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STATEMENTS clothing line.

“It’s the art that speaks for yourself”.

G/F, Corte da las Palmas, Alabang, Muntinlupa

Contact Numbers:
Aila Arielle S. Tolosa – 09166823403
Klarence Mae S. Tolosa-09152310669
- 489-4125

Date Prepared: February 24, 2010

Statement of Confidentiality:
Information, data and photos embodied in this business plan are strictly
confidential and are supplied on the understanding that they will be held
confidentially and not disclosed to third parties without the prior written
consent of Aila Arielle & Klarence Mae Tolosa.
II. Executive Summary

• STATEMENTS design clothing line is not just a shirt/clothe, it has features that will
attract the consumers by simply buying the product. Its design is unique and it's base on the
persons mood and sense of fashion. We come up with this design so that consumers will have a
variety of styles and will also have freedom of choice by picking a STATEMENTS shirt design
that fits their mood perfectly. This shirt will impose more on the youths because they easily
attract more to this kind of product and because majority of them are more on the fashion side.

Our company aims on selling more product in the market and gaining more profit since
clothes is more of necessity; easy and comfortable to wear nowadays.

Our company will produce the best designs in the market so that consumers will easily
notice the product that were selling and so that they can branch it out to others e.g. relatives,
friends, co-workers through the use of communication.

Consumers will be able to afford our product on the lowest price that we can offer and we
guarantee that our product will be comfortable to wear and has more fashionable designs that
they can get. If there's a problem report by one of our customers with our product we would
gladly try our best to change whatever has to change with it. The customer can also change the
item that she/he did not like with the same price that he/she bought on our store.


In Scope:

The project covers the continuous creation of design that will be created by Do It
Yourself design Inc. and will produce the best quality in clothing line.This project also covers 15
branches in the different malls in Metro Manila, within the period of 5 years.

Out Scope:

The project will not cover activities irrelevant to Statements clothing line interest. This
includes selling perfumes, cosmetics and foot wears.
III. Product

STATEMENTS design clothing line is not just a shirt/clothe it has features that will attract the
consumers by simply buying the product.This shirt will impose more on the youths because they
easily attract more to this kind of product and because majority of them are more on the fashion
side. Your T-Shirt! will offer customers a variety of options for picking what shirt fit
their mood best. The majority of orders will be for t-shirts, however other style shirts
will be available. Its photo-like quality, due to significantly higher printer resolution
than anything on the market, will show off any image. The technology is cost
effective enough to offer customers the ability to order just one unit. Most other
competitors' costs prohibit printing custom shirts in one-off production runs. Finally,
the customer may choose from an extensive library of existing images, supply their
own image, or have an artist create an image for them.

IV. Marketing Plan

The Consumer’s will be from age bracket 13 and above because they are more on the art
side, cool side and they are attracted to art shirts etc.

Our product is based from the latest trend of fashion and we are 85% confident that we
will be able to meet our goals after a month of establishment. We are assuming that the
costumers would prefer customized and/or personalized shirts than mass-produced ones.
Through our company, economic stability can be promoted in the Philippines because we would
definitely need some employees, giving more jobs to our fellow Filipinos would ensure stability
on our country

V. Organizational Plan
• To establish a Statements clothing line branch in every mall in the Metro Manila, in a
span of 5 years.
• To produce at least 150 designed shirts every month
• To have two branch earning 2 million for the first two consecutive years


Duties, Works and

Position Responsibilities Type of Worker

President/Project Director • Governing the organization Full Time

by establishing broad policies
and objectives;

• • Selecting, appointing,
supporting and reviewing the
performance of the chief;

• •Ensuring the availability of

adequate financial resources;

• • Approving annual budgets;

• • Accounting to the
stakeholders for the
organization's performance.

Project Coordinator/Creative Manager • Support Sales Representatives Full Time

in all sales and recruitment
activities, network
organization and expansion

• Monitor and ensure Sales

Representative’s sales target

• Recommend special training

modules for all levels of Sales

For the specific project


• Conduct weekly sales


• Recommend marketing
collaterals needed

• Prepare monthly project

status report

• Responsible in budget
planning and allocation based
on schedule of sales and
recruitment activities

• Exhibit sourcing and set-up


VI.Operating Plan

Work Strands & Priorities:

• Portfolio- led by the president of the Statements clothing line company; to

secure and handling marketing issues, admissions and recruitment of new employees.

• Finance-led by the Accounting Staff; to budgets, report, plan and audit

financial needs for manufacturing.

• Research and Enterprise- led by Product Coordinator; researching, planning

and enterprising for future service in marketing world for appliances needed by

• Technology- Machine Operator/Technicians; handling computer issues and

any other advancement of new technologies that'll help in producing more clothing
designs that will improve the quality of the product.

Ownerships and any other issues must at least be cleared especially when drastic disasters
might make the fall of our business. Our business relationships in this industry will make or
break our enterprise on a long-term basis. We must have the ability to work, with integrity, in a
coordinated manner with business partners that will touch all aspects of our enterprise.

Our clients demands the best and we provide it. We must have the ability to operate at
many levels. To this end we participate in industry standard setting organization certification,
industry action groups, and consumer advocate organizations to ensure adherence to industry
standards and to exceed client expectations. Many clothing line agencies have preferred service
providers' programs that we currently participate in and intend to participate in for the
foreseeable duration of our business operations. The quality of our products will be strictly
checked and maintained. the quality checking will include raw materials, output/final product
and the machines that will be used to create our products. Though we understand that our current
situation requires low priced products, we believe that quality is still a good investment that
every consumer should look into.


Product Commercial Creativity 25%
Appeal 15%
Concept 25%
Quality 15%
Informative 20%
Project Marketing Kit Creativity 25%
Appeal 15%
Concept 25%
Quality 15%
Informative 20%

Audio Visual Presentation (AVP) Creativity 25%

Appeal 15%
Structure 25%
Quality 15%
Informative 20%

Current Status of Project and Plans:

We've been doing and creating different Project arrangements and product plans for more
than a month since we produce Statements clothing line. We frequently research and plan as
much as possible to seek new design, new production and new supplies to improve or make
specific things attracting consumers. Working and experimenting on new products is now
underway. The talks, demonstrations and showing of presentations are being done every

VII. Financial Plan

The Project Board will have a daily meeting for the daily accomplishments and/or
problems of the company in every branch. These meetings will help improve the company's
services and performance. Every branch will submit a written and organized report to the
president of the company (to be accomplished by the corresponding branch manager).

• Meeting can also be called for emergency purposes by the project board for inter-branch
consultations/meetings. the branch manager would also have the power to call for a meeting in
his/her respective branch.

• To evaluate the company's status, a financial report from each branch will be required
every month. The evaluation of all the branch performance is one of the tasks of the project
board. Detail / name including their position

• President/ Project Director: Aila Arielle S. Tolosa

• Vice President/Marketing Head: Klarence Tolosa


Production Cost of Clothes

Cost Element Calculation Cost

Raw Materials 500,000/month *12 6,000,00

Direct Labor 15,000/worker a month * 12 180,000

Total Cost 6,180,000

VIII. Appendix

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