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Steven W. Schierholt, Esq. John R.

Executive Director Governor




IN THE MATTER OF: Case No. 2018-1285

Shevelta Grigsby PENDING Registration No. 09-203747

5259 Pepper Drive
Huber Heights, OH 45424

October 10, 2018

Dear Ms. Shevelta Grigsby:

•MU HAVE :Ter'41 0 • OFFICIAL-
You are hereby notified, in accordance with the provisions of Section 119.07 of the Ohio Revised Code the
State of Ohio Board of Pharmacy (Board) proposes to deny your application for your technician registration
due to violations of Chapter 4729. of the Revised Code and Section 4729:3 of the Administrative Code under
authority of Section 4729.96 of the Revised Code.

This notice does not prevent you from engaging in activities of a registered pharmacy technician during the
pendency of this case.

1. Pursuant to division (A)(1) of Section 4729.96 (effective April 6, 2017) of the Ohio Revised Code (ORC),
and Rule 4729:3-4-01 of the Ohio Administrative Code (OAC), the Board may impose any one or more of
the following sanctions on an applicant for a registered pharmacy technician if the board finds the
individual engaged in any of the conduct set forth in division (A)(2) of this section:

a. Revoke, suspend, restrict, limit, or refuse to grant or renew a license, ORC 4729.96(A)(1)(a) OAC
4729:3-4-01(A)(1); and/or

b. Reprimand or place the license holder on probation, ORC 4729.96(A)(1)(b), OAC 4729:3-4-
01(A)(2); and/or

c. Impose a monetary penalty or forfeiture not to exceed in severity any penalty designated under
the Revised Code for a similar offense or in the case of a violation of a section of the Revised Code
that does not bear a penalty, impose a monetary penalty or forfeiture of not more than $500,
ORC 4729.96(A)(1)(c), OAC 4729:3-4-01(A)(3).

2. On or about February 20, 2018, Shevelta Grigsby submitted an application for registration as a
registered pharmacy technician in the state of Ohio under license number 09-203747.

77 South High Street, 17th Floor, Columbus, Ohio 43215

T: (614) 466.4143 I F: (614) 752.4836 I I


1. On your application submitted on or about February 20, 2018, you falsely answered "No" to the question
inquiring whether you have any other record of arrest (not related to drug charges), charges, or have a
conviction of a felony, misdemeanor or traffic violation (even if dismissed or sealed or the equivalent
thereof in another jurisdiction).

a. On or about February 9, 1992, you were arrested and charged with Theft. On or about February
11, 1992, you plead guilty to Unauthorized Use of Property, a misdemeanor offense. State of Ohio
vs. Shevelta Chastain (Grigsby), Municipal Court of Montgomery County, Case No. 1992CRB290.

b. On or about August 11, 1995, you were arrested and charged with Theft, a misdemeanor offense,
in the Municipal Court of Montgomery County. On or about September 14, 1995, you plead guilty
to theft. You were sentenced to 10 days in jail with 10 days suspended, six months probation and
payment of $298 in fines and court costs. State of Ohio vs. Shevelta Holcombe (Grigsby), Municipal
Court of Montgomery County, Case No. CRB 9501226.

c. On or about December 22, 1998, you were charged with Theft, a misdemeanor offense, in the
Dayton Municipal Court. On or about January 4, 1999, you plead guilty to Unauthorized Use of
Property. You were sentenced to 30 days in jail with 30 days suspended, one year probation and
payment of $150 in fines and court costs. State of Ohio vs. Shevelta Chastain (Grigsby), Dayton
Municipal Court, Case No. 98CRB17788.

d. On or about January 28, 2005, arrested and charged with Domestic Violence, a misdemeanor
offense. On or about February 23, 2005, you plead guilty to disorderly conduct. You were
sentenced on March 23, 2005 to 30 days in jail with 29 days suspended, one day time-served, one
year probation. State of Ohio vs. Shevelta Chastain (Grigsby), Municipal Court of Montgomery
County, Case No. 05CRB318.


1. Such conduct as set forth in the Allegations Section, if proven, constitutes a violation of Section
4729.90(B)(1)(c) of the ORC and Rule 4729:3-1-01(G) of the OAC, not of good moral character and habits,
punishable by a maximum penalty of $500.

2. Such conduct as set forth in the Allegations Section, if proven, constitutes a violation of the following
divisions of (A) of section 4729.96 of the ORC, as effective April 6, 2017, each violation constituting a
minor misdemeanor, each punishable by a maximum penalty of $150:

a. Engaged in dishonesty or unprofessional conduct in the practice of pharmacy, ORC 4729.96

Section (A)(2)(b); and/or

b. Committed fraud, misrepresentation, or deception in applying for or securing a license or

identification card issued by the board under this chapter or under Chapter 3715. or 3719. of
the Revised Code, ORC Section 4729.96(A)(2)(e); and/or

Shevelta Grigsby Case No. 2018-1285 Page 2 of 4

c. Engaged in any conduct for which the board may impose discipline as set forth in rules adopted
under section 4729.94 of the Revised Code, ORC Section 4729.96(A)(2)(g).

3. Such conduct as set forth in the Allegations section, if proven, constitutes a violation of each of the
following divisions of Rule 4729:3-4-01 of the OAC as effective November 20, 2017, each violation
punishable by a maximum penalty of $500:

a. Has engaged in any of the conduct specified in division (A)(2) of section 4729.96 of the Revised
Code, OAC Rule 4729:3-4-01(B)(1); and/or

b. Violated any state or federal law or rule regardless of the jurisdiction in which the acts were
committed, except for minor traffic violations such as parking violations, speeding tickets and
violations such as failure to obey a red light, failure to use a turn signal or expired registration,
OAC Rule 4729:3-4-01(B)(2); and/or

c. Committed acts that constitute moral turpitude as defined in section 4776.10 of the Revised Code
or gross immorality, OAC Rule 4729:3-4-01(B)(5); and/or

d. Has engaged in dishonesty. Dishonesty includes, but is not limited to, making any statement
intended to deceive, misrepresent or mislead anyone, or be a party to or an accessory to any
fraudulent or deceitful practice or transaction in a licensed location or in the operation or conduct
of a licensed location, OAC Rule 4729:3-4-01(B)(7); and/or

e. Has engaged in unprofessional conduct. Unprofessional conduct means conduct unbecoming of

a licensee or registrant that is detrimental to the best interests of the public, including conduct
that endangers the health, safety or welfare of a patient or client. Such conduct shall be in
connection with the duties performed by a licensee or registrant and shall include, but not be
limited to, the following acts: coercion, intimidation, harassment, sexual advances, improper use
of private health information, threats, degradation of character, indecent or obscene conduct,
and theft, OAC Rule 4729:3-4-01(6)(8).

YOU ARE FURTHER NOTIFIED, in accordance with the provisions of Chapters 119. and 4729. of the Ohio Revised
Code, that you are entitled to a hearing before the State of Ohio Board of Pharmacy, if you request such a hearing
within thirty 30 days of the date of the mailing of this notice.

IF YOU DESIRE A HEARING, such request shall either be mailed to the State of Ohio Board of Pharmacy, Attn:
Legal, 77 South High Street, 17th Floor, Columbus, Ohio 43215-6126 or an e-mail request may be sent to (please note faxes will not be accepted). YOUR REQUEST MUST BE MUST BE
you submit a request via email, your request will be acknowledged within one business day of receipt. If you do
not receive an acknowledgment, please contact the Board offices at 614-466-4143 and request the legal
department. You may appear at such hearing in person, by your attorney, or by such other representative as is
permitted to practice before the agency, or you may present your position, arguments or contentions in writing;
and, at this hearing, you may also present evidence and examine any witnesses appearing for and against you.

YOU ARE FURTHER ADVISED that if there is no request for such a hearing received by the Board on or prior to
the 30th day following the mailing of this notice, the State of Ohio Board of Pharmacy, upon consideration of
the aforementioned allegations against you, may take action without such a hearing.

Shevelta Grigsby Case No. 2018-1285 Page 3 of 4

If you have questions regarding the Chapter 119. Administrative Hearing process, please e-mail your questions
to or call the Board office at 614-466-4143 and ask for the legal department.


Steven W. Schierholt, Esq., Executive Director


CMRRR: 9414 7118 9956 0768 2291 34

Shevelta Grigsby Case No. 2018-1285 Page 4 of 4

James Lindon Attorney, Ph.D.
35104 Saddle Creek
Avon, Ohio 44011-4907

Provided to you as a courtesy

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