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Romeo and Juliet

-Use the provided links to explore and
find the information needed to answer
the following questions-

History of Romeo and Juliet. http://www.shakespeare-

In what year did the earliest documented performance

of Romeo and Juliet occur?

How many film versions of Romeo and Juliet have

been made?

Why do many critics estimate that Shakespeare

originally composed Romeo and Juliet as early as
1591? What evidence is there to suggest this?

Word Play

In Act 1, Scene 3, how does Juliet use “word play” in
her discussion with her mother concerning marrying

In Act 5, Scene 1, when Romeo shouts, "Then I defy

you, stars" what is Romeo actually trying to deny?
And what theme of the play does this represent?

In Act 2, Scene 6, what is Juliet trying to express to

Romeo when she tells him, "They are but beggars
that can count their worth”?

Literary Devices


Give an example of a paradox within the context of

the play.

Give an example of a metaphor used in the dialog of

the play.

In Act 2, Scene 2, line 140, Juliet says that her

"bounty is as boundless as the sea." In other words,
she says what she has to offer Romeo is wider than the
ocean. This is an example of what literary device?

What is a motif? Give an example of a motif found

within Romeo and Juliet.
Define dramatic irony. Where does dramatic irony
occur in Romeo and Juliet?


In what way is gender a theme in Romeo and Juliet?

The theme of fate is apparent within the play. What

other word could be used to describe fate given the
events that unfold within the storyline?

The accelerated timeline of the action plays into

which theme of the play?

Writing Exercise:
In the provided space below please write a short (5-8 sentences) one-paragraph essay that reflects any of the
information you found through this webercise. You must write the paragraph in your own words and use one of
websites from this webercise as a reference—properly documented with an in text citation (MLA) for the resource you
use. You may paraphrase or use a direct quote.

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