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Approval of the Manufacturing Process

of Metallic Materials

January 2017

Rule Note
NR 480 DT R03 E

Marine & Offshore

92571 Neuilly sur Seine Cedex – France
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Bureau Veritas
Marine & Offshore carefully followed at all times by the Client. 6. PAYMENT OF INVOICES 11. CONFIDENTIALITY
2.12 “Services” means the services set out in clauses 2.2 and 2.3 6.1 The provision of the Services by the Society, whether complete 11.1 The documents and data provided to or prepared by the Society in
but also other services related to Classification and Certification or not, involve, for the part carried out, the payment of fees thirty performing the Services, and the information made

General Conditions such as, but not limited to: ship and company safety management (30) days upon issuance of the invoice. available to the Society, are treated as confidential except where the
certification, ship and port security certification, training activities, all 6.2 Without prejudice to any other rights hereunder, in case of information:
1. INDEPENDENCY OF THE SOCIETY AND APPLICABLE TERMS activities and duties incidental thereto such as documentation on Client’s payment default, the Society shall be entitled to charge, in • is already known by the receiving Party from another source and is
1.1 The Society shall remain at all times an independent contractor any supporting means, software, instrumentation, measurements, addition to the amount not properly paid, interests equal to twelve properly and lawfully in the possession of the receiving Party prior to
and neither the Society nor any of its officers, employees, servants, tests and trials on board. (12) months LIBOR plus two (2) per cent as of due date calculated the date that it is disclosed;
agents or subcontractors shall be or act as an employee, servant or 2.13 “Society” means the classification society ‘Bureau Veritas on the number of days such payment is delinquent. The Society • is already in possession of the public or has entered the public
agent of any other party hereto in the performance of the Services. Marine & Offshore SAS’, a company organized and existing under shall also have the right to withhold certificates and other docu- domain, otherwise than through a breach of this obligation;
1.2 The operations of the Society in providing its Services are the laws of France, registered in Nanterre under the number ments and/or to suspend or revoke the validity of certificates. • is acquired independently from a third party that has the right to
exclusively conducted by way of random inspections and do not, in 821 131 844, or any other legal entity of Bureau Veritas Group as 6.3 In case of dispute on the invoice amount, the undisputed portion disseminate such information;
any circumstances, involve monitoring or exhaustive verification. may be specified in the relevant contract, and whose main activities of the invoice shall be paid and an explanation on the dispute shall • is required to be disclosed under applicable law or by a governmental
1.3 The Society acts as a services provider. This cannot be construed are Classification and Certification of ships or offshore units. accompany payment so that action can be taken to solve the order, decree, regulation or rule or by a stock exchange authority
as an obligation bearing on the Society to obtain a result or as a 2.14 “Unit” means any ship or vessel or offshore unit or structure dispute. (provided that the receiving Party shall make all reasonable efforts to
warranty. The Society is not and may not be considered as an of any type or part of it or system whether linked to shore, river bed give prompt written notice to the disclosing Party prior to such disclo-
underwriter, broker in Unit’s sale or chartering, expert in Unit’s or sea bed or not, whether operated or located at sea or in inland 7. LIABILITY sure.
valuation, consulting engineer, controller, naval architect, manufac- waters or partly on land, including submarines, hovercrafts, drilling 7.1 The Society bears no liability for consequential loss. For the 11.2 The Society and the Client shall use the confidential information
turer, shipbuilder, repair or conversion yard, charterer or shipowner; rigs, offshore installations of any type and of any purpose, their purpose of this clause consequential loss shall include, without exclusively within the framework of their activity underlying these Condi-
none of them above listed being relieved of any of their expressed or related and ancillary equipment, subsea or not, such as well head limitation: tions.
implied obligations as a result of the interventions of the Society. and pipelines, mooring legs and mooring points or otherwise as • Indirect or consequential loss; 11.3 Confidential information shall only be provided to third parties with
1.4 The Services are carried out by the Society according to the decided by the Society. • Any loss and/or deferral of production, loss of product, loss of the prior written consent of the other Party. However, such prior consent
applicable Rules and to the Bureau Veritas’ Code of Ethics. The use, loss of bargain, loss of revenue, loss of profit or anticipated shall not be required when the Society provides the confidential infor-
Society only is qualified to apply and interpret its Rules. 3. SCOPE AND PERFORMANCE profit, loss of business and business interruption, in each case mation to a subsidiary.
1.5 The Client acknowledges the latest versions of the Conditions and 3.1 The Society shall perform the Services according to the appli- whether direct or indirect. 11.4 The Society shall have the right to disclose the confidential infor-
of the applicable Rules applying to the Services’ performance. cable national and international standards and Industry Practice The Client shall save, indemnify, defend and hold harmless the mation if required to do so under regulations of the International Associa-
1.6 Unless an express written agreement is made between the and always on the assumption that the Client is aware of such Society from the Client’s own consequential loss regardless of tion of Classifications Societies (IACS) or any statutory obligations.
Parties on the applicable Rules, the applicable Rules shall be the standards and Industry Practice. cause.
rules applicable at the time of the Services’ performance and con- 3.2 Subject to the Services performance and always by reference to 7.2 In any case, the Society’s maximum liability towards the Client 12. INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY
tract’s execution. the Rules, the Society shall: is limited to one hundred and fifty per-cents (150%) of the price paid 12.1 Each Party exclusively owns all rights to its Intellectual Property
1.7 The Services’ performance is solely based on the Conditions. No • review the construction arrangements of the Unit as shown on by the Client to the Society for the performance of the Services. created before or after the commencement date of the Conditions and
other terms shall apply whether express or implied. the documents provided by the Client; This limit applies regardless of fault by the Society, including breach whether or not associated with any contract between the Parties.
• conduct the Unit surveys at the place of the Unit construction; of contract, breach of warranty, tort, strict liability, breach of statute. 12.2 The Intellectual Property developed for the performance of the
2. DEFINITIONS • class the Unit and enters the Unit’s class in the Society’s Regis- 7.3 All claims shall be presented to the Society in writing within Services including, but not limited to drawings, calculations, and reports
2.1 “Certificate(s)” means class certificates, attestations and reports ter; three (3) months of the Services’ performance or (if later) the date shall remain exclusive property of the Society.
following the Society’s intervention. The Certificates are an appraise- • survey the Unit periodically in service to note that the require- when the events which are relied on were first discovered by the
ment given by the Society to the Client, at a certain date, following ments for the maintenance of class are met. The Client shall Client. Any claim not so presented as defined above shall be 13. ASSIGNMENT
surveys by its surveyors on the level of compliance of the Unit to the inform the Society without delay of any circumstances which may deemed waived and absolutely time barred. 13.1 The contract resulting from to these Conditions cannot be assigned
Society’s Rules or to the documents of reference for the Services cause any changes on the conducted surveys or Services. or transferred by any means by a Party to a third party without the prior
provided. They cannot be construed as an implied or express warran- The Society will not: 8. INDEMNITY CLAUSE written consent of the other Party.
ty of safety, fitness for the purpose, seaworthiness of the Unit or of its • declare the acceptance or commissioning of a Unit, nor its 8.1 The Client agrees to release, indemnify and hold harmless the 13.2 The Society shall however have the right to assign or transfer by
value for sale, insurance or chartering. construction in conformity with its design, such activities remain- Society from and against any and all claims, demands, lawsuits or any means the said contract to a subsidiary of the Bureau Veritas Group.
2.2 “Certification” means the activity of certification in application of ing under the exclusive responsibility of the Unit’s owner or actions for damages, including legal fees, for harm or loss to
national and international regulations or standards, in particular by builder; persons and/or property tangible, intangible or otherwise which may 14. SEVERABILITY
delegation from different governments that can result in the issuance • engage in any work relating to the design, construction, produc- be brought against the Society, incidental to, arising out of or in 14.1 Invalidity of one or more provisions does not affect the remaining
of a certificate. tion or repair checks, neither in the operation of the Unit or the connection with the performance of the Services except for those provisions.
2.3 “Classification” means the classification of a Unit that can result Unit’s trade, neither in any advisory services, and cannot be held claims caused solely and completely by the negligence of the 14.2 Definitions herein take precedence over other definitions which may
or not in the issuance of a class certificate with reference to the liable on those accounts. Society, its officers, employees, servants, agents or subcontractors. appear in other documents issued by the Society.
Rules. 14.3 In case of doubt as to the interpretation of the Conditions, the
2.4 “Client” means the Party and/or its representative requesting the 4. RESERVATION CLAUSE 9. TERMINATION English text shall prevail.
Services. 4.1 The Client shall always: (i) maintain the Unit in good condition 9.1 The Parties shall have the right to terminate the Services (and
2.5 “Conditions” means the terms and conditions set out in the after surveys; (ii) present the Unit after surveys; (iii) present the Unit the relevant contract) for convenience after giving the other Party 15. GOVERNING LAW AND DISPUTE RESOLUTION
present document. for surveys; and (iv) inform the Society in due course of any thirty (30) days’ written notice, and without prejudice to clause 6 15.1 The Conditions shall be construed and governed by the laws of
2.6 “Industry Practice” means International Maritime and/or Off- circumstances that may affect the given appraisement of the Unit or above. England and Wales.
shore industry practices. cause to modify the scope of the Services. 9.2 In such a case, the class granted to the concerned Unit and the 15.2 The Society and the Client shall make every effort to settle any
2.7 “Intellectual Property” means all patents, rights to inventions, 4.2 Certificates referring to the Society’s Rules are only valid if previously issued certificates shall remain valid until the date of dispute amicably and in good faith by way of negotiation within thirty (30)
utility models, copyright and related rights, trade marks, logos, service issued by the Society. effect of the termination notice issued, subject to compliance with days from the date of receipt by either one of the Parties of a written
marks, trade dress, business and domain names, rights in trade dress 4.3 The Society has entire control over the Certificates issued and clause 4.1 and 6 above. notice of such a dispute.
or get-up, rights in goodwill or to sue for passing off, unfair competi- may at any time withdraw a Certificate at its entire discretion 15.3 Failing that, the dispute shall finally be settled by arbitration under
tion rights, rights in designs, rights in computer software, database including, but not limited to, in the following situations: where the 10. FORCE MAJEURE the LCIA rules, which rules are deemed to be incorporated by reference
rights, topography rights, moral rights, rights in confidential infor- Client fails to comply in due time with instructions of the Society or 10.1 Neither Party shall be responsible for any failure to fulfil any into this clause. The number of arbitrators shall be three (3). The place of
mation (including know-how and trade secrets), methods and proto- where the Client fails to pay in accordance with clause 6.2 hereun- term or provision of the Conditions if and to the extent that fulfilment arbitration shall be London (UK).
cols for Services, and any other intellectual property rights, in each der. has been delayed or temporarily prevented by a force majeure
case whether capable of registration, registered or unregistered and occurrence without the fault or negligence of the Party affected and 16. PROFESSIONNAL ETHICS
including all applications for and renewals, reversions or extensions of 5. ACCESS AND SAFETY which, by the exercise of reasonable diligence, the said Party is 16.1 Each Party shall conduct all activities in compliance with all laws,
such rights, and all similar or equivalent rights or forms of protection 5.1 The Client shall give to the Society all access and information unable to provide against. statutes, rules, and regulations applicable to such Party including but not
in any part of the world. necessary for the efficient performance of the requested Services. 10.2 For the purpose of this clause, force majeure shall mean any limited to: child labour, forced labour, collective bargaining, discrimina-
2.8 “Parties” means the Society and Client together. The Client shall be the sole responsible for the conditions of circumstance not being within a Party’s reasonable control includ- tion, abuse, working hours and minimum wages, anti-bribery, anti-
2.9 “Party” means the Society or the Client. presentation of the Unit for tests, trials and surveys and the condi- ing, but not limited to: acts of God, natural disasters, epidemics or corruption. Each of the Parties warrants that neither it, nor its affiliates,
2.10 “Register” means the register published annually by the tions under which tests and trials are carried out. Any information, pandemics, wars, terrorist attacks, riots, sabotages, impositions of has made or will make, with respect to the matters provided for hereun-
Society. drawings, etc. required for the performance of the Services must be sanctions, embargoes, nuclear, chemical or biological contamina- der, any offer, payment, gift or authorization of the payment of any
2.11 “Rules” means the Society’s classification rules, guidance notes made available in due time. tions, laws or action taken by a government or public authority, money directly or indirectly, to or for the use or benefit of any official or
and other documents. The Rules, procedures and instructions of the 5.2 The Client shall notify the Society of any relevant safety issue quotas or prohibition, expropriations, destructions of the worksite, employee of the government, political party, official, or candidate.
Society take into account at the date of their preparation the state of and shall take all necessary safety-related measures to ensure a explosions, fires, accidents, any labour or trade disputes, strikes or 16.2 In addition, the Client shall act consistently with the Society’s Code
currently available and proven technical minimum requirements but safe work environment for the Society or any of its officers, employ- lockouts of Ethics of Bureau Veritas.
are not a standard or a code of construction neither a guide ees, servants, agents or subcontractors and shall comply with all us/ethics+and+compliance/
for maintenance, a safety handbook or a guide of professional applicable safety regulations.
practices, all of which are assumed to be known in detail and 
 Bureau Veritas Marine & Offshore General Conditions - Edition January 2017

NR 480
Approval of the Manufacturing
Process of Metallic Materials











January 2017
Section 1 General
1 General 7
1.1 Scope
1.2 Request for approval
1.3 Preliminary information to be submitted
1.4 Approval test program
1.5 Certification
1.6 Renewal of approval
1.7 Reconsideration of the approval
1.8 Responsibilities of the manufacturer

Section 2 Steelmaking and Rolled Steel Products

1 General 9
1.1 Scope
1.2 Specific information to be submitted
1.3 Documents to be submitted for changing the approval conditions
1.4 Approval survey
1.5 Position of the test samples
1.6 Test specimens and testing procedure
1.7 Other tests
1.8 Results
2 Semi finished products for hull structural steel grades 11
2.1 Scope
2.2 Selection of the test product
2.3 Extent of the approval tests
2.4 Tests on semi finished products
3 Rolled products made in normal and higher strength steel for hull and
other structural applications 11
3.1 Scope
3.2 Selection of the test product
3.3 Extent of the approval tests
3.4 Tests on rolled products
3.5 Weldability tests
4 Rolled products made in hull structural steel for high heat input welding 13
4.1 Scope
4.2 Application of certification
4.3 Confirmation tests
4.4 Grade designation
5 Rolled products made in normal and higher strength corrosion
resistant steel for cargo oil tanks 15
5.1 Scope
5.2 Specific information to be submitted
5.3 Test program
5.4 Corrosion tests
6 Rolled products made in crack arrest steels for container ships
structural applications 15
6.1 Scope
6.2 Selection of the test product

2 Bureau Veritas January 2017

6.3 Extent of the approval tests
6.4 Tests on rolled products
6.5 Weldability tests
7 Rolled products made of extra high strength steels for welded structure 17
7.1 Scope
7.2 Specific information to be submitted
7.3 Selection of the test product
7.4 Extent of the approval tests
7.5 Tests on rolled products
7.6 Weldability tests
8 Rolled products for boilers and pressure vessels 21
8.1 Scope
8.2 Selection of the test product
8.3 Extent of the approval tests
8.4 Tests on rolled products
8.5 Weldability tests
9 Rolled products made in ferritic steels for low temperature applications 23
9.1 Scope
9.2 Selection of the test product
9.3 Extent of the approval tests
9.4 Tests on rolled products
9.5 Weldability tests
10 Rolled products made in stainless steel 25
10.1 Scope
10.2 Specific information to be submitted
10.3 Selection of the test product
10.4 Extent of the approval tests
10.5 Tests on rolled products for austenitic grades (304L, 316L, 316LN, 317L,
10.6 Tests for austenitic-ferritic grades
11 Round bars for anchor chain cables 27
11.1 Scope
11.2 Selection of the test product
11.3 Extent of the approval tests
11.4 Tests on round bars
12 Clad steel plates 28
12.1 Scope
12.2 Specific information to be submitted
12.3 Selection of the test product
12.4 Extent of the approval tests
12.5 Tests on clad plate
13 Plates with specified through thickness properties 29
13.1 Scope
13.2 Specific information to be submitted
13.3 Selection of the test product
13.4 Extent of the approval tests
13.5 Tests on plates

January 2017 Bureau Veritas 3

Section 3 Seamless Pipes and Fittings
1 Seamless pipes and fittings 30
1.1 Scope
1.2 Specific information to be submitted
1.3 Documents to be submitted for changing the approval conditions
1.4 Approval survey
1.5 Position of the test samples
1.6 Test specimens and testing procedure
1.7 Selection of the test product
1.8 Extent of the approval tests
1.9 Approval tests

Section 4 Welded Pipes and Fittings

1 Welded pipes and fittings 32
1.1 Scope
1.2 Specific information to be submitted
1.3 Documents to be submitted for changing the approval conditions
1.4 Approval survey
1.5 Position of the test samples
1.6 Test specimens and testing procedure
1.7 Selection of the test product
1.8 Extent of the approval tests
1.9 Approval tests

Section 5 Steel Forgings

1 Steel forgings 34
1.1 Scope
1.2 Specific information to be submitted for approval
1.3 Approval test program

Section 6 Steel Castings

1 Steel castings 35
1.1 Scope
1.2 Specific information to be submitted for approval
1.3 Approval test program

Section 7 Wrought Aluminium Alloy Products

1 Wrought aluminium alloy products 36
1.1 Scope
1.2 Specific information to be submitted
1.3 Documents to be submitted for changing the approval conditions
1.4 Approval survey
1.5 Position of the test samples
1.6 Test specimens and testing procedure

4 Bureau Veritas January 2017

1.7 Selection of the test product
1.8 Extent of the approval tests
1.9 Tests on base material
1.10 Weldability tests

Section 8 Explosion Bonded Aluminium/Steel

Transition Joints
1 Explosion bonded aluminium/steel transition joints 38
1.1 Scope
1.2 Specific information to be submitted
1.3 Documents to be submitted for changing the approval conditions
1.4 Approval survey
1.5 Selection of the test product
1.6 Extent of the approval tests
1.7 Approval tests
1.8 Other tests

Section 9 Anchor Chain Cables and Accessories for Ships

1 Anchor chain cables and accessories for ships 40
1.1 Scope
1.2 Specific information to be submitted
1.3 Documents to be submitted for changing the approval conditions
1.4 Approval survey
1.5 Selection of the test product
1.6 Extent of the approval tests
1.7 Approval tests and documentation

Appendix 1 Standard ESSO Test

1 ESSO test method 43
1.1 Scope
1.2 Purpose
1.3 Standard test specimen
1.4 Test equipment
1.5 Test preparation
1.6 Test method
1.7 Test results
1.8 Report

January 2017 Bureau Veritas 5

6 Bureau Veritas January 2017
NR 480, Sec 1



A5% : Elongation 1 General

AISI : American Iron and Steel Institute
Ar3 : Temperature at which ferrite phase starts during 1.1 Scope
1.1.1 This document gives the procedure to be followed to
ASSET test: Visual Assessment of Exfoliation Corrosion Sus-
obtain the Society’s approval certificate of material for man-
ceptibility of 5xxx Series Aluminium Alloys
ufacturing process of metallic products in accordance with
ASTM : American Society for Testing and Materials NR216 Rules on Materials and Welding for the Classifica-
CET : Carbon equivalent tion of Marine Units.

CEQ : Carbon equivalent Procedures for products and/or grades not explicitly
included are subject to special examination by the Society.
CR : Controlled Rolling
CTOD : Crack Tip Opening Displacement
CTS : Controlled Thermal Severity 1.2 Request for approval
GB/T : Chinese national standard
1.2.1 The request for approval is to be submitted to the
GCHAZ : Grain Coarsened Heat Affected Zone Society using the form obtained from BV office. In addition
HAZ : Heat Affected Zone to the preliminary information mentioned in [1.3] as appli-
cable, specific information related to the products is to be
HV : Hardness Vickers submitted together with the request for approval.
IIW : International Institute of Welding
ISO : International Standard Organisation
1.3 Preliminary information to be submitted
JIS : Japan Industrial Standard
Kca : Brittle crack arrest toughness value 1.3.1 Preliminary information to be submitted is to include:
KS : Korean Standard a) Name and site address of the manufacturer, location of
KV : Charpy V energy the workshops, general indications relevant to the back-
ground, dimensions of the works, total annual produc-
N : Normalised tion of finished products for marine applications and
NAMLT : Nitric Acid Mass Loss Test others as deemed useful
NDT : Nil Ductility Temperature b) Organization and quality
NR : Normalised Rolling • Organizational chart
Pcm : Parameter of crack measurement • Total number of staff
PWHT : Post Weld Heat Treatment • Organization of the quality control department and
QT : Quenched and Tempered qualification of personnel involved

RA% : Reduction of area • Certification of compliance of the quality system

with ISO 9001, ISO 9002 or equivalent, if any
ReH : Yield stress
c) Manufacturing facilities
Rm : Tensile strength
• Flow chart of manufacturing process
TM : Thermo-mechanical Rolling
• Manufacturing equipments and capacities
TM+AcC: Thermo-mechanical Rolling follow by Acceler-
ated Cooling • Origin of raw materials
TM+DQ : Thermo-mechanical Rolling with Direct • Storage of raw materials and finished products
Quenching follow by tempering
• Equipment for systematic control during manufac-
UNS : Unified Numbering System. turing

January 2017 Bureau Veritas 7

NR 480, Sec 1

d) Details of inspections and quality control facilities Manufacturers who have not produced the approved prod-
• How are materials and components identified at the ucts during the period between renewals will be required to
various manufacturing stages carry out approval tests or at the discretion of the Society,
• Equipment for chemical analysis, metallography, submit the results of production of similar products.
mechanical tests and relevant calibration procedures
• Equipment for non-destructive examinations 1.7 Reconsideration of the approval
• List of quality control procedures
1.7.1 During the period of validity, the approval may be
e) Approval(s) already granted by other Classification Soci-
reconsidered in the following cases:
eties and relevant approval test reports as deemed useful.
a) In service failures, traceable to product quality
1.4 Approval test program
b) Major non conformity during testing of the product or
1.4.1 Unless otherwise agreed, the manufacturer shall sub- non conformity revealed during fabrication and con-
mit for review an approval test program. struction
Typical approval programs for the various products are c) Breakdown of the Manufacturer’s Quality System
given in the relevant articles.
d) Changes brought by the Manufacturer, without prelimi-
The approval tests are in general to be witnessed by the
nary agreement of the Society, to the extent of the
Society’s surveyor at the manufacturer’s works. If the testing
approval defined at the time of the approval.
facilities are not available at the manufacturer’s works, the
tests are to be carried out by recognised laboratories and
witnessed by the Society’s surveyor. 1.8 Responsibilities of the manufacturer

1.5 Certification 1.8.1 The Manufacturer is fully responsible for the quality
of the finished product and ensuring compliance with the
1.5.1 Approval certificate specified requirements, as checked on the specimens sub-
jected to the approval tests.
Upon satisfactory completion of the procedure, an approval
certificate will be issued by the Society. The routine production of approved products shall be car-
The validity of the approval is to be a maximum of five ried out according to the same procedures followed for the
years. manufacture of specimens submitted to approval tests.
The manufacturer shall give prior warning to the Society of
1.5.2 List of approval certificates
any significant modifications to the manufacturing and con-
The approval certificates issued to manufacturers are trol procedures. The Society may at its discretion, require
entered in a list containing the scope and the main condi- further tests and surveys deemed necessary to extend the
tions of approval available for consultation on the internet approval to the new manufacturing conditions.
site “ ”.
The manufacturer shall keep up-to-date records covering
1.6 Renewal of approval the manufacture and quality control of the products; the
records shall contain details allowing the identification of
1.6.1 The manufacturer shall apply for renewal of the the various productions, original materials, heat treatment
approval certificate before the date of expiry. Renewal can and results of tests and examinations carried out. The Soci-
be carried out by an audit and assessment of survey results, ety’s surveyor is to have easy access to these records as
if satisfactory, during the period. deemed necessary.

8 Bureau Veritas January 2017

NR 480, Sec 2


1 General • Ingot or slab size and weight

• Ingot or slab treatment: scarfing and discarding pro-
1.1 Scope
d) Reheating and rolling
1.1.1 This Section gives the approval scheme for steelmak- • Type of furnace and treatment parameters
ing and rolling products made in hull structural steel grades,
• Rolling: reduction ratio of slab/bloom/billet to fin-
extra high strength steel grades, steel grades for boilers and
ished product thickness, rolling and finishing tem-
pressure vessels, steel grades for low temperature applica-
tions, stainless steel grades and chain cable steel grades.
• Descaling treatment during rolling

1.2 Specific information to be submitted • Capacity of the rolling stands.

e) Heat treatment
1.2.1 The following information is to be supplied by the • Type of furnaces, heat treatment parameters and
manufacturer for all steel grades except for stainless steel their relevant records
grades (refer to [10]):
• Accuracy and calibration of temperature control
a) Type of products (plates, sections, coils), grades of steel, devices.
range of thickness and aim material properties, as fol- f) Programmed rolling
For products delivered in the controlled rolling (CR) or
• Range of chemical composition and aim analyses, thermo-mechanical rolling (TM) condition, the follow-
including grain refining, micro alloying and residual ing additional information on the programmed rolling
elements, for the various grades of steel; if the range schedules is to be given:
of chemical composition depends on thickness and
• Description of the rolling process
supply condition, the different ranges are to be spec-
ified, as appropriate • Normalizing temperature, re-crystallization temper-
ature and Ar3 temperature and the methods used to
• Aim maximum carbon equivalent according to IIW determine them
• Control standards for typical rolling parameters used
• Aim maximum Pcm content for higher strength for the different thickness and grades of steel (tem-
grades with low carbon content C < 0,13% perature and thickness at the beginning and at the
end of the passes, interval between passes, reduc-
• Production statistics of the chemical composition
tion ratio, temperature range and cooling speed of
and mechanical properties (ReH , Rm , A% and KV).
accelerated cooling, if any) and relevant method of
The statistics are intended to demonstrate the capa-
bility to manufacture the steel products in accor-
dance with the requirements. • Calibration of the control equipment.
g) Recommendations for working and welding in particu-
b) Steelmaking lar for products delivered in the CR or TM condition
• Steelmaking process and capacity of furnace(s) or • Cold and hot working recommendations if needed
converter(s) in addition to the normal practice used in the ship-
yards and workshops
• Raw material used
• Minimum and maximum heat input if different from
• Deoxidation and alloying practice the ones usually used in the shipyards and work-
• Desulphurisation and vacuum degassing installa- shops (15 - 50 kJ/cm).
tions, if any. h) Where any part of the manufacturing process is assigned
to other companies or other manufacturing plants, addi-
c) Casting methods: ingot or continuous casting
tional information required by the Society is to be
In the case of continuous casting, information relevant included.
to type of casting machine, teeming practice, methods i) For the approval of the semi-finished products such as
to prevent re-oxidation, inclusions and segregation con- slabs, blooms and billets, the above information a), b)
trol, presence of electromagnetic stirring, soft reduction, and c) is to be given.
etc., is to be provided as appropriate

January 2017 Bureau Veritas 9

NR 480, Sec 2

1.3 Documents to be submitted for changing • For plates having thickness greater than 40 mm,
the approval conditions when the capacity of the available testing machine
is insufficient to allow the use of test specimens of
1.3.1 The manufacturer has to submit to the Society the full thickness, multiple flat specimens, representing
documents required in [1.2] together with the request of collectively the full thickness, can be used. Alterna-
changing the approval conditions, in the case of the follow- tively two round specimens with the axis located at
ing a) through e): one quarter and at mid-thickness can be taken.
b) Impact test
a) Change of the manufacturing process (steel making, • For plates made from hot rolled strip one additional
casting, rolling and heat treatment) set of impact specimens is to be taken from the mid-
dle of the strip constituting the coil
b) Change of the maximum thickness (dimension)
• For plates having thickness greater than 40 mm one
c) Change of the chemical composition, added element, additional set of impact specimens is to be taken
etc. with the axis located at mid-thickness
d) Subcontracting the rolling, heat treatment, etc. • In addition to the determination of the energy value
(Joule), the lateral expansion and the percentage
e) Use of the slabs, blooms and billets manufactured by crystallinity are to be reported for each specimen.
other companies which are not approved.
c) Chemical composition
However, where the documents are duplicated by the ones In general the content of the following elements is to be
at the previous approval for the same type of product, part checked: C, Mn, Si, P, S, Ni, Cr, Mo, Al, N, Nb, V, Cu, As,
or all of the documents may be omitted except the approval Sn. Ti and, for steel manufactured from electric or open-
test program. hearth furnace, Sb and B. The material for the check anal-
ysis should be taken from the tensile test specimen. Both
1.4 Approval survey the ladle and product analysis are to be reported.
d) Sulphur prints
1.4.1 The approval tests are to be witnessed by the Sur- Sulphur prints are to be taken from plate edges which
veyor at the manufacturer’s plant and the execution of the are perpendicular to the axis of the ingot or slab.
plant inspection in operation may be required by the Sur- They are to be approximately 600 mm long taken from
veyor during the visit for the approval. the centre of the edge selected, i.e. on the ingot cen-
If the testing facilities are not available at the works, the treline, and are to include the full plate thickness.
tests are to be carried out at recognised laboratories. e) Micrographic examination
The micrographs are to be representative of the full
1.5 Position of the test samples thickness. For thick products in general at least three
examinations are to be made at surface, one quarter and
1.5.1 The test samples are to be taken, unless otherwise mid-thickness of the product.
agreed, from the product (plate, flat, section, bar) corre- All photomicrographs are to be taken at x100 magnifi-
sponding to the top of the ingot, or, in the case of continu- cation and where ferrite grain size exceeds ASTM 10,
ous casting, a random sample. additionally at x500 magnification. Where applicable,
ferrite grain size should be determined for each photo-
The position of the samples to be taken in the length of the
rolled product, and the direction of the test specimens with
respect to the final direction of rolling of the material are f) Drop weight test
indicated in the relevant table for the material. When required the test is to be performed in accor-
dance with ASTM E208. The Nil Ductility Transition
The position of the samples in the width of the product is to temperature (NDT) is to be determined and photographs
be in compliance with NR216 Materials and Welding, Ch 2, of the tested specimens are to be taken and enclosed
Sec 1, [1.8]. with the test report.
The test results are to be in accordance, where applicable,
1.6 Test specimens and testing procedure with the requirements specified for the different steel grades
in NR216 Materials and Welding, Ch 2, Sec 1.
1.6.1 The test specimens and testing procedures are to be
in accordance with NR216 Materials and Welding, Ch 1, 1.7 Other tests
Sec 2, unless agreed otherwise.
1.7.1 Additional tests such as CTOD test, large scale brittle
In particular the following applies:
fracture tests (Double Tension test, ESSO test, Deep Notch
a) Tensile test test, etc) or other tests may be required in the case of newly
developed type of steel, outside the scope of NR216 Materi-
• For plates made from hot rolled strip one additional
als and Welding, Ch 2, Sec 1, [2], or when deemed neces-
tensile specimen is to be taken from the middle of
sary by the Society.
the strip constituting the coil

10 Bureau Veritas January 2017

NR 480, Sec 2

1.8 Results 2.4 Tests on semi finished products

1.8.1 All the results, which are in any case to comply with 2.4.1 Type of tests
the requirements of NR216 Materials and Welding, are The tests to be carried out for the approval of the manufac-
evaluated for the approval; depending on the results, partic- turing process of semi finished products are:
ular limitations or testing conditions, as deemed appropri-
• Chemical analysis. The analysis is to be complete and is
ate, may be specified in the approval document.
to include micro-alloying elements.
All the information required under [1.2], applicable to the • Sulphur prints.
products submitted to the tests, is to be collected by the man-
ufacturer and put in the file which will include all the results In addition, for initial approval and for any upgrade of the
of the tests and operation records relevant to steel making, approval, the Society will require full tests indicated in this
casting, rolling and heat treatment of the test products. section to be performed at rolling mill on the minimum
thickness semi finished product.
In case of multi-caster work, full tests on finished products
2 Semi finished products for hull shall be carried out for one caster and reduced tests (chemi-
structural steel grades cal analysis and sulphur print) for the others. The selection
of the caster shall be based on the technical characteristics
2.1 Scope of the casters to be evaluated on case by case basis. Tests
are to be performed at rolling mill on products manufac-
2.1.1 This Article specifies the scheme for the approval of tured from the minimum thickness semi finished product.
the manufacturing process of semi finished products such as
ingots, slabs, blooms and billets for the hull structural steels. 3 Rolled products made in normal and
higher strength steel for hull and
2.2 Selection of the test product other structural applications
2.2.1 For each grade of steel and for each manufacturing 3.1 Scope
process (e.g. steel making, casting, rolling and condition of
supply), one test product with the maximum thickness and 3.1.1 This Article gives the approval test program for the
one test product with the minimum thickness to be manufacture of normal and higher strength hull and struc-
approved are in general to be selected for each kind of tural steel products in groups A, B, D, E and AH32, DH32,
product (ingots, slabs, blooms/billets). EH32, FH32, AH36, DH36, EH36, FH36, AH40, DH40,
The selection of the casts for the test product is to be based EH40 and FH40.
on the typical chemical composition, with particular regard
to the specified CEQ or Pcm values and grain refining micro- 3.2 Selection of the test product
alloying additions.
3.2.1 For each grade of steel and for each manufacturing
2.3 Extent of the approval tests process (e.g. steel making, casting, rolling and condition of
supply), one test product with the maximum thickness
2.3.1 The extent of the test program is specified in [2.4]; it (dimension) to be approved is in general to be selected for
may be modified on the basis of the preliminary information each kind of product.
submitted by the manufacturer. In addition, for initial approval, the Society will require
In particular a reduction of the indicated number of casts, selection of one test product of average thickness.
product thicknesses and grades to be tested or complete The selection of the casts for the test product is to be based
suppression of the approval tests may be accepted by the on the typical chemical composition, with particular regard
Society taking into account: to the specified CEQ or Pcm values and grain refining micro-
a) Approval already granted by other Classification Societ- alloying additions.
ies and documentation of approval tests performed.
b) Grades of steel to be approved and availability of long
3.3 Extent of the approval tests
term statistic results of chemical properties and of
3.3.1 The extent of the test program is specified in [3.4] and
mechanical tests performed on rolled products.
[3.5]; it may be modified on the basis of the preliminary
c) Change of the approval conditions. information submitted by the manufacturer.
On the other hand, an increase of the number of casts and In particular a reduction of the indicated number of casts,
thicknesses to be tested may be required in the case of steel plate thicknesses and grades to be tested or complete
newly developed types of steel or manufacturing processes. suppression of the approval tests may be accepted by the
Society taking into account:
Where the number of tests differs from those shown in
[2.4], the program is to be confirmed by the Society before a) Approval already granted by other Classification Societ-
the tests are carried out. ies and documentation of approval tests performed.

January 2017 Bureau Veritas 11

NR 480, Sec 2

b) Grades of steel to be approved and availability of long In case of multi-source slabs or changing of slab manufac-
term statistic results of chemical and mechanical prop- turer, the rolled steel manufacturer is required to obtain the
erties. approval of the manufacturing process of rolled steels using
c) Approval for any grade of steel also covers approval for the slabs from each slab manufacturer and to conduct
any lower grade in the same strength level, provided approval tests in accordance with [3.4].
that the aim analysis, method of manufacture and con-
• The rolled steel manufacturer has already been
dition of supply are similar.
approved for the manufacturing process using other
d) For higher tensile steels, approval of one strength level semi finished products characterized by the same thick-
covers the approval of the strength level immediately ness, steel grade, grain refining and micro-alloying ele-
below, provided the steelmaking process, deoxidation ments, steelmaking and casting process.
and fine grain practice, casting method and condition of
supply are the same. • The semi finished products manufacturer has been
approved for the complete manufacturing process with
e) Change of the approval conditions. the same conditions (steelmaking, casting, rolling and
f) Approval of the semi-finished products such as slabs, heat treatment) for the same steel types.
blooms and billets.
On the other hand, an increase of the number of casts and Where the number of tests differs from those shown in [3.4]
thicknesses to be tested may be required in the case of and [3.5], the program is to be confirmed by the Society
newly developed types of steel or manufacturing processes. before the tests are carried out.

Table 1 : Tests on rolled products

Position of the samples

Type of test and direction of Remarks
the test specimens (1)
Top and bottom -
Tensile test ReH , Rm , A5(%), RA(%) are to be reported
transverse (2)
Top and bottom - Stress relieving at 600°C
Tensile test (stress relieved) only for TM steels
transverse (2) (2 min/mm with minimum 1 hour)
A, B, AH32, AH36, AH40 +20 0 −20
D, DH32, DH36, DH40 Testing 0 −20 −40
Top and bottom -
E, EH32, EH36, EH40 longitudinal 0 −20 −40 −60
Impact test (3) (°C):
on non aged FH32, FH36, FH40 −20 −40 −60 −80
specimens A, B, AH32, AH36, AH40 +20 0 −20
for grades: Testing
D, DH32, DH36, DH40 0 −20 −40
Top - transverse (4) temperature
E, EH32, EH36, EH40 (°C): −20 −40 −60
FH32, FH36, FH40 −40 −60 −80
AH32, AH36, AH40 +20 0 −20
Impact test (3)
D, DH32, DH36, DH40 Testing 0 −20 −40
on strain aged
Top - longitudinal temperature
specimens (5) E, EH32, EH36, EH40 −20 −40 −60
for grades:
FH32, FH36, FH40 −40 −60 −80
Complete analysis including micro alloying
Chemical composition (6) Top
Sulphur prints Top
Micro examination Top
Grain size determination Top Only for fine grain steels
Only for grades E, EH32, EH36, EH40, FH32,
Drop weight test (4) Top
FH36, FH40 - Determination of NDT
Only for grades with improved through
Through thickness tensile tests Top and bottom
thickness properties
(1) For hot rolled strips, see [1.6].
(2) Longitudinal direction for sections and plates having width less than 600 mm.
(3) One set of 3 Charpy V-notch impact specimens is required for each impact test.
(4) Not required for sections and plates having width less than 600 mm.
(5) Deformation 5% + 1 hour at 250°C.
(6) Besides product analyses, ladle analyses are required.

12 Bureau Veritas January 2017

NR 480, Sec 2

3.4 Tests on rolled products A sketch of the weld joint depicting groove dimensions,
number of passes, hardness indentations should be attached
3.4.1 The tests to be carried out are indicated in Tab 1. to the test report together with photomacrographs of the
weld cross section.

3.5 Weldability tests 3.5.4 Other tests

Additional tests such as cold cracking tests (CTS, cruciform,

3.5.1 General implant, Tekken, bead on plate), CTOD, or other tests may
Weldability tests are required for plates and are to be car- be required in the case of newly developed type of steel,
ried out on samples of the thickest plate. outside the scope of NR216 Materials and Welding, Ch 2,
Sec 1, [2], or when deemed necessary by the Society.
Tests are required for normal strength grade E and for higher
strength steels.
4 Rolled products made in hull structural
3.5.2 Preparation and welding of the test assemblies steel for high heat input welding
The following tests are in general required:
4.1 Scope
a) 1 butt weld test assembly welded with a heat input
approximately 15 kJ/cm 4.1.1 The application for weldability confirmation scheme
is optional for manufacturers. The weldability confirmation
b) 1 butt weld test assembly welded with a heat input
scheme is intended to assess the weldability for high heat
approximately 50 kJ/cm.
input welding under testing conditions.
The butt weld test assemblies are to be prepared with the
This Article specifies the weldability confirmation scheme
weld seam transverse to the plate rolling direction, so that
of normal and higher strength hull structural steel stipulated
impact specimens will result in the longitudinal direction.
in [3] intended for welding with high heat input over
The bevel preparation should be preferably 1/2V or K. 50kJ/cm.

The welding procedure should be as far as possible in Demonstration of conformance to the requirements of this
accordance with the normal welding practice used at the document approves a particular steel mill to manufacture
yards for the type of steel in question. grade of steel to the specific chemical composition range,
melting practice, and processing practice for which confor-
The welding parameters including consumables designation mance was established. The approval scheme does not
and diameter, pre-heating temperatures, interpass tempera- apply to qualification of welding procedures to be under-
tures, heat input, number of passes, etc. are to be reported. taken by the shipyards.

3.5.3 Type of tests 4.2 Application of certification

From the test assemblies the following test specimens are to
be taken: 4.2.1 The manufacturer is to submit to the Society, request
of certification, proposed weldability test program (see
a) One cross weld tensile test [4.3.2]) and technical documents relevant to:

b) A set of 3 Charpy V-notch impact specimens transverse a) Outline of steel plate to be certified
to the weld with the notch located at the fusion line and • grade
at a distance 2, 5 and minimum 20 mm from the fusion
line. The fusion boundary is to be identified by etching • thickness range
the specimens with a suitable reagent. The test tempera- • deoxydation practice
ture is to be the one prescribed for the testing of the
steel grade in question. • fine grain practice
• aim range of chemical composition
c) Hardness tests HV 5 across the weldment. The indenta-
tions are to be made along a 1 mm transverse line • aim maximum CEQ and Pcm
beneath the plate surface on both the face side and the
• production statistics of mechanical properties tensile
root side of the weld as follows:
and Charpy V-notch impact test, if any.
• Fusion line
b) Manufacturing control points to prevent toughness dete-
• HAZ: at each 0,7 mm from fusion line into unaf- rioration in heat affected zone when welded with high
fected base material (6 to 7 minimum measurements heat input, relevant to chemical elements, steelmaking,
for each HAZ) casting, rolling, heat treatment, etc.
• The maximum hardness value should not be higher c) Welding control points to improve joint properties on
than 350 HV. strength and toughness, if any.

January 2017 Bureau Veritas 13

NR 480, Sec 2

4.3 Confirmation tests 4.3.5 Examinations and tests for the test assembly
The test assembly is to be examined and tested in accor-
4.3.1 Range of certification dance with the following a) through h) unless otherwise
Range of certification for steel grades is to be the following agreed by the Society:
a) through e) unless otherwise agreed by the Society: a) Visual examination: Overall welded surface is to be uni-
a) Approval tests on the lowest and highest toughness lev- form and free from injurious defects such as cracks,
els cover the intermediate toughness level undercuts, overlaps, etc.

b) Approval tests on normal strength cover that strength b) Macroscopic test: One macroscopic photograph is to be
level only representative of transverse section of the welded joint
and is to show absence of cracks, lack of penetration,
c) For high tensile steels, approval tests on one strength lack of fusion and other injurious defects.
level cover strength level immediately below
c) Microscopic test: Along mid-thickness line across trans-
d) Tests may be carried out separately subject to the same verse section of the weld, one micrograph with x100
manufacturing process magnification is to be taken at each position of the weld
metal centreline, fusion line and at a distance 2, 5, 10
e) Certification and documentation of confirmation tests and minimum 20 mm from the fusion line. The test
performed by other Classification Societies may be result is provided for information purpose only.
accepted at the discretion of the Society.
d) Hardness test: Along two line across transverse weld
4.3.2 Weldability test program section 1 mm beneath plate surface on both face and
root side of the weld, indentations by HV5 are to be
Extent of the test program is specified in [4.3.5] but it may
made at weld metal centreline, fusion line and each
be modified according to the content of certification. In par-
0,7 mm from fusion line to unaffected base metal (mini-
ticular, additional test assemblies and/or test items may be
mum 6 to 7 measurements for each heat affected zone).
required in the case of newly developed type of steel, weld-
ing consumable and welding method, or when deemed The maximum hardness value should not be higher than
necessary by the Society. 350 HV.

Where the content of tests differs from those specified in e) Transverse tensile test: Two transverse (cross weld) ten-
[4.3.5], the program is to be confirmed by the Society sile specimens are to be taken from the test assembly.
before the tests are carried out. Test specimens and testing procedures are to comply
with the requirements of NR216 Materials and Welding,
4.3.3 Test plate Ch 1, Sec 2.
Test plate is to be manufactured by a process approved by The tensile strength is to be not less than the minimum
the Society in accordance with the requirements of [3]. required value for the grade of base metal.

For each manufacturing process route, two test plates with f) Bend test: Two transverse (cross weld) test specimens are
different thickness are to be selected. The thicker plate (t) to be taken from the test assembly and bent on a man-
and the thinner plate (less than or equal to t/2) are to be pro- drel with diameter of quadruple specimen thickness.
posed by the manufacturer. Bending angle is to at least 120°. Test specimens are to
comply with the requirements of NR216 Materials and
Small changes in manufacturing processing (e.g. within the Welding, Ch 1, Sec 2.
TMCP process) may be considered for acceptance without
testing, at the discretion of the Society. For plate thickness up to 20 mm, one face-bend and one
root-bend specimens or two side-bend specimens are to
4.3.4 Test assembly be taken.

One butt weld assembly welded with heat input over After testing, the test specimens shall not reveal any
50kJ/cm is to be generally prepared with the weld axis crack nor other open defect in any direction greater than
transverse to the plate rolling direction. 3 mm.

Dimensions of the test assembly are to be amply sufficient g) Impact test: Charpy V-notch impact specimens (three
to take all the required test specimens specified in [4.3.5]. specimens for one set) are to be taken within 2 mm
below plate surface on face side of the weld with the
The welding procedures should be as far as possible in notch perpendicular to the plate surface.
accordance with the normal practices applied at shipyards
for the test plate concerned. One set of the specimens transverse to the weld is to be
taken with the notch located at the fusion line and at
Welding process, welding position, welding consumable distance 2, 5 and minimum 20 mm from the fusion line.
(manufacturer, brand, grade, diameter and shield gas) and The fusion boundary is to be identified by etching the
welding parameters including bevel preparation, heat input, specimens with a suitable reagent. The test temperature
preheating temperatures, interpass temperatures, number of is to be the one prescribed for the testing of the steel
passes, etc. are to be reported. grade in question.

14 Bureau Veritas January 2017

NR 480, Sec 2

For steel plate with thickness greater than 50 mm or one 5.3 Test program
side welding for plate thickness greater than 20 mm,
one additional set of the specimens is to be taken from 5.3.1 General
the root side of the weld with the notch located at each The extent of approval is to be as per [3.3] with the addition
the same position as for the face side. of corrosion test plan.
The average impact energy at the specified test tempera-
ture is to comply with NR216 Materials and Welding, 5.3.2 Corrosion test plan
Ch 2, Sec 1, Tab 4 and Ch 2, Sec 1, Tab 7 depending on The corrosion test plan is to be submitted by the manufac-
the steel grade and thickness. turer for review. If the test program is found satisfactory by
the Society, it will be approved and returned to the manu-
h) Other test: Additional tests such as wide-width tensile facturer for acceptance prior to tests being carried out. Tests
test, HAZ tensile test, cold cracking tests (CTS, Cruci- that need to be witnessed by the Surveyor will be identified.
form, Implant, Tekken and Bead-on plate), CTOD or
other tests should be required at the discretion of the The number of test samples is to be in accordance with the
Society (see [4.3.2]). requirements of Appendix of the Annex to IMO MSC.289
(87) “Performance Standard for Alternative Means of Corro-
sion Protection for Cargo Oil Tanks of Crude Oil Tankers”.
4.4 Grade designation
The number of casts and test samples selected are to be suf-
4.4.1 Upon issuance of the certificate, the notation indicat- ficient to make it possible to confirm the validity of interac-
ing the value of heat input applied in the confirmation test tion effects and/or the control range (upper limit, lower
may be added to the grade designation on the test plate, e.g. limit) of the elements which are added or intentionally con-
“EH36-W300” (in the case of heat input 300kJ/cm applied). trolled, for improving the corrosion resistance. Where
The value of this notation is not to be less than 50 and every agreed, this may be supported with data submitted by the
10 added. manufacturer.

5 Rolled products made in normal and 5.4 Corrosion tests

higher strength corrosion resistant 5.4.1 The corrosion tests are to be carried out in accor-
steel for cargo oil tanks dance with the approved test plan as per [5.3.2] and the
corrosion testing procedure given in Appendix of the Annex
5.1 Scope to IMO MSC.289 (87) “Performance Standard for Alterna-
tive Means of Corrosion Protection for Cargo Oil Tanks of
5.1.1 This Article gives the scheme for the approval of the Crude Oil Tankers”.
manufacturing process of normal and higher strength corro-
5.4.2 The Interpretation given in IACS UI SC258 on Test
sion resistant steel products for cargo oil tanks.
Procedures for Qualification of Corrosion Resistant Steel for
The requirements of this Article are intended as a supple- Cargo Tanks in Crude Oil Tankers is to be applied.
ment to the requirements of Article [3], which specifies the
test program for the manufacture of normal and higher
strength hull and structural steel products. 6 Rolled products made in crack arrest
steels for container ships structural
5.2 Specific information to be submitted applications
5.2.1 In addition to the information mentioned in [1.2], the 6.1 Scope
following information is to be submitted:
a) Corrosion test plan and details of equipment and test 6.1.1 This Article gives the approval test program for the
environments manufacture of crack arrest steel products made of grades
b) Technical data related to the product assessment criteria
for confirming corrosion resistance
6.2 Selection of the test product
c) The technical background explaining how the variation
in added and controlled elements improves corrosion 6.2.1 For each grade of steel and for each manufacturing
resistance. The manufacturer will establish a relation- process (e.g. steel making, casting, rolling and condition of
ship of all the chemical elements which affect the corro- supply), one test product with the maximum thickness
sion resistance, the chemical elements added or (dimension) to be approved is in general to be selected for
controlled to achieve this are to be specifically verified each kind of product.
for acceptance. Verification is to be based on the ladle In addition, for initial approval, the Society will require
analysis of the steel selection of one test product of average thickness.
d) The grades, the corrosion designation and maximum The selection of the casts for the test product is to be based
thickness of corrosion resistant steel to be approved on the typical chemical composition, with particular regard
e) The welding processes and the brand name of the weld- to the specified CEQ or Pcm values and grain refining micro
ing consumables to be used for approval. alloying additions.

January 2017 Bureau Veritas 15

NR 480, Sec 2

6.3 Extent of the approval tests On the other hand, an increase of the number of casts and
thicknesses to be tested may be required in the case of
6.3.1 The extent of the test program is specified in [6.4] and newly developed types of steel or manufacturing processes.
[6.5]. Each grade is to be tested. It may be modified on the Where the number of tests differs from those shown in [6.4]
basis of the preliminary information submitted by the manu- and [6.5], the program is to be confirmed by the Society
facturer. before the tests are carried out.
In particular a reduction of the indicated number of casts,
steel plate thicknesses and grades to be tested or complete 6.4 Tests on rolled products
suppression of the approval tests may be accepted by the
6.4.1 The tests to be carried out are indicated in Tab 2.
Society, taking into account:
a) Approval already granted by other Classification Societ- 6.4.2 For plates having thickness greater than 50 mm,
ies and documentation of approval tests performed charpy V-notch impact tests and Strain Aged charpy V-notch
impact tests are required from both the quarter and mid-
b) Grades of steel to be approved and availability of long thickness locations of the tests samples.
term statistic results of chemical and mechanical prop-
erties 6.5 Weldability tests
c) Change of the approval conditions
6.5.1 General
d) Approval of the semi-finished products such as slabs, Weldability tests are required for plates and are to be car-
blooms and billets. ried out on samples of the thickest plate.

Table 2 : Tests on rolled products

Position of the samples

Type of test and direction of Remarks
the test specimen
Top and bottom -
Tensile test ReH , Rm , A5(%), RA(%) are to be reported
transverse (1)
Top and bottom - Stress relieving at 600°C
Tensile test (stress relieved) only for TM steels
transverse (1) (2 min/mm with minimum 1 hour)
EH36CAS, EH40CAS, EH47CAS Testing 0 −20 −40 −60
Top and bottom -
Impact test (2) on FH36CAS, FH40CAS longitudinal −20 −40 −60 −80
non aged specimens
for grades EH36CAS, EH40CAS, EH47CAS Testing −20 −40 −60
Top - transverse (3) temperature
FH36CAS, FH40CAS (°C) −40 −60 −80

Impact test (2) on strain EH36CAS, EH40CAS, EH47CAS Testing −20 −40 −60
aged specimens (4) Top - longitudinal temperature
for grades FH36CAS, FH40CAS (°C) −40 −60 −80
Complete analysis including micro
Chemical composition (5) Top
alloying elements
Sulphur prints Top
Micro examination Top
Grain size determination Top
Drop weight test (3) Top Determination of NDT
Only for grades with improved through
Through thickness tensile tests Top and bottom
thickness properties
Deep notch test or CTOD test
Brittle fracture initiation test Top
as per recognized standard
As per Appendix 1 ESSO test or alternative
Brittle crack arrest test Top - longitudinal
method (e.g. double tension test)
(1) Longitudinal direction for plates having width less than 600 mm.
(2) One set of 3 Charpy V-notch impact specimens is required for each impact test.
(3) Not required for plates having width less than 600 mm.
(4) Deformation 5% + 1 hour at 250°C.
(5) Besides product analysis, ladle analyses are required.

16 Bureau Veritas January 2017

NR 480, Sec 2

6.5.2 Preparation and welding of the test d) Brittle fracture initiation test across the weldment
Deep notch test or CTOD test is to be carried out as per
The following tests are in general required: a recognized standard.
a) 1 butt weld test assembly welded with a heat input 6.5.4 Other tests
approximately 15 kJ/cm
Y-shape weld crack test is to be carried out.
b) 1 butt weld test assembly welded with a heat input
The test method is to be in accordance with recognized
approximately 50 kJ/cm.
standards such as KS B0870, JIS Z 3158, GB 4675.1 or ISO
The butt weld test assemblies are to be prepared with the 17642-2.
weld seam transverse to the plate rolling direction, so that
impact specimens will result in the longitudinal direction.
7 Rolled products made of extra high
The bevel preparation should be preferably 1/2V or K. strength steels for welded structure
The welding procedure should be as far as possible in
accordance with the normal welding practice used at the 7.1 Scope
yards for the type of steel in question.
7.1.1 This Article gives the approval test program for the
The welding parameters including consumables designation
manufacture of extra high strength steel products for welded
and diameter, pre-heating temperatures, interpass tempera-
structure made of grades A, B, D, E, F in the yield strength
tures, heat input, number of passes, etc. are to be reported.
groups 420, 460, 500, 550, 620, 690, 890 and 960.
6.5.3 Type of tests
7.2 Specific information to be submitted
From the test assemblies the following test specimens are to
be taken: 7.2.1 The following information is to be supplied by the
a) One cross weld tensile test manufacturer:

b) A set of 3 Charpy V-notch impact specimens transverse a) Type of products (plates, sections, bars and tubulars),
to the weld with the notch located at the fusion line and grades of steel, range of thickness, delivery condition
at a distance 2, 5 and minimum 20 mm from the fusion and aim material properties, as follows:
line. The fusion boundary is to be identified by etching • Range of chemical composition, aim analyses and
the specimens with a suitable reagent. associated control limits, including grain refining,
nitrogen binding, micro alloying and residual ele-
Charpy V-notch impact tests are to be taken at a position
ments, for the various grades of steel; if the range of
of ¼ thickness from the plate surface on the face side of
chemical composition depends on thickness and
the weld with the notch perpendicular to the plate sur-
supply condition, the different ranges are to be spec-
ified, as appropriate.
One additional set of specimens is to be taken from the • In addition, where zirconium, calcium and rare
root side of the weld with the notch located at the same earth metals have been used during steelmaking for
position and at the same depth as for the face side. grain refinement and, or inclusion modification, the
The test temperature is to be the one prescribed for the contents of these elements shall be specified in the
testing of the steel grade in question. approved specification.
Additionally, at each location impacts tests are to be • Aim carbon equivalent CEQ according to IIW for-
carried out with appropriate temperature intervals to mula or CET formula and associated control limits.
properly define the full transition range. • Aim Pcm content and associated control limits.
c) Hardness tests HV 5 across the weldment. The indenta- • Production statistics of the chemical composition
tions are to be made along a 1 mm transverse line and mechanical properties (ReH , Rm , A5% and KV).
beneath the plate surface on both the face side and the The statistics are intended to demonstrate the capa-
root side of the weld as follows: bility to manufacture the steel products in accor-
dance with the requirements.
• Fusion line
b) Steelmaking
• HAZ: at each 0,7 mm from fusion line into unaf-
fected base material (6 to 7 minimum measurements • Steelmaking process and capacity of furnace(s) or
for each HAZ) converter(s)
• The maximum hardness value should not be higher • Raw material used
than 350 HV. • Deoxidation, grain refining, nitrogen binding and
A sketch of the weld joint depicting groove dimensions, alloying practice
number of passes, hardness indentations should be • Desulphurisation, dehydrogenation, sulphide treat-
attached to the test report together with photomacro- ment, ladle refining and vacuum degassing installa-
graphs of the weld cross section. tions, if any.

January 2017 Bureau Veritas 17

NR 480, Sec 2

c) Casting methods: ingot or continuous casting 7.3 Selection of the test product
In the case of continuous casting, information relevant
to type of casting machine, teeming practice, methods 7.3.1 For each grade of steel and for each manufacturing
to prevent re-oxidation, inclusions and segregation con- process (e.g. steel making, casting, rolling and condition of
trol, presence of electromagnetic stirring, soft reduction, supply), one test product with the maximum thickness
etc., is to be provided as appropriate (dimension) to be approved is in general to be selected for
• Casting/solidification cooling rate control each kind of product.
• Ingot or slab size and weight In addition, for initial approval, the Society will require
• Ingot or slab treatment: scarfing and discarding pro- selection of one test product of representative thickness.
The selection of the casts for the test product is to be based
d) Reheating and rolling
on the typical chemical composition, with particular regard
• Type of furnace and treatment parameters to the specified CEQ, CET or Pcm values and grain refining
• Rolling: reduction ratio of ingot/slab/bloom/billet to micro-alloying additions.
finished product, rolling and finishing temperatures
for each grade/thickness combination
7.4 Extent of the approval tests
• Descaling treatment during rolling
• Capacity of the rolling stands. 7.4.1 The extent of the test program is specified in [7.5] and
e) Heat treatment [7.6]; it may be modified on the basis of the preliminary
• Type of furnaces, heat treatment parameters for information submitted by the manufacturer.
products to be approved
In particular a reduction of the indicated number of casts,
• Accuracy and calibration of temperature control steel plate thicknesses and grades to be tested or complete
devices suppression of the approval tests may be accepted by the
• The method used to determine austenization tem- Society taking into account:
perature, re-crystallisation temperature and Ar3 tem-
perature a) Approval already granted by other Classification Societ-
ies and documentation of approval tests performed.
• Description of quenching and tempering process, if
applicable. b) Grades of steel to be approved and availability of long
f) Programmed rolling term statistic results of chemical and mechanical prop-
For products delivered in the normalised rolling (NR) or
thermo-mechanical rolling (TM) condition, the follow- c) Change of the approval conditions.
ing additional information on the programmed rolling
schedules is to be given: d) Approval of the semi-finished products such as slabs,
• Description of the rolling process blooms and billets.
• Austenization temperature, re-crystallization tem- On the other hand, an increase of the number of casts and
perature and Ar3 temperature and the methods used thicknesses to be tested may be required in the case of
to determine them newly developed types of steel or manufacturing processes.
• Control standards for typical rolling parameters used
for the different thickness and grades of steel (tem- In case of multi-source slabs or changing of slab manufac-
perature and thickness at the beginning and at the turer, the rolled steel manufacturer is required to obtain the
end of the passes, interval between passes, reduc- approval of the manufacturing process of rolled steels using
tion ratio, temperature range and cooling speed of the slabs from each slab manufacturer and to conduct
accelerated cooling, if any) and relevant method of approval tests in accordance with [7.5] and [7.6].
• The rolled steel manufacturer has already been
• Calibration of the control equipment. approved for the manufacturing process using other
g) Recommendations for working and welding in particu- semi-finished products characterized by the same thick-
lar for products delivered in the NR or TM condition ness, steel grade, grain refining and micro-alloying ele-
• Cold and hot working recommendations if needed ments, steelmaking and casting process.
in addition to the normal practice used in the ship- • The semi-finished products manufacturer has been
yards and workshops approved for the complete manufacturing process with
• Minimum and maximum heat input and recom- the same conditions (steelmaking, casting, rolling and
mended pre-heat/interpass temperature. heat treatment) for the same steel types.
h) Where any part of the manufacturing process is assigned
to other companies or other manufacturing plants, addi- 7.4.2 Where the number of tests differs from those shown
tional information required by the Society is to be in [7.5] and [7.6], the program is to be confirmed by the
included. Society before the tests are carried out.

18 Bureau Veritas January 2017

NR 480, Sec 2

Table 3 : Tests on rolled products

Position of the sam-

Type of test ples and direction of Remarks
the test specimens
Top and bottom -
ReH , Rm , A5(%), RA(%) and ReH /Rm
Tensile test longitudinal and
ratio are to be reported
A420, A460, A500, A550, A620, A690, A890, A960 +20 0 −20
Impact tests (1)
D420, D460, D500, D550, D620, D690, D890, D960 Top and bottom - Testing 0 −20 −40
on non aged
longitudinal and temperature
specimens for E420, E460, E500, E550, E620, E690, E890, E960 0 −20 −40 −60
transverse (°C):
F420, F460, F500, F550, F620, F690 −20 −40 −60 −80
A420, A460, A500, A550, A620, A690, A890, A960 +20 0 −20
Impact test (1)
D420, D460, D500, D550, D620, D690, D890, D960 Top and bottom - Testing 0 −20 −40
on strain aged
either longitudinal or temperature
specimens (6) E420, E460, E500, E550, E620, E690, E890, E960 0 −20 −40 −60
transverse (°C):
for grades:
F420, F460, F500, F550, F620, F690 −20 −40 −60 −80
Complete analysis including micro
From top tensile
Chemical composition (2) alloying elements, CEQ /CET and
Pcm value
Segregation examination Top Sulphur prints (3)
Micro examination Top At magnification 100 and 500
Ferrite and/or prior austenite grain
Grain size determination Top
size should be determined
ISO 4967 or other recognized stan-
Non-metallic inclusion contents/Cleanliness (4) Top
Drop weight test (5) Top Determination of NDT
Only for grades with improved
Through thickness tensile test Top and bottom
through thickness properties
(1) One set of 3 charpy V-notch impact specimens is required for each impact test.
(2) Besides product analysis, ladle analysis are required. The deviation of the product analysis from the ladle analysis shall be in
accordance with the limits given in the manufacturing specification.
(3) Other tests than sulphur prints for segregation examination may be agreed with the Society.
(4) The level of non-metallic inclusions and impurities in term of amount, size, shape and distribution shall be controlled by the
manufacturer. Alternative methods for demonstrating the non-metallic inclusions and impurities may be used by the manufac-
(5) The test is to be performed only on plates.
(6) Deformation 5% +1 hour at 250°C. Test is to be carried out on the thickest plate.

7.5 Tests on rolled products 7.6.2 Butt weld test for steel strength levels 420 to
500 N/mm²
7.5.1 The tests to be carried out are indicated in Tab 3. Testing on higher grades can cover the lower strength and
toughness grades.
7.5.2 Additional tests such as stress relieved tensile test (for
TM steels), cold cracking tests (CTS, cruciform, implant, The following butt weld tests are required:
Tekken, bead on plate), CTOD test on parent plate, large
scale brittle fracture tests (Double Tension test, ESSO test, a) 1 butt weld test assembly welded with the heat input
Deep Notch test) or other tests may be required when 15 ± 2kJ/cm is to be tested as-welded
deemed necessary by the Society. b) 1 butt weld test assembly welded with the heat input
50 ± 5kJ/cm for N/NR and TM steels and 35 ± 3,5kJ/cm
7.6 Weldability tests for QT steels is to be tested as-welded

c) 1 butt weld test assembly welded with the same heat

7.6.1 General
input as given in b) is to be postweld heat treated
Weldability tests are required for plates and are to be car- (PWHT) prior to testing. Postweld heat treatment proce-
ried out on samples of the thickest plate. dure is specified in [7.6.6]

January 2017 Bureau Veritas 19

NR 480, Sec 2

Option: steels intended to be designated as steels for high b) Steels delivered in QT condition shall be heat treated for
heat input welding are to be tested with 1 butt weld test a minimum time of 1 hour per 25 mm thickness (but not
assembly in the as-welded condition and 1 butt weld test less than 30 minutes and needs not be more than 150
assembly in the post weld heat treated (PWHT) condition, minutes) at a maximum holding temperature of 550°C
both welded with the maximum heat input being approved. with the maximum holding temperature of at least 30°C
below the previous tempering temperature, unless oth-
7.6.3 Butt weld test for steel strength levels 550 to erwise approved at the time of approval
960 N/mm²
Approval tests on the highest toughness grade cover c) For all delivery condition, heating and cooling above
approval for any lower grade in the same strength level, 300°C shall be carried out in a controlled manner in
provided that the aim analysis, method of manufacture and order to heat/cool the material uniformly. The cooling
condition of supply are similar. rate from the maximum holding temperature to 300°C
shall not be slower than 55°C/hr.
The following butt weld tests are required:

a) 1 butt weld test assembly welded with the heat input 7.6.7 Type of tests
10 ± 2kJ/cm is to be tested as-welded
From the test assemblies the following test specimens are to
b) 1 butt weld test assembly welded with the maximum be taken:
heat input as proposed by the manufacturer is to be
tested as-welded. The approved maximum heat input a) One cross weld tensile test. One full thickness test sam-
shall be stated on the manufacturer approval certificate. ple or sub-sized samples cover the full thickness cross
Option: If the manufacturer requests to include the approval section.
for post weld heat treated (PWHT) condition, 1 additional
b) A set of 3 Charpy V-notch impact specimens transverse
butt weld test assembly welded with a maximum heat input
to the weld with the notch located at the fusion line and
proposed by the manufacturer for the approval same as test
at a distance 2, 5 and minimum 20 mm from the fusion
assembly b) is to be post-weld heat treated (PWHT) prior to
testing. Postweld heat treatment procedure is specified in line. The fusion boundary is to be identified by etching
[7.6.6]. the specimens with a suitable reagent.

Charpy V-notch impact specimens are to be taken at 1-

7.6.4 Butt weld test assembly
2 mm below the surface on the face side of the weld
The butt weld test assemblies of N/NR plates are to be pre- with the notch perpendicular to the plate surface.
pared with the weld seam transverse to the final rolling
direction. One additional set of specimens is to be taken from the
root side of the weld with the notch located at the same
The butt weld test assemblies of TM, TM+AcC, TM+DQ position and at the same depth as for the face side for
and QT plates are to be prepared with the weld seam paral- plate with thickness 50mm and above.
lel to the final plate rolling direction. The butt weld test
assemblies of long products, sections and seamless tubular The test temperature is to be the one prescribed for the
in any delivery condition are to be prepared with the weld testing of the steel grade in question.
seam transverse to the rolling direction.
c) Hardness tests HV 10 across the weldment.
7.6.5 Bevel preparation
The indentations are to be made along a 1 - 2 mm trans-
The bevel preparation should be preferably 1/2V or K verse line beneath the plate surface on both the face
depending of the thickness. side and the root side of the weld as follows:
The welding procedure should be as far as possible in
• Fusion line
accordance with the normal welding practice used at the
yards for the type of steel in question. • HAZ: at each 0,7 mm from fusion line into unaf-
fected base material (6 to 7 minimum measurements
The welding parameters including consumables brand
name, designation and diameter, pre-heating temperatures, for each HAZ)
interpass temperatures, heat input, number of passes, etc. • The maximum hardness value should not be higher
are to be reported.
than: 350 HV for steel strength levels 420 to
460N/mm²; 420 HV for steel strength levels 500 to
7.6.6 Post-weld heat treatment
690N/mm²; 450 HV for steel strength levels 890 and
a) Steels delivered in N, NR or TM, TM+AcC, TM+DQ 960N/mm².
condition shall be heat treated for a minimum time of
1 hour per 25mm thickness (but not less than 30 min- A sketch of the weld joint depicting groove dimensions,
utes and needs not be more than 150 minutes) at a max- number of passes, hardness indentations should be
imum holding temperature of 580°C, unless otherwise attached to the test report together with photomacro-
approved at the time of approval. graphs of the weld cross section.

20 Bureau Veritas January 2017

NR 480, Sec 2

Figure 1 : CTOD test specimen geometry

1 - 2 mm a 1 - 2 mm a

CTOD test
CTOD test


a) b)

a) For plate thickness ≤50mm, CTOD test specimen is to be sampled in full thickness.
b) For plate thickness >50mm, subsidiary test specimen with thickness of maximum 50mm in subsurface area is to be sampled.

d) Brittle fracture initiation test across the weldment. 8 Rolled products for boilers and
CTOD tests are to be carried out for butt weld test pressure vessels
assembly specified in [7.6.2] b) and [7.6.3] b) in accor-
dance with EN ISO 15653 or other recognized standard. 8.1 Scope
• The specimen geometry (B=W) is permitted for plate 8.1.1 This Article gives the approval test program for the
thickness up to 50mm. For plate thicker than 50mm, manufacture of carbon manganese steel products made of
subsidiary specimen geometry (50x50mm) is permit- grades (360HA, 360HB, 360HD, 410HA, 410HB, 410HD,
ted, which is to be taken 50mm in depth through 460HB, 460HD, 510HB, 510HD) and low alloy steel grades
thickness from the subsurface and 50mm in width. (0,3Mo - 1Cr0,5Mo - 2,25Cr1Mo) for boilers and pressure
See Fig 1 for more details.

• The specimens shall be notched in through thickness 8.2 Selection of the test product
8.2.1 For each grade of steel and for each manufacturing
• Grain-coarsened HAZ (GCHAZ) shall be targeted for process (e.g. steel making, casting, rolling and condition of
the sampling position of the crack tip supply), two products (one per cast) from two different casts
representing average and maximum thickness (dimension)
• The test specimens shall be in as-welded and post- to be approved are in general to be selected for each kind of
weld heat treated, if applicable product.
• Three tests shall be performed at -10°C on each butt An additional product from another cast is to be tested for
weld test assembly grades intended for application at elevated temperatures
For steel strength level 690N/mm² and above, dehydro- The selection of the casts for the test product is to be based
genation of as-welded test pieces may be carried out by on the typical chemical composition, with particular regard
a low temperature heat treatment, prior to CTOD test- to the specified CEQ or Pcm values and grain refining micro-
ing. Heat treatment conditions of 200°C for 4h are rec- alloying additions.
ommended, and the exact parameters shall be notified
with the CTOD test results. 8.3 Extent of the approval tests
e) Y-shape weld crack test (Hydrogen crack test) is to be 8.3.1 The extent of the test program is specified in [8.4] and
carried out. [8.5]; it may be modified on the basis of the preliminary
information submitted by the manufacturer.
The test method is to be in accordance with recognized
standards such as KS B0870, JIS Z 3158, GB/T4675.1 or In particular a reduction of the indicated number of casts,
steel plate thicknesses and grades to be tested or complete
ISO 17642-2.
suppression of the approval tests may be accepted by the
Minimum preheat temperature is to be determined and Society taking into account:
the relationship of minimum preheat temperature with a) Approval already granted by other Classification Societ-
thickness is to be derived. ies and documentation of approval tests performed.

January 2017 Bureau Veritas 21

NR 480, Sec 2

b) Grades of steel to be approved and availability of long On the other hand, an increase of the number of casts and
term statistic results of chemical and mechanical prop- thicknesses to be tested may be required in the case of
erties. newly developed types of steel or manufacturing processes.

c) Approval for any grade of steel also covers approval for Where the number of tests differs from those shown in [8.4]
any lower grade in the same strength level, provided and [8.5], the program is to be confirmed by the Society
that the aim analysis, method of manufacture and con- before the tests are carried out.
dition of supply are similar.
8.4 Tests on rolled products
d) Approval of one yield strength level covers the approval
of the yield strength level immediately below, provided
8.4.1 The tests to be carried out are indicated in Tab 4.
the steelmaking process, deoxidation and fine grain
practice, casting method and condition of supply are
the same. 8.5 Weldability tests

e) Change of the approval conditions. 8.5.1 General

f) Approval of the semi-finished products such as slabs, Weldability tests are required for plates and are to be car-
blooms and billets. ried out on samples of the thickest plate.

Table 4 : Tests on rolled products

Position of the samples

Type of test and direction of Remarks
the test specimens (1)
Top and bottom -
Tensile test ReH , Rm , A5(%), RA(%) are to be reported
transverse (2)
Tensile test (stress relieved) only for CR or TM+AcC Top and bottom - Stress relieving at 600 °C
steels transverse (2) (2 min/mm with minimum 1 hour)

Tensile test at elevated +100 or interm.

360, 410, 460, 510 Testing +400
temperature (grades +150 mini. temp
Top - transverse temperature
intended for applications at maximum
Low alloy grades (°C) +200 mini.
elevated temperature) of the range
360HA, 410HA +20 0
Impact tests (3) 360HB, 410HB,
Testing +20 0 −20
on non aged 460HB, 510HB Top and bottom -
specimens 360HD, 410HD, longitudinal and transverse
(°C) +20 0 −20 −40
for grades: 460HD, 510HD
Low alloy grades +20 0
360HA, 410HA +20
Impact test (3) 360HB, 410HB,
Testing +20 0
on strain aged 460HB, 510HB Top and bottom -
specimens (5) 360HD, 410HD, transverse
(°C) +20 0 −20
for grades: 460HD, 510HD
Low alloy grades 0
Complete analysis including micro alloying
Chemical composition From top tensile specimen
Sulphur prints Top
Micro examination Top
Drop weight test (4) Top Determination of NDT
(1) For hot rolled strips see [1.6].
(2) Longitudinal direction for sections and plates having width less than 600 mm.
(3) One set of 3 Charpy V-notch impact specimens is required for each impact test.
(4) Not required for sections and plates having width less than 600 mm.
(5) Deformation 5% + 1 hour at 250°C.

22 Bureau Veritas January 2017

NR 480, Sec 2

8.5.2 Preparation and welding of the test assemblies 9 Rolled products made in ferritic steels
The following tests are in general required: for low temperature applications
a) 1 butt weld test assembly welded with a heat input
equal to the minimum heat input recommended by the 9.1 Scope
b) 1 butt weld test assembly welded with a heat input 9.1.1 This Article gives the approval test program for the
equal to the maximum heat input recommended by the manufacture of ferritic steel products for low temperature
steelmaker. applications including carbon manganese steels grade LE or
LF in the tensile strength groups 410, 460, 510 and 550 and
The butt weld test assemblies are to be prepared with the
nickel steels grade 1,5Ni - 3,5Ni - 5,0Ni and 9,0Ni.
weld seam parallel to the plate rolling direction, so that
impact specimens will result in the transverse direction.
9.2 Selection of the test product
The bevel preparation should be preferably 1/2V or K
depending on the thickness. 9.2.1 For each grade of steel and for each manufacturing
The welding procedure should be as far as possible in process (e.g. steel making, casting, rolling and condition of
accordance with the normal welding practice used at the supply), two products (one per cast) from two different casts
manufacturing shop for the type of steel in question. representing average and maximum thickness (dimension)
to be approved are in general to be selected for each kind of
The welding parameters including consumables brand
name, designation and diameter, pre-heating temperatures,
interpass temperatures, heat input, number of passes, etc. The selection of the casts for the test product is to be based
are to be reported. on the typical chemical composition, with particular regard
to the specified CEQ or Pcm values and grain refining micro-
8.5.3 Type of tests alloying additions.
From the test assemblies the following test specimens are to
be taken: 9.3 Extent of the approval tests
a) One cross weld tensile test
9.3.1 The extent of the test program is specified in [9.4] and
b) A set of 3 Charpy V-notch impact specimens transverse [9.5]; it may be modified on the basis of the preliminary
to the weld with the notch located at the fusion line and information submitted by the manufacturer.
at a distance 2, 5 and minimum 20 mm from the fusion In particular a reduction of the indicated number of casts,
line. The fusion boundary is to be identified by etching steel plate thicknesses and grades to be tested or complete
the specimens with a suitable reagent. The test tempera- suppression of the approval tests may be accepted by the
ture is to be the one prescribed for the testing of the Society taking into account:
steel grade in question. The minimum average impact
energy shall exceed 27 J for carbon-manganese steels a) Approval already granted by other Classification Societ-
and 31 J for low alloy steels. ies and documentation of approval tests performed.
c) Hardness tests HV 5 across the weldment. The indenta- b) Grades of steel to be approved and availability of long
tions are to be made along a 1 mm transverse line term statistic results of chemical and mechanical prop-
beneath the plate surface on both the face side and the erties.
root side of the weld as follows: c) Approval for any grade of steel also covers approval for
• Weld metal, at each 2 mm any lower grade in the same strength level, provided
• Fusion line that the aim analysis, method of manufacture and con-
dition of supply are similar.
• HAZ: at each 0,5 mm from fusion line into unaf-
fected base material d) Approval of one yield strength level covers the approval
of the yield strength level immediately below, provided
• The maximum hardness value should not be higher
the steelmaking process, deoxidation and fine grain
than 320 HV.
practice, casting method and condition of supply are
A sketch of the weld joint depicting groove dimensions, the same.
number of passes, hardness indentations should be attached
e) Change of the approval conditions.
to the test report together with photomacrographs of the
weld cross section. f) Approval of the semi-finished products such as slabs,
blooms and billets.
Where a stress relieving treatment is required, cross weld
tensile and Charpy V-notch impact tests are to be repeated On the other hand, an increase of the number of casts and
in the stress relieved conditions. thicknesses to be tested may be required in the case of
newly developed types of steel or manufacturing processes.
8.5.4 Other tests
Where the number of tests differs from those shown in [9.4]
Additional tests such as cold cracking tests (CTS, cruciform, and [9.5], the program is to be confirmed by the Society
implant, Tekken, bead on plate), CTOD, or other tests may before the tests are carried out.
be required when deemed necessary by the Society.

January 2017 Bureau Veritas 23

NR 480, Sec 2

Table 5 : Tests on rolled products

Position of the samples

Type of test and direction of Remarks
the test specimens (1)
Top and bottom -
Tensile test ReH , Rm , A5(%), RA(%) are to be reported
transverse (2)
410LE, 460LE, 510LE, 560LE 0 −20 −40 −60
410LF, 460LF, 510LF, 560LF 0 −20 −40 −60 −80
Impact tests (3)
1,5Ni Testing −40 −60 −80 −100
on non aged Top and bottom -
specimens 3,5Ni longitudinal and transverse −60 −80 −100 −120
for grades:
5,0Ni −80 −100 −120 −196
9,0Ni −80 −100 −163 −196
410LE, 460LE, 510LE, 560LE −20 −40
410LF, 460LF, 510LF, 560LF −40 −60
Impact test (3)
1,5Ni Testing −60 −80
on strain aged Top and bottom -
specimens (5) for 3,5Ni longitudinal and transverse −80 −95
5,0Ni −80 −110
9,0Ni −163 −196
Complete analysis including micro alloying
Chemical composition From top tensile specimen
Sulphur prints Top
Micro examination Top
Drop weight test (4) Top Determination of NDT
(1) For hot rolled strips see [1.6].
(2) Longitudinal direction for sections and plates having width less than 600 mm.
(3) One set of 3 Charpy V-notch impact specimens is required for each impact test.
(4) Not required for sections and plates having width less than 600 mm.
(5) Deformation 5% + 1 hour at 250°C.

9.4 Tests on rolled products The bevel preparation should be preferably 1/2V or K
depending on the thickness.
9.4.1 The tests to be carried out are indicated in Tab 5.
The welding procedure should be as far as possible in
accordance with the normal welding practice used at the
yards for the type of steel in question.
9.5 Weldability tests
The welding parameters including consumables brand
9.5.1 General name, designation and diameter, pre-heating temperatures,
Weldability tests are required for plates and are to be car- interpass temperatures, heat input, number of passes, etc.
ried out on samples of the thickest plate. are to be reported.

9.5.3 Type of tests

9.5.2 Preparation and welding of the test assemblies From the test assemblies the following test specimens are to
The following tests are in general required: be taken:

a) 1 butt weld test assembly welded with a heat input a) One cross weld tensile test
equal to the minimum heat input recommended by the
steelmaker b) A set of 3 Charpy V-notch impact specimens transverse
to the weld with the notch located at the fusion line and
b) 1 butt weld test assembly welded with a heat input at a distance 1, 3, 5, 7 and minimum 20 mm from the
equal to the maximum heat input recommended by the
fusion line. The fusion boundary is to be identified by
etching the specimens with a suitable reagent. The test
The butt weld test assemblies are to be prepared with the temperature is to be the one prescribed for the testing of
weld seam parallel to the plate rolling direction, so that the steel grade in question. The minimum average
impact specimens will result in the transverse direction. impact energy shall exceed 27 J

24 Bureau Veritas January 2017

NR 480, Sec 2

c) Hardness tests HV 5 across the weldment. The indenta- c) Steelmaking process

tions are to be made along a 1 mm transverse line • Capacity of furnace(s)
beneath the plate surface on both the face side and the
root side of the weld as follows: • Raw material used

• weld metal, at each 2 mm • Deoxidation, refining and alloying practice

• Ladle treatment (desulphurisation, vacuum degas-
• fusion line
sing installations...).
• HAZ: at each 0,5 mm from fusion line into unaf-
fected base material. d) Casting methods: ingot or continuous casting
In the case of continuous casting, information relevant
d) The maximum hardness value should not be higher
to type of casting machine, teeming practice, methods
to prevent re-oxidation, inclusions and segregation con-
• 320 HV for carbon manganese, 1,5Ni and 3,5Ni trol is to be provided as appropriate:
• Ingot or slab size and weight
• 400HV for 5,0Ni and 9,0Ni steel grades.
• Ingot or slab treatment: scarfing and discarding pro-
A sketch of the weld joint depicting groove dimensions, cedures.
number of passes, hardness indentations should be attached
e) Reheating and rolling
to the test report together with photomacrographs of the
weld cross section. • Type of furnace and treatment parameters (reheating
temperature, time...)
Where a stress relieving treatment may be needed (plates
with thickness above 50 mm), cross weld tensile and • Rolling: reduction ratio of slab/bloom/billet to fin-
Charpy V-notch impact tests are to be repeated in the stress ished product thickness, rolling and finishing tem-
relieved conditions. peratures
• Descaling treatment during rolling
9.5.4 Other tests • Capacity of the rolling stands.
Additional tests such as cold cracking tests (CTS, cruciform,
f) Heat treatment
implant, Tekken, bead on plate), CTOD, or other tests may
be required when deemed necessary by the Society. • Type of furnaces, heat treatment parameters and
their relevant records
10 Rolled products made in stainless • Accuracy and calibration of temperature control
g) Surface finishing: pickling or other methods.
10.1 Scope h) Surface and internal conditions, specification or stan-
dard used; repair procedure for surface defects if any.
10.1.1 This Article gives the approval test program for the i) Recommendations for working, welding and surface
manufacture of austenitic and austenitic-ferritic stainless cleaning:
steel products from AISI grades 304L, 304LN, 316L, 316LN,
317L, 317LN and UNS grades 31803, 32550 and 32750 • Cold and hot working recommendations
used for the building of chemical tankers. • Minimum and maximum heat input, recommended
filler metals
10.2 Specific information to be submitted • Cleaning, pickling and passivating recommenda-
tions (initial and in-service).
10.2.1 The following information is to be supplied by the j) Where any part of the manufacturing process is assigned
manufacturer: to other companies or other manufacturing plants, addi-
a) Type of products, (plates, sections, coils), steel grades, tional information required by the Society is to be
range of thickness and aim material properties as fol- included.
lows: k) For the approval of the semi-finished products such as
• Range of chemical composition and aim analyses slabs, blooms and billets, the above information a) to d)
including residual elements if specific limits are is to be given.
specified; if the range of chemical composition
depends on thickness and supply condition, the dif- 10.3 Selection of the test product
ferent ranges are to be specified, as appropriate
• Maximum ferrite content for austenitic grades and 10.3.1 For each grade of steel and for each manufacturing
ferrite-austenite ratio for duplex grades process (e.g. steel making, casting, rolling and condition of
supply), two products (one per cast) from two different casts
• Production statistics of the chemical composition
representing the average and the maximum thickness
and mechanical properties (ReH , Rm , A% and KV).
(dimension) to be approved are in general to be selected for
b) List of permitted cargoes and particular conditions for each kind of product. For grades 317L and 317LN, two
transportation if any. products from each cast are to be selected.

January 2017 Bureau Veritas 25

NR 480, Sec 2

Table 6 : Tests on rolled products for austenitic grades

Position of the samples and

Type of test Remarks
direction of the test specimens (1)
Tensile test Top and bottom - transverse (2) ReH , Rm , A5(%), RA(%) are to be reported
Tensile test at elevated temperature:
Top and bottom - transverse (2) Rm and Rp 0,2 are to be reported
50°C, 75°C and 100°C
Top and bottom - Testing temperature (°C):
Impact tests
longitudinal and transverse 0°C and −196°C
Complete analysis including micro alloying
Chemical composition From top tensile specimen elements and residual elements (C, Mn, Si, S,
P, Cr, Ni, Mo, N, Cu, Sn, Sb, B, Ti, Nb, Va...)
Surface and mid-thickness at magnification
Micro examination Top and bottom
100 and 500
Determination of ferrite delta content,
Top and bottom
Detection of detrimental phases (sigma)
Both surfaces and edges to be checked
Liquid penetrant test Spot checks
No cracks allowed
Ultrasonic test All plates According to procedure submitted
ASTM A262 Pr. E (4)
Conventional accelerated corrosion tests (3) On each cast
ASTM A 262 Pr. C (5)
Special corrosion test in phosphoric media (6) On each cast Test type “weight loss”
Bend test (for information) Top - transverse Bend angle 180° on 3t
(1) For hot rolled strips see [1.6].
(2) Longitudinal direction for sections and plates having width less than 600 mm.
(3) These tests are strictly conventional and do not aim at providing guarantees on the effective resistance of the steel to the corro-
sion due to the chemicals carried, in the actual service conditions.
(4) After sensitizing treatment 700°C during 30 minutes for stabilized and low carbon grades.
(5) Not to be carried out on Mo alloyed grades.
(6) To be agreed in case of particular cargoes.

10.4 Extent of the approval tests

10.6 Tests for austenitic-ferritic grades
10.4.1 The extent of the test program is specified in [10.5]
and [10.6]; it may be modified on the basis of the prelimi- 10.6.1 Tests on rolled products
nary information submitted by the manufacturer. The tests to be carried out are indicated in Tab 7.
In particular a reduction of the indicated number of casts,
steel plate thicknesses and grades to be tested or complete 10.6.2 Weldability tests
suppression of the approval tests may be accepted by the Weldability tests are required for plates and are to be car-
Society taking into account: ried out on samples of the thickest plate.
a) Approval already granted by other Classification Societ-
The following test assemblies are in general required:
ies and documentation of approval tests performed
a) 1 butt weld test assembly welded with a heat input
b) Grades of steel to be approved and availability of long
equal to the minimum heat input recommended by the
term statistic results of chemical and mechanical prop-
On the other hand, an increase of the number of casts and b) 1 butt weld test assembly welded with a heat input
thicknesses to be tested may be required in the case of equal to the maximum heat input recommended by the
newly developed types of steel or manufacturing processes. steelmaker.
Where the number of tests differs from those shown in The butt weld test assemblies are to be prepared with the
[10.5] and [10.6], the program is to be confirmed by the weld seam transverse to the plate rolling direction, so that
Society before the tests are carried out. impact specimens will result in the longitudinal direction.
The bevel preparation should be preferably 1/2V or K
10.5 Tests on rolled products for austenitic depending on the thickness.
grades (304L, 316L, 316LN, 317L, 317LN) The welding procedure should be as far as possible in
accordance with the normal welding practice used at the
10.5.1 The tests to be carried out are indicated in Tab 6. yards for the type of steel in question.

26 Bureau Veritas January 2017

NR 480, Sec 2

Table 7 : Tests on rolled products for austenitic-ferritic grades

Position of the samples and

Type of test Remarks
direction of the test specimens (1)
Tensile test Top and bottom - transverse (2) ReH , Rm , A5(%), RA(%) are to be reported
Tensile test at elevated temperature:
Top and bottom - transverse (2) Rm and Rp 0,2 are to be reported
50°C, 75°C and 100°C
Top and bottom - Testing temperature (°C):
Impact tests
longitudinal and transverse 0°C, −20°C, −40°C, −60°C
Complete analysis including micro alloying
Chemical composition From top tensile specimen elements and residual elements (C, Mn, Si, S,
P, Cr, Ni, Mo, N, Cu, Sn, Sb, B, Ti, Nb, Va...)
Surface and mid-thickness at magnification
Micro examination Top and bottom
100 and 500
Determination of ferrite/austenite ratio,
Top and bottom
Detection of detrimental phases (sigma)
Both surfaces and edges to be checked
Liquid penetrant test Spot checks
No cracks allowed
Ultrasonic test All plates According to procedure submitted
Conventional accelerated corrosion tests (3) On each cast ASTM A 262 Pr. C
Special corrosion test in phosphoric media (4) On each cast Test type “weight loss”
Bend test (for information) Top - transverse Bend angle 180° on 3t
(1) For hot rolled strips see [1.6].
(2) Longitudinal direction for sections and plates having width less than 600 mm.
(3) These tests are strictly conventional and do not aim at providing guarantees on the effective resistance of the steel to the corro-
sion due to the chemicals carried, in the actual service conditions
(4) To be agreed in case of particular cargoes

The welding parameters including consumables brand 11 Round bars for anchor chain cables
name, designation and diameter, pre-heating temperatures,
interpass temperatures, heat input, number of passes, etc.
are to be reported. 11.1 Scope
From the test assemblies the following test specimens are to
be taken: 11.1.1 This Article gives the approval test program for the
manufacture of round bars made of steel grade Q1, Q2 or
a) One cross weld tensile test. Q3 used for the manufacture of anchor chain cables.
b) Two sets of 3 Charpy V-notch impact specimens trans-
verse to the weld with the notch located at the fusion 11.2 Selection of the test product
line and at a distance 1, 3, 5, 7 and minimum 20 mm
from the fusion line. The fusion boundary is to be identi-
fied by etching the specimens with a suitable reagent. 11.2.1 For each grade of steel and for each manufacturing
The test temperature is 0°C and −20°C. The minimum process (e.g. steel making, casting, rolling and condition of
average impact energy shall exceed 27 J. supply), two products (one per cast) from two different casts
representing maximum diameter to be approved are in gen-
c) Hardness tests HV 5 across the weldment. The indenta-
eral to be selected for each kind of product.
tions are to be made along a 1mm transverse line
beneath the plate surface on both the face side and the The bars are to be heat treated in a way to simulate the heat
root side of the weld as follows: treatment made during the manufacture of the anchor chain
• Weld metal, at each 2 mm cable.
• Fusion line
• HAZ: at each 0,5 mm from fusion line into unaf- 11.3 Extent of the approval tests
fected base material.
d) Determination of ferrite content (aim at 30% - 60%) in 11.3.1 The extent of the test program is specified in [11.4];
base metal heat affected zone and for information in it may be modified on the basis of the preliminary informa-
weld metal. tion submitted by the manufacturer.

January 2017 Bureau Veritas 27

NR 480, Sec 2

In particular a reduction or complete suppression of the 11.4 Tests on round bars

approval tests may be accepted by the Society taking into
account: 11.4.1 The tests to be carried out are indicated in Tab 8.
a) Approval already granted by other Classification Societ-
ies and documentation of approval tests performed 12 Clad steel plates
b) Grades of steel to be approved and availability of long
term statistic results of chemical and mechanical prop- 12.1 Scope
12.1.1 This Article gives the approval test program for the
c) Approval of one yield strength level covers the approval manufacture of clad steel plates for ships.
of the yield strength level immediately below, provided
the steelmaking process, deoxidation and fine grain 12.2 Specific information to be submitted
practice, casting method and condition of supply are
the same. 12.2.1 The following information is to be supplied by the
On the other hand, an increase of the number of casts and manufacturer:
thicknesses to be tested may be required in the case of a) Steel grade of base material and stainless steel grade of
newly developed types of steel or manufacturing processes. cladding material
Where the number of tests differs from those shown in b) Thickness range and tolerances on clad plate
[11.4], the program is to be confirmed by the Society before c) Details about manufacturing process, rolling or explo-
the tests are carried out. sive bonding and associated inspection points and pro-

Table 8 : Tests on round bars

Position of the samples and

Type of test Remarks
direction of the test specimens
Tensile test Longitudinal with axis at 1/3radius below the surface ReH , Rm , A5(%), RA(%) are to be reported
Steel grade Q1 +20 0
Impact tests Steel grade Q2 Longitudinal with axis at 1/3radius below the surface +20 0 −20
temperature (°C):
Steel grade Q3 +20 0 −20
Complete analysis including micro alloying
Chemical composition From top tensile specimen
Sulphur prints Longitudinal mid-section
Micro examination Longitudinal section at 1/3 radius below the surface Magnification 100 and 500
Macroexamination Longitudinal mid-section

Table 9 : Tests on clad plate

Position of the samples and

Type of test Remarks
direction of the test specimens
Chemical composition of
Complete analysis including micro alloying ele-
base material and cladding From test specimen
As per NR216 Materials and Welding, Ch 2, Sec 1
Tensile test Full clad plate for clad plates

Testing temperature (°C) at T°C (test temperature

Impact tests on base material Longitudinal and transverse
specified for base material) and at (T − 20)°C

Full clad plate, one from each end of the clad As per NR216 Materials and Welding, Ch 2, Sec 1
Bend tests for clad plates

As per NR216 Materials and Welding, Ch 2, Sec 1

Shear test for clad plates

Showing bonded area and surfaces of base

Micro examination Magnification 100
material and cladding material
As per NR216 Materials and Welding, Ch 2, Sec 1
Ultrasonic testing
for clad plates

28 Bureau Veritas January 2017

NR 480, Sec 2

12.3 Selection of the test product 13.2 Specific information to be submitted

12.3.1 Two clad plates are to be selected from current pro- 13.2.1 In addition to the information mentioned in [1.2],
duction representing the average and the maximum thick- the following information is to be supplied:
ness to be approved. a) Maximum thickness and steel grades with delivery con-
ditions for which approval is requested
12.4 Extent of the approval tests b) Details about process modifications to obtain the prop-
erties (inclusion shape control, low sulphur...)
12.4.1 The extent of the test program is specified in [12.5];
c) Ultrasonic examination procedures and acceptance cri-
it may be modified on the basis of the preliminary informa-
tion submitted by the manufacturer.
Where the number of tests differs from those shown in 13.3 Selection of the test product
[12.5], the program is to be confirmed by the Society before
the tests are carried out. 13.3.1 One plate representative of maximum thickness to
be approved is to be selected.
12.5 Tests on clad plate
13.4 Extent of the approval tests
12.5.1 The tests to be carried out are indicated in Tab 9.
13.4.1 The extent of the test program is specified in [13.5];
it may be modified on the basis of the preliminary informa-
13 Plates with specified through tion submitted by the manufacturer.
thickness properties Where the number of tests differs from those shown in
[13.5], the program is to be confirmed by the Society before
the tests are carried out.
13.1 Scope

13.1.1 This Article gives the approval test program for the 13.5 Tests on plates
manufacture of plates with specified through thickness
13.5.1 The tests to be carried out are indicated in Tab 10.

Table 10 : Tests on plates

Position of the samples and

Type of test Remarks
direction of the test specimens
Complete analysis including micro
Chemical composition From test specimen
alloying elements
• Top and axis of the plate, 3 specimens
• Top and mid-way between axis and edge of the
plate, 3 specimens
Through thickness tensile test
• Bottom and axis of the plate, 3 specimens
• Bottom and mid-way between axis and edge of the
plate, 3 specimens
As per NR216 Materials and Welding,
Ultrasonic testing
Ch 2, Sec 1, [11.10]

January 2017 Bureau Veritas 29

NR 480, Sec 3


1 Seamless pipes and fittings However, where the documents are duplicated by the ones
at the previous approval for the same type of product, part
or all of the documents may be omitted except the approval
1.1 Scope test program.

1.1.1 This Section gives the scheme for the approval of the
manufacturing process of seamless pipes and fittings made 1.4 Approval survey
of low alloy and alloy steel grades intended for high tem-
perature use.
1.4.1 The approval tests are to be witnessed by the Sur-
A similar scheme may be used for approval of manufactur- veyor at the manufacturer’s plant and the execution of the
ing process of seamless pipes and fittings for other applica- plant inspection in operation may be required by the Sur-
tions upon special consideration by the Society. veyor during the visit for the approval.
If the testing facilities are not available at the works, the
1.2 Specific information to be submitted tests are to be carried out at recognised laboratories.

1.2.1 The following information is to be supplied by the 1.5 Position of the test samples

a) Base material type and manufacturer’s name 1.5.1 The test samples are to be taken in accordance with
NR216 Materials and Welding, Ch 2, Sec 2.
b) Steel grades, range of dimensions (wall thickness, diam-
eter, length)

c) Description of the manufacturing process 1.6 Test specimens and testing procedure
d) Detail about heat treatment 1.6.1 The test specimens and testing procedures are to be,
e) Quality controls from raw materials to finished products as a rule, in accordance with NR216 Materials and Weld-
ing, Ch 1, Sec 2.
f) If a non destructive test of the whole pipe is proposed by
the manufacturer as an alternative to the hydraulic pres-
sure test, the relevant procedure is to be supplied and is 1.7 Selection of the test product
to contain details on the following:
• Method, type of equipment and capacity (pipe wall 1.7.1 For each grade of steel and for each condition of sup-
thickness and outside diameter range) ply, two test products originating from different heats and
representing the average and the maximum dimensions to
• Calibration criteria, dimension and position of artifi- be approved are in general to be selected.
cial defects
• Frequency of calibration
1.8 Extent of the approval tests
• Length of untested ends, if applicable
1.8.1 The extent of the test program is specified in [1.9]; it
• Sensitivity to detect internal, external defects
may be modified on the basis of the preliminary information
• Acceptance, rejection criteria submitted by the manufacturer.
• Operators qualification according to international
In particular a reduction of the indicated number of prod-
ucts and grades to be tested or complete suppression of the
approval tests may be accepted by the Society taking into
1.3 Documents to be submitted for account:
changing the approval conditions a) Approval already granted by other Classification Societ-
ies and documentation of approval tests performed.
1.3.1 The manufacturer has to submit to the Society the
documents required in [1.2] together with the request of b) Grades of steel to be approved and availability of long
changing the approval conditions, in the case of change of term statistic results of chemical and mechanical prop-
the approval conditions (dimension range, steel grades...). erties.

30 Bureau Veritas January 2017

NR 480, Sec 3

c) Approval for any grade of steel also covers approval for Table 1 : Tests
any lower grade in the same strength level, provided
that the method of manufacture and condition of supply Position of the
are similar. Type of test samples and direction Remarks
of the test specimens
d) Approval for a strength level may cover approval for
For each product, all the relevant tests required in NR216
lower strength levels provided that the type of steel and
Materials and Welding, Ch 2, Sec 2 are to be performed in
the conditions of supply are the same.
addition to the following tests:
Where the number of tests differs from those shown in [1.9], Chemical
the program is to be confirmed by the Society before the From product sample Complete analysis
tests are carried out.
Magnification 100
1.9 Approval tests Sulphur print Cross-sectional area
1.9.1 The tests to be carried out are indicated in Tab 1. Dimensional

January 2017 Bureau Veritas 31

NR 480, Sec 4


1 Welded pipes and fittings 1.3 Documents to be submitted for

changing the approval conditions
1.1 Scope 1.3.1 The manufacturer has to submit to the Society the
documents required in [1.2] together with the request of
1.1.1 This Section gives the scheme for the approval of the changing the approval conditions, in the case of change of
manufacturing process of pipes and fittings welded by elec- the approval conditions (dimension range, steel grades...).
tric resistance, induction or electric arc processes giving an However, where the documents are duplicated by the ones
efficiency of the weld joint equal to 1. at the previous approval for the same type of product, part
or all of the documents may be omitted except the approval
test program.
1.2 Specific information to be submitted

1.2.1 The following information is to be supplied by the 1.4 Approval survey

1.4.1 The approval tests are to be witnessed by the Sur-
a) Base material type and manufacturer’s name veyor at the manufacturer’s plant and the execution of the
plant inspection in operation may be required by the Sur-
b) Steel grades, range of dimensions (wall thickness, diam- veyor during the visit for the approval.
eter, length)
If the testing facilities are not available at the works, the
c) Description of the manufacturing process tests are to be carried out at recognised laboratories.

d) Weld joint type, welding procedure specification and 1.5 Position of the test samples
supporting welding procedure approval report, welding
equipment 1.5.1 The test samples are to be taken in accordance with
NR216 Materials and Welding, Ch 2, Sec 2.
e) Detail about heat treatment

f) Quality controls from raw materials to finished products

1.6 Test specimens and testing procedure
g) Procedures for non destructive examination of the weld
joint which is to contain details as described in h) here- 1.6.1 The test specimens and testing procedures are to be,
as a rule, in accordance with NR216 Materials and Weld-
ing, Ch 1, Sec 2.
h) If a non destructive test of the whole pipe is proposed by
the manufacturer as an alternative to the hydraulic pres-
sure test, the relevant procedure is to be supplied and is 1.7 Selection of the test product
to contain details on the following:
1.7.1 For each grade of steel, each manufacturing process
• Method, type of equipment and capacity (pipe wall and each condition of supply, two test products originating
thickness and outside diameter range) from different heats and representing the average and the
maximum dimensions to be approved are in general to be
• Calibration criteria, dimension and position of artifi- selected.
cial defects

• Frequency of calibration
1.8 Extent of the approval tests

• Length of untested ends, if applicable 1.8.1 The extent of the test program is specified in [1.9]; it
may be modified on the basis of the preliminary information
• Sensitivity to detect internal, external defects submitted by the manufacturer.

• Acceptance, rejection criteria In particular a reduction of the indicated number of prod-

ucts and grades to be tested or complete suppression of the
• Operators qualification according to international approval tests may be accepted by the Society taking into
standard. account:

32 Bureau Veritas January 2017

NR 480, Sec 4

a) Approval already granted by other Classification Societ- d) Approval for a strength level may cover approval for
ies and documentation of approval tests performed. lower strength levels provided that the type of steel and
the conditions of supply are the same.
b) Grades of steel to be approved and availability of long Where the number of tests differs from those shown in [1.9],
term statistic results of chemical and mechanical prop- the program is to be confirmed by the Society before the
erties. tests are carried out.
c) Approval for any grade of steel also covers approval for
any lower grade in the same strength level, provided 1.9 Approval tests
that the method of manufacture and condition of supply
1.9.1 The tests to be carried out are indicated in Tab 1.
are similar.

Table 1 : Tests on base material

Position of the samples and

Type of test Remarks
direction of the test specimens
For each product, all the relevant tests required in NR216 Materials and Welding, Ch 2, Sec 2 are to be performed in addition to the
following tests:
Chemical composition From product sample Complete analysis
Magnification 100; Hardness HV5 Vickers on
Including weld metal, fusion line and heat
Microexamination and hardness weld metal, heat affected zone and base
affected zone
metal to be recorded
Macroexamination Transverse to the weld
Sulphur print Cross-sectional area
Dimensional examination
Checking of ferrite content Base material, heat affected zone and weld metal Applicable only to duplex stainless steel grades

January 2017 Bureau Veritas 33

NR 480, Sec 5


1 Steel forgings
1.3 Approval test program
1.1 Scope
1.3.1 The approval may be requested for the following type
1.1.1 This Section gives the scheme for the approval of the of steel:
manufacturing process of steel forgings.
• Carbon steels

1.2 Specific information to be submitted for • Carbon-manganese steels

approval • Low-alloy steels
• Alloy steels
1.2.1 The following specific information and relevant doc-
umentation are to be submitted together with the request for • Stainless steels.
approval and in addition to general information as detailed
When the approval is applied for one type of steel, two forg-
in Sec 1, [1.3]:
ings, from two different casts, representative of the range of
a) Production method of original steel (steelmaking, vac- forgings to be approved are to be tested. When the approval
uum degassing, casting, ingot weights and size...) is applied for carbon, carbon-manganese, low-alloy and
b) Description of forging facilities (presses, hammers, heat alloy steels, it may be reduced to one cast only per each
treating furnaces...) type of steel.
c) Description of forging process with sketches showing In general, the following tests are to be performed on each
forming of forging from the ingot stage and relevant forging (for special grades, case by case approval test pro-
reduction ratio gram is to be considered):
d) Description of special processes adopted for grain flow
a) Ladle and product chemical analysis. Material for prod-
forged products and for forgings with weld joints
uct analysis should be taken from the tensile specimen;
e) Production capacity, dimensions of products and weight
range b) Mechanical tests:

f) Materials specifications for materials not included in the • Tensile test(s)

Rules or not covered by international standards • Hardness tests where required by the Rules
g) Laboratory facilities and equipment for inspection and • Charpy V-notch impact tests at +20°C and 0°C (or
testing +20°C and relevant temperature for low temperature
h) Quality control documentation; description including a grades as per Rules requirements), one set of three
process flow chart with details about inspection points specimens for each temperature
and a list of applicable instructions c) Microstructure examination
i) List of personnel in charge of the non-destructive testing
d) Macro examination for grain flow forged products
and their qualification
j) Heat treatment procedures (heating and cooling rate, e) Sulphur print.
holding time) The test samples and the test specimens are to be taken in
k) Alternative procedure to conventional heat treatment, as accordance with NR216 Materials and Welding, Ch 2, Sec 3
controlled cooling from finishing forging temperature. for the type of forging involved.

34 Bureau Veritas January 2017

NR 480, Sec 6


1 Steel castings 1.3 Approval test program

1.3.1 The approval may be requested for the following
1.1 Scope types of steel:
1.1.1 This Section gives the scheme for the approval of the • Carbon steels
manufacturing process of steel castings. • Carbon-manganese steels
• Low-alloy steels
1.2 Specific information to be submitted for • Alloy steels
approval • Stainless steels.
1.2.1 The following specific information and relevant doc- When the approval is applied for one type of steel, two cast-
umentation are to be submitted together with the request for ings, from two different casts, representative of the range of
approval and in addition to general information as detailed castings to be approved are to be tested. When the approval
in Sec 1, [1.3]: is applied for carbon, carbon-manganese, low-alloy and
a) Production method of original steel (steelmaking, vac- alloy steels, it may be reduced to one cast only per each
uum degassing,...) type of steel.
b) Description of casting facilities (Melting furnaces, In general, the following tests are to be performed on each
mould making...) casting (for special grades, case by case approval test pro-
c) Production capacity, dimensions of products and weight gram is to be considered):
range a) Ladle and product chemical analysis. Material for prod-
d) Materials specifications for materials not included in the uct analysis should be taken from the tensile specimen.
Rules or not covered by international standards b) Mechanical tests:
e) Laboratory facilities and equipment for inspection and • Tensile test(s)
testing • Hardness tests
f) Quality control documentation; description including a • Charpy V-notch impact tests at +20°C and 0°C (or
process flow chart with details about inspection points +20°C and relevant temperature for low temperature
and a list of applicable instructions grades as per Rules requirements), one set of three
g) List of personnel in charge of the non-destructive testing specimens for each temperature.
and their qualification c) Microstructure examination.
h) Heat treatment procedures (heating and cooling rate, The test samples and the test specimens are to be taken in
holding time). accordance with NR216 Materials and Welding, Ch 2, Sec 4
for the type of casting involved.

January 2017 Bureau Veritas 35

NR 480, Sec 7


1 Wrought aluminium alloy products 1.3 Documents to be submitted for

changing the approval conditions
1.1 Scope 1.3.1 The manufacturer has to submit to the Society the
documents required in [1.2] together with the request of
1.1.1 This Section gives the scheme for the approval of the changing the approval conditions, in the case of the follow-
manufacturing process of wrought aluminium alloy prod- ing a) through e):
ucts for ships.
a) Change of the manufacturing process (alloy making,
casting, rolling and heat treatment)
1.2 Specific information to be submitted b) Change of the range of approval
c) Change of the chemical composition, added element,
1.2.1 The following information is to be supplied by the
d) Subcontracting the rolling, heat treatment, etc.
a) Type of products (rolled, extruded), grades of aluminium e) Use of semi-finished products manufactured by other
alloy, conditions of supply, range of dimension and aim companies which are not approved.
material properties as follows:
However, where the documents are duplicated by the ones
• Range of chemical composition and aim analyses at the previous approval for the same type of product, part
including maximum impurities content; if the range or all of the documents may be omitted except the approval
of chemical composition depends on thickness and test program.
supply condition, the different ranges are to be spec-
ified, as appropriate
1.4 Approval survey
• Production statistics of the chemical composition
and mechanical properties (ReH , Rm , A%) 1.4.1 The approval tests are to be witnessed by the Sur-
veyor at the manufacturer’s plant and the execution of the
b) For alloys not already covered by international stan- plant inspection in operation may be required by the Sur-
dards including marine applications, the registration sta- veyor during the visit for the approval.
tus for marine use to The Aluminium Association is to If the testing facilities are not available at the works, the
be supplied to the Society for information; In that case tests are to be carried out at recognised laboratories.
the manufacturer is to supply also information about the
design, development and qualification stages of such
1.5 Position of the test samples
alloy (modification of existing alloy, new alloy...)
c) Description of alloy making and semi-finished products 1.5.1 The position of the samples are to be in accordance
making process with NR216 Materials and Welding, Ch 3, Sec 2.

d) Use of semi-finished products manufactured by other

plants or companies 1.6 Test specimens and testing procedure
e) Description of rolling or extruding process 1.6.1 The test specimens and testing procedures are to be,
f) Heat treatment: as a rule, in accordance with NR216 Materials and Weld-
ing, Ch 1, Sec 2.
• Type of furnaces, heat treatment parameters and
The test results are to be in accordance, where applicable,
their relevant records
with the requirements specified for the different alloys in
• Accuracy and calibration of temperature control NR216 Materials and Welding, Ch 3, Sec 2.
g) Information about welding; recommended filler metals, 1.7 Selection of the test product
as welded properties, ...
1.7.1 For each grade of aluminium alloy, condition of sup-
h) Recommendations for working
ply and for each manufacturing process (rolling, extruding
i) Where any part of the manufacturing process is assigned and condition of supply), two test products originating from
to other companies or other manufacturing plants, addi- two different heats and representing the average and the
tional information required by the Society is to be maximum thickness (dimension) to be approved are in gen-
included. eral to be selected for each kind of product.

36 Bureau Veritas January 2017

NR 480, Sec 7

1.8 Extent of the approval tests 1.10 Weldability tests

1.8.1 The extent of the test program is specified in [1.9]; it 1.10.1 General
may be modified on the basis of the preliminary information Weldability tests are required for plates and are to be car-
submitted by the manufacturer. ried out on samples of plate (average and maximum thick-
ness) for alloys newly developed or newly manufactured.
In particular a reduction of the indicated number of heats,
dimensions and grades to be tested may be accepted by the 1.10.2 Preparation and welding of the test assemblies
Society taking into account: One butt weld is to be prepared for each thickness tested.
a) Approval already granted by other Classification Societ- The welding procedure should be as far as possible in
ies and documentation of approval tests performed. accordance with the normal welding practice used at the
yards for the type of aluminium alloy in question.
b) Grades of aluminium alloys to be approved and avail-
The welding parameters including consumables designation
ability of long term statistic results of chemical and
and diameter, heat input, number of passes, etc. are to be
mechanical properties.
When long term statistic results are available for following
1.10.3 Type of tests
alloys, approval tests may be reduced to routine tests as per
NR216 Materials and Welding, Ch 3, Sec 2: The relevant tests required in NR216 Materials and Weld-
• Series 5000 alloys: ing, Ch 5, Sec 4, [6] are to be performed with the following
tests in addition:
5083 - 5086 - 5052 - 5154A - 5454 - 5754 in temper
• Corrosion tests on as welded samples and welded sam-
state 0 - H111 - H112 - H116 - H321 - H32 - H22 - H34
ples artificially aged at 100°C during 7 days: ASTM G66
- H24 - H36 - H26
(ASSET test) and ASTM G67 (NAMLT test)
• Series 6000 alloys: These tests are to be repeated with the surface of the
6005A - 6106 - 6061 - 6082 - 6060 in temper state T4 - samples slightly machined (about 10% of original thick-
T5 - T6. ness material removed)
• Stress corrosion tests in marine atmosphere such as
On the other hand, an increase of the number of heats and bending tests with a yield stress on the tension side up
thicknesses to be tested may be required in the case of to 90% of heat affected zone yield strength performed
newly developed types of aluminium alloys or manufactur- on as welded samples and welded samples artificially
ing processes. aged at 100°C during 7 days
These tests are to be repeated with the surface of the
Where the number of tests differs from those shown in [1.9],
samples slightly machined (about 10% of original thick-
the program is to be confirmed by the Society before the
ness material removed).
tests are carried out.
1.10.4 Other tests
1.9 Tests on base material Additional tests such as fatigue tests may be required in the
case of newly developed type of aluminium alloys outside
1.9.1 The tests to be carried out are indicated in Tab 1. the scope of the NR216 Materials and Welding, or when
deemed necessary by the Society.

Table 1 : Tests on base material

Position of the samples and
Type of test Remarks
direction of the test specimens
For each product, all the relevant tests required in NR216 Materials and Welding, Ch 3, Sec 2 are to be performed in addition to the
following tests:
Chemical composition Product sample Added elements
Residual elements such as hydrogen (H), sodium (Na), tin (Sn),
lead (Pb) and bismuth (Bi)
Tensile test Top and bottom ReH , Rm , A5(%) are to be reported
Bend tests for rolled products Top and bottom 180° bending, mandrel diameter agreed on case by case basis
Macro examination for extruded Cross-section To check coarse grain size (ASTM E 112-88 growth index O)
products and extent of peripheric coarse grain areas (depth is not to
exceed one third of product thickness)
Corrosion tests on base material (1) Each product ASTM G66 (ASSET test) and ASTM G67 (NAMLT test)
Corrosion tests on base material in Each product Artificially aged at 100°C during seven days
artificially aged condition (1) ASTM G66 (ASSET test) and ASTM G67 (NAMLT test)
(1) For series 5000 alloys newly developed or newly manufactured.

January 2017 Bureau Veritas 37

NR 480, Sec 8



1 Explosion bonded aluminium/steel

transition joints 1.4 Approval survey

1.1 Scope 1.4.1 The approval tests are to be witnessed by the Sur-
veyor at the manufacturer’s plant and the execution of the
plant inspection in operation may be required by the Sur-
1.1.1 This Section gives the scheme for the approval of the
veyor during the visit for the approval.
manufacturing process of explosion bonded alumin-
ium/steel transition joints for ships. If the testing facilities are not available at the works, the
tests are to be carried out at recognised laboratories.
1.2 Specific information to be submitted
1.5 Selection of the test product
1.2.1 The following information is to be supplied by the
manufacturer: 1.5.1 For each type of joint to be approved, enough mate-
rial is to be selected from current production to perform the
a) Manufacturer’s specification which is to contain follow-
approval tests.
ing information:

• Aluminium grades and steel grades used for the

1.6 Extent of the approval tests
manufacture of the joints

• Dimensions of the joints and thickness of the various 1.6.1 The extent of the test program is specified in [1.7]; it
layers may be modified on the basis of the preliminary information
submitted by the manufacturer. In particular a reduction of
• Guaranteed mechanical properties of the joints the approval test program may be accepted by the Society
taking into account:
b) Description of the manufacturing process including
inspection points
a) Approval already granted by other Classification Societ-
c) Non destructive tests procedures ies and documentation of approval tests performed
d) Recommendations for fitting, welding, cutting... b) Type of joints to be approved and availability of statistic
results of mechanical properties.
Where any part of the manufacturing process is assigned to
other companies or other manufacturing plants, additional On the other hand, an increase of the number of tests may
information required by the Society is to be included. be required in the case of newly developed type of joints.

1.3 Documents to be submitted for Where the number of tests differs from those shown in [1.7],
changing the approval conditions the program is to be confirmed by the Society before the
tests are carried out.
1.3.1 The manufacturer has to submit to the Society the
documents required in [1.2] together with the request of 1.7 Approval tests
changing the approval conditions, in case of the following:

a) Change of the manufacturing process 1.7.1 The tests to be carried out are indicated in Tab 1.

b) Change of the range of approval (thickness, material

grades...). 1.8 Other tests
However, where the documents are duplicated by the ones
at the previous approval for the same type of product, part 1.8.1 Additional tests such as corrosion tests may be
or all of the documents may be omitted except the approval required in the case of newly developed type of joints, or
test program. when deemed necessary by the Society.

38 Bureau Veritas January 2017

NR 480, Sec 8

Table 1 : Approval tests

Position of the samples and

Type of test Remarks
direction of the test specimens
For each product, all the relevant tests required in NR216 Materials and Welding, Ch 3, Sec 2 are to be performed in addition to the
following tests:
Through thickness tensile test One sample After heating to 320°C during 15 minutes
180° bending, mandrel diameter agreed on a case by case basis
Bend test Two samples
As bonded and after heating to 320°C during 15 minutes
Through thickness tensile tests
To be agreed on a case by case basis
on welded assembly
Axial fatigue tension to
To be agreed on a case by case basis
compression tests

January 2017 Bureau Veritas 39

NR 480, Sec 9



1 Anchor chain cables and accessories d) Description of quality control during production with
inspection points
for ships
e) Procedures or instructions for:
1.1 Scope • Heat treatment and associated control
• Non destructive tests of finished links
1.1.1 This Section gives the scheme for the approval of the
manufacturing process of flash butt-welded or cast anchor • Type, extent and acceptance criteria.
chain cables for ships and associated cast or forged acces- Where any part of the manufacturing process is assigned to
sories (end link, enlarged link, anchor shackle, joining other companies or other manufacturing plants, additional
shackle, Kenter shackle and swivel). information required by the Society is to be included.
The approval scheme for other manufacturing process is
subjected to case by case consideration. 1.2.3 Forged accessories
The following information is to be supplied by the manufac-
1.2 Specific information to be submitted turer:
a) Steel grade specification, size range and drawing of
1.2.1 Flash butt-welded chain cables each type of accessory
The following information is to be supplied by the manufac-
b) Raw materials (ingots, round bars...) suppliers name &
a) Steel grade specification for round bars and name and
c) Description of forging process
address of suppliers
b) Size range to be approved and drawing of common d) Heat treatment furnaces, type, equipment for tempera-
chain link (including stud details for studlink chains) ture monitoring and its calibration

c) Description of the manufacturing process with details e) Description of quality control during production from
about: raw materials to finished products with inspection
• Welding machines
f) Procedures or instructions for:
• Heat treatment furnaces, type, equipment for tem-
perature monitoring and its calibration • Heat treatment and associated control
d) Description of quality control during production from • Non destructive tests of finished products
raw materials to finished products with inspection • Type, extent and acceptance criteria.
Where any part of the manufacturing process is assigned to
e) Procedures or instructions for: other companies or other manufacturing plants, additional
• Heat treatment and associated control information required by the Society is to be included.
• Non destructive tests of weld joint and finished links
1.2.4 Cast accessories
• Type, extent and criteria
The following information is to be supplied by the manufac-
• Non destructive tests of stud weld, as applicable. turer:
Where any part of the manufacturing process is assigned to a) Steel grade specification, size range and drawing of
other companies or other manufacturing plants, additional each accessory
information required by the Society is to be included.
b) Description of steelmaking and casting process
1.2.2 Cast chain cables
c) Heat treatment furnaces, type, equipment for tempera-
The following information is to be supplied by the manufac- ture monitoring and its calibration
d) Description of quality control during production
a) Steel grade specification, size range and drawing of
common chain link e) Procedures or instructions for:

b) Description of steelmaking and casting process • Heat treatment and associated control

c) Heat treatment furnaces, type, equipment for tempera- • Non destructive tests of finished products
ture monitoring and its calibration • Type, extent and criteria.

40 Bureau Veritas January 2017

NR 480, Sec 9

Where any part of the manufacturing process is assigned to Where the number of tests differs from those shown in [1.7],
other companies or other manufacturing plants, additional the program is to be confirmed by the Society before the
information required by the Society is to be included. tests are carried out.

1.3 Documents to be submitted for 1.6.2 Flash butt welded chain cable
changing the approval conditions Each grade and type of chain is to be tested.

1.3.1 The manufacturer has to submit to the Society the Approval for studlink chain cable of any grade may cover
documents required in [1.2] together with the request of approval for studless chain cable of same diameter provided
changing the approval conditions, in case of the following: that the method of manufacture and condition of supply are
a) Change of the manufacturing process
Approval for common links may cover approval for
b) Change of the range of approval (maximum diameter, enlarged link and end link up to tested diameter provided
steel grade...). that the method of manufacture and condition of supply are
However, where the documents are duplicated by the ones similar.
at the previous approval for the same type of product, part
or all of the documents may be omitted except the approval 1.6.3 Cast chain cable
test program. Each grade and type of chain is to be tested.
Approval for studlink chain cable of any grade may cover
1.4 Approval survey approval for studless chain cable of same diameter provided
that the method of manufacture and condition of supply are
1.4.1 The approval tests are to be witnessed by the Sur- similar.
veyor at the manufacturer’s plant and the execution of the
plant inspection in operation may be required by the Sur- Approval for common links may cover approval for
veyor during the visit for the approval. enlarged link and end link up to tested diameter provided
that the method of manufacture and condition of supply are
If the testing facilities are not available at the works, the
tests are to be carried out at recognised laboratories.
1.6.4 Forged or cast accessories
1.5 Selection of the test product Each type of manufacturing process is to tested.
1.5.1 Flash butt welded chain cable For a type of accessory, approval for any grade of steel may
One chain length with suitable number of links for the cover approval for lower strength grades provided that the
approval tests is to be selected as follows: steel type, method of manufacture and condition of supply
are similar.
• Maximum diameter to be approved
Each type of accessory is to be tested. However approval for
• The length is to be heat treated using current production
anchor shackle may cover approval for joining shackle up
equipment and procedures.
to the same diameter provided that the method of manufac-
1.5.2 Cast chain cable ture and condition of supply are the same.
One chain length with suitable number of links for approval
tests is to be selected as follows: 1.7 Approval tests and documentation
• Maximum diameter to be approved
1.7.1 Approval tests for flash butt welded chain
• The length is to be heat treated using current production cables
equipment and procedures.
In addition to test reports, documentation relative to the
1.5.3 Forged or cast accessories manufacturing process parameters of the length tested is to
be supplied and is to include:
Suitable quantity of each type of accessories is to be
selected as follows: • Heating and hot bending of round bars
• Maximum diameter to be approved • Welding parameters
• The items are to be heat treated using current produc- • Stud insertion and all information about stud welding,
tion equipment and procedures. as applicable
• Heat treatment.
1.6 Extent of the approval tests
The tests to be carried out are indicated in Tab 1.
1.6.1 The extent of the test program is specified in [1.7]; it
may be modified on the basis of the preliminary information 1.7.2 Approval tests for cast chain cables
submitted by the manufacturer. In particular a reduction of
the approval test program may be accepted by the Society The tests to be carried out are indicated in Tab 2.
taking into account approval already granted by other Clas-
sification Societies and documentation of approval tests 1.7.3 Approval tests for cast or forged accessories
performed. The tests to be carried out are indicated in Tab 3.

January 2017 Bureau Veritas 41

NR 480, Sec 9

Table 1 : Approval tests for butt welded chain cables

Position of the samples and

Type of test Remarks
direction of the test specimens
All the relevant routine tests required in NR216 Materials and Welding, Ch 4, Sec 1 for chain length (proof test, break tests,...) and for
links (mechanical properties) are to be performed in addition to the following tests:
Chemical analysis From tensile test specimen Complete analysis (C, Mn, Si, S, P, N, Cu, Cr, Ni, Mo,
Al, Ti, Nb, V, Sn, As, Sb...)
Tensile test One specimen clear of the weld
One specimen across the weld
Both taken at 1/3 radius below surface
Impact tests One set from side opposite to the weld At +20°C and 0°C for grade Q1
One set from bent area At +20°C, 0°C and −20°C for grades Q2 and Q3
One set with notch in the weld
One set with notch in HAZ
Bend tests Two links Full link to be tested at bending angle 180° (weld
seam in the middle of bent area)
Alternative cross weld bend tests at 180° on 4t man-
drel may be agreed
Macro examination and Longitudinal section showing the weld Hardness tests from base metal to weld metal for
hardness tests quenched and tempered grades
Micro examination Weld metal Magnification 100 and 500
Heat affected zone
Bent area of common link

Table 2 : Approval tests for cast chain cable

Position of the samples and

Type of test Remarks
direction of the test specimens
All the relevant routine tests required in NR216 Materials and Welding, Ch 4, Sec 1 for chain length (proof test, break tests,...) and for
links (mechanical properties) are to be performed in addition to the following tests:
Chemical analysis From tensile test specimen Complete analysis (C, Mn, Si, S, P, N, Cu, Cr, Ni, Mo,
Al, Ti, Nb, V, Sn, As, Sb...)
Tensile test At 1/3 radius below surface
Impact tests At 1/3 radius below surface At +20°C and 0°C for grade Q1
At +20°C, 0°C and −20°C for grades Q2 and Q3
Macro examination Longitudinal section Hardness tests from base metal to weld metal for
quenched and tempered grades
Micro examination At 1/3 radius below surface Magnification 100 and 500

Table 3 : Approval tests for cast or forged accessories

Position of the samples and

Type of test Remarks
direction of the test specimens
All the relevant routine tests required in NR216 Materials and Welding, Ch 4, Sec 1 for chain length (proof test, break tests,...) and for
links (mechanical properties) are to be performed in addition to the following tests:
Chemical analysis From tensile test specimen Complete analysis (C, Mn, Si, S, P, N, Cu, Cr, Ni, Mo,
Al, Ti, Nb, V, Sn, As, Sb...)
Tensile test At 1/3 radius below surface On each item of the accessory
Impact tests At 1/3 radius below surface On each item of the accessory
At +20°C and 0°C for grade Q1
At +20°C, 0°C and −20°C for grades Q2 and Q3
Macro examination Longitudinal section
Micro examination At 1/3 radius below surface Magnification 100 and 500

42 Bureau Veritas January 2017

NR 480, App 1



a : Length of crack projected on surface normal to 1.3 Standard test specimen

the line of load, in mm
aa : Maximum crack length at brittle crack arrest 1.3.1 Fig 1 shows the shape and size of the standard test
position, in mm
Kca : Brittle crack arrest toughness value, in N/mm3/2. 1.3.2 The thickness and width of the test specimen are to
LP be such that:
: Distance between pins, in mm (see Fig 2)
tS ≤ 100 mm
LR : Length of tab plate, in mm (see Fig 2)
WS = 500 mm
LS : Length of test specimen, in mm (see Fig 2)
tR : Thickness of tab plate, in mm (see Fig 2) If the width of the test specimen cannot be made at
500 mm, it may be taken as 600 mm.
tS : Thickness of test specimen, in mm (see Fig 2)
WR : Width of tab plate, in mm (see Fig 2) Figure 1 : Shape and size of specimen
WS : Width of test specimen, in mm (see Fig 2)
σ : Gross stress in tested part, in N/mm2, equal to: 29 mm

σ = load / WS tS
1 ESSO test method direction

500 mm
1.1 Scope

1.1.1 The ESSO test method is used to estimate the brittle

crack arrest toughness value Kca of rolled steel plates for hull
of thickness 100 mm or less.

1.2 Purpose
29 mm
1.2.1 The purpose of this test is to encourage the perform- 500 mm and above
ance of a standard test for assessment of brittle crack arrest
toughness with temperature gradient and to obtain the cor-
responding brittle crack arrest toughness value Kca. Thicknesses are original thicknesses.

Figure 2 : Conceptual view of test specimen, tab and load jig

Tab plate Specimen

WR WS (tS)




January 2017 Bureau Veritas 43

NR 480, App 1

1.4 Test equipment 1.6.2 Cooling and heating may be implemented from one
side on the side opposite the side on which the thermocou-
1.4.1 The test equipment to be used is to consist of pin load ple is fitted, or from both sides.
type hydraulic test equipment capable of tensile tests.
1.6.3 The temperature gradient is to be controlled in the
1.4.2 The distance between the pins is to be not less than range of 0,25°C/mm to 0,35°C/mm in the range of width
2000 mm. The distance between pins refers to the distance
from 0,3 WS to 0,7 WS at the central part of the test speci-
between the centres of the pin diameters.
1.4.3 Drop weight type or air gun type impact equipment
may be used for the impact energy required for generating 1.6.4 When the specific temperature gradient is reached,
brittle cracks. the temperature is to be maintained for more than 10 min-
utes, after which the specified test load may then be
1.4.4 The wedge is to have an angle greater than the upper applied.
notch of the test specimen, and an opening force is to be
applied on the notch. 1.6.5 After maintaining the test load for at least 30 seconds,
a brittle crack is to be generated by impact. The standard
1.5 Test preparation impact energy is taken as 20 to 60 J per 1 mm plate thick-
ness. If the brittle crack initiation characteristics of the base
1.5.1 The test piece is to be fixed directly to the pin load jig metal are high, and it is difficult to generate a brittle crack,
or by means of weld joint through the tab plate. The overall the impact energy may be increased to the upper limit of
length of the test specimen and tab plate is to be not less 120 J per 1 mm plate thickness.
than 3 WS.
The thickness and width of the tab plate are to be such that: 1.6.6 Loading is stopped when the initiation, propagation,
and arrest of crack have been confirmed. Normal tempera-
0,8 tS ≤ tR ≤ 1,5 tS
ture is restored, and if necessary, the ligament is broken by
WS ≤ WR ≤ 2 WS gas cutting and forcibly the specimen is broken by using the
testing machine. Or, after the ductile crack has been propa-
If the tab plate has a thickness tR smaller than the thickness gated to an adequate length with the testing machine, the
tS of the test specimen, the reflection of stress wave is to be ligament is broken by gas cutting.
on the safer side for the assessment; therefore, considering
the actual circumstances for conducting the test, the lower
1.6.7 After forcing the fracture, photos of the fractured sur-
limit of thickness is taken as 0,8 tS.
face and the propagation route are to be taken, and the
1.5.2 Thermocouples are to be fitted at 50 mm pitch on the crack length is to be measured.
notch extension line of the test specimen.
1.7 Test results
1.5.3 If the brittle crack is estimated to deviate from its pre-
sumed course, thermocouples are to be fitted at two points
separated by 100 mm on the line of load from the notch 1.7.1 The distance from the top of the test specimen includ-
extension line at the centre of width of the test specimen. ing the notch to the maximum length in the plate thickness
direction of the arrested crack tip is to be measured. If the
1.5.4 If dynamic measurements are necessary, strain gauges crack surface deviates from the surface normal to the line of
and crack gauges are to be fitted at specific locations. load of the test specimen, the projected length on the sur-
face normal to the line of load is to be measured. In this
1.5.5 The test specimen is to be fixed to the testing case, if the trace of brittle crack arrest is clearly visible on
machine together with the tab plate after welding and the the fractured surface, the first crack arrest position is taken
pin load jig. as the arrest crack position.

1.5.6 The impact equipment is to be mounted. The con-

1.7.2 From the results of thermocouple measurement, the
struction of the impact equipment is to be such that the
impact energy is correctly transmitted. An appropriate jig is temperature distribution curve is to be plotted, and the
to be arranged to minimize the effect of bending load due arrest crack temperature is to be measured corresponding to
to the impact equipment. the arrest crack length.

1.7.3 The brittle crack arrest toughness value Kca of each

1.6 Test method
test is to be determined using the following formula:
1.6.1 To eliminate the effect of residual stress or correct the
2W πa
angular deformation of tab welding, a preload less than the K ca = σ πa -----------S tan  -----------
test load may be applied before cooling. πa  2W S

44 Bureau Veritas January 2017

NR 480, App 1

1.8 Report • The brittle crack should not have a distinct crack bifur-
cation while it propagates.
1.8.1 The following items are to be reported: If these conditions are not satisfied, the test results are to be
• testing machine specifications; testing machine capac- treated as reference values.
ity, distance LP between pins
1.8.3 From effective test results measured at more than
• load jig dimensions; tab plate thickness tR , tab plate 3 points, the linear approximation equation is to be deter-
width WR , test specimen length including tab plate mined on the Arrhenius plot, and Kca at the desired temper-
(LS + 2 LR) ature is to be calculated. In this case, data should exist on
both sides, that is, the high temperature and low tempera-
• test specimen dimensions; plate thickness tS , test speci-
ture sides around the assessed temperature.
men width WS and length LS
• test conditions; preload stress, test stress, temperature Figure 3 : Necessary conditions
distribution (figure or table) impact energy of arrest crack position

• test results; crack arrest length aa , temperature gradient

at arrest position, brittle crack arrest toughness value Kca
• dynamic measurement results (if measurement is carried 60°
out); crack growth rate, strain change
• test specimen photos; fracture route, fractured surface. 0,7Ws

1.8.2 The following conditions are to be satisfied:

• The brittle crack arrest position is to be in the range of
the hatched part shown in Fig 3.
In this case, if the brittle crack arrest position is more
than 50 mm away from the centre of the test specimen
in the longitudinal direction of the test specimen, the
temperature of the thermocouple at the ± 100 mm posi-
tion is to be within ± 3°C of the thermocouple at the 100 mm 100 mm

January 2017 Bureau Veritas 45

NR 480, App 1

46 Bureau Veritas January 2017

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