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S.N. Contents Page No.

1 Introduction of Project

2 Company Profile

3 Review of Literature

4 Objectives

5 Research Methodology

6 Data Analysis & Interpretation

7 Findings & Suggestions

8 Limitations

9 Conclusion

10 References


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Quality control in the Cement industry forms an important aspect of the

production process, because of the complexity of the process involved and

the necessity of their lending themselves to proper clinker formation.

Combinations of tools and techniques work together in the quality control

process within the industry, and both physical inspection and automated

quality control methodologies can have a place in the quality control done

on the production of Cement.

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"Total quality control", also called total quality management, is an approach that

extends beyond ordinary statistical quality control techniques and quality

improvement methods. It implies a complete overview and re-evaluation of

the specification of a product, rather than just considering a more limited

set of changeable features within an existing product. If the original

specification does not reflect the correct quality requirements, quality

cannot be inspected or manufactured into the product. For instance, the

design of a pressure vessel should include not only the material and

dimensions, but also operating, environmental, safety, reliability and

maintainability requirements, and documentation of findings about these

requirements. Total Quality Management (TQM) refers to management

methods used to enhance quality and productivity in business

organizations. TQM is a comprehensive management approach that works

horizontally across an organization, involving all departments and

employees and extending backward and forward to include both suppliers

and clients/customers. TQM is only one of many acronyms used to label

management systems that focus on quality. Other acronyms include CQI

(continuous quality improvement), SQC (statistical quality control), QFD

(quality function deployment), QIDW (quality in daily work), TQC (total

quality control), etc. Like many of these other systems, TQM provides a

framework for implementing effective quality and productivity initiatives

that can increase the profitability and competitiveness of organizations

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Quality Control

Efficiency quality control is error prevention rather than error

detection. Online reaction to special cause of variation will lead to
progressive improvement in the process, performance and cost.
Fundamental improvement in quality results from testing rational
prediction about special process using statistical method. The
effective pursuit of quality permanent commitment through out an

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Pitfall of quality control

Pitfall of the successful implantation of the permanent quality

improvement culture are:-

1. Lack of top management support.

2. Lack of middle management support.
3. Commitment to only department.
4. Haphazard approach a little of this and that with no meaning
change in the system.
5. Measurement of success and guidance program on the basis
of short-term profile.

Cement :-

Cement is a word given to a powder material which initially has

plastic flow when mixed with water but has the property of setting
hard solid structure in the several hours with varying degree of
strength and bonding properties.

Natural is a mixture of burnt silicate and lime. It was discovered by

Joseph Aspdin an English brick layer in 1924. This Cement is called
Portland Cement and now a day prepared artificially.

Properties of Cement

It gives strength to the masonry.

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It is an excellent binding material.

It is easily workable.

It harden early.

Types of Cement

A. Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC)

It is of 3 types

1. 33G

2. 43G

3. 53G

B. Pozzolana Portland Cement (PPC)

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Time talks Long years ago, in 1919, a young man named Ghanshyam Das
Birla set up the first Indian – owned jute mill near Kolkata. He called it Birla Jute
Manufacturing Company.
Time watched as the small unit prospered. It also earmarked a young man to
beacon the new industrial India.
Shri Madhav Prasad Birla, Shri GD Birla’s nephew, was born in 1918. Under
his uncle’s tutelage he also inculcated the timeless values that his uncle held so dear
to life: integrity and enterprise. It was these very values that helped Shri MP Birla
transform the humble jute manufacturing company into a mighty conglomerate: Birla
Corporation Limited.
Now, under the chairmanship of Shri R.S.Lodha, the company has crossed
the 1900 – crore plus turnover mark and has widespread interests in: Cement, Jute,

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Auto Trims, Cushioned Vinyl Floor Covering, PVC Coated Wallpaper, Carbide,
Industrial Gases and Synthetic Yarn. Today individual division is independently
charting its own path but driven by some value system as envisaged by the visionary
who laid the first bricks.
Amongst, widespread product range, cement is our core business. Cement
produced by us also follows same value system as it has strength, integrity and trust
in terms of quality.




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The company has always treated its employees as members of its family and has been alive to
look after the needs of its employees for which the company is taking immense interesting
their welfare activities.

Housing Facilities:

Habitation comes only next to food and clothing. The management is well aware that
good houses man the possibility of home life, happiness and health. Keeping in view the
importance of good housing, the management has provided good pucca houses free of rent.
Minimum accommodation provided to the workers is 2 living rooms verandah, kitchen, both
room & latrines with electricity. All quarters have been provided with flush latrines &
cemented road in the labor colony.

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Education facilities:

The management knows its social responsibility of the children of their employees so for as
the education is concerned and therefore, a school is being run on the pattern of 10+2 system
where besides the children of our employees other children of the nearby areas study.

Social Activities:

In order to relieve the monotony and to introduce an element of joy and to keep away the
workman and their family from the industrial social evils, welfare centers have been provided
one each at factory & mines sites where regular programmers like Kirtan, Magic Shows ,
Cinema Shows are arranged. Sewing &embroidery classes are also held for ladies of
employees in these centers. Besides, indoor games, reading & library facilities are also there.
Their centers have been provided with T.V. sets. Social & cultural programmers on large
scales are organized on covered stage having the large open area for seating about 10,000

A stadium is constructed where football, volleyball, cricket and other sports are
organized on National Holidays and at other suitable teams.

Satna cement Works:

►Multiproduct Rs.1000/-cores plus corporation.

►MP Birla Group of companies.

►Shri GD Birla is a highly Visionary person, started the Birla Industrial Group in India.
►In 1919 Shri Ghanshyam Das Birla set up the first India owned Jute mill near Calcutta
under the home Birla jute Mfg. Co.

►Cement plants are setup in MP and Rajasthan and a grinding unit in West Bengal and UP.

Satna Cement Works 1959

Birla Cement Works 1967

Durgapur Cement Works 1974

Birla Vikas Cement 1982

Chittor Cement Works 1986

SCW Conversion Plants 1989

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Reabareli Unit 1998

►The commissioning of Satna Cement works in MP marked the company’s entry into
cement industry. This was the first cement plant in Birla group and in 1959; it was the largest
single unit in the country. This was followed by cement plants located at Chittorgarh and
Durgapur to meet the demands in western and eadtern parts of India.
Commissioning of additional units at Satna and Chitorgarh and a conversion unit Satna under
a World aided project us few of the landmarks in the growth of the Company.

► Birla Jute Mfg co. Later taken over by Shri MP Birla, who transformed the company into a
multiproduct one with widespread activities,presently,the chair person smt.Priyamvada Birla
under whose direction and guidance, the company has crossed Rs.1000/- cores turnover and
the products range include cement ,jute, synthetic yarn , calcium carbide ,industrial gases ,
floor covering, PVC coated cloth and Wallpaper and jute based out trim products .

►IN march 1997, the name of the company was changed “Birla Corp Ltd”. And the corporate
logo is a set of concentric circles around a triangle representing the multidimensional nature.
The apex of the triangle represents the force that drives the entire corporation represented by
concentric circles is held together by this force.

►In October 1998, name changed into Birla Corporation Ltd.

►Total installed capacity covering all the units BCL is 4 million tones. The present installed
capacity will be increased to 5 million tons by March 2001.

►.Ordinary Portland cement (OPC) is being regularly manufactured in these units.

Special purpose cement viz. low alkali Portland cement, sulphate resistant Portland cement
and special cement for railways are also manufactured as per requirements.

Brand Names:

SCW & BVC: Birla Cement Khajuraho, Birla Cement samrat (PPC&PSC)

BCW & CCW: Birla Cement Chetak

DCW: Birla Cement Durgapur

Export to Nepal & Bangladesh: Cement & Royal Tiger

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Mr. PS Marwah

Jt. President(Mkg.) Sr. Vice President

Shri TC Jain Shri JS Banthia

Sr. Vice President Vice President

(E & I) (Stores & Building)

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Shri Rajesh kakkar Shri RK Dalmiya

Vice President Vice President

(Production) (Personnel & Administration)

Shri NR Ghosh Shri Mohan Bajpai

Asst. Vice president Asst. Vice President

(Mechanical) (Account & finance)

Shri GK Jain Shri Ashok sharma

General Manager General Manager

(Mines) (Steel Foundary)

Shri D Roy Shri MK Singh

General Manager General Manager

(Guest House) (EDP)

Shri K Vohra Shri GR Saini

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Commissioning of one wet process kiln of 750 TPD capacities at Satna in
1959 marked the entry of Birla Group into Cement industry. Landmarks in
growth of Satna Unit are:
195 Commissioning of SCW with a single wet process kiln of 750 TPD
Capacity raised to 1750 TPD with two additional wet process
4 kilns.
198 Commissioning of Birla Vikas Cement, a dry process kiln with
2 2500 TPD
198 Conversion of SCW wet process kiln into a single dry process
9 kiln with 2250 TPD

The present operating capacity of SCW and BVC are 2750 and 2650 TPD
19 Commissioning of 1000 TPD Grinding Unit at Raebareli for PPC
98 manufacturing.
Total capacity SCW & BVC 1.55 MTPA
Raebareli 0.36 MTPA

Types of Cements manufactured:

 OPC - 33G, 43G, 53G
 Low Alkali Cement
 IRS - T - 40 Cement

They are marketed under the Brand names BIRLA CEMENT



Plants : Satna Cement Works & Birla Vikas Cement

Capacity 2.18 Million Tones / Year

Range of Products

 OPC Grade 43
 PPC (Fly ash based)

Process – Dry Process

Salient Features

1. Mine planning through computer based69system.

2. 4.5 Kms long bi-cable ropeway between mines and the plant. Page 16 of 16
3. Stacker and reclaimed for limestone blending.
4. Vertical roller mill and ball mill with high efficiency separator.

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