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P'\FISiCINsi Parsons lnternational Limited

l-"t Fl., Financiat Square Building no. 4, Al Muntazah Signal, P.0. Box 2091 | Doha, Qatar
P: +974.440.58444 I Fz +974.443.77434 |
L! ,i-3r 12091 }, o=)iil| ;-.,L,ll . 4 rsJ iJUl 4-tJl i+l-i.l , aljll dr.U.ll , $C Jurr^i. uJijl ,r,r-_,r!
+974.443.77434 t'i I +974.440.58444 :o
Ou r Ref: IA2OL7 CO47 l/PlL/UlV / LTR/ OO223 25 October 2018

UCC-lnfraRoad JV
P.O. Box 1-5427
Doha, State of Qatar

fel: +97444805448
Fax: +97444806448

Attn: Mr. Ahmad Reda Al-labri

Project Manager

Project : Road lmprovement of lmmigration lnterchange Roundabout and 22nd Fehuary Street
Subject: Micro Piling Works - Potential Delays
7. Contractor's letter to Parsons, ref: 1A2077/C0471/U|V-HL-LTR-OOO52 dated 27 October 2078.
2. Parsons' letter to the Contractor, ref. \A2O77/CO47\-P\L-UIV-LTR-0O274 dated 77 October 2078.
3- Parsons' Ietter to the Contractor, ref. \A2O77/CO47|-PIL-UIV-LTR-OO2O7 dated 74 October 2078.

Dear Sir,
Reference to the Contractor's letter referred under item (1) above, Parsons would like to offer the following

7. Contractor's statement that "the Contractor is mitigatingthe Client's unachievable design;for which
the Contractor has submitted an alternative desigin solution. The desi{n solution has neither been
confirmed technically or commercially by the authorized party.........."
Your statement of Unachievable design is misleading and was never substantiated
contractually. PWA and Parsons made it very clear that the alternative design as submitted
by the contractor is related essentially to the temporary shoring system that is the
responsibility of the contractor to propose and construct to allow for the construction of
permanent works. PWA already has given their no-objection to the proposed contractor's
proposal. Contractor still did not submit the details of his design proposal, though starting
with the micro-piling works on site. The pro-active approach by the contractor in starting
such works at his own risk is noted.

2. Contractor statement that " of date the works executed on site do not form part of Scope of
The works being executed on site form an integral part of the temporary shoring system that
is proposed by the contractor in compliance to the contractual requirements in regard to
temporary works as set in Contract drawing ref # Q1LO24-0500D-DD-PK1-ST-001 Rev. (0),
where it is clearly stated within item (4) of structural general notes that....."excavation
support and protection systems .................shall be designed, provided, installed, monitored
and maintained for supportin$the sides of the excavation, the Contractor's so/e risk
and responsibility".

3. As discussed with PWA, Parsons would clarify that there shall be no Engineer's lnstructions
forthcoming in regard to the change in design proposed by the Contractor, for which no-objection
was already given by PWA, and the works will be measured and paid in accordance with the
provisions of the Contract.

Parsons PLUS envision

Oul Ref: IA2OL7 Co47 t/PtL/Utv / LTR/ OO223 25 October ?OLA
Pace 2 of 2

ln view of the above clarifications, the Contractor is requested to focus on achieving targets for
accomplishing piles within the Contractor's committed time for completion in order to ensure that the Project
does not suffer any delays. Should you have any concern regarding this subject, please feel free to contact
the office of the undersigned.

Yours faithfully,

Samal Al-Mandalawi
Resident Engineer

Status Record
Reply Required No

CC: Mr. Kanan R. Abdullah, Project Manager, Roads Project Management Department (PWA)
Mr. Ahmed H.F. Abushanab, Project Engineer, Roads Project Management Department (PWA)
Mr. Mohamed Boutaleb, Qatar Construction Director (Parsons)

Pfieci llanager
Constructlon tanrgcr /
Toehnlcal tanagnr
Commerchl llanrger /
Plandng irunrgor
HSE llanaget
OATOC tanager
Flnance lAecountl

RECEIVED Slakeholder

2 5 ocT 2018



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