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Surma Tower, Sylhet

An Assignment on
“Influence of Work–
Work–life balance
in employee’s perfo

Course title: Performance Management

Course code: HRM-610

Submitted to:
Md. Shamimul Islam
Senior Lecturer
Department of Business Administration
Leading University, Sylhet

Prepared by:
Torch Bearer’s
ID Name
1611017014 Mahmudul Hasan
1611017021 Masum Hussain

Semester: 5th
Batch: 38th
Major: Human Resource Management
MBA Program
Department of Business Administration
Leading University, Sylhet

Date of Submission: 02 December, 2016

Work–life balance is a concept including proper prioritizing between "work" (career and
ambition) and "lifestyle" (health, pleasure, leisure, family and spiritual
development/meditation. This is related to the idea of lifestyles choice. The work–leisure
dichotomy was invented in the mid-1801s. Paul Krassner remarked that anthropologists use a
definition of happiness that is to have as little separation as possible "between your work and
your play". The expression "work–life balance" was first used in the United Kingdom in the
late 1970s to describe the balance between an individual's work and personal life. In the
United States this phrase was first used in 1986 The business case for work-life balance
practices, as espoused by many organizations, rests on attracting better applicants and
reducing work-life conflict among existing employees in order to enhance organizational
performance. This review of the literature provides some evidence for the claim regarding
recruitment, but there is insufficient evidence to support the notion that work-life practices
enhance performance by means of reduced work-life conflict. We suggest that the business
case may therefore need to be modified to reflect the number of additional routes by which
work-life balance practices can influence organizational performance, including enhanced
social exchange processes, increased cost savings, improved productivity, and reduced
turnover. The impact of these processes may, however, be moderated by a number of factors,
including national context, job level, and managerial support.

Despite the popularity of work-life conflict as a topic of academic and practitioner

debate, and the mounting prevalence of work-life balance practices in organizations around
the world, research on the organizational effects of such practices is not well integrated.
Competing demands between work and home have assumed increased relevance for
employees in recent years, due in large part to demographic and workplace changes such as
rising numbers of women in the labour force, an ageing population, longer working hours,
and more sophisticated communications technology enabling near constant contact with the
workplace. In response to these changes and the conflict they generate among the multiple
roles that individuals occupy, organizations are increasingly pressured to implement work
practices intended to facilitate employees’ efforts to fulfil both their employment- related and
their personal responsibilities. While there is no one accepted definition of what constitutes a
work-life balance practice, the term usually refers to one of the following: organizational
support for dependent care, flexible work options, and family or personal leave.

Subjects pages

1. Introduction 5
2. Definitions for work life balance 5
3. Work-life balance and economic changes 6
4. Work-life balance and demographics 6
5. Work-family conflict 7
6. Consequences of work-life balance and work-life imbalance 8
7. Family satisfaction 8
8. Work satisfaction 8
9. Psychological health 9
10.Employee Performance 9
11.Leave Policy 10
a. Annual leave 10
b. Parental Leave 10
c. Paid Family and Medical leave 10
d. Sick leave 10
e. Study leave 10
12.Service Delivery 11
13.Work-life Balance and its Outcomes 11
14.Affective Commitment and In-role Performance 12
15.Findings 12
16.Recommendation 13
17.Conclusion 14
18.References 15

At first, we are grateful to Almighty Allah for creating us in such
a beautiful country like Bangladesh and also for controlling our
life. For the mercy of Him, we have got such courage to start this
assignment on “Influence of Work–
Work–life balance in employee’s

After that we would like to give thanks to our honorable

Dean and Head of the Department Prof. Md. Nazrul Islam for
giving us the opportunity to study in this subject. We would like
to express our thanks to the librarian of Leading University for
all his help that we have received.

Our respected parents who gave us mental support and

inspiration for our assignment, there is a special thanks for
them. We also would like to give a lot of thanks to our
honorable course teacher, Md. Shamimul Islam for giving us a
wonderful opportunity to make such an interesting and valuable
assignment and giving us a clear concept about the assignment.

At last but not the least, without the help of our friends and
classmates it was quite impossible to prepare such kind of
assignment. They gave us some necessary information about this
topic which was unknown to us. So, we would like to give thanks
to all of them.

Individuals experience more conflict between work and personal life as they continue to
pursue the quality of life that they need. Thus, successfully balancing work and family life is
one of the major challenges facing current individual workers.

Historically, work-life balance issues have been considered personal issues (Emslie &
Hunt, 2009), and employers have just responded to their employees’ needs by providing
additional benefits such as on-site childcare service and paid maternity leave in the
workplace. However, with environmental shifts and value changes of employees, employees’
desire for work-life balance has increased and employers have begun to offer more active
support of their employees’ work-life balance (Thornthwaite, 2004). In its list of the 100 best
companies to work for, Fortune magazine identifies organizations that make an effort to assist
employees in managing the duties of work and family (Muse et al., 2008). Thus,
organizational efforts for ensuring employees’ work-life balance are needed and valued more
than ever.

Many researchers have generally agreed on the important role of work-life balance as
it is related with an individual’s psychological well-being and overall sense of harmony in
life, which is an indicator of balance between the workplace role and the role in family
(Clark, 2000; Marks and MacDermid,1996). Recent research shows that both employees and
organizations benefit from successfully balanced work and family life (e.g., Greenhaus and
Powell, 2006; Hammer et al., 2005). In family domains, when people experience a lack of
work-life balance, this experience threatens key domains of their personal lives (Lachman
and Boone-James, 1997); on the other hand, work-life balance enhances their well-being and
family satisfaction (Grzywacz,2000). In work domains, the absence of work-life balance
causes poor performance and more absenteeism of employees (Frone et al., 1997), but
balanced work and family life is associated with increased job satisfaction and organizational
commitment (Cegarra- Leiva et al., 2012; Wayne et al., 2004). In other words, employees’
work-life balance experiences deepen their role-related engagement, which is related to
organizational performance improvement (Carlson et al., 2008).

Work-life balance in the workplace has become a more important issue as it tends to
exhibit positive results such as low turnover, work engagement, organizational citizenship
behavior, in-role performance, increased firm productivity, job satisfaction, and
organizational commitment (Konrad and Mangel, 2000; Lambert, 2000; Shepard et al., 1996;
Wang and Walumbwa, 2007). As emphasized by several researchers, managing work-life
balance has become one of the most critical managerial strategies for ensuring employees’
performance and organizational performance improvement. Literature Review and
Theoretical Foundation

Definitions for work life balance:

Work-life balance is vital for individuals’ wellbeing, organizations performance and a
functioning society. There are different beliefs on how work-life balance should be defined,
measured and researched according to Grzywacz & Carlson. Different terms are also used by

different researchers while referring to ‘work-life balance’. For example, according to Frone
& Greenhaus the term ‘work-family balance refer to, ‘work-family fit’; Burke (2000) refers
to ‘work-personal life balance’; and Grady,(2008) refers to ‘work-life balance’. As work-
family balance is often associated with traditional families, i.e., individuals who are married
with children (Barnett & Hyde, 2001), and this study refers to a family in both its traditional
and non-traditional form; in order to therefore avoid any confusion, the term ‘work-life
balance’ is used throughout this paper. Work life balance does not mean an equal balance.
trying to schedule an equal number of hours for each of your various work and personal
activities is usually unrewarding and unrealistic. Life is and should be more fluid than that.
Your best individual work-life balance will vary over time, often on a daily basis. The right
balance for you today will probably be different for you tomorrow. The right balances for you
when you are single will be different when you marry, or if you have children; when you start
a new career versus when you are nearing retirement. There is no perfect, one-size fits all,
balance you should be striving for. The best work-life balance is different for each of us
because we all have different priorities and different lives. However, at the core of an
effective work-life balance definition are two key everyday concepts that are relevant to each
of us. They are daily Achievement and Enjoyment, ideas almost deceptive in their simplicity.

Work-life balance and economic changes:

The recent economic downturn, increased competition and evolving technology have put
pressure on companies to perform, and on employees to increase their productivity
(O’Connell et al., 2010). Organization deal with these tough economic times by cutting
expenditure, decreasing staff levels and increasing workloads for remaining employees
(O’Connell et al., 2010). The wellbeing of workers who kept their employment can be
negatively affected by job insecurity (Scherer, 2009). Many individuals feel under pressure to
work longer hours to keep their jobs (Wayman, 2010), and to meet their family expenses.
Higher demands on employees’ duties and longer working hours reduce the time workers
have to spend with their families (Hill, 2005). Statistics show that in Ireland in 2011 men
worked an average of 39.4 hours a week and women 30.6 hours (CSO, 2012). Heavier work
demands faced by employees also result in higher levels of stress, which negatively impacts
workers’ physical and psychological wellbeing (Malik, McKie, Beattie & Hogg, 2010).
Grady and Burkwe argue that organizations and managers need to understand the importance
of WLB, its impact on employees’ wellbeing, and the effects it has on organizations
productivity and performance.

Work-life balance and demographics:

Over the last few decades, global demographic changes such as an increased participation of
women in the workforce, two-income households, single-parent families and eldercare have
resulted in increased challenges faced by workers who tried to balance demands of work and
family life (Tennant &Sperry, 2003; Young, 1999). These challenges and higher demands
from work and family life have been found to have negative effects on the wellbeing of
workers and their families (Hochschild, 1997), and resulted in family-work conflicts and
work- family conflicts (Aryee, Srinivas & Tan, 2005).

If we observe the international arena The Irish labour force has experienced a significant
increase in female workers and two-income households According to CSO (2012) in 2011,
46.7% of those in Irish employment were women. Hilliard (2007) also noticed that in the past
three decades, World is experiencing a significant increase in female workers staying in the
paid workforce after getting married or returning to work after having children. This could be
caused by changing attitudes of traditional people view of men being breadwinners and
women being housewives looking after children (Hilliard, 2007).

Research shows that married women seem to work fewer hours than married men.
Fine-Davis, Fagnani, Giovannini, Hojgaard and Clarke (2004) found that in Europe fathers
worked weekly 45 hours and mothers worked 32 hours. Recent statistics show that in 2011,
14.7% of married women worked 40 hours or more a week, compared with 44.5% of married
men (CSO, 2012). Fine-Davis, McCarthy, Edge and O'Dwyer (2005) argue that men do not
contribute as much time to household activities and childcare as women, hence WLB
initiatives seem to be used more often by women than by men. Apart from an increasing
female workforce Grady (2008) also state that the labour force is aging, which means that in
the future organizations would require greater flexibility in working arrangements. According
to CSO (2013) projections the old population in (aged 65 years and over) is to rise
significantly by 2026, and by 2046. The very old population (aged 80 years and over) is to
increase even more drastically. These findings suggest that more employees may have to look
after their elderly relatives, which will increase their duty of care for dependant elders, and
lead to higher levels of work-family conflict.

Work-family conflict:
Work-family conflict occurs when work activities interfere with family activities, and in
contrast, family-work conflict occurs when family activities interfere with work activities
(Breaugh& Frye, 2007; Hill, 2005). The literature indicates various definitions of work-
family conflict and family-work conflict. Netemeyer, Boles and McMurrian (1996, p. 401)
describe family-work conflict as “a form of inter role conflict in which general demands of,
time devoted to, and strain created by the family interfere with performing work-related
responsibilities”, and work-family conflict as “a form of inter role conflict in which the
general demands of, time devoted to, and strain created by the job interfere with performing
family-related responsibilities”.

Research has shown that work-family conflict and family-work conflict are a result of
pressure created by incompatible work and family roles (Yang, 2005; Greenhaus & Beutell,
1985). Greenhaus and Beutell (1985) argue that participation in the work domain is more
difficult due to participation in the family domain, and vice versa. Greenhaus and Beutell
(1985, p.77) define work- family and family-work conflicts as “a form of friction in which
role pressures from work and family domains are mutually incompatible in some respects”.
These conflicts occur bi-directionally, which means that a negative experience at work can
affect employees’ family life, and vice versa (Wayne, Grzywacz, Carlson &Kacmar, 2007;
Yang, 2005). This happens because work-family conflict is negatively related to family life
satisfaction, whereas family-work conflict is connected to lower work satisfaction.

Consequences of work-life balance and work-life imbalance
Various studies conducted in the United States and the United Kingdom show that one of the
most common consequences of work-life imbalance is depression, resulting in decreased
productivity and higher absenteeism and organizations experiencing higher staff turnover,
lower productivity and poorer work quality.

Research conducted by Malik et al. (2010) shows that unbalanced work-family life
caused by increased work demands leads to higher levels of stress. Stress caused by higher
demands from work results in family-work conflicts and work- family conflicts (Aryee et al.,
2005). This has negative impacts not only on the wellbeing of workers but also on their
families (Hochschild, 1997), as it increases anxiety of individuals at work and at home
(Doby& Caplan, 1995), and leads to lower quality relationships with family members (e.g.
spouse or children) (Parasuraman&Greenhaus, 2002). Increased work demands such as
overtime and shift work may lead to work-family conflict, which can result in decreased
satisfaction with work and with the employer (Paton, Jackson & Johnson, 2003). Therefore,
work-related stress has a negative impact on employees, organisations, families and society
(Brought & O’Driscoll, 2005; Parasuraman&Greenhaus, 2002). WLB policies have been
found to reduce absenteeism and positively impact employees’ job satisfaction, productivity
and retention (Hill, 2005; Allen, 2001). Grady et al. (2008) emphasise the importance for
organisations to implement WLB initiatives. These initiatives include flexible working hours,

Family satisfaction
In order to describe family satisfaction it is important to note that some researchers use the
term ‘family satisfaction’ (e.g. Hill, 2005) ‘home-life satisfaction’ (e.g. Clark & Farmer,
1998) or ‘life satisfaction’ (e.g. Diener, 2005; Shin & Johnson, 1987). According to Shin and
Johnson (1987) life satisfaction refers to a judgmental process where individuals evaluate
their lives based on their own unique criteria. These criteria include health and successful
relationships; however, they may be differently understood or weighted by individuals
(Diener, Emmons, Larsen & Griffin, 1985). Clark and Farmer (1998) state that home-life
satisfaction means achieving close relationship and personal happiness. This study refers to
the term ‘family satisfaction’ where the word ‘family’ is not limited to children, spouses or
partners only, but it also includes parents, siblings and other relatives. This terminology was
used in order to distinguish participants’ work lives from their family lives, in particular
whilst completing the questionnaire. Also, this terminology was used to avoid confusion by
the reader and participants, where for example ‘life satisfaction’ could be understood as
satisfaction with family life and work life together.

Work satisfaction
Many researchers indicate a strong positive correlation between work satisfaction and
wellbeing (Hill, 2005; Greenhaus et al., 2003). Work satisfaction can be divided into
affective work satisfaction based on individuals’ overall feeling about their job as a whole;
and cognitive work satisfaction based on individuals’ logical evaluation of the job conditions
(e.g. working hours, pay and pension plans), opportunities and outcomes (Spector, 1997;

Moorman, 1993). According to Clark and Farmer (1998) work satisfaction refers to a sense of
achievement and income stability. There are two sets of factors determining work
satisfaction: (a) intrinsic factors such as education, job meaningfulness, job expectations and
family demands; and (b) work-related factors such as job security, skill variety, role overload
and conflict, and supervisor support (Paton et al., 2003). This study refers to affective work
satisfaction to mean work satisfaction, and measures work satisfaction using subjective
emotional evaluations made by individuals (Frone et al., 1992), in order to determine whether
individuals experience satisfaction from their work as a whole

Psychological health
Psychological health is fundamental to people’s well-being and can be defined as “a state of
well-being in which the individual realises his or her own abilities, can cope with the normal
stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to his
or her community” (World Health Organisation, 2005, p.18). Psychological health can be
assessed by identifying symptoms of anxiety, depression, social dysfunction, and feelings of
incompetence and uncertainty (Goldberg, 1972).

The literature indicates correlations between psychological health and ability to lead a
fulfilling life (Whaley, Morrison, Wall, Payne &Fritschi, 2005) by highlighting the
relationship between work-family conflict and psychological distress (Allen et al., 2000;
Netemeyer et al., 1996; Frone et al., 1992), and between work-family conflict and depression
and anxiety (Allen et al., 2000). However, Frone et al. (1992) argue that the correlation
between depression and family-work conflict is stronger over time than the correlation
between depression and work-family conflict.

Employee Performance:
Employee Performance in a firm is a very important area in the workplace. It can help the
firm increase and utilize the capacity of the human resources it has. It translates into good
service delivery and interaction in which affects every area of the organization. To achieve
this organization need to make polices that will encourage employee performance. An
employee’s job performance depends on or is a consequence of some combination of ability,
effort, and opportunity. But, the measurements can be done in terms of outcomes or results
produced (Ferris et al., 1998). Performance is defined as the record of outcomes produced on
a specified job function or activity during a specified time period. (Bernadrdin and Russel,
1998). According to this definition performance is set of outcomes produced during a certain
time period. Hence the researchers have developed the working definition of employee
performance for study purpose is that, “achievement of targets of the tasks assigned to
employees within particular period of time”. Performance is not only related to the action but
also involves judgment and evaluation process (Ilgen and Schneider, 1991).

According to Campbell (1993) performance is related to that which the individual that
is hired do in fulfilling his / her duties and the activities that can be examined and measurable
are reflected. An organization needs high performance of its employees, so as to meet its goal
and be able to achieve competitive advantage (Frese, 2002). According to business dictionary

employee performance is the job related activities expected of a worker and how well those
activities were executed. The organization success depends on the employee performance.
Therefore, it is important for a manager to create a well –rounded approach to managing and
coaching its workforce. The commercial banks are service industry and their main aim is to
satisfy their customer. The service employee renders to the customer and employee
performance is interrelated. When employees provide excellent customer service, they are
exceeding job expectations. The popularity of an organization’s service is based in part on the
level of service received by the customer. For service industry the business is based almost
solely on their employee’s performance. That is why management must look for various ways
in improving employee performance.

Leave Policy:
Leave is the amount of hours/days employees of an organization are permitted to be away
from their employment position within a period of time without consequences. This time off
is paid by the company and employees are allowed to request the time for any reason they
wish to be off work. It also gives the ability for employee to release themselves from work
stress and create a balance between work and their family activities. This type of work life
balances helps employees to perform other duties outside work, which creates a balancing
effect between work activities and life activities. There are different types of leave policy
which are:
 Annual leave: Annual leave can defined as paid leave for the purpose of recreation to
which employees become entitled after a period of qualifying service or employment
with a particular employer (Work Place Information, 2002).
 Parental Leave: Parental Leave is an official permission given to employees with
child care giving responsibilities. Women are entitled to twelve weeks’ maternity
leave with at least half pay but usually the customary benefits are more generous with
maternity leave fully paid. The female employees often times are the greater
beneficiaries of this leave.
 Carer’s leave: Carer’s leave is an official permission for an employee to take time off
to take care for an immediate family or household member who is sick or injured or
help during a family emergence. But it comes out of the employee personal leave
 Paid Family and Medical leave: Paid Family and Medical leave relates with an
officially granted leave of absence from work to attend to dependent care challenges
or personal health concerns of the employee.
 Sick leave: Sick leave is time off from work that an employee can use to address their
health and safety needs without losing pay.
 Study leave: Study leave is given to any staff member who is undertaking an
approved study course. Training leave is given to an employee for self development
and organization development.

Service Delivery:
Service delivery indicates ‘where’, ‘when’ and ‘how’ the service product is delivered to the
customer (Lovelock and Wirtz, 2004). The service delivery process can be broken down into
service encounters that comprise the main part of the whole process (Danaher and Mattsson,
1994) and, as noted by Chowdhary and Prakash (2007), some generalization within service
types is possible for different services and service providers, and managers may have to
consider this in its design. Thus, the power to deliver optimal service quality will get the
service firms competitive advantages among others in the same industry (Turel,
Serenko&Bontis, 2007). According lash (1999) to work life balance helps to enhance service
delivery among the employees.

Service delivery is a component of business that defines the interaction between

providers and clients where the provider offers a service, and it could be an information or
task. In the banking sector different types of services are being offered. The heads of the
banks are located at one place. However, their branches are scattered and located across the
country. The jobs of offering the services are assigned to employees and the performance on
the job matters a lot. This is because it affects the customers’ satisfaction, getting and
retaining existing customers, complaints handling, targets achieved, sales turnover, profits,
market shares and good will of the company. The performance of employees is important, not
only in banking but other service sectors. Better performance gives satisfaction to the
customers. Services are to be provided with minimum processing and waiting time, proper
response, promptness and the desire to handle many customers as the demand arises

Work-life Balance and its Outcomes

Work-family balance is defined as “satisfaction and good functioning at work and at home,
with a minimum of role conflict” (Clark, 2000, p. 751). Moreover, Parkes and Langford
(2008) defined this as “an individual’s ability to meet work and family commitments, as well
as other non-work responsibilities and activities” (p. 267). That is, these two definitions for
work-life balance imply establishing an acceptable combination of work and life
(Thornthwaite, 2004). And the majority of work-life studies have defined work-life balance
in terms of the level of work-life conflict (Carlson et al., 2009). This study assumes that
work-life balance corresponds to the absence of work-life conflict.

Several empirical studies have showed that the experience of work-life balance is
positively related to employees’ performance and organizational performance as well. More
specifically, work-life balance has been shown to have positive outcomes, such as low
turnover intention, improvement of performance, and job satisfaction. Work-life balance
contributes to increasing employees’ in-role performance (Magnini, 2009). The experience of
psychological well-being and harmony in life helps employees concentrate on their work,
resulting in better performance. For example work-family conflict can yield a negative
impact on both in-role performance and extra-role performance. In addition, work-life
balance has a positive effect on employees’ affective commitment to their organizations, that
is, the experience of work-life balance generates feelings of loyalty to the organization and
increases affective commitment. Affective commitment is an emotional attachment to the

organizations or the employers which can cause employees to want to remain with the
organizations (Allen and Meyer, 1996). Employees become strongly attached to their
organizations when their needs and expectations are satisfied (Meyer et al., 1993). The
experience of work-life balance satisfies employees’ psychological demands to maintain the
balance between work and life. Several empirical studies have supported that employees’
experience of work-life balance contributes to favorable evaluation of their organizations and
affective commitment (Muse et al., 2008). Similarly, work interference with family (WIF)
and family interference with work (FIW) are negatively related to affective commitment
(Allen et al., 2000; Netemeyer et al., 1996; Streich et al., 2008). Based on this review of the
literature, the following research hypotheses were developed:

Affective Commitment and In-role Performance:

In-role performance refers to officially required outcomes and behaviors achieved by serving
organizational objectives and doing official work formally specified in the employment
contract. Achieving a high level of in-role performance is critical to all organizations, as
employees’ in-role performance is directly associated with the sustainable growth of the
organization (Burney et al., 2009). The achievement of in-role performance could be affected
by employees’ affective commitment to the organization (Swailes, 2004). Affective
commitment is an employee’s desire to stay as a member of the organization, an intention to
make an effort for the organization, a belief in the values and norms of the organization
(Glazer and Kruse, 2008), and emotional attachment to the organization (Allen and Meyer,
1996). This affective commitment is a driving force that makes employees contribute to the
improvement of the organization’s performance suggested that when emotion is evoked, this
emotion leads to actions. It is possible that when employees are affectively committed to their
organization, this emotion motivates employees’ behaviors.

Many scholars have studied the structural relationship between affective commitment
and in-role performance. The lack of employees’ affective commitment results in negative
outcomes such as turnover intention and low productivity. On the other hand, the high level
of employees’ affective commitment to their organization increases in-role performance.
According to Meyer, Bobocel, and Allen (1991), employees’ affective commitment is an
attitudinal response, which occurs with employment experiences and beliefs about the work
environment. Experiences and beliefs related to work-life balance should positively affect the
attitude of commitment, and employees’ affective commitment to their organization might
keep them successfully performing their in-role behavior.

1) Work life balance is vital in protecting & securing both organizational performance &
employee satisfaction.
2) Lack of work life balance can spark direct & indirect work resistance by the employees.
3) Improper work life balance creates anxiety among the employee results in actions like
absenteeism & turnover.
4) Employee work life balance concern should be an important issue in forming employee
nurturing strategy.

5) Different leaves schemes, entertainment packages can add significant value to the employee.
6) Proper work life time maintenance ensures performance sustainability of workforce thus the

On the basis of the findings and conclusion drawn from the study, the following
recommendations were made.
 The management of the Commercial banks should make sure they strategies different work
life incentive that will encourage the employees to be more productive on their job.
 Also, managers of these organizations should encourage their employee to fix their leave at
their convenient period after performing all their work related duties.
 Managers of these organizations should create activities that improve employee leisure time.
Sport activities
 Management should create forum for get together between employee and their family and
award ceremonies in which their immediate family will be involved.
 Management of commercial banks should create child care assistance this will help the
 Provision of family welfare policies to encourage care for dependent.

Various previous studies have addressed the important role of work-life balance in increasing
employees’ psychological well-being and the influence of this psychological well-being on
organizational performance improvement (Konrad and Mangel, 2000; Lambert, 2000;
Shepard et al., 1996; Wang and Walumbwa, 2007). Although these studies insist that work-
life balance plays a significant role in employees’ psychological well-being and behavioral
performance, less attention has been focused on what effects work-life balance has on
employees’ attitudes and behaviors. Thus, the current study posited that work-life balance,
along with employees’ affective commitment, could affect performance improvement in the
Korean workplace. The data for this study were collected from the Korean business context
where the interest in work-life balance has increased and the in-depth research on work-life
balance is needed.
In addition, through empirical tests, Ryu (2012) confirmed the importance of work-
life balance by showing that work-family balance experiences increased employees’ life
satisfaction and job satisfaction. The results of the current study showed that social situations
and lack of organizational support may hinder employees’ work-life balance. Further
discussion on ways to overcome this problem is provided below.
This study concludes that work life balance philosophy is associated with real benefits
for an organization. This is because the social and psychological life of every employee needs
to be rightly put in check for them to be an asset and not just an employee that is used to
carry out day to day operations of the organisation. In line with vans cotter (2000) high
employee performance lead an organization to have greater opportunities for employees than
those who have low performance. Therefore it is important for employer to look for better
ways in improving employee performance. This can be done by helping them prioritize their
work and life activities. When this is achieved, employee is motivated to render their service
efficiently and effectively. Employees are happier when they are able to balance their work
life demands. Management also experience improve relationship with employees.
Management support for employees work life balance fosters a good relationship between the
work force and management which improve effective communication in the organization.

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