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The Cambridge School, Doha Header for Portal HW/Uploads

Academic Year: 2015-16

Term: 1 Week: 3
Date : 22/09/2015
Name of the Teachers: Mr David and Mr Fred
Subject and Year group: Year 10 English First Language
Portal Assignment No.: AY 2015-16 TM1 22/09/2015
Due Date of submission: 29/09/2015

Figures of Speech- Multiple Choice – Circle the correct answer

1. These walls have ears. This sentence is an example of a/an:

A. cliche
B. personification
C. metaphor
D. hyperbole

2. His room was a junk pile. This sentence is an example of a/an:

A. simile
B. personification
C. metaphor
D. alliteration

3. The baby's skin was like a rose petal. This sentence is an example of a/an:

A. similie
B. personification
C. metaphor
D. oxymoron

4. The leaves danced in the wind. This sentence is an example of a/an:

A. simile
B. metaphor
C. personification
D. hyperbole

5. I’m so hungry that I could eat a horse. This sentence is an example of a/an:
A. simile
B. hyperbole
C. oxymoron
D. personification
6. She played beautifully on the baby grand. This sentence is an example of a/an:

A. alliteration
B. hyperbole
C. personification
D. oxymoron

7. He was running around like a chicken with it’s head cut off. This sentence is an example of a/an:

A. metaphor
B. oxymoron
C. hyperbole
D. cliché

8. Rain races, ripping and restless in it’s rage. This sentence is an example of a/an:

A. alliteration
B. hyperbole
C. personification
D. oxymoron

9. The daffodils nodded their yellow heads at the walkers. . This sentence is an example of a/an:

A. alliteration
B. personification
C. hyperbole
D. oxymoron

10. Your answers are perfectly wrong. This sentence is an example of a/an:

A. alliteration
B. hyperbole
C. personification
D. oxymoron

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