Average Sums Hint

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Average: = ( Sum of observations / Number of observations ).

Find the Average Speed

Suppose�Rahul covers a certain distance at P Kmph and an equal distance at O Kmph.
the average speed during the whole journey is (2PO / P + O ) Kmph.
Find the Average of all numbers ?
There are Five Numbers,we are going to calculate the average of� 29, 31, 33, 37,
Average = (29 + 31 + 33 + 37 + 49 ) / 5 = 179 / 5 =� 35.8.
Example 1:
The average of five numbers is 29. if one number is exclude the average becomes 27.
what is the exclude number� ?
Answer : �
let the exclude number is
= ( 29 x 5 ) � ( 27 x 4 )
= 145 � 108
= 37 .
Example 2:�
Find the average of first 20 natural numbers ?
Answer :
Sum of first n natural numbers = n ( n + 1 ) /2
So, we can find easily average of first 20 natural numbers 20 x 21 / 2 = 210
So, then Required average is = 210 / 20 = 10.5.
Example 3:
Find the average of first 20 multiplies of 5 .
Answer: �
Required average = 5 ( 1 + 2 + 3 +������.. + 20) /20
= ( 5 x 20 x 21 / 20 x 2) = 2100 / 40 = 52.5 .
So the Required average is 52.5.
Example 4 :
The average of 13 result is 40 , that of the first six is 30 and that of the last
six is 32 . Find the value of the 7th number .
Answer :
Shortcut tricks :
7th number = Total of 13 result � ( Total of first six + Total of last six
results )
= 13 x 40 � ( 6 x 30 + 6 x 32 )
= 520 �� 180 + 192
= 148 .
Average Methods Example 1
Example 1 :
In a School 8 student average weight is increased by 3.5 kg when new student comes
in place of one of them than weight become 55 kg what might be the weight of the
new student?
Answer :
Step 1: At first we find the total weight increased So, ( 8 X 3.5 )kg = 28kg.
Step 2: Now the weight of new Student is = ( 55 + 28 )kg = 83 kg.
So, the weight of the new student is 83 kg.
Example 2:
The Average weight 3 girls A, B, and C is 55kg,While the average weight of three
boys B, D, and E is 57 kg. What is the average weight of A, B, C, D, E ?
Answer :
Step 1: At First we find 3 girls total weight ( A + B + C ) = ( 55 X 3 ) = 165 kg.
and Total 3 boys weight of ( B + D + E ) = ( 57 x 3 ) = 171.
Step 2: Adding both weight of ( A + 2B + C + D + E ) = ( 165 + 171 ) = 336 kg.
Note: So, to find the average weight of A B C D and E, we duty to know B�s weight,
which is not given. So the data is inadequate.
Example 3:
There are two section X and Y of a College, consisting of 36 and 44 students
respectively.if the average weight of section X is 40Kg and that of section Y is
35Kg . Find the average weight of the whole College (in Kg)?
Step 1: At first the total ( X + Y ) college students are ( 36 + 44 ) = 80.
Step 2: college X total student weight and college Y total student weight is ( 36 x
40 + 44 x 35 ) = 2980
Average weight of the whole college is = 2980 / 80 = 37.25.
Example 4:
Divya obtain 56, 75, 78, 86 and 88 marks out of 100 in Physics, Life Science,
Mathematics, Biology, and Computer. What are her average marks ?
Answer :
Step 1: Average of all subject marks 56 + 75 + 78 + 86 + 88 / 5
=383 / 5 = 76.6.
Example 5 :
Find the average of all the numbers between 6 and 34 which are divisible by 5.
Step 1: 10 + 15 + 20 + 25 + 30 which are divisible by 5 in between 6 and 34
So average of number is 10 + 15 + 20 + 25 + 30 / 5 = 100 / 5 = 20.
Example 6:
In an examination it is required to get 34% of the aggrgate marks to pass. A
student gets 270 marks and is declared failed by 7% marks. What are the maximum
aggregate marks a student can get ?
Answer :
Step 1: 34% = 270 + 7%
Step 2: 27% = 270
Step 3: 100% = 270 x 100 / 27 = 1000 marks.
Average Methods Example 2
Example 1:
The average age of 34 students in a school is 15 years, after that when geography
teacher�s age is added to student age then the average age increases by one, Find
what is the teacher�s age in years?
Answer :
Step 1:T first we find the total student ages with out adding teacher�s age that is
( 34 x 15 ) = 510 years.
Now we find out the age of students adding with teachers age that is ( 35 x 16 ) =
560 years.
Step 2: Teachers age is ( 560 � 510 ) = 50 years.
Example 2:
The average age of 45 students in a batch is 18 years. The average age of 23
students is 16 years. Find average age of remaining 16 students ?
Answer :
Step 1: At first we find the age total age of 45 and 23students is (45 x 18 ) = 810
and ( 23 x 16 ) =368.
Step 2: Sum of the ages of 16 students is = ( 810 � 368 ) =� 442.
So average age of is ( 442 / 16 ) = 28 years.
Example 3:� The average of a non-zero number and its square is 5 times the number.
The number is.
Answer :�� Let the number be x . Then,
x + x^2 / 2 = 5x
x^2 -9x = 0
x( x � 9 ) = 0 or x = 0 or x = 9
So the number is 9.
Example 4:
The weight of 5 tanks of 57Kgs, 42Kgs, 45Kgs, 63Kgs,74Kgs.Find its average?
Average = 58 + 42 + 45 + 63 + 74 / 5
= 282 / 5 = 56.4.
Example 5: What is the average of the first 6 prime numbers� ?
Answer : 2 + 3 +5 + 7 + 11 + 13 / 6
= 41 / 6 = 6.83.
Average Methods Example 3
Example 1:
The average marks acquired by 140 students in a final examination is 36.If the
average marks of failed students is 18 and the passed average students is 30. What
is the passed students in examination.
Answer :
Number of passed students are = Total students(total average � failed average) /
passed average � failed average
Step 1: = 140 ( 36 � 18 ) / ( 30 � 18 )
Step 2: = 210
Example 2:
A city center has an average of 610 visitors on Sunday and 340 on other days. The
average�number of visitors per day� in a month of 30 days Beginning with a Sunday
Answer :
Since the month begins with a Sunday, So there will be five Sundays in the month
= ( 610 x 5 + 340 x 25 )/ 30
= 3050 + 8500 / 30
=11550 / 30 = 385.
Example 3:
Sabir obtained 75,55,89,65 and 45 marks (out of 100) in Economy , Bengali, History,
Geography, Environmental science, .What are his average marks.
Answer :
First we add all the obtain number than divide by number of subject,
Average : 75 + 55 + 89 + 65 + 45 / 5 = 65.8
Example 4:
The average of six numbers is x and average of three of these is y. if the average�
of the remaining three is z ,
Answer :
Here we have x is average of three of these is� y so , 3y and average of the
remaining three is z so, 3s
average of six numbers is
x = 3y + 3z / 6 = 3 ( y + z ) / 6
x = ( y + z ) / 2
2x = y + z .
Example 5:
The average marks of 3 group of 54, 62 and 48 respectively is 60, 65, 70,Then Find
the average marks of all the students ?
Answer :
Step 1: At First we find the total students marks according with 3 group = (54 x 60
+ 62 x 65 + 48 x 70) = ( 3240 + 4030 + 3360 ) = 10630.
Step 2: Now we need to find average marks (54 + 62 + 48 ) = 164,
Required average = 10630 / 164 = 64.81.
Average Methods Example 4
Example 1:
The average of Six numbers is 25 and if one number of that average is cropped than
the average occur is 26. Find the cropped number?
Answer :
here We can find the cropped number that is
Step 1:�average of six number with cropped number is = (25 X 6) = 150 and average
five number without cropped number is = (26 X 5) = 130.
Step 2: now the cropped number is = ( 150 � 130 ) = 20.
Here the cropped number is 20.
Example 2:� The average of 40 numbers is 20. If two numbers 36 and 30 are discarded
then Find the average of� the remaining numbers ?
Answer :
Step 1 : At First we find the total number so ( 40 x 20 ) = 800. So sum 40 number
is 800.two number discarded, so remaining 48 numbers is = ( 800 -( 36 + 30 ) = 734.
Step 2: Here we find required average is = 734 / 38 = 19.31.�
Example 3:
If average of two numbers is 77.5 and a number is 5.5 less than the average, then
what is the second number?
77.5 x 2 = 155
77.5 � 5.5 = 72
second number is ( 155 � 72 ) = 83
Example 4:
Find the average of the following set of scores ?
357 , 854 , 214 , 648 , 478
Answer :
2551 / 5
= 510.2
So the average of five numbers is 510.2.
Example 5:
What is the average of the following set of scores ?
252 , 333 , 622 , 525 , 445 , 710 , 875
Answer :
3762 / 7
= 537.42
So the average of five numbers is 537.42
Average Methods Example 5
Example 1:
The average run of a cricket player of 8 innings was 34. How many runs must he make
in his next innings so as to increase his average of runs by 6 ?
Answer :
Step 1: Average run of a player in next innings is 9 = ( 34 + 6 ) = 40 runs.
Step 2: Required run for 9 innings is ( 40 x 9 ) = 360 runs and 8 innings is ( 34 x
8 ) = 272 runs.
So, Required number of run is = (360 � 272 ) = 88 runs.
Example 2:
The average of five consecutive odd numbers A, B, C, D, and E is 45.what is the
product of A and D ?
Answer :
A����� B���� C���� D���� E
43�� 44��� 45��� 46��� 47
So the Product of A and D is = ( 43 x 46 ) = 1978.
Example 3:� In a shop out of 9 persons , 8 persons spent Rs. 30 each for their
shopping. The ninth one person spent Rs. 20 more than the average expenditure of
all the nine. The total money spent by all of them.
Let the average money spent be Rs. x, Then
9x = 8 x 30 + (x + 20 )
9x = x + 260
8x = 260
x =32.50.
Total money spent by = 9x = 9 x 32.50 = 292.50.
Example 4:
The average age of 15 boys is 18 years in the Maths class and that of 13 girls is
ages 15 years.What is the average age of total maths class ?
Answer :
In a maths class 15 boys ages 18 years = ( 15 x 18 ) = 270
In a maths class 13 girls ages 15 years = ( 13 x 15 ) = 195
So average age of total maths class is =� 270 + 195 / 28 = 465 / 28 = 16.607.
Example 5:�� Four years ago, the average age of� Rajesh and Suresh was 16 years.
With Dipika joining them, the average age becomes 24 years. How old Dipika now ?
Answer :
Present age of ( Ramesh + Suresh ) = ( 16 x 2 + 4 x 2 ) = 40 years.
Present age of ( Ramesh + Suresh + Dipika ) = ( 24 x 3 ) = 72.
Dipika present age is ( 72 � 40 ) = 32.
Example 6:
The average of five numbers is 63.8 , The average of the first and second number is
39, The average of the fourth and the fifth number is 86, What is the third
number ?
Answer :
Sum of five number = 319.
Sum of first and second number = 78
Sum of fourth and fifth number = 172
Third number is = 319 � 250��� = 69.
Example 7:
The average of 5 consecutive even numbers A, B, C, D, and E is 56.what is the
product of A and C ?
Answer :
A����� B��� C��� D��� E
54��� 55��� 56�� 57� 58
So the Product of A and C is = ( 54 x 56 ) = 3024.
Example 8:
Find the average of the following set of scores ���
Answer :
225���� 346��� 444��� 558�� 659��� 789�� 873��� 985
= 4879 / 8 = 609.875 .
Average Methods Example 6
Example 1:
The average monthly income of A and B is Rs.6040. The monthly average income of B
and C is Rs.7500 and monthly average income of A and C is Rs. 6500. Find the income
of A in a monthly income ?
Step 1: here is ABC given respectively monthly income, hence we need to find both
( A + B ) = ( 6040 x 2 ) = 12080, ( B + C ) =( 7500 x 2 ) = 15000, ( C + A ) =
( 6500 x 2 ) = 13000
Step 2: If we add 3 income 2( A + B + C ) = 2 x ( 12080 + 15000 + 13000 ) = 40080
or A + B + C = 40080 / 2 = 20040.
Step 3: So we get the income of A Subtract income of ( A + B + C ) � ( B + C ) =
(20040 � 15000 ) =5040.
Example 2:
The average of Five numbers is 62.The average of the second and the third number is
45.The average of the first and the fifth number is 66. What is the fourth number ?
Answer :
Average of Five numbers is = 62 x 5 = 310
Average of second and third number = 45 x 2 = 90
Average of first and fourth number = 66 x 2 = 132
( 132 + 90 ) = 222
The fourth number is ( 310 � 222 ) = 88
Example 3:
The average of 5 numbers is 4.5.If average of two number is 3.5 and that of another
two numbers is 3.7,then what is the last number?
Answer :
2 x 3.5 = 7
2 x 3.7 = 7.4
5 x 4.5 = 22.5
( 22.5 � 7.4 + 7 ) = 8.1
So the last number is 8.1.
Example 4:
The average of 4 consecutive odd numbers P , Q , R , S is 66.What is the product of
P and S?
Answer :
Average is 66
P���������� Q�������� R�������� � S
63� 64�� 65� 66� 67� 68�� 69
Product of ( P x S ) = ( 63 x 69 ) = 4347.
Example 5:
In a school of class x after replacing an old student by new student, it was found
that the average age of eight student of a class x is the same as it was 5� years
ago. What is the differences between the ages of the replaced and new student ?
Answer : Age decreased = ( 8 x 5 ) = 40 years.
So the required age difference is = 40 years.

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