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Week 15 Developed by: Ms. Hina

Taught by:

Daily Lesson Plan Format

Class / Sec: KG Indigo Period: 1st Day / Date: Monday 24th Sep 18
Subject: Morning Meeting/ Nature Walk Topic: Seasons Theme: Seasons
Objective: Children will be able to make them confident
Skills: Listening, Speaking, Word Building

Resources: Oral discussion

First kalma with recitation will be recited.
Day, date and weather will be announced. Teacher will discuss about weather. C.W
Teacher will explain four seasons and their names.
Later on teacher will show different pictures of seasons and children will tell their names.
LEIP SEIP : Introduce the topic with pictures of four seasons one by one and discuss the
Changes associated with each season.
Take the children outside for nature walk and discuss the weather conditions.
Activities: H.W
Show and tell activity
Success Criteria: Remember to look at the picture and say its name.
Assessment Plan:
 Methodology selected in the Subject Coordination Meeting should be used.

Daily Lesson Plan Format

Class / Sec: KG Indigo Period: 2nd Day / Date: Monday 24th Sep 18
Subject: English Topic: Letter ‘Kk’ Theme: Seasons
Objective: Student will be able to recognize ‘Kk’ and its related vocabulary.
Skills: Reading, Writing, Recognizing, Word Building

Resources: White board, Flash Cards, Pictures, Ready Steady Go

Revision of Aa till Ll in four lines on board
Teacher will show any real object having its name starting with Kk like Kite and introduce the sound Kk.
Teacher will introduce vocabulary of letter k through pictures, real objects and ready steady C.W
Go text book Page No 43 Text book Page
Repeat the correct pronunciation many times. No 43
LEIP/SEIPask children to think and tell objects having names starting with sound ‘k’.
Ask children to color in a kite.
Activities: H.W
Sing phonic song
Success Criteria: Remember to look at the picture and say alphabet name and sound.
Assessment Plan:
 Methodology selected in the Subject Coordination Meeting should be used.

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Coordinator Sec-Head
Page 2 of 19
Week 15 Developed by: Ms. Hina
Taught by:
Daily Lesson Plan Format

Class / Sec: KG Indigo Period: 3rd Day / Date: Monday 24th Sep 18
Subject: EPL Topic: Dressing Frame Theme: Seasons
Objective: Student will be able to do their work at their own.
Skills: Listing, Thinking, Speaking, Concentration

Resources: Zip Frame

Student will be encouraged to sit nicely and remain silent throughout the period.
Teacher will show the presentation of zip frame. C.W
Teacher will ask students to do same exercise one by one.

Activities: H.W
As above
Success Criteria: Remember to zip safely.
Assessment Plan:
 Methodology selected in the Subject Coordination Meeting should be used.

Daily Lesson Plan Format

Class / Sec: KG Indigo Period: 4th Day / Date: Monday 24th Sep 18
Subject: Urdu Topic: Theme: Seasons



Activities: H.W

Success Criteria:
Assessment Plan:
 Methodology selected in the Subject Coordination Meeting should be used.

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Coordinator Sec-Head
Page 3 of 19
Week 15 Developed by: Ms. Hina
Taught by:
Daily Lesson Plan Format

Class / Sec: KG Indigo Period: 5th Day / Date: Monday 24th Sep 18
Subject: Outdoor Topic: Show and tell activity Theme: Seasons
Objective: To make students confident to enrich their vocabulary
Skills: Work building, Listening, speaking, thinking

Resources: Real Objects, pictures and nature

Children will be taken out and they will be encouraged to sit nicely in the circle.
Pictures of different seasons will be shown to them and discussed about seasons. C.W
Today’s weather will be discussed Text Book Page
LEIP SEIP: Oral question answers will be done after discussion No 37

Activities: H.W
Nature walk
Success Criteria: Look at the picture and name it correctly
Assessment Plan:
 Methodology selected in the Subject Coordination Meeting should be used.

Daily Lesson Plan Format

Class / Sec: KG Indigo Period: 6th Day / Date: Monday 24th Sep 18
Subject: Maths Topic: Solid Shape Cone Theme: Seasons
Objective: Student will be able to identify solid shape cone.
Skills: Recognizing, Associating, Visual Discrimination

Resources: White board, flash card, Ready Steady Go

Revise flat shape triangle by flash cards and metal insets (Montessori material)
Then ask student to find the shape in the class. C.W
Introduce sloid shape cone by showing solid geometrical shapes and real objects to students. Text Book
Make students find solid shapes from the classroom. Page No 39 &
Teacher will give book and ask students to color and match the shapes. 40
Activities: H.W
As Above
Success Criteria: Remember to look at the board when the drill is going on
Assessment Plan:
 Methodology selected in the Subject Coordination Meeting should be used.

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Coordinator Sec-Head
Page 4 of 19
Week 15 Developed by: Ms. Hina
Taught by:
Daily Lesson Plan Format

Class / Sec: KG Indigo Period: 7th Day / Date: Monday 24th Sep 18
Subject: Video Topic: Seasons Theme: Seasons
Objective: Student will be able to recognize the seasons.
Skills: Recognizing, listening, word building

Resources: LED
Children will be taken to the video room. They will be encouraged to sit nicely and watch the movie regarding
Seasons. C.W
Later on teacher will ask questions related to the topic.

Activities: H.W
Video watching
Success Criteria: Remember the names of seasons.
Assessment Plan:
 Methodology selected in the Subject Coordination Meeting should be used.

Daily Lesson Plan Format

Class / Sec: KG Indigo Period: 8th Day / Date: Monday 24th Sep 18
Subject: Story Telling Topic: The enormous turnip Theme: Seasons
Objective: To enrich the vocabulary of students and have fun.
Skills: Listening, thinking, memorizing

Resources: Story Book

Children will be encouraged to sit nicely and listen to the story.
Title page of the story will be shown and discussed. C.W
Characters of the story will be discussed.
LEIP/SEIP simple questions will be asked from the story of the students.

Activities: H.W
Simple questions will be asked
Success Criteria: To make them confident
Assessment Plan:
 Methodology selected in the Subject Coordination Meeting should be used.

Daily Lesson Plan Format

________________ _______________
Coordinator Sec-Head
Page 5 of 19
Week 15 Developed by: Ms. Hina
Taught by:
Class / Sec: KG Indigo Period: 1st Day / Date: Tuesday 25th Sep 18
Subject: Morning Meeting/ Nature Walk Topic: Weather Theme: Seasons
Objective: Students will be able to recognize and name hot and cold weather.
Skills: Recognizing, listening, speaking

Resources: Flash cards, Book Ready Steady Go

First KALMA with translation will be recited.
Day, Date and weather will be announced. C.W
Teacher introduces hot and cold weather by showing pictures.
Teacher will discuss what sort of clothes we wear in these two weather and how we protect
Ourselves from hot and cold weather.
LEIP SEIP: Introduce hot and cold weather by showing pictures and discussion
Take the children outside for nature walk and discuss about weather.
Activities: H.W
Ask children to look at ant, observe the action and discuss how to take care of ourselves in
Cold weather.
Success Criteria: To make them confident to speak in public.
Assessment Plan:
 Methodology selected in the Subject Coordination Meeting should be used.

Daily Lesson Plan Format

Class / Sec: KG Indigo Period: 2nd Day / Date: Tuesday 25th Sep 18
Subject: English Topic: Writing letter Kk Theme: Seasons
Objective: Students will be able to write letter Kk in four lines.
Skills: Reading, writing, Recognizing

Resources: White board, Flash Cards, Book Ready Steady Go

Teacher will revise Aa-Ll in four lines on board.
Teacher will write on the board in four lines explaining concept of sky, grass and root lines. C.W
Follow the correct formation. Practice Book
Ask children to trace letter in the air, on the table and Text Book Page No 43. Page No 47-49
Teacher will call random children on the board and ask to write in four lines with correct
Formation. Do Practice book page no 47-49
Activities: H.W
As above Practice Book
Success Criteria: Remember to observe which line in sky, grass and root. Page No 50
Assessment Plan:
 Methodology selected in the Subject Coordination Meeting should be used.

________________ _______________
Coordinator Sec-Head
Page 6 of 19
Week 15 Developed by: Ms. Hina
Taught by:
Daily Lesson Plan Format

Class / Sec: KG Indigo Period: 3rd Day / Date: Tuesday 25th Sep 18
Subject: Library Topic: Reading a book Theme: Seasons
Objective: Student will be able to take care of a book.
Skills: Listing, Thinking, Speaking, Word Building

Resources: Books
Student will be taken to the library along with their teacher.
They will be encouraged to sit nicely and remain silent throughout the period. C.W
Books will be distributed with the help of librarian and they will be encouraged to read a

Activities: H.W
Different questions will be asked.
Success Criteria: Read a book
Assessment Plan:
 Methodology selected in the Subject Coordination Meeting should be used.

Daily Lesson Plan Format

Class / Sec: KG Indigo Period: 4th Day / Date: Tuesday 25th Sep 18
Subject: Urdu Topic: Theme: Seasons



Activities: H.W

Success Criteria:
Assessment Plan:
 Methodology selected in the Subject Coordination Meeting should be used.

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Coordinator Sec-Head
Page 7 of 19
Week 15 Developed by: Ms. Hina
Taught by:
Daily Lesson Plan Format

Class / Sec: KG Indigo Period: 5th Day / Date: Tuesday 25th Sep 18
Subject: Music Topic: Poem Theme: Seasons
Objective: To enhance vocabulary.
Skills: Word building, Speaking, Listening

Resources: Music Room, Key board

Student will be taken to the music room
Different rhymes will be sung and introduce new poem “Rain Rain” C.W
New Poem will be sung and learnt

Activities: H.W
Poem with action
Success Criteria: Learn the poem with music
Assessment Plan:
 Methodology selected in the Subject Coordination Meeting should be used.

Daily Lesson Plan Format

Class / Sec: KG Indigo Period: 6th Day / Date: Tuesday 25th Sep 18
Subject: Math Topic: Number 13 Theme: Seasons
Objective: Student will be able to recognize and write number 13.
Skills: Recognizing, Writing, Associating, Sequencing, Counting

Resources: White Board, Flash Card, Teen Board, Beads, Book Ready Steady Go, Real Objects
Teacher will revise the numbers 0-12 by dodging number, backward counting, what comes after.
Teacher will introduce number 13 with flash card and real objects i.e. 13 red beans C.W
Teacher will ask students to draw 13 objects (star, flower etc.) on the board and write 13 Text Book Page
Children will do board drill of writing number 13 in square boxes. No 37
Ask children to count pictures text book Page no 37 Practice book
Children will do book page no 43 & 44 Page 43-44

Activities: H.W
Teen Board with beadss exercise
Success Criteria: Remember to look at the board when the drill is going on
Assessment Plan:
 Methodology selected in the Subject Coordination Meeting should be used.

________________ _______________
Coordinator Sec-Head
Page 8 of 19
Week 15 Developed by: Ms. Hina
Taught by:
Daily Lesson Plan Format

Class / Sec: KG Indigo Period: 7th Day / Date: Tuesday 25th Sep 18
Subject: Story Telling Topic: Red Riding Hood Theme: Seasons
Objective: To enrich the vocabulary of students and have fun.
Skills: Listening, thinking, memorizing

Resources: Story Book

Children will be encouraged to sit nicely and listen to the story.
Title page of the story will be shown and discussed. C.W
Characters of the story will be discussed.
LEIP/SEIP simple questions will be asked from the story of the students.

Activities: H.W
Simple questions will be asked
Success Criteria: To make them confident
Assessment Plan:
 Methodology selected in the Subject Coordination Meeting should be used.

Daily Lesson Plan Format

Class / Sec: KG Indigo Period: 8th Day / Date: Tuesday 25th Sep 18
Subject: EPL Topic: Dressing Frame Theme: Seasons
Objective: Student will be able to do their work at their own.
Skills: Listing, Thinking, Speaking, Concentration

Resources: Zip Frame

Student will be encouraged to sit nicely and remain silent throughout the period.
Teacher will show the presentation of zip frame. C.W
Teacher will ask students to do same exercise one by one.

Activities: H.W
As above
Success Criteria: Remember to zip safely.
Assessment Plan:
 Methodology selected in the Subject Coordination Meeting should be used.

________________ _______________
Coordinator Sec-Head
Page 9 of 19
Week 15 Developed by: Ms. Hina
Taught by:
Daily Lesson Plan Format

Class / Sec: KG Indigo Period: 1st Day / Date: Wednesday 26th Sep 18
Subject: Morning Meeting Topic: Weather Theme: Seasons
Objective: Students will be able to recognize and name hot and cold weather.
Skills: Recognizing, Listening, Speaking

Resources: Flash cards and oral discussion

First KALMA with translation will be recited.
Day, Date and weather will be announced. C.W
Teacher introduces hot and cold weather by showing pictures.
Teacher will discuss what sort of clothes we wear in these two weather and how we protect
Ourselves from hot and cold weather.

Activities: H.W
Ask children to look at ant, observe the action and discuss how to take care of ourselves in
Cold weather.
Success Criteria: To make them confident to speak in public.
Assessment Plan:
 Methodology selected in the Subject Coordination Meeting should be used.

Daily Lesson Plan Format

Class / Sec: KG Indigo Period: 2nd Day / Date: Wednesday 26th Sep 18
Subject: English Topic: Writing letter Kk Theme: Seasons
Objective: Students will be able to write letter Kk in four lines.
Skills: Reading, writing, Recognizing

Resources: White board, Flash Cards, Book Ready Steady Go

Teacher will revise Aa-Ll in four lines on board.
Teacher will write on the board in four lines explaining concept of sky, grass and root lines. C.W
Follow the correct formation.
Ask children to trace letter in the air and on the table.
Teacher will call random children on the board and ask to write in four lines with correct
Activities: H.W
As above
Success Criteria: Remember to observe which line in sky, grass and root.
Assessment Plan:
 Methodology selected in the Subject Coordination Meeting should be used.

________________ _______________
Coordinator Sec-Head
Page 10 of 19
Week 15 Developed by: Ms. Hina
Taught by:

Daily Lesson Plan Format

Class / Sec: KG Indigo Period: 3rd Day / Date: Wednesday 26th Sep 18
Subject: EPL Topic: Dressing Frame (Revision) Theme: Seasons
Objective: Student will be able to do their work at their own.
Skills: Listing, Thinking, Speaking, Concentration

Resources: Zip Frame

Student will be encouraged to sit nicely and remain silent throughout the period.
Teacher will show the presentation of zip frame. C.W
Teacher will ask students to do same exercise one by one.

Activities: H.W
As above
Success Criteria: Remember to zip safely.
Assessment Plan:
 Methodology selected in the Subject Coordination Meeting should be used.

Daily Lesson Plan Format

Class / Sec: KG Indigo Period: 4th Day / Date: Wednesday 26th Sep 18
Subject: Urdu Topic: Theme: Seasons



Activities: H.W

Success Criteria:
Assessment Plan:
 Methodology selected in the Subject Coordination Meeting should be used.

________________ _______________
Coordinator Sec-Head
Page 11 of 19
Week 15 Developed by: Ms. Hina
Taught by:
Daily Lesson Plan Format

Class / Sec: KG Indigo Period: 5th & 6th Day / Date: Wednesday 26th Sep 18
Subject: Math Topic: Number 14 Theme: Seasons
Objective: Student will be able to recognize and write number 14.
Skills: Recognizing, Writing, Associating, Sequencing, Counting

Resources: White Board, Flash Card, Teen Board, Beads, Book Ready Steady Go, Real Objects
Teacher will revise the numbers 0-13 by dodging number, backward counting, what comes after.
Teacher will introduce number 14 with flash card and real objects i.e. 14 red beans C.W
Teacher will ask students to draw 14 objects (star, flower etc.) on the board and write 14 Text Book Page
Children will do board drill of writing number 14 in square boxes. No 38
Ask children to count pictures text book Page no 38 Practice book
Children will do book page no 45 Page 45

Activities: H.W
Teen Board with beadss exercise Practice book
Success Criteria: Remember to look at the board when the drill is going on Page 46
Assessment Plan:
 Methodology selected in the Subject Coordination Meeting should be used.

Daily Lesson Plan Format

Class / Sec: KG Indigo Period: 7th Day / Date: Wednesday 26th Sep 18
Subject: Islamiat Topic: Theme: Seasons



Activities: H.W

Success Criteria:
Assessment Plan:
 Methodology selected in the Subject Coordination Meeting should be used.

________________ _______________
Coordinator Sec-Head
Page 12 of 19
Week 15 Developed by: Ms. Hina
Taught by:
Daily Lesson Plan Format

Class / Sec: KG Indigo Period: 8th Day / Date: Wednesday 26th Sep 18
Subject: Story Telling Topic: Hansel and Gretel Theme: Seasons
Objective: To enrich the vocabulary of students and have fun.
Skills: Listening, thinking, memorizing

Resources: Story Book

Children will be encouraged to sit nicely and listen to the story.
Title page of the story will be shown and discussed. C.W
Characters of the story will be discussed.
LEIP/SEIP simple questions will be asked from the story of the students.

Activities: H.W
Simple questions will be asked
Success Criteria: To make them confident
Assessment Plan:
 Methodology selected in the Subject Coordination Meeting should be used.

Daily Lesson Plan Format

Class / Sec: KG Indigo Period: 1st Day / Date: Thursday 27h Sep 18
Subject: Morning Meeting Topic: Weather Theme: Seasons
Objective: Students will be able to recognize and name hot and cold weather.
Skills: Recognizing, Listening, Speaking

Resources: Flash cards and oral discussion

First KALMA with translation will be recited.
Day, Date and weather will be announced. C.W
Teacher introduces hot and cold weather by showing pictures.
Teacher will discuss what sort of clothes we wear in these two weather and how we protect
Ourselves from hot and cold weather.

Activities: H.W
Ask children to look at ant, observe the action and discuss how to take care of ourselves in
Cold weather.
Success Criteria: To make them confident to speak in public.
Assessment Plan:
 Methodology selected in the Subject Coordination Meeting should be used.

________________ _______________
Coordinator Sec-Head
Page 13 of 19
Week 15 Developed by: Ms. Hina
Taught by:
Daily Lesson Plan Format

Class / Sec: KG Indigo Period: 2nd Day / Date: Thursday 27th Sep 18
Subject: English Topic: Revision Aa till Kk Theme: Seasons
Objective: Students will be able to do write Aa till Kk with correct formation.
Skills: Learning, Writing, Recognizing, Memorizing

Resources: White board, Work sheet

Revision of letters Aa-Kk will be done through white board and its related vocabulary will be drawn onboard.
Teacher will distribute the work sheets and ask them to do correctly in four line with correct C.W
LEIP SEIP: Talk about pictures and its sounds.
Activities: H.W
ABC song will be sung.
Success Criteria: Remember to observe which line in sky, grass and root.
Assessment Plan:
 Methodology selected in the Subject Coordination Meeting should be used.

Daily Lesson Plan Format

Class / Sec: KG Indigo Period: 3rd Day / Date: Thursday 27h Sep 18
Subject: GK Topic: Weather Theme: Seasons
Objective: Students will be able to recognize and name hot and cold weather.
Skills: Recognizing, Listening, Speaking

Resources: Flash cards, oral discussion and Book Page No 44

Teacher introduces hot and cold weather by showing pictures.
Teacher will discuss what sort of clothes we wear in these two weather and how we protect C.W
Ourselves from hot and cold weather. Book Page No
Look at text book page 44 and discuss hot/cold weather 44
LEIP SEIP: Pictures of hot and cold weather will be shown and discussed.
Activities: H.W
Ask children to look at ant, observe the action and discuss how to take care of ourselves in
Cold weather.
Success Criteria: To make them confident to speak in public.
Assessment Plan:
 Methodology selected in the Subject Coordination Meeting should be used.

________________ _______________
Coordinator Sec-Head
Page 14 of 19
Week 15 Developed by: Ms. Hina
Taught by:
Daily Lesson Plan Format

Class / Sec: KG Indigo Period: 4th Day / Date: Thursday 27h Sep 18
Subject: Urdu Topic: Theme: Seasons



Activities: H.W

Success Criteria:
Assessment Plan:
 Methodology selected in the Subject Coordination Meeting should be used.

Daily Lesson Plan Format

Class / Sec: KG Indigo Period: 5th Day / Date: Thursday 27h Sep 18
Subject: Outdoor Topic: Catch and throw Theme: Seasons
Objective: Children will be able to enjoy sports and participate turn wise.
Skills: Patience, Confidence

Resources: Outdoor, ball

Children will be sent outside in the play area with physical trainer.
They will explain how to catch and throw ball. C.W
They will advise the children to wait their turn and have patience while playing

Activities: H.W
As above
Success Criteria: Play safely
Assessment Plan:
 Methodology selected in the Subject Coordination Meeting should be used.

________________ _______________
Coordinator Sec-Head
Page 15 of 19
Week 15 Developed by: Ms. Hina
Taught by:
Daily Lesson Plan Format

Class / Sec: KG Indigo Period: 6th & 7th Day / Date: Thursday 27h Sep 18
Subject: Math Topic: Revision Number 1-14 Theme: Seasons
Objective: Student will be able to write number 1-14 in sequence.
Skills: Identifying, Counting and Writing

Resources: White Board and Work sheet

Teacher will revise the numbers 1-14 on board.
Teacher will ask students to write number 1-14 in sequence. C.W

Activities: H.W
Teen Board with bead exercise
Success Criteria: Remember to slide the card at right place over zero in teen board and
make 13-14
Assessment Plan:
 Methodology selected in the Subject Coordination Meeting should be used.

Daily Lesson Plan Format

Class / Sec: KG Indigo Period: 8th Day / Date: Thursday 27h Sep 18
Subject: Art Topic: Thumb Printing Theme: Seasons
Objective: To develop sense of creativity.
Skills: Thinking, imagination and creativity

Resources: Chart paper, paint colour

Teacher will make cone ice cream on chart paper and invite children to do thumb printing on it.

Activities: H.W
As above
Success Criteria: Remember to print the thumb
Assessment Plan:
 Methodology selected in the Subject Coordination Meeting should be used.

________________ _______________
Coordinator Sec-Head
Page 16 of 19
Week 15 Developed by: Ms. Hina
Taught by:
Daily Lesson Plan Format

Class / Sec: KG Indigo Period: 1st Day / Date: Friday 28th Sep 18
Subject: Morning Meeting/ Nature Walk Topic: Seasons REVISION Theme: Seasons
Objective: Children will be able to make them confident
Skills: Listening, Speaking, Word Building

Resources: Oral discussion

First kalma with recitation will be recited.
Day, date and weather will be announced. Teacher will discuss about weather. C.W
Teacher will explain four seasons and their names.
Later on teacher will show different pictures of seasons and children will tell their names.
LEIP SEIP : Introduce the topic with pictures of four seasons one by one and discuss the
Changes associated with each season.
Take the children outside for nature walk and discuss the weather conditions.
Activities: H.W
Show and tell activity
Success Criteria: Remember to look at the picture and say its name.
Assessment Plan:
 Methodology selected in the Subject Coordination Meeting should be used.

Daily Lesson Plan Format

Class / Sec: KG Indigo Period: 2nd Day / Date: Friday 28th Sep 18
Subject: Music Topic: Poem Theme: Seasons
Objective: To enhance vocabulary.
Skills: Word building, Speaking, Listening

Resources: Music Room, Key board

Student will be taken to the music room
Different rhymes will be sung and then sung poem “Rain Rain” C.W
New Poem will be sung and learnt

Activities: H.W
Poem with action
Success Criteria: Learn the poem with music
Assessment Plan:
 Methodology selected in the Subject Coordination Meeting should be used.

________________ _______________
Coordinator Sec-Head
Page 17 of 19
Week 15 Developed by: Ms. Hina
Taught by:
Daily Lesson Plan Format

Class / Sec: KG Indigo Period: 3rd Day / Date: Friday 28th Sep 18
Subject: English Topic: Revision Aa till Kk Theme: Seasons
Objective: Students will be able to do write Aa till Kk with correct formation.
Skills: Learning, Writing, Recognizing, Memorizing

Resources: White board and Marker

Revision of letters Aa-Kk will be done through white board and its related vocabulary will be drawn onboard.
Teacher will distribute the white boards along with markers and ask them to do correctly in C.W
four line with correct formation.
LEIP SEIP: Talk about pictures and its sounds.
Activities: H.W
ABC song will be sung.
Success Criteria: Remember to observe which line in sky, grass and root.
Assessment Plan:
 Methodology selected in the Subject Coordination Meeting should be used.

Daily Lesson Plan Format

Class / Sec: KG Indigo Period: 4th Day / Date: Friday 28th Sep 18
Subject: Library Topic: Reading a book Theme: Seasons
Objective: Student will be able to take care of a book.
Skills: Listing, Thinking, Speaking, Word Building

Resources: Books
Student will be taken to the library along with their teacher.
They will be encouraged to sit nicely and remain silent throughout the period. C.W
Books will be distributed with the help of librarian and they will be encouraged to read a

Activities: H.W
Different questions will be asked.
Success Criteria: Read a book
Assessment Plan:
 Methodology selected in the Subject Coordination Meeting should be used.

________________ _______________
Coordinator Sec-Head
Page 18 of 19
Week 15 Developed by: Ms. Hina
Taught by:
Daily Lesson Plan Format

Class / Sec: KG Indigo Period: 5th Day / Date: Friday 28th Sep 18
Subject: Urdu Topic: Theme: Seasons



Activities: H.W

Success Criteria:
Assessment Plan:
 Methodology selected in the Subject Coordination Meeting should be used.

Daily Lesson Plan Format

Class / Sec: KG Indigo Period: 6th Day / Date: Friday 28th Sep 18
Subject: Outdoor Topic: Show and tell activity Theme: Seasons
Objective: To make students confident to enrich their vocabulary
Skills: Work building, Listening, speaking, thinking

Resources: Real Objects, pictures and nature

Children will be taken out and they will be encouraged to sit nicely in the circle.
Pictures of different seasons will be shown to them and discussed about seasons. C.W
Today’s weather will be discussed Text Book Page
LEIP SEIP: Oral question answers will be done after discussion No 37

Activities: H.W
Nature walk
Success Criteria: Look at the picture and name it correctly
Assessment Plan:
 Methodology selected in the Subject Coordination Meeting should be used.

________________ _______________
Coordinator Sec-Head
Page 19 of 19
Week 15 Developed by: Ms. Hina
Taught by:
Daily Lesson Plan Format

Class / Sec: KG Indigo Period: 7th Day / Date: Friday 28th Sep 18
Subject: Math Topic: Revision Number 1-14 Theme: Seasons
Objective: Student will be able to write number 1-14 in sequence.
Skills: Identifying, Counting and Writing

Resources: White Board and Chalk

Teacher will revise the numbers 1-14 on board.
Teacher will ask students to write number 1-14 in sequence. C.W

Activities: H.W
Teen Board with bead exercise
Success Criteria: Remember to slide the card at right place over zero in teen board and
make 13-14
Assessment Plan:
 Methodology selected in the Subject Coordination Meeting should be used.

Daily Lesson Plan Format

Class / Sec: KG Indigo Period: 8th Day / Date: Friday 28th Sep 18
Subject: EPL Topic: Dressing Frame (Revision) Theme: Seasons
Objective: Student will be able to do their work at their own.
Skills: Listing, Thinking, Speaking, Concentration

Resources: Zip Frame

Student will be encouraged to sit nicely and remain silent throughout the period.
Teacher will show the presentation of zip frame. C.W
Teacher will ask students to do same exercise one by one.

Activities: H.W
As above
Success Criteria: Remember to zip safely.
Assessment Plan:
 Methodology selected in the Subject Coordination Meeting should be used.

________________ _______________
Coordinator Sec-Head

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