the number this comparative
nurses,trial study,
active we paraclinical
beds, evaluate theandeffect of
staff, andmetformin to progesterone
the bed restoration in Calculation
interval. patients withwas
EH.carried out using Frontier version 4.1 software.
Findings: Significant elasticity coefficient of 0.835, 0.073, 0.0273, -0.199 was obtained for active beds, physicians,
Methods: In this clinical trial, 64 women with EH were randomized in two groups. The progesterone-alone group
nurses, and
received bed restoration
progesterone 20 mg interval respectively.
daily (14 days/month,The marginal
from the 14thproduction of inputs
menstrual day) basedwas calculated
on the to be 79.14,
type of hyperplasia,
9.48, and 1.73 for active beds, physicians and nurses, respectively. The marginal rate of technical
and the progesterone-metformin group received metformin 1000 mg/day for 3 months in addition to progesterone. substitution
Durationwas identified hyperplasia,
of bleeding, to be 0.18 forbody
nurse-physician, 0.02 for
mass index (BMI), nurse-bed,
and and(BS)
blood sugar 0.12offor physician-bed
the patients weresubstitution.
then com-
The between
η and γ werethe two groups.
calculated to be 0.015 and 0.581, respectively.
Findings: NA Our meanresults
age ofclearly shows
44.5 years, that BMI
mean the production
of 29 kg/m2 (annual
and mean patient admission
duration rate)ofin8 SSO’s
of bleeding hospital
days were calcu-is
capital intensive
lated for the studybeing highly
sample. dependent
There on number
was no significant of activeinbeds
difference age,with
BMI,increasing return toduration,
gravidity, bleeding scale. Theandinefficiency
duration of
has only at baseline between
marginally decreased theover
two groups. While
time, yet all is
there patients
room in
to the progesterone-metformin
improve group showed
production by increasing bleeding
efficiency. The
and hyperplasia
MRTS improvement,
for nurse-physician only 69%suggests
substitution of the progesterone-alone
that the escalating patients
burdenshowed such anwage
of physicians’ improvement, with the
may be reduced
by employingbetween
nurses theintwo
servicesbeing significant
they (P = instead
can deliver 0.001). Although the difference
of physicians. between
The negative two groupsof
contribution in bed
post treatment
restoration endometrial
interval thickness
to production was notthe
highlights significant (P = 0.55),
challenging nature post
of treatment BMI in the progesterone-metformin
quality improvement by increased average
group of
length was significantly
stay (ALS), whichloweristhan in the low
currently progesterone-alone
in SSO’s hospitals. groupThe(P =problem
0.01). Inofaddition, the BS between
inconsistency reduction quality
in the
progesterone-metformin group was significantly larger than that in the progesterone-alone group (P = 0.001).
services and high production, thus, persist pointing to the need for in-depth reform in the structure of health care
Conclusions: Our results indicated that administration of progesterone 20 mg/day plus metformin 1000 mg/day
can significantly
Keyword: Hospital decrease
economics, bleeding
Health duration, hyperplasia,
care delivery, BMImanagement,
Financial and BS in women Health with EH.System, Social security,
Organizational efficiency
Keywords: Endometrial hyperplasia, Metformin, Progesterone

Backgroundand Objectives
and Objectives
andmajority of these expenditures.
oligomenorrhea is about 20%
In developing
[2]. Body coun-
Almost all countries are faced with increasing health care tries hospital industry absorb 50% of national
index (BMI) and nulliparity are two main risk health bud-
Endometrial hyperplasia (EH) is an abnormal over- get and attract
for EH. Other a large
risk part of
factors university-trained
include health
chronic anovula-
costs due to demographic changes, evolving disease,
growth of endometrium that may lead to endometrial
and new technologies.1 The average cost of health care tion, early6-8menarche,
workforce. In Iran, the late
of GDPof in
menopause and
health expendi-
cancer, especially when accompanied by atypia [1].
around the globe increased from 6.56% of gross domes- diabetes
tures [3], which from
has increased are related
3.8% in to increased
1995 to 6.7% circulat-
in 2013,
Although the effect appears only in 5% of asymptom-
tic product (GDP) in 1995 to 7.75% in 2013, and from ing estrogen
and [4]. account
hospitals now The treatment
for moreofthan
EH 42%
is challenging
of national
atic patients, its prevalence in patients with PCOS
US$535 to US$1247 per capita.2 Among the various com- and previous
health studies
expenditure, 40% ofreport conflicting
doctors, and 80% results [5].
of nurses. 2,9

Age, fertility, and severity of EH in histology

The Social Security Organization (SSO) is the second are the
ponents of health systems, hospitals are responsible for
*Corresponding author: Afsaneh Tehranian, Department of Gynecology and largestimportant
most institutionfactors determining
following the of
the Ministry treatment op-
Health and
Ob-stetrics, Arash Women's Hospital, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, tion [5]. Most studies have addressed hysterectomy
*Corresponding Author: Sattar Mehraban, Research Center of Economic
Tehran, Iran, P.O.Box: 1653915981, Tel: +98 21 77719922, Fax: +98 21
Medical Education (MOHME) responsible for providing
Studies, Alzahra University, Tehran, Iran. Tel: +98 9122182298, Fax: +98 in patients with atypical EH [5], particularly those
2177883196, E-mail: tehrania@sina.tums.ac.ir
1122334367, Email: h.raghfar@alzahra.ac.ir healthcare services in Iran, covering more than 71% of
with PCOS, and have led to conflicting results [5-11].

Mehraban et al.;Raghfar;
A and licenseelicensee
Iran University of Medical
Iran University Sciences.
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Sciences. Open Access
is an openarticle
access distributed under a Cre-
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Estimation of Production Function of Direct Heath Care Services Mehraban and Raghfar

the urban population.10 While the health expenditures and improve services quality.
have jumped as high as 52.8% from 2014 to 2015, the
corresponding resources have increased only 17%. This Methods
situation together with the accelerated pace of Iranian Microeconometric Model
population aging is going to violate the balance between We used stochastic frontier approach (SFA)25-29 to esti-
resources and demand in the SSO.11 Given the unique sta- mate production function. SFA is a parametric technique
tus of SSO in providing health care to the population, the with relatively low sensitivity to outliers and high capabil-
above-mentioned situation requires immediate attention to ity to distinguish random error from inefficiency, making
keep SSO health care activities economically viable.10 it more suitable for hospital-specific data as compared
Bed occupancy rate (BOR) and average length of stay with non-parametric methods such as data envelopment
(ALS) are key indicators of hospital performance.12-16 The analysis.30
average BOR of SSO hospitals is reported to be 76.1%,11
close to that of OECD countries (77%), Belgium (78%) and Model Selection
France (75%), higher than that of the United States (65%,) SFA requires assumptions about the form of the produc-
and lower than that of Norway and Canada (90%) and the tion function and the distribution of the error terms. Cobb–
United Kingdom (85%), as reported in 2013. 13
Douglas and Transcendental functions are the 2 popular
On the other hands, the ALS in SSO hospitals is report- models frequently used to estimate hospital production.31
ed to be 2.7 days which is extremely lower than that of the While the Cobb–Douglas function is easy to estimate, its
OECD countries (8.1 days)11 and even below the minimum main drawback is that it assumes constant input elastic-
standard of 3.5 days required by the MOHME. This situ- 17
ities and technical substitution rates. Alternatively, the
ation suggests that the relatively high BOR of SSO hospi- Transcendental production function, which is an extension
tals is achieved at the expense of compromised quality of of the Cobb-Douglas model, allows for variable production
health care represented by ALS. elasticity.32
While available data suggest that the SSO’s health care F-test was used to select between Cobb-Douglas (re-
organizations are already under extreme economic pres- stricted) and transcendental (non-restricted) functions.
sure to the extends that the quality of care is obviously F-value was calculated to be 7.175 which is significant-
scarified in the favor of reduced costs, the increasing gap ly higher than the tabular F value of 2.89 (df = 6196 and
between growth of expenditures and resources as re- P = .01). Thus, the restricted model (Cobb-Douglas func-
vealed by recent statistics depict the possibility of financial tion) was found to be more suitable to capture our data.
crisis in these organizations in the upcoming years. The A mathematical description of Cobb-Douglas production
potentially critical situation ahead calls for application of function is given in Additional File 1.
scientific approaches to identify the current situation in de-
tailed economic terms and seek for efficient solutions to The Data, Output, and Inputs
rationalize the allocation of resources, improve quality of Seven-year time series (2008-2015) were collected from
services, and attain higher efficiency.18,19 Multiple groups the statistical yearbooks of SSO published in 2015. All Ira-
have previously explored the efficiency of SSO hospitals nian provinces in which SSO owns medical centers were
using various microeconomic approaches.20-24 These stud- involved. Data were collected at provincial level and each
ies have shown that inefficiency of human resources can province was considered as a single decision-making unit.
increase hospital costs due to the induced demand and The annual rate of patient admission was specified as the
total organizational costs. In addition, it has been revealed only output variables because of the limited information on
that the initial resources for health care delivery can be other output indicators. Five input variables were incorpo-
reduced without any negative effect on the hospital out- rated into the model, including active beds (representing
puts.20-24 The useful insights obtained from these studies capital goods), the number of physicians, nurses, paraclin-
encourage further investigation of SSO hospitals’ econo- ical staff, and personnel (representing the human resourc-
my in quest to reach higher efficiency solutions. Thus, the es), and the bed restoring interval (representing efficiency
present study was conducted to estimate the production of bed utilization). Thus the output variable was assumed
function of direct health care services delivered by SSO to follow the input variables as the following:
hospitals and explore the contribution of input variables to Annual admissions = f (hospital beds, nurses, doctors,
an overall representative output, i.e. admission rate. Es- paraclinical staff, other staff, and the bed restoration in-
timation of hospital production function would serve as a terval)
decision support tool to control costs, increase efficiency, The Cobb-Douglas production was estimated using

Int J Hosp Res 2016, 5(2):46-51

48 Mehraban and Raghfar Estimation of Production Function of Direct Heath Care Services

maximum likelihood estimation (MLE). Calculation was Table 1. Maximum Likelihood Estimates of the Cobb-Douglas
Regression Coefficients
carried out using Frontier version 4.1 software.
Variable Coefficient SE

Results Constant 0.5814*** 0.15478

Table 1 shows the results of Cobb-Douglas function es- Log active bed 0.8355*** 0.0279
timated based on our data. Of the coefficients of 6 major Log physicians 0.0730** 0.0260
variables included in the model, the absolute largest value Log nurses 0.0287* 0.0167
is related to active beds, followed by bed restoration inter- Log paraclinic staffs -0.0247 0.0180
val, and physicians. The smallest absolute coefficient is Log other staffs 0.0201 0.0152
obtained for other staff, and the only minus coefficients is Log interval of restoring the beds -0.1996*** 0.0228
related to bed restoration interval and paraclinical staff. All Sigma-squared 0.0257** 0.0095
model coefficients except for those of paraclinical staff and Gamma 0.58177*** 0.0927
other staff are statistically significant. Mu 0.2446*** 0.0700
Eta 0.0151* 0.0187
The Parameters and Efficiency Scores Abbreviation: SE, Standard error.
Figure 1 shows the average technical efficiency of direct ***Significant at the 0.001 percent level. **Significant at the 0.01
percent level.*Significant at the 0.05 percent level.
healthcare services provided by SSO hospitals during
2008-2014. As seen, the technical efficiency shows an
Table 2. Marginal Production of Active Beds, Physicians, and
increasing trend over the recent 7-year period. Although
the increase of efficiency is marginal and limited to total of
Nurses Physicians Active Beds
1.4% from 2008 to 2014, the efficiency during this period
1.73 9.48 79.14
is acceptable. Consistently, the coefficient η was calculat-
ed to be 0.015, indicating that inefficiency has decreased
over time. The coefficient γ was calculated to be 0.581 cording to our calculations, adding one active bed will yield
which indicates that the role of inefficiency is greater than in an increase of 79.14 in annual admissions. Moreover,
that of random factors. addition of one unit of each of physician and nurse as an
input will increase the patient admissions by 9.48 and 1.73
The Return to Scale, Marginal Productivity and MRTS unite, respectively. The marginal production values indi-
The total input elasticity in 2-sided logarithmic model rep- cate that the production in direct healthcare services of
resents the status of return to the scale. The sum of inputs SSO is capital-intensive.
coefficients was calculated to be 1.1368 (> 1), indicative of Table 3 shows the marginal rate of technical substitu-
an increasing return to scale for direct healthcare services. tion (MRTS) of production factors. While the largest MRTS
Table 2 presents the estimated marginal production. was related to nurse-physician ratio, the nurse-bed ratio
The by far highest marginal production input is represent- represents the smallest value. The positive sign of the
ed by active beds, followed by physicians and nurses. Ac- marginal rates of substitution between the three produc-

0.775 0.773 0.773
0.770 0.768



2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-15
Figure 1. Mean Technical Efficiency of SSO’s Hospitals During 2008-2015.

Int J Hosp Res 2016, 5(2):46-51

Estimation of Production Function of Direct Heath Care Services Mehraban and Raghfar

Table 3. Marginal Rates of Technical Substitution between Active with the doctors, the SSO, thus, can reduce this burden by
Beds, Physicians, and Nurses
employing nurses in medical procedures they can perform
MRTSN,P PhysiciansN,B Active BedsP,B instead of physicians.
0.18 0.02 0.12 Based on our data, an increase of 10% in nursing in-
put would enhance the hospital admissions rate by nearly
0.29%, which is congruent with the previous studies em-
tion factors, suggests that the factors have succeeded
ployed the same methodology.33-38
each other in the production process.
The bed restoration interval is an indicator of effective
use of beds. Our results showed that 10% increase in the
restoration interval will reduce hospital admission by near-
This study was conducted to update the estimation of pro-
ly 2%. In the structure of the Iran’s health system econo-
duction function of SSO hospitals in terms of direct health
my most revenue of hospital admissions is achieved by
care services. Our results predict that the increase of ac-
within 72 hours after admission.43 This fact, together with
tive beds by a factor of 10% would increase the hospital
limited capacity of public hospitals has led to the optimal
admissions up to 8.35% when all other factors remain con-
ALS to be targeted at 3.5 days in Iran.17 While this val-
stant. The positive effect of active beds on hospital admis-
ue is incomparably lower than the corresponding value in
sions has been mentioned by several investigators.33-38 At
OECD countries (8.1 days), there is little evidence to show
the same time, the marginal product of active bed input
that factors contributing to quality of health care were con-
showed that production in the direct healthcare services
sidered in this targeting. The reported ALS in the direct
is capital-intensive. Therefore, inefficient use of active
healthcare services of the SSO is even lower (2.7 days)
beds increases the ratio of cost to income in healthcare
suggesting the unsatisfactory status of health care quality.
services, resulting in the financial imbalance. The annual
At the same time, the negative contribution of bed resto-
cost of beds may reach up to be 1.5 times as much as
ration interval (BRI) to production points to the economic
the annual revenue in inefficient hospitals.39 In addition,
challenges associated with improving quality by targeting
since recruitment in the health sector should be based on
higher ALS.
the number of the beds, the unused bed capacity will also
Input coefficients for paraclinical staff and other staff
increase the costs of human resources. Based on the lat-
were insignificant. While these two inputs were also re-
est statistics (2014), the BOR of SSO hospitals is 76.1%11
ported to be insignificant in relevant studies conducted by
which shows the room for considerable improvement
Ghaderi et al35 and Mehraban,24 Jensen and Morrisey,33
when compared with the corresponding rate in Norway
Hadian et al,36 Karami-Matin et al,37 Rezaei et al38 found
and Canada (90%) and the United Kingdom (85%).13 The
positive significant effect for them. Nonetheless, the minus
very high contribution of active beds in production of SSO
coefficient of paracinical staff indicates that the number of
hospitals, hence, encourages focused planning to achieve
patient admissions reduces with the increase in paraclin-
higher BOR as a potential strategy to narrow the increas-
ical personnel. This can be explained by the notion that
ing gap between the resources and the costs derived by
complete pre-admission checkup of patients in paraclin-
the escalating demand.
ical/outpatient department may help to reduce nonemer-
Based on our results 10% increase in the number of
gency inpatient admissions. Inversely, the insignificant yet
physicians would increase hospital admissions by a factor
positive coefficient personnel’s input is in line with the pos-
of 0.73%. This finding is consistent with the studies of Jen-
itive impact of adequate hospital staffing for admission,
sen and Morrisey,33 Hamidi,34 Hadian et al,36 Karami-Matin
discharge, accounting, and other processes on hospital
et al,37 and Rezaei et al.38 The present payment system
admission capacity.
and induced demand has led to the fact that the wage of
physicians is responsible for a majority of the human re-
sources cost in the Iranian health sector.40,41 The share of
Our results showed that health care services production in
physician payment to the healthcare costs has increased
SSO is capital-intensive and highly dependent on active
recently due to the government-led health system reform,
beds. The share of inefficiency component in the produc-
according to which healthcare tariffs have grown by over
tion process was found to be higher than that of random
250%, the burden of which being transferred largely to the
components, indicating the possibility of enhancing per-
insurance sector of SSO.42 On the other hands, MRTS re-
formance despite the very low rate of technical efficiency
vealed that for the same level of patient admission each
increase. The MRTS between physicians and nurses in-
unite of physician could be substituted by 1.8 unit of nurse.
dicated that the growing burden of physicians’ wage can
Given the significantly lower wage of nurses as compared

Int J Hosp Res 2016, 5(2):46-51

50 Mehraban and Raghfar Estimation of Production Function of Direct Heath Care Services

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technical efficiency of hospitals affiliated with Iran University
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