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Publish # Date Bug fixes

1.1.24331.2956 5-Feb-08 801-804

1.1.33136.2958 Feb 6 2008 805-807
1.1.26590.2965 Feb 13 2008 string issue that builder saw Req. Payment abrev. title
ID Feature/module

801 Login page

802 PDF viewer tab

803 status title heading

804 logging in

805 WR screen

806 installation
807 wrong number of WRS
808 wrong number of WRS
809 List view
Description Fixed Tested
many visual bugs see detaled list on next mostly fixed except for 801D
When clicking on the tab get an error fixed
In each status, the heading of the bucket done can't test until string table is updated with n
name is cut off
done fixed
When logging in as any old user get error
done fixed
When performing an action or selecting a
different view without selecting a particular
WR in the list view, I get an error and kicked
out of the application.
Prerequisite file is bad on biz and hopto but fixed
OK on BuilderConnect
by builder - can't get vendor WRs fixed
by vendor in declined folder only good good on mobile and hopto. Needs to be fixe
builder name cut off by half letter: if the vendor chooses certain preferences in his list view and the p
pt for 801D

ing table is updated with new heading abbreviations

nd hopto. Needs to be fixed on biz and .com

s in his list view and the project names and vendor name is a specific length, a letter in the builder's name is cu
e builder's name is cut off. You can see the attached screen shot. I am assuming that this is not a high priority e
s not a high priority especially since there has to be so many factors in order to replicate this visual bug. see in
his visual bug. see in screenshots : cutoffName.bmp
Bug Details:

Bug 801:
On the blackjack the login screen doesn’t look good:
1.       On the login page: The login and password textboxes are connected. It does no
2.       The head of the builder on the title bar is cut off.
On both devices (blackjack and pocket PC):
1.       I don’t know if there is anything to do about it but the words Amercian Express
2.       I don’t know how much of an issue it is but in  the word “The BuilderCard”, the w
4.       When the login page is loading I see on the top of the page icons that are cutof

Bug 802:
When a builder clicks on the ‘#MIPDFTOGGLEVIEW#‘ tab, the following error message comes up:
ClearVue PDF encountered an internal error trying to load or display the requested file.
Replication procedures:
1.       Builder create WR on PC
2.       Vendor accept and complete WR
3.       Builder verify WR
4.       Vendor request payment for WR
5.       Builder sync mobile device
6.       Builder open Liens->pending on mobile device
7.       Click More->#MIPDFTOGGLEVIEW#
8.       See error message.

Bug 803:
On the top of each page, on the left, there is a header with the name of the bucket that was opened (
Most of these headers are cut off and you don’t see the full word (like WR:Requested). This occurs in W
Replication procedures:
1.       Log in to app on mobile device
2.       Open WR->requested
3.       See header on upper left side says WR:Requeste
4.       Open Lien->Lien Pending
5.       See header on upper left side says Lien:Lien Pen

Bug 805:
When performing an action without selecting a particular WR in the list view, I get an error and kicked
Replication Procedure:
1.       Login as vendor v600, v (or as builder b600, b)
2.       Go to started bucket (or any other one that user can perform action on)
3.       Before selecting a WR i.e. nothing is highlighted, select “Complete” from the more men
4.       See error and application closes
onnected. It does not look good.

ds Amercian Express on the title bar on the login page is not legible (cannot be read)
he BuilderCard”, the word “The” is displayed in a different font,  is lower than and connected to the word Builde
e icons that are cutoff (the red man, yellow bar and time are half visible).

ssage comes up:

et that was opened (for instance, WR:Created).

sted). This occurs in WR and Lien folders.

t an error and kicked out of the application.

” from the more menu (or select preferered or detailed)

ed to the word BuilderCard.
ID Feature/module Description

801A login page The login and password textboxes are connected on
801B login page The head of the builder on the title bar is cut off.

801C login page the words Amercian Express on the title bar on the
login page is not legible - can this be fixed is this a

801E login page When the login page is loading I see on the top of the
page icons that are cutoff (the red man, yellow bar and
time are half visible).
Fixed Tested - Tested -
blackjack Pocket
fine NA - fine

fixed fine fine

fine fine

fine fine
ID Feature/module Description Fixed

801D login page “The BuilderCard”,

the word “The” is
displayed in a
smaller font,  is
lower than and
connected to the
word BuilderCard.

802 WR list view A

Atletter is cutt
this point theoffbug
in awill
partiular situation
not occur (after when using
sync the proj.
icon willan
809 online/offline
810 online/offline When user loses connectivity while transmitting data, the W
811 online/offline When performing an action in yellow mode there is no warni
812 online/offline When going offline from online mode (by pulling out the plug
813 error msg when transmitting
is an issue on the PC app that if you lose connectivity
Tested - Tested -
blackjack Pocket
rejected rejected

ular situation
t occur (after when using
sync the proj.
icon willand
not builder names
reappear), of you
since speific
in the .verified
See screenshot "D:\My
folder, and Documents\TASP\bu
obviously cannot perform

ty while transmitting data, the WR stays in the folder with the offline icon and in the PC it is already advanced. I
in yellow mode there is no warning that the WR is not being submitted to the server online and that the user h
ine mode (by pulling out the plug) it takes as long time for the application to register that it is offline. This crea
app that if you lose connectivity immediately after performing an action (i.e. after it started transmitting data
D:\My Documents\TASP\bug
d obviously tracking\testing
cannot perform the action again screenshots\cuttoff.bmp"
in this folder. The reason why the bug came up before is because

PC it is already advanced. If the user then syncs online, the bug is resolved.
r online and that the user has to sync to submit it, but there is an offline icon next to the WR. (This has been re
r that it is offline. This creates bug 809 and maybe 810.
started transmitting data), you get an error message: An error message cannot be displayed. Strangely on th
up before is because the screen didn't refresh after the message error came up and the WR still seemed to be in

WR. (This has been reported in past releases)

yed. Strangely on the blackjack it shows up fine but on the pocket PC, the word “displayed” doesn’t appear. Pl
R still seemed to be in the completed folder.

d” doesn’t appear. Please see the attached bitmap. I do not see this error message in the string table to correct
string table to correct it,
Use version 3 of scripts to run - updated on Feb 4 2008
Check bug fixes - see bug sheet
Check every heading of every status and every menu item title - all headings and menu tit
1.   Mobile app online but check the status together with going to every view by each statu
complete , and once accept)
1A. In each view go into list, preferred and detailed views for every WR/Lien status, budge
info is accurate
2. Simple script using PMT invoice – test that all of the information of the WR on the mobil

3. Check all selection Matrix views by builder and vendor

4. Take a user with a lot of WRs and test the amount of WRs in each folder by the builder a
that it is the same amount of WRs

5. Mobile script2
6. mobile liens script - new script in version 3
7. WR script - whatever can be done on the mobile do on the mobile, whatever can not be
PC and check on the mobile device the status of the WR and budget at each point.- builder
and at each budget and WR status check, check it on the mobile as well.
8. Budget, homepage script (do not have to test history) - whatever can be done on the m
whatever can not be done on the mobile do it on the PC and check on the mobile device th
homepage at each point.- builder should be on the mobile device and at each budget, hom
check it on the mobile as well. If the homepage doesn’t get updated on mobile then only u
9. Declined, void script – whatever can be done on the mobile do on the mobile, whatever
do it on the PC and check on the mobile device the status at each point

10. Check prerequisite and test installation - works and says "Builder Card"

11. Mobile Online Offine

RESULTS: build 1.1.26590.2965
User to Run Builder Vendor
see bug details see bug details
Builder and Vendor

Builder and Vendor done done

done done
by builder and vendor done done
only lien views

vendor and if builder done done

has any, check updated
on PC or by builder
Builder and Vendor done done

Builder and Vendor done done

Builder and Vendor
depending on script depending on script
Builder (Vendor - only if being ran for last being ran for last
running together) publish publish

Builder depending on script

being ran for last depending on script
publish being ran for last publis

Builder and Vendor NA NA

done on hopto. Need to need to test on biz later
one user test on biz later on. on.
done - see bugs not for done - see bugs not for
builder and vendor this release this release
RESULTS: build 1.1.33136.2958 RESULTS: build 1.1.24331.2956
Builder Vendor Builder
see bug details see bug details see bug details
waiting for abrv. waiting for abrv. string table needs updating

done done done

done done done without
viewing actual
done done done

done - good done -good done and there is

a difference -
waiting for answer
to filter question
and for hopto to
be fixed

waiting for hopto

done done to be fixed
waiting for hopto
to be fixed

waiting for hopto

done done to be fixed

waiting for hopto

done done to be fixed
waiting for hopto
NA NA to be fixed
need to test on biz bad results see
done later on. bug
build 1.1.24331.2956
see bug details
e needs updating


done with viewing

actual liens


done and there is

no difference -

waiting for hopto

to be fixed
waiting for hopto
to be fixed

waiting for hopto

to be fixed

waiting for hopto

to be fixed
waiting for hopto
to be fixed

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