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Journal 2

On the second week of my teaching practice in Al Qarayen kindergarten. I arrived

the school at morning at 7:40, I want to the class, I met the students and helped
them to put the attends card on the board. this week was about the plants and the
students have Activity on agriculture, each student had their box to agriculture in
it, each one must select the seeds that he wanted and planted. One the second day I
Asked the Mst to do the Students reception period (before the assembly) with the
students. I met the students and talked with them until all the students arrived the
class. I took the attendance. I explained the weather and the date. I read the Quran.
It was an interesting experience. I was proud of myself for what I did. On the third
day, they have the activity about how to cook the potato, one of the students'
mothers brought all the tools and helped the students to peel potatoes then she
explains for the students how to cook the potatoes. After cooking potatoes, each
student took a potato and put what he wanted cheese or corn, then they ate it. From
this activity, the Students learned that the potato is root plant. After the activity
when we went back to the class I explain the plants part and what the plant needs,
the students interacted with me and the teacher impressed in the way of explaining
the parts. The last day in my second week was a normal day. I very proud of
myself about what I did in in the previous two weeks in my teaching practice.

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