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DISPOSAL dɪˈspəʊz(ə)l Available for one to use Raspolaganje
whenever or however one
LEXICON ˈlɛksɪk(ə)n The vocabulary of a person, Rječnik
language, or branch of
DICTIONARY ˈdɪkʃ(ə)n(ə)ri A book or electronic resource Rječnik
that lists the words of a
language) and gives their
meaning, often also providing
information about
pronunciation, origin, and usage.
PUBLISHER ˈpʌblɪʃə A company or person that Izdavač
prepares and issues books,
journals, or music for sale.
TIRE OF tʌɪə Lose interest in; become bored Umoran, zamoran
TO REMIND rɪˈmʌɪnd Cause (someone) to remember Podsjetiti
someone or something.
CONTENT WITH kənˈtɛnt Accept as adequate despite Zadovoljiti
wanting more or better.
DEBUTANT ˈdɛbjuːtɒɒ A man making his first public Osnivač
appearance, especially in sport.
CROWDFUNDING ˈkraʊdfʌndɪŋ The practice of funding a project Skupljanje novca
or venture by raising money
from a large number of people
HACKATHON ˈhakəθɒn An event, lasting several days, Susret programera
in which a large number of
people meet to engage in
collaborative computer
AIRBALL A shot which misses the basket Lopta koja je
and backboard entirely. promašila koš
BREXIT ˈbrɛksɪt The withdrawal of the United brexit
Kingdom from the European
SILVER ˈsɪlvə A precious shiny greyish-white Srebro
metal, the chemical element of
atomic number 47.
ICEBERG ˈʌɪsbəːɡ A large floating mass of ice Ledena santa
detached from a glacier or ice
sheet and carried out to sea.
DEEM Regard or consider in a specified Smatrati
SUFFICIENTLY səˈfɪʃ(ə)ntli To an adequate degree; enough. Dovoljno
WIDESPREAD wʌɪdˈsprɛd Found or distributed over a large Rasprostranjeno
area or number of people.
TO PRINT Produce (books, in large Printati
quantities, by a mechanical
process involving the transfer of
text or designs to paper.
RULE One of a set of explicit or Pravilo
understood regulations or
principles governing conduct or
within a particular area of
GOVERN ˈɡʌv(ə)n Conduct the policy, actions, and Upravljati/ vladati
affairs of (a state, organization,
or people) with authority.
FORMATION fɔːˈmeɪʃ(ə)n The action of forming or process Oblikovanje,
of being formed. formacija
TO DETERMINE dɪˈtəːmɪn Cause (something) to occur in a Odrediti
particular way or to have a
particular nature.
MASTER OF ˈmɑːstə Acquire a thorough knowledge Gospodar
of or facility in.
NEOLOGISM nɪˈɒlədʒɪz(ə)m A newly coined word or Novotvorenica
CRITIC ˈkrɪtɪk A person who expresses an Kritika
unfavourable opinion of
SWAGGER ˈswaɡə A very confident and arrogant or Šepurenje ,
self-important gait or manner. hvalisanje
HINT A slight or indirect indication or Nagovještaj
TRANSCRIBING trɑːnˈskrʌɪb Put (thoughts, speech, or data) Prepisati
into written or printed form.
PROFILING ˈprəʊfʌɪlɪŋ The recording and analysis of a Profiliranje
person's psychological and
behavioural characteristics,
predict their capabilities in a
certain sphere.
MINTER ˈmɪntə A person who mints money.
FRAGRANCE ˈfreɪɡr(ə)ns 1.1 A perfume or aftershave. Parfem
COINAGE ˈkɔɪnɪdʒ 1.1 The action or process of Kovanice
producing coins from metal.
LOVELORN ˈlʌvlɔːn Unhappy because of unrequited Neuzvraćena
love. ljubav

PANDEMONIUM ˌpandɪˈməʊnɪəm Wild and noisy disorder or

confusion; uproar.
UNIVERSE The cosmos svemir
APPROACH Come near or nearer to Prići
(someone or something) in
distance or time.
PETULANT ˈpɛtjʊl(ə)nt (of a person or their manner) Čangrizav
childishly sulky or bad-
SELF- ˌsɛlfprɛzəˈveɪʃ(ə)n The protection of oneself from Samo održivost
PRESERVATION harm or death, especially
regarded as a basic instinct in
human beings and animals.
VALEDICTION ˌvalɪˈdɪkʃ(ə)n The action of saying farewell. Oproštaj
ATONEMENT əˈtəʊnm(ə)nt The action of making amends Okajavanje
for a wrong or injury.
ANTICIPATE anˈtɪsɪpeɪt Regard as probable; expect or Očekivati
INNOVATION ɪnəˈveɪʃ(ə)n A new method, idea, product, Inovacija, nešto
etc. novo
CREDIT ˈkrɛdɪt Public acknowledgement or Zasluga, pohvala
praise, given or received when a
person's responsibility for an
action or idea becomes apparent.
LIMITED ˈlɪmɪtɪd Restricted in size, amount, or Ograničen
extent; few, small, or short.
COMMON ˈkɒmən Occurring, found, or done often; Uobičajeno
METHOD ˈmɛθəd A particular procedure for Metoda
accomplishing or approaching
something,established one
REALISATION riːəlʌɪˈzeɪʃn An act of becoming fully aware Realizacija,
of something as a fact. ostvarenje
DEMOCRATISE Introduce a democratic system Demokratizirati
or democratic principles to.
DETONATOR ˈdɛtəneɪtə A device or small sensitive Daljinski za
charge used to detonate an bombu
HYPERLINK ˈhʌɪpəlɪŋk A link from a hypertext Internet
document to another location, poveznica
activated by clicking on a
highlighted word or image.
ROOT origin of something. Izvor, korijen
REMOVAL rɪˈmuːv(ə)l The action of taking away or Uklanjanje
abolishing something unwanted.
SLEAZE sliːz Immoral, sordid, and corrupt Bljutavost,
behaviour or activities. otrcanost
PEA Pi: A spherical green seed that is Zrno graška,
eaten as a vegetable or as a pulse grašak
when dried.
LIAISE lɪˈeɪz Cooperate on a matter of mutual Posredovati
ENTHUSE ɛnˈθjuːz Express eager enjoyment, Oduševiti
interest, or approval
AGGRESS əˈɡrɛs Attack or behave aggressively Napasti
towards; initiate a conflict with.
LINGUIST A person skilled in foreign Poliglot
TO PROPOSE prəˈpəʊz Put forward (a plan or Predložiti
suggestion) for consideration by
JUXTAPOSITION ˌdʒʌkstəpəˈzɪʃ(ə)n The fact of two things being Nizanje
seen or placed close together
with contrasting effect.
ENTITY ˈɛntɪti A thing with distinct and Entitet, suština
independent existence.
HITCH hɪtʃ Move (something) into a Zapeti, kvačiti
different position with a jerk.
HYPHEN ˈhʌɪf(ə)n The sign -, used to join words to Poveznica
indicate that they have a
combined meaning or that they
are linked in the grammar of a
FIDDLESTICK ˈfɪd(ə)lstɪk Nonsense, A violin bow. Ludost
CLAPTRAP Absurd or nonsensical talk or Apsurdno
BAILOUT ˈbeɪlaʊt An act of giving financial jamčevina
assistance to a failing business
or economy to save it from
SMOOSH Squash, crush, or flatten. Zgnječeno
DAYDREAM ˈdeɪdriːm A series of pleasant thoughts sanjariti
that distract one's attention from
the present.
AWE-INSPIRING ˈɔːɪnspʌɪərɪŋ Arousing awe through being očaravajuće
impressive or formidable.
CONTEXT The circumstances that form the Sadržaj
setting for an event, statement,
or idea, and in terms of which it
can be fully understood.
CRANE A large, tall machine used for Dizalica
moving heavy objects by
suspending them from a
projecting arm or beam.
TRANSPLANT Move or transfer (someone or Presaditi,
something) to another place or premjestiti
FATE The development of events Sudbina
outside a person's control,
regarded as predetermined by a
supernatural power.
ATLAS A book of maps or charts. atlas
ALSATIAN alˈseɪʃ(ə)n British A large dog of a breed Njemački ovčar
typically used as guard dogs or
for police work, german
MENTOR ˈmɛntɔː An experienced and trusted
SVENGALI svɛnˈɡɑːli A person who exercises a
controlling or mesmeric
influence on another, especially
for a sinister purpose.
WELLINGTON ˈwɛlɪŋtən A knee-length waterproof rubber Gumena čizma
or plastic boot.
BOYCOTT Withdraw from commercial or Bojkot
social relations with (a country,
organization, or person) as a
punishment or protest.
GUN A weapon incorporating a metal Pištolj
tube from which bullets, shells,
or other missiles are propelled
by explosive force,
DUNCE dʌns A person who is slow at Budala, glupa
learning; a stupid person. osoba
BIGOT ˈbɪɡət A person who is intolerant Pobornik
towards those holding different
CRETIN A stupid person (used as a Slabouman
general term of abuse)
A person who is physically
deformed and has learning
difficulties because of
congenital thyroid deficiency.
HOOLIGAN A violent young troublemaker, Huligan
typically one of a gang.
MAUDLIN ˈmɔːdlɪn Self-pityingly or tearfully Sentimentalan
CURRANT ˈkʌr(ə)nt A small dried fruit made from a Grožđica
small seedless variety of grape
originally grown in the eastern
Mediterranean region
MAVERICK ˈmav(ə)rɪk An unorthodox or independent- Svojeglav
minded person.
SILHOUETTE ˌsɪlʊˈɛt The dark shape and outline of Silueta, sjena
someone or something visible in
restricted light against a brighter

SYPHILIS A chronic bacterial disease that Sifilis

is contracted chiefly by infection
during sexual intercourse,.
TAWDRY ˈtɔːdri Showy but cheap and of poor Neukusan
DOGGEREL ˈdɒɡ(ə)r(ə)l Comic verse composed in
irregular rhythm.
DOILY A small ornamental mat made of Mali ubrus ,
lace or paper with a lace pattern, podložak
put on a plate under cakes or
other sweet food.
SIDEBURNS ˈsʌɪdbəːn A strip of hair grown by a man Zalisci
down each side of the face in
front of his ears.
SUBTYPE ˈsʌbtʌɪp A secondary or subordinate type. Podvrsta
CLIPPINGS ˈklɪpɪŋ A small piece trimmed from Isječak
ACRONYM ˈakrənɪm An abbreviation formed from Akronim
the initial letters of other words
and pronounced as a word (e.g.
INTIALISM ɪˈnɪʃ(ə)lɪz(ə)m An abbreviation consisting of Akronim
initial letters pronounced
separately (e.g. BBC).
PRAM A four-wheeled carriage for a Dječja kolica
baby, pushed by a person on
BERK bəːk A stupid person.
RIFLE ˈrʌɪf(ə)l A gun, especially one fired from puška
shoulder level, having a long
spirally grooved barrel intended
to make a bullet spin and
thereby have greater accuracy
over a long distance.
CANTER ˈkantə A pace of a horse or other Galop, galopirati
quadruped between a trot and a
gallop, with not less than one
foot on the ground at any time.
WIG A covering for the head made of Perika
real or artificial hair,
LASER A device that generates an Laser
intense beam of coherent
monochromatic light (or other
electromagnetic radiation) by
stimulated emission
EMISSION The production and discharge of Odašiljenje,
something, especially gas or emitiranje
RADIATION reɪdɪˈeɪʃ(ə)n The emission of energy as Radijacija
electromagnetic waves or as
especially high-energy particles
which cause ionization.
TO COMPLAIN Express dissatisfaction or Žaliti se
annoyance about something.
OVERRUN əʊvəˈrʌn Spread over or occupy (a place) Opustošiti
in large numbers.
VORACIOUS vəˈreɪʃəs Wanting or devouring great Proždrljiv
quantities of food.
PROVENANCE ˈprɒv(ə)nəns The place of origin or earliest Porijeklo
known history of something.
HUNK hʌŋk A large piece of something, Velika kriška
especially food, cut or broken
off a larger piece.
CUSHTY ˈkʊʃti Very good or pleasing.
FETISH ˈfɛtɪʃ A form of sexual desire in which Fetiš
gratification is linked to an
abnormal degree to a particular
TATTOO A design made by tattooing. tetovaža
SLOGAN ˈsləʊɡ(ə)n A motto associated with a Slogan
political party or movement or
other group.
TYCOON tʌɪˈkuːn A wealthy, powerful person in Tajkun
business or industry.
HORDE hɔːd A large group of people. horda
TABOO təˈbuː A social or religious custom tabu
prohibiting or restricting a
particular practice or forbidding
association with a particular
person, place, or thing.
BRAINWASHING ˈbreɪnwɒʃɪŋ The process of pressurizing Pranje mozga
someone into adopting radically
different beliefs by using
systematic and often forcible
IMITATION The action of using someone or Imitacija
something as a model.
REPETITION rɛpɪˈtɪʃ(ə)n The action of repeating Ponavljanje
something that has already been
said or written.

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