A M I S T A D: We Live To Serve!!! (A '99) : With The Special Participation of The Obiter Master Ella

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A M I S T A D : We live to serve!!!

(A ’99)
Aileen, Beng, Dinah, Jo Leah, Lourie, Mamay.WPS, Marisa (soon to be Claudia?), Minnie, Peter, Riza
With the special participation of the Obiter Master Ella And the former “slave-master” turned into slave! --

RULE 104 corporation is located; and if no

newspaper is published in such place,
VOLUNTARY DISSOLUTION OF  then in a newspaper of General
circulation in the Philippines, (after
CORPORATIONS sending such notice to each stockholder
or member either by registered mail or
personal delivery at least 30 days prior
( The Dissolution of Corporations should to said meeting.
now be filed with the SEC, and is covered by
A copy of the resolution authorizing the
Secs. 117 to 122 of the Corporation Code of dissolution shall be
the Philippines (BP 68) which took effect on  certified by a majority of the BOD or
May 1, 1980. trustees
 and counter-signed by the secretary of
Dissolution - when the corporation ceases the corporation.
to be a juridical person.
The SEC shall thereupon issue the certificate
§117. Methods of Dissolution. A of dissolution.
corporation formed or organized under the
provisions of this Code may be dissolved NOTES:
voluntarily or involuntarily.
Q: How do directors and stockholders vote?
 NOTES :   A: Both issue their respective resolutions
duly adopted by affirmative votes of the
Q: How many ways are there to dissolve a required no. (BOD-majority; SH-2/3 OCS)
A: Two ways--voluntary & involuntary. Q: Publication for 3 consecutive weeks?
A: Actually, once a week for three
Q: How many ways of dissolving consecutive weeks. This is the common
voluntarily? req’t in procedure. (Maybe an oversight or
A: Three: already considered understood.)
 Voluntary dissolution where no creditors
are affected (Sec. 118) Q: What is the President’s role here?
 Voluntary dissolution where creditors are A: The President signs the Resolution.
affected (Sec. 119)
 Dissolution by shortening corporate
term § 119. Voluntary dissolution where
(Sec. 120) creditors are affected.
Where the dissolution of a corporation
may prejudice the rights of any creditor, a
petition for dissolution shall be filed with the
§118. Voluntary dissolution where no SEC.
creditors are affected.
In case dissolution of a corporation does The petition shall be
NOT prejudice the rights of any creditor having a  signed by a majority of its BOD or trustees or
claim against such corporation, then such other officers having the management of its
dissolution may be effected affairs,
 by majority vote of the BOD or trustees,  verified by its president or secretary or one
and of its directors, or trustees, and
 by a resolution duly adopted by the  shall set forth
affirmative vote of the stockholders
owning at least 2/3 of the outstanding  all claims and demands against it, and
capital stock or of at least 2/3 of the  that its dissolution was resolved upon
members the affirmative vote of the stockholders
at a meeting to be held upon call of the dirs. or representing
trustees  at least 2/3 of the outstanding
 after publication of the notice capital stock or by
 of the time, place and object of the  at least 2/3 of the members, at a
meeting meeting of its stockholders or
members called for that purpose.
 for 3 consecutive weeks
 in a newspaper published in the place
where the principal office of said

A M I S T A D : We live to serve!!! (A ’99)
Aileen, Beng, Dinah, Jo Leah, Lourie, Mamay.WPS, Marisa (soon to be Claudia?), Minnie, Peter, Riza
With the special participation of the Obiter Master Ella And the former “slave-master” turned into slave! --
If the petition is sufficient in form and proceedings, subject to the provisions of
substance, the Commission shall, by an ORDER this Code on liquidation.
reciting the purpose of the petition,
 fix a date on or before which objections
thereto may be filed by any person,
 which date shall not be less than 30 days nor
more than 60 days after the entry of the Q: When is the corporation deemed
order. dissolved?
Before such date, a copy of the order shall A: Two instances:
be published 1. Upon approval of the Amended AOI,
 at least once a week for 3 consecutive OR
 in a newspaper of General circulation
2. the expiration of the shortened term
( published in the municipality or city
where the principal office of the Actually, the ff. are the rules:
corporation is situated, or if there be no  If expiration date is before approval by
such newspaper, then in a newspaper of
General circulation in the Phils., SEC  corpo dissolves upon approval
 If expiration date is after approval by
and a similar copy shall be posted SEC  corpo dissolves on the date of
 for 3 consecutive weeks expiration of term
 in 3 public places  If the SEC does not act on petition within
 in such municipality or city. 6 mos. from the date of filing (Sec. 16,
Corpo Code)  corpo dissolves either
Upon 5 days notice, Given AFTER the  on the day after the 6-mo. pd.
date on which the right to file objections as fixed
in the order has expired, the Commission shall (if date of expiration was within
proceed to the 6-mo. pd.)
 hear the petition and  or on the date of expiration of
 try any issue made by the objections term (if date is after the 6-mo.
filed; pd.).
and IF
 no such objection is sufficient, AND e.g.:
 the material allegations of the petition Date filed petition: Jan. 1, 1998
are true, Expiration of Shortened Term: May 1,
it (Commission) shall
 render judgment dissolving the
corporation and 6 mos. ends on: July 1, 1998
 directing such disposition of its 1) If approved by SEC on April 1
assets as justice requires, and  Dissolution on May 1 (exp. Of
 may appoint a receiver to collect shortened term)
such assets and pay the debts of the 2) If approved on May 15
 Dissolution on May 15 (date of
NOTES: 3) Not acted upon within 6 mos.
Just note that the date fixed is a deadline,  Dissolution on July 2 (day after the 6
on or before which objections to the petition mo. pd)
may be filed.
( Note that failure of the SEC to act on the
§ 120. Dissolution by shortening of petition within 6 months, as contemplated
corporate term. A voluntary dissolution
may be effected by amending the AOI to shorten by above rules, must not be due to the fault
the corporate term pursuant to the provisions of of corporation.
this Code.
A copy of the amended AOI shall be
submitted to the SEC in accordance with this § 122. Corporate Liquidation.
Every corporation whose charter expires by
Upon approval of the amended AOI or its own limitation or is annulled by forfeiture or
 the expiration of the shortened term, as otherwise, or whose corporate existence for
the case may be, other purposes is terminated in any other
 the corporation shall be deemed manner, shall nevertheless be continued as a
dissolved without any further

A M I S T A D : We live to serve!!! (A ’99)
Aileen, Beng, Dinah, Jo Leah, Lourie, Mamay.WPS, Marisa (soon to be Claudia?), Minnie, Peter, Riza
With the special participation of the Obiter Master Ella And the former “slave-master” turned into slave! --
body corporate for 3 years after the time when it OF MINOR NATURAL CHILDREN
would have been so dissolved,
for the purpose of
 prosecuting and defending suits by or Sec. 1. Venue.-- Where judicial
against it approval of a voluntary recognition of a
 enabling it to settle and close its affairs, minor natural child is required, such child
 to dispose of and convey its property or his parents shall obtain the same by
and filing a petition to that effect with the RTC
 to distribute its assets, in which the child resides.
BUT NOT for the purpose of continuing
the business for which it was established. 1. MEANING OF VOLUNTARY
At any time during said 3 years, said RECOGNITION
corporation is authorized and empowered to
convey all of its property to trustees for the
benefit of VOLUNTARY RECOGNITION is an admission
 stockholders, of the fact of paternity or maternity by the
 members, presumed parent, expressed in the form
 creditors, and prescribed by the NCC.
 other persons in interest.
From and after any such conveyance by Its essence lies in the avowal of the parent
the corporation of its property in trust for the that the child is his; the formality is added
benefit of its stockholders, members, creditors, to make the admission incontestable, in
and others in interest,
 all interest which the corporation had in
view of its consequences.
the property terminates,
 the legal interest vests in the trustees, The FORM is prescribed by Art. 278 of the
and NCC:
 the beneficial interest in the RECOGNITION shall be made in the
stockholders, members, creditors, and  record of birth
other persons in interest.
 a will
Upon the WINDING UP of the corporate  a statement before a court of
affairs, any asset distributable to any creditor or record
stockholder or member who is unknown or  or in any authentic writing.
cannot be found shall be escheated to the city or
municipality where such assets are located.
Judicial approval is needful if the recognition
Except by decrease of capital stock and of the minor is effected, not through a
as otherwise allowed by this Code, no record of birth or in a will but thorough a
corporation shall distribute any of its assets or statement in a court of record or an
property except
authentic document. In any case, the
 upon lawful dissolution and
individual recognized can impugn the
 after payment of all its debts and
liabilities. recognition within 4 years following the
attainment of majority.

Art. 281 (2) of the NCC provides:

When the recognition of a minor DOES
NOT take place
Q: For what purpose is the continuation as  in a RECORD of BIRTH or
a body corporate?  in a WILL,
A: For purpose of winding up. Judicial Approval is Necessary.

§121. Involuntary dissolution. A The action must be brought within the same
corporation may be dissolved by the SEC upon period specified in Art. 173, FC, except
filing of a verified complaint and after proper when the action is based on the second
notice and hearing on Grounds provided by
existing laws, rules and regulations.
paragraph of Art. 172, in which case the
action may be brought during the lifetime of
RULE 105 the alleged parent.
OF VOLUNTARY RECOGNITION  Art. 173, FC. The action to claim legitimacy may be
brought by the child during his or her lifetime and

A M I S T A D : We live to serve!!! (A ’99)
Aileen, Beng, Dinah, Jo Leah, Lourie, Mamay.WPS, Marisa (soon to be Claudia?), Minnie, Peter, Riza
With the special participation of the Obiter Master Ella And the former “slave-master” turned into slave! --
shall be transmitted to the heirs should the Art 285, NCC. The ACTION for the
child recognition of natural children may be
 die during minority or brought ONLY during the lifetime of the presumed
 in a state of insanity. parents,
In these cases, the heirs shall EXCEPT:
have a period of 5 years within which to (1) If the Father/Mother DIED DURING the
institute the action. MINORITY of the CHILD, in w/c
The action already case the latter may FILE ACTION BEFORE the
commenced by the child shall survive expiration of 4 YRS. from the
notwithstanding the death of either or both attainment of his majority age.
of the parties. (2) If AFTER the DEATH of the
Father/Mother a DOCUMENT should
Art. 172. The filiation of legitimate (or appear
illegitimate) children is established by any of which NOTHING had been HEARD
of the following: and
(1) The Record of Birth appearing in in w/c either/ both parents recognize
the Civil register or a final judgment; or the child.
(2) An admission of legitimate
filiation in a public document or a private In this case, the ACTION must be
handwritten instrument and signed by the commenced w/in 4 YRS. from the FINDING
parent concerned. of the document.

In the absence of the foregoing Pls. take note of the following NCC
evidence, the legitimate filiation shall be provisions which, although already repealed
proved by: by the FC, may still be applicable for lack of
(1) The Open and Continuous substitute provisions on the matter.
possession of the status of a legitimate [Classmates, these are the provisions na
child, or medyo magulo WON still applicable. Ma’am
(2) Any other means allowed by the A said that Art. 285 cited above is still
Rules of Court and special laws. applicable. Commentaries and a 1989 case
apply Arts. 278 and 281. Herrera cited Art.
283 (1), but mentioned Art. 449 of RPC, not
2. HOW VOLUNTARY RECOGNITION NCC. So ano ba talaga kuya? Ma’am A said
IS EXPRESSED these are confusing. Anyway, she took note
of said provisions, at palagay ko,
AUTHENTIC WRITING means any Genuine kakalampagin n’ya ang Congress tungkol
and indubitable writing sufficient for dito. By the way, she said the FC was
compulsory recognition. “really minadali”, so I think that explains
everything. Ask na lang your Persons
The status of a person as a voluntary teacher.)
acknowledged natural child “could be
established by the ordinary means of
evidence without any limitations as to NCC--Recognition Of Natural Children
time.” (Larena vs. Hubio) [See lecture
notes below.] 276. A NATURAL CHILD may be recognized
by the father and the mother
by ONLY ONE of them.
Q: When can the child file action?
277. In case the recognition is made by
A: See Art. 173 above which provides when
ONLY ONE of the parents, it shall
a child may bring an action; moreover, the
be PRESUMED that the child is
following NCC provision which, although
NATURAL, IF the parent recognizing it
already repealed by the Family Code, may
had LEGAL CAPACITY to contract
still be applicable for lack of substitute
marriage at the time of conception.
provisions on the matter.

A M I S T A D : We live to serve!!! (A ’99)
Aileen, Beng, Dinah, Jo Leah, Lourie, Mamay.WPS, Marisa (soon to be Claudia?), Minnie, Peter, Riza
With the special participation of the Obiter Master Ella And the former “slave-master” turned into slave! --
278. RECOGNITION shall be made in the RAPE/ABDUCTION/SEDUCTION, when
 record of birth the period of the offense coincides more
 a will or less with that of conception;
 a statement before a court of
record (2) When the child is in CONTINUOUS
 or in any authentic writing. POSSESSION of the STATUS of a CHILD of
the alleged father by the
279. A minor who may not contract  DIRECT ACTS of the latter or
marriage w/o parental consent (18-21)  of his FAMILY
CANNOT acknowledge a natural
child (3) When the child was CONCEIVED during
UNLESS the time when the mother COHABITED
 parent/Guardian APPROVES the with the SUPPOSED father.
 recoGnition is made in a WILL (4) When the child HAS in his favor ANY
EVIDENCE or PROOF the defendant
280. When the FATHER or the MOTHER is his father.
makes the recognition SEPARATELY,
 HE/SHE shall NOT REVEAL the
284. The MOTHER is OBLIGED to recognize
name of the person with whom
her natural child:
he/she has the child;
(1) In any of the cases in the preceding
 neither shall he/she STATE any
article, as between the child & the mother.
CIRCUMSTANCE whereby the
other parent may be
(2) When the BIRTH and the IDENTITY of the
281. A child who is OF AGE CANNOT BE
286. The recognition made in favor of a
child who
 does not possess all the conditions
When the recognition of a minor
in Art. 269, or
DOES NOT take place
 in w/c the requirements of the law
 in a RECORD of BIRTH or
have not been fulfilled
 in a WILL,
may be IMPUGNED by those
who are PREJUDICED by such
A minor can in any case IMPUGN the
recognition within 4 YRS. ff. the attainment
of his majority.
Sec. 2. Contents of petition.-- The
petition for judicial approval of a voluntary
282. A RECOGNIZED natural child has the recognition of a minor natural child shall
right: contain the following allegations:
(1) To BEAR THE SURNAME of the (a) The jurisdictional facts;
recognizing parent (b) The names & residences of the
(2) To receive SUPPORT from such parent parents who acknowledged the child, or
(291) either of them, and
(3) To receive in a proper case the  their compulsory heirs, and the
hereditary portion w/c is determined by this  person or persons with whom the child
code. lives;
(c) The fact that the recognition
made by the parent or parents took place
INVOLUNTARY RECOGNITION:  in a statement before a court of record
283. In any of the ff. cases,  in an authentic writing,
the FATHER is OBLIGED to recognize  copy of the statement or writing being
the child as his natural child: attached to the petition.
(1) In cases of
A M I S T A D : We live to serve!!! (A ’99)
Aileen, Beng, Dinah, Jo Leah, Lourie, Mamay.WPS, Marisa (soon to be Claudia?), Minnie, Peter, Riza
With the special participation of the Obiter Master Ella And the former “slave-master” turned into slave! --

Sec. 3. Order for Hearing.-- Upon NOTES:  IMPT:

the filing of the petition, the court, by an
order reciting the purpose of the same,
shall Q: What if the presumed parents
 fix the date and place for the hearing recognized the minor natural child either
thereof, which date shall not be more voluntarily or involuntarily without judicial
than 6 months after the entry of the approval and afterwards died, should the
order, and shall, moreover, child, after reaching majority age, ask for
 cause a copy of the order to be judicial approval of such recognition?
 served personally or by mail upon the
interested parties, and (The book makes distinctions between
 published once a week for 3 voluntary and involuntary recognition and
consecutive weeks, in a newspaper or their effects; but the same are irrelevant
newspapers of general circulation in (aside from being confusing) because of the
the province. ruling of the SC in Gapusan Chua vs. CA.)

Sec. 4. Opposition.-- Any A: NO. Requirement of judicial approval is

interested party must, within 15 days for the BENEFIT OF THE MINOR. Lack of said
 from service, or JA cannot impede the effectivity of the
 from the last date of publication of the judgment made.
order referred to in the next preceding
section, The judicial approval is for the
file his opposition to the petition, protection of the minor against any
stating the grounds or reasons therefor. acknowledgment made to his prejudice.
Therefore, the lack or insufficiency of such
approval is NOT a defect available to the
Sec. 5. Judgment.-- If, from the recognizing parent but one which the minor
evidence presented during the hearing, may raise or waive. If after reaching the
the court is satisfied that the recognition age of majority the minor consents to the
of the minor natural child was acknowledgment, the lack of judicial
 willingly and voluntarily made by the approval should make no difference.
parent or parents concerned, and
 is for the best interest of the child, Sec. 6. Service of judgment upon
 it shall render judgment granting civil registrar.-- A copy of the judgment
judicial approval of such recognition. rendered in accordance with the
preceding section shall be served upon
the civil registrar whose duty it shall be to
INVOLUNTARY RECOGNITION of a natural enter the same in the register.
child may be made:

(a) by an incontrovertible paper written by RULE 106

the parent expressly recognizing his

(b) by giving such child the status of a Rule 106 is deemed repealed by the
natural child of the father, justified by provisions of the Family Code.
the direct act of the father or his family
[Art. 283(2)]; FAMILY CODE

(c) by criminal action for rape, seduction or ART 152. The family home, constituted
abduction (par. 2, Art. 449, RPC) jointly by the husband and the wife or by an
unmarried head of a family, is the dwelling
house where they and their family reside, and
Note: Maybe we can improve this the land on which it is situated.
enumeration of Herrera by just applying Art.
283, NCC quoted above. Ma’am A said ART. 153. The family home is deemed
above enumeration does not make sense. constituted on a house and lot from the time it

A M I S T A D : We live to serve!!! (A ’99)
Aileen, Beng, Dinah, Jo Leah, Lourie, Mamay.WPS, Marisa (soon to be Claudia?), Minnie, Peter, Riza
With the special participation of the Obiter Master Ella And the former “slave-master” turned into slave! --

is occupied as a family residence. From the the effectivity of the FC. Art. 162 simply
time of its constitution and so long as any of means that all existing family residences at
the beneficiaries actually resides therein, the the time of the effectivity of the FC are
family continues to be such and is exempt
from execution, forced sale or attachment considered family homes and are
except as hereinafter provided and to the prospectively entitled to the benefits
extent of the value allowed by law. accorded to a family home.

There is no need to file verified petition ART. 157. The actual value of the family
for constitution of family home under FC. home shall not exceed, at the time of its
constitution, the amount of three hundred
ART. 154. The beneficiaries of a family thousand pesos in urban areas, and two hundred
home are: thousand pesos in rural areas, or such amounts
The husband and the wife, or an unmarried as may hereafter be fixed by law.
person who is the head of a family; and In any event, if the value of the currency
Their parents, ascendants, descendants, changes after the adoption of this Code, the
brothers and sisters, whether the relationship value most favorable for the constitution of a
be legitimate or illegitimate, who are living in family home shall be the basis of evaluation.
the family home and who depend upon the For purposes of this Art., urban areas are
head of the family for legal support. deemed to include chartered cities and
municipalities whose annual income at least
ART. 155. The family home shall be equals that legally required for chartered cities.
exempt from execution, forced sale or All others are deemed to be rural areas.
attachment except:
1) For nonpayment of taxes; ART. 160. When a creditor whose claim is
2) For debts incurred prior to the constitution not among those mentioned in Art. 155 obtains a
of the family home; judgment in his favor and he has reasonable
3) For debts secured by mortgages on the grounds to believe that the family home is
premises before or after such constitution; actually worth more than the maximum amount
and fixed in Art. 157, he may apply to the court
4) For debts due to laborers, mechanics, which rendered the judgment for an order
architects, builders, materialmen and directing the sale of the property under
others who have rendered service or execution. The court shall so order if it finds that
furnished material for the construction of the actual value of the family home exceeds the
the building. maximum amount fixed by law as of the time of
its constitution. If the increased actual value
exceeds the max. amount and results from
Modequillo vs. Salinas subsequent voluntary improvements introduced
by the person/s constituting the family home, by
the owner/s of the property, the same rule and
The debt or liability which was the basis procedure shall apply.
of the judgment arose or was incurred at
the time of the vehicular accident on 16 At the execution sale, no bid below the
March 1976 and the money judgment value allowed for a family shall be considered.
arising therefrom was rendered by the The proceeds shall be applied first to the
appellate court on 29 January 1988. Both amanita mentioned in 157 and to the liabilities
under the judgment and the costs. The excess,
preceded the effectivity of the FC on August if any, shall be delivered to the judgment
4, 1988 (not August 3 –1988 being a leap creditor.

The contention that it should be RULE 107

considered a family home from the time it
was occupied by petitioner and his family in
1969 is not well-taken. Under Art. 162 of
the FC, “The provisions…shall govern Sec. 1. Appointment of
existing family residences insofar as said representative. – When a person
disappears from his domicile, his
provisions are applicable.” It does not
whereabouts being unknown, and without
mean that ARTS. 152 and 153 have having left an agent to administer his
retroactive effect such that all existing property, or the power conferred upon the
family residences are deemed to have been agent has expired, any interested party,
constituted as family homes at the time of relative or friend, may petition the RTC of
their occupation prior to the effectivity of the place where absentee resided before
the FC and are exempt from execution for his disappearance, for the appointment of
the payment of obligations incurred before a person to represent him provisionally in

A M I S T A D : We live to serve!!! (A ’99)
Aileen, Beng, Dinah, Jo Leah, Lourie, Mamay.WPS, Marisa (soon to be Claudia?), Minnie, Peter, Riza
With the special participation of the Obiter Master Ella And the former “slave-master” turned into slave! --

all that may be necessary. [In the City of 3. The relatives who may succeed by law of
Manila, the petition shall be filed in the intestacy;
Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court.] 4. Those who may have over the property of
the absentee some right subordinated to the
condition of his death.
This rule is based on:
It is not necessary that a declaration of
ART. 381 CC. When a person disappears absence be made in a proceeding separate
from his domicile, his whereabouts being
unknown, and without leaving an agent to from and prior to a petition for admin.
administer his property, the judge, at the (Reyes vs. Alejandro)
instance of an interest party, a relative, or a
friend, may appoint a person to represent him in The petition to declare the husband an
all that may be necessary.
absentee and the petition to place the mgt
This same rule shall be observed when
under similar circumstances the power conferred of the conjugal properties in the hands of
by the absentee has expired. the wife could be combined and adjudicated
in the same proceeding. (Daya Maaria Tol-
ART. 382. The appointment referred to in Noguera v. Villamor)
381 having been made, the judge shall take the
necessary measures to safeguard the rights and
interests of the absentee and shall specify the Sec. 3. Contents of petition. - The
powers, obligations and remuneration of his petition for the appointment of a
representative, regulating them, according to the representative, or for the declaration of
circumstances, by the rules concerning absence and the appt of a trustee or an
guardians. admin, must show the ff:

Sec. 2 Declaration of absence; (a) The jurisdictional facts;

who may petition. After the lapse of 2 (b) The names, ages and residences of
years from his disappearance and without the heirs instituted in the will, a copy
any news about the absentee or since the of which shall be presented, and of the
receipts of the last news, or 5 years in relatives who would succeed by the
case the absentee has left a person in law of intestacy;
charge of the administration of his (c) The names and residences of creditors
property, the declaration of his absence and others who may have any adverse
and the appointment of a trustee or interest over the property of the
administrator may be applied for by any absentee;
of the ff: (d) The probable value, location and
character of the property belonging to
(a) The spouse present; the absentee.
(b) The heirs instituted in a will, who may
present an authentic copy of the Sec. 4. Time of hearing; notice
same; and publication thereof. – When a
(c) The relatives who would succeed by petition for the appt of a representative,
the law of intestacy; and or for the declaration of absence and the
(d) Those who have over the property of appt of a trustee or admin is file, the court
the absentee some right subordinated shall fix a date and place for the hearing
to the condition of his death. thereof where all concerned may appear
to contest the petition.
This rule is based on the ff:
Copies of the notice of the time and
ART. 384 CC. Two years having elapsed place fixed for the hearing shall be served
without any news about the absentee or since upon the known heirs, legatees, devisees,
the receipt of the last news, and five years in creditors and other interested persons, at
case the absentee has left a person in charge of least 10 days before the day of the
the admin of his property, his absence may be hearing, and shall be published once a
declared. week for 3 consecutive weeks prior to the
time designated for the hearing, in a
ART. 385. The ff may ask for the newspaper of general circulation in the
declaration of absence: province or city where the absentee
resides, as the court shall deem best.
1. The spouse present;
2. The heirs instituted in a will, who may
present an authentic copy of the same;
A M I S T A D : We live to serve!!! (A ’99)
Aileen, Beng, Dinah, Jo Leah, Lourie, Mamay.WPS, Marisa (soon to be Claudia?), Minnie, Peter, Riza
With the special participation of the Obiter Master Ella And the former “slave-master” turned into slave! --

Sec. 5. Opposition. Anyone (c) When a third person appears, showing

appearing to contest the petition shall by a proper document that he has
state in writing his grounds therefor, and acquired the absentee’s property by
serve a copy thereof on the petitioner and purchase or other title.
other interested parties on or before the
date designated for the hearing. In these cases the trustee or admin
shall cease the performance of his office,
Sec. 6. Proof at hearing; order. - and the property shall be placed at the
At the hearing, compliance with the disposal of those who may have a right
provisions of section 4 of the rule must thereto.
first be shown, upon satisfactory proof of
the allegations in the petition, the court This is based on Art. 389 of the CC.
shall issue an order granting the same
and appointing the prep, trustee or admin Declaration of Absence is Unnecessary where there
for the absentee. The judge shall take the are no properties
necessary measures to safeguard the
The need to have a person judicially
rights and interests of the absentee and
shall specify the powers, obli and declared an absentee is when
remuneration of his rep, trustee or admin,  he has properties which have to be
regulating them by the rules concerning taken care of or administered by a rep
guardians. appointed by the Court
 his wife is asking the court that the
In case of declaration of absence, admin of all classes of property in the
the same shall not take effect until 6 marriage be transferred to her
months after its publication in a
 the spouse of the absentee is asking for
newspaper of general circulation
designated by the court AND in the separation of property.
Official Gazette.
The petition to declare the husband an
absentee and the petition to place the
Sec. 7. Who may be appointed. –In
the appointment of a rep, the spouse management of the conjugal properties in
present shall be preferred when there is the hands of the wife may be combined and
no legal separation, if the absentee left no adjudicated in the same proceedings.
spouse, or if the spouse present is a minor
or otherwise incompetent, any competent No independent action for Declaration of
person may be appointed by the court. Presumption of Death
The disputable presumption established by
In case of declaration of absence, the rule of evidence that a person not heard
the trustee or admin of the absentee’s from in seven years is dead may arise and
property shall be appointed in accordance be invoked either in an action or in a special
with the preceding par. proceeding, which is tried or heard by, and
submitted for decision to, a competent
This is based on Art. 383 of CC. court. Independently of such an axn or
Basically, it says the same thing. Dapat proc, the presumption of death cannot be
lang, kaya nga based doon. He! He! invoked nor can it be made the subject of
an action or spec proc. (In re Nicolai
Sec. 8. Termination of
administration. – The trusteeship or Prof. Avena: This is a rebuttable
admin of the property of the absentee presumption established by the rules of
shall cease upon order of the court in any
evidence so you don’t have to go to court
of the ff cases:
and file an action or spec proc simply for
the purpose of securing it per
(a) When the absentee appears
personally or by means of an agent; se.
(b) When the death of the absentee is
proved and his testate or intestate To illustrate: If you are a beneficiary of an
heirs appear; insurance policy and the insured has been
absent for at least 7 years (plus no news of
his whereabouts), you can file an action for
A M I S T A D : We live to serve!!! (A ’99)
Aileen, Beng, Dinah, Jo Leah, Lourie, Mamay.WPS, Marisa (soon to be Claudia?), Minnie, Peter, Riza
With the special participation of the Obiter Master Ella And the former “slave-master” turned into slave! --
the collection of the proceeds. In so doing,  Vessel – all kinds of watercraft
you have in your favor the disputable  Aeroplane – all kinds of aircraft
presumption of the insured’s death. You  Taking part in war – includes all military
need not go (and besides you cannot do operations or undertaking involving
this) to court to file an independent action armed fighting and does not only apply
for the declaration of the insured’s death. to soldiers but also to those employed in
(Sana naintindihan niyo iyong the armed forces like nurses and
pagkakaintindi ko sa sinabi ni Ma’am – doctors, reporters and cameramen.
Fritz)  In danger of death – events as
earthquakes, fires, explosions, etc.
EXCEPTION: The need for declaration of
presumptive death for purposes of Presumption of Death must yield to
remarriage. This is based on Art. 41 of the preponderance of evidence
FC. Otherwise, the subsequent marriage There are certain circumstances
shall be null and void. where a person was already considered
dead without waiting for the period to
REQUISITES: expire. (Eastern Shipping Lines v. Lucero)
 The prior spouse had been absent for
four consecutive years and ***Caveat: I’m typing this from memory
 the spouse present had a well-founded dahil nagkataong this was included in my
belief that the absent spouse was part sa evidence.
already dead.
 In case of disappearance where there is In this case, the ship where the
danger of death under Art. 391 CC, an person presumed dead was on board sunk
absence of only two ears shall be due to storm. In fact, nakita pa nga nila sa
sufficient. may coast iyong wrecked parts ng ship. So
sabi ng SC, no need to wait for the
This provision is intended to protect the expiration of the 4-yr period (this was not
present spouse for a criminal prosecution for subsequent marriage) dahil by
for bigamy because with such judicial preponderance of evidence, the
declaration, good faith of the present circumstances sufficiently show that the
spouse is established. person may be considered dead.


This means that the other spouse
has been missing for at least four years, it THE FAMILY LAW
being unknown whether or not he or she is
Art. 238. Until modified by the SC, the
still alive, and the present spouse having a procedural rules in this title shall apply in all
well-founded belief that the missing spouse cases provided for in this Code requiring
is already dead. summary court proc. Such cases shall be
decided in an expedition manner without regard
The period of 4 years is reduced to 2 to technical rules.
under the ff circumstances (Art. 391 CC)
Characteristics of Summary Proceedings in
(a) The missing person was on board a the FC
vessel lost during a sea voyage, or an
aeroplane which is missing; (1) The pet shall be verified, to assure its
(b) The missing person was in the armed truthfulness.
forces and had taken part in war; or
(c) The missing person was in danger of (2) Notice of the filing of the pet be sent to
death under other circumstances. resp at his last known address, as part
of due process.
In the above case, the 2-yr period is
computed from the occurrence of the event (3) No periods set; it is up to the judge to
from which death is presumed. det the period within which the resp
shld answer the petition and the

A M I S T A D : We live to serve!!! (A ’99)
Aileen, Beng, Dinah, Jo Leah, Lourie, Mamay.WPS, Marisa (soon to be Claudia?), Minnie, Peter, Riza
With the special participation of the Obiter Master Ella And the former “slave-master” turned into slave! --
hearing thereof, which shld be very
short, considering na summary nga. (7) Art. 96 – disagreement in the joint
admin and enjoyment of the
(4) There is a preliminary conference community prop;
wherein lawyers are excluded.
(8) Art. 124 – disagreement in the joint
(5) The appearance of the trial fiscal of the admin and enjoyment of ACP;
court is not required. (Baka absent or
unprepared pa.) (9) Art. 217 – entrusting of parental
authority over foundlings, abandoned,
(6) The prelim confab should be conducted neglected or abused children and other
personally by the judge in the nature of children similarly situated to heads of
an inquisitorial hearing. (Q & A) children’s homes, orphanages and
similar institutions duly accredited by
(7) The proceedings can be decided on the the gov’t;
basis of affidavits or other
documentary evidence. Oral (10) Art. 225 – fixing of the bond of the
testimonies will be required only when parents.
necessary and at the discretion of the
(8) Case shall be decided in the most Pls. See 239-253 of the FC
expeditious manner, without regard to
technical rules. Unless Congress would decide to re-
create the former Juvenile and Domestic
(9) Judgment shall be immediately final Relations Courts or family courts which were
and executory. abolished by BP 129, all proc to be filed
under the FC would be cognizable by the
APPLICABILITY OF PROCEDURAL RULES branches of the RTC designated by the SC
to handle exclusively juvenile and domestic
The rules of summary procedure shall apply relations cases, and in places where no
to the ff: designation is made, by the RTC of the
proper venue of the case. Venue shall be
(1) Art. 100 par (2) – separation in fact the place of residence of either spouse.
between H and W under the regime of
ACP and where the consent of one Claims for Damages not covered by
spouse to any transaction of the other Summary Procedure
is required by law.
Claims for damages cannot be
(2) Art. 127 (2) – same as Art. 100 but litigated in the same proceedings bec. Such
under the regime of CPG. claims will necessarily entail delay.
Independent or separate cases shall
(3) Art. 41 – action for declaration of the therefore be necessary for establishing and
presumptive death of an absent spouse enforcing claims for damages.
believed to be dead.
Due Process to Be Observed
(4) Art. 51 – delivery of presumptive
legitimes by means of a mutual Def. spouse shall be duly notified
agreement requiring jud’l approval; and furnished a copy of the pet at his last
known address and shall be given the
(5) Art. 69 – disagreement in the fixing of opportunity to answer the same or to show
family domicile; cause why the pet should not be granted.
Otherwise, void for lack of DP.
(6) Art. 73 – objection by one spouse to the
exercise by the other spouse of any Prelim Conference; No Lawyers
legit prof, occupation, bus or activity;

A M I S T A D : We live to serve!!! (A ’99)
Aileen, Beng, Dinah, Jo Leah, Lourie, Mamay.WPS, Marisa (soon to be Claudia?), Minnie, Peter, Riza
With the special participation of the Obiter Master Ella And the former “slave-master” turned into slave! --
Shall be conducted by the judge Proceedings for the correction of
personally and not thru Clerk of Court or a erroneous entry should not be considered
Commissioner. Counsel shall not assist the as establishing one’s status in a legal
parties at this stage. manner conclusively beyond dispute. Art.
410 CC provides, “..the books making up
Non-appearing party shall be compelled to the civil register and all documents relating
appear; Failure to appear despite efforts-Ex- thereto…shall be prima facie evidence of
parte proc authorized the facts therein contained.”

The court shall require attendance if The correction shld not imply a
possible. If despite such efforts, the party change of status but a mere rectification of
still does not appear—ex-parte proceedings. error to make the matter corrected speak
The court shall render decision on the basis for the truth. There is therefore no increase
of affidavits, documentary evidence or oral or diminution of substantive right, as is the
testimonies. basis for holding that R108 would be
unconsti if held to allow correction of more
Judgment Immediately Final and Executory than mere harmless clerical errors.

Not appealable just like a decision based Distinction bet. R103 and R108

on a compromise agreement. The decision
can be questioned in the ff cases:
(1) By a special civil action for certiorari on R103 R108
grounds of grave abuse of discretion, change of name only all cancellation or
excess of juris or lack of juris correction of entries
committed by the court; the entry is correct there is a mistake
(2) By annulment of decision based on lack but you want to which you
of juris or extrinsic fraud. change it want to correct
Civil Registrar not a Civil Registrar is an
party Indispensable party.
RULE 108 Otherwise, null and
interested party in
Of public documents

Sec. 1 Who may file petition. Any

person interested in any act, even, order **If both reliefs are to be sought in the
or decree concerning the civil status of
same proceedings all the requirements of
persons which has been recorded in the
civil register, may file a verified petition R103 and 108 must be complied with.
for the cancellation or correction of an
entry relating thereto, with the RTC of the Proceeding when error is clerical or
province where the corresponding civil substantive
registry is located.
 Clerical – the procedure is summary.
 Substantive – the procedure is
Role of the Court
Sec. 2 Entries subject to
The crt’s role in hearing the petition cancellation or correction. – Upon good
to correct certain entries in the civil registry and valid grounds, the ff. entries in the
is to ascertain the truth about the facts civil register may be cancelled or
recorded therein. Reason: Truth is best corrected:
ascertained or approximated by trial (a) births;
conducted under the adversary system. (b) marriages;
(c) deaths;
(d) legal separation;

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Aileen, Beng, Dinah, Jo Leah, Lourie, Mamay.WPS, Marisa (soon to be Claudia?), Minnie, Peter, Riza
With the special participation of the Obiter Master Ella And the former “slave-master” turned into slave! --

(e) judgments of annulments of marriage; Sec. 4. Notice and Publication.

(f) judgments declaring marriages void Upon the filing of the petition, the court
from the beginning; shall, by an order, fix the time and place
(g) legitimations; for the hearing of the same, and cause
(h) adoptions; reasonable notice thereof to be given to
(i) acknowledgments of natural children; the persons named in the petition. The
court shall also cause the order to be
(j) naturalization; published once a week for 3 consecutive
(k) election, loss or recovery of weeks in a newspapers of gen circulation
citizenship; in the province.
(l) civil interdiction;
(m)judicial determination of filiation;
Sec. 5. Opposition. The civil
(n) voluntary emancipation of a minor; registrar and any person having or
claiming any interest under the entry
(o) changes of name. whose cancellation or correction is sought
may, within 15 dys from notice of the
R108 covers: petition, or from the last date of
1) Correction of innocuous or clerical errors publication of such notice, file his
apparent on the facts of the record and opposition thereto.
capable of being corrected by mere
reference to it, e.g., misspellings. ADVERSARY PROCEEDINGS
2) Correction of substantial errors provided 1) When the petition is filed either by the
proceedings is adversary, e.g. civil registrar or any person having a
citizenship. claim…and the opposition is actively
Appropriate Adversary Proceedings 2) When all relevant facts have been fully
One having opposing parties; and properly developed, where opposing
contested, as distinguished from an ex counsel have been given opportunity to
parte application, one which the party demolish the opposite party’s case, and
seeking relief has given legal warning to the where the evidence has been thoroughly
other party, and afforded the latter an weighed and considered.
opportunity to contest it. 3) When the opposition is filed either by
the civil registrar or any person having
Persons who must be made parties or claiming any interest…
1) Civil Registrar;
2) All persons who have or claim any Sec. 6. Expeditious proceedings.
interest which would be affected The court in which the proceeding is
thereby. brought may make orders expediting the
• These are also the persons entitled to proceedings, and may also grant prelim
injunction for the preservation of the
oppose the petition. rights of the parties pending such proc.
Upon the filing of the petition, it becomes
the duty of the court to: Sec. 7 Order. After hearing, the
1) issue an order fixing the time and place court may either dismiss the petition or
issue an order granting the cancellation or
for the hearing of the petition, and correction prayed for. In either case, a
2) cause the order for hearing to be certified copy of the judgment shall be
published once a week for 3 consecutive served upon the civil registrar concerned
weeks in a newspaper of gen circulation who shall annotate the same in his record.
in the province.

Sec. 3. Parties. When cancellation or RULE 109

correction of an entry in the civil register is
sought, the civil registrar and all persons APPEALS IN SPECIAL PROCEEDINGS
who have or claim any interest which would
be affected thereby shall be made parties to Section 1. Orders or judgments
the proceeding. from which appeals may be taken. An
interested person may appeal in special
proceedings from an order or judgment
A M I S T A D : We live to serve!!! (A ’99)
Aileen, Beng, Dinah, Jo Leah, Lourie, Mamay.WPS, Marisa (soon to be Claudia?), Minnie, Peter, Riza
With the special participation of the Obiter Master Ella And the former “slave-master” turned into slave! --

rendered by a RTC or a Juvenile and

Domestic Relations Court, where such Who May Appeal -- Interest Person
order or judgment:
(a) Allows or disallows a will; A stranger having neither material
(b) Determines who are the lawful heirs of nor direct interest in a testate or intestate
a deceased person, or the distributive has no rt to appeal from any order issued
share of the estate to which such herein.
person is entitled;
(c) Allows or disallows, in whole or in part, May appeal only when the order,
any claim against the estate of a
decease person, or any claim decree, judgment constitutes a final
presented on behalf of the estate in determination of the rights of the appellants
offset to a claim against it; and the appeal shall affect every order,
(d) Settles the account of an executor, decree or judgment appealed from, and not
admin, trustee or guardian; merely the interest which the appellants
(e) Constitutes, in proceedings relating to may have therein.
the settlement of the estate of a
decease person, or the admin of a *Prof. Avena: May sometimes be
trustee or guardian, a final interlocutory in nature if we were to
determination in the lower court of the consider it under civpro but it is final in the
rights of the party appealing, except sense that it disposes of rights and obli of
that no appeal shall be allowed from
the appointment of a special admin; parties, e.g. declaration of incompetency –
and You can appeal na although if viewed under
(f) Is the final order or judgment rendered civpro, hindi pa ito final dahil wala pang na-
in the case, and affects the substantial aapoint na guardian. In other words, hindi
rights of the person appealing, pa tapos iyong guardianship proc.
UNLESS it be an order granting or (Siyempre, hindi ganito iyung pagkakasabi-
denying a motion for a new trial or for Fritz)
The fact that the admin did not
Prof. Avena: prosecute the appeal does not bar the
Sec. 1 (f). The unless clause here simply lawful heirs of the deceased from doing so.
means that in these two instances, you go REASON: Lawful heirs are considered
on appeal immediately. interest party.

 Enumeration is not exclusive, e.g., The validity of a judgment or order

approval of bond, declaration of of a court entered in a spec pro cannot be
incompetency for purposes of assailed collaterally unless the ground for
guardianship. the attack is lack of juris or fraud by the
party sought to be charged with it in its
Mode of Appeal procurement.
Spec Pro- The period of appeals is
30 days, a record on appeal being required. If the nullity of the judgment or order
Exc: Habeas corpus cases – 48 assailed is for failure to comply with the
hours. statutory req. which must be followed
before such J/O may be entered, the remedy
Appeals in Liquidation Proceedings against is to appeal from such, or if final, to apply
Insolvent Corp is by Record on Appeal for relief under R38.

Since liquidation proc against an In a specpro, appeals may be taken

insolvent corp is a spec pro, the appeal is at various stages of the proceedings so
by record on appeal. REASON: several song as the order, decree or judgment
claims are actually separate ones and a constitutes a final determination of the
decision or final order with respect to any rights of the parties so appealing.
claim can be appealed. Necessarily the orig
rec on appeal must remain in the TC where A probate decree finally and
other claims may still be pending. definitively settles all questions concerning

A M I S T A D : We live to serve!!! (A ’99)
Aileen, Beng, Dinah, Jo Leah, Lourie, Mamay.WPS, Marisa (soon to be Claudia?), Minnie, Peter, Riza
With the special participation of the Obiter Master Ella And the former “slave-master” turned into slave! --
capacity of the testator and the proper 3) A spec admin may be allowed to appeal
execution and witnessing of his last will and from an order disallowing a will.
testament, irrespective of whether its
provisions are valid. Appealable under Sec. 3. Order for License to Sell
1 (a). An order for license to sell real
estate in admin proc is appealable.
Certiorari and Mandamus not A Substitute
for Appeal 4. Order Against Bond
Appealable. REASON: Such order
If an interested party lost his remedy by constitutes a definite pronouncement as
appeal due to his own neglect, he cannot relates to his bond and to his movable
now seek redress by certiorari and property of which he will be deprived. Thus,
mandamus, it not appearing that the lower he can appeal.
court has acted without juris.
5. Order to contract Obligation
GENERAL PRINCIPLE: In the absence of Appealable. REASON: It affects
statutory provisions directing otherwise, substantial rights of the parties and may
any order, judgment or decree of the unnecessarily prolong the admin of the
probate court capable of being enforced, or intestate estate to the detriment of the
taking effect without further order, may be heirs.
appealed from; and that no action of the
probate court can be appealed from which 6. Order Appointing Admin
requires a subsequent order or judgment to Appealable. This is a final
give it effect. e.g., An order directing one to determination of the rts of the parties
appear and submit to an examination thereunder.
touching any property in his possession
belonging to an intestate, otherwise, he 7. Order Annulling Appointment of
shall be committed to prison, is Guardian
APPEALABLE. Appealable. An order refusing to
permit a person to intervene in a probate
In this case, said person is legally proceeding where he claims to have
interested in the order, thus entitled to acquired the interest of one of the heirs of
appeal. He need not be legally interested in the deceased is likewise appealable.
the intestate proceedings proper.
8. Order Removing a Guardian
OTHER INSTANCES WHERE APPEAL IS Appealable. Constitutes a final
AVAILABLE determination of his rights. An order
declaring a guardian incompetent is
1. Appeal by Surety likewise appealable.
When a surety of an exec/admin of
the estate of a deceased person is admitted 9. Inventories and Claims against the
as a party to an acctg made by such Estate
exec/admin under R. 85 Sec. 11, he may be Re: inventories, claims against the
allowed to appeal from any order of the estate and sale of the property of the
court approving or disapproving such acctg. decedent are appealable.

2 Appeal by Heir from Money Claim 10. Person declared incompetent

1) An heir, legatee or devisee who under An order declaring one a spend thrift
R86 S11 has been served with notice as and mentally and physically incompetent is
to a money claim against the estate appealable.
may be allowed to appeal from an order
of the ct. approving such claim. 11. Order refusing to permit a party to
2) A creditor who under R87 S10 is allowed intervene
by the ct to bring an action for recovery
of property may be allowed to appeal. Appealable if the party seeking to
intervene is one who claims to have

A M I S T A D : We live to serve!!! (A ’99)
Aileen, Beng, Dinah, Jo Leah, Lourie, Mamay.WPS, Marisa (soon to be Claudia?), Minnie, Peter, Riza
With the special participation of the Obiter Master Ella And the former “slave-master” turned into slave! --
acquired the interest of one of the heirs of
the estate. Facts: Moncupa et al were arrested & detained.
He was alleged to be a National Democratic Font
staff member. A Presidential Commitment Order
Orders that are not appealable (PCO) was issued vs. them. After 2 separate
investigations, it was ascertained that Moncupa
was not a member of any subversive
1. Order directing admin to take action to organization. Both investigators recommended
recover amount due to the estate; his prosecution only for illegal possession of
firearms & subversive documents. The
interlocutory. petitioners’ motions for bail were deined.
Respondents claim that the privilege of the writ
This is purely interlocutory and of HC had been suspended as to Moncupa & filed
a MTD stating “Since the pet. is free & no longer
cannot be the basis of an appeal. Why? under the custody of the resps., the present
Ewan ko. But I think it’s probably because petition for HC may be deemed moot &
of the application of the gen principle. academic as in similar cases.”

Held: Moncupa may have been released fr. his

1. Order made in admin proc relating to detention cell, but the restraints attached to his
inclusion or exclusion of items of temporary release preclude freedom of action &
under the Villavicencio v. Lukban rule warrant
property in the inventory of exec/admin, the Court’s relieving him of such restraints as
interlocutory may be illegal. It is not physical restraint alone
w/c is inquired into by the writ of habeas corpus.
This is purely discretionary,
The principle is clear. A release that
provisional and interlocutory. Subject to renders a pet. for a WHC moot & academic must
modification or change at any time during be one w/c is free fr. involuntary restraints.
the course of admin proc. Not conclusive of Where a person continues to be unlawfully
denied one or more of his constitutional
the rts of any one, and the order is not final. freedoms, where there is present a denial of due
process, where the restraints are not merely
involuntary but appear to be unnecessary, &
2. Order Appointing Special where a deprivation of freedom originally valid
Admin/Receiver has, in the light of subsequent dev’ts., become
Merely incidental to judicial proceedings. arbitrary, the person concerned or those
applying in his behalf may still avail themselves
The ct making the appt retains control over of the privilege of the writ.
it and that it may modify, rescind, or revoke
the same on sufficient grounds at any time Toyoto, et al. V. Ramos
before final judgment.
Facts: Petitioners temporarily released fr.
detention. So, does writ lie?

Sec. 2. Advance Distribution in Held: Ordinarily, a pet. for HC becomes mute &
spec pro. Notwithstanding a pending epidemic (he he) when the restraint on the
controversy or appeal in proceedings to liberty of the pets. Is lifted either temporarily or
settle the estate of a decedent, the ct permanently. But the instant case presents a
diff. situation. The Q to be resolved is whether
may, in its discretion and upon such terms the State can reserve the power to re-arrest a
as it may deem proper and just, permit person for an offense after a court of competent
that such part of the estate as may not be jurisdiction has absolved him of the offense.
affected by the controversy or appeal be Such a reservation is repugnant to the
government of laws & not of men principle.
distributed among the heirs or legatees Under this principle the moment a person is
upon compliance with the conditions set acquitted on a crim charge he can no longer be
forth in R. 90 of these rules. detained or re-arrested for the same offense.

Fritz, sana naman ay hindi na nasayang ang Alimpoos v. CA

pagod mo. GOOD LUCK, 3-A!!!  Aileen, Minnie
Facts: Reynaldo Mosquito has been accused of
& Ella Robbery w/ less Serious Physical Injuries. He
was detained by virtue of a warrant of arrest
which was issued without the observance of the
Appendix to Minnie’s Habeas Corpus Opus legal requirements for the issuance thereof.
Mosquito filed a petition for Habeas Corpus
By: The Regressing Whimsyland Kids Lourie, before the Trial Court. Mosquito named as
Karreen & Jig + Party Pooper Ella defendants in the case the Prov. Fiscal and the
private offended parties. he also filed a claim for
Habeas Corpus # 9 damages premised on Arts. 32 (4) and other
applicable provisions of the Civil Code.
Moncupa v. Enrile

A M I S T A D : We live to serve!!! (A ’99)
Aileen, Beng, Dinah, Jo Leah, Lourie, Mamay.WPS, Marisa (soon to be Claudia?), Minnie, Peter, Riza
With the special participation of the Obiter Master Ella And the former “slave-master” turned into slave! --
Held: The order of dismissal cannot be
1. WON the writ of Habeas Corpus if the proper considered as a valid adjudication on the merits
remedy for Mosquito? which would serve as a bar to the second action
2. WON damages may be awarded in a Habeas for custody of minor. TC dismissed the case
Corpus case? without stating the reasons or the basis
therefore, contrary to the constitutional mandate
3. WON private offended party may take part in that decisions rendered by the court must clearly
the case? & distinctly state the law & facts on which it is
based. It is worthy to note though that the
Held: ground upon which the motion to dismiss was
filed was erroneous since the question as to who
shall have custody of the child can be sufficiently
1. The WHC is not the proper remedy. When a resolved in the petition for writ of HC pursuant to
warrant of arrest is being assailed for improper Rule 102, ROC.
preliminary investigation, the remedy is a
petition to quash the warrant of arrest or petition
for reinvestigation of the case. It is the gen. rule The controversy in the instant case
that a HC shld. not be resorted to when there is involves a litigation initiated by the natural
another remedy available. mother over the welfare & custody of her child,
in which the State has a paramount interest.
The fundamental policy in the Constitution
2. No. Damages cannot be awarded. The sole promoting & protecting the welfare of children
function of the writ is to relieve fr. unlawful should not be disregarded by a mere technicality
imprisonment and ordinarily it cannot be in resolving disputes which involve the family &
properly used for another purpose. youth.

3. While the issuance of the writ connotes the GALVEZ VS. CA

commencement of a civil action, the proceedings
for HC is technically not yet a suit bet. private
parties. The proper party is the Chief of Police or Facts: Three separate information (1 homicide,
the person having the accused in detention and 2 frustrated homicide) were filed vs. Galvez
not the private offended party. It is also only the (incumbent mayor of one of the towns in Bulacan
fiscal who may appeal the order granting the ... Peter, don’t follow his footsteps, OK?) for the
writ as mandated by Sec. 19 RULE 41 of the alleged shooting of the Vinculados. Said infos.
ROC. were later withdrawn in a Motion by the
prosecutor, but on the same day, filed four
separate information (same three plus illegal
Salvana v. Saliendra possession of firearms). Judge ordered the arrest
of the petitioners since no bail was
Facts: Salvana and Saliendra are the parents of recommended.
15 year old Felicisima Salvana. The minor is
presently in the custody of a justice of peace. Issue: WON petition for HC was properly filed
The parents filed a petition for WHC to regain together with the present petition for certiorari
parental authority over the minor. The pet. was and mandamus
denied on the ground that the parents are guilty
of abusing their child by forcing her to marry
another against the her wishes. Held: Writ of HC and certiorari may be ancillary
to each other where necessary to give effect to
the supervisory powers of the higher courts. The
Issue: WON WHC should issue? writ reaches the body & jurisdictional matters
while certiorari reaches the record. But HC does
Held: It should issue. A WHC is the proper not lie where pet. has the remedy of appeal or
legal remedy to enable parents to regain the certiorari because it will not be permitted to
custody of a minor daughter even though the perform the functions of a writ of error or appeal
child is in custody of a 3rd person of her OWN for the purpose of reviewing mere errors or
FREE WILL. Neither the fact that the parents irregularities in the proceedings of a court
sought to compel her to marry against her having jurisdiction over the person & subject
wishes a legal ground for depriving parents their matter.
parental authority over the child as to deny them
the right. Writ cannot be granted in the case at bar
since petitioners failed to adduce any
SUAREZ VS. CA justification or exceptional circumstances which
would warrant the grant of such writ. HC is not
ordinarily available in advance of trial to
Facts: Respondent Manese filed a petition for determine jurisdictional questions that may
writ of HC vs. petitioner Renato Suarez, his arise. In the absence of exceptional
mother & sister. She filed a motion to dismiss circumstances, the orderly course of trial should
without prejudice to her right to file another be pursued & the usual remedies exhausted
action for custody of minor, contending that the before the writ may be invoked. Petition for HC
issue as to who has rightful custody of the child is not the appropriate vehicle for asserting a
could be fully adjudicated in another action and right to bail or vindicating its denial.
not in the present action for HC. TC granted
motion but with prejudice.
Issue: WON order of dismissal with prejudice is
res judicata to present action for custody of FACTS: The accused were found by the
minor & support Philippine Navy off the province of Palawan with
untaxed blue-seal cigarettes in their possession.

A M I S T A D : We live to serve!!! (A ’99)
Aileen, Beng, Dinah, Jo Leah, Lourie, Mamay.WPS, Marisa (soon to be Claudia?), Minnie, Peter, Riza
With the special participation of the Obiter Master Ella And the former “slave-master” turned into slave! --
They were brought to Manila and investigated. PAREDES VS. SANDIGANBAYAN
During this preliminary investigation, each of the
accused executed affidavits and waived their FACTS: A criminal complaint was filed against
rights under Art. 125 of the RPC (arbitrary Governor Paredes for violation of the Anti-Graft
detention). On recommendation of the Manila and Corrupt Practices Act. A preliminary
fiscal, the accused were brought back to Palawan investigation was held but the summons for
and another preliminary investigation was held, Paredes to appear therein did not reach him. An
allegedly for the purpose of “affirm(ing) the truth information was subsequently filed and a
of the sworn statements.” This time, however, warrant of arrest issued against Paredes. He now
the accused declined counsel and readily petitions for habeas corpus on the ground that
affirmed their previous affidavits. Their counsel the preliminary investigation was invalid and
filed a MTQ, claiming that the information was that the offense has prescribed.
filed without a preliminary investigation and, if
there was, it was held in Manila and not Palawan
where the alleged crime was committed. The ISSUE: WON the circumstances constitute valid
lower court granted the MTQ, holding that the grounds for the issuance of a writ of habeas
preliminary investigation was conducted corpus.
HELD: NO. The absence of a preliminary
ISSUE: WON the trial court correctly dismissed investigation does not affect the court’s
the information based on the lack of preliminary jurisdiction over the case nor impair the validity
investigation. of the information or otherwise render it
defective. The remedy of the accused in such a
HELD: NO. Assuming that the trial court case is to call the attention of the court to the
felt that the accused should have been given lack of a preliminary investigation and demand,
more “ample chance and opportunity to be as a matter of right, that one be conducted. The
heard in the preliminary investigation”, what it court, instead of dismissing the information,
should have properly done was not to dismiss should merely suspend the trial and order the
the information but to hold the case in abeyance fiscal to conduct a preliminary investigation.
and conduct its own investigation or require the
fiscal to hold a reinvestigation. The absence of The defense of prescription of the
such investigation did not impair the validity of offense should be pleaded in the criminal action,
the information or otherwise render it defective. otherwise it would be deemed waived. It is a
Much less did it affect the jurisdiction of the proper ground for a motion to quash which
lower court over the case. should be filed before the arraignment of the
accused for whether the crime may still be
ENRILE VS. SALAZAR prosecuted and penalized should be determined
in the criminal case not in a special proceeding
of habeas corpus. All questions which may arise
FACTS: Juan Ponce Enrile, Gregorio Honasan, in the orderly course of a criminal prosecution
and the Panlilio spouses were arrested by PNP are to be determined by the court to whose
agents on a warrant of arrest issued by Judge jurisdiction the defendant has been subjected by
Salazar. They were denied bail, none being the law, and the fact that a defendant has a
recommended in the information which charged good and sufficient defense to a criminal charge
them with the crime of rebellion with murder and on which he is held will not entitle him to his
multiple frustrated murder allegedly committed discharge on habeas corpus.
during the failed coup attempt of Dec. 1990.
Enrile and the Panlilios filed this petition for ILAGAN V. ENRILE
habeas corpus, invoking denial of the
constitutional right to bail. (When we went to Davao, Judge Quitain, the
Daddy of Mamay, introduced as to Atty. Ilagan
who was then pres. of Integrated Bar of the
ISSUE: Phils. Davao Chapter. May picture pa kami w/
WON a petition for habeas corpus is the him.)
appropriate vehicle for asserting a right to bail or
vindicating its denial. Facts: Atty. Ilagan was arrested in Davao City &
HELD: detained on the basis of a mission order
NO. The criminal case before Judge allegedly issued by the Ministry of Nat’l.
Salazar was the normal venue for invoking the Defense. He was visited by 15 lawyers fr. IBP
petitioner’s right to have provisional liberty Davao Chapter. One of the visitors was also
pending trial and judgment. The correct course arrested & detinaed on the basis of an unsigned
was for petitioner to invoke that jurisdiction by MO. After several days, another IBP member
filing a petition to be admitted to bail, claiming a was arrested. Petitioners argue that the arrests
right to bail per se by reason of the weakness of were illegal & violative of the Consti, since
the evidence against him. Only after that remedy arrests cannot be made on the basis of mission
was denied by the trial court should the review orders. Resps. Answered that the Writ was
jurisdiction of the Supreme Court have been suspended as to them by virtue of Proc. #2045-
invoked, and even then, not without first A.
applying to the Court of Appeals if appropriate
relief was also available there. The Court will no Held: IF the detained attys. Question their
longer countenance pleas like the present that detention bec. of improper arrest, or that no
clearly short-circuit the judicial process and prelim inv has been conducted, the remedy is
burden it with the resolution of issues properly not a pet. for a writ of HC but a Motion for the TC
within the original competence of the lower to quash the Warrant of Arrest, &/or the info on
courts. grounds provided by the rules or to ask for an
investigation/ reinvestigation of the case.

A M I S T A D : We live to serve!!! (A ’99)
Aileen, Beng, Dinah, Jo Leah, Lourie, Mamay.WPS, Marisa (soon to be Claudia?), Minnie, Peter, Riza
With the special participation of the Obiter Master Ella And the former “slave-master” turned into slave! --
This pet. is now mood & academic bec.
of criminal charges for rebellion filed vs. the

Luna v. Plaza

Facts: Supporting the complaint for murder were

sworn statements of prosecution witness in the
form of Q & A taken by the PC investigator, &
subscribed & sworn to before the resp. Judge at
the time of filing comp. Judge read to the
proecution witnesses the Q & A. This was how
he examined them. The latter declared that
their answers were true, freely & voluntarily
made, & that they fully understood the Q & A &
were willing to sign their respective affidavits.
Judge issued warrant of arrest. Pet. filed writ for
certiorari on the ground that he was deprived of
liberty w/o due process since the imprisonment
& detention was the result of a WOA issued by
resp. judge in violation of law since the exam
was not reduced to in writing in the form of
searching Q & A. Judge claims substantial

Held: There was substantial compliance. The

existence of probable cause depends to a large
degree upon the finding or opinion of the judge
conducting the exam. RA 3828 does not prohibit
the Mun Judge fr. adopting the questions asked
by the previous investigator.

The term “searching Q & A” means only

taking into consideration the purpose of the
prelim exam, w/c is to determine “whether there
is a reasonable ground to believe that an offense
has been committed & the accused is probably
guilty thereof so that a warrant of arrest may be
issued & the accused be held for trial, such Q’s
having tendency to show the commission of the
crime & the perpetrator.


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