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Section A

Q1. Organisms prepare their own food from simple inorganic raw materials are called....................

Q2. ................and .....................are examples of saprophytes.

Q3. Mode of nutrition in amoeba is: -

A) Autotrophic B) Saprotrophic C) Parasitic D) Holozoic

Q4. Human beings are:-

A) Herbivores B) Carnivores C) Autotrophic D) Omnivores

Q5. Where does the digestion initiates?

Section B
Q6. What are the criteria for defining something is alive?

Q7. What is metabolism? Explain the types of metabolism.

Q8. Define life processes.

Q9. What is Photosynthesis? What are the requirements for photosynthesis process?

Q10.Why complex food need to convert into simpler form. Give the logical answer.

Section C
Q11. Explain the mode of nutrition in amoeba with diagram.

Q12. Explain the photosynthesis process.

Q13. What is Nutrition? Explain the different modes of nutrition.

Q14. Draw neat and clean diagram of Chloroplast.

Q15. Explain the digestion process in human beings.

Roll No. Max Marks= 40
T C 1 8 Time Allotted=2 hrs.
Minor Test # 1
Name: - ________________________________. Subject: - Biology.
Class: - _____________________. Class: - X.
Stream:-____________________. Syllabus: Units & Measures Unit.

Please read the instructions in Question Booklet before answering the question paper.
1. Every question is compulsory to attempt.

2. Question paper carries three sections A, B and C.

3. Section A contains five questions of one mark each, Section B contains five questions of two marks
each, and Section C contains five questions of five marks each.

4. Before starting the paper, fill up the required details in the blank space provided in the question sheet.
6. Write your name at the top of this booklet.

7. You must not carry mobile phone even if you have the same, give it to your Invigilator before
commencement of the test and take it back from him/her after the exam.

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