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Modeling and Optimization of Injection Molding Process

Parameters for Thin-Shell Plastic Parts
a a a
Ming-Tsan Chuang , Yung-Kuang Yang & Yun-Hsiang Hsiao
Department of Mechanical Engineering , Minghsin University of Science and Technology ,
Hsinchu, Taiwan
Published online: 04 Jun 2009.

To cite this article: Ming-Tsan Chuang , Yung-Kuang Yang & Yun-Hsiang Hsiao (2009) Modeling and Optimization of Injection
Molding Process Parameters for Thin-Shell Plastic Parts, Polymer-Plastics Technology and Engineering, 48:7, 745-753, DOI:

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Polymer-Plastics Technology and Engineering, 48: 745–753, 2009
Copyright # Taylor & Francis Group, LLC
ISSN: 0360-2559 print=1525-6111 online
DOI: 10.1080/03602550902824630

Modeling and Optimization of Injection Molding Process

Parameters for Thin-Shell Plastic Parts
Ming-Tsan Chuang, Yung-Kuang Yang, and Yun-Hsiang Hsiao
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Minghsin University of Science and Technology,
Hsinchu, Taiwan

components. RSM is a collection of statistical and mathe-

This paper deals with the application response surface methodol- matical methods that are useful for modeling and analyzing
ogy (RSM) integrating with statistical technique to discuss variation engineering problems. In this technique, the main objective
Downloaded by [University of Birmingham] at 18:17 11 January 2015

of warpage and tensile stress properties depended on injection mold- is to optimize the response surface that is influenced by var-
ing parameters during production of thin-shell plastic components. ious process parameters. RSM also quantifies the relation-
By applying RSM analysis, a mathematical predictive model of
the warpage and tensile stress properties was developed in terms ship between the controllable input parameters and the
of the injection molding parameters. The trim operation has been obtained response surfaces[7].
optimized for a given injection molding condition by desirability Onwubolu and Kumar[8] applied RSM to present a
function approach and the response surface contours were con- mathematical model for correlating the interactions on
structed for determining the optimum conditions. Additionally, the drilling control parameters of speed, feed rate and drill dia-
analysis of variance is also applied to identify the most significant
factor. meter, and their effects for axial force and torque acting on
the cutting tool during CNC drilling operations. Sarma
Keywords Injection molding; Optimization; RSM; Tensile stress;
et al.[9] applied RSM to investigate the effect of cutting
Warpage force in the turning of glass fiber reinforced ploymer pipes
using CBN tools. A mathematical model had developed to
INTRODUCTION correlate the cutting parameters with cutting force. Sarkar
The injection molding is an important manufacturing et al.[10] performed the RSM to determine optimal settings
process to polymers; it provides products with high dimen- of wire electrical discharge machining parameters for
sional steadiness, low manufacture cycles and low costs. surface roughness, dimensional shift and cutting speed.
Therefore, injection molding is a widely used process for Gaitonde et al.[11] had used the RSM to predict and
polymeric materials[1]. Many studies[2–6] all found that minimize the delamination in drilling of medium density
injection molding processing parameters have crucial effects fiberboard, and so on.
on the quality of products. Recently, design of experiment In this study, a Taguchi’s L18 (21  34) orthogonal table
(DOE) has been a very useful tool to design and analyze was applied to plan the experiments. Four controlling fac-
complicated industrial design problems. It can be to under- tors of melt temperature, mold temperature, injection
stand process characteristics and to investigate how inputs speed, and packing pressure with three levels for each fac-
affect responses based on statistical backgrounds. In addi- tor were selected. The dimensions of warpage deformation
tion, it has been used to systematically determine the of the both the x-direction and the y-direction, and tensile
optimal process parameters with fewer testing trials. stress are selected quality objective.
Actually, the Taguchi approach is a DOE method that By implementing the RSM analysis is utilized to obtain
has been widely used in industrial robust design procedures. an optimal parameter setting from a mathematical predic-
It is a powerful and effective method to solve challenging tive model (i.e., regression model) that relates the desire
quality problems. Furthermore, the response surface outputs with the significant factors identified by the analy-
methodology (RSM) also has been used quite successfully sis of variance (ANOVA). The mathematical predictive
in several industrial applications like in optimizing manu- value and the confirmation experimental value were com-
facturing processes or designing electrical=mechanical pared and the percentage error was calculated. The error
percentage is within permissible limits. In this study, the
Address correspondence to Yung-Kuang Yang, Department
melt temperature and the packing pressure was found to
of Mechanical Engineering, Minghsin University of Science and be the most significant factors in injection molding process
Technology, 1, Hsin Hsing Road, Hsin Feng, 304 Hsinchu, for thin-shell plastic parts based on polyamide PA9 T.
Taiwan. E-mail:


RESPONSE SURFACE METHODOLOGY (RSM) In this study, the following steps are the processes for
RSM is a statistical technique for determining and the parameter optimization by the RSM analysis:
representing the cause and effect relationship between true
Step 1. Use an orthogonal array table of Taguchi method
mean responses and input control variables influencing the
to design and conduct the experiments.
responses as a two or three-dimensional hyper surface[7].
Step 2. ANOVA was applied to identify the most signifi-
The objective of this study is to identify an optimal cant factor.
setting that minimizes the measured warpage dx and dy, Step 3. Use RSM analysis to model the relationship between
and maximizes the tensile strength for the polyamide
the controlled parameters and targeted outputs via regression
PA9 T produced components. To resolve this type of
models. An optimal setting is then identified by maximizing a
multi-output parameter design problems, an objective
combined desirability function, DF.
function, F(x), is defined as follows,
Step 4. Represent the direct and interactive effects of pro-
cess variables on the best parameters through two dimen-
n wi
sional and three dimensional graphs.
DF ¼ diwi j¼1
ð1Þ Step 5. Verify the optimal solutions by additional
F ðxÞ ¼ DF
Downloaded by [University of Birmingham] at 18:17 11 January 2015

where the di is the desirability defined for the ith targeted EXPERIMENTAL SETUPS
output and the wi is the weighting of the di. For various Material
goals of each targeted output, the desirability, di, is defined A new heat-resistant polyamide, ‘‘PA9 T’’ is a
in different forms. If a goal is to reach a specific value of Ti, heat-resistant polyamide derived from terephthalic acid
the desirability di is: and nonanediamine[12]. ‘‘PA9 T’’ has a superior balance of
di ¼ 0 if Yi  Lowi properties, including low water absorption, high chemical
  resistance, and excellent resistance to abrasion, in addition
Yi  Lowi to heat-resistance, and is praised as ‘‘a new material with
di ¼ if Lowi < Yi < Ti
Ti  Lowi high functions,’’ compared with other existing high-
Yi  Highi temperature engineering plastics like heat-resistant polya-
di ¼ if Ti < Yi < Highi
Ti  Highi mide (PA6 T), polyphenylene sulfide (PPS), and liquid
di ¼ 0 if Yi  Highi crystal polyesters (LCP). Therefore, adaptive applied to
the electronic parts which require heat-resistance and
For a goal is to find a maximum, the desirability is shown dimensional stability, such as connectors, switches, relays,
as follows: parts for three-dimensional circuits, bobbins, etc., for perso-
nal computers and portable communication devices. Table 1
di ¼ 0 if Yi  Lowi lists the basic physical properties of the polyamide PA9 T.
Yi  Lowi
di ¼ if Lowi < Yi < Highi ð3Þ
Highi  Lowi Schematic of a Specimen
di ¼ 1 if Yi  Highi Figure 1 shows the dimensions of a desired final pro-
duct. It is one of cover components used in the electron
For a goal to search for a minimum, the desirability can be power supply. Figure 1 also shows the specimen for a
defined by the following formulas:
di ¼ 1 if Yi  Lowi
  Basic physical property of plastic composites PA9 T
Highi  Yi
di ¼ if Lowi < Yi < Highi ð4Þ Properties Parameter
Highi  Lowi
di ¼ 0 if Yi  Highi Density, g=cm3 1.62
Glass fiber, % 33
where the Yi is the found value of the ith output during
Tensile strength 190
optimization processes; the Lowi and the Highi are the
(Room temperature), MPa
minimum and the maximum values of the experimental
Tensile flexural strength 225
data for the ith output. In the Eq. (1), the wi is set to one
(Room temperature), MPa
since the di is equally important in this study. The DF is
Elongation, % 3.2
a combined desirability function[7], and the objective is to
Heat distortion temperature,  C 285
choose an optimal setting that maximizes a combined
Mold shrinkage, % 0.1
desirability function DF, i.e., minimizes F(x).

Results of experimental runs
Run no. A B C D dx (mm) dy (mm) r (MPa)
1 1 1 1 1 0.2155 0.2604 48.89
2 1 2 2 2 0.2105 0.2524 45.25
3 1 3 3 3 0.1862 0.2012 40.20
4 2 1 1 2 0.1798 0.2189 41.47
5 2 2 2 3 0.1728 0.1864 40.82
6 2 3 3 1 0.1918 0.2389 46.44
7 3 1 2 1 0.1745 0.2081 45.45
8 3 2 3 2 0.1715 0.1999 42.54
9 3 3 1 3 0.1595 0.1856 36.89
10 1 1 3 3 0.1848 0.2032 38.32
11 1 2 1 1 0.2158 0.2674 48.95
12 1 3 2 2 0.1932 0.2414 42.68
Downloaded by [University of Birmingham] at 18:17 11 January 2015

FIG. 1. The configurations of the specimens. 13 2 1 2 3 0.1732 0.1892 38.73

14 2 2 3 1 0.1875 0.2252 48.85
critical quality targets including the warpage at the middle 15 2 3 1 2 0.1835 0.2154 39.17
locations of the edge of both the x-direction and the 16 3 1 3 2 0.1612 0.1974 40.90
y-direction, and tensile specimen are included in this study. 17 3 2 1 3 0.1545 0.1804 37.42
The experiments were carried out on a computerized 18 3 3 2 1 0.1778 0.2134 45.68
reciprocating screw injection-molding machine, model no.
OS-50CH, manufacturing by Outstanding Machinery
MFG., Co., Ltd. Taipei Hsien, Taiwan, with capability of the Moldflow1 simulation. The melting temperature
of a maximum injection pressure of 240 MPa, an injection (i.e., factor A( C)), the mold temperature (i.e., factor
rate of 70 cm3=sec, and a maximum clamp force of 500 kN. B( C)), the injection speed (i.e., factor C(%)), and the pack-
Experimental Parameters and Design ing pressure (i.e., factor D(MPa)) are the factors for the
The product quality produced by the injection molding is injection molding process, respectively.
always affected by the process parameters like the cooling Table 3 lists eighteen runs based on an orthogonal array
time, injection pressure, injection speed, filling time, melting L18 (21  34), consisting of 4 experimental factors with three
temperature, ejecting pressure, molding temperature, and levels for each factor.
packing pressure, etc. The effects of the molding variables
on the physical and mechanical properties of thermoplastics TESTING APPARATUS
have been studied by researchers[2–6]. For a preliminary Warpage Measurement
study, Moldflow1 software is utilized to identify some The amounts of warpage at the middle locations of the
crucial settings for the injection molding process. edge of both the x-direction and the y-direction specified
Table 2 lists the process factors and factor levels of by the customers are measured. A 3D-CNC CMM (series
the injection molding conditions based on first result 500, Mitutoyo Co., Japan) with 0.1 mm resolution is
utilized. Figure 1 shows the dimensions of a specimen
and the middle locations of the edge of both the x-direction
TABLE 2 and the y-direction specified that have been selected to
Experimental factors and factor levels measure the amounts of warpage. The warpage distortion
Experimental measurement of d at the x-direction (i.e., dx.) and the
control factors y-direction (i.e., dy.) are given in Table 3.

Levels of Melt Mold Injection Packing Tensile Stress Tests

simulation temperature temperature speed pressure Figure 1 shows the configuration of the tensile test speci-
factors A ( C) B ( C) C (%) D (MPa) men. The ASTM D638-91 specification is followed for ten-
sile tests by using a 25 kN computerized MTS model 810
1 310 115 65 40
closed-loop servo-hydraulic system (manufactured by
2 320 125 75 45
MTS Systems Co.; MN, USA) at a speed of 1 mm=min
3 330 135 85 50
under the room temperature. The specimens were


Definition of an Objective Function
The objective of this study is to identify an optimal
setting maximizing tensile stresses as well as minimizing
warpage. Hence, the Eq. (3) will be selected as a desirability
function form for maximizing the tensile stress. On the
other hand, the Eq. (4) is suitable for minimizing the
warpage. A combined desirability function can be calcu-
lated from the Eq. (1)[7].

ANOVA Results
FIG. 2. A typical plot of stress-strain curve under the conditions In order to analyze the results of the experimental
A3B3C1D3 (Run no. 9 of Table 3) and A1B2C1D1 (Run no. 11 of Table 3).
designs, analysis of variance (ANOVA) is utilized. The
ANOVA is used to investigate the relationship between a
monotonically loaded in tension until fracture. The load response variable and one or more independent variables.
Downloaded by [University of Birmingham] at 18:17 11 January 2015

and the displacement are continuously recorded by soft- It can be determined if the difference between the average
ware. The calculated stress was listed in Table 3. of the levels is greater than what could reasonably be
Figure 2 shows a typical the stress-strain curve for the expected from the variation that occurs within the level.
tensile test specimens under the conditions A3B3C1D3 The ANOVA is conducted and the results are shown in
(Run no. 9 of Table 3) and A1B2C1D1 (Run no. 11 of Tables 4(a–c). A ‘‘Model F Value’’ is calculated from a
Table 3) of the injection-molding process. Figure 2 clear model mean square divided by a residual mean square.
indicates that the tensile stress values difference when It is a test of comparing a model variance with a residual
varying the injection molding parameters. variance. If the variances are closed to the same, the ratio

(a) ANOVA results of (a) dx, (b) dy, and (c) r
Excepted sum
Source Sum of squares Degree of freedom Mean square F value P value of square Contribution %
Model 5.02E-03 2 2.51E-03 103.21 <0.0001 4.97E-03 92.32
A. 3.57E-03 1 3.57E-03 146.81 <0.0001 3.55E-03 65.85
D 1.45E-03 1 1.45E-03 59.61 <0.0001 1.43E-03 26.47
Residual 3.65E-04 15 2.43E-05 4.13E-04 7.68
Total 5.39E-03 17 5.39E-03 100.00
Model 1.11E-02 3 3.71E-03 56.85 <0.0001 1.09E-02 90.79
A 4.85E-03 1 4.85E-03 74.29 <0.0001 4.78E-03 39.71
C 3.23E-04 1 3.23E-04 4.96 0.0429 2.58E-04 2.14
D 5.96E-03 1 5.96E-03 91.30 <0.0001 5.89E-03 48.93
Residual 9.14E-04 14 6.53E-05 1.11E-03 9.21
Total 1.20E-02 17 1.20E-02 100.00
Model 2.59Eþ02 3 8.62Eþ01 70.39 <0.0001 2.55Eþ02 92.45
A 1.98Eþ01 1 1.98Eþ01 16.16 0.0013 1.86Eþ01 6.73
D 2.24Eþ02 1 2.24Eþ02 183.19 <0.0001 2.23Eþ02 80.92
B2 1.45Eþ01 1 1.45Eþ01 11.81 0.0040 1.32Eþ01 4.80
Residual 17.14 14 1.22Eþ00 2.08Eþ01 7.55
Total 2.76Eþ02 17 2.76Eþ02 100.00

will be closed to one and it is less likely that any of the Simultaneously, based on the ANOVA results, it also
factors have a significant effect on the response. As for a clearly shows that the contribution percentage for the fac-
‘‘Model P Value,’’ if the ‘‘Model P Value’’ is very small tors effect on the response.
(less than 0.05) then the terms in the model have a signifi- Table 4(a) lists the ANOVA result of the dx. A ‘‘Model
cant effect on the response[7]. Similarly, an ‘‘F Value’’ on F value’’ of 103.21 with a ‘‘Model P value’’ of less than
any individual factor terms is calculated from a term mean 0.0001 suggested that the select model is significant. A ‘‘P
square divided by a residual mean square. It is a test that value’’ for the model term ‘‘A’’ (the melting temperature)
compares a term variance with a residual variance. If the also is less than 0.0001, indicating that the model term
variances are close to the same, the ratio will be close to ‘‘A’’ is significant. Similarly, the model terms ‘‘D’’ (the
one and it is less likely that the term has a significant effect packing pressure) is also significant. In summary, the terms
on the response. Furthermore, if a ‘‘P Value’’ of any model ‘‘A’’, and ‘‘D’’ are significant terms for the dx. At the same
terms is very small (less than 0.05), the individual terms time, the contribution percentage for the dx is 65.85%,
in the model have a significant effect on the response. 26.47% on the terms ‘‘A’’ and ‘‘D’’, respectively.
Downloaded by [University of Birmingham] at 18:17 11 January 2015

FIG. 3. (a) Response surface plots for the dx. (b) Response surface plots for the dy. (c). Response surface plots for the r.

Table 4(b) lists the ANOVA result of the dy. A ‘‘Model F dy ¼ 1:09851  2:01  103  A  5:19167  104
value’’ of 56.85 with a ‘‘Model P value’’ of less than 0.0001
implied that the selected model is significant. A ‘‘P value’’  C  4:45667  103  D ð6Þ
for the model term ‘‘A’’ also is less than 0.0001, which is
indicating that the model term ‘‘A’’ is significant, similarly, r ¼ 170:33431  0:12840  A þ 4:73128  B  0:86465
the model terms ‘‘C’’ (the injection speed) and model terms  D  0:019015  B2 ð7Þ
‘‘D’’ are also significant impact to the dy. Furthermore, the
contribution percentage for the dy are 39.71%, 2.14%, Furthermore, by investigating the correlation coeffi-
48.93% on the terms ‘‘A’’, ‘‘C’’, ‘‘D’’, respectively. cients, R2, which measures the strength of a linear relation-
Table 4(c) lists the ANOVA result of the r. A ‘‘Model F ship between the experimental data and the predicted
value’’ of 70.39 with a ‘‘Model P value’’ of 0.0001 implied values from the regression equations, the proportion of
that the selected model is significant. A ‘‘P value’’ for the total variability in the dx deviation that can be explained
model term ‘‘A’’ is 0.0013, which is less than 0.05, indicat- by Eq. (8) is
ing that the model term ‘‘A’’ is significant, similarly, the
model terms ‘‘D’’ is also significant. Additionally, there is SSModel 5:02  102
R2 ¼ ¼ ¼ 93:31ð%Þ ð8Þ
a second-order terms of factor, ‘‘B2’’, which have impacts SSTotal 5:39  102
Downloaded by [University of Birmingham] at 18:17 11 January 2015

on the r. In summary, the terms ‘‘A’’, ‘‘D’’, and ‘‘B2’’are where SS is the abbreviation of ‘‘Sum of Squares.’’
significant terms for the r. Furthermore, the contribution Similarly, the proportion of total variability in the dy
percentage for the r are 6.73%, 80.92%, 4.80% on the deviation that can be explained by Eq. (9) is
terms ‘‘A’’, ‘‘D’’, ‘‘B2’’, respectively.
SSModel 1:11  102
Regression Models and Response Surface Graphs R2 ¼ ¼ ¼ 92:41ð%Þ ð9Þ
SSTotal 1:20  102
Considering the most significant terms from Tables 4(a),
4(b) and 4(c), regression models can be developed. Mathe- and the proportion of total variability in the r deviation
matical predictive models for the warpage dx, warpage dy, that can be explained by Eq. (10) is
and tensile stress r are shown as follows:
SSModel 2:59  102
3 3 R2 ¼ ¼ ¼ 93:84ð%Þ ð10Þ
dx ¼ 0:83390  1:725  10  A  2:19833  10 D ð5Þ SSTotal 2:76  102

Residual results of experiment and prediction
dx (mm) dy (mm) r (MPa)
Run no. Actual Pred. Residual Actual Pred. Residual Actual Pred. Residual
1 0.2155 0.2112 0.0043 0.2604 0.2634 0.0030 48.89 47.68 1.21
2 0.2105 0.2002 0.0103 0.2524 0.2359 0.0165 45.25 45.25 0.00
3 0.1862 0.1892 0.0030 0.2012 0.2084 0.0072 40.20 39.03 1.17
4 0.1798 0.1830 0.0032 0.2189 0.2210 0.0021 41.47 42.07 0.60
5 0.1728 0.1720 0.0008 0.1864 0.1935 0.0071 40.82 39.65 1.17
6 0.1918 0.1940 0.0022 0.2389 0.2329 0.0060 46.44 46.39 0.05
7 0.1745 0.1767 0.0022 0.2081 0.2180 0.0099 45.45 45.11 0.34
8 0.1715 0.1657 0.0058 0.1999 0.1905 0.0094 42.54 42.69 0.14
9 0.1595 0.1547 0.0048 0.1856 0.1786 0.0070 36.89 36.46 0.43
10 0.1848 0.1892 0.0044 0.2032 0.2084 0.0052 38.32 39.03 0.71
11 0.2158 0.2112 0.0046 0.2674 0.2634 0.0040 48.95 49.58 0.63
12 0.1932 0.2002 0.0070 0.2414 0.2359 0.0055 42.68 43.35 0.67
13 0.1732 0.1720 0.0012 0.1892 0.1935 0.0043 38.73 37.75 0.98
14 0.1875 0.1940 0.0065 0.2252 0.2329 0.0077 48.85 48.29 0.56
15 0.1835 0.1830 0.0005 0.2154 0.2210 0.0056 39.17 42.07 2.90
16 0.1612 0.1657 0.0045 0.1974 0.1905 0.0069 40.90 40.79 0.11
17 0.1545 0.1547 0.0002 0.1804 0.1786 0.0018 37.42 38.36 0.94
18 0.1778 0.1767 0.0011 0.2134 0.2180 0.0046 45.68 45.11 0.57

Figures 3(a)–3(c) are shown the estimated response decreasing the packing pressure, the amount of r is maxi-
surface (i.e., 3D surface graphs) for the warpage dx, the mized. Moreover, in the higher values of melting tempera-
warpage dy, and the tensile stress r, according to the design ture by decreasing the packing pressure, r increases.
parameters of melting temperature and packing pressure,
while the mold temperature and injection speed remain Regression Models Adequacy Check
constant that are no significant factors via ANOVA results. The adequacy of the regression models shall be inspected
Figure 3(a) clearly indicates that by increasing the melting to confirm that the mathematical predictive models have
temperature and packing pressure values, under the factors extracted all relevant information from the experimental
of mold temperature is 124.4 C and injection speed is 85%, data. The primary diagnostic tool is residual analysis[13].
the amount of dx is minimized. Furthermore, in the higher The residuals are defined as the differences between the
values of packing pressure by increasing the melting actual and predictive values for each point in the design.
temperature values, dx decreases. The residual results for the dx, dy, and r are shown in
Figure 3(b) shows the estimate response surface for the Table 5. If a mathematical predictive model is adequate,
dy correlation the factors of melting temperature and pack- the distribution of residuals should be normally distributed.
ing pressure. It indicated that appearance is similar to Minitab1[14] program is used to perform a normality test.
Figure 3(a). For the normality test, the hypotheses are listed as follows,
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Figure 3(c) is also shown the estimate response surface

for the r correlation the factors of melting temperature 1. Null hypothesis: the residual data follows a normal
and packing pressure, under the factors of mold tempera- distribution.
ture is 124.4 C and injection speed is 85%. Figure 3(c) indi- 2. Alternative hypothesis: the residual data does not follow
cates that by increasing the melting temperature values and a normal distribution.

FIG. 4. (a) Normal probability plot for the residual of dx. (b) Normal probility plot for the residual of dy. (c). Normal probability plot for the residual of r.
Downloaded by [University of Birmingham] at 18:17 11 January 2015

FIG. 5. (a) Studentized residual plot for the predicted of dx. (b) Studentized residual plot for the predicted of dy. (c)Studentized residual plot for the
predicted of r.

The vertical axis of Figures 4(a)–4(c) has a probability Optimal Setting and Confirmation Tests
scale and the horizontal axis with a data scale. A least- An optimal setting can be obtained by choosing appro-
square line is then fitted to the plotted points. The line priate combinations of factors that maximize the desirabil-
forms an estimate of the cumulative distribution function ity function in Eq. (1) from random starting points. An
for the population from which data are drawn. optimal setting since it gives a maximized value of desir-
As a ‘‘P-Value’’ that is smaller than 0.05, it will be ability conducted with melting temperature settings of
classified as ‘‘significant’’, and the null hypothesis has to 330.0 C, mold temperature of 124.4 C, injection speed of
be rejected. All of the ‘‘P-values’’ shown on the lower 85%, and packing pressure of 42.94 MPa. The predicted
right-hand side of Figures 4(a)–4(c) are larger than 0.05; values of regression models for the dx, the dy, and the r
thus, the residuals for the dx, the dy and the r follow a nor- are 0.1703 mm, 0.1997 mm and 44.48 MPa, respectively.
mal distribution and the predictive regression models have In order to verify the accuracy of the regression models
extracted all available information from the experimental developed, confirmation experiment was performed. The
data. The rest of the information defined as residuals can confirmation run is conducted with an appropriate combi-
be considered as errors from performing the experiments. nation optimal setting; namely, a melting temperature of
Additionally, Figures 5(a)–5(c) also revealed that they have 330.0 C, a mold temperature of 124.4 C, an injection speed
no obvious pattern and unusual structure[7]. This implies of 85%, and a packing pressure of 42.94 MPa by operated.
that the regression models proposed are adequate and there The experimental values of confirmation run for the dx, dy,
is no reason to suspect any violation of the independence or and r are 0.1675 mm, 0.1960 mm and 45.52 MPa, respec-
constant variance assumptions. tively. The confirmation experiment carried out to check

the validity of the developed regression models predicted Ming Hsin University of Science and Technology (Contract
within 3% error. Therefore, the regression models for the No. MUST-97-ME-009).
dx, dy, and r evolved through RSM can be used to success-
fully predict the values for any combination of the melting REFERENCES
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The authors would like to thank the National Science ment, 6th Ed., John Wiley and Sons Inc.: New York, 2004.
Council of the Republic of China, for financially supporting 14. Minitab Inc., Quality Plaza, 1829 Pine Hall Road, State College,
this research (Contract No. NSC97-2221-E-159-006) and Pennsylvania 16801-3008, USA.

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