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Auditing of General
Insurance Companies
There are several areas in insurance
accounting and finance, both at the cor-
porate level and operational level that
need an auditor’s focused attention and
critical review. This article intends to
deal with some of the important ones.
covering itself. It has become
The Industry the cynosure of all discerning
General Insurance sector is next eyes, with more than a dozen
only to the banking industry in terms private companies sponsored
of importance among the economic by the top industrial empires of
ceptible in late March and early April
barometers of the nation. While the the country teaming up with some of
in connection with Bank Audits,
banking industry is creating assets the best international names, have
their eagerness to get acquainted
and consequently national wealth, sprung in the horizon to increase the
with the latest on NPA provisioning
the insurance industry is ‘protect- size of the cake several fold and then
norms and their self-propelling atti-
ing’ such wealth to the tune of sev- to take their due slices of it.
tude to attend the Bank Audit semi-
eral zillions of rupees. The industry Accounts and Audit nars in huge numbers are all nor-
is also very unique in the sense that it mally not very pronounced even
thrives in selling promises and mar- The various stakeholders in the gen- among those who get the insurance
keting uncertainties and making eral insurance companies such as the audit allotments. For some unfath-
good money in the process, cycling Government (as the owners of the omable reasons, the auditors do not
such money back in to the nation- PSU companies), Indian shareholders display any enthusiasm in acquiring
building process. Cash-rich, again and the JV partners (in case of private the necessary domain expertise of
next only to banking, it is also the companies), policyholders, reinsurers this industry, the financial concepts
only industry that is global, both by who do business with the companies of which are riddled with unique and
design and default, in its reach and etc. consider the published financials specialized concepts such as heavy
perspectives and hence its numbers of the Insurance Companies as the influence of the bottom lines by var-
are also massive. symbol of the strength and more so ious estimations, statutory limitation
The industry, which was opened up because such financials bear the attes- on management expenses, relation-
for private sector participation with tation of the Chartered Accountants, ship between the capitalizations and
a defined limit of foreign equity, who ‘audit’ the companies. risk bearing capacities, protection of
after three decades of public sector The excitement among policyholders’ interests vis-à-vis
monopoly, is in the process of redis- Chartered Accountants that is per- expectations of stakeholders etc.
This lack of domain expertise some-
The author is a member of the Institute. He can be reached at times leads to an auditor’s perform-


ing his role in lesser dimension than Companies) Regulations, 2000 sub- to 50% for Fire & Misc and 100% for
he normally should. sequently replaced by Version Marine, many insurers (and, after
There are several areas in insur- 2002, was the one to govern the nationalization, all PSU insurers)
ance accounting and finance, both reporting and disclosure aspects of took advantage of the same and so
at the corporate level and opera- financials of the insurance companies. provided]. Essentially, this meant that
tional level that need an auditor’s Several financial concepts came the companies recognized the rev-
focused attention and critical under major revision and a sea enue, by making adjustments for
review. change not only in the reporting URR in their Net Premium Income
However, before embarking on and disclosure requirements (as (Premium less reinsurances), calling
the core area, let us briefly go over the detailed below) but in the very this as Net Earned Premium Income.
metamorphosis in the area of financial area of concept of premium IRDA set out to change this. In
reporting and disclosure requirements accounting. the first set of Regulations that came
of general insurance companies. ✎ Revenue Recognition vis- out in 2000, it was required that the
à-vis URR provisioning. companies recognized the Premium
Pre – IRDA scenario income over the contract period or the
✎ Premium Deficiency
✎ Investment Income bifurca- period of risk. Which, simply meant,
The provisions of The Insurance
tion between Policyholders proportionately. For example, if
Act, 1938 were governing the for-
funds and Shareholders funds Rs.3,650/- is collected for a vehicle
mats, reporting and disclosure
✎ IBNER (Incurred but not insurance policy that commenced on
requirements. Besides the financial
enough reported) Claims 18th Sept, 2003 to expire on 17th
statements in the pre-designed for-
✎ Cash flow under ‘Direct Sept, 2004, the revenue recognisable
mats that were to be published for the
Method’ is Rs. 1,950/- for the financial year
benefit of the stakeholders, returns
✎ Adherence to Accounting ending 31st Mar, 2004, as the policy
were prescribed for submission to the
Standards with specific runs its course for 195 days out of 365
Controller of Insurance. On national-
modifications. days in the current financial year. The
ization of the general insurance indus-
✎ Concept of “Management balance of Rs. 1,700/- is to be kept as
try, the de jure supervisory authority
Report” to stress adequate unearned premium, as it is attribut-
continued to be the Controller of
disclosures able and allocable to the succeeding
Insurance but the de facto supervisory
✎ Auditors’ report – Revision accounting period. Perhaps, the idea
authority was the General Insurance
in Format. germinated from the perception that
Corporation of India. In fact, GIC’s
in the days of high-end computers
roles were multi fold. It was the hold-
and sophisticated methods of
ing company, the first reinsurer,
industry’s policy maker, supervisor,
Premium accounting accounting, any percentage ad-
hocism in provisioning was not nec-
de facto regulator et al. Now, to see how the financials get essary and that the revenue account-
affected by the changes of (a) and (b) ing could be almost realistic.
Post – IRDA scenario
above and how the auditors so far have IRDA’s fresh set of regulations
Came 1999, the IRDA was dealt with them can be seen below: of 2002, possibly realising that the
born. Insurance Act was suitably For time immemorial, the pre- earlier Regulations on this score were
amended to give IRDA the powers mium accounting was done after pro- found ‘complicated’ by the existing
to regulate the industry that was viding the Unexpired Risks Reserve and the new insurers alike, sought to
soon to be thrown open to private at ad-hoc percentages indicated in the grant an escape route by bringing
players. Among the many supple- Solvency Margin requirements {Sec. back the ‘adhoc regime’, by saying
mentary regulations that were 64V(1)(ii)(b)}, which were 40% for that though the premium recognition
issued covering many aspects of Fire, Marine Cargo & Misc and 100% should still to be on ‘accrual’ basis,
functioning, the IRDA (Preparation for Marine Hull of “Net Premium”. the minimum of URR should be at
of Financial Statements and [However, as the Income Tax Act & percentages prescribed.
Auditor’s Report of Insurance Rules, allowed insurers to provide up However, the problem is far


from over. First of all, there is an all- only industry, where lower business insurance companies are expected to
important point that has been missed volume in a year can actually result make the provisions based on the
by the rule-framers and not also in higher profits because of the available information and create a lia-
queried by rule-followers. The URR ‘reserve release’ factor. Unless the bility as on the date of closing of
provision, basically, is on the “Net” auditors understand the tricks that books. The sum total of such ‘direct’
basis. For this, only percentages, can be played by the managements in figures, tempered by the Reinsurance
however adhoc they may seem, can this, it will not be possible for them to recovery adjustments and added by
work. Pro-rata recognition of rev- be true and fair to themselves let the Outstanding Claims figures
enue is possible only on “Gross” pre- alone to the shareholders. received from the Reinsurers, in
mium. This is, essentially because, For the first time, a new concept respect of ‘acceptances’ would be the
the Reinsurance programmes are not called ‘Premium Deficiency’ was total ‘net’ outstanding claims, which
policy wise, except for very major brought in by IRDA. Again a mea- will form the integral and major part
ones. They are, mostly, on treaty sure for augmenting policyholders’ of the “Claims Cost”. However,
basis and the underwriting year for funds, it mandated that if the sum of these are based on estimations based
reinsurance markets will be blatantly expected claims costs, related on information in possession of the
different from the financial year expenses etc. exceed the URR, the insurance companies on the date of
basis that we might be following. said excess is to be recognised as closing the books. Such information
The actual manner in which the Premium Deficiency. It is a fact that could include surveyor’s assess-
whole premium accounting and RI neither IRDA has attempted to ments, spot survey reports, insurers’
cessions accounting works is too explain the concept of this Premium guesstimates based on the available
mind boggling to be wished away Deficiency or the methodology of documents and sometimes even sim-
with any simplistic solutions in the providing the same nor any ply on the data given, not given or
name of bringing in any ‘seeming Insurance Company really appeared short given by the claimants them-
realism’. Many insurers, taking to be unduly bothered on this. Some selves in the claim forms. There are
advantage of the situation that companies have opined that there really no hard and fast rules on how to
‘actual accrual’ can never be worked was no premium deficiency in their make these provisions and it is left to
out correctly, simply continue adopt- companies while some simply ‘dis- the discretion and judgment of the
ing ad-hoc percentages, claiming closed’ certain sums, even though claims personnel as also pruning by
that they are the ‘minimum’. the regulatory need was to recognize the managements and hence unlike
Now, there are myriad practical the same in accounts. However, the the URR, which will be a structured
problems that are encountered by the interesting aspect is that in most estimate, the provision for outstand-
companies in recognizing the rev- cases, the auditors have looked the ing claims will always be an unstruc-
enue but, the responsibility of audi- other way on this issue or simply tured estimate. This not only signifi-
tors is to see that the Regulation is have gone by the averments made by cantly influences (sometimes, even
followed scrupulously or if not fol- managements in this regard. unduly) the bottomlines but also has
lowed, reported accordingly. If one the potential to distort the company’s
peruses the published annual reports Estimation of liabilities in the Balance Sheet on a
of the insurance companies for 2002- Outstanding Claims given date. The auditors’ responsibil-
03, it can be seen that most of the ity (both at operational office level
auditors have conveniently main- The most pronounced drain of an and at the central office level) is very
tained silence on this. What is worse, insurance company’s resources is the pronounced in this area. Only subject
some nationalized insurers have bla- Claims cost (also known as Incurred knowledge and experience can lead
tantly changed the rules of the game Claims), which is the actual claims auditors right in their ‘audit’ of this area.
to suit their convenience during paid less adjustments for reinsurance
2001-02 and 2002-03, resulting in recoveries on them and provisions for Commissions and
huge difference to bottomlines, with- claims outstanding as on the date of brokerage
out eliciting any adverse comment financial reporting. On the Direct
from the auditors. This is perhaps the side, the operating offices of the At the operational office level,


one of the major items of expense is shares of his premium with other perpetual legacy of lethargy.
the ‘business procurement cost’. In insurers, by way of co-insurance However, in the matter of such non-
the pre-IRDA days, there were (where the preference of the customer reconciliation of balances, charity
agency commission payments at plays a role) as well as by reinsurance, does not begin at home itself. There
structured rates and though the sys- both at home and abroad. are always transactions of (a) claims
tem per se was abused to the hilt by Reciprocally, he also accepts risks settled -mostly Marine Cargo &
the employees of the companies, ceded to him. Wider the spread, better Motor TP claims- by one office of the
nothing much could be done by the it is for all. However, such transac- company on behalf of the other and
auditors as everything used to be tions between insurers (and reinsur- (b) expenses incurred on behalf of
alright on papers. In the post-IRDA ers) mostly take place by way of cor- another office. There are eternal
scenario, the private insurance com- respondence and accounting entries issues of non-reconciliation between
panies resort to ingenious methods of only. While the Balance Sheet items offices of the same company and at
remunerating people, who help them refer to the ‘net’ balances as on a date, any point of time, significant amounts
procure business. Though there are the relative effect should have gone to stand wrongly ‘capitalised’ in these
official agents and brokers, the outgo the revenue. There are always some accounts, commonly called as Inter
towards procurement costs take dif- transactions pending accounting for Office Accounts.
ferent forms such as referral fee, con- want of full information and espe- Likewise, there is another item
sultancy fee etc. Unofficial rebating cially when the number of transac- called as Agents’ balances, both in
is also done to grease the palms of tions is huge, there can be understand- Current Assets and in Current
decision makers of the insureds. If able differences in balances between Liabilities. There is no official sanc-
auditors can be vigilant in this area, entities having such transactions. If tion in the Insurance Act or from
many such cases can be brought to periodical reconciliations take place IRDA that insurance companies can
light. The auditors, especially at the and such pending items are accounted have running balances with agents. In
operational offices, would do well to in the way they should be, then there fact, no agent is authorized to collect
analyse this account and seek clarifi- will be some excuse in hiding behind any money on behalf of the company.
cations on payments made to persons the concepts such as going concern At best, there can be one month’s
other than agents and brokers. and consistency. But, in reality, such commission dues that may stand as
reconciliations never happen and bal- credit balances. Or there could be
Current assets and ances are always allowed to mount, continuing aberrations of what has
with differences ever swelling, result- long since been prohibited viz., bal-
liabilities ing in massive sums that should have ances under Agents’ bank guarantees.
found their rightful places in the rev- But, the actual extents of such bal-
When we come to Current Assets
enue accounts and in P&L accounts of ances defy such perceptions. Whether
and Current Liabilities, it will become
the insurance companies being held these balances are what they are really
necessary to put the concerned
captive in “capital” accounts. (For supposed to be or whether the head of
accounts under magnifying lens, to
instance, a claim settled by company account is a convenient parking place
understand what the individual bal-
A on behalf of company B is debited for several Para-revenue items, pend-
ances could broadly contain within
to Company B without charging it off ing (for ever?) accounting as revenue
them, as it is just possible that any-
to Revenue and because full details etc. are but kept as closely guarded
thing inconvenient could have been
are not made available, even the com- secrets, even from auditors, who will
parked in the hazy sub-headlines.
pany B does not account it as Claim). be constantly pressurized to complete
For instance, every company will
Though, every insurance company the audits in the time frame set by the
show both in Current Assets and
has such transactions with hundreds managements. Yes, the only ‘recon-
Current Liabilities, the balances with
of their counterparts across the globe ciliation’ appears to be in the attitude
“other persons/entities carrying on
and such problems are not unique to of the statutory auditors, as it is seen
insurance business”. Insurance, being
our country and our insurers alone, that they are reporting this as noncha-
a global business by nature, is all
certainly it is no excuse that “Due to / lantly as possible year after year. As
about spread of risks far and wide and
Due from Insurers” continues to be a many of the readers of the financials
hence every insurer parts away certain


do not realize the impact, no serious investments, provisioning and ambit of functions of the IRDA, in
questions are asked from any quarters. impairment norms, recognition of terms of the regulations on prepara-
income, disclosures forming part of tion of financial statements and
Other Issues financial statements etc. which auditor’s report under the IRDA
reflect the intention of the Act. Here, the IRDA Act does not
Some of the other important
Regulators to bring in more trans- make any distinction between
issues at the operational office level
parency in presentation. Audit of Public Sector and Private Sector
are verification of compliance of
investments will have to be a very Insurance Companies. (However, to
Sec. 64VB of the Insurance Act,
detailed one and critical areas like what extent the said Regulations
which deals with collection of pre-
‘investment in unapproved invest- notified under the sanction given
mium prior to assumption of risk,
ments’ (within the permissive lim- under Sec. 114 A of the Insurance
bank reconciliations, operation of
its), ‘disinvestments’ and ‘selling Act, which in itself does not specifi-
Bank Guarantee Premium Control
the traded securities’ etc. will have cally state anything on auditors’
account, Cash Deposit Premium
to be brought under careful scrutiny. appointment, can overrule the provi-
Control account, refunds account-
Reinsurance is a highly techni- sions of Companies Act is not clear.)
ing, verification of fixed assets, cash,
cal area and unless the auditors get Accordingly, IRDA has started
policy stamps etc. The Audit pro-
very well versed in verification of compiling a panel of Chartered
gramme will have to factor in all of
Bordereaux (a spreadsheet kind Accountants and for the purpose,
the above issues for detailed scrutiny.
statement detailing risks ceded / has also prescribed certain exacting
Investments & accepted, commissions, claims parameters for such empanelment.
Reinsurance etc.), checking of quarterly state- Of course, in such parameters,
ments of individual treaty reinsur- the longevity, size etc. of a firm
Audit of the investment as well ers, profit commission statements seem to be only given importance
as reinsurance activities happen etc. it may not at all be possible to rather than the specialized qualifi-
only at the Corporate Office levels do justice in this area. The one cations in the field or the domain
and here, the scope for auditors is important thing that needs to be expertise of the partners. This is
well defined by the relevant borne in mind by the auditors is that rather sad. An industry that is so
Regulations of IRDA. However, the reinsurance transactions operate unique and important cannot be
objective of the IRDA’s regulations between companies at the interna- ‘audited’ casually and generally,
on Investments is only the protec- tional level based on a very high when specialization is the order of
tion of policyholders’ funds. IRDA level of trust (concept of utmost the day. Realising the importance of
has stipulated that every insurer good faith fortified) and the rein- the need to create and develop
shall constitute an Investment surers place heavy reliance on the ‘domain expertise’ in this industry
Committee and shall draw up an quality of the auditors who attest that is all set to take a giant leap in
annual Investment Policy which the financials of the Indian compa- the years to come, our Institute has
shall be placed before the Board for nies, which fact only increases the newly introduced a specialized post
approval after being vetted by the responsibility of the auditors. qualification course on insurance
Investment Committee. The and risk management.
Audit empanelment Providing assurance services
Investment Policy, as approved by
the Board shall also be filed with the requirements to the people who are themselves in
IRDA. Schedule B of Regulation 3 the business of assuring others is a
Prior to the private sector entry, serious affair and the responsibility
of The IRDA (Preparation of finan-
the appointments of auditors for the of the members of our profession to
cial Statements and Auditor’s
four PSU companies were made by provide comfort (by doing ‘an
Report of Insurance Companies)
the CAG. In the current scenario informed audit’) to the stakehold-
Regulations, detailing the account-
where private insurers have begun ers, regulator, reinsurers, tax
ing principles for preparation of
operating, the appointment of audi- authorities can hardly be overem-
financial statements provided for
tors appears to have come within the phasized. ■
the procedure for valuation of


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