Interview Questions You Might Encounter During The Interview

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Here are some of the common interview questions you might encounter during the interview.

1. Tell me about yourself

The most often asked question in interviews. You need to have a short statement prepared in your
mind. Be careful that it does not sound rehearsed. Limit it to work-related items unless instructed
otherwise. Talk about things you have done and jobs you have held that relate to the position you
are interviewing for. Start with the item farthest back and work up to the present.
2. Why did you leave your last job?
 (if you have a previous job) Stay positive regardless of the circumstances. Never refer to a major problem
with management and never speak ill of supervisors, co-workers or the organization. If you do, you will
be the one looking bad. Keep smiling and talk about leaving for a positive reason such as an opportunity,
a chance to do something special or other forward-looking reasons.
3. Why do you want to work in call center?
You can say, "Salary wise, call centers are compensating well compare to other businesses. As far as
professional growth is concern, i know that I will learn a lot of things and will have the opportunity to
grow. Also, based on what I'm hearing from people who are working in call centers, there is no
discrimination in terms of age, sex, education, religion and others, for as long as you have the ability to
communicate in English"
4. What are your strengths?
(always say all good attributes/traits that are related to the position you are applying for) You can say "I
am very dynamic. I can easily adapt to changes. I am very punctual. I was never late in my past job"
Other good examples:
Your ability to prioritize, Your problem-solving skills, Your ability to work under pressure, Your ability
to focus on projects, Your professional expertise, Your leadership skills, Your positive attitude.
5. What are your weaknesses?
(never ever use adjectives or words that will degrade yourself. describing your weakness does not mean
describing yourself negatively. you can use things that are negative in nature, but saying it in a positive
manner) You can say, "I am very O.C. (obsessive compulsive) I have this tendency to be over-organized."
(being an O.C. is negative in nature because that is a psychological disorder but you can highlight the idea
of being organized, only that, you are excessively organized)
6. What are your short-term plans / what are your plans five years from now?
(never, ever give any impression that you will just use your call center career as stepping stone for other
career. always make impression that you have plans of staying for long) You can say, "I would like to
establish a career in call center and make the best out of it" You can also say, "If I'll be hired, I plan to
stay here for long and make sure to go up the ladder"
7. What are your long-term plans / what are your plans 10 years from now?
(again, make impression that you want to be with the company for a long period of time) You can say, "I
see myself still working in call center, holding a managerial or supervisory position"
8. Can you give me reasons why we should hire you?
(this question is almost the same with question number 2. you can add positive things that you possess)
You can say,  "I am a team player. I can work with different types of people. I love and I welcome
challenges. I know how to set my priorities" (highlight attributes that you can justify that you really have)
9. Give me reasons why we shouldn't hire you?
(this might stutter you if you are not ready to answer it. always remember that the interviewer might be
just challenging your capability to answer questions, how quick you can think, how spontaneous you are,
etc) You can say, "I don't have any call center experience yet. That is the only reason I can think of why
you will not hire me"
10. How do you handle pressure?
You can say, "I don't let pressure control me. I control pressure. I think of pressure as something I can
benefit from. I always believe that, the more pressuring the job is, the more compensating it is"
11. How do you handle irate (angry) customers or how do you handle customer complaints?
In this question, your customer service abilities are being measured. You need to be calm and answer this
with confidence. You can say, "I will listen first to the customer. I will make sure that I will get the
concern/problem accurately. Then, if the customer is already finished explaining, I will apologize. Then I
will assure the customer that I will resolve the problem. I will explain to the customer the solution to the
12. If a customer immediately ask for a supervisor, what are you going to do?
In this question, you're being measured how you handle difficult situation. Always maintain your
composure and confidence. You can say, "I will ask what is the concern first. If I can resolve the problem,
I will assure the customer that I can resolve it. If customer will still insist to talk to a supervisor, then I
will transfer the call to the supervisor.
If follow up question will be asked by the interviewer, like, "what if you don't know the solution to the
customer's problem?"
-you can simply answer this by saying, I will do the research or ask help from supervisors.
13. What will be the reasons for you to be late or absent?
This question is very important to be addressed correctly. Your dedication to work is being measured
here. You can say "I am always on time and the only reason I can think of that I might be late or absent is
family emergency."
Things to remember during the interview:
1. Maintain eye to eye contact with the interviewer.
2. Avoid unnecessary body movements and other gestures.
3. Before entering the interview room, keep in mind that you can pass the interview. Believe in yourself
and have the confidence. Inhaling and exhaling will help to release tensions.
4. Preparing before going to a job interview will definitely help. The biggest mistake in job interview is
not being fully prepared.
5. Only answer the questions being asked. Don't over-elaborate your answers if the question only require
yes or no answers.
6. Do not sound scripted. Even if you answer the question correctly and with confidence but if your
answers sound scripted, you might still fail the interview.

1. Introducing yourself. This will be the first part of application process. Please do not say things
that are written in your resume. You can say your interests, hobbies, things that you do during your spare
time, favorite books, films, etc. It will help you a lot if you will practice this in front of a mirror.
2. Reading comprehension. You will be asked to read a passage and questions might be asked. Tip:
practice your pronunciation of V & B, F & P. Practice makes perfect.
3. Typing test.
4. Subject-verb agreement tests.

***Please bring valid ID with picture (not expired pls). You can’t enter the interview area without
valid ID.
***Address: ELJ bldg. ABS-CBN compound Mother Ignacia st. QC.

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