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Past Simple Past Continuous Past Perfect simple Past Perfect Continuous
S + V2 + Cs ( +) S+ was /were+ V-ing (+) S + had + V3 / (-ed) (+) S + had + been +Ving (+)
Did + S+ V1 ( ? ) Was / Were + S + Ving ? Had + S + V3 …? (?) Had + S + been + Ving …?
S +didn’t + V1 ( - ) S+ wasn’t / weren’t + Ving S + hadn’t + V3 ( - ) S + had been + Ving ( - )

 To talk about completed actions  To talk about past actions in  To talk about an action which  For an action which lasted for some time in the
in the past , at a stated time in the progress at a specific time happened before another past past whose result was visible in the past.
past. Ex: At 9:00 I was watching TV. action. Ex: She had been working hard all day
Ex: Yesterday I saw my friends  Past actions in progress which Ex : When we arrived home,
are interrupted by other actions. they had already had dinner.  To put emphasis on the duration of an action
 For past actions which Ex: He was having a shower which started and finished in the past before
happened one after the other. when they called him another past action( with since and for)
When I arrived home, I For two simultaneous past Ex: They had been skating together for 5 years
switched on the heater. actions before they entered the competition.
Ex: She was studying while I
was doing my homework
Ago At 8 o’clock yesterday By the time For / since
Last year/ week/ night… While / as / when Before / after
Yesterday As soon as Already / yet / just /ever
In 1995 / Then /Suddenly For / since /Always / never
+ She swam yesterday + Ann was swimming at ten. + It had just started + Her hair was wet! She had been swimming for
an hour/since 6 p.m
- She didn’t swim yesterday. - She wasn’t swimming at ten. - She hadn’t started yet. - She hadn’t been swimming for an hour/since 6
? Did she swim yesterday? ? Was she swimming at ten? ? Had it started yet? ? Had she been swimming for an hour/since 6
Yes, she did. Yes, she was. Yes, she had. Yes, she had.
No, she didn’t. No, she wasn’t No, she hadn’t. No, she hadn’t.

I. Fill in the blanks with the Past simple, Past continuous, or

Past perfect simple or continuous of the verbs in brackets!

1.I ………………………………… (walk) along the street when suddenly I

……………………………(hear) footsteps behind me. Somebody
…………………………………………………(follow) me.
2. When he………………………………(drive) back home, he…………………
(see) a crowd that …………………………….(block) the street. It …………(be)
a demonstration. As he………………….(have) to drive slowly he
……………………….(arrive) home much later than his wife ……
………………………(expect). She………………..(be) very worried because
she………………………………. (not/can) contact him. He ……………………………
…………… (leave) his mobile phone in the office.
3. They ………………………………………(not be) to the zoo until their teacher
III. Put each verb in brackets into a suitable past tense.
………………………………………… (take) them in one of their science lessons.
4. While we ……………………………………(look) at a shop window a car
…………………………………….(crash) into a street lamp. The police
When Professor Mallory, the famous archaeologist , (1) ………………………
………………………………….(arrive) immediately and an ambulance…………….
(invite) me to take part in his expedition to find the Lost City of the
…………………(take) the driver to hospital
Himalayas, I (2) …………………………………………. (not hesitate) to accept his
5. He …………………………………(look) for a job for over two months till my
invitation. Mallory (3) ………………………………………….(discover) an ancient
father……………………………(offer) him the post of accountant in his factory.
map showing the position of the city, although no European (4)
6.When I ……………………………… (get) off the plane it……………………
………………………………………….(ever go) to the area before. In fact, most of
………………………(rain) and a man ………………………. (comment)
Mallory’s colleagues in Oxford either (5) ……………………………………… (believe)
it…………………………………….. (rain) since the beginning of the week.
that the city (6) ……………………………………………(never exist) or (7)………………
Fortunately, the next day it………………………….. (stop) and the
……………… (feel) that it (8) ……………………….(vanish) long ago and simple
sun……………………………………… (shine) till the day of my return.
(9) ……………………………………(become) a legend.
7. When Elisabeth………………………………….…………….. (switch) on the TV
According to the Professor, the builders of the city (10) ……………………….
set, her favourite series ………………………………………… (already/ start).
………….. (hide) it among the mountains in order to protect its immense
When it…………………….. (finish), she………………………. (call) her friend
Sue to ask how the episode…………………………….…. (begin) that day.
So when we (11) ………………………………… (set off) on a cool May morning
8. My dad……………………(tell) me that before I…………………(be) born they
towards the distant mountains, each of us (12) ……………………………………
………………………………………(go) camping most weekends.
………………………..(look forward) to exciting discoveries. For a week or more
9.She. …………………………… (turn) the light back on, ……………………………
we (13) ……………………………………………(climb) higher and higher, following
(lie) on the sofa and……………………… (take) the book she ……………
the map, which Mallory (14)………………………………………………(study) from
time to time. Then one afternoon, while we (15) ……………………………………
10. It………………… (be) near midnight when they …………………………………
(rest) at the top of the valley, we (16) ………………………………………… (notice)
(come) in from dinner, still laughing at something Bill…………………………
that a rider on a horse (17) …………………………………………….(wave) at us
(say) in the dining room.
from the other side of the valley. A rider whose clothes (18) …………………
……………………(shine) like gold!
II. Use the notes to make sentences. Use the past simple, past
continuous or past perfect.

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