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Title: Legend

Author: Θ Strong Relationship 9

Date: Ο Moderate Relationship 3

Notes: ▲ Weak Relationship 1

┼┼ Strong Positive Correlation

┼ Positive Correlation

▬ Negative Correlation

▼ Strong Negative Correlation

▼ Objective Is To Minimize

▲ Objective Is To Maximize
┼ x Objective Is To Hit Target
▬ ┼┼
▬ ┼┼ ┼┼
┼ ┼┼ ┼┼ ┼┼
┼ ┼┼ ┼┼ ┼ ┼
Column # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Direction of Improvement: Competitive Analysis
Minimize (▼), Maximize (▲), or Target (x) ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ x (0=Worst, 5=Best)

Mampu dipindah-pindahkan/ tranportable

Our Company Competitor 1
Quality Characteristics
(a.k.a. "Functional
Max Relationship Value in Row

Requirements" or "Hows")

Tutup Pelindung yang fleksibel

Bentuk Kompak & Modular Competitor 2 Competitor 3
Mampu melindungi isinya
Mampu menjelaskan isi
Weight / Importance

Mampu diproduksi
Relative Weight

Competitor 4 Competitor 5

Our Company

Competitor 1

Competitor 2

Competitor 3

Competitor 4

Competitor 5
Demanded Quality
(a.k.a. "Customer
Row #

Requirements" or
"Whats") 0 1 2 3 4 5

1 9 3,4 1,0 Ringan ▲ ▲ Θ Θ ▲ Θ 3 2 4 3

2 9 10,3 3,0 Mudah dibawa ▲ Ο Θ Θ Θ Θ 3 3 4 2

3 9 13,8 4,0 Informatif Θ Ο Ο ▲ Ο Ο 3 4 5 2

4 9 17,2 5,0 Aman digunakan pengguna Ο Θ Ο Ο Θ Θ 1 5 3 5

5 9 17,2 5,0 Menarik Θ Ο Ο ▲ ▲ Ο 4 3 2 3

6 9 6,9 2,0 Kemudahan Display Θ Ο Θ Ο Ο Ο 4 2 1 2

7 9 17,2 5,0 Kemudahan mengakses produknya Θ Ο Ο ▲ Θ Θ 4 1 3 5

8 9 13,8 4,0 Dapat diatur sedemikian rupa utk Pengiriman Ο Θ Θ Θ Ο Θ 5 1 1 3


Target or Limit Value

3 5 6 7 8 9
(0=Easy to Accomplish, 10=Extremely Difficult)
Max Relationship Value in Column 9 9 9 9 9 9
Weight / Importance 603,4 479,3 506,9 369,0 527,6 672,4
Relative Weight 19,1 15,2 16,0 11,7 16,7 21,3 Powered by QFD Online (

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