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J. Env. Bio-Sci., 2018: Vol. 32 (1):153-160 ISSN 0973-6913 (Print), ISSN 0976-3384 (On Line)


D.P. Uniyal*, J.S. Aswal, Vikas Chander, Rajendra Dobhal, N. G. Srivastava1 and S. Khadija Bari
Uttarakhand State Council for Science and Technology (UCOST), Vigyan Dham, Jhajra, Dehradun, Uttarakhand, India
PCRI, BHEL, Haridwar, Uttarakhand, India.
[Corresponding author*]

Received: 24-04-2018 Revised: 28-04-2018 Accepted: 20-05-2018

The Himalayan state Uttarakhand comprises of two major divisions, Garhwal and Kumaon, consisting a total of 13 districts.The
drinking water being used in the schools of Garhwal region of Uttarakhand is obtained directly from natural sources. The present
study was conducted under the WTI Division, Department of Science and Technology, phase II funded project.The drinking water
quality parameters viz., pH, Total Hardness, Iron (Fe), Chloride (Cl), Fluoride (F), Dissolved Solids (TDS), Sulphate (SO4), Nitrate (NO3),
Cadmium (Cd), Arsenic (As), Lead (Pb), Copper (Cu), Total Coliform and Total Residual Chlorine were observed in this study. It was
observed that the physico-chemical properties and metal contents were as per BSI standards and found suitable for drinking
purposes. However, Total coliform of some sampling sites ranged from 6-18 MPN/100 ml. Besides this some suggestions were
made for improving the water quality and hygiene, which may help may help for better health conditions.
Key Words: pH, Total Hardness, Chloride, Fluoride, Arsenic.

Water is one of the main important abiotic component of the disease. The most predominant water borne disease, diarrhea,
environment. Approximately, 97% of the total water is found in has an estimated annual incidence of 4.6 billion episodes and
oceans, which is not appropriate for drinking, and only 3% is causes 2.2 million death every year (UNICEF/WHO, 2012).
considered as fresh water, out of which 2.97% is found as Access to safe drinking water and sanitation is a global
glaciers and ice caps. Only the remaining little portion i.e. concern.
0.03%, is obtainable as surface and ground water for human
However, many developing countries have been suffering from
use (Muhammad et al.,2013). Harmless drinking water is a
a lack of access to safe drinking water and human health
basic need for good health and it is a rudimentary right of
problems due to waterborne diseases. Today, close to a billion
humans (WHO, 2001). Water quality is the measure of how
people, mostly living in the developing world, are unable to
safe the water is, in terms of supporting beneficial uses or
have access safe and adequate drinking water (UNICEF/WHO,
meeting its environmental standards. Potable water, is the water
2012). The World Health Organization (WHO) estimated that
which is suitable for drinking and cooking purposes. Potability
around 94% of the global diarrheal burden and 10% of the
considers both the safety of water in terms of health, and its
total disease burden are due to unsafe drinking water,
acceptability to the consumer, usually in terms of taste, odor,
inadequate sanitation and poor hygienic practices (Pruss-
color and other sensible qualities (Benignos, 2012).
Ustun and Corvalan, 2006, Fewtrell et al., 2007 and Doria,
Various health problems may occur due to inadequacy and 2010). One of the most important factor that affect drinking
poor drinking quality of water supply. Infant mortality rate is water quality is non-scientific distribution of water supply to
high due to unsafe water. Therefore, drinking water quality the users (Brikke, 2002 and WHO, 2004).
should be completely free from pathogenic microorganisms,
Uttarakhand is a Himalayan state in India having many rural
physico-chemical element in concentration that causes ill
schools, which are depending on natural sources of water for
health effects. It should be clear with low turbidity and color as
drinking purpose. The natural source of water has become
recommended in WHO guidelines and should not be saline,
contaminated by biological sources like animal, human faecal
contains any compound that cause offensive odour and taste.
matter, plant debris etc. Being a mountainous state, enormous
The quality of drinking water is an influential environmental
flora has occurred in surroundings of water sources as a result
determinant of health and its management continues to be
of which biomass, leaf litters, plant residues are there, which
the foundation for prevention and control of water borne
is one of the possible causes of water contamination in such
diseases. It is essential for life, but it can and does transmit
NAAS Rating (2017)-4.43

areas. Therefore, in the present study, an attempt has been Table 1: List of Selected Schools in Uttarakhand Garhwal
made by Uttarakhand state Council for Science & Technology for Assessment of Drinking Water Quality.
to assess the drinking water quality in the schools of
S. No. School Sampling Site Code Latitude Longitude Altitude (m)
Uttarakhand. So that understanding may be developed and a
1 RajkiyaKanya Inter College, Jwalapur, Hardwar S1 29.927059 291
clear cut picture may help scientists, academicians and
administrations for making policy and planning (Uniyal et al., 2 Rajkiya Inter College, Imlikhera, Hardwar S2 29.930432 279
2014 and Uniyal et al.,2014). 78.148589
3 RajkiyaBalika Inter College, Ajabpur, Dehradun S3 30.315983 650
4 Rajkiya Inter College, Herbertpur, Dehradun S4 30.431551 442
Study Area: The present paper is the outcome of phase-II 77.727279
study of the project "Scientific evaluation of water purification 5 RajkiyaBalika Inter College, Narendranagar, S5 30.159800 1010
system (water quality) of Government schools in the state of TehriGarhwal 78.285262
6 RajkiyaPratap Inter College, Boradi, New Tehri, S6 30.375715 1728
Uttarakhand", supported by Water Technology Initiative Division,
TehriGarhwal 78.437445
Department of Science & Technology, GoI, New Delhi. The 7 Rajkiya Inter College, Agastyamuni, Rudraprayag S7 30.390725 808
present investigation was carried out in the schools of Garhwal 79.026364
region of Uttarakhand, where the drinking water is used directly 8 RajkiyaKanya Inter College, Pauri Nagar, Pauri S8 30.182087 1594
from the natural sources. Total 11 schools were selected in
9 Rajkiya Inter College, Dhumakot, Pauri S9 30.147116 1685
Garhwal region of the State (Fig.1; Table1) after consultation
with School Education Department, Govt. of Uttarakhand. 10 Rajkiya Inter College, Alkapuri, Chamoli S10 30.398814 963
These schools were surveyed during first phase and pre 79.326192

treatment water quality was analyzed at source. On the basis 11 Rajkiya Inter College, Uttarkashi S11 30.728629 1127
of analytical results of first phase, a suitable water purification
system was installed in each selected schools.

Fig.1: (a-d): Correlation between density and biomass of insects in different study sites.

The collected water samples were analyzed in the laboratory Finally the concentration of chloride present in the sample
for computing the pH, Total Hardness, Iron (Fe), Chloride (Cl), was calculated using the following equation.
Fluoride (F), Total Dissolved Solids (TDS), Sulphate (SO4),
Nitrate (NO3), Cadmium (Cd), Arsenic(As), Lead (Pb), Copper Chloride ion concentrations(mg/ L) (V 1* N*35.5)*1000/
(Cu) as per standard methodology. Total Coliform and Total Vsample
Residual Chlorine were also analysed by following standard Where, V1 = volume of titrate consumed for water sample. V2
methods..The water quality parameters were followed as per = Volume of titrant consumed for blank, N = normality of silver
latest Indian standard (IS:10500).Sample collection: Drinking nitrate and Vsample= volume of sample used (mL).
water samples were collected from 11 schools of Garhwal region
Determination of total hardness of water: To determine
of Uttarakhand. The potable water samples were collected in
the total hardness of water samples 20 mL of water sample
cleaned plastic polyethylene bottles and brought to the
was pipetted out in a washed conical flask. 5 mL ammonium
laboratory in an icebox jar to avoid unusual change in water
chloride buffer solution and 2-3 drops of Eriochrome Black-T
quality. Prior to the sampling, all the bottles were washed and
indicator were added, the color of the solution turns wine red.
rinsed thoroughly with distilled water. Standard methods were
This solution was titrated against previously standardized EDTA
followed for sample collection and preservation (APHA, 2005
solution taken in the burette until the color changes from wine
and Venkateswara, 2011).
red to sky blue which indicated the end point. The final reading
Determination of physico-chemical parameters of of the burette was noted and the titration was repeated to get
drinking water concordant value. Finally using the analytical calculation, total
hardness of water sample was determined in terms of mg/L of
Determination of alkalinity using phenolphthalein CaCO3.
indicator: To 50 mL of each of the water samples, 3 drops of
phenolphthalein indicator was added. The sample was titrated Potentiometer determination of fluoride, Sulphate and
with 0.02N H2SO4 to pH 8.3 and phenolphthalein alkalinity Nitrate: Series of working standard solutions of fluoride were
was estimated (phenolphthalein indicator has changed its color prepared from stock solution of fluoride which is prepared by
from pink to colorless at pH 8.3). Finally the phenolphthalein dissolving 2.21 g NaF in a 1000 mL polystyrene volumetric
alkalinity of water was calculated as follows. flask with deionized water. Sodium fluoride has been previously
oven dried at 105°C for 1 hour and stored in desiccator. Then a
Determination of pH: The pH of each sample was measured series of standard solutions ranged from 0.05 to 10 mg/L of
with portable field pH meter. concentration were prepared by appropriate diluting of the stock
Determination of Total Dissolved Solid (TDS): TDS was solution to obtain a calibration curve. Total ionic strength
measured using combined pH/T°/TDS and conductivity meter adjustment buffer (TISAB) was also prepared by taking 58 g
model 4200 whereas TS was measured from the two sodium chloride, 30.00 g of sodium nitrate and 57 cm 3 glacial
parameters of TDS and TSS given by: acetic (ethanoic) acid dissolving in 500 cm3 distilled water.
Before final dilution pH value of mixed buffer solution was
TS (mg/L) = TDS (mg/L) + TSS (mg/L) adjusted to 5.50 with 5 mol/dm 3 of sodium hydroxide solution.
Determination of chloride ion: 10 mL of each water sample After regulating pH values, received solution was put into 1
was taken in conical flask and pH was measured and adjusted dm 3 measuring glass and filled with distilled water to
in between 7-9. After that 1 mL of 5% K2CrO4 indicator was measurement line.
added to and titrated with previously standardized silver nitrate For the determination of fluoride in the water samples, 25.00
solution to brick red color precipitate and end point is noted cm 3 the prepared TISAB buffer was added to each of the 25
down as V1 (volume of titrant used). Similarly a blank titration cm 3 of water samples and each of the series of standard
was done by taking 10 mL of distilled water instead of sample solutions, the magnetic nucleus was inserted and the string
and proceeds with the same procedure as the sample and speed was adjusted. Electrode was put in to the solution and
recorded the final volume as V2. after five minutes potential was read. Then the standard solution

potential was measured, according to which calibration curve Total Dissolved Solids (TDS): TDS in drinking water is an
was constructed. In every sample the fluoride ion content was indicator of the general water quality because it directly affects
measured three times. Sulphate (SO4), Nitrate (NO3) was the aesthetic value of the water by increasing turbidity. High
determined by Colorim etric analysis by UV-VIS concentrations of TDS limit the suitability of water for drinking
spectrophotometer of Merck, Germany (Model: Pharo300). purposes. The acceptable range of TDS is 500 mg/L. In the
present study, the pre treatment value of TDS in the analyzed
Determination of Metal: Metal ion concentrations viz.,
water samples varied between 182 to 574 mg/L, while in the
Cadmium (Cd), Arsenic (As), Lead (Pb) and Copper (Cu) were
post treatment water samples, the TDS ranged between 172
determined using flame atomic absorption spectrometer
to 544 mg/L as shown in Table. 2; Fig.3. The highest TDS
(FAAS) of Varian (Australia; Model AA240).
574, 558 and 544mg/L values were observed at Rajkiya Kanya
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Inter College, Jwalapur, District Haridwar and Rajkiya Balika
Inter College, Ajabpur, District Dehradun, respectively, during
The data of water samples collected from schools was
pre and post treatment. The overall TDS values pre-post (172
summarized in Table 2 and Figs: 2-7, which included
to 576mg/L) treatment were found in between permissible limit
parameters of pH, Total Hardness, Iron (Fe), Chloride (Cl),
(2000mg/L) in all sampling sites. Therefore, the drinking water
Fluoride (F), Dissolved Solids (TDS), Sulphate (SO4), Nitrate
is safe in terms of TDS (Fig. 3).
(NO3), Total Coliform and Total Residual Chlorine.

pH: The pH is a measure of the hydrogen ion concentration in

water. Drinking water with a pH range between 6.5 to 8.5 is
generally considered within permissible limit. Acid water tend
to be corrosive to plumbing and faucets, particularly, if the pH
is below 6. Alkaline water is less corrosive; water with a pH
above 8.5 may tend to have a bitter or soda-like taste. In this
study, the pH values were recorded, which were at par with
each other in all 11 sampling sites during post treatment as
evident by the data presented in the Table 2 and same has
been expressed in Fig. 2. The concentration of hydrogen ion
Fig.3: TDS at all the selected sites.
(pH) ranges from 7.2 to 7.77 during post treatment. The pH
value in all 11 sampling schools (Fig. 2) were observed under
Total hardness (TH): In groundwater, hardness is mainly
permissible limit and all the water samples analyzed have
contributed by bicarbonates, carbonates, sulphates and
concentration within the safe limit of 6.5 to 8.5 standard set
chlorides of calcium and magnesium. So, the principal
by Indian standard (IS:10500).
hardness causing ions are calcium and magnesium. The
acceptable limit of total hardness is 300 mg/L whereas the
maximum limit is 600 mg/L. The hardness of analyzed water
samples varies from 72 to 446 mg/L as CaCO3 in during pre
treatment and 60 to 374 mg/L during post treatment. The
highest value of total hardness 446mg/L and 374mg/L were
observed at Rajkiya Kanya Inter College, Jwalapur, District
Haridwar and Rajkiya Balika Inter College, Ajabpur, District
Dehradun, respectively, during pre and post treatment which
were exceeding desirable limit (300mg/L) but were below the
permissible limits (600mg/L) while the lowest TDS value 72mg/
Fig.2: pH all the selected sites. L was recorded in the mountainous school Rajkiya Paratap

Inter College, Boradi, New Tehri, District Tehri Garhwal during Fluoride: From the data presented in the Table 2;Fig. 6
pretreatment and 60mg/L was in Rajkiya Inter College, representing the fluoride values of analyzed samples during
Uttarakashi, respectively (Table 2; Fig.4). pre and post treatment in all the 11 sampling schools, it is
evident that the fluoride value was minimum 0.41mg/L in
Rajkiya Kanya Inter College, Dhumakot, District Pauri Garhwal
and maximum 1.16mg/L in Rajkiya Inter College, Alkapuri
District Chamoli pretreatment, while the maximum values fpr
post treatment is 1.14mg/L in Rajkiya Inter College, Imlikhera
District Haridwar post treatment. The lowest post treatment
fluoride value 0.18mg/L was recorded in Rajkiya Balika Inter
College, Ajabpur, District Dehradun. From the data it is evident
that all the 11 sampling sites were found in between the
desirable limit 250mg/L and permissible limit 1000mg/L as
per Indian standard (IS:10500).
Fig.4: Total Hardness at all the selected sites.
Chloride: The concentration of chloride is the indicator of
sewage pollution and also imparts laxative effect. Atmospheric
sources or sea water contamination is reason for bulk of the
chloride concentration in groundwater which may exceed due
to base-exchange phenomena, high temperature, domestic
effluents, septic tanks and low rainfall. Porosity of soil and
permeability also plays a key role in building up the chlorides
concentration. The chloride content of studied water samples
were within desirable limit of 250 mg/L prescribed by Indian
Fig. 6: Fluoride at all the selected sites.
standard (IS:10500). In present study, the results of chloride
Iron: Water usually contains more of these two minerals i.e.
in all sampling sites ranged between 6.0 to 48 mg/L during pre
Fe and Mn than surface water. Iron and manganese are irritants
treatment and 6 to 26mg/L during post treatment analysis.
that should be avoided if in excess of 0.3 mg/l and 0.1 mg/l
The lowest chloride value were observed in Rajkiya Inter College
correspondingly. They stain clothing and plumbing fixtures and
Uttarakashi i.e 6 and 4mg/L during pre-post treatment analysis,
the growth of iron bacteria cause strainers, screens to clog,
respectively which are more or less at par to each other while
and metallic conduits to rust. The appearance of a reddish
the highest chloride contents 48 and 26mg/L was observed in
brown or black precipitate in a water sample after shaking
Rajkiya Kanya Inter College, Jwalapur, District Haridwar (Table
indicates, respectively, the presence of iron or manganese
2; Fig. 5).
(Chanda, 1999). However, the Iron values in all 11 sampling
sites ranged between 0.02 to 0.16mg/L, which shows under
permissible limit as per Indian standard (IS:10500). The iron
value was observed minimum 0.03mg/L in Rajkiya Balika Inter
College, Ajabpur, District Dehradun and maximum 0.016mg/L
was in Rakiya Kanya Inter College, Jwalapur, District Haridwar
during before treatment. It was also observed in post treatment
where the iron value was low in 0.02mg/L in Rajkiya Balika
Inter College, Ajabpur, District Dehradun and maximum 0.05mg/
L in Rajkiya Inter college, district Uttarkashi (Table 2 and Fig.
Fig. 5: Chloride of all the selected sites.

7). pre and post treatment which was under permissible limit
45mg/L of Indian standard (IS:10500).

Fig. 7: Iron at all the selected sites.

Fig. 8: Sulphate at all the selected sites.

Sulphate (SO4) and Nitrate (NO3): Sulphate comes from

several sources such as the dissolution of gypsum and other
mineral deposits containing sulphates from seawater intrusion,
from the oxidation of sulphides, sulphites and thiosulphates in
well-aerated surface waters and from industrial effluents where
sulphates or sulphuric acids have been used in processes
such as tanning and pulp paper manufacturing.

High levels of sulphate in drinking water supply can impart

bad taste and when combined with magnesium or sodium,
can have a laxative effect (e.g. Epsom salts). Sulfate Fig. 9: Nitrate at all the selected sites
concentration in natural water varies from a few to a several
hundred mg per litre but no major negative impact of sulfate on Total coli forms: The type and numbers of microorganisms
human health is reported so far. According to the guide lines present in the water determines the microbiological properties
of Indian standard (IS:10500) maximum permissible value of water. A diversity of microorganisms can be present even in
recognized is 400 mg/L and 200mg/L is desirable limit very good quality dom estic waters. Most of these
respectively. The data presented in the Table 2 Fig.8 represents microorganisms are harmless but if the water is polluted,
that the sulphate values in all the 11 sampling sites ranged pathogens may be present (Arghyam, 1991 and Alan, 2000).
between 0.4 to 32.2mg/L during pre and post treatment. It is difficult to determine the presence of different pathogenic
However, the pre treatment value of sulphate was found organisms and therefore the presence of certain indicator
minimum 0.6mg/L in Rajkiya Inter College, Imlikhera, District organisms are used to give an indication of the possible
Haridwar and maximum 30.4mg/L in Rajkiya Kanya Inter presence of pathogens. There are different types of indicator
College, Jwalapur, District, Haridwar. The post treatment values organisms; the most common indicator organisms used for
of sulphate contents were ranged between 0.04 to 32.2 in domestic water quality assessment are total coliforms and
Rajkiya Inter College, Imlikhera, District Haridwar and Rajkiya fecal coliforms. However, the total coliform in all 11 sampling
Kanya Inter College, Jwalapur, District Haridwar. The Nitrate sites were ranged 10 to 32MPN/100ml during pre treatment
value was observed as NO3 in all the sampling sites (Fig. 9), analysis but during post treatment observations the coliforms
from the data it was observed that the nitrate values were in all 11 sampling sites were absent. The drinking water in
detected only in Rakiya Kanya Inter College, Jwalapur, most of the hilly schools comes from open natural sources
District,Haridwar, Rajkiya Inter College, Imlikhera, Rajkiya which was the possible causes of exceeding total coliforms
Balika Inter College, Ajabpur, District Dehradun, Rajkiya Inter (10 to 32 MPN/100ml) as per the Indian standard (IS:10500).
College, Hertbutput, District Dehradun and Rajkiya Balika Inter It is a primary indicator of suitability of water for consumption.
College, Narendera Nagar, District,Tehri, respectively and If large numbers of coli forms could be found in water, there is
ranged between 1.0 to 12.2 mg/L in five sampling sites during a high probability that other pathogenic bacteria or organisms

exist. The WHO and Ethiopian drinking water guidelines require in the distribution system may in certain circumstances,
the absence of total coliform in public drinking water supplies. indicate the possibility of post-treatment contamination (Kasrils
et al., 2001 and Taylor, 2007). The residual chlorine value was
Total Residual chlorine and turbidity: Chlorine residual has
not detected any where among all the 11 sampling sites.
a number of advantages as a disinfectant, including its
comparative cheapness, effectiveness, and comfort of Turbidity is a measure of the degree of cloudiness or muddiness
measurement, both in laboratories and in the field. An important of water. It is an expression for an optical property that causes
extra advantage over some other disinfectants is that chlorine light to be scattered and absorbed. It is not possible to correlate
leaves a disinfectant residual that assists in preventing turbidity with the weight concentration of suspended matter
recontamination throughout distribution, transport, and because light scattering properties of the suspended particulate
household storage of water. The absence of a chlorine residual matter depends upon size, shape and refractive index of the
Table 2: Water Quality Data of Study Area
Paramet Total Total Total Turbidity
ers Hardness Iron Dissolved Nitrate Coliform Residual
(IS:1050 (as (as Chloride Fluoride Solids Sulphate (as (as Cadmium Arsenic Lead Copper Chlorine
0) pH CaCO3 ) Fe) (as Cl) (as F) (TDS) SO 4) NO3 ) (as Cd) (as As) (as Pb) (as Cu)
mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L MPN/ NTU
Unit - 100 mL mg/L
Standard Desira 6.5 – 300 0.3 250 1 500 200 45 0.01 0.01 0.05 0.05 10 0.2 1
IS:10500 ble 8.5

Permis NR 600 1 1000 1.5 2000 400 NR NR NR NR 1.5 NR - 5

S1 BT 7.3 446 0.16 48 1.08 574 30.4 12.2 ND ND 0.01 ND 32 ND 0
AT 7.6 274 0.04 26 0.78 386 24.2 4.4 ND ND 0.01 0.01 0 ND 0
S2 BT 7.4 216 0.11 6 1.06 344 0.6 1.8 ND ND 0.01 ND 18 ND 0
AT 7.3 210 0.09 6 1.14 336 0.4 1.2 ND ND 0.01 ND 0 ND 0
S3 BT 7.4 380 0.03 24 0.78 558 48 3.2 ND ND ND ND 12 ND 0
AT 7.6 374 0.02 18 0.18 544 32.2 2.4 ND ND ND ND 0 ND 0
S4 BT 7.5 106 0.04 14 0.68 248 20 1.6 ND ND ND ND 10 ND 0
AT 7.7 88 0.02 10 0.84 224 12 1 ND ND ND ND 0 ND 0
S5 BT 7.3 298 0.03 10 0.73 430 20 1.4 ND ND 0.01 ND 14 ND 0
AT 7.5 170 0.02 8 0.58 286 26 1.2 ND ND 0.01 ND 0 ND 0
S6 BT 7.3 72 0.05 8 0.7 182 18 ND ND ND 0.01 ND 16 ND 0
AT 7.5 68 0.04 6 0.52 180 13 ND ND ND 0.01 ND 0 ND 0
S7 BT 7.3 164 0.04 12 0.42 276 14 ND ND ND 0.01 ND 12 ND 0
AT 7.6 158 0.03 8 0.86 270 16 ND ND ND 0.01 ND 0 ND 0
S8 BT 7.2 120 0.04 10 0.82 278 18 ND ND ND 0.01 ND 18 ND 0
AT 7.6 110 0.02 8 0.92 260 14 ND ND ND 0.01 ND 0 ND 0
S9 BT 7.3 112 0.1 8 0.41 248 9.8 ND ND ND ND ND 10 ND 0
AT 7.5 64 0.06 6 ND 188 1.2 ND ND ND ND ND 0 ND 0
S10 BT 7.4 160 0.32 12 1.16 280 12.4 ND ND ND 0.01 ND 14 ND 0
AT 7.5 152 0.04 10 0.82 272 11.6 ND ND ND 0.01 ND 0 ND 0
S11 BT 7.56 152 0.06 12 0.47 262 10.6 1.9 ND ND 0.01 ND 14 ND 0
7.7 72 0.03 6 1.04 182 6.2 1 ND ND 0.01 ND 6 ND 0
AT 7.4 60 0.05 4 1.07 172 6 ND ND ND ND ND 0 ND 0

particulates. It is caused by suspended matter such as clay, was found more or less at par with each other. The pre treatment
silts, finely divided organic and inorganic matter, soluble colored and post treatment observations of turbidity were exceeding
organic compounds, plankton, and other microscopic as per the guidelines of Indian standard (IS:10500) i.e1NTU.
organisms. Being the mountainous state the open natural water This was occurred due to the suspended particles of soil,
sources in hilly areas was used for drinking purposes. organic and inorganic matter, plankton, and other microscopic
Therefore, the turbidity was observed 3.0 to 4.2 NTU during organisms.
pre treatment analysis due to presence of suspended matter
such as clay, silts, soil particles, organic and inorganic matter,
plankton, and other microscopic organisms. The post treatment The results obtained from present study conclude that the
values of turbidity were found in between 2.5 to 2.7 NTU which natural sources of water used as the supply of drinking water

in government schools of Uttarakhand especially in study 2. APHA (2005). Standard methods for the examination of water and
areas of Garhwal region of the state is of good physicochemical waste water. Washington, DC: American Public Health Association.
quality. The obtained results of the samples were normal when 3. Arghyam (1991). Indian Standards for Drinking Water. Bureau of
compared to the recommended limits of Bureau of Indian Indian Standards, New Delhi, India, IS: 10500.

Standards (BIS) for physicochemical, biological and metal 4. Benignos, A. (2012). Rural Water Supply Manual Design. Malina. I
analytical parameters. Although the present study indicated
5. Brikke, F. (2002). Operation and maintainenceof rural water supply
good water quality from the natural sources, the contamination
and sanitation systems: A training package for managers and
in drinking water could be anthropogenic. Therefore, there is
planners.World Health Organization, Geneva.Geneva.
need for further regular investigation to establish the actual
6. Chanda, D.K. (1999). Seasonal variations of groundwater quality in
sustainability for quality of drinking water. A short term solution and around Dindigul Town, Tamilnadu, India. Hydrology Journal. 7:
could be to initiate the use of methodologies that further remove 431.
these salts from the water such as ultra filtration or reverse 7. Doria, M. (2010). Factors influencing public perception of drinking
osmosis before distribution through the school taps. There is water quality. Water policy, 12: 19.
also need to carry out a comprehensive social study to 8. Fewtrell, L., Pruss-Ustun, A., Bos, R., Gore, F. and Bartram, J.
determine the number of people suffering from diseases or (2007). Water sanitation and hygiene:quantifying the health impact
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problems on the ground contributed to by the use of untreated 9. Kasrils, M. and Msimang, D. T. (2001). Analysis Guide line of Domestic
W ater Supply.Department of W ater Affairs and Fores try,
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Department of Health Water Research Commission. South Africa.
realistic remediation methods for each specific health problem.
10. Muhammad, M., Samira, S., Fayal, A. and Farrukh, J. (2013).
It is also recommended that, renovation of water supply system
Assessment of Drinking Water Quality and its impact on Residents
& storage tanks should be done in all these schools.
in Health in Bahawalpur City. Int. Jou. of Hum. and Soc. Sci. 3: 15.
Surveillance program is required to be organized for regular 11. Pruss-Ustun, A. and Corvalan, C. (2006). Preventing disease through
checking of functioning of Water Treatment System installed health environments. Towards an estimate of the environmental
with Annual Maintenance Contract with the vendor. burden of disease. WHO, Geneva.
Arrangement of refilling of reagents and other consumables is 12. Taylor & Francis Group, LLC. (2007). Handbook of Water Analysis.
required to be done. As part of NSS/NCC program in schools Boca Raton London New York: Published.
Water Quality awareness program should be included. 13. UNICEF /WHO. (2012). Progress on drinking water and sanitation.
14. Uniyal, D.P., Dobhal, R., Aswal, J.S., Rawat, M.S. and Srivastav,
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS N.G., (2014). Jour. Env. & Bio-Sci., 28(2): 315-321.

Authors are thankful to the WTI Division, Department of Science 15. Uniyal, D.P., Rawat, M.S., Aswal, J.S., Rajendra, D. and Srivastav,
N.G. (2014). Study of water quality in various schools of Uttarakhand
and Technology (DST), GoI, New Delhi for financial assistance
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