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Helen Church
4106 Mountain St.
Beamsville, ON L0R 1B7
Ph: 905-562-7427
Fax: 905-563-0003
Opened - October 2, 1938 Est. as a Parish - January 1, 1986
Pastor: Rev. Krzysztof Szczepanik Sunday Masses:
Office Administration: Aggie Agnino Saturday: 5:00pm
Sunday: 9:00am, 11:00am *
Office hours: *(Children’s Liturgy of the Word)
Tuesday to Friday 9:00am - 3:00pm
Closed on Mondays and all Statutory holidays Weekday Masses:
Tuesday: 6:30pm
Wednesday to Friday: 9:00am
Website: 2nd Friday at Albright: 10:00am
Facebook Page: 3rd Friday at Mennonite: 10:00am
Schools Anointing of the Sick: Contacts
St. Mark School
Please let us know when someone Music Ministry
Principal: Steven Ward Anthony van Engelen
has a serious or prolonged illness or
Phone: (905) 563-9191 cell/text 905-563-7067,
is to have surgery. This sacrament Email
St. Edward School
celebrates the healing of mind and
Principal: Carla Bianco
body and the forgiveness of sins. Ministry Scheduling & RFM
Phone: (905) 562-5531 Rachel Reid 905-941-4150
Catholic Funeral Rites: ministryschedul-
Baptism: When a death occurs in your family,
1st & 3rd Sunday at 1:00 pm. please call the Parish Office and we Fundraising Events
Call parish office. will assist you in making the Joe Della Manna
necessary liturgical arrangements.
1st Communion & Confirmation
Contact the Parish Office. Chronic Care Facilities: Youth Ministry
Pastoral visits are made monthly.
Every Saturday 4:00pm - 4:30pm or Reception of Holy Communion is Facility & Grounds Maintenance
by appointment with the priest. available to residence. Craig Luey 905-988-6522
Marriage: Homebound:
Catholic Women's League
Arrangements six months in advance. Notify the Parish Office when serious
Colleen Drake 905-563-8981
Marriage preparation is required. illness occurs. When the sick, aged or
incapacitated are confined to home Knights of Columbus
RCIA &RCIC for an extended time, pastoral visit Marcel VanRuyven 905-931-7556
Contact the Parish Office. can be arranged.

Kindly complete the following and place in the collection basket

☐ New Parishioner* ☐ Change of address ☐ Moving
Name________________________ Phone_________________ E-mail___________________
Address______________________________________________ City_____________________
☐ I would like to use offertory envelopes* Postal Code______________
30th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year B
October 28th, 2018

MASS INTENTIONS This week the Sanctuary Lamp burns in memory

 October 29 to November 4, 2018 of LEANNE MISETICH
The Sanctuary Lamp burns to remind us of Christ’s
As we gather, let us remember and pray for . . .
presence in the Blessed Sacrament of the altar.
Monday ~ …………. NO MASS ……………Oct. 29th
If you wish to sponsor the sanctuary lamp for one
Tuesday ~ …………. NO MASS …….…….. Oct. 30th
week the stipend is $35.00
Wednesday ~ ……….NO MASS…….…...….Oct. 31st
Thursday ~………...……………....……….......Nov. 1st Stewardship of Treasure
9:00 AM In honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary &
San Padre Pio (by Maria & Rolando Cipro) October 14, 2018 ~ Offertory (147) $3,065.00
7:00 PM For members who passed away in the last yr. Loose 228.00
Friday ~ ……………………..………...…….Nov. 2nd
9:00 AM All Souls Building Fund (63) 7,837.00
Saturday ~ …………………….……….……..Nov. 3rd World Missions (7) 246.00
5:00 PM + Sandy Fracchioni (by The Family)
Sunday ~ 31st Sunday in Ordinary Time ~ Nov. 4th “May God bless you for your faithful stewardship!”
9:00 AM + Ernie Brunet (by A Friend)
11:00 AM For the People of St. Helen Parish CWL Christmas Dinner: Tuesday December 4th af-
ter the 6:30 Mass. We welcome all ladies of the parish
to join the CWL members at a Christmas Dinner. Tick-
MINISTRY FOR THE SICK AND HOMEBOUND ets will be going on sale shortly at a cost of $25.00 per
We are grateful to those who give of their time and care person. Tickets can be purchased from Colleen Drake
to bring Holy Communion to our parishioners who can- or any of the executive members.
not make it to church due to sickness
or infirmity. If you know of anyone THANK YOU TO OUR GENEROUS
who would like to receive communion SPONSOR - Pew missals have been covered
in their home or while hospitalized at for this liturgical year. We are grateful to our
West Lincoln Hospital, please contact sponsor; you know who you are. Additional
the parish office. copies have been purchased for those who wish
SANCTUARY LAMP to purchase their own copy for $5.00 each.
We have openings for the Sanctuary Lamp in 2019.
If you would like to book a particular week in memory WELCOME
of your loved one, please contact the office sooner ra- Through the celebration of the Sacrament
ther than later as the year is filling up. Cost is $35.00 of Holy Baptism, we welcome to our par-
per week. ish family our new members:
We continue to collect your Canadian Tire GABRIEL LAWRENCE HOLMSTEDT
money. It can be brought to the office or MIA ROSE BOUHUIS
placed in the collection basket. May God bless you as you begin this beautiful spiritual
journey with our Lord and Saviour Jesus.
Our advertising sponsors on the back of the bulletin LEAVING MASS EARLY/AFTER COMMUNION
support us and make your bulletin possible; their adver- Just a reminder that Mass has not ended until the priest
tising revenue reduces our printing costs. Please and ministers have left the altar and the recessional
support them when you can. hymn is finished. In the name of Christ and the com-
munity and with the blessing of almighty God, we are
CWL NEWS sent out into the world to “be” good news for all whom
Tins of Meat for the Homeless: This year, the CWL we meet. It is a courtesy to God and the community not
will gather tins of canned meat for the Homeless. to leave the assembly early.
Would you kindly bring the tins and place them in the
bin at the back of the church. One of our CWL mem- To receive the weekly bulletin via email, make your
bers will transfer them to the basement after each request by email:
Mass. Thank you. Check us out:
I am going to bring my people home - both those who
are blind and those who are lame. (Jeremiah)
You are a priest forever, according to the order of Mel-
chizedek. (Hebrews)
My teacher, let me see again. (Mark)

Blind Bartimaeus knew he had

only one chance to regain his
sight. Jesus had cured others, he
could cure him. The blind man
heard the clamoring crowds and
knew Jesus was near. He also
knew that once Jesus passed him
by there would be no more hope of
ending the darkness. It was now or
never. He had to find Jesus.
We all know that life must end in death but until
that day, we still have a chance to encounter Jesus in
our lives. Every new day is another new chance to find
him. Human nature lulls us with “I still have lots of
time, I will do it tomorrow.” But, in the fine print of
our lives, Matthew says “Therefore, stay awake, for
you know neither the day nor the hour” (25:13).
Our Condolences and prayers are extended to the family 9:00 AM TO 12:00 NOON
and friends who mourn the loss of: You are invited to come and spend a
ANKA BRCKOVIC holy hour with Jesus.
Eternal rest grant unto them O Lord, THE BOOK OF REMEMBRANCE &
and let the perpetual light shine upon them. MASS OF REMEMBRANCE
Traditionally the month of November is a time when we
ANNULMENT FACTS AND MYTHS remember in prayer all who have died.
Fr. Ben Weber and Margaret Jong, canon lawyers from The Book of Remembrance is now in the entrance of
our diocesan Marriage Tribunal, will discuss true facts the church for the remainder of the month of Octo-
and false claims about Catholic marriage annulments. ber. You are invited to write in the names of the de-
The presentation will be offered once in each deanery, ceased loved ones and friends you wish to have re-
and is open to anyone interested in applying for an an- membered in prayer by the community during No-
nulment or learning about annulments and the ministry vember. The book will then be placed at the foot of the
of the Marriage Tribunal. For info call 905-687-8817 or altar as we pray for all the departed souls during the
email Meetings are 7 to 8:30 pm. month of November. You can place the Remembrance
Wed., Nov. 7th at St. Denis, St. Catharines Envelope in the collection basket or bring them to the
Thurs., Nov. 8th at St. Martin of Tours, Smithville parish office. Remembrance envelopes are available at
Wed., Nov. 14th at St. Mary, Welland the Church entrance.
A special Mass of Remembrance for
Can you sing? our loved ones who have died during
Play an instrument? this past year (November 1st, 2017 to
Have you been looking for an October 31, 2018), will be celebrated in
opportunity to volunteer & con- our church on Thursday, Nov. 1st, at
tinue to develop your musical tal- 7:00 p.m. All parishioners are welcome to attend.
ent? St. Helen’s Parish is looking Requiescat in pace.
for people to contribute their talents to help make our
Masses and gatherings just that much more special. Friday @ 7:00 p.m.
Join us! (or at least talk to us… nothing is lost by simp-
ly asking). Come out to any choir practice on Wednes-
day’s at 7.00 p.m. or speak to any choir member. Choir
members needed for all 3 Masses.
Think on it! Pray on it! ACT on it! Come out for A fun

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